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Prepared by: GRACE E. GUITGUITEN, R.N., M.N. Clinical Instructor


To facilitate the clients recovery.



Check in the physicians order for discharge. Once the order has been written, make sure that all charge slips has been sent to the billing section.


It is the physician who decide whether the patient is fit to go home. This enables the hospital to account and charge the stocks used by the client.

3. Instruct a significant other to follow up bills at the accounting section. 4. Give discharge instructions according to the physicians order to both the client and the caregiver at home, if not yet done by the physician.

Discharge instructions are very essential for continuity of care and treatment at home.

Usually discharge instruction consists the following elements: M Medications E Exercise and activities T Treatments H Hygiene O Order to follow up check up D Diet

5. Return extra medicine to the client.

This is still a property of the client and the client might still need them at home.

6. Assist the client in dressing. 7. Obtain the last vital signs of patient before transporting him from the unit.

This is to note any unusualities that indicate a need to hold discharge orders.

8. Check for the discharge slip and affix your signature. 9. Transport the client per wheelchair. 10. Document the last vital signs and time of discharge.

Discharge slip indicates that the bills of the client has been settled.

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