Fetuccinne Carbonara

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Fetuccinne Carbonara


2 cups fettuccine (500 g.) 2 egg yolks, whisked 1/2 cup light cream (125 ml) 3 ta lespoons e!tra "irgin oli"e oil (#5 ml) 3/# cup acon or pancetta, sliced and cut into s$uares (200 g.) 1 cup mushrooms, sliced (300 g.) 3 clo"es garlic, minced 1 cup pasta water, reser"ed (250 ml) 1 1/2 cups %omano cheese, grated (3&5 ml)

1. 'n a large pot with oiling salted water cook fettuccine for 10 to 12 minutes or until (al dente). %eser"e 1 cup pasta water for finishing sauce. 2. 3. 'n a small owl com ine whisked egg yolks and light cream. *et aside until needed. 'n a non+stick frying pan and at high heat cook acon s$uares in e!tra "irgin oli"e oil, drain fat and add sliced mushrooms and garlic and continue to cook o"er medium heat, stirring continuously to allow e"en cooking. ,om ine cooked fettuccine and one cup of pasta water with the acon/mushroom mi!ture. -radually add egg/cream mi!ture tossing fettuccine o"er until all ingredients are well integrated. .i! in 1 cup of grated %omano cheese, nutmeg and salt and pepper to taste. *er"e while still hot sprinkling remaining / cup of grated %omano cheese as garnish.

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