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King Saud University College of Computer and Information Sciences Department of Information Technology IT434 sheet# 3 Data Mining

and Data Warehouse !433"!434 #

irst Semester

1- Use the two methods below to normalize the following group of data: 100; 300; 400; 700; 1000 (a) min-ma normalization b! setting min " 0 and ma " 1 (b) z-s#ore normalization $- %uppose a group of 1$ sales pri#e re#ords has been sorted as follows: 4; 10; 11; 1$; 1&; 40; &0; &&; 7&; '$; $0'; $$0( )artition them into three bins b! ea#h of the following methods( (a) e*ual-fre*uen#! partitioning (b) e*ual-width partitioning (#) #lustering

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