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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%


Mary Anne Wells

Is about



Inquiry Model
Main idea Main idea

Inquiry model is an instructional strategy that gives students experience with the scientific method, which is a pattern of thinking that emphasizes asking questions, developing hypotheses to answer the questions, and testing the hypotheses with data.
Main idea Main idea





Three Considerations: 1)provide enough guidance to keep the process moving, but not so much to impose on the students experiences and initiatives. 2) can span over several class periods 3) include learning to systematically apply the scientific method and self-direction in your learning objectives. Learning Objectives: 1) solve the specific inquiry problem 2) learning critical thinking skills Data Gathering: determine the materials needed to reach the learning objectives. For example, if you finding the area of the room you would need to provide proper measuring equipment for the students.

Identify Question: Choose a question that attracts attention and provides a challenge. Display the question and ensure that students have a good understanding of the question. Generate Hypotheses: scaffold the students to generate their own hypotheses to solve the problem. Gather and Display Data: Before students begin they must understand the concept of controlled variables. Then they can begin to gather data, guided by their hypotheses. Provide students experience organizing and displaying data to test the validity of their experiments. Assess Hypotheses and Generalize: Guide the students to assess the original hypothesis and generalize about the results

Alternate Assessments: direct examination of student performance on significant tasks that are relevant to life outside of school. Performance Assessments: tasks in which student demonstrate their levels of competence or knowledge or skill by carrying out an activity or creating a product. Systematic Observation: form of assessment that requires teachers to specify criteria for the processes they are assessing and take notes based on the criteria. Case Studies: students are given a problem and are asked to provide relevant hypotheses, data-gathering questions, and observations or data from the problem itself.

Inquiry Model motivates through: Curiosity Challenge Authentic tasks Involvement autonomy

So what? What is important to understand about this?

The inquiry models provides students with experience in implementing the scientific method as they form hypotheses, gather data, and form generalizations to solve a problem.

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