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Basic Expressions in Chinese

Chinese Phonetic Alphabet (Initial Consonant) b (As in bay) p (As in pay) m (As in may) f (As in far) d (As in day) t (As in time) n (As in nay) l (As in lay) g (As in go) k (As in kit) h (As in hat) j (As in jeep) q (As in cheer) x (As in she) zh (As in jade) ch (As in church) sh (As in shirt) r (As in leisure) z (As in reads) c (As in hats) s (As in say) w (As in way) y (As in yes)

Orientation Chinese Character () Chinese Pinyin Dong1 Xi1 Nan2 Bei3 Zhong1 Shang4 Xia4 Zuo3 You4 Qian2 Hou4 Li3 or Nei4 Wai4 Geography Chinese Character () Chinese Pinyin Shan1 Gu3 Jiang1 or He2 Hu2 Hai3 Wan1 Qu2 Xia2 Jie1 Lu4 Xiang4 English Meaning Mountain Valley River Lake Sea Bay, Gulf Dyke, Channel Gorge, Canyon Street Road Alley, Lane English Meaning East West South North Middle Up Down Left Right Before After Inside Outside

Numbers 1 Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 21 30 31 100 101 110 115 200 201 1,000 1,001 10,000 10,001 100,000 200,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 10,000,000 20,000,000 100,000,000 200,000,000 1,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 Chinese Pinyin Ling2 Yi1 Er4 San1 Si4 Wu3 Liu4 Qi1 Ba1 Jiu3 Shi2 Shi2 Yi1 Shi2 Er4 Er4 Shi2 Er4 Shi2 Yi1 San1 Shi2 San1 Shi2 Yi1 Yi1 Bai3 Yi1 Bai3 Ling2 Yi1 Yi1 Bai3 Yi1 (Shi2) Yi1 Bai3 Yi1 Shi2 Wu3 Er4 Bai3 Er4 Bai3 Ling Yi1 Qian1 Yi1 Qian1 Ling2 Yi1 Yi1 Wan4 Yi1 Wan4 Ling2 Yi1 Shi2 Wan4 Er4 Shi2 Wan4 Yi1 Bai3 Wan4 Er4 Bai3 Wan4 Yi1 Qian1 Wan4 Er4 Qian1 Wan4 or Liang3 Qian1 Wan4 Yi1 Yi4 Er4 Yi4 or Liang3 Yi4 Shi2 Yi4 Er4 Shi2 Yi4

Numbers 2 Chinese Character Chinese Pinyin Bai3 Qian1 Wan4 Shi2 Wan4 Bai3 Wan4 Qian1 Wan4 Yi4 Shi2 Yi4 Bai3 Yi4 Qian1 Yi4 Pronoun Chinese Character Chinese Pinyin Ni3 Wo3 Ta1 Ta1 Ta1 Ni2 Men Wo2 Men Ta1 Men Ta1 Men Ta1 Men Zhe4 Ge Na4 Ge Zhe4 Xie1 Na4 Xie1 Polite Expressions Chinese Character Chinese Pinyin Qing3 Lao2 Jia4 Ni3 Hao3 Xie4 Xie4 Bu2 Yong4 Xie4 Dui4 Bu4 Qi3 Mei2 Guan1 Xi4 Zai4 Jian4 English Meaning Please Excuse me Hello, Hi Thank you Youre welcome Sorry It doesnt matter Goodbye English Meaning You I, Me He, Him She, Her It You (plural form) We, Us They, Them (female) They, Them (male) They, Them (Not personal) This That These Those English Meaning Hundred Thousand Ten Thousand A Hundred Thousand Million Ten Million A Hundred Million Billion Ten Billion A Hundred Billion

Transportation Chinese Character Chinese Pinyin Ji1 Chang3 Huo3 Che1 Zhan4 Qi4 Che1 Zhan4 Gong1 Jiao1 Che1 Zhan4 Fei1 Ji1 Huo3 Che1 Qi4 Che1 Gong1 Jiao1 Che1 Chu1 Zu1 Che1 Zi1 Xing2 Che1 You2 Chuan2 Ma3 Tou2 English Meaning Airport Railway Station Bus Station Public Bus Station Airplane Train Bus Public Bus Taxi Bicycle Cruise Ship Dock

City Facilities Chinese Character Chinese Pinyin Jiu3 Dian4 Can1 Guan3 Yi1 Yuan4 You2 Ju2 Yin2 Hang2 Jing3 Cha2 Ju2 Shang1 Dian4 Ce4 Suo3 Xi3 Shou3 Jian1 Wei4 Sheng1 Jian1 Shu1 Dian4 Shu1 Di4 Tu2 Self-introduction Chinese Pinyin Ni3 Jiao4 Shen2 Me Ming2 Zi4 ? Wo3 Jiao4 Ni3 Shi4 Na3 Li3 Ren2? Wo3 Shi4 Ren2. English What your name ? My name is/ Im Where are you from? I come from English Meaning Hotel Restaurant Hospital Post Office Bank Police Office Shop Washroom

Book Store Book Map

Bargaining Chinese Pinyin Duo1 Shao3 Qian2 ? Tai4 Gui4 Le Pian2 Yi Dian3 ? English How much is it? Thats too expensive. Could you give me a discount? Could you come down a little? Could you give me a better price?

Ask for Directions Chinese Pinyin Zen3 Me Zou3 ? Wo3 Yao4 Qu4 Zai4 Na3 Li3? Wo3 Mi2 Lu4 Le Zhe4 Shi4 Wo3 De Di4 Zhi3 English How can I get to ? I want to go to Where is the ? Im lost. Heres my address.

Willing Expressions Chinese Pinyin Wo3 Yao4 Wo3 Xiang3 Yao4 Wo3 Xu1 Yao4 English I want I would like I need

Other Expressions for Everyday Use Chinese ? Pinyin Ni3 Neng2 Bang1 Wo3 Ma1? Ni3 You3 Mei2 You3? Ji3 Dian3 Le ? Wo3 Bing4 Le Wo3 Bu4 Shu1 Fu English Could you please help me ? Do you have ? Whats the time? I fell ill.

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