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Wireless Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols

CSE 802.11
Maya Rodrig

Ad hoc networking

Infrastructureless networking mobile nodes

dynamically establish routing among themselves to form their own network on the fly. Mobile nodes operate as routers Mobile nodes participate in an ad hoc routing protocol

Why not reuse existing protocols?

Highly dynamic interconnection topology

LS generates loads of link status change msgs DV suffers from out-of-date state or generates loads of triggered updates

Heavy computational burden on mobile nodes Wireless medium differs in important ways from wired media

The Protocols

DSDV, TORA, DSR, AODV Proactive vs. reactive (on-demand)

Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV)

Preserve the simplicity of RIP while avoiding the routing loop problem Hop-by-hop distance vector Routing table contains entries for every reachable node Each route is tagged with a sequence number originated by destination (even numbers) Routing info is transmitted by broadcast Updates are transmitted periodically and when there is a significant topology change

DSDV cont.

Route R is more favorable than R if R has a greater sequence number or if the two routes have equal sequence numbers but R has a lower metric (hop count) Broken links are indicated by metric and the sequence number of destination is incremented to odd number before broadcast

No count to infinity

Temporally-Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA)

Based on a link-reversal algorithm Node broadcasts a QUERY packet which propagates to destination or to node having a route to the destination Recipient of the QUERY broadcasts an UPDATE packet listing its height with respect to the destination Each node that receives the UPDATE sets its height to be greater than the height of the neighbor from which the UPDATE came creates a series of

directed links from the QUERY originator to the node initiating the UPDATE

TORA cont.

When a node discovers a route is no longer valid, it adjusts its height so that it is a local maximum and transmits an UPDATE When a network partition is detected, a node generates a CLEAR packet to reset routing state and remove invalid routes

Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)

Packet headers contain the route the packet must follow Route Discovery:

Source node S broadcasts Route Request packet that is forwarded through the network Destination node D or another node that knows a route to D answers with a Route Reply When the network topology has changed s.t. the route to D can no longer be used, a Route Error packet is sent to S S can try another route to D from its cache or invoke Route Discovery again

Route Maintenance:

Network interfaces in promiscuous mode nodes cache overheard route information

DSR Example

Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV)

Combination of DSR (on demand) and DSDV (hop-by-hop routing, sequ nums) Node S broadcasts a Route Request message for destination D, including the last known sequence number for D Node with a route to D generates a Route Reply with its sequence number for D Nodes that forward Route Request store reverse route back to S; nodes that forward Route Reply store forward route to D

AODV cont.

No HELLO messages from neighbor indicate link is down Nodes that recently forwarded packets using the failed link are notified via an UNSOLICITED ROUTE REPLY with infinite metric for the destination reinitiate Route Discovery

Simulation Environment

Model attenuation of radio waves between antennas Link layer implements 802.11 standard MAC protocol DCF Broadcast packets sent only when virtual and physical carrier sense indicate the medium is clear (no RTS/CTS and no ACKs)


Network simulation

50 wireless nodes moving in 1500m*300m flat space Over 200 different scenarios Random waypoint model (pause times: 0, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600, 900 seconds) Avg speed 10 meters/second Sending rates: 1, 4, 8 packets/second 10, 20, 30 CBR sources Packet size of 64 bytes

Movement model

Communication model


Packet delivery ratio- ratio between num

packets originated by sources and num packets received at their destination Routing overhead- num routing packets transmitted during the simulation Path optimality- difference between the num hops a packet took to reach its destination and the length of the shortest path

Packet Delivery Ratio

DSR and AODV deliver over 95% of data packet TORA does well with 20 sources DSDV fails to converge at pause time < 300

Routing Overhead

TORA, DSR, AODV are on demand DSDV is largely periodic DSR limits overhead of Route Requests through caching

Path Optimality

Internal mechanism knows the length of the shortest path between all nodes at any time DSDV and DSR use routes close to optimal AODV and TORA have a tail

Another Protocol: Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR)

Geography to achieve scalability in wireless routing protocols Assume bidirectional radio reachability Assume a location registration and lookup service that maps node addresses to locations Position of a packets destination and positions of candidate next hops sufficient to make correct decisions

Greedy Forwarding

Beaconing algorithm provides all nodes with their neighbors positions Packets are marked with their destinations locations A forwarding node makes a locally optimal greedy choice: next

hop is the neighbor geographically closest to the destination

Problem: topologies in which the only route to the destination requires temporarily moving farther in geometric distance from the destination

Planar Perimeters

Right-hand rule : when arriving at node x from node y,

the next edge traversed is the next one sequentially counterclock-wise about x from edge (x,y) navigating around the void Construct planarized graphs to eliminate crossing links from the network without partitioning the network

GPSR versus DSR

Packet Delivery Success Rate

Routing Overhead

Comparison cont.
Path Length Network Diameter

Choosing Routes

Shortest path is not a good metric choose routes with less capacity than best existing paths Minimum hop-count routes include links with high loss ratios retransmissions consume bandwidth

Link Behavior in Experimental Networks

Link quality distribution is spread out

30% of link pairs are unusable Best 40% of link pairs deliver 90% of their packets

30% link pairs have asymmetric delivery rate Delivery rates sometimes change very quickly (averaging not applicable) No good correlation between delivery rate and radios signal strength

We need practical estimates for link quality and ways to combine link metrics into path metrics

Expected Transmission Count (ETX)

Find paths with fewest expected number of transmissions required to deliver a packet to its destination

Use per-link measurements of delivery ratios in both directions

Modified DSDV and DSR

ETX outperforms minimum hop-count ETX incurs more overhead due to loss-ratio probes

Early protocols assume cooperating nodes that are willing to forward packets for others The role of power in routing protocols

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