Ceramal Krunch

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Business plan for ceramal krunch Ceramal krunch;

Ceramal krunch

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A marketing plan for the ceramal krunch has been mentioned in this report. Ceramal krunch Corner is private limited Corporation Company. We are introducing an amazing stuff which is called in local language as ceramal. Our company will offer customers pure, locally made chemical and preservative-free product. Our product is healthy alternatives to the product available in the market. Ceramal krunch is prepared by mi ing water and tapioca seeds along with milk and with a lot of krunch. !here are many varieties and flavors of ceramal krunch like vanilla, kulfa pista ceramal krunch., , strawberry flavored ceramal krunch, chocolate ceramal krunch, vanilla chocolate ceramal krunch and many more. !he main ob"ective of this marketing plan is to make the management realize the demand, strength, potential and importance of the ceramal krunch in the market. #or this purpose a market research was done in $eshawar city over a sample of thirty people, using %uestionnaire method. &arket research got favorable result so the data was analyzed to make conclusion. After analyzing the microenvironment, microenvironment, current market situation, 'WO! analysis and $('!)( analysis it has been concluded that it could be a productive product for our business to launch ceramal krunch. !o implement this conclusion marketing strategy has been mentioned in this report. !he

marketing strategy is specifying the target market, positioning, competition, and product, pricing, promotion, placing strategies in order to use the resource in efficient and effective way to achieve the ob"ectives. After formulating the marketing strategy, action programs, budget and then control were decided and are mentioned in this report.

TAB#E $% C$&TE&TS;
1. (*(C+!,-( '+&&A./ 1. !A0)( O#CO1!(1! 1. ',!+A!,O1A) A1A)/','

2.3. Company Analysis 2.4. Customer Analysis 2.2. Competitor Analysis 2.5. Collaborator Analysis 4. 'WO! A1A)/','
Ceramal krunch Page '




8. 8. 8.

5.3. 'trength 5.4. Weaknesses 5.2. !hreats &A.6(!,17 '!.A!(7 8.3. &ission 'tatement 8.4. 7oals 9 Ob"ectives 8.2. 'trategies 8.5. !arget &arket &A.6(!,17 &,* :.3. $roduct :.4. $rice :.2. $lace :.5. $ositioning :.8. $romotion :.:. $acking #,1A1C,A) $.O;(C!,O1 <.3. 'ales #orecast <.4. ( pense #orecast CO1!.O) ,&$)(&(1!A!,O1 ,nterpreting 9 reporting the findings

A marketing plan:
A marketing plan is a written document that details the necessary actions to achieve marketing ob"ectives. ,t can be for a product or service. ,t covers between one and five years. And it is a part of an overall business plan. ,t consists of following points.

Si(ua(ion anal)sis"
!he ceramal krunch Company is entering its first year of operation. Our product=s marketing will be a key to the development of brand and product awareness as well as the growth of the customer base. !he marketing manager of ceramal krunch CO&$A1/ analyzed the situation analysis using five C=s >8 C=s? frame work. !he five C=s stands for company, collaborators, competitor, customer, and climate.

Compan) Anal)sis"

!he company work is to fulfill the need of delight in $akistan by using local method and which is free from chemicals, which have good %uality and have low price. Our product is substituted product for ice cream available in the market. !he people can use it easily instead of ice cream. !o fulfill the need and want of the people, the ceramal krunch Company starts working. !he ceramal krunch has investment of .s. 2 million. !he company has first invested 3 million on latest e%uipment, the aim behind is to make a good product and satisfy the consumer. !he other .s.3 million on the supplier and distributor of company.

Cus(omer anal)sis"
As we know that our product is substituted product for ice cream and is formed "ust because of need and want of consumer in market. Our company has analyzed the purchasing power of customer in $eshawar city through their feedback using %uestionnaire method. Our more customers are most of below 2@ year of age and their monthly income is up to 38,@@@ . !hese are those customers who wish to buy on daily basis. &ost of our customers are aware of the %uality and our product is %uality wise good product because it is prepared naturally without using any chemicals. ,f we communicate the market or consumer about our product and the features of ceramal krunch and that is has low price then other ice cream available in the market. 'o we can get more and more market share easily and can convert our company to star. 'o the main step is to communicate the customer about the company product. !he company product is healthy product it can be use by every person in market. Our product can satisfy the customer need and want by providing them %uality product.

Compe(i(or anal)sis"
As discussed earlier that our product is substitute product for ice cream. Ceramal krunch is new branded product for the market and new idea for the market to fulfill the need and want for the consumer. As our company product is substitute in the market. 'o there are competitors in market for the ceramal krunch that is Walls, Omore and other local ice cream retailers. !his can
Ceramal krunch Page *

affect our product. !he competitor=s market positions are high as compared to our company. !hat is because of their strength that is its availability and also its taste. And about their weakness is their pricing it is very high. Aue to the strength of their company they are having more market share and they have grabbed most of the customers present in the market and this is a threat for our ceramal krunch Company. 0ecause the customer are using more Walls instead of ceramal krunch "ust because of the communication in market or lack of awareness in market or any other reason in market. !he ob"ectives of the competitor may be wealth ma imization and to increase the profits, scales and avoid the customer satisfaction need. 'o for that purpose they increase the price of their product in the market. !o increase the demand for their product, they have limited the supply of the product because they have more high market share. Also it will provide a space for our company to enter the market and grab the market by providing %uality product to the customers and consumer. !he weakness of our competitors is high production cost and their price is increasing day by day. !hat is out of purchasing power of the consumer and it is very difficult for the consumer to purchase it easily. 'ome internal weakness of the competitor like machines, labor cost, other e penses. !he strengths of the competitor are specialized labor, e perience departments like marketing, finance and human recourse management departments etc.

Colla+ora(ors anal)sis"
As we have discuss about the company, customer, competitor. 1ow we are analyzing the collaborators of the company. ,n this step we analyze about the distributor, supply and alliance of the company. !he most basis supply of our company is milk dairy farms that are willing to supply. ,n market there are other channels that are wholesaler, intermediaries. ,f the company creates connection with these channels then company will get supply easily and with reasonable payment. ,f the company get supply from the dairy farms and gave reasonable amount to them so we can attract more and more supplier. ,n distribution the company should analyze the best distributions process to the market that the company product easily available in market and the customer can get it easily with out any problem. Our company=s distribution channels are composed of 2 retail outlets, Bome delivery service for functions etc and through direct interacting with the customers. !he supply of the noodles will be collected from the whole sellers on the discount rate. 'o if the company focuses on the distribution of the product in markets and makes the product easily available so the company can get more markets share and attract more consumer

towards his products.

!his portion of the marketing plan will discuss the initial problems, opportunities, threats, weaknesses, and strengths of the company. !hey are discussed stepwise as follow.

!he product is new in the market. We have to attract new customers also the e isting customers. . Our strengths are as follow 1 Duality and health factor of our product 1 +ni%ue product concept 1 Current relationship with suppliers 1 Bome deliver service > for functions etc?.

As this product is new in the market as a substitute product so we are having low power of e perience, also we are having low investment.

As our competitor have already grabbed the market share so it may be difficult for our company to attract the customers easily. Also the environmental unforeseen events such as floods, earth%uakes, political 9 economic instability, !hreat of competitors entering the market etc.

!he marketing of ceramal krunch Company is for the multiple segments. ,t can cover the different segments with in the market.

Ceramal krunch

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Mission s(a(emen(C
EWe do what we believe in and we believe in fulfilling customer=s needs and satisfactions the top most priorityF. Our mission is to provide the customer with the pure form of the ceramal krunch. We will entertain our customer with the pure, healthy, tasty and clean form of the ceramal krunch. Our services and taste will be according to the wants of the customer.

Vision s(a(emen("
Achieve the image of the most preferred supplier in the minds of the buyer by delivering superior value through %uality, price, on time delivery 9 reliability.

.oals 0 o+1ec(i2esC
1 1 1 1 1 1 $erfection in %uality !o ensure implementation of standards !eam work and coordination Continuous improvement in the management Achieve a steady increase in the product development. !o achieve high sales in each %uarter.

!here are a lot of strategies which ceramal krunch Company is going to adopt. #irst of all they will advertise their product through media cable channels. !hey will create awareness about hygienic products first. !hen we=ll introduce our product in the market. !he high class society is hygiene conscious so the strategy is to attract them first. Another strategy is that the company will make the presentation so amazing that it will attract the children and parents both toward the product.

Ceramal krunch Company will cover the multiple segments of the market

such as elder people and children. !he target is to cover those people who want ceramal krunch in pure and hygiene form.

Marke(ing mi3"
!he marketing mi of ceramal krunch Company is comprised of the following approaches to four $=sG price, place, product and promotion.

Our product is an amazing stuff which is called in local language as ceramal krunch. Our company will offer customers pure, locally made chemical and preservative-free product. Our product is healthy alternatives to the product available in the market. Ceramal krunch is prepared by mi ing water and tapioca seeds along with milk and with a lot of crunch and a lot of nuts. !here are many varieties and flavors of ceramal krunch like vanilla, pista. kulfa simple ceramal krunch, , strawberry flavored ceramal krunch, chocolate ceramal, vanilla chocolate ceramal and many more. Ceramal krunch Company has designed a product line that will create positive impressions in the leading market today. $roducts need to be readily available to consumers and distinguishable from competitor=s products. !his plays a positive role in marketing. !he uni%ue product %ualities include our focus on both environmental conservation, and ma imizing the e perience by ensuring peace of mind for the consumer.

Ceramal krunch

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!he price of ceramal crunch will be reasonable. &ost people have low income in $akistan so the price will be according to the purchasing power of the people. !he organization will be earning fi ed gross profit. !his will also enable a better control of costs. !he market suggests that the demand for the product is relatively inelastic. #or this reason, we have no hesitation in suggesting that the price of our good reflects willingness of consumers in our target market to buy. !he prices of our product are as follow 'mall cup 4 scoops H. 48 &edium cup 5 scoops H. 28 . )arge : scoops H. 58 I )itre H :O 3 )itre H. 34@ >family?.

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!he place is like that it should be convenient to every one. !he company will distribute their ceramal crunch to $eshawar market. 'o they will emphasize more in Cantt area, Bayatabad 9 city areas. Ceramal krunch Company will be acting as a distribution channel to retail stores, initially in $eshawar city. !hese retail stores will consist of specialized employee shops which will work for the promotion of the product. !hese will be distribution points for a wider region of locations, and have been identified as having a large proportion of the population. Our intentions would be to e pand distribution to beyond $eshawar within five years.

Ceramal krunch Company will position itself as a value for money brand, one that is tasty, reliable, trustworthy and fun to eat. ,ts appeal will be Ehealthytasty, fun to eat.

!he company will promote ceramal krunch through different advertisements. 0y this people will know about the advantages of ceramal crunch. !he promotional plan to be adopted by ceramal krunch Company, has two key ob"ectives. !hat is, gaining new product acceptance and increasing sales for the company. We will mainly involve above-the-line promotion techni%ues including advertising in specialized industry "ournals and magazines, internet promotion and to a more limited e tentG television.

Our product is to be sold in recycled packaging, in order to reflect the company=s ethical stance on environmental conservation. !he company has a relatively low reliance on packaging of the product but rather rely strongly on the recommendation of the retailers and directly by the company. !he only essential feature would be appropriate labeling and marking key benefits in an easy-to-read manner.
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!he composition of our product will be as follow, I )itre !ub. 3 )itre !ub.


1ow in this section of the marketing plan we shall focus on the budgets to be apportioned for the different activities of the organization such as promotion of the product etc. we shall e pect the pro"ected e pense, sales, break even point and profit.

Sales forecas("
!he units will be sold per month as :@@@ at the price of .s.48, 28, 58 per cup respectivelyG we shall be able to meet the breakeven point very easily because the market rate for the alternative product is high. 0y this we can be able to generate $6..:8,@@@ revenue per month at the initial stage of the business. And as the month passes our sales increases and our profit increases day by day as our product is the alternative of the other ice cream which is available in the market so there is more chances that our product sales increases.

E3pense forecas("
!he cost per unit of ceramal krunch is e pected as 3J to 44 including all of the services such as rent, raw material, service charges and bills. !he daily sale is e pected as 4@@ units at the initial stage and start of business and the monthly is :@@@ units and the sales of the product increases more 8@ units as the month passes.

,t is important to accomplish goals and ob"ectives on time and on budget. !his whole plan at this stage will be practically implemented in the real market and will wait for the overall result or performance of the company. ,f the company=s performance is positive and has achieved the goals and ob"ectives that are described in this plan then this plan is accepted, and if in case the company=s performance is not meeting the re%uirements then this plan will re%uire further improvements or it would be prepared from the beginning.

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