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Reactive power compensation of wind energy distribution system using Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM)

Gawande, S.P. ; Kubde, N.A. ; Joshi, M.S. ; Sudame, B.S.

Genera i!ed "#$C system wit% an improved contro met%od under distorted and unba anced oad conditions
Viji, A.J. ; Sudhakaran, M.

&ffects of "sing Advanced Coo ing Systems on t%e Overa #ower Consumption of #rocessors
Park, W. H. ; an!, ".#K. K. Ver$ %ar!e S&a'e (n)e!ra)ion *V%S(+ S$s)ems, (,,, -ransa&)ions on

S)ud$ on .ower s$s)em dis)urban&e iden)i/i&a)ion and 'o&a)ion based on WAMS 0iaohui 1in ; Bai2in! %i ; 1ian! Guo ; Shen Hon! ; 1in$on! 3hou ; -ianshu Bi

4ea'i5a)ion o/ rea&)i6e .ower &om.ensa)ion in dis)ribu)ion )rans/ormer moni)orin! s$s)em %i -ao ; Jiao Wei ; 7u! ; Jian! 3hao2in! ,'e&)ri&i)$ 7is)ribu)ion *"(",7+, 89:8 "hina (n)erna)iona' "on/eren&e on 7i!i)a' ;bje&) (den)i/ier< :9.::9=>"(",7.89:8.?@9AB::

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