Vanir - Midnight Sun - Chapters 00-31

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Harry Potter and the

Midnight Sun
By Vanir

Harry escapes Britain, and learns the truth about

the weirdest heritage ever. He learns stuff
and gets some girls, too. ere is much to
experience in the land of the Midnight Sun.
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Please address complaints to pfeil, not Vanir, unless you

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Prologue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 1 “e time has come,” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Chapter 2 the walrus said, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Chapter 3 “to talk of many things: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Chapter 4 Of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Chapter 5 Of cabbages and kings; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Chapter 6 And why the sea is boiling hot; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Chapter 7 And whether pigs have wings.” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Chapter 8 “But wait a bit,” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Chapter 9 the Oysters cried, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Chapter 10 “before we have our chat; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

Chapter 11 For some of us are out of breath, and all of us are fat.” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Chapter 12 “No hurry!” said the carpenter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

Chapter 13 ey thanked him much for that. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

Chapter 14 “A loaf of bread,” walrus said, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

Chapter 15 “is what we chiefly need: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

Chapter 16 Pepper and vinegar, besides, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227

Chapter 17 are very good indeed; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

Chapter 18 Now if you’re ready, Oysters dear, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257

Chapter 19 we can begin to feed.” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273

Chapter titles from “e Walrus and e Carpenter” by Lewis Carroll in
rough the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found ere, 1872. Available online at

ii Midnight Sun — Vanir

Chapter 20 “But not on us!” the Oysters cried, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

Chapter 21 turning a little blue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303

Chapter 22 “Aer such kindness that would be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321

Chapter 23 a dismal thing to do!” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339

Chapter 24 “e night is fine,” the Walrus said. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357

Chapter 25 “Do you admire the view? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371

Chapter 26 “It was so kind of you to come! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385

Chapter 27 And you are very nice!” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399

Chapter 28 e Carpenter said nothing but “Cut us another slice: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413

Chapter 29 I wish you were not quite so deaf; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425

Chapter 30 I’ve had to ask you twice!” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441

Chapter 31 “It seems a shame,” the walrus said, “To play them such a trick, . . . . . 457

ey waited. Waited and hoped that whoever it was that had sent those letters was right,
that Harry was alive and that he would show up for the Hogwarts Express. Hermione was
watching the normal King’s Cross entrance, Luna kept an eye on the floo and Ginny staked
out the apparition point. ey hadn’t dared tell anyone else. e only one who had an idea
that something was up was Remus. He had thought it curious that the girls hadn’t taken
Harry’s apparent death harder, and had simply informed them that he knew something
was up, and that he considered it a prank. e girls had stayed silent, so he just smiled
and le. ey hadn’t even considered telling Ron, since he had “pratted out” completely
in the week aer Harry’s disappearance.
Suddenly, the air on the platform began to move, and a scent of freshly mowed grass
filled it. A pillar of what looked like lightning appeared and faded leaving behind one
small figure and a huge one. e larger man, slightly larger than even Hagrid, surveyed
platform 9¾. He shook his head, as if to clear it, making the blond braids on both head
and beard dance.
“is right place?”
“Spot on, Leif. Welcome to England and Platform 9¾.” e smaller figure said with
a grin.
Hermione couldn’t take her eyes of the smaller figure. e voice wasn’t exaly the
one she remembered, but it was very close. e height was just as she remembered, even
if she had expeed him to have grown a bit. He was dressed in some kind of leather. A
white shirt with wide sleeves under a black leather vest, and leather trousers that fit him
snugly enough to give her a good idea about the muscles underneath. e vest was very
tight too and showed off a well muscled back and powerful shoulders and arms. She noted
absently that the width of those shoulders made the figure look even shorter than he was.
He was really muscled. Luna and Ginny had joined her, and Ginny was aually making
small whimpering sounds. Drool might soon become an issue, she thought.
“So now You go school. You have wand and trunk?”
e smaller figure patted a pocket on his strange leather vest.
“Check” he said.
“You have hammer and piure book?”
“ey’re in my tru... How did you know about the book? It’s supposed to be a secret.”
“Hasse, the book is bound in Lindorm leather. Who you think make that? I look in
book and was very sorry. Some piure of daughter, a father should never see. You make

2 Midnight Sun — Vanir

her summer good and I’m happy for that. I not look much, but that clear.” e face behind
the massive blonde moustache was grinning.
“You saw the piures of Disa, and didn’t look any further, right?”
“Yes, why?”
“It’s just that there are even more piures of Jorunn in there.” e smaller man said
with a smirk.
“What! Please make copy. I give you whole armour in Lindorm.” the big man pleaded
with exaggerated fervor until he started to laugh. en his face took on a more serious
“Be well, little Hasse. You have home with us. Good friends and three girls who would
be wifes together if you let them. You need army? Just send word and the Einharjers will
rise again.”
“ank you. I might need that army, you know. Once I’ve done what I have to do
here, I’d love to come back for a much longer stay. I will miss you all. Send my love to
Jorunn and Disa. Be well, Leif Krake.” He slammed his right hand across his chest in some
kind of salute, and the larger man reonded in kind before the flash blinded them once
again, and the boy was alone. He stood still for a moment before he squared his shoulders
and turned to face the crowd. His brilliant green eyes shone at the sight of Hermione and
the other girls.
“Hello there Hermione, Luna, Ginny. I’ve had a brilliant summer. How was yours?”
Chapter I

“The time has come,”

Platform 9¾ was devoid of monsters. Aually, it was devoid of most things, except a
very quiet Harry Potter, sitting on his trunk, and a bunch of increasingly frantic people
from the Order. When the Dursley’s had failed to show up, someone from the Order had
apparated to Privet Drive to find it empty. When knocking on the door had failed, and
whoever it was had had enough of the horrible Westminster chime of the doorbell, they
had tried the doorknob.
It had really opened the door.
Whoever it was, was currently in St. Mungo’s. A Muggle booby-trap had been dis-
covered as the source of the removed door and diersed body parts. A brief scan had
revealed several bombs scattered over the house, and for some reason, it was seen as an
unsafe environment for Harry’s summer holiday. Someone had told him about that, and
had been mildly appalled at his reonse.
“So what? I’d have been lucky to get out of the house alive. at’s the way it’s always
been. What else is new?”
Sirius was dead. Harry had to kill. If he failed, there would be no one else. All would
be lost. He knew he should pull himself together, praice like a madman, work out, study
strange and banned magicks, and probably become an animagus too, to round it all off.
Unfortunately, since Sirius was dead, he didn’t much feel like it.
Sirius was dead, and Harry looked at the Order people. He realized something. ey
hadn’t once asked him if he wanted anything to do with the Order, or even if he wanted to
fight Voldemort. What if he didn’t? Maybe he and Voldemort could just go see a councellor
or something. Anyway, while the Order was busy thinking about what they should do to
him, or infli upon him, he noticed that they weren’t watching him. He also noticed that
there was a Floo conneion not even ten feet away.
ey didn’t see him get up. ey didn’t watch him as he dragged his trunk the short
distance, and, while Sirius still was dead, he oke.
“Diagon Alley,”

* * *
4 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Tom at the Cauldron was a really great guy, Harry surmised. He had set Harry up in what
he had called a “double back room”. Tom had told him that the room blocked out most
things from the outside, like sweeps and things like Mad Eye’s mad eye. It was, however,
not safe from tracers and things that reached from the inside and out. It was also possible to
portkey and apparate out, but not in. Tom had also scanned him for tracers, and removed
the three he had found. It was a great place for people who wanted to stay under the
horizon, Tom had said. ere was room service, and Tom had assured him that the service
was as keen on a low profile as he was. Harry had also gotten a distin feeling that Tom
had something he wanted to say about that, but Harry figured he would learn about it in
Harry wasn’t stupid. He knew that he would be found soon, and in all honesty, he
wasn’t sure why he had le, other than that he was feeling a bit rebellious and wanted to
call at least one shot for himself. Why would the headmaster decide about his summer?
School was out! Someone on the platform had tried to comfort him about the Dursley’s.
Like he cared, or something. If they were dead, he sure wouldn’t miss them. Sirius was
dead, but now, that thought didn’t paralyze him as much. He couldn’t just wallow anymore,
he had to be vigilant. Someone had to look out for him, and he was the only one who could
do it. He aually giggled a bit at the thought. He knew he was aing like a rebellious brat,
and he liked it. He pressed the touchstone for room service, and a minute later, there was
a knock on the door.
When he opened it, he saw a young girl, a year or two his senior, in a seriously
decent maid’s outfit. It was so unattraive that it was remarkable. High-necked and quite
shapeless, it hid most hints that the wearer was female. Nevertheless, he felt a certain
attraion in ite of the profoundly unattraive clothes. She looked vaguely familiar. Her
eyes were downcast, and her face was mostly hidden behind a curtain of silvery hair, but
when he asked for something to eat, she looked up at him, and her beauty almost made
his heart stop. Her eyes were luminously blue, and her face was perfe.
A little voice told him that Sirius was dead, but even that voice agreed that he still
would be dead in half an hour.
He was more than a little shocked when she oke to him.
“Mr Potter? Do you not remember me?”
Her voice was so, and filled with hope. e girl had the lightest french accent, and
with the silvery hair as an additional clue, he recognised her.
“Gabrielle? Gabrielle Delacour? What in the world are you doing here?”
“I work, and I hide. I did not know about the British laws when I went here, and
Tom lets me work and hide here until my family can get me home. I’m sorry, it’s not your
problem.” She broke off, embarrassed, and curtsied.
“No, no. Come in, what laws are those? Why can’t you just get a portkey?”
She stepped into his room, and curtsied again. Aer a deep breath, she told him in
the tone of someone who has memorized a text..
“A near-human creature such as myself has no right to handle money, travel or even
live without a reonsible wizard owner. e ecial laws regarding Veela clearly states
that we are domestic animals, like house-elves. If I leave this hidden part of the house,
Chapter 1 — “e time has come,” 5

anyone can claim me as their property, and if I even try to refuse, I’m sentenced to death
automatically. e claiming is magically binding, and will torture me to death if I try to
break it. No one told me or Fleur about that. I’ve heard that Professor Dumbledore made
an exception to the law during the Triwizard tournament. e people who rent this part of
the house aren’t usually too keen on having their names show up in the ministry registers
as Veela owners, since the ministry learns about the claiming immediately, and wants a
fee for their services.” e last part was at out, before she could regain her submissive
“Did I get this right? If you stay in this country, you will have to be a slave, but you
can’t leave unless you are a slave. So, the ministry’s got you coming and going, right?”
“Yes Mr Potter, but that’s not your problem. You wished something?”
Harry thought for a second. It was very tempting to say that he wished for her, since
he wasn’t very worried about showing up in a ministry ledger, but he realised that he was
jumping in again, and the last time, Sirius had died. He needed to know more.
“I wish... to know more about this, so that I can help you. I thought your sister
was staying here, too? Can’t she help you? Why can’t you just owl for a portkey from
“When I couldn’t buy a portkey home, I went to the ministry to complain. Once they
had told me that I am little more than a bedwarmer for purebloods, they placed a ell on
me that can’t be lied until I’m claimed. It prevents me from sending or receiving owls,
and it also works as a personal anti-portkey ward. I’m stuck here.”
He looked at her seriously. e ministry be hanged. is pretty girl would go home,
no matter what. Sirius was dead, so now it was up to Harry to do what he thought Sirius
would have done. Help the girl and mock the ministry. Besides, it looked like he would
have to claim her in some way, and she was beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous, in fa. Now
that he had seen her move, he had noticed with the sixth sense all young males have, that
her clothes hid some very interesting bulges that provoked a slight bulging in him too.
e immediate future was looking good.
“Gabrielle, tell me everything about the Claiming.”
She looked a him, and he could see the traces of tears on her lashes. ere was also a
little smile there, slightly hopeful, and an expression he had seen on Ginny’s face a couple of
times. When she finally started talking, it was with a throaty voice that did funny things
to the fit of his pants.
“We are sexual beings, Harry. Once upon a time, we were mountain nymphs, but we
have been changed into creatures of delight and desire. Once we mature, we grow fast and
we become alluring. How old was I when you saved my life in the lake?”
“I thought you were about eight, but now I have no idea how old you are.”
“I was thirteen, but I was not ready to mature. I am fourteen years old, physically as
mature as I will ever be. I will grow a little taller the next few years, but I am fully formed.”
She paused, long enough to make him think about how fully formed she might be,
before she continued.”
6 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“e Claiming is of course sexual. It uses the old Veela Bonding, which is something
we Veela are driven to do. Basically, you are to take pleasure from me twice, without the
chance of impregnating me. at signifies that you are only using me for pleasure.”
“Eeh, doesn’t sex usually lead to pregnancy?” a severely blushing Harry injeed. “I
mean, unless you use proteion?”
“Oh, I didn’t know you were so innocent,” she smiled. “e idea is that it should be
oral or anal sex. Also, I am not to feel pleasure. If I happen to orgasm, we are close to
the Bonding, and since that goes both ways, your ministry doesn’t like that. With a full
Bonding, you would have reonsibilities to me, to keep me safe, fed and clothed, to care
for our eventual daughters and so on. It’s a bit like a concubine, rather than a slave. Both
would also enable me to be what you want and to know just what you want me to do. Why
did you ask?”
She had moved closer to him, and he could almost feel the heat radiating from her
small body. It was hard to think, but he gathered up what little occlumency he had learnt,
and his head cleared a little.
“I want to help you. I just don’t want to do anything against your will, or anything that
can’t be reversed. Can the Claiming or Bonding be reversed?”
e young Veela suddenly had a stricken look on her beautiful face.
“Both can aually be dissolved. To be rejeed from a Claiming is painful, but not
really dangerous. It would damage my magic though, but not very much. A Bonding can
be dissolved with consent, even if the ritual is a bit complicated. It’s just very unlikely that
people in a Bonding will want to dissolve it.”
She broke off, and tears rose in her eyes again. Harry saw it, and wondered briefly if
he was cursed to make pretty girls cry, but he was startled when she continued.
“I’m so very sorry Harry. I was manipulating you. I told you what I thought you
wanted to hear, and used my power on you to make you less likely to think things through.
I was going to overwhelm you, and bond myself to you without letting you know, and then
you would be looking out for me without knowing why. I just want to feel safe, you know?
But I was going to do something against your will, while you were defending mine. You
were able to fight off my control and you did it for my sake. I’m so very sorry. I’m so
ashamed right now. I should go and bring you dinner or...”
He laughed, and brought her up short. He reached out and stroked her cheek before
taking her hand.
“Gabrielle, I’ve been manipulated all year. is, making me feel good in order to give
me something most guys dream about, it’s not even on the same field. Besides, you told me
about it. Now, why don’t you describe the Bonding to me, since that’s what you wanted,
“It’s similar to the claiming, it’s just that technically, you also have to finish inside me
in all three ways, and I have to orgasm at least three times as well. With you I probably
would anyway.”
She stopped and blushed. She had started talking before she could think about it, as
soon as he had asked. It was like a reflex aion, to obey him. He was willing to help
Chapter 1 — “e time has come,” 7

her even aer she had almost betrayed him. She made the decision then and there that
whatever he would want from her, she would give.
“As bonded to a Veela, you have someone you can trust absolutely. I would not, could
not betray you. You have someone who will draw you a hot bath when you want it before
you say anything, or know what food you’ll like today.”
“What’s the difference between Bonded and Claimed there?”
“As Bonded, not claimed, I would also be able to go against your wishes if I knew it
would benefit you. I would be able to surprise you and take initiative.”
“Sounds much better for me, but what’s in it for you? Why do I get the idea that you
really want to be bonded?”
“I would have a man who would know what I need and when I need it. Love, sex,
comfort, all those things. You would just know. On the other hand, you would make me
happy no matter what you did. Anything that would give you pleasure, would be enjoyable
to me too. Most girls aren’t that lucky.”
“Veela or not, there has to be laws and rules about this sort of thing. You are underage
still, right?”
“e laws say... the french laws, that is, that my parents are still reonsible for my
well-being until I am of age, and if we bonded now, I would still have to live two years
with my parents, unless they decide otherwise. ere are potions I could take to mitigate
my desire to be with you, but they have some drawbacks, and can’t be used for too long.”
“Will they hurt you?”
“No, but they will make me loopy, and impossible to be around, because I will lose
control of the Veela power. ere’s a chance that the potions can make that permanent if
they are taken for too long. ey might also make me barren.”
“at’s one hell of a price.”
“Truly. I don’t really want that to happen. e natural thing is that I stay with my
“What kind of obligations would I have?
“e only strain the Bond would put on you is financial, since I won’t be able to keep
myself from taking care of you. I will not be able to keep a job, but will end my time
taking care of you and yours.” She sighed. “Here’s the real dealbreaker, and the one that
would send my father up the wall. e Bonding usually leads to a child. ere. at’s the
highlights, and I tried to steer clear of the whole sex thing. Believe me, that’s a large part
of it, but I don’t want to distra you too much.”
“ank you. I really appreciate the honesty. So, if we bonded, I would get all these
benefits and you would be happy?”
“To boil it down to basics, yes. Also, I would love it if you made me pregnant, and I
would very much want to go through with it. I just thought you should know.”
She fell quiet, watching the man she was trying to ... what? Snare? Entrap? She
had nurtured a crush on him since he had saved her from the lake. She had aually run
away from home to find him, hoping that she could persuade him to do just what he was
8 Midnight Sun — Vanir

thinking about right now, but for very different reasons. Now, when she was near rock
bottom, he had showed up, her personal Knight, and what had she done? She had done
something her mother called mindrape. He had fought it off, and was still prepared to
help her. She had never been so ashamed of herself in all her life.
Harry was reeling. He could not believe he was having this conversation. e whole
thing was just too surreal for words. On some level, he was treating this whole thing like
a daydream. It made it easier to control his rampant blushes that way.
He had escaped the Order, ended up in a hideout, been approached by a young Veela,
who seemed to be begging him to fuck her in several interesting ways. Part of him
was wondering what he was doing, and another what he was waiting for. A third one,
with a female, slightly bossy voice, entreated him towards more research and to cover all
possibilities. He needed a bit more time, but he also wanted to reassure this poor girl who
had found herself in such a bad place.
“You know, making you pregnant was exaly the kind of permanent thing I was trying
to avoid. You never told me about your sister. Can’t she help? Isn’t the same laws affeing
“No. She’s a quarter-veela. Normally, the Veela traits breeds true, but for some reason
Fleur only got bits and pieces of it, while I got the whole thing. I am Veela. She is human
with Veela traits. Also... Iranawayandshedoesn’tknowI’mevenhere.”
“I ran away from home over a stupid thing, and I haven’t been able to conta anyone,
and I’m afraid that everything will just go to pieces and...”
“Relax, you’re babbling. Here, let’s write a letter to your parents. Hedwig can take it,
even if it’ll take a few days. One thing I’ve learnt,” he said, feeling very wise, “is that adult’s
are great advisers, even if we shouldn’t let them make decisions. I will write them a letter,
introducing myself and tell them that I’m ready to do some pretty extreme things to help
their daughter, including make her pregnant. You will write what you have to, and then
we will wait for their reonse before we make any big decisions. Tell them pretty much
what you told me about the laws. It’s not like I’ll proofread it or anything, but you need
to be honest with them. Now Gabrielle, I really do need something to eat, and then we
both have some writing to do.”
Chapter II

the walrus said,

He was sitting on his bed.

At least he thought he was. So much had happened in the last few hours that he
wasn’t really sure about anything.
Had he really snuck away from the Order? Had he found a hideout, right under the
wizarding world’s colleive nose? Had he been approached by a Veela on the run, to
Bond with her, and possibly make her pregnant, aer doing things to her that he had only
ever seen in Deans magazines and promptly dismissed as the wet dreams ... they aually
To top it all off, he was hungry and had a headache coming.
He realized that he hadn’t really checked the room, but there wasn’t much to check
out. ere was a loo, with a fairly acious shower, a room with a queen-size bed, and a
desk. ere was something a little off with everything, though. It was as if everything was
made by someone who didn’t really know how you sat on a chair, how you stepped up into
a bed or how you sat on a toilet seat. And he was still hungry, and something about this
room made his headache worse. He sank down on the slightly too low deskchair.
ere was a knock on the door.
Harry Potter, Saviour of the Wizarding World, Triwizard Champion, Stereotypical
Gryffindor and Survivor Extraordinaire, made a start, fell off the chair and started crawling
around the floor aer his runaway wand, which had taken the opportunity to roll in under
the bed. Aer frantically trying to reach it for a few seconds, a blue ark leaped from his
fingertips, and suddenly the wand was in his hand. Aer filing this event as ”something
weird to ask Hermione about”, he opened the door.
To his mild surprise, Tom was standing outside with a heavy tray. Again, there was this
feeling that there was something on his mind.e bald man stepped in as Harry moved
aside. Without a word, he put the tray on the desk. en he oke, with his back still
“Will you claim her, Mr Potter?”

10 Midnight Sun — Vanir

His voice was almost toneless, and there was very little to be read from it. Harry took
a firmer grip on his wand and answered as honestly as he could.
“It hardly seems fair. I am considering a Bonding. If there is no other way to make her
safe, I will Bond her to me, so I can defend her. Apparently, that’s what she wants, too.”
“Are you doing it just to keep her safe? You can’t be serious. She is a veela. Most men
would pay good money for some time with one. ey are great toys, and it’s perfely legal
to just play with her and leave.” e old man still had his back turned, but that back told
Harry that his answer mattered very much. He just couldn’t figure out why. He thought
very fast before answering.
“e law says she is a toy, but the law is too bloody stupid for words. I say she’s a
person, with the right to choose. We all have the right to choose, and she may choose to
bond to me. It’s her call, though.”
Tom still hadn’t moved. His shoulders were very tense. His voice turned slightly
superior and challenging.
“Her choice will be made with her Veela nature calling to her. It won’t be what Wizards
would call a free choice. Given her heritage, shouldn’t someone more qualified make the
choice for her?”
Harrys temper flared, but in a flash he understood that Tom was somehow testing
“e Veela nature is a part of her. Why should she be expeed to think as something
she’s not? She is Veela , so the Veela should choose. Anything else is pureblood elitist crap.
Don’t waste my time with that.”
Tom turned around with a great smile on his face and aual tears in his eyes.
“Mr Potter, just the way you say Veela tells me everything I need to know. You have
made an old man very happy, and now it’s my turn to make you very confused, I’m afraid.
Sit and eat, please, Mr Potter. I have some things to tell you.”
Harry sat at the desk and began eating. Aerwards he couldn’t remember what he ate,
since he was completely focused on the old barkeep, who was trying very hard to make
“Mr Potter...”
“Harry, Please.”
“ank you. My name is Gwrddywal, but Tom works just fine. Please, Mr..I mean
Harry, Have you noticed anything strange in your magic lately? Or headaches?”
“I have, but mostly in the last hours. Why?”
“Harry, you are becoming a sorcerer, I believe. Not really a true one, they are all gone,
but the next thing to it. I sense you as an Old One, and I believe Miss Delacour does as
well. UI haven’t told her, though. You see, I really should back up a bit here. I can tell
you about this because you ree other ecies for what they are, and not because they’re
almost human. e laws in this country are most oppressive to other ecies, and it’s
almost impossible to live as something other than a wizard here. If the Ministry sueed
anything about my ancestry, I would lose my license in ten minutes. ere’s no one to eak
for us. No one to fight for us. All we can do is hold our heads down and carry on.”
Chapter 2 — the walrus said, 11

“at’s what these rooms are all about, aren’t they? Hideouts for people of really mixed
heritage? But doesn’t Dumbledore eak for you? I always thought that he was the great
defender of everyone but one.”
“e Supreme Mugwump? Why, I’m sure he believes that he’s not a bigot. Aer all, he
keeps a pet Half Giant and a Part Goblin. He even hired a werewolf some years back. He
also has some serious political power, but he hasn’t used it for a single bloody thing, and
every time there’s a legislation, cutting part- or nonhuman rights, he abstains. He’s just like
the others, he just thinks he isn’t because he doesn’t personally hunt us down. He tosses
Hagrid some bones and a paycheck and there the world can see how free of prejudice he
is. Bastard.” Harry was grinning wildly. He really enjoyed the bashing, but he was also
more than a little embarrassed. He hadn’t seen it. He hadn’t thought of it at all. On the
other hand, Hermione had, at least regarding House elves, and she had come up with a
really bad solution. It wasn’t her decision to make what was best for a whole ecies. ey
had the right to choose too. Harry was also very interested in learning more about this
almost-sorcerer thing, but he figured that Gwrn... Tom would get around to it.
“Harry, your mother was a good friend of mine. She asked me to look out for when
your sorcery would start to work, and then to figure out if you were a good man, or if you
were like your father was at your age. I’m sorry Harry, but your father could be a great
bigot at times. Just the way he was raised, you see. To my great relief, I find you a very
good man indeed. I can tell you, beyond a shadow of a doubt that your mother would
approve of the Bonding. It is Gabrielle’s idea aer all. She ran away from home to find
you. She’s been dreaming of being Bonded to you since the tournament, and Veela can
be frightfully determined.”
“What? Was this whole thing a setup or something?”
“Oh no, there’s no need to look like that! She found out the hard way that fairytales
are untrue, no matter how shining the knight’s armor is. She’s not playing you. If she were,
I would know! By the way, my mother was a Naiad. One of the things I got from her was
the ability to see Truth. ere is no deception in your young Veela, and I see that your
care for her is real! I had to make a little test for you , you see, because I wanted to see
you look at this from a different angle, and your Truth didn’t change at all! Now, You are
a sorcerer, and that’s because something your mother did to you by mistake. Exaly what
it was is a bit beyond me. Naiads are a bit limited when it comes to abstra thinking.
Just like Veela are physically fragile, because they are so light. at’s why I will point you
towards someone who knows. She’s another of your mother’s old friends, too. You really
do have her eyes. If you want my advice, I suggest you Bond the girl and bring her along.
Veela are very good with abstra knowledge. One of the old Veela traits was wisdom and
learning, but few people remember that today. Well, wisdom, learning and jealousy, but
Veela are only jealous until they are bonded. en the hoops are open, and you can put
your quaffle wherever you want.”
Harry was beginning to tire from the old man’s ramblings. His headache was also
getting worse with every happy exclamation from the wrinkled barkeep. Finally, he held
up his hand to stem the raging river of inconsistent ramblings. He looked Tom straight in
his eyes, making the man swallow hard.
“Tom? What do you want from me, what will you do to help me, and what is a
12 Midnight Sun — Vanir

sorcerer? Please just answer. You asked about headaches, and yes, I have a big one so
let’s get on with it please.”
“I’m terribly sorry Harry,” He straightened up and appeared to gather his scattered
wits.” I got a bit carried away. What do I want? I want a wizard that us fringe-wizards can
trust. Someone to eak for us, who can not be ignored. I want you to kill You-Know-
Who, and change the Wizarding world for all who live in it. What I can do to help you is
simple and very little. You should go to Gringott’s and tell a Goblin called Bentpick that
Lily sent you to seek the secrets below. at’s all I know about that. When you are done
there, I ask you to leave for a while, through a portkey I will give you. It will take you
to a faraway land, filled with magic and magical creatures. It’s a Shangri-la for us Non-
humans, where we are not hunted or viewed with suicion. I have never been there, but
my mother told me about it when I was little, and I’m rambling again. ere is much there
for a young Sorcerer to learn. Now, this portkey is very old, and it might miss by a bit, but
you’ll be close anyway. Sorcerers. Hmm. Where to begin. A sorcerer is surrounded with
magic, and a part of magic. A sorcerer has no need to whip magic into shape with a wand.
No need to chase it with commands. As far as I understand, which I admit isn’t very far, a
sorcerer shapes Magic with his will and intentions. He can summon something by simply
willing it to come, without beating the magic into doing it for him. A sorcerer can see the
magic around him, the magic in people around him, and he can make it a part of him, and
work with it as he see fit. It’s a terrible power in the wrong hands, but in yours it will be all
right. at is the Truth. Oh, one thing sweet Lily told me was that when you would begin
to manifest Sorcery, it would show as blue arks and a few hours of headache. You have
more than one Magical Core, and the headache means they are firing up. Why don’t you
rest for a while. I’ll send your girl up in an hour or so. I’ll give her your portkey, although
the Portkey is only for one person, I’m afraid and I’m rambling again. Good night...or
aernoon mr Po...Harry.”
Harry was a bit fed up with this stunned feeling. When he ditched the Order at
Platform 9¾, he thought he was taking control of his life, but now it seemed like he had
never been this tied up. e difference was that he had asked for this. He had chosen to
make Gabrielle’s problems his own. Tom was only trying to help him with a change his
mother had designed, albeit by mistake. is time, he had really gotten himself into it,
and while it was a tumultuous experience, he didn’t really mind. He laid down on the bed
and tried to relax. Yes, Sirius was dead, but Harry had a strong feeling that if the thought
of his godfather made him say ”I’m sorry, I have a headache,” when a young Veela showed
up with a purpose, Sirius would suckerpunch him from beyond.
For the first time in what felt like ages, the thought of Sirius made him smile, and with
that smile on his face, he closed his eyes, and dried off.
Harry was dreaming, and as he dreamt, a pale blue light illuminated him. Blue
arks, like miniatyre lightning bolts crept over his body. He dreamed of fighting, and
the lightning sank into his body, running along the fibres of his muscles. He relived the
battle in the Department of Mysteries, and the blue glow faded, as it sank beyond the
physical Harry, into the realm where the magical parts of magical beings exist as physical
things. He dreamed of a pilar of flame, burning hotter and hotter, until the pillar of flame
became a here of blue lightning. e lightning illed out of the here, igniting two
Chapter 2 — the walrus said, 13

more pillars, and the sequence read until he could see nothing but blue arkling heres
in all direions. He dreamed of his mother, sitting by a Pensieve, extraing and copying
memories. He dreamed of swirling clouds of different-coloured light. He dreamed of
dragons, basilisks and strange birds, of fire and acid, pain and pleasure, and as he dreamed,
blue lightning danced over his body. Since Harry Potter, all other things aside, was a
fairly normal young man, he also dreamed of Gabrielle. ese dreams didn’t really have
the mystical significance of the previous set, but the blue lightning didn’t really care. It
followed his subconcious direion, and changed what seemed to be lacking. Sometimes,
wet dreams matters.

* * *
Harry woke up to the so knock on the door. As soon as he noticed that the room was
dark, it seemed to brighten. e colours were a bit muted, but he could see well enough.
For instance, he could see his glasses on the bedside table. Smiling weirdly to himself, he
tried to sense who was on the other side of the door. To his great surprise he couldn’t, so
he got out of bed and, wand suddenly in hand, opened.
It was Gabrielle, of course.
In the strange light of the room, she was beyond beautiful. Her silvery hair shone, like
of it’s own light, her eyes were enormous and as she had changed out of the hideous maid’s
outfit, her figure was absolutely perfe. She was most definately fully formed. e dilated
pupils of her eyes made her blue eyes deep enough to drown happily in.
“I am sorry. Did I wake you?”
“I’m not really sure,” he found himself saying, ”because you look like a dream to me.”
He could not believe he said that! It sounded like the worst pickup-line ever. Seamus
would say something like that.
Obviously, she didn’t think so, because she smiled and blushed as she walked into his
room. He suddenly noticed that she was trailing some kind of silvery light, like a mist,
behind her.
“Harry? Why is it so dark in here? Do you not wish to see me?”
As she oke in that throaty voice again, Harry could clearly see the silvery light
become brighter, and reach for him. It struck him that he was aually seeing the fabled
Veela allure. With a small smile he walked right into it.
“Seeing you, Gabrielle, is certainly on the list of things I want to do to you, just not
on top of it. I will be happy to let it stay at that, but that is not my decision. It should
be yours.”
“What about writing to my parents? I have not, by the way. I could not think of what
to say.”
“Gabrielle, I don’t know very much about Veela. Among Veela, would you be consid-
ered old enough to make that decision yourself?”
“Yes I would. ere is a physical marker, and I have had it for several months. To
Veela, that would be enough. Why do you ask?”
14 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“In a second. Very soon, I might have to go away for some time. You can not come
with me. How will that affe you if we are Bonded?”
“It depends on if I get pregnant or not. If I do, I will miss you terribly, but my first
instin is to care for you and yours. Carrying your child would be sufficient.
If I do not, I might get sick with longing, but there are effeive treatments, as long
as the separation isn’t more than six months. If it is longer, the potions I mentioned will
It was hard to think. e Veela allure had him in a firm grip, and he wasn’t really
fighting it. He was standing very close to her, looking into her eyes. It was obvious that
she was affeed as well. Her breathing was laboured, and her nipples were almost poking
holes in her white blouse. She was clearly the only thing under it, and that was probably
true for her short skirt too. With a bit of effort, he was able to clear some of the sensual
fog that had flooded his brain.
“You see, I understand that you are Veela, so why should I treat you as something
you’re not? If you have the right to make this decision by your standards, I have no reason
to second-guess it. Sure, the thought of becoming a father at this age scares me a bit, but
we all have to grow up sooner or later. My main objeion at this point is that I like you,
but I’m not sure of how much of that is your Allure, and how much is my own. I want to
have sex with you, but since I don’t love you, I can’t make love to you. en it’s...”
“Harry, stop. I am Veela, you’re right about that. We see things differently. Love is
different for us. I don’t need you to make love to me. I want you to press my head into
the pillow and just fuck me. I will love if you do things to me you have barely dared to
dream about. I want to be the obje of your desire, that’s my highest wish. It has been
that way for more than a year. Please let me please you. at, my soon-to-be master, is
love to a Veela.”
His blood was pounding in his ears. He wanted her so much it hurt. He was also a
bit nervous. Apparently, she had been looking forward to this for quite some time, and
his experience mounted to pretty much nil. His kiss with Cho had been nothing like the
kisses he had heard described. He deerately wanted to do Gabrielle justice. He tried
his best to think for a second. His brain didn’t want to cooperate, but he did it anyway.
Honesty was the only way to go. If he tried to pretend like had the slightest clue as to what
to do, he would just make a fool of himself.
“Gabrielle. I want to Bond with you, but I don’t know what to do. is is my first
time. Will you show me?”
Her smile was like a sunrise, slow but filled with nuances and promises. She nodded
and took his hand, dragging him towards the bathroom.
“First, let us go into the shower together. Let us look at each other. You are beautiful,
my love, and I have been told I am not a crow either. Let us get used to our bodies and
explore this new thing together.”
Once in the bathroom, he summoned his Gryffindor courage, put his arms around her
and kissed her. She melted in his arms, pressing against him with every inch of her small,
gorgeous body. His heart raced for the world record as her tongue, small and so, entered
his mouth. He met her, and he felt a peculiar sensation which made her ga, like they
Chapter 2 — the walrus said, 15

aually melted together for a moment. Now he understood how kisses could be searing,
burning and aually quite pleasant. is was not what he had done with Cho. Not even
close. He broke the kiss to find her naked, which almost made his racing heart stop.
Wisely, she had forgone the striptease, judging correly that he would not be able to
take it. He almost lost it anyway as she unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off, to imediately
attack his jeans with clear impatience. She defeated the zipper, and went down on her
knees to pull the pants off. Aer doing away with his socks as well, she turned her full
attention to his boxers. She pulled them down almost reverently, pausing briefly when
something fairly huge jumped out of them, nearly hitting her nose. A little bit of shock
manage to penetrate Harry’s overloaded conciousness. at was not the thing he had
tucked down this morning. at had been average, but this must have been a solid ten
inches at least! ere was no way petite little Gabrielle could take that inside her. It
was nearly as thick as her arm! Gabrielle mumbled something about a kind fate, before
she promptly took him into her mouth. Harry’s world exploded. It was like nothing he
had ever felt. Her hands and mouth kept perfe time, and her tongue were swivelling
impossibly fast. Her eyes were looking deeply into his, and he could tell by their expression
that she enjoyed it almost as much as he did. He felt that he wouldn’t last many seconds of
this and was about to say so, when she released him. With her eyes locked at his, she blew
at his cock, right before she plunged forward, burying her nose in his black pubic hair.
Harry ed over the edge. He felt like his very life force was gathered from all over his
body, and shot into the little Veelas throat. She didn’t let go, but made small swallowing
motions, coaxing him to cum even more. As the massive tidal wave of pleasure subsided,
he became aware of a crackling sound emanating from him. It faded quickly, unlike his
ereion that was still rock hard. It also had a Veela on her knees hard at work extraing
every last drop of cum from it into her mouth. She looked at him with a brilliand and
content smile.
“ank you so much, Harry. I had two orgasms just from taking this magnificent
member in my mouth. Now, we have a little more time to explore each other before
continuing. In the future, I will do this as oen as you want, or maybe even a little more
oen than that.”
She stood up, turned, and pressed her back against him. His cock was pressing against
her eacular ass, as she placed his hands on her breasts, lent her head back and licked
his neck with that so tongue of hers.
“Mmm. Do you like them? I love to have my boobs played with.”
ey were, of course, magnificent. ey were fairly large, and on her small frame they
looked huge. ere were a bit more than a handful of lovely, firm boobs in his hands. Her
nipples were rock hard, and stood out at least half an inch. Harry just went with the flow
and started nibbling on her neck. It seemed to be a good idea, judging by the sounds she
made. He turned around and bent down a bit and took one of her nipples in his mouth.
He was a little surprised when she came, pressing his head against her breast, as he bit her
nipple gently. He stood up, took a firm hold of her ass and carried her into the shower as
she covered his face in licks and kisses.
ey ent almost an hour in the shower, soaping and rinsing each other, learning
each other’s bodies. Gabrielle seemed to know exaly what to do to make his knees buckle,
16 Midnight Sun — Vanir

and also when to back off. He tried to learn what to do to her, but she had an overwhelming
reonse to everything. Aer a while, he was certain that he could caress her to orgasm
through her arm. A great eye-opener was when he was working her butt, pressing a finger
into her soapy ass. ere was that crackling sensation, a faint blue light refleed on the
white tiles, and a small Veela in the throes of a powerful orgasm. Once she had recovered,
she had bent forward, placed her index finger at the tiny rosebud and made something
happen. Something in his magic had reonded and he had seen the power move around
her finger, like a group of small swirls in blue and red, and he knew that he could copy it.
As the clouds subsided, she turned her head, looked him pleadingly in his eyes.
“Please, Harry, my love and master. Fuck my ass. Please push that huge cock inside
Harry didn’t know where he ended and Gabrielle began. As soon as he pushed himself
into the impossibly tight passage, he forgot everything except the sensation of unity with
the girl in front of him. She was driven wild, pushing back with surprising strength and
shouting encouragements and expletives in at least three languages. Lightning flowed over
his body, and soon over hers too. Her orgasms didn’t seem to end, and possibly it was just
one very long one, but Harry was quickly approaching his limit. With no concious thought
le, he pushed his way as deep inside her as he could, and released. As he emptied inside
her, he heard her joyous cry through the crackling sound of the blue magic flaring around
them. As he kept pumping his seed into her intestines, the glow grew stronger until it shot
out like a powerful bolt between them.
Aer that, he simply passed out, utterly ent.
When he came to, he was lying in his bed with a beautiful girl halfway on top of him.
His chest was hidden under a glorious cover of silvery hair. For some reason, probably
magical and defying the laws of physiology, his cock still made a serious tent of the sheet
that covered the rest of his body. He felt Gabrielle stir, and looked down into a pair of
sapphire-blue eyes that held an expression of awe. He turned over, pushing her on her
back beside him, with him on his side.
He caressed her breasts, enjoying both her ga and the instant contraion of her
nipples. He kissed her gently, and was quite surprised by the tenderness with which she
returned the kiss. His roving hands teased all kinds of gas and whimpers from her, but
there was a gentle, almost shy tone to it. is was a far cry from the insatiable sexmachine
who had begged him to pound her ass so hard that she could feel his cock in her throat.
is was a lover. Also a shy and awe-struck lover.
“Gabrielle? What happened?”
“I am sorry, My Lord. If I had known you were a Sorcerer, I would not have had the
audacity to ask for this..”
“Gabrielle, I have known about sorcery for less than a concious hour, and I don’t know
if I am one or not. From the sound of things, you know much more about this than I do,
so please just tell me.”
“at blue light? at’s sorcery. Veela have many stories of Sorcerers who have taken
Veela Consorts. anks to the sorcery, we are bonded now. It’s a Sorcerer’s Bond, not
Veela. Do you remember what you were thinking when it happened?”
Chapter 2 — the walrus said, 17

“Eeh, I was a bit distraed, I think. Probably because I was about ten inches inside
your lovely ass at the time, but I remember feeling that we were like one being, and I didn’t
want that feeling to ever end.”
“at is pretty much what happened. You have been unconcious for about twenty
minutes, and I have felt through my body and my magic. It has changed. My magic is
stronger, much stronger now. I can feel my birdform much more clearly, and it feels like
I should be able to transform fully into a bird at will now.”
She lied her hand, and a ball of fire appeared. It didn’t look like the fire he had seen
Veela use at the World Cup. It was much more focused, and it was also blue.
“See? I shouldn’t be able to call Passionfire without being angry or hurt, and it’s blue.
Sorcerer’s blue.”
She stopped and blushed. Suddenly, she threw her arms around him and kissed him
close to senseless. When she withdrew, she stopped close to him. Nose to nose, she looked
him deep in his eyes and said with absolute sincerity that reverberated through his body.
“I love you, and I am yours. Your wish will forever be my command, my Love and
master. You have made me a part of you, and I am honoured to be your first Consort,
even if that’s just coincidence. Our Bond is complete, but I beg you to let me carry your
child, like Veela has done for their Sorcerers in the past. Let me show you the Bond. Search
inside yourself. You will find me there, and you will know what I know. In the Old Days,
Veela were the Sorcerer’s students, meaning that the Veela studied and learned, and the
Sorcerer accessed the knowledge through the Bonds.”
Harry tried to search inside himself but he didn’t know how, or what to look for.
Maybe there was some trick for experienced sorcerers. He tried to remember if he ever
had heard anything about sorcery, and suddenly his mind was full of images from books
he had never read, stories he knew he had never heard and he saw the composite image of
Sorcerers that Gabrielle had pieced together in her mind from everything she had heard.
It was aually pretty cool! He browsed through various other images, eventually coming
upon a recent memory of Fleur naked in the shower. She was beautiful of course, but
she couldn’t compete with Gabrielle in his opinion. He opened his eyes to see a happily
blushing girl in front of him.
“Do you really find me more beautiful than my sister?” she asked. ”She has bigger
boobs and longer legs than I have, you know.”
“Perhaps, but I happen to prefer Gabrielle-size boobs,” He kissed them, making her
ga, “Gabrielle-sized legs,” he ran his hands along them, moving down so he could kiss
her thigh extraing a very interesting moan from her, “and basically, I prefer my Gabrielle
to just about anyone at the moment. I know I sound like a love-struck idiot, but you are
my Gabrielle, my Bondmate, and I wouldn’t trade you for anyone.”
He was already in a pretty good position, so he reached for the bond to learn what
to do. Graing the knowledge he wanted, he parted her legs and ran his tongue from
her ass all the way up o the miniscule tu of glittering silver pubic hair. She moaned and
bucked under his ministrations as he investigated every square millimeter of her pussy.
As he pushed his finger inside her, he could not for the life of him understand how she
should be able to take his huge cock inside this tight little opening. As he found her G-
ot, she came within seconds and the slippery gusher told him all he needed to know
18 Midnight Sun — Vanir

about penetration. It would not be a problem. He also found, to his immense surprise,
that she was a virgin. He looked at her and she tried to answer.
“ere has ... never been ... anyone but you. ... Since the lake ... saving myself ...
for you.”
“Have you saved yourself enough?” he asked with a smile.
“Hell yes!” she growled and pounced him, wrestling him onto his back and taking
his cock into her mouth again. Aer a couple of quick balls-deep bobs that sent him
reeling, she positioned herself over his throbbing member, and with excruciating slowness,
lowered herself onto it.
It was an amazing sight, watching that huge cock that his wet magical dream had
bestowed upon him disappear, millimeter by millimeter, into the impossibly stretched
little pussy. He felt the maidenhead briefly, but she didn’t hesitate. With an extatic cry,
she lowered herself past it and let herself sink down completely. She had taken it all. en
she began to move. Suddenly, Harry understood why Veela were considered the ultimate
partners in sex.
Not only did she move up and down but she gyrated her hips as well, and that was
just her visible movements. Her pussy was stroking him, sucking and pumping him by
itself. Her mouth had been lovely, her ass wonderful but this was absolutely magical. She
was moaning and whining, crying and howling as he met her strokes. He sucked her
nipples, biting them gently. He grabbed her ass hard, even slapping it sometimes and she
encouraged him, calling out for more and harder. As he pushed his finger into her ass, her
pussy squeezed his cock so hard it almost hurt, and it was a small miracle that he didn’t
come right then. Instead, he pushed her over, and started pounding her into the mattress.
Aer a couple of minutes of this hard fucking, she stopped him just as he was getting a
bit too close.
“Please, Master. Come a bit deeper, but gently.” She swung her legs in an impossible arc
until they rested on his shoulders, and he pushed on. He felt his cock entering something
else, something even hotter and tighter.
“Now, Master. Find the Bond, and come into my mind. Enter me fully, please.”
He did. It was easy to find this time. He followed the link, and found himself adri
in a sea of pleasure. As she made her pussy contra around him one last time, they came
together, bodies and minds. eir shared and multiplied orgasm seemed to go on forever
as they fed eachother their feelings and their pleasure, ending in a fedback loop that slowly,
very slowly subsided. None of them knew how long they rested in each others embrace,
but aer a long while, the stickiness was becoming an increasingly cold issue that was quite
uncomfortable. Gabriele looked down at the mess, smiled and said,
“Master, you came almost a cup in my mouth, about two in my ass, but this must have
been a pint. Did I mention I love your cum? With you around, I will never go hungry.
If you don’t mind, I will consider myself pregnant now. is much cum, straight into my
uterus, should really have done the job. ank you, Master.”
“ank you for letting me do all this, Love. Now, I’m afraid to oil the mood, but
some things has to be said. I guess you know I have a madman trying his best to kill me,
Chapter 2 — the walrus said, 19

“I know of Voldemort, Master. Our Bond goes both ways. I know you have to leave to
learn about sorcery away from your minders, and words can not express how honoured I
feel to be your reason to fight. Well, me and our baby. Master, I am your Bonded. I will
anticipate your needs, and I will do everything within my power to fill those needs. Right
now for instance, you need to sleep. I will take care of things while you rest. Sleep now,
my Love and Master. I will care for you now, and tomorrow, we will go to Gringott’s.”
Whether she used some sleep-inducing magic, or if he was just knackered, he didn’t
know. He didn’t care much either. He just slept while a happy Veela licked her Master
20 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter III

“to talk of many things:

ere are many nice ways to wake up.

Someone shouting that you’ve just won loads of money is a great one.
e smell of freshly baked bread in also great, or fresh coffee.
e combination of the freshly baked bread, bacon and coffee matched with a beau-
tiful girl slowly and gently bobbing her head over your cock has to be the greatest ever,
Harry thought. He relaxed and thoroughly enjoyed the situation. Aer less than a minute
of the talented Veela’s ministrations, he came. ere had to be some serious volume le
in those balls, he thought, as he heard her repeatedly swallow before she took him all the
way down a few times for good measure.
When she was finished, she looked up at him with a luminous smile.
“Good morning, Master. It’s almost eight o’clock and your breakfast is served. I just
had mine,” she giggled.
“A very good morning it is, Love,” he smiled back. “at has to be one of the greatest
ways ever to wake up. Look, you don’t have to call me Master for my sake, you know that,
“Yes I do, Master. I just enjoy the sense of belonging. Now, forgive me if I have ideas
above my station,” she said as she propped the breakfast tray up over his lap, “but am I
your servant, mistress, concubine or even Consort? I know I assumed that I would be
your Consort last night, but that’s not something that I can decide. is is your decision
completely, and whatever you decide, it will be my pleasure to abide by. ere are different
protocols implied, and I would like to behave properly around you.”
“Anything you do is all right by me, but let me think for a second.”
He focused, and tried to remember Gabrielle’s memories. He couldn’t, so he tried to
remember everything he knew about Consorts. e information bloomed in his mind,
and it was clearly Gabrielle’s.
Consorts, he found, were a little less than wives but more than mistresses. A Consort’s
child would automatically be recognized, and have inheritance rights. e Consort would

22 Midnight Sun — Vanir

enjoy Family Proteion, even the family name in some cases. It wasn’t really common,
but not quite rare in France, and at least legal in Britain. Since marriage was out of the
question for loads of reasons, making his Bonded a Consort would be perfe. She would
have legal proteion, and an official say in matters regarding him. He also remembered
through her that Consorts wore medallions instead of rings, and that many old families
had such medallions among the heirlooms. Definitely Gringott’s.
He opened his eyes, and saw his Consort-to-be kneeling by the bed with her eyes
downcast. He could sense her nervousness and anticipation, so he just smiled at her and
oke in stern tones.
“Servant, stand up.” He could feel her disappointment, so he decided not to go on
with the game too long.
In a fluid motion, she stood up with her gaze firmly on the floor. He got up from the
bed and stood in front of her.
“Servant, will you be loyal to me and mine for as long as the Bond lasts?” She nod-
“Will you do what you can to please me?” Another nod.
“Will you love me and our child?” A very fervent nod.
“Will you, Gabrielle Delacour, please consent to become my Consort, and take my
name to your own?”
Her head snapped up, as she met his eyes with a bit of disbelief. Seemingly unable to
stop herself, she jumped him, and engaged him in a kiss that might have gone down in
Passion History, had such a thing existed. Aer almost a minute, she released him, and
breathed into his ear.
“Yes Master. I am your Consort, and I will do everything, absolutely everything to
make you happy. I would be honoured to become Gabrielle Potter-Delacour. ank you.
ankyouthankyouthankyou.” She seemed a bit excited, as she covered his face and hands
with kisses. As nice as that was, he had things he wanted to do today besides Gabrielle.
He pushed her off with a warm smile.
“Once we get to the bank, I will see if there are any medallions there. If you want to
wear one, that is. If there aren’t any, I’ll have one made.”
“Of course I want to wear one, on a choker if possible. I want to show the world that I’m
yours. On that note, do you remember I mentioned my magic had changed?” She pushed
him down on the bed again, putting his breakfast tray back and motioned him to eat.
“Vaguely. I think I was distraed by something wonderful.”
“at would have been me then,” she smiled. “It’s nice to be appreciated, but what
I meant was when I said that I could feel my birdform even when I’m calm. Do you
“Yes. You called a blue fireball.”
“at’s it. It’s called Passionfire, by the way. Now, watch this.”
He watched with great interest as white lightmist, very similar to the Allure, billowed
from her body, rising up, enclosing her in a shining silvery pillar. He blinked, and the
Chapter 3 — “to talk of many things: 23

mist disappeared. Now he saw Gabrielle’s face take on more and more avian features, and
he saw her shrink. It was like a very slow Animagus transformation, which led to the
moment when in the beautiful girl’s place was a beautiful falcon-like bird. It looked like
a Peregrine, but the markings on the chest and wings were blue and the head was silver.
He found it eminently fitting.
“You are beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. Of course, I prefer your normal shape, but as
birds go, you are one of the two most beautiful ones I’ve ever seen. Can you call Passionfire
in this form?”
e falcon made a shrill cry, and blue flames ran along the front of its wings. As the
flames vanished, Gabrielle resumed her original form. She looked very proud.
“Master, when we go to Gringott’s, may I ride on your shoulder?”
“Of course you can if you want to, but why?”
“Because I don’t have a medallion yet, and if I ride on your shoulder as the falcon,
everyone will see me as your pet. I’d really like that.”
Harry couldn’t help but laugh at her eagerness. He reached out and caressed her firm
“Are all Veela this submissive, or is it something of yours?”
She blushed again.
“All Veela are somewhat subservient, but I’ve been dreaming of being yours for so
long, I just want to scream it from the rooops.”
“Good,” he said with a smirk. “You get to tell your parents.”
He had expeed her to cringe a bit, but she straightened her back, looking proud and
“en I will tell them that the first Veela to bond with a Sorcerer for five hundred
years is me. Master, I’m proud to be yours, and I will never ever regret it. Now, let’s get
you showered and dressed. We have to get me a medallion.”
He asked her to let him shower alone. She had looked a little hurt, but when he
explained that it was because, otherwise, they would end up fucking the day away and
never get her that medallion, she regained her sweet diosition.
When he got out though, she had insisted on drying him, which ended in a very quick
but enjoyable blowjob, and once again she took him all the way down when he came. Aer
flashing him a brilliant and satisfied smile, she got him dressed in clothes that she had
skilfully transfigured for him. e first thing she made him wear, though, was a bracelet
covered in what looked like Norse runes, and he understood that it was the portkey Tom
had mentioned. en he continued donning the clothes.
At first he thought he looked ridiculous, but the wide black robe with the deep hood
grew on him. He was still hiding from the Order, aer all. When he saw the extra four
inches of soles that she had equipped his shoes with, he understood that she certainly
hadn’t forgotten.
When he was dressed, she cast a few glamours on his face, making his nose appear
broken and his eyes deep brown. He had wavy brown hair that covered his bloody un-
disguisable scar, and once he donned the full outfit, he didn’t look much like Harry Pot-
24 Midnight Sun — Vanir

He decided that his name, if asked, would be Caradoc Pritchard. He couldn’t quite
remember where he had heard the name, but he figured he could borrow it for a while.
Gabrielle changed into the beautiful falcon and settled on his shoulder. She really
should have a name, he thought, with a rather confused internal debate about her beauty
being too great for just one name. He thought about, and discarded, many nice names
until he thought of Guinevere.
When he asked her if she liked it, she pressed her cheek to his, and he felt her approval
through their link. e falcon was a little lighter than Hedwig, who he hoped would be all
right with Hermione for the summer. When he let his friend borrow his feathered friend,
he mostly considered it a measure to finally make her and Ron talk seriously to each other,
and stop this bloody orbiting around each other. It was beginning to make him dizzy.
He got a startled look from Tom when they walked by, but it was soon replaced by a
grateful smile and a nod and Caradoc Pritchard and his falcon Guinevere went to meet
Diagon Alley.
He was prepared for anything. One thing he was completely unprepared for was
nothing. No one seemed to notice them as they made their way through the busy street.
Perhaps people gave them a wider berth than they gave others, but they were half way to the
bank before he noticed that people were studiously ignoring him. He stopped abruptly and
considered what they saw. ey saw a man in a black robe with a hood that at least partly
concealed his face, a face unknown by all even in the tiny Wizarding world of Britain. is
unknown man moved with a confident and stately stride and had a clearly magical bird of
prey on his shoulder. at his movements were caused by four unfamiliar inches on his
shoes was nobody’s business. He had to admit that he must make an intimidating visage.
Suddenly, the most outrageous thing happened. Someone was tugging at his robe. He
looked down to see a small, dark-skinned girl’s face peering into his hood. e little girl
seemed very familiar, even though he was certain that he had never seen her before. He
blinked, and again he perceived the world in the lights and colours of the Sorcerer’s Sight,
even though he didn’t know the word. What he did know, however, was how much this
girl’s presence felt like a dorm-mate of his. A dorm-mate who, he recalled, had a sister,
about five years old and according to her big brother she was also way too forward for
her own good.
“Yes, Milady?” he said reefully, trying hard to keep the laughter out of his voice.
“Sir? Who are you? My Mummy looks scared of you, and she’s not afraid of any-
“You must be Jenny omas.” At her surprised nod, he crouched and continued. “My
name is Caradoc Pritchard, and this is Guinevere,” he said, lowering the falcon so the little
girl could see.
“You are very brave, Miss omas. Most people fear what they don’t know. I am very
unknown here, and the fa that you came forth and asked puts you among the bravest of
the brave, just like your brother Dean.”
“Do you know Dean?” she asked, eyes wide.
“I know of him. We have a friend in common, and he has told me that you can always
count on Dean if you’re in trouble, because if he can’t help, he’ll know someone who can.”
Chapter 3 — “to talk of many things: 25

“But why is Mummy afraid of you? You are nice, and you have a really pretty bird.”
“Your Mum is afraid of me because she can tell that I’m powerful, but she doesn’t know
whether I’m a friend or not, and I don’t look very friendly.”
“No, you really don’t. You should wear more pink. It makes anyone look nice.” No
power in heaven or on earth could have stopped the guffaw that broke out. He did his
best, though.
“It is an honour to meet such a courageous young lady, and if you ever need help, ask
Dean’s friend Harry to call for me. I will definitely look at the pink robes the next time I’ll
go shopping, but I don’t really think it’s the colour for me. Have a nice day, Miss omas.”
As he stood up from his crouched position, he saw through the corner of his eyes how
little Jenny ran to her mother, telling her all about the strange wizard Caradoc Pritchard,
who had said that she was brave, and that he had known who she was.
He also received a stream of images through the Bond, images of children at his knee,
laughing and joking with him, their father. He also received such feelings of love and
desire that he had to ignore them, or risk stumbling in his elevated footwear.
Obviously, word about him read faster than he walked, as people began to come out
to ogle him. For once, he found it funny. ey weren’t looking at him, aer all. ey were
staring at an unknown warlock, who liked kids. A thought came to him. Establishing the
persona of Caradoc might be useful later on, as well as provide a great excuse in case he
had to do things he really shouldn’t.
He was passing by the entrance to Knockturn Alley at the time. He reached for the
blue Sorcerer’s lightning on a whim, and made his eyes flash with it, as he stared down into
the gloom of the darker distri. He could never quite explain how he did it, but through
the blue haze, he caught sight of a Dark Mark on a man hidden in the dusk. He raised
his hand, and a flash flew from his fingers, striking the man who screamed and clutched
his arm. Shocked, he just turned away and made his way to the great white building and
praically fled inside. Charaer building or not, that had been freaky.
He asked a familiar-looking goblin where he could find the one called Bentpick. He
got a set of direions, which he barely managed to remember, and also received a second
shock. He could understand Gobbledegook. Not perfely, but enough to know that the
supposed “title of ree” the goblin bestowed upon him meant “Potterer with magic
face”. He located Bentpick, and once he had delivered the peculiar codephrase, he had the
horrifying experience of seeing a Goblin dance with joy. Once Bentpick had recovered,
he answered the inevitable question with a simple,
“It has begun. e storm is finally upon us, and we will see who will bend and who
will break before you.”
Harry had been slightly worried about where this recent torrent of events would lead
him, but now he was downright terrified. He felt a bit like he was standing on a log, heading
for a waterfall, but the best choice right now was to stay on the log anyway.
Gabrielle turned back to her normal self to get in the cart that Bentpick showed them
to. She ent some time kissing him over the incident with Jenny before they settled for
the sense-defying voyage into the depths of Gringott’s. Bentpick le them on a ledge,
illuminated by a single torch. As Harry’s eyes quickly adapted to the dark, he saw a door,
26 Midnight Sun — Vanir

almost perfely hidden in the rock face. He also noticed something moving on the other
side of the abyss. Two dragons of an unknown variety were watching them intently. He
bowed to them, which seemed to surprise them, but eventually they returned the bow.
Gabrielle looked at him questioningly, but he made a “later” kind of wave, since he heard
the hidden doors in the rock swing open.
As they entered, the doors swung shut, and candles lit around them in a large circle.
A loud and serious voice boomed through the cavernous room.
“Welcome, young Old One. Welcome to the Circle and the Way.”
e candles around them winked out, and as more normal torches lit up around the
room, they saw a very old Goblin female climbing down from a kind of podium to greet
“I’m sorry about that. When your Mother was here, Mr. Potter, she gave me a set
of books by some Muggle author, that I find a highly amusing read, and quite mythically
astute, as they pertain to your personal history. I have wanted to say that line to you for
almost ten years. Good day, Mr Potter. I am the Keeper of Secrets of this Gringott’s branch.
My title is the only name I have. Keeper, or Kay for short. And this is?”
e Goblin might be old, but she was quite vigorous, and she oke in a way that was
rushed enough to rival Hermione.
“Keeper, this is my Bondmate, Gabrielle Potter-Delacour. I was advised that I should
bring her, to assist my meagre understanding.”
“Welcome, dear. My, aren’t you a pretty one. Harry’s mother would have approved,
I’m sure. Are you his Consort yet?”
“Yes, Keeper. We were going to see if there were a medallion for me somewhere
“ere is, dear. With Mr. Potter’s approval, I’ll send someone to fetch one. ere are
about ten of them up in the Potter Vault.” Harry immediately nodded his approval.
“So, it was Tom who sent you my way. He was always a great believer in that all wizards
need a companion to keep their head on straight. A soppy one if there ever was one. Your
mother was a great friend of contingency-plans. ere are several ways you could have
come here. Poppy Pomfrey for one, Florean Fortescue is another. Now, if Tom sent you
here, you already know that you are a sorcerer, and by your attire and those quite excellent
glamours, I say you were wise enough to hide on your way here. May I ask what name
you would have used?”
“I think I managed to establish an unknown mage by the name of Caradoc Pritchard...”
he trailed off as the ancient Goblinesse howled with laughter.
“By Tak, that was great. at name comes from those very same books your mother
gave me. at Caradoc was evil and stupid, but nevertheless, it’s there. Have you read
“Not to my knowledge, but I find my knowledge lacking more oen than not where
I’m concerned.”
“Ah well. Now, since I’m rarely used in this country, I guess you don’t know what I
am. e Keeper of Secrets is pretty much what it sounds like. I keep secrets until they are
Chapter 3 — “to talk of many things: 27

needed. I am unable to reveal them to the wrong people, and I never forget a secret I’m
Keeping. Once I have told you everything I know regarding you, I will forget all about
it. I have ledgers and trinkets from thousands of extin families, and I can also pass on
addresses to places kept under the Fidelius and it’s forerunners. I have such an address for
you, but I will not reveal it to you at this time. You have been given the portkey, right?
Good. When you return, I will give you access to some places you might have use for.
“Now, Let’s begin. Your mother chose to save several Pensieve memories for you,
depending on what might happen to you in your life. I believe this is the one most
appropriate. It’s the first one, and she always said she wished that you never had to see
this one. Not just because it would mean you had a hard life, but because she didn’t really
make as much sense as she would have liked. I know enough to clarify if needed.”
She led them to a large and ornate Pensieve, and poured a vial of silvery memories
into it. She motioned to Harry to dive into it, and he in turn motioned for Gabrielle to
follow him.
ey fell, and landed in a strange laboratory, that looked like it came straight out of
a bad muggle movie. Strange things were happening to even stranger things everywhere,
but Harry’s attention was immediately caught by the beautiful redhead sitting by a bench
with an impressive pile of papers in front of her. He recognized her from the Mirror of
Erised, and from the wedding piures. e wedding must have been about eight months
ago, he estimated, since his mother was very, very pregnant. He noticed Gabrielle’s longing
sigh, and he felt her little hand take his as his mother began to talk.
“Hello Harry. At least, I think you’re Harry. at’s the name you’re supposed to have,
but you won’t really be born for a while yet. ings might have changed, and in that case,
I will consistently call you by the wrong name. I can’t believe I’m sitting here recording a
memory in case I’m dead when you need me, but it’s all I can do. Once I get my bearings,
I will record other, more personal memories for you, but this one will just deal in fas
and basics.
“I’m not prepared to do anything else at this time anyway.
“If everything in this worst-case plan has worked, you are beginning to show clear
signs of Sorcery. is will complicate your life, I’m afraid. It’s all my fault and I’m so very
sorry. My excuse is that I didn’t know, and that’s not a very good one.
“As you probably know, I’m muggleborn. I doubt you know I’m also an Uneakable.
I’m one of those who meddle in things mankind isn’t supposed to know,” she said with
a wry smile. “I’m a fairly competent ellcraer, and I’ve been working on the Auror
Reinforcement Magics Or Resources. ey must have chosen the acronym first, don’t
you think?
“Anyway, I came up with a way to temporarily transfigure DNA.
“If you don’t know what that is, I suggest you visit a Muggle library. Anyway, I
started to study the DNA of the different magical races, and some of the more interesting
things that my department have colleed over the centuries. I came up with a way to use
Demiguise DNA to become invisible, ell resistance from dragons, strength from… ah,
you get the piure, I guess.
“We also found out the sequence for Sorcerers. I have a number of ells on me
that keeps me from explaining how, and that should be enough of an explanation. at
28 Midnight Sun — Vanir

particular sequence was deemed too dangerous to use, but I kept it in my notebook, just
in case.
“I also gathered the best abilities from a number of magical races, added them to the
Sorcerer’s genes, and made a Transfiguring charm that would install it all for an hour. I
never intended to use it! I swear it was just an exercise, just for praice.
“Maybe I did it just because I could. A muggleborn, who could make Sorcerers? Take
that, Stalebloods!
“I really should have known better. I made a charm once, in sixth year, that would
make anyone’s hair blond, curly and always in a beautiful and very feminine style. Un-
fortunately, it couldn’t be reversed, and only temporarily countered by applying Mug-
gle lithium engine grease to the hair. I should have destroyed my notes of course, but I
“Aer all, it was a pretty niy job.
“One day, your father found the charm and, with his normal thoroughness, didn’t read
it through. At least he says he didn’t, and I choose not to question him.
“Anyway, he used the charm on a boy in Slytherin, who now has to wear that curly
blonde hairdo for the rest of his life.
“en again, Severus might just stick to the grease.
“God, I’m rambling.
“Many of my charms turn out bloody hard to counter. Just ask Sirius about that
shrinking charm in seventh year.”
She began to grin in a fairly evil way, making him really wish that he could ask Sirius
about it. en she shook her head and aually pinched her own wrist.
“Damn it Lily, stick to subje. Cutting a long and tedious story short, some of my
stale-blooded workmates decided to ’prank’ me by faking a Death Eater attack on the
department seven months ago. ey expeed me to hide in a closet or something, but
I panicked much worse than that.
“I used the bloody Summus Charm.
“Yes, that’s what I called it. e pranksters didn’t have a very good day aer that.
“Using that charm was really cool, but I learned that there was more to being a Sorcerer
than just loads of power and wandless magic.
“e day aer was the day I learnt I was pregnant with you. Being as nosy as I am, I
made a test, to find out your gender, health and other stuff. at’s when I learned that you
had retained my transfigured DNA. Since then, I’ve been working my expanding backside
off trying to find out what this will do to you. I have found that it won’t aivate until
you have reached adulthood. It seems to be sexual, but I’m not absolutely sure. I did add a
safeguard, but I’ll get back to that. On second thought, just ask Kay. She knows more about
oughtwards than anyone alive, since I am apparently not. Now, your body will be very
adaptable for a while. Your magic will make all physical problems or defes disappear.
is means that if you try to li something that’s a bit too heavy, your magic will help
you with the work, and as soon as possible, your muscles will grow. Your memory will be
Chapter 3 — “to talk of many things: 29

better, you will heal faster and all that. Now I’m moving into guesswork, but I’m a really
good guesser.
“I think you will be able to see magic in a way that is beyond mage sight. You will
aually be able to see ell elements and, again a guess, affe them direly. To affe
them, you have an incredible amount of magic at your diosal. Your Core won’t even be
of the same nature as the kind ordinary wizards have. You will have traits of many magical
ecies. You will have an instinive understanding of many magical things, because you,
by virtue of your Core, will be a part of Magic itself. Here you are, still inside me. Yet I’m
talking to you, and I’m about to advise you to do something I would kill Peter or Remus
for. Sorcerers in the past used to Bond Veela to them, to help with learning and many
other things.
“You’re a guy. Go figure.
“I just really hope someone other than Sirius was around to give you e Talk.
“I advise you to do like the other sorcerers did. If you don’t have a portkey already, go
ask at the Leaky Cauldron. If they don’t have it anymore, there’s another one, a contingency
one, if you ask Mr Ollivander. My plan is… was… whatever, that if you can have a Veela
studying the Summus Codex, that’s my notes on everything I could figure out about what’ll
happen to you, while you are away in the Enclave, praising and learning, you will become
a full-fledged Sorcerer in very little time. e Enclave, yes. What I know of that place is
very little. I know it’s an isolated settlement, kind of like a reservation for sentient magical
creatures. It is not a school. ere will be no lessons, or teachers. ere will just be
many individuals, with different talents and abilities, who you will be able to learn from.
e Enclave is impossible to monitor, due to the immense background magic. ere are
no sorcerers anymore. e skills are gone, but if there’s anywhere that you can begin to
recreate them, it’s in the Enclave.
“Why? Here’s the kicker. My partner at the Job is a Seer. She’s a bit random, but I
haven’t known her to be wrong yet. She has told me that Voldemort wants to kill us. You,
me and your father. I have it on good authority that you will survive, and Voldemort too.
He will be aer you until you finally tuck him in with a shovel. When I learned about it,
I realized that my little mishap with the ell might not have been such a disaster aer
all. is is a worst-case scenario plan, where you are alone, and He is still aer you. I’m
trying to give you one hell of an edge. You know, the best move is usually one your enemy
doesn’t know you have.
“Now, I have more memories to record tonight, so I’ll end this one. Oh, one more
thing. No one knows of this except my good friend Tom, at the Leaky Cauldron, and
Keeper who gave you this memory. James doesn’t know. Albus certainly doesn’t know. I
should tell you that Albus Dumbledore, if you know him, is not a person I trust. I believe
he’s manipulating us, and eecially James, for some grand plan. Lauren has made some
pretty gruesome prediions where he’s running your life, making you jump through his
ineffable hoops. I have prepared a legal document that your guardian has to be one that you
recognise as standing in Locus Parenti, and that no one is allowed to alter the guardianship
but you. Just looking out for my baby, you know. I love you, and there should be other
messages for you stashed here and there for various occasions. e Keeper will know when
to give them to you. Finding a Veela willing to Bond a Sorcerer shouldn’t be hard, so grab
30 Midnight Sun — Vanir

that portkey and say Seidheim when you’re ready. Have fun with the Bonding too, baby.”
She rubbed her belly, where a little boy that would be called Harry Potter rested. “I can’t
believe I said that. is is Mummy Lily, signing off.”
Harry was dazed. Kay was quite obviously prepared for that, as she sat him down in
a comfy chair, while Gabrielle just held him close, rubbing his back and sending copious
amounts of love and comfort through the bond. On some level, he wondered if she was
even aware of it. As he relived the memory over and over in his head, he missed just when
Kay gave Gabrielle a huge book with a coat of arms on it. He surmised that this was the
Summus Codex his mother had talked about. Gabrielle had barely gotten it in her hands
when she started studying it. Harry snapped out of his daze and kissed her.
“I love you, my Consort,” he said, making her smile radiantly. “ank you for doing
this for me.”
“Of course, my Master. I live to help and serve you in all ways. Besides, soon, I might
need to occupy myself as I grow as large as your mother was in the memory. You will make
a great father, my Master, and I will give you as many children as you want, and I will care
for those of your children borne to other women as well.”
e thing about that statement that struck Harry as the most outrageous was the
colleed and heartfelt way she said it, like it was a foregone conclusion that he would
have some kind of harem. e thought was very appealing, but so far beyond his horizon
that he really couldn’t imagine it as a reality. He was brought out of his musings by the
return of Kay, who he hadn’t even noticed had gone.
In her tiny wrinkled hands she held a small medallion. It depied the same coat of
arms as the codex, a gold lion with a sword on a red field. e banner below said ≺Audaces
Fortuna Juvat≻2 . ere was also a smaller banner above and he looked at Kay askance.
“e top banner is for the personal creed of the head of the Potter family, and that
means you. Just come up with something. You can change it later.”
He tried to come up with something latinish that would be suitable, when he suddenly
remembered several years of Gabrielle’s Latin studies. Using her knowledge, he quickly
came up with something he liked and instantly, the top banner bore the words, ≺Non Ini
Me. Non Vincet≻3 . Harry felt it might be a bit cocky, but it was a message he wanted
Just to see if he could, he held out his hand and tried to bend his will to making a
choker for the medallion, and he was aually surprised when one appeared. As he fastened
it around the beaming Veela’s neck, the medallion shimmered, and the lion suddenly wore
a crown. Gabrielle’s hand flew to it, and as she felt the crown she aually squealed in
“Master, I was right. I am pregnant!”
“Congratulations, both of you,” Kay said. “Now, young Veela, you will be just fine as
your Master goes away for a little while.”
“Do you know how long I will be gone?” Harry asked.
Fortune Favours the Bold
Don’t start with me. You will not win.
Chapter 3 — “to talk of many things: 31

“I believe it won’t be for very long. You will probably be back in time for school. e
whole idea is to get a lot done is a fairly small window of time.”
“In the memory, my mother told me to ask you about something called oughtwards.
Apparently it was used as some kind of failsafe, but I didn’t understand.”
“oughtwards are like wards, just that they affe the mind instead of the physical
world. If you hadn’t treated members of other ecies and races with ree, I believe
you would have been on your own. Lily would never have allowed a bigot to gain power,
unless he stopped being a bigot.
“Now, you made a moral stand, so your oughtward fell. is enabled you to learn
about sorcery. If the ward had been inta, all thoughts of sorcery would have gone right
by you. Some of the secrets I keep are guarded in a similar way. I may not be able to access
the secret, but a oughtward with a code word aivation is about as safe as it gets. Now,
I have a feeling you need to get out of here fairly soon. While you were in the Pensieve, I
got word from above that many sueed Death Eaters are converging on the bank right
now. I was also informed that your little theatre was quite successful. ere have been
thirty queries made at the counters about Mr Pritchard. Let’s polish off your paperwork.
Right now, your legal guardians are the Dursley family, and your magical guardian is Albus
Dumbledore. Now, who do you want?”
He smiled at that.
“Would it be possible to list Caradoc Pritchard as my guardian? How hard is it to
make a fake identity in the wizarding world?”
“Hmm. Let me think for a moment. Harry Potter has a recorded magical signature,
and it is now quite different. If we made a cursory reading of you, we should be able
to register the identity of Mr Pritchard as a new one. Since you have had a vault here, the
Potter vault, for centuries, we should be able to claim that he has been a customer for many
years. Don’t worry, I can make it happen. e Goblin Nation is behind you. Goblins in
general may not like you, since that would be too out of charaer for a Goblin, but we
will help you.”
“ank you, Keeper. I am not sure how to thank you, but I’m sure I can think of
something sooner or later. I have no doubt we will meet again.”
“Oh, we will, Mr. Potter, we will. Now, let’s get you out of here in a good way. Gabrielle,
we can arrange for you to cart home. We have a tunnel conneion with the Paris branch,
and the trip only takes an hour. Mr Potter, you on the other hand, will probably be best
suited to leave, as Harry Potter, through the main doors. Your mother alerted me to the fa
that you will probably be attacked. Her friend made such prediions, and the convergence
of lowlifes certainly gives credence to the vision. Use that bracelet of yours during the
battle. ere shouldn’t be any problem for you to shield yourself, and if you port out at the
right moment you will have faked your own death. Wouldn’t that be funny?”
“It’s worth giving a shot, I suppose. Now, Keeper, would there be some place suitable
for a serious Au Revoir somewhere here?”
e Goblinesse chuckled and motioned for a door behind her.
“Sometimes, people’s business here takes several days. at chamber should be suf-
32 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Once alone in the chamber, Harry expeed Gabrielle to more or less dissolve in tears,
but she gently put the Summus Codex down, and flowed into his arms.
“Master, this will be great,” she said, as she was gently but quickly removing his clothes.
“We will be apart for a little while, not long, and then you will be back. According to the
Codex, there are several races in that Enclave that would make excellent Consorts, and I
wouldn’t mind if you Bonded two or three.”
“Hey, hold on. You really want me to get more girls?” he said as she tore off her own
clothes and kneeled before him. “Aren’t Veela supposed to be jealous?”
“Normally, yes,” she said between licking and stroking. “ese are not normal cir-
cumstances, though. You are a Sorcerer, and I’m very young. If you took other Consorts,
I would be able to play with them. Veela are sexual. Not hetero-, homo- or bisexual. Just
sexual, and I can sense that you are enough of a typical male to love the thought.” She took
him deep a couple of times before standing up.
He grabbed her firm little butt, and lied her, lowering her on to his rock-hard mem-
ber. All thoughts ceased as they moved together, united through their Bond and their
bodies. Aer a few minutes, he could sense that she wanted more, so he put his finger
against her little ass and willed the magic to flow around his finger as it had around hers
at the Cauldron. He felt a tingle, and his finger sank in effortlessly as she gaed and
contraed around his cock. He lied her once again, and positioned her for the new pen-
etration. Face to face, eyes locked on each other’s, he let her sink down his length slowly.
He carried her to the bed, and laid her down. His thrusts were slow, and Gabrielle seemed
to be stuck in a low-key orgasm. When he finally came, it felt like he poured his soul into
her, and he could feel her body absorbing his semen right away, wasting nothing. ey
stayed conneed for a little while, eyes locked.
“I love you, Master.”
“I love you, Gabrielle. Take care of yourself, and our baby.”
“I will. Don’t forget to get laid every now and then while you’re gone.”
“I bet there aren’t many guys that get to hear that. I’ll do my best, dear.”

* * *
He was more than a little nervous. It was the first time he had knowingly walked into a
trap. It was one thing, he mused, to feel cocky about an upcoming fight when you’re two
miles below ground and in the company of a beautiful girl who wants to rip your clothes
off, and quite another to walk out of Gringott’s alone, undisguised and with nothing more
than a little piece of holly to your name. Sure, he might be a sorcerer, but he wasn’t so sure
about his ability to use the power consciously as he was a few minutes ago. Yet, here he
was, walking into an ambush in order to fake his own death. e past 24 hours had been
interesting, to say the least.
“CRUCIO!” e curse hit him from behind, but it caused only a minimal discomfort.
He could feel the Sorcerer’s lightning flow just under his skin, countering the effes. He
turned around to look at his attacker. e voice was ridiculously familiar.
“Good day to you too, Mr. Malfoy,” he said. “Have they installed revolving doors at
Chapter 3 — “to talk of many things: 33

e epitome of the finest families just looked at him. Another curse hit Harry in the
back, and his magic flared. Suddenly, curses flew from all direions, and a herical shield
flashed to life around him. Harry had frozen momentarily. He didn’t know what to do, but
the sight of this blatant attack in the middle of Diagon alley made him angry. Not really
at the Death Eaters, but at all the bystanders. ey had a dreamshot, damn it. e Death
Eaters were too busy trying to bring down his shield, and a couple of stunners would have
done a great job decimating them.
He stood there, inside his glowing shield, suddenly feeling very tired. e people of
Magical Britain expeed him to save them, but wouldn’t li a bloody finger to help. Why
the hell should he care?
at was when he saw them. An emaciated werewolf, using the distraion to pick
a pocket. e Selkie woman in tattered clothes hiding behind a barrel. Several eyes in
strange colours looking out of Knockturn Alley and, remembering the fate that would
have been bestowed on his Consort, he made a decision. He would return. He would beat
Riddle. He would not do it for the wizarding world. He would do it for the Magical.
He looked at his attackers with calculated rage from inside the here. He knew it
wouldn’t last much longer.
“Come on, Stalebloods. Is that the best you can do? Reduo!” He didn’t really fire the
curse, since he had no idea what would happen to the here if he did, but he enjoyed the
contorted face of Lucius Malfoy as the coquettish man did exaly what he had hoped for.
“Avada…” Harry quickly enlarged two bags, one of clothes and one of meat and blood
that he had gotten from the goblin slaughterhouse below Gringott’s. As he had hidden
them in his pocket, they ripped his pants to shreds.
“…Kedavra.” As the green light flew at him, he made the bags explode with a ark of
Sorcery, whiered the aivation word to the portkey, and disappeared.

* * *

“What happens when a defensive shield of wild Sorcery under a heavy

barrage suddenly disappears? If the collapsing point is filled with the re-
mains of a powerful, but slightly old travelling magic, that is deerately
trying to tranort several pounds of flying organic matter?
“e Diagon Flare is an excellent example. As too many kinds of magic
impas several small objes in a confined ace, the magic combines
unprediably. e remains of the Portkey intensified the localized mag-
ical field, bringing the living power of Magic truly alive. Living Magic re-
as badly to the Killing Curse. e following explosion shattered most
windows in Diagon Alley, killed several of the nearest people, namely
Misters Nott, McNair and Goyle. It also shattered the Magical Core in
several others, like Lucius Malfoy and Antonin Dolohov, leaving them
unable to perform more than the simplest of magics.”
From “Magical Chaos Explained,” by Fenimore Chang, 2109
34 Midnight Sun — Vanir

When the echoes of the blast died down, everybody looked towards the centre. ere
was torn clothes, lots of blood and unrecognisable pieces of flesh and aer a few seconds
the last piece of the horrible Still Life that would forever be etched in the minds of the
Wizarding world, added itself when something landed on top of the small pile. e burnt
and broken pieces of a Holly wand with a Phoenix feather core.
Chapter IV

Of shoes, and ships,

and sealing wax;

Harry Potter, the boy-who-fell

by Hieronymus Cosh

Our hope, our hero, our saviour Harry Potter, e Boy Who Lived, fell

Under attack from more than thirty adult assailants, aided by large num-
bers of werewolves, banshee’s and dementors, his magnificent defences

All hope for our hero’s survival was crushed by the Ministry Aurors, who
arrived fashionably late to the horrifying scene.

e Aurors confirmed that the shattered remains on the scene was in-
deed Harry Potter.

is is the reason the Daily Prophet is as thin as it is today. We, the
employees at this fine publication, are asking ourselves the very same
questions that you, dear Readers, are.

What will we do now?

What will we do now?

* * *

36 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Nymphadora Tonks sat quietly at he desk at the Auror Headquarters. e people around
her gave her a wide berth, knowing that she had aually been friends with Potter and also
had been the one to gather up the remains aer performing the Identification ell, con-
firming that it was indeed Harry James Potter they were dealing with. With the additional
evidence of Potter’s broken wand, identified by Mr Ollivander, no one had questioned her
She was an Auror, and one of the best. She had been trained under the Fudge ad-
ministration. Of course she knew all the tricks when it came to tampering with evidence.
Anyone who cast the standard identification ell on that pile of half minced cow would
find that it was indeed Harry Potter.
She knew very well that she could lose her job over this, maybe even go to Azkaban,
but her choice was already made. He had wanted to disappear, and she had chosen to
ree his wishes.
“Wherever you are, Harry, I hope you are having the time of your life. I hope it was
worth it.” she whiered to herself. She decided to take an early leave today. Maybe morph
into something blonde and busty and get drunk and laid. She knew it wasn’t a very good
plan, but she liked it.
Harry owed her now. Big time.

* * *
Unfortunately for Harry, the biggest thing about him was his headache, and his knowledge
that something had gone very, very wrong.
Wherever he was, it was no inhuman Shangri-La, no Sorcerer’s boot camp and cer-
tainly not a very good place to get laid.
He was on his back in a forest clearing. Most of the conifers in the immediate area had
been cut down, leaving a thick carpet of needles. He distinly felt a couple of hundred
of those. Aer a quick check, he surmised that something had gone wrong with the
If it had worked properly, he would have landed upright, concious and his clothes
would not have been reduced to tatters hanging around his waist like a very bad kilt.
He would also have had his wand. His quick inventory led him to an inevitable
conclusion: is sucked.
He tried to stand, just to realise that his shoes were also missing.
He stood up anyway, and saw a track no more than ten feet away. It was rocky and
muddy, but much better than those needles.
e forest was quiet. His headache was subsiding, and he was beginning to feel better
even though it was a bit chilly.
It wasn’t really cold, but being mostly undressed is sort of chilling in it’s own way. He
wished that he still had that heavy cloak that Gabrielle had... transfigured... for... him.
Feeling very stupid, he tried to summon the feeling of Sorcery at work, and tried
to Will his clothes back together. ey fluttered a bit, but stayed stubbornly apart. He
Chapter 4 — Of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax; 37

changed approach, and tried to focus on conjuring a pair of boots. Lightning flashed,
and a pair of boots appeared. ey were good boots, sturdy, heavy soles and high shas.
ey even fit him decently enough. If they hadn’t been faintly pink, they would have been
Aer a couple of tries, he managed to change the colour to a nondescript grey. He
chuckled as he remembered Jenny omas’ advice. If he could, he would have brought
them along to show her. e laces were still purple, but they weren’t so enough to tie
properly. Harry was very happy that he had imagined them laced but untied. On the
other hand, he sure hadn’t imagined them pink, so maybe flawed imagining wasn’t the
He made a few attempts at making himself a cloak or a robe, and when he projeed
a mental image of a cloak on a pile of branches, lightning finally happened and he had
a cloak.
It was a very strange cloak, though. It looked like it was made of a wizarding photo of
a forest, but shimmering in a way that made it hard to look at.
e main points in Harry’s mind though, was that it was so and warm and covered
him up nicely. Aer some more fairly draining attempts, he had made himself a strily
utilitarian outfit in grey. It didn’t really fit him very well, but good enough would have
to do.
He had barely registered the scream before he was running flat out towards it, odd
cloak billowing behind him and ex-pink boots pumping. A woman was in danger. Damsel
in Distress and all that. Someone needed a Hero! As he ran, it struck him that he was doing
it again. He was rushing in half cocked, head first into danger. He stopped abruptly, and
noticed that the urge to rush to the unknown woman’s aid was very strong.
He blinked, and looked around with his Sorcerer’s sight engaged. e red tendril of
light that was affeing him was easy to ot. A half-baked notion made him try and gra
the tendril. He couldn’t, of course, but he did get a fair idea about where the woman was,
and also that she was in real danger, and was terrified
He picked up the pace again. Aer a few minutes, he stopped by a small hill. He could
hear two men laughing on the other side. As he also could hear muted sobs, his temper
flared. A quick look gave him no doubts about what was going on.
When two men slowly walks up to a girl who is lying on the ground with what looked
like a twisted ankle, the possibilities are quite few. When the girl, while in obvious pain,
still tries to crawl away and the men are loosening their belts, there are no good options
le. Sometimes you just have to jump in. As his anger rose, so did he, and the men barely
had time to turn around before they were flung against a couple of trees, petrified, secured
with thick ropes and, finally, stunned. Harry was close enough now to realise that the two
were no older than him, even if they were a good deal larger. It made him even angrier.
Slytherin goons wherever you bloody went! He turned to the girl. She was staring at him,
with fear in her pretty yellow eyes. He realised that he must be a sight, in his strange cloak,
boots and the remains of the rest of his clothes hanging like a peculiar grass skirt around
his waist.
He didn’t know that his eyes glowed in Sorcerer’s blue, and that lightning still flashed
around his hands. He was a sight indeed.
38 Midnight Sun — Vanir

As he walked up to her, something stirred in his memories. He chose to ignore it for

the time being, as the girl needed help.
She tried to scurry away from him backwards but as he held up his hand, she froze.
Aing on instin, he took her ankle in his hands and felt it through with his magic.
As he could feel several things that weren’t as they should be, he made his magic corre
e ankle had been broken, not twisted, but in his hands, the bone set and healed itself.
e damaged tissue and muscles repaired themselves, as a so blue light shone between
his hands. Now, he allowed that memory to surface.
To his great surprise, it was one of his own. It was a page from e Monster book of
Monsters. e description of a Norse magical predator, the Huldr.
Shaped like beautiful women, the feral Huldr supposedly preyed on young men,
preferably magical. e signs to look for were their yellow eyes, the large cavity I their
backs and the tail.
ey also had other beastly traits and signs, but those could easily be missed by
the casual observer. ey were considered dangerous, but the book allowed that not all
varieties were lethal.
e smaller the tail, the more dangerous the Huldr, apparently. e Foxtailed Huldr
was the exception, as they were considered very dangerous because of their powerful and
dangerous magical abilities, but still had a large and disturbing tail.. He also remembered
that they were supposed to possess near-human intelligence.
In his book, that made them People, and that he should ignore the book.
e girl in front of him had large, beautiful and terrified eyes. From what he saw of that
tight, red wool vest, he wouldn’t mind examining her back, as well as associated areas.
He quickly pushed that thought away. e girl was just almost raped, her green skirt
was torn and very dirty, and the white blouse she wore under the vest was ripped and
stained with blood. He extended his magic over her, checking for injuries.
She closed her eyes and shuddered, but it wasn’t the kind of shudder he had expeed,
the one of discomfort. He could sense a cracked rib, and he reached out and put his hand
on her side, just under her breast. Her ga, when he channelled the healing sorcery into
her had absolutely nothing to do with pain. Last, he had sensed a large bruise on her arse,
and an injury he could not identify, but it was painful.
When he asked her to turn around, she seemed very surprised, and said something
he didn’t understand. Apparently, he was not in Britain any more.
“Huldr?” he asked, and the girl suddenly looked crestfallen, and a tear aually made
it out of her almond-shaped eyes. She seemed to sag as she nodded, and tried to take a
submissive stance, while sitting on the ground.
He gestured instead that he wanted her on all fours. at unknown injury must be
to her tail.
He was regaining his headache, and he was aually beginning to feel a bit queasy. He
barely noticed that she was crying soly as she turned around.
Chapter 4 — Of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax; 39

To his surprise, she pulled her torn skirt up over her back, and pulled her obviously
tailor made white knickers to the side. Burying her face in her arms, she just waited. Harry,
on his side, was absolutely stunned. He had known about the tail. He had been prepared
to see something odd. He had not been prepared for something so incredibly beautiful
as this wonderful thing, extending from her back. Yes, she had a nice arse, badly bruised
or not, quite comparable to Gabrielle’s, and the hairless little quim was sort of tempting,
but the incredible, thick, so, white-tipped foxtail just blew his mind. If anyone had asked
him, he would not have thought that he would be turned on by a tail, but there he was.
He couldn’t help but stroke it. He sensed the injury, and healed the rain without further
ado. She shuddered again, and as he moved closer, she tensed up.
As he put his hand on the large bruise, she jerked her head up, and looked at him in
He released the Sorcery, healing the bruise, and probably some other stuff as well,
since lightning crept all over her body.
He had aually forgotten about the cut on her arm, but the lightning took care of that
for him. He noticed some arks travelling along the tail, cleaning it and brushing it out,
until it looked even more luxurious than before.
When she was healed, the small bolts seemed to converge on her quim, sending her
into a forceful orgasm, powerful enough to aually make her squirt. Harry had never
seen such a thing before, and felt immensely proud of it.
His headache and nausea overtook him again, and he almost fell down. e girl un
around, catching him with surprising strength. She looked at him with those lovely yellow
eyes, with her surprise still evident. Aer a while of what seemed like looking for the
words, she oke.
“You know Huldr?”
“A little, yes.”
“You cut not. Why?”
She took on a shy and hopeful look before continuing.
“You like... tail?”
“It’s lovely. So so and beautiful.”
“I take you to Father. Father talk England ... English.”
She stood, pulling him up without much effort. Her fear and weakness seemed to be
completely gone as she led him through the forest. His head was pounding, and she turned
a few times and looked at him with concern. Every time he felt like stopping to rest for a
while, he would be struck by how great her arse was, and the movements of the tail under
the skirt became more pronounced. Aer a few times, she turned to face him.
“Sorry. I use Huldr pull to move you on. You sick. Must go to Father. I use trick to
help. Come now. Soon close to carry, far yet.”
He followed her while trying to figure out what she just said. She was using some kind
of Allure to help him move along, and she did it to get him to her father. She saw that he
40 Midnight Sun — Vanir

was ill. It was still too far for her to carry him. at had to be it. It was a very effeive help,
since he really liked that tail. He battled the increasing waves of nausea and the headache
was incredible, but not quite as incredible as her backside. He trudged on in his ex-pink
boots and weird-looking cloak.
Later, he could never quite remember how he got to the smithy. He could vaguely
remember a bald man, and the Huldr girl he had followed talking to him rapidly in a
foreign language. He remembered the bald man look him in the eye, saying in heavily
accented English, “ank you, sir, for my daughter’s life. Rest. She will care for you. We
will talk when you’re better.” Aer that, it was dark.

* * *
Hi Hermione
How are you? Yes, I know it’s an awful question right about now, but I
couldn’t come up with anything better.
Aually, I have a serious question, and it’s even more horrible, since
I don’t have any kind of idea of your answer. I’ve dreamt up so many
schemes to figure it out, but I think it’s best to just ask.
Are you interested in my brother Ron?
Because if you are, I suggest you change your mind. Here’s the piure.
Mum and Dad are mourning a son, the twins a brother, I for a good
friend and loads of Might-have-been’s, but Ron has completely lost it.
Between having his brains scrambled by those things in the DoM and
the loss of Harry, he’s gone around the bend. He is talking to himself,
making strange lists and he aually reminds me of Kreacher, the way he
carries on.
You’d better sit down now.
He is blaming Harry for most things that has gone wrong in his life.
He feels that Harry is finally “out of his way.” He’s treating me with a
weird ree, calling me Widow, and the two of you will get married
on graduation day. You will be pregnant already. You will have had lot’s
of praice, because he will visit you in a few weeks and you will “put
out” without prompting. I have copied a list that I’m sending with the
letter, and I’m prepared to swear that it’s real, and made by Ron. It’s not
a joke. I doubt he will even think of asking you about anything. Note
that on the schedule, you are supposed to find a really simple way to
kill Voldemort that can only be used by redheads named Ron, proving
that he was the Chosen One all along.. He’s absolutely certain he will
be rich as well, since Harry “naturally” le all his money to him. Dad
aually checked that. Caradoc Pritchard is Harry’s sole heir. Do you
know anything about him? All in all, if my brother contas you, run.
Please write back. If I’m out of line, please tell me. I need friends right
now, and you and Luna are the only ones I trust.
Chapter 4 — Of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax; 41


* * *

Dear Ginny
ank you for the warning, but I had already surmised that something
was wrong. I wish I could show you the note he sent me, informing me
that we were now going out, but unfortunately it made me so angry that
I accidentally ignited it. Let me hasten to assure you that you don’t need
to order any bridesmaid’s dress on my account.
I am not really grieving at all, frankly. I have been birdwatching.
When Harry disappeared, I was calm because Hedwig was. You know
how close Harry and Hedwig are. She’s his Familiar aer all, and would
certainly know if something bad happened to him. Her mood has gone
from calm to happy and excited over the last few days. She hooted at
the time of his “death”, just once. I believe Harry is still alive, because
Hedwig does. I am beginning to sue that he has had this course of
events fairly well planned out for some time, and that this was the reason
for him letting me borrow Hedwig. In order to keep highest possible
secrecy, he could not tell anyone straight out, but he might have assumed
that I would figure out the clue in Hedwig.
I had to focus on something other than your brother’s note. Honestly,
the very idea that I would “put out” to him! e Cannons will win
the championship before that happens. e Muggle Ice Hockey world
We all need friends, Ginny. Why don’t you come over? I will invite Luna,
too. Just to make this abundantly clear, your brother is not invited. Yes,
maybe I should pity him for going obviously insane, but I’m just too
angry to care just now. Please suggest to your parents that he’s taken
to St. Mungo’s. He has been known to “prat out” now and again, but this
is not normal. I will not come near him again without a clearance bill
from a certified mind healer.

* * *
42 Midnight Sun — Vanir

It was dark when he woke up, too. e darkness faded to grey, and ended up as black-
and-white vision, as his enhanced eyes adapted. He began looking for his glasses, when
he remembered that they were probably still on his bedside table at the Leaky Cauldron,
where he had le them half a life ago.
He looked around the room. Above him were the naked roof beams of a low ceiling.
Across the room from the headboard of the bed was a window with a heavy curtain over.
To his right, there was a door with the turning plate that indicated a loo, and to his le
was another door, that he assumed led to the rest of the house. ere were built-in beds
in the wall next to the door, but they were empty, except for two bundles of clothes and
some things he couldn’t readily recognise.
e bed was large, but he still didn’t have much room to move.
e reason was not the lovely girl from the forest, lying naked on his le side, and
whose long black hair was read over the pillow like a dark halo of delight. She took the
time to look at her. She was lying on her stomach, with her face turned towards him, and a
sheet was covering her lower body and, sadly, her beautiful tail. She was very beautiful in
a feral, exotic way. Her ears was slightly pointed, and there was a fringe of black fur along
the edges and on the back side of them. Her nose was quite small, and her cheekbones
were high and pronounced. Her lips were full and very sexy. As they were slightly parted,
he could see the slightly enlarged incisors that made her look dangerous and adorable all
at once. Black fur grew in a band from her neck down to the tail, black near the head
and progressively redder the further down it got. Well, he assumed it was red, anyway. At
this time, he could only see it changing grey. Her back was slightly more arched than the
human backs he had seen, but there was no trace of the cavity mentioned in the book.
He turned to the reason there was little room in the bed, the unknown girl on his
She was also without clothes, and he could clearly see why she slept on her back, even
if he wondered how she could breathe. Her breasts were absolutely enormous. ere were
not enough letters in the alphabet to describe the cup size, and mere cups wouldn’t get
very far anyway. Her nipples were very large and what he thought could be described as
puffy. e top side of those giant knockers were also covered in a light fur. He battled
his instins into submission, and looked at the girls face. She was incredibly cute, and he
could vividly imagine her as being sexy as hell. She had a tiny squirrel nose, and slightly
large front teeth enhancing the squirrel impression. What truly nailed it was the sight
of the large tail that reached all the way up her back. It was decidedly squirrely, and he
realised that he was in the company of two sexual predators, predators he really wanted
to get to know better.
He also realised that he needed that loo, badly. As he thought about how to get out
of the bed, a blue light read over his body, and he levitated out of bed. He thought that
would be a neat trick, if he could learn to control it. He got into the loo and relieved
himself. As this took some time, he looked around. ere was a largish hot tub in there,
with a strange pipe contraption above that he assumed was some kind of shower. He found
a toothbrush that seemed new, and freshened up a bit before sneaking back to bed. e
unknown girl had shied a bit and he noticed that the sheet had shied enough to reveal
that she too was hairless between her legs. It was sort of funny that they would be fur clad
Chapter 4 — Of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax; 43

in unusual places, but bare where you would expe hair growth. He also saw now that
she looked a bit worn and tired, even sleeping.
Before he tried sneaking back into bed between the two lovely Huldr girls, he tried to
remember everything he could about the Huldr, and also about this illness. He knew he
couldn’t really expe Gabrielle to have made any progress already, but you never knew.
e thing that jumped forth in his mind was a letter, and he remembered it well enough
to read it.
Beloved Master
ank you. I’m home again. I’m afraid I had to give you away a little
bit, but Fleur wants to meet you, so she can kiss you silly, and I believe
Mama has made similar plans. Poor Papa understands that he really
can’t understand, but he is accepting. It is hard for him to accept my
pregnancy and he went on a bit of a rant about his “little girl”. I think
I shook him out of it and his face, when I told him that I would have
loved it if you had fucked me exclusively in my arse, as long as I would
be permitted to taste your semen, was highly amusing. I believed that
I managed to drive home that I am not a “little girl”. I am Veela. I am
bonded to a sorcerer I happen to love, and have loved since long before
the Bonding. So there.
Enough about me for now.
Your ruse worked brilliantly, and I believe you have a very good friend
among the Aurors. e meat was identified as your remains by a very
pretty girl with pink hair. Anyone you know? May I help you thank her?
She was very pretty. Britain is in shock, and no one doubts your death,
at least publicly. You’re safe.
I am a little concerned about your friends, though.
Perhaps I could write them a letter through Miss Granger, since I sense
that you trust her discretion. Maybe adding a passus, asking her to thank
the pink haired cutie for you?
My presence in Britain was largely unknown, and if I write it anony-
mously, she would be hard pressed to ascertain my identity. Besides, If
she is focused on finding me, she will not be looking for you.
Caradoc Pritchard and his lovely pet bird has made the news as well, so
if I would deliver a letter myself as a falcon, I can watch her reonse if
I wait for her answer. e link between you and Caradoc would be well
established by then. e reality of that link should probably be best kept
secret for now, though.
I miss you, Master. I miss feeling you move inside me, the taste of your
semen, and the feeling of it inside me. Please, Master, have sex soon.
at’s my only release. Fondling myself just doesn’t cut it.
I can feel you, and your presence, constantly. If you concentrate, I can
see through your eyes. Perhaps you can answer this way. Soon, our link
44 Midnight Sun — Vanir

will be strong enough to allow us to talk mind to mind. I know you are ill
now. ere is nothing to worry about, however. According to the Codex,
there will be a few adjustments like this over the next few months, when
your magic makes some changes. I believe you will have better concious
control over your power aer this one, but that’s just a guess.
Master, I know I can serve you best by studying for you like I am, but it
is hard not to know when I’ll see you again. I may be very big with our
child the next time. Will you still fuck my arse hard then?
With body, mind and soul I am
Your Gabrielle
Well, that didn’t do much for his peace of mind where two beautiful sleeping girls
were concerned.
He liked the idea of letting Hermione know, and he concentrated on that, hoping that
Gabrielle would pick up on it, and write the letter. He had been a little too busy lately to
have time to worry about his friends, and he didn’t know how long he had been out of
it. If his so beard was any measure, it had been at least a week, since he could feel the
stubble. He knew it didn’t grow very fast, unfortunately. For the first time, he noticed that
he himself was fully dressed. As he was getting tired again, he slipped out of his conjured
clothes, and tried to sneak into bed. He wormed his way up from the foot of the bed,
and he thought he had made it without bothering the girls when he saw the unknown girl
looking at him.
“Hello,”she whiered. “I’m Disa. You are Hasse, for the time being at least. Let Jorunn
sleep if you can. She hasn’t le your side for three days. How do you feel?” She was smiling,
but the signs of fatigue were even more pronounced when she was awake.
“All right, I guess. Tired, though. How about you? You don’t look so well.”
“It’s nothing. I was supposed to feed yesterday, but I can wait to tomorrow. You know
a little about us, right?”
“Not really. You are supposed to be vicious monsters, who needs to be killed on sight,
I think. I don’t really believe that book is very accurate. What do you need? Can I help?”
“Squirreltails like me need both energy, like you fed Jorunn, and also material suste-
nance. To put it bluntly, may I suck you? I don’t think you can manage the power you
zapped her with yet.”
“Did I get that right? You need semen? Frankly, I’m not sure I can get it up right now,
and I’m dead tired. I wish I could help you, though. Hmm. Wait a second.”
He summoned the healing power, and was a bit surprised at how easy it was. He
brought the power to his le hand and stroked her tail. Lightning flowed from him along
the silky tail, and she tensed up and bit her lips as she shuddered through an intense
orgasm. Harry clearly recognised the sweet scent, and surmised that Huldr apparently
squirted when they came as a rule. She was almost purring two minutes later as she
stretched, basking in the aerglow. Her incredible breasts were even more prominent,
with nipples extending a whole inch. He forced himself to ignore them, and made his eyes
settle on her face. She was wearing a decidedly feral smile, as he felt her hand slide up his
Chapter 4 — Of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax; 45

leg. Her eyes went wide as she felt him. Deite his exhaustion, he had risen to full mast,
and she appeared transfixed by this. She sat up jerkily, and stared at his crotch.
“ I... I need this,”she stuttered. “I need this right now. Please?” Approximately half
a second aer his nod, half of his length was buried in her mouth. She was incredible.
e sheer pressure was almost enough for him to lose it, and she had the most incredible
tongue. It felt very long, and was rather coarse some times, and silky on others. As her
head bobbed at a leisurely pace her tongue was working overtime. She tried to deepthroat
him a couple of times, but he was probably too big. She rubbed her giant boobs against
him, and he reached out towards her arse, stroking it and her tail. She reonded eagerly to
his caresses, and as he pressed his finger against her tight little ass, she aually managed to
take him down her throat. She started moaning, and Harry could feel the pressure build.
He made the “Veela Back Door Fun-charm” , and felt his index finger slip into her arse. As
her whipping tongue carried him close, he sent little bursts of power through his thumb,
located on her clitoris, and the index finger in her arse. She shuddered and kept bobbing,
taking him deeper and deeper until he came, and as he did, so did she, illing sweet fluid
all over his hand. She swallowed and swallowed, relishing every drop. He smiled at her
eagerness as she proceeded to suck any remaining cum out of his cock. She turned to face
him, and gave him a lovely, content smile, and without further ado, he fell asleep.

* * *

Dear Miss Granger.

Harry is alive.
He is safe, he’s happy, but due to circumstances outside his control, he has
been separated from his homework. I believe you will agree with Master
Pritchard and myself that learning combat- and survival skills may have
a greater positive impa on Mr Potter’s future than any lengthy essay on
the joyous event of Uranus and Jupiter converging, or the shelf-life of the
Rosea Arica tinure.
At this time, no one knows exaly where Mr Potter is. He has some idea
of where he is, but not exaly. Neither do I, and the people he’s staying
with does not know or care about who he is. I know he intends to be
on the Hogwart’s express in September, so further questions will have to
wait until then.
You may share this information at your discretion, but he wishes to
keep his continuing good health as secret as possible. e only person
who must not be informed under any circumstances is your headmaster.
Mr Potter was very ecific about that. ere may be further missives,
either from me, or Master Pritchard. Guinevere has been asked to wait,
in case you wish to send a note or two to Mr Potter. As a security
measure, he will not get the notes themselves, but he will get to read
them. Just don’t expe answers until September. On behalf of the House
of Potter, I would like to ask you to convey our gratitude to the lovely Ms
46 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Nymphadora Tonks. e House of Potter is in her debt. Let me also

assure you that she knew nothing in advance, and she knows less than
you now, but her ability to think on her feet is truly admirable.
Au revoir
Ms. Anne rope.
Gabrielle blotted the parchment, cast some charms to erase any inadvertent magical traces,
and folded it up. On an impulse, she unhooked her medallion, applied a dollop of blue
sealing wax and pressed the medallion into it. She smiled as Magic shimmered, and the
pressed image inverted itself, allowing the fine lettering to be read. She changed shape,
and put her talon by the piece of string that tied the letter to her leg on it’s own. She
took a final look at the map, and set out through the window. is would be a long and
interesting trip.

* * *
Professor Dumbledore sat behind his desk, and sucked absent-mindedly on a lemon drop.
e calming potion inside them did little for him at the moment. First had the boy
disappeared from the platform without a sound, according to the Order members who
had been there. No one knew how, but Dumbledore sueed that he had simply used
the floo. en, an unknown warlock had been seen in the alley, on the way to the bank. A
warlock who had been kind to a muggleborn child, barely magical at all, and then burnt
out the Dark Mark of an Assassin who had been under an Invisibility cloak. Harry had
appeared leaving the bank and the headmaster had toyed with the idea that they might
have been one and the same, but the man known as Caradoc Pritchard was simply too
powerful, and of course had a different magical signature than the dear boy, and further,
there was no way that Harry could have learnt how to handle children. Dumbledore was
sure about that. Furthermore, the goblins said that this Pritchard was a long time client,
who just wasn’t seen very oen.
Dumbledore popped another lemon drop in his mouth and bit down with a crunch.
e Pritchard charaer had been able to damage his influence severely. First, He had had
Dumbledore’s guardianship revoked and transferred to himself, and then this unknown
warlock had managed to become the sole heir to the Potter fortune. is would severely
limit the headmaster’s influence, and it would be almost impossible to make any peaceful
changes to the Wizengamot without some financial influence. ere was still so much
about this that he didn’t understand. He kept staring at the same ot that had entertained
him for almost three hours this time; the melted puddle of what once was his carefully
repaired silver instruments. Blue arks was occasionally seen over the surface, but the
important thing was that the instruments had melted before Harry had died, and the
Headmaster could only determine that Harry’s magical signature was extin without
the instruments. ere was still so much he didn’t understand. e unseen observer
wholeheartedly agreed. ere was much the headmaster just didn’t understand.
Chapter V

Of cabbages and kings;

As soon as he awoke, Harry knew that he wasn’t alone in the room. From his experience
the last time he woke up he had expeed that, but there was no one in the bed with him,
and he had the impression that his company was male.
Correion, two males.
He felt for his magic, and found it ready and waiting. He made a proteive barrier,
and merged it with his skin before he let on that he was awake.
“Bravo, young man. It may not take so long to teach you aer all.”
He recognised the voice as Jorunn’s father, so he opened his eyes to get a proper face
to go with the voice. As he opened his eyes, he saw two men sitting by the window. e
eaker, who he remembered vaguely from his arrival, was a short, stocky figure. His arms
and shoulders oke of immense physical strength, and his head and arms were reddish,
and completely devoid of hair.
e other man would have been very frightening to anyone who hadn’t met Hagrid.
He was a huge, blonde man, with his hair and beard tied into braids, secured by red string.
He was not as… large as Hagrid was, but toned and fit, like a warrior or a decathlon athlete.
e two men were dressed in similar styles, with tight leather vests laced over their chests,
and tight leather trousers that went just a little below the knee.
“ere has been a few snags since the plan was made, but we’ll work around them. I
am Sören, but most people call me Surt, and if you remember, the girl you helped, Jorunn,
is my daughter. I am a Wilder, which is basically a strange kind of squib to you, and
as such, I will be your main tutor in the mornings. is is Leif. As you can see, he’s part
Muellheim Giant. He will teach you in the aernoons. Disa, the girl you fed yesterday, is
his daughter. e boys who attacked Jorunn are also his sons. His English isn’t very good,
but he wishes to thank you, both for helping Disa, and for letting the boys live. ose boys
have gotten all the bad traits of their ancestry, and they have worn out all excuses. Leif
turned them over to the Fjärdingsmen himself.”
“Hello,” Harry said, “I’m Hasse, I think. Just to clear things up a bit, I have no idea
about any plans. Since my new power emerged, I have just done things, one aer the

48 Midnight Sun — Vanir

other. I was handed abroken portkey to get here, and I have no idea where here is, except
it’s somewhere in Scandinavia. To start with, how long have I been here, and how will
this work?”
“You come week since,” Leif rumbled. “Jorunn look aer you, make daughter best
friend Disa help. Disa helped, but got ill with hunger, but not leave friend. You shall
know, we try help Jorunn and Disa feed but not strong enough, they never have enough.
Disa happy, healthy more now than for long time. Jorunn gone whole week on what you
did in forest aer filthy sons steal all her energy. at fantastic. I teach you. Real magic
that gets done. Surt make strong, I make fast, Wife make wise and girls make last. You be
in top shape. Surt teach idea of sorcery, I teach beastway, earthway, and war. Wife teach
secrets and mystic. Girls teach healing and other good things. You be good fast.”
“If you could make sense of my friend’s attempt at English, Ican add that you will
be living here. is room is yours for your stay. You will help me in the smithy in the
mornings, and then you will cross the lake to Leif ’s place. He will give you the praicals.
I’m a bit curious about something. Jorunn told me about how you met. Could you describe
what you did to her, and what she did? Remember that we know full well what our
daughters are, because we might just have met their mothers.”
“Okay. I recognised her as a Huldr pretty soon, and I understood that my textbook
from school couldn’t be right about her being a monster. Monsters don’t cry in fear. I knew
she was hurt, so I felt her through with my magic, and started to heal her.Apparently,she
liked that. When I asked if she was a Huldr, she did something very strange. I signed that
I wanted her to turn over, so I could heal a large bruise on her bum. I had just proven that
I can heal through clothes, but she lied her skirt and pulled her knickers aside. She was
very surprised that I just healed her, and she seemed even more surprised that I hadn’t cut
something, and that I liked that beautiful tail of hers. What was that all about?”
“She expeed you to penetrate her reum, and cut her tail off. at would have made
her your slave until the tail had grown back again. With a full-blooded Huldr, that might
be the only way to save your life, if you find yourself in that situation. at’s what both of
us did to the girl’s mothers. I had Gunlög with me, as a wonderful wife, for three years.
Saga stayed for four years with Leif, but squirreltails have more tail to regrow. Also, most
people are disgusted by the tails. Now that you know, would you have aed differently,
had you known about it then?”
Harry was more than a little revolted by the idea, and even more that she had offered
it to him.
“No. Absolutely not. I have a Bonded Consort, but the bonding was her choice, and
done on her terms. You are talking of stealing someone’s free will and that’s something I
just won’t do if I can help it. I’m resourceful enough to get me out of most things alive
without having to enslave anyone.”
“Few of us have the luxury of that choice. You should know that by the Old Law, she
could be considered your property now, and she has invoked it. I can refuse it, if I have
reason, but I want to get to know you a bit first. Yes, you’re a Sorcerer, or you will be once
we’ve trained you up a bit, but that says nothing about you as a man. For the girl’s sake,
and ours, we won’t try to keep you apart. You are good for them. You aren’t threatened
by Huldr power. You have more than enough to keep a hundred Huldr sated, and Disa
Chapter 5 — Of cabbages and kings; 49

says you’re overachieving in other areas as well. As far as Jorunn is concerned, well, in
her eyes, she’s yours.”
“Great. No offence, but I don’t even know her. I just helped her when she needed help,
that’s all. I did the same thing to Disa. I could help, so I did.”
e two older men broke out in laughter.
“Friend, this girls are very decided. Jorunn is yours. She said it. e girls share all.
ey will persuade you to make Sorcerer’s Bond. We can say nothing to that. Get to know
them, learn about Huldr magic, then make your decision. We see if we give blessing. My
wife Vala, she has seen stepdaughter with powerful man and more wives. She sometimes
wrong. One in hundred maybe.”
e huge man grinned at Harry’s stunned expression.
“Leif, my friend, I think you broke him. He’s British. ey’re supposed to be prudes,
“Now Hasse, I know you have a thousand questions, but if you can stand my prepared
eech for a few minutes, much might be clearer. Or not. Anyway, welcome to Seidheim.
You are currently in the magical nation of Ultima ule, the Far North. Just a couple of
leagues north of here lies the point where the Muggle borders of Sweden, Norway and
Finland meet.
“isis a reservation for those of non-human lineage who have problems living in the
Muggle world. When the plans were made that you would come here, things were very
different. In those days, this was pretty much the only magical habitat in Scandinavia. A
couple of years ago, the prime minister of Muggle Sweden was a squib like me, and he
had enough laws passed to allow most of our former residents to move out and integrate
themselves in the Muggle world. is place is still a sanuary, since most non-humans
have things they need to hide in the ordinary society, and some just can’t hide.”
“Like me. No one believe I has platform shoes,” Leif injeed with a grin.
“Others have tails, or horns. Our next door neighbour have a body that turns into
water every now and then, so most of those who have le usually come here during the
summer to relax a bit. Here, it’s okay for a Huldr to hunt, just not to hurt anyone. All our
polymorphs may change as they see fit, and we all help caring for our indigenous magical
“We have more than short-snouts, you know. We also have our library. at is the
reonsibility of the Valas.
“at is the reason why we can help you, and why we can still do that even though so
much about our life has changed in the past decade. I have studied the magical theory of
Sorcery for years, since Wilder magic is a lot closer to Sorcery than to wand-magic.
“Now, to explain a few things about that. Feel free to interrupt me if you already know
this, but since you’re British, I rather doubt you do. Magic is all around us, and it comes
from us too. We have magical cores, that produce a certain amount of magic all the time.
“So far, when you’ve cast a ell, you have released a suitable dollop of your own magic,
and shaped it with your wand. You have produced swirls and patterns in it, and aivated
it with the intent hidden in the incantation.
50 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Now, however, you no longer move and work in the magic field, you are part of it.
You have no need to make shapes in the air with a stick, since you can just make those
movements in the magic happen by will.
“Your wish is your wand. Now, this is a whole new way of thinking about magic for
you, so we will begin working in the smithy, you and I. I will teach you to work with
metal, and the only magic that will work in a smithy is Sorcery. ere is too much iron
and magnetics for the swirls of wand-magic to work. It doesn’t bother me, and it doesn’t
bother Sorcery. Oh, Wilders like myself have cores like wizards, but the power is tied to a
certain thing, or talent. I am good with heat. I can melt metal or cool it down in seconds,
without losing it’s struure.
“Dead useful for a blacksmith. Once we have you using it, Leif will teach you to do
things with it. Battle is only the beginning. ere’s some theory to learn as well, and Leif ’s
wife will deal with that. It’ll be a while before that happens, though. You will meet Sigyn
soon enough.
“Don’t let her frighten you. In the diionary, there should be a piure of her by the
words ’Straightforward’ and ’one track minded’. She can make me blush sometimes, and I
am a man who is raising a Huldr, and lived with one for years.
“She exchanged letters with your mother for a long time. We have been prepared for
you, Hasse. We will teach you many things. One thing that is good to know in dealing
with strong-willed women is knowing when to fold, and we promised the girls that we
wouldn’t tire you too much. I think they have some serious persuasion planned. Have
fun, and may Frej bless you.”
“at was long eech,” the giant said to his bald friend. ”You have to warn of wife?”
“It’s only fair. If Sigyn chases him away, Disa will be very unhappy, and when those
two start screaming at each other, my windows rattle.”
“I not think of that. ank you.” He turned to the dumbstruck man in the bed and
stood up, or at least tried to. He was probably taller than Hagrid. Harry realised that Leif
must have been sitting on the floor, and the size of the man made the room look like a
playhouse. e part giant rumbled amicably at him. “She may be Huldr, but is daughter.
I think you are good man. You do right, and make her happy. Not easy being Huldr. No
man can feed her full without hurt. She not mean to do it, but one man almost dead this
year when she draw life from him. You have magic life. It will not run out. She not find
better man. Surt make you strong, I make you good and wife make you wise. Tomorrow,
we get to know you and me.”
Surt smiled, and added,
“Yeah. What he said. Come on, Leif. Let him relax before the girls get here. Hasse,
come down to the smithy when you’re done. is time of year, we don’t really keep regular
business hours. Good luck.”
e two men, one short and stocky, the other simply huge, le, laughing good-
naturedly at his predicament. Harry got out of bed, and hit the bathroom. Aer staring
at the pipe contraption over the tub for about a minute, he thought he had figured the
taps and knobs out. He got in, and quickly revised his conclusions. Aer trying to adjust
the temperature, thereby starting a new set of nozzles, and generally making a complete
Chapter 5 — Of cabbages and kings; 51

mess of everything, he decided that he was soaked enough and turned everything off and
started washing.
He noticed absent-mindedly that it was the same kind of soap and shampoo that he
used at Hogwarts, but he didn’t really think about it.
Once he was completely covered in suds, he dared to twist a few knobs, and was
aually able to make the shower comfortable, although he had no idea how. Across the
bathroom was a mirror, and he was more than a little surprised at his beard. He was way
too young to have a beard like that, and he didn’t even own a razor, much less know how
to use one.
He also saw his own towel on a rack, as well as one of the Gryffindor robes from the
Prefe’s bathroom. He got out of the shower, dried himself and put the robe on.
When he got out to the bedroom, he saw his trunk standing at the foot of the bed, and
the linen had been changed to the same satin-like sheets he was used to from school.
On top of the trunk was a letter, but since it was written in Norse runes, he couldn’t
read it.
He carefully considered these latest events. e talk with the two men was bloody
strange, but not really mysterious. Finding his normal soaps and his trunk here could
be explained with involuntary Sorcery, but he hadn’t even thought of the robes from the
prefe’s bathroom since he was there himself.
With all these fas carefully lined up, he pondered them and reached the conclusion
that something very strange was going on, and he didn’t have a clue.
He was interrupted in his musings by a knock on the door. It opened before he had a
chance to say anything, and revealed a remarkable vision.
e girls had prepared. Jorunn was carrying a strange looking bowl, and herself like
a queen. How a girl, just slightly taller than Harry himself, could have legs that went on
forever was a mystery that he was more than eager to investigate. She was wearing white
shorts that were cut high, emphasizing her incredible legs, further embellished by sandals
with a slight heel. A shirt, tied up under her breasts was doing a brilliant job of disrupting
his blood flow, as she was apparently the only thing under it. Parts of the shirt appeared to
indicate a freezing temperature, but since the knot seemed to be close to slipping, it didn’t
seem to bother her much. Her hair was hanging loose, like a black waterfall all the way
down her back, ending just above the wonderful foxtail that was swinging slowly with her
movements. Her yellow eyes was slightly emphasized by a little touch of eye-liner, and
some other traces of make-up enhanced her beauty to celestial levels. She was smoking
hot, beautiful and almost intimidating. She was eyeing him with feral lust, and he had no
doubt that she could rip his clothes right off, if she thought he was too slow. Still, he got
the strange impression that she was also incredibly shy at the moment. He couldn’t quite
make the impressions match, so he filed them away for the moment.
As he turned his attention to Disa, he almost thought he could hear Gabrielle howl
with delight. A faded yellow halter-neck dress shouldn’t have any chance of containing
those incredible boobs, and hers wasn’t even trying.
Apparently she was a redhead, something he hadn’t been able to see in his greyish
night-vision. Reddish-blonde might be a better description, though. She had a nice tan, a
52 Midnight Sun — Vanir

few freckles and combined with her blindingly white smile, she looked almost ridiculously
healthy. Her lovely hair was cut a little shorter, but it still reached far down her back and
mingled with her bushy tail that was raised against her back. He intended to find out if
there was a hole cut in the dress, or if it was just sticking out from under it. e thin
sundress was certainly short enough.
She was carrying a tray with a bar of soap, a brush and a razor, and Harry finally got the
idea. He remembered that he could trust them, since he had fed them what they needed.
Huldr were feral creatures, much wilder than the highly civilized Veela, but they had a
code of honour that compelled them to prote and care for those they had fed from.
“Hello again, Hasse. We thought we should pamper you a bit,” Disa said with a smile.
“We should talk some, so that Jorunn can get the nerve up to eak for herself. Most
Scandinavians understand English, but it’s much harder to eak it.”
“You are doing just fine. Jorunn, you did just fine too, in the forest. You don’t need to
sound perfe, as long as I understand you. Why is that so different between you?
“at’s because I can put a shrinking charm on my… more noticeable parts, and pass
for human enough to go to public school, where we learn English. Jorunn goes to A.B.A,
the Aurora Borealis Academy, our local Magic school. Her magic is stronger than mine,
so she needs to learn to control it, but they don’t teach English there. Unfortunately, the
Department for Magical Integration don’t allow Foxtails to enter public schools anyway.”
“ey think we too danger. ey right. You not afraid?” Jorunn said, with a strange
mix of emotions in her voice. He could hear some fear, some hope and loads of shyness.
He decided to answer her voice, rather than her question.
“Jorunn, the past week has proved that I can trust you. I have been quite helpless, and
you have cared for me. I need to know more, but I’ve been told that the thing about you
that might be dangerous to others is no threat to me. I like what I’ve seen of you so far,
and I’m certainly not going to drive you away. You slept naked in the same bed as me, so I
don’t really understand why you are shy.” As he finished, she blushed a delightful crimson
and oke rapidly to Disa, who translated.
“e thing is that you are very different to the boys we know. We are used to having
the upper hand, but we don’t with you. People are afraid of our powers, they find us sexy
and alluring and very, very dangerous. You are not a bit afraid of us, and you like our tails.
We have always hidden them. When you stroked my tail last night, I was shocked and
you will never believe how Jorunn felt in the forest. She offered herself to you, and you
stroked the part we have learned is repulsive to others. It was completely new to both of
us. Another thing is that thanks to you, we are both fully fed for the first time ever, and
no one was hurt by it. It’s wonderful, and I can say, here and now, that if you can keep me
feeling as well as I am now, I will follow you for the rest of my life.”
“ere’s no need. You should know, though, that I already have a Consort, a
“A Veela? Like Fleur Delacour?” Disa interrupted, eyes ablaze.
“Disa like girls like boys do. Big crush on French girl. You know Fleur?”
“Yes, I know Fleur. She’s dating my best friend’s brother, I think, and my Consort is
her sister.”
Chapter 5 — Of cabbages and kings; 53

“You mean Gabrielle? e one you…I mean Harry Potter saved from the lake?”
“at’s the one. She’s in France right now, studying for me. She’s sending me infor-
mation about Huldr right now. I guess she has seen you through my eyes.”
“Is she… is she the jealous type?”
Harry couldn’t help but laugh.
“No, Disa. Definitely not. Give me a second here.” He closed his eyes, and searched
for the faint feel of Gabrielle’s presence.
∼ Gabrielle, are you there? ∼
∼ Yes, Master. Did I see right? Are those Huldr? ∼
∼ Yes, love. What do you think? ∼
∼ I think you should Bond them immediately. Don’t let them get away, please
Master. ∼
∼ What are you doing? You sound preoccupied. ∼
∼ I’m half way over the Channel. I’m a falcon right now. Master! I beg you. Bond
them as soon as you can. If you could wait a few minutes before you take them, I would be
grateful, though. I’d rather not have an orgasm in mid-air over water. If you can hold off
fucking them for a half hour, I’ll reach shore, but mind the girl’s you’re with first, love.∼
∼ Half an hour shouldn’t be a problem. Be careful. I want to have you around for a
very long time. ∼
∼ I love you, Master. I don’t take risks with your baby inside me. Fleur would never
forgive me. She’s already buying fashion clothes in tiny sizes. ∼
∼ Very funny. Remind her that they might be out of fashion when the baby’s born. I
mean it, Gabrielle. Stay safe. I love you. ∼
Harry got a melting feeling through the link, and reminded himself to say that more
∼ I love you more than life, my Master. Right now, though, I have some tricky winds
to mind and you have two impressive sets of breasts that I would love to help you with. I
will call on you later, love. Make them howl. ∼
Harry opened his eyes, and looked straight into Jorunn’s. Hers was wide, and a little
“She’s definitely not the jealous type. In fa, she really wants to meet you, so I’ll see
what I can do about that.”
“You tell her you have Huldr in room and not turn green?”
“Yes. My beloved Consort and I have a Bond. She would know anyway, since she can
feel what I feel, at least a bit of it. Also, she really wants me to Bond more Consorts, but
I’m not quite there yet, myself.”
He felt Disa’s boobs press against his back, as she pulled him backwards.
“en, we’d better get you there,” she purred in his ear. “Now, sit down so we can
shave you. e two of us are furry enough for all of us, I think. We should cut your
hair, too. It’s better to have short-cropped hair in the smithy. Sit down, my Lord, and let
54 Midnight Sun — Vanir

your handmaidens do their job. We will tell you about us, and you will tell us about the
bonding, and this Consort thing.”
He grinned at her over-the-top seduive voice but sat down. e girls moved in
perfe harmony as they pulled his robe down to his waist, visibly struggling not to pull
it all off. He was seated on a steel frame chair, and he was quite shocked when the girls
grabbed the steel pipes of the backrest, simply bending them with no visible effort, so that
he could lean back against the desk. He closed his eyes and basked in the feeling as the
girls whipped up the shaving soap and lathered his chin up. is was great.
e girls oke soly in that language he didn’t know. When he concentrated, though,
he was beginning to pick up on some familiar words and phrases. Obviously, his magic
was beginning to teach him their language.
“Hasse, you said that we weren’t monsters, and you were partly right. We need other
people’s life energy to survive, but if we allow ourselves to feed like we were meant to, the
man we feed from dies. Controlling that is very hard for us.
“ I almost killed a man last month, just by letting my control slip a bit. Jorunn has
never fed naturally. She’s more wild, feral than I am, and her control isn’t very good. She
survives by drawing power ’cold’ from my father. at means there’s no sex involved.
Father has lots of life energy since he’s so large. I need less energy than she does, but I
need… semen, was it? Yes. Well, not only do I need it, but I love it. With boobs like these
it’s not hard to find donors, but it’s not very much fun, really. You are the first one who
has managed to fill both my needs at the same time. Do you have any idea how much you
cum? It’s incredible. You’re so delicious.”
She was combing his hair as Jorunn shaved him. eir arms never touched by acci-
dent, and they passed brushes and soap to each other without a word. Sometimes, Disa
would take the razor half way through a stroke, and he wouldn’t feel it. It was like hav-
ing one mind controlling both girls. eir movements matched perfely. Jorunn swung
her leg over his, and straddled him. He felt her slipping, and without thinking, his arms
moved to secure her. As he made the necessary grab for her lovely, firm butt, she smiled
widely at him, and her eyes looked like liquid gold. He smiled back and kept his hands
were they were, lightly rubbing the base of her tail. She almost purred, and continued to
shave him.
“As you might have been able to tell, we are a bit stronger than humans. Our bodies
are denser, so it’s hard for us to swim. We don’t really float. We can, by filling our lungs to
the limit, but it’s oen easier for us to drop and run over the bottom of a lake if we need
to cross it. We can hold our breaths for a very long time. Do you know of Huldr magic?
No? Well we are forest dwellers originally. Our power is to do with plants and things that
grow. We do not stumble in the forest, because roots and things move away from our feet.
We can call fresh water from the ground, and find food anywhere. We have some prowess
in talking to animals, but Dad can teach you more about that.
“I am also quite gied with Glamours. I have a tiny little magical core, and glamours
are pretty much what it’s good for. is squirrelly face is mostly a glamour. We are called
squirreltails, because of our tails, nothing else. My natural face is more dangerous-looking.
I’m pretty much wearing a mask to keep from scaring people. I am as much a predator
as Jorunn is, but pretending to be a cute little thing, hunting is easier. Guys find it cute
Chapter 5 — Of cabbages and kings; 55

when I go straight for their nuts, and yes, I have heard every joke. Onward, now. We
are very good healers. We cannot heal ourselves, of course, but Surt thinks that we need
to know how to keep our prey healthy, and that’s why the skill developed. We are both
half-blooded, so we can eat normal food. We don’t really need that, though. We drink, of
course, but everything is used up, so the lower part of our digestive system is pretty much
only used for bonding.”
“You too? Do you know if Huldr and Veela are related? You are similar in quite a few
ways. When I bonded Gabrielle, it was mostly an accident, but a nice one.”
“Surt thinks we are related. Mum does too, my step mum, that is. He should be the
one to explain, though. We are running out of time, I think.” She giggled, and indicated
towards Jorunn.
e feral girl on his lap was grinding against him with heavy-lidded eyes, and her
nipples were clearly pointing at him. To his surprise, her eyes were literally glowing,
making her eyelids tranarent.
“Yes, I forgot. When we are very excited, we can serve as night lights too. Now, I think
you should be careful with Jorunn. She has never dared to come this close to a man before.
You have the upper hand, you know. You may not believe it, but we really want to lose our
virginities today. I think we should really get the questions out of the way before we get
too preoccupied to care. What’s a consort?”
“You two are virgins? I believe you, but it’s not easy.”
“Oh, I’ve sucked a lot, but during aual sex, we start to feed instinively. We haven’t
dared before.” She breathed in his ear. “Consorts?”
“Oh yeah. It’s like a wife, but not as legally binding. Gabrielle can do most things a
wife could, but if I ever get a wife, my children with her will inherit before the children of
a consort. en there’s no real age limit for Consorts, and parental consent is not needed.
All it really takes is my declaration and the girl’s consent. Also, you can only have one
wife, but any number of Consorts. It’s like a legally privileged concubine. To me, it’s the
only option. I’m too young.”
“How old are you? Not that it matters, but still?”
“I’m fieen. You?”
“We’re both seventeen. We have been adults for two years, and here, so have you. By
the way, multiple marriages are legal here, and Britain recognises them. Just a thought.
Now, we’re clearly out of time. We are done now. Jorunn, feel free to relax.”
e black haired beauty on his lap locked her eyes on his, and untied the shirt. She
had the most amazing bust he had ever seen. He would be the first to admit to not having
seen that many, but he was ready to bet serious money that not many men had ever seen
a double set. She had a large pair with lovely dark nipples, looking hard enough to hurt.
Right below them was a second, much smaller pair, with pinker nipples but just as ere.
He could feel her shyness return, and quickly reassured her by sliding his hands up to
caress her lower breasts as he took one of her upper nipples in his mouth.
She threw her head backwards and made a sound somewhere between a moan and
a growl. She pushed up against him, and he could feel her tail whip against his legs.
56 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Suddenly, a third hand showed up, caressing the remaining breast. Disa smiled at him
over Jorunn’s shoulder, and showed him her hand. He made a start as he saw her claws
slide out. She lowered her hand, and ripped Jorunn’s shorts to shreds with a few carefully
measured slashes, before she dropped out of sight.
He didn’t really wonder where she had gone, since he felt her release his member from
his bathrobe almost immediately. Her amazing tongue was soon all over it, and she tried
valiantly to take it all again. Her mouth disappeared, and he felt a lovely warm pressure
that he assumed was her incredible boobs. Disa was still keeping busy, and since Jorunn’s
moans raised an oave, Harry ventured a guess as to where Disa’s long tongue was. Jorunn
bent down to kiss him, and he met her.
e kiss was wild, filled with feral desire and a deerate need. She was grinding
against him, pressing her delightful body against his like she just couldn’t get enough of
conta. She wanted him, to be as close to him as possible, and Disa picked up on the
anti-subtle clues and positioned his cock at her opening. Her eyes opened wide, and as
she began to lower herself, she was panting.
She was very tight, even tighter than Gabrielle. He could feel every crease, he felt her
pulse as she pushed herself down his length. As he reached her maidenhead, she locked
her eyes on his again and whiered in a surprisingly so voice,
“I am yours, I belong to you. Please, enjoy me as you wish.”
With that, she pushed down forcefully. She cried out as he felt something tear, and she
collapsed against him. She was still for a couple of seconds, before she continued pushing
until most of his length was inside her. She kissed him again, slowly, but with a burning
passion that seared his mind. He started pushing back, coaxing gas from the Huldr
straddling him. He gathered her close, and slid his arms under her knees and lied her as
he stood up. She was indeed heavier than she looked, but he could carry her to the bed
without trouble. He laid her down, and as she looked up at him with longing and desire,
he pushed into her amazingly tight opening. He looked down, and the sight of her hairless
little pussy stretched out to accommodate his oversized cock almost made him cum right
then. Jorunn must have sensed it, since she whiered to him,
“Let it come. We get you up again. We have long time. Please come in Disa’s mouth.
She want it, and I want to see.”
By their side was Disa. She was staring at his cock, as it disappeared inside her friend.
He kept pushing into the black haired girl, as he pulled the redhead closer until her head
rested on Jorunn’s tight little stomach. He started alternating his strokes between Jorunn’s
pussy and Disa’s mouth until he got to the point where he nodded to Jorunn, who swily
rolled out as he buried his member inside the red-head’s mouth.
And then, he came.
He could almost feel his balls contra as he unloaded into the young Huldr’s mouth.
Jorunn was staring, transfixed, as her friend swallowed again and again. Finally, she
couldn’t keep up, and she released his cock to shoot the last bursts onto her fantastic
breasts where it stuck in her light fur.
Jorunn leant forward, taking him hesitantly in her mouth, then started sucking ea-
gerly. When he was completely drained, she licked her friend’s breasts clean. He reached
Chapter 5 — Of cabbages and kings; 57

for Jorunn’s tail and started rubbing the base. He didn’t go completely so, and the sight
of the beautiful Huldr licking another’s breasts clean quickly got him hard again.
He got behind her, grabbed her tail and pushed himself to the bottom of her pussy
in one fluid movement. She howled as he finally released his power, letting blue lightning
run all over her body. It illed over to Disa, and as Jorunn came in a thundering, howling
orgasm, he moved until he was between the squirrel-tailed girl’s legs. She looked at him
with naked longing, and he put the tip against her wet opening. He pushed in about
an inch, then withdrew with a smile. She whined and tried to follow him, but he kept
away until he pushed in again. When he tried to withdraw again, she would have none
of that, and crossed her legs behind his back, pulling him inside her, tearing through her
maidenhead in a swi movement, as she wrestled him onto his back on the bed, and began
riding him in a furious tempo. She grabbed Jorunn’s head, pushing it down between
her legs where Jorunn immediately got busy licking them both. Her tongue was just as
long and prehensile as Disa’s, and the experience was wonderful. However, he decided to
be a bit more proaive, and allowed his magic to flare, liing Disa off him to her great
Awave of blue caught Jorunn, moving her to the centre of the bed and holding her
down. Disa was levitated on top of Jorunn, in the familiar sixty-nine that even Harry had
heard of before. His magic was coursing over and through the girls’ bodies as he moved
behind Disa, grabbing her tail. He lowered the tip of his cock to Jorunn’s lips, and she
licked and sucked greedily, before returning her attention to Disa’s clitoris as he pushed
himself into her soaking quim.
She squeezed.
e incredible tightness almost drove him wild as Jorunn told him between the moans
that Disa’s whipping tongue drew from her.
“We are strong, tough. We don’t hurt. Don’t hold back.”
Harry thought that that sounded great, and began pounding his way in under the
lovely reddish-brown tail. As he lost himself to the sensation of tightness, wetness and
two girls screaming in orgiastic joy, lightning flowed from his body. e whole room
glowed with his magic as he thrust into her, and the three moved as one entity, dedicated
to pleasure. Jorunn pulled his cock out of Disa and into her mouth. He didn’t really notice,
but kept pounding away in her throat until she moved him back to Disa’s pussy again. Disa
squealed as his large member thrust deep in a single stroke. Both girls came more or less
simultaneously and quite frequently, and Harry felt himself getting too close when Disa
screamed her climax again and rolled off, unable to take more. Jorunn took his cock in her
mouth, reached around him and pulled his entire length down her throat. She set the pace,
thrusting him in and out of her throat, and the sight of the Huldr’s slender neck expanding
around his cock pushed him over the edge. He came, deep down her throat. Aer a few
bursts, she pulled him out and filled her mouth with his semen. Disa scrambled to join in,
and the girls worked together to suck him dry. Once the last drop had been cleaned of his
cock, Disa rolled over with a dreamy smile on her lips and promptly fell asleep.
As he had fallen on his side, Jorunn snuggled up to him, pressing her back to his chest
and sliding her tail back out between his legs. She put his hands on her breasts and sighed
58 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Hasse, you are Huldr dream. My dream. You have so much power. We more than
happy. I never felt so good. We not really love unless claimed or bonded, but please keep
us. You like the not human. You like tails and extra boobs. You not afraid of claws or
strength or power and we not afraid because we can not hurt you. Please let us go with
you. I will care for you. Cook, clean, make love, give babies. Disa too. We will serve you
well. Your Consort too. Please say yes?”
“Jorunn, I really like you. You are one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever laid eyes
on. Disa is pretty much a wet dream come true. I will stay here for a while, and we will
get to know each other. is is not the time to talk about something permanent, even if
you just gave me something precious. If you have fed from me, I didn’t even notice it, and
as long as I’m here you are free to feed whenever you need. It seems like my body has
adapted to whatever strains this is supposed to cause. I know I produce more semen than
I thought possible, and since Disa seems to need it, I can see the point.”
“I need it too, now. You must come in me like that again. Wonderful.”
“I’m sure we can work something out. Let’s just say for now, that I am open to the idea
of Bonding the two of you, but we will have to wait a while. Frankly, I don’t even know
how to do it. With Gabrielle, it just happened. Now, what do you want from me? How
can I keep you happy while I’m here?”
“You train hard, and let us care when you tired. We all sleep here, and we make love
oen. I want to wake up with your thing in my smallest hole, and then you cum in Disa’s
mouth. en we wash you, and teach healing and other things. en you go to smithy,
and to gym and library and you come home tired. We care for you again. at I want.
Play house. Be good pretend wife.”
“Your smallest hole? Really?”
“at I want. at means Bonded to Sorcerer. We talk about it oen. We want share
man like that. Girls dream.” She blushed prettily and he couldn’t help smiling. He was
feeling really good. He was quite sated, having driven two girls to near-exhaustion. He
was laying in bed with a pretty girl, caressing her breasts, all four of them, as they talked.
If the situation hadn’t been so abnormal, he would have felt quite normal. He almost
guffawed at the strange thought.
“Let’s see then what we can do about it. I guess I should talk to your Father first, don’t
you think?”
“About fucking?”
“No, about Bonding. I need to know more, and your father seems like a wise man.
Besides, I don’t want to steal his daughter. I also need time to get to know you properly.
I don’t doubt that you would become the girls of my dreams, but I don’t want you to give
yourselves up to do it. You are close enough to my dreams as you are, I think.”
“Hasse, you are ecial. When you can, go to smithy. I can’t move. Tell father that
I am learning what love can be. Disa and I will be waiting when you get home. We will
be here.”
“en sleep, my dear. I’ll be back later.”
He kissed her neck and got up and did the same to Disa, who was sleeping soundly
with a drop of semen on her nose. He freshened up, by expelling sweat and various sticky
Chapter 5 — Of cabbages and kings; 59

body fluids from his skin with a burst of magic. He didn’t realise he had done it until he
had his head down his trunk, looking for working clothes.
Aer donning a pair of jeans and a jumper, he le the room. e le door led to a
staircase that took him to a large kitchen.
Outside was an outlandish garden, with flowers he had never seen before. He walked
out the kitchen door, and followed the ringing sound of steel on steel until he reached the
smithy. e doors were open, and he could see Surt working by the hearth. As he got
close, the bald man turned around and greeted him.
“Here already? Did the girls scare you away?”
“ey are both asleep in my bed right now. I wasn’t tired, so I came. What time is it?”
He looked at the sun, that hovered just above the horizon.
“It’s about three o’clock in the morning. e sun doesn’t set in the summer this far
north. For some reason, some of us can go for days without sleep too with no ill effes.
In the winter, though, our days are just about an hour long. We pretty much hibernate.
e girls treat you okay?”
“Very well. ey are lovely. Jorunn asked me to tell you that she’s learning what love
might be. I think she’s jumping the gun a bit, though.”
“No Hasse. I’ve been trying to teach her about love, since Huldr rarely feels it in natural
circumstances. She loves me, but the idea of a love that can combine with lust has been
alien to her so far. It’s a good sign. Did you Bond any of them?”
“Not yet, but I’m thinking about it. I need to get to know them better first, though.
Veela conform completely to their bond mate, and I don’t want to risk destroying the
persons they are, no matter how great they might be to me.”
“You just got a lot closer to my blessing there. Again, you can overrule me, but I’d
like to have a say.”
“Don’t worry, Sir. I wouldn’t steal your daughter.”
“It’s Surt, and thank you. Now, let’s begin. We will be making nails today, and I will
show you a few ells that can be dead useful in a nail. Pull that rack of hammers closer,
while I get the metal. Move it, my young apprentice. We have little time, and much to
fill it with.”
60 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter VI

And why the sea

is boiling hot;

Gabrielle took wing again aer the massive orgasm. e last few miles before she made
landfall had been tricky. Flying wasn’t that hard, but flying while a part of you was having
a terrific threesome was not for the inexperienced, and she admitted to herself that this
was a risky flight to undertake. She hadn’t been a falcon for more than a week, aer all.
She let her wings carry her over the landscape, trying to follow the map in her memory.
West along the coast to Portsmouth, and then north to Basingstoke. Aer that, she didn’t
really know, but she had no doubt that she could find the Granger home. Aer all, she
was doing her Master’s work. Failure was simply not an option. She tried to pick up
some eed, and would have smiled if she could, when Passionfire read along her wings,
turning her from a fast bird to a shining blue shooting star. She should have done that
from the start.
e Granger residence was fairly quiet. Surprisingly so, considering the presence of
three teenage girls. e villa on the outskirts of Basingstoke had a nice pool, and the
current climate was more benign than England was known for.
Luna was floating around on an airbed in the pool, counting clouds.
Ginny was lying in the shallow part of the pool, reading a Cartland-novel and giggling.
Hermione was on a sunbed, catching a tan and the latest in Ancient Runes. e shopping
trip the day before had been iniring. Bringing the two pureblood girls along London
Street had been a very different experience, and Hermione found herself seeing her home
town with a new appreciation. Luna was no more odd in the Muggle world than she
was in the magical, and took everything in stride. Ginny had been careful, studying how
Hermione did it before doing anything. ey had bought swimsuits, of course. Luna had
bought a golden onepiece, that clung to her slim figure like a coat of paint, while Ginny
had opted for something Dan Granger had described as a few lengths of dental floss and
three stamps. e string bikini was also in a shade of red that matched her hair exaly.

62 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Hermione’s mother had warned Ginny not to let any man see that without warning, since
it was sure to cause glandular meltdown.
To hear her explain the terms had been hilarious.
Hermione wore a very thin bikini bottom, as she preferred to let her boobs out when-
ever she could get away with it. When Ginny had taught her that support charm, Her-
mione had kissed her. It had certainly been thought-provoking, and the girls had shared
a few long looks, but that was all. At this time, anyway.
On a shaded roost sat Hedwig. None of the girls were happy to let the beautiful owl out
of sight. ey were convinced that Harry was alive, and Hedwig was their only lead. When
Hedwig suddenly looked up, so did the girls. Luna pointed quietly at the blue shooting star
that was approaching. ey saw it turn and slow, until the silvery falcon, surrounded by
a blue glow, was hovering above the three witches. Hedwig gave an unusual screech, and
launched herself at the newcomer. e falcon didn’t move to avoid the heavier bird, but
Hedwig swerved in the last second, and began circling the silver-blue bird with every sign
of familiarity. As the snowy owl guided the falcon to her roost, the witches stared. is
kind of behaviour was rare among birds, and unheard of from their friend’s reserved owl.
e two birds were sharing the roost, and had settled down long before anyone noticed
the letter.

* * *
⊳ Greetings HenofMaster. ⊲
⊳ Greetings Hedwig. How did you know who I am? ⊲
⊳ Self is OneWhoFollows. Self can sense TouchOfMaster and ChickOfMaster. ⊲
⊳ You don’t mind, then? ⊲
⊳ Master sometimes HeadOfPigeon. Self is glad Master choose good hen. HenOf-
Master has hard feathers, but Self approves. ⊲
⊳ I am very glad to hear it. Shall I give him some message from you? ⊲
⊳ Tell Master Self is watching over FriendsOfMaster. MasterOfFawkes tries to take
FriendsOfMaster’s letters. FriendOfHercules steal letters back. Fawkes pick MasterOf-
Fawkes. Fawkes can share Self ’s prey anytime. ⊲
Gabrielle let out an avian laugh, and continued to chat with the snowy owl.

* * *
“at is the falcon that was with that Richard-guy, isn’t it?” Ginny said quietly.
“Unless there’s another one just like it, that also hasn’t been seen before. Caradoc
Pritchard, by the way, and I know I read the falcon’s name too,” Hermione replied without
taking her eyes off the beautiful bird.
“Caradoc Pritchard was seen first and last the day Harry disappeared. ey are con-
need. His falcon can allude to all three of us, and is very friendly with Hedwig. ere is
something normal going on.” Luna’s tone was sharp and clear, and no trace of her usual
aciness could be heard.
Chapter 6 — And why the sea is boiling hot; 63

“Allude?” Ginny said, with obvious confusion.

“Normal?” Hermione filled in.
“Yes. e unusual colouring, eecially the silver, can allude to my hair, or name.
e very bird is associated with Hermes, and the keen eyesight also has it marked down
as a symbol for seekers. Of knowledge, for instance. Her name is Guinevere, which is
nothing more than the old elling of Ginevra. As I understand it, strange and absurd
things happen to Harry all the time. Hence normal. Hermione, will you please take the
letter? I am loosing my calm.”
Hermione approached the falcon warily. It extended its leg, and allowed her to take
the letter and watched the bushy-haired witch study it carefully.
“It’s sealed with a signet… something. Too large to be a ring.” She showed it to the
other girls.
“It’s the Potter shield, anyway, and their family motto.” Ginny peered at the imprint.
“e other one must be Harry’s own. ≺Audaces Fortuna Juvat≻ is Fortune Favours the
Bold, but I can barely read the other.”
“It says ≺Non Ini Me, Non Vincet≻,” Luna injeed. “Slide it off with a knife or
something. We can study it later. I want to know what’s in a letter that’s been sealed
by Harry’s Consort.”
“is impression was obviously made with a Consort’s medallion. Since it’s Harry’s
shield, it has to be Harry’s consort,” Luna defended.
“She’s right, Hermione,” Ginny said tonelessly. “If you look at the lion, it’s crowned,
right? is Consort is pregnant by Harry, and the child is at this moment his principal
“I wouldn’t know. Wizarding heraldry is very different from Muggle. I can’t believe
I haven’t studied the subje more…”
“I wouldn’t have guessed that he even knew about those old traditions. Neville, maybe,
but not Harry.” Ginny oke slowly, as if completely distraed.
“e nargles might have told him. Or he might have had a deep and meaningful
conversation with a fern, but would you think that someone like Caradoc Pritchard might
know about these things?”
“I’ll open it now. We will certainly not be more confused aerwards.”
Hermione slid a knife under the seal, managing to pry it off in just two pieces, and she
quickly read the short note. en, she read it again. Once she had let the other girls read
it, she read it two more times. en, she promptly ran from the room.
“Where can we find the address to this Miss rope?” Ginny asked.
“Nowhere,” Luna replied. “It’s moderately clever. Miss Anne rope. Misanthrope. It
doesn’t sound too good, really. Let’s wait for Hermione’s usual bibliophallic fireworks.”
“Bibliophallic? Luna, I think Hermione has a perfely platonic relationship with her
64 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“So she’s ending that much time and affeion on something that doesn’t even have
a penis? Sometimes I can’t believe they call ME loony.”
Aer a couple of minutes Hermione returned, looking quite crestfallen.
“I was certain there was a code or something, but I couldn’t find anything. Jupiter and
Uranus won’t converge for years, Rosea Arica is a well known adaptogen and aphrodisiac,
and the shelf life of the tinure is a little less than nine months.”
“e entire note is rather flirty,” Luna observed. “It mentions an astronomic event
that might have a double meaning, it mentions a potion with the same shelf life as the
human gestation, and the potion is in itself an aphrodisiac. Is his Consort trying to recruit
more, I wonder?”
“Where do I sign?” Ginny laughed. “Whoever wrote this note knows enough about
you, Hermione, to predi your questions well enough to answer or avoid them. I don’t
think there’s more hidden here than what the note says. Come on, let’s write him a letter.
One with lots of cryptic things and double entendres.”

* * *
Spots danced in front of his eyes, and he was almost prepared to die. e heat was intense,
and his last vestige of strength a long lost memory. With a last, heroic effort, he gathered
up his will, and forced his arms to make a final attempt, but the bloody anvil just wouldn’t
bloody budge!
“Hasse, have you understood now that when I say that you can’t move a three hundred
kilo anvil by hand, I mean it? You have the power. Use it.”
“I bloody can’t! It only works when I’m not really thinking about it. I have a few
tricks, but they’re not working. I’m done for.”
“You can’t run out of magic. You are magic. You live and breathe magic. Now pull it
around the anvil and li it!”
“I can’t. It won’t move like it should.”
“All right. Let’s go outside. It’s too bloody hot in here.”
e bald man helped Harry out of the smithy. Once outside, Harry regained his
composure quickly, but he still fell onto the grass in a disorganised heap. He looked up
at Surt.
“What do I do wrong?”
“Nothing. You think wrong, is all. We decided, Leif, Sigyn and I, to throw you in the
deep end to see if you’d sink or swim. When you get to Sigyn, tell her that you need to
meet the relic. We’ve made some progress here, aer all.”
“What? Making the nails was great. To add fireproofing charms to nails is just
brilliant. It was aer that things started going wrong.”
“Yes. at’s when I magnetized the steel beams in the whole building. When you made
those charms, you used Wand magic without a wand. When I magnetized the place, the
wandmagic swirls become unstable. You don’t have to think about swirls or patterns or
words. Just know what you want, piure the effe and make it happen.”
Chapter 6 — And why the sea is boiling hot; 65

“Shall we try again?”

“Not today, we won’t. We’ve been at this for four hours. You may not be magically
exhausted, but if you look at your arms, they’re glowing. I’d guess your magic is repairing
your broken muscle fibres.”
“So now what? Go to bed? I’m not really sleepy.”
“Good. See that path there? A couple hundred meters down, there’s a small lake.
Swim across to the other side. Leif lives in the only house there. It’s his turn now.”
“I can’t swim.”
“Not my problem. Scoot.”
e words sounded a lot more hostile than the bald man’s smile let on, but it was with
a feeling of dread that Harry found the track to the lake. ere was no gillyweed around
to save his neck this time. Sure, he could always run around the lake, but the instruion
had been to swim. One lesson that he had learned quickly was that there was usually a
point to Surt’s instruions. e birch forest gave way to ferns, and he could see the lake.
It was perfely round, and maybe a mile across. Four small islets could be seen. One of
them was covered in grass, and had a little cottage on it, another was forested, there was a
sandy one and the final one was rocky, complete with a cave. It looked fake.
ere was a hut by the shore. e pegs suggested that he was supposed to hang his
clothes there, but he figured he might need them on the other side. Besides, he knew a
few drying charms. With a sense of impending doom, he waded out in the water. He set
his sights on the other side of the lake, and decided that he was going to get there or die
trying. Suddenly, he felt something funny, and before he knew it, he was carried forward
in the water, still with his torso above it. He decided to... will himself forward to the other
side, and he flew over the water. It almost felt like he was running or walking. He was
clearly doing something with his legs but it was something he couldn’t identify. Paddling,
perhaps? He reached the opposite shore and slowed down. He misjudged his momentum,
though, and landed on his back ten feet from the water, and he was missing his legs. Not
just the legs, but everything from the waist down! As he stared uncomprehending, he saw
a trickle of water running up the shore and conneing to his body, and as more water ran
up the hill, his body restored itself.
“It fills up much faster if you stay in the water, you know. You shouldn’t be in such
a hurry.”
A head was taking shape over the water. At first it was just a shape of water, but it soon
took on colour and texture, revealing the face of a perhaps eleven-year old girl.
“I’ve never done that before. What’s happening?”
“If you’re like me…I am Stina, by the way… you are at least part a Lake Warden. Any
body of water can be your body. e trick is to think right. You raced over the surface
now. You could just have vanished on one side, becoming the entire lake and then pulled
your body up on the other side. Where you are on the lake doesn’t matter. Anyway, Your
devoted wives asked yours truly here to tell you that once Sigyn’s done with you, there will
be food and all kinds of care ready for you right away. How they can expe you to be able
to fuck at all once she’s done with you is more than I can say, though.”
66 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Oh, she’s a hot-blooded one. I am the warden of this lake. Everything that happens
here, I know. Trust me on this. If she can take on a half-giant, she can take care of you.
Hey, let’s change the subje? You can’t swim normally, can you?”
“No, why?”
“is is the perfe place to learn. I will carry you, so there’s no way I’ll let you drown.
I’ll try to teach you other neat things that you can do with the water, too. Now you should
really get to Leif ’s. Just follow the sound of chopping. You can’t miss it. See you later,
Hasse Hunk.”

* * *
“Förbannade helvetes skit!”
is was the start of an impressive rant in the universal language of cussing. e large
half giant screamed and cursed and jumped around on one leg. Careful observation led
Harry to the understanding that a block of wood had fallen off the chopping block and
landed on Leif ’s foot.
As Harry walked the few feet up from the shore and made his presence known, the
large man made an amazing recovery. A slight limp and the occasional grimace were the
only traces of the incident that had made him such an amusing sight. He picked up a
cricket bat of aluminium, and came to meet the younger man.
“Hello Hasse. Surt work you good?”
“Oh yes. He broke it off before I hurt myself. I didn’t get much done, though.”
“No fear. You not here because you can, but to learn. We will train easy combat with
sorcery today. You know world around you with a magic sense. We will train that today.”
“How do you train that?”
“Easy. I make simple magic devices. You will walk around with this baseball bat.
Devices will throw golf ball at you from behind. You sense, and hit ball away. Full point,
hit me.”
Sometimes education hurts. Sometimes lessons are painful. Sometimes, they throw
golf balls at high eed at the back of your head. Pain is one hell of an efficient teacher.
Well, at least it is if there’s something to learn from it. It didn’t take very long for him to
start sensing the oncoming balls. It took him a lot longer to learn how to turn around
in time to bat them away. is bat also felt quite a bit heavier than the beater’s bats he
had used before. When he finally learned to hit them, the cruel and sadistic taskmaster
doubled the eed, and triggered two balls at the same time.
Harry was getting annoyed.
A few hits in the back of his head later and anger was a better term.
He was dancing and inning faster and faster, beating an ever-increasing number of
balls at an impossible rate. Finally, his moves were a blur, and most of the balls never hit
the bat, but were banished or simply blown up. He had been going for five full minutes
before he realised what he was doing, and an evil smirk formed. e golalls stopped
being banished, and simply hovered in the air around him. Still capturing the incoming
Chapter 6 — And why the sea is boiling hot; 67

balls, he turned to face the half giant, and brandishing the bat like a wand, he pointed at
his teacher and unleashed a mighty stream of golf balls, powerful enough to toss the huge
man into the lake. When Leif rose from the water, he was facing a laughing Harry who
still had a few balls orbiting him.
e huge man showed an impressive amount of teeth in a truly immense grin.
“Good trick. Very bloody great. You fun to teach. Next time I remember to duck
when pushing too hard. You Sorcerer. Wife will see if you Aesir or Vanir, but you can
fight anyway.”
Harry sensed an incoming attack, and opted to simply duck. e ball flew over his
head and hit Leif straight in the chest. is made him laugh even harder.
“Good, very good. I like it. Now, remember that you have the power and you can
use it when you want. You did it holding a fieen-kilo club of magnetite that has been
charmed with magic disruptor charms. You can do it any time. Wait. You not wet. You
not swim here?”
“Not really. I walked down into the water, but then my lower body disappeared, and
I flew over the water like a racing boat. When I reached the shore, I landed without my
legs. ey came back later, but I was a bit concerned there for a second.”
“I should think. You meet Stina?”
“Stina told me what to do. Apparently, I have some traits in common with her.”
“is great news. I never train Lake Warden in combat. You should learn more of this.
First, you must face fire. You must undergo great test of charaer. Time, young Hasse, to
meet Sigyn, my wife. Now, strange things may happen but it is OK. Vala follow different
rules. You have fun now and use it all. All will be good in the end.”
at phrasing had the sound of advice about things to come. Leif ’s smile was a bit
peculiar, but Harry assumed he would learn about it soon enough. Leif had taken him to
a large gate in the side of a mountain. e large man pulled a bell string and the doors
swung open. Leif didn’t say anything, but gave him a nervous smile and pushed him in.
e gates swung shut. Harry was le in the dark, but his eyes adapted immediately. He
could also easily sense the room’s layout and the presence of someone friendly. He could
see the outline of someone obviously female on the other side of the fairly large room. e
room seemed to be oagonal, and eight statues were placed in the corners. e only door,
except the gate that had let him in, was an arched doorway behind the woman. She began
walking towards him.
“So, you are the young man whose tonker has my daughter in such a state?”
He could easily guess what Tonker meant. Aer the warnings, he had decided to be
absolutely straightforward himself.
“If your daughter is Disa, then yes, ” he answered.
“Good. You didn’t even stutter. You can see in here already, right?”
“Yes. I can also sense the room magically.”
“You have decided to be completely open, yes?”
68 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Yes. If Disa, Jorunn, Surt and Leif trust you, that’s good enough for me. I have also
learnt enough about magic to know that others tend to know more than I do. If I need
help from others, I need to tell them what I need help with.”
“Do you? What do you do if you don’t know what you need help with?”
“I have to trust them to know, and give as much information as I can. I tend to screw
that part up.”
“Good. At least you know that. Now, this room is designed as a sort of sluice. Some
things in here can’t stand sunlight or fresh air. We will move further in a few minutes.
What do you want me to call you? I know who you are, of course. In here, secrets are kept,
so if you want to be Harry in here, that’s fine by me.”
“Hasse, I think. I like it and I need to get used to it. What will happen here? Surt said
to tell you that I might need to see the relic, by the way.”
“I know. He called, so that’s where we’ll start. Now, this is not the usual procedure,
so we’ll have to wing it, I think you say. We have no time to teach you properly, so we
have to figure out some way to make you understand dragoneech at least somewhat. It’s
necessary. You will also have to drink a really interesting potion.”
“I’m a parselmouth already. What does the potion do?”
“Brilliant! Parsel and Wyrm are close enough, and the only thing I can only guarantee
about the potion is an upset stomach and a pounding headache. It’s possible that it will
help you understand your power, it might show you things I can’t imagine. Quite a few
have also been sent on quests that have been very beneficial for them. I guess it’s up to
the relic.”
“What is the relic? is is beginning to sound really strange.”
“You’ll see. Is it true that you have faced a basilisk?”
“My second year. I had help, though. Why?”
“Have you heard of Fafnir?”
“e name is familiar, but that’s it.”
“Fafnir was a dragon, of the Lindorm family. No wings, no legs and no fire. Plenty of
acids, though. He was slain by Sigurd, who was made almost invulnerable in the process.
en, Sigurd chopped his head off. It’s just that Fafnir didn’t die. We have his still living
head in a chamber in here. His greatest wish is to die, but we can’t figure out how to do
it. He was a mean old snake once upon a time, but he’s been a great help to us since. As
a woman, I know that many of the problems men have come from the balls. Fafnir lost
every gland he had. I guess he was cured. I wouldn’t recommend you to try it if you begin
to feel peevish, though.”
“Your daughter would be quite unhappy with that, I guess. So would Jorunn, and my
Consort, as I understand it. ey seem to like my glands as they are.”
e Vala laughed a chiming laugh, and agreed.
“at they do, Hasse. at they do. From what I See, there’s a young LakeWarden
who wouldn’t mind some water orts too. We’ll talk more about that later, though.”
“But right now I am to take a brain-numbing potion, have a heart-to-heart with the
cut-off head of an ancient snake-dragon, and trust him enough to take his advice?”
Chapter 6 — And why the sea is boiling hot; 69

“Pretty much. Nothing to worry about. Happens to everybody, right? Well, the potion
tastes like vanilla, so if you don’t like vanilla, we might have a problem. Oh, let’s get some
light in here.”
e room lit up, and the shape on the other end of the room revealed itself to be
a remarkably beautiful, slightly older woman in a long white gown with an intricately
decorated golden belt holding it in. She had honey blonde hair, ice blue eyes and a deep
golden tan. Her face was gorgeous, and she might have been too top-heavy for the catwalk,
but her beauty was still immense. She could have been about thirty-five, and the few signs
of age on her features didn’t affe her beauty at all. She stood quite tall, more than a head
taller than him, slim of waist and hip, and Harry wondered briefly how those narrow hips
could take someone like Leif, if he now was equally large all over.
She saw his gaze as she walked towards him and smirked.
“You are thinking about how large Leif ’s cock is, aren’t you?”
“Yes. I’m remotely curious about how he can fit inside you. Of course, I don’t have any
experience at all with human girls, but I can’t believe humans would stretch more than a
Veela or a Huldr.”
“Very good. No blushing or stuttering at all. e truth is I use a potion that makes me
able to take his, yes, really huge cock in my ass if I want to. I guess I should warn you, too,
that the potion you’re about to drink is a Vanir brew, and as such, it will make you insanely
horny, and I fully intend to let you fuck me to pieces. Everybody involved knows about
this, and Disa said I was lucky. Apparently you were a bit too gentle with them. I will get
the benefit of a potion-induced frenzy. You won’t run any risk of bonding me or anything.
I am a Vala. We are unaffeed by such things. Disa was suggesting that I might become
addied to your cum, but I think that’s just her. On that note, thank you for my daughter’s
happiness. Now, just bugger her, and make her yours. She won’t have a life here without
you. Now she knows how good she can feel, and to return to the low level she had gotten
used to might kill her. Jorunn has already decided that she will go with you, but really, both
girls have lost their assertive nature where you are concerned. Huldr are supposed to be
unable to feel unselfish love or devotion, but there has never been a confirmed affair with
a Huldr and a Sorcerer before. I’m beginning to think you might be the exception. It’s a
bit too early to tell, though. Vala can see the future, but we are very good at gazing into the
present. You are a good man. Please fuck my daughter’s arse. Have I shocked you yet?”
“Nope. I am a bit surprised, but not shocked. I’m an alien here. I don’t know anything
about Vala, too little about Huldr and next to nothing about myself. Why should I be
shocked? All I have to do is accept different customs. How hard is that?”
“Even the assfucking?”
“Eecially the assfucking. at’s bloody great. Am I supposed to do that to you
“If you like. I like it a lot, and whatever Disa says, you just can’t be close to Leif ’s size.
I think I really would like that, yes. Unfortunately, you won’t really have a say. You will
be all instin, and the instins usually tells you to breed, so I figure it will be my pussy
that will take the pounding.”
“Is it time to go in yet?”
70 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“What, did I embarrass you? Oh yes. Here, down this bottle. Let’s meet the old
serpent before we go on to the more interesting parts.” She smiled and walked ahead of
him towards the arched door.
It opened before they got there, and revealed a fire lit chamber with rough rock walls
and a floor of gold, polished to a mirror-like finish. e magic was humming around them,
and aer downing that potion, Harry had a hard time blocking it out.
ings were beginning to feel very odd. Sigyn was leading him through a maze of
similar rooms with odd things in them. Harry’s mind was playing some interesting tricks
on him, mixing physical objes with concepts, making Sigyn stand out like a symbol of
the worldly wisdom, the exquisite knowledge made flesh guiding his way in a series of
rooms, with smooth foundations of centuries worth of intelligence, condensed into gold
and polished by the ponderings of generations, but still unable to smooth the walls above,
because the walls wouldn’t let themselves be polished. ey wouldn’t listen to the song of
the gold which would make them marble, but they were comfortable with the rough grain
of the granite. Here and there in the rough walls were tiny reddish gemstones, shining
in the firelight like truth in a newaper. Objes oke to him as he passed. A group
of sticks on a pedestal roared silent rows of runes across his mind, the song of a brass
horn was etched on his eyelids and a large sword on a stone table made his arms flail in a
peculiar dance. All sorts of things made him rea in the most bizarre ways, but the golden
tome of knowledge that surrounded the narrow waist of his guide in this the strangest of
journeys had him in it’s grip, making him follow it through the misty fire-lit realm of mind
and magic. He heard battles, he saw visions of incredible bravery, of the most horrible
betrayals. He saw men with wicker shields fighting on a frozen lake, in the light of the
flaming night sky of the north, adorned with a comet whose tail reached over half the sky.
He saw longships and burning cities. He saw his parents and himself. He saw Sirius, with
a blonde girl on his knee and a tankard in his hand, illing beer all over himself and the
laughing girl. He smelled the smoke from a funeral pyre. He tasted the coppery taste of
blood. He tried to snap out of it, to tell himself he was having a potion-induced trip, but
he wouldn’t listen to himself. He sighed in exaeration over his own stubbornness. e
mists cleared as a resounding voice oke to him all through his body.
“Welcome, hatchling. It has been a long time since a Vanirman was last here. How
can Fafnir help you?”
Harry looked up and tried to focus. In front of him was a snake’s head. It was at least
fieen feet wide, and ten high. Its scales were miniscule, about a centimetre across and
brilliant green. e slitted eyes of the great serpent were also a shade of green, one that
Harry recognised from his mirror image. If it hadn’t been for the wing-like fins and horns
protruding from the jaw line, it would have looked like an ordinary snake’s head, only
larger. e mouth was open enough to reveal row aer row of needle-like teeth. At the
corners, though, there were two huge, sword-like fangs, dripping with a clear substance.
Without knowing how or why, he went down on one knee, and answered as formally as
he could in Parseltongue.
“Master Fafnir, I need help in understanding how to use my power. I need help to slay
my enemies. I need help to bring justice to those who have none. I need truth and light.
I need wisdom to go with my power.”
Chapter 6 — And why the sea is boiling hot; 71

“No small request there, hatchling. e first is easy, or should be. You have to
realise that you don’t have limits the way other’s do. You have a quick mind, but your
understanding of yourself has been stunted in your youth.
“You can learn, though. Find people to ground you, and help you see yourself as you
are, and not as you think you are. Your Veela is good for you, and the two Vanir Huldr girls
you have made conta with will help you, too. I will eak to the lovely Sigyn about that.
“at will also help you to slay your enemies. Your enemy believes himself to be a
snake. He gives us a bad name. We do not hate. We do not rage. We take no pleasure
in killing or making others suffer. I have killed to defend my greatness. I have killed to
be feared. Mine was the path of chaos, as all dragons are. I healed, I helped, I killed and
maimed. Not because I was good or evil, but because I was Dragon. Not snake, Dragon.
“My family, the Lindorm Family, has many branches. Most are snakes; one, mine, is
Dragon and even more are now extin. One branch of our family has been diminished
unto extinion. ere are only two family groups le. One in the south of this land, and
one in the lands of the bluemen, far far away.
“is family was the only one of all Jormungandr’s children to ever take flight. e
Leharv is smaller than your dragons, but it is a more accomplished flyer, and fast as those
mancontraptions I sometimes sense overhead. Like me, they have no fire, but can ray
acids and poisons instead. eir hide is tough against both magic and weapons, and they
fly easily under water. ere is little hope for them to survive, but one will fly, to honour
our name, and cleanse the world of the poor beast who thinks himself a snake. at I can
do to help you.
“You needed truth and light. You needed wisdom. You will go to the Stones of
Sjögestad, where their Keeper will send you on another journey. You are of the Vanir,
and my magic and wisdom are Aesir. You must see your own kind for this kind of help.
Now, I ask something from you. When you go to Sjögestad, can you please ask those you
meet for my release? For your promise, I will give you the greatest gi I can give. Will
you ask for me?”
“Yes, Master Fafnir, I will ask for your release. I trust the help you have given me
already, and ask for nothing in return.”
“For nothing you ask, but something you shall receive. I name you, for your stay in
the land of the Midnight Sun, Harald Fafnersson.
“Harald, for many great kings, and for some not so great, as reminders of what to do,
and what not to do. Fafnersson as I claim you as a son of scale and fang, to restore the
name of snakes.
“I will give you my fangs. You shall coat the right one in Audsilber, and use for a
sword. You shall empty the le, and brew the poison with wormwood and stonesweet, and
willingly given blood from a Huldr, easy for you; that, and finally honey for a potion.
“e poison will contain the greatest magic I am capable of now, granting you a
Leharvshamn, what you would call Animagus shape. You will also receive the Snake-
mastery, the command of snakes. e beast of the Danelag, I mean Britain, has a snake
familiar with a piece of him inside. If you order the snake to kill her master, she will at
72 Midnight Sun — Vanir

least try. Such is the power you would gain, but I ask you to consider the lives of the small
ones. No life shall be thrown away, unless it has thrown itself away already.
“Young Harald, I have oken much, and it will take some time to make the poisons
as they need to be. e Vala will take them to you when I am ready. You should wait with
your trip until the potion is ready and has done its work. I shall rest now, and the potion
inside you will enter its last stage any minute now. Be well, Harald Fafnersson.”
e ancient dragon closed his eyes, and Harald Fafnersson turned and looked at his
“How much of that did you understand?”
“Enough, Harald. I know the potion he talked about, and Surt is the only smith these
days who can work with Audsilber. e quest is unheard of, though. Fafnir has been
waiting for you all these years. Someone who can restore his name, and release him.”
She quieted, because there was a new light in the eyes of the man called Harald
Fafnersson. ere was something wild, dangerous and primal about him, and in ite
of having been in this situation many times before, she shivered in both anticipation and
fear. is would be intense, she thought as the young man prowled towards her. She didn’t
think much aer that, being preoccupied with the sheer force of a Sorcerer’s passion.

* * *
Ronald Bilius Weasley, the Boy Who Lived, couldn’t believe it. ose annoying Goblins
lied to him all the time, saying that Harry hadn’t le him anything when he knew he had.
Of course he had. He had tried to get his girlfriend to come along to convince them, but
she hadn’t even answered his call. She was probably busy finding the way he should kill
that dark guy in. He had already found it out himself, of course. He was the Boy Who
Lived, aer all. It was brilliant. A tickling charm! Make the dark guy laugh. ere was
no way laughter wouldn’t kill him, right? He was probably some kind of boggart anyway,
or maybe a dementor. at didn’t matter, because his Patronus was a monstrous Dragon.
e most amazing thing about this Patronus was that he was the only one who could see
it. His mother had said she thought she could see it, briefly, but then it had been invisible
to her too. If that wasn’t a sign that he was the Boy Who Lived, nothing was. No one had
ever heard of an invisible Patronus before.
It was great, being the Boy Who Lived. Everything was so clear, all the girls just
loved him, and he had all the money in the world, or he would have, as soon as he could
find a goblin who didn’t BLOODY LIE TO HIM! He whipped out another notebook and
scribbled something important down. e most amazing things came to him all the time.
Wasn’t it obvious that all goblins had to die? If they could just lie to the defeater of Vold…
they would lie to everybody, right? He tore the strip of paper off the book. It wouldn’t do
if just anyone could just find his notebook and discover his plans, would it? Besides, it was
charmed with a secret Boy Who Lived magic to keep all things secret and magically corre
the elling. Now there were some men coming to meet him. He immediately understood.
It was the supertrained support wizards who were absolutely devoted to him, and who
would fight off all the Death Eaters while he threw the tickling charm on their boss. e
Life Eaters. He liked their uniforms. e white robes, to be opposite the Death eater’s
Chapter 6 — And why the sea is boiling hot; 73

black, and to complete it, the white robes bore a symbol of health and life, just to mock
the Death Eaters in their ugly black smocks and hideous tattoos. As the whiteclad wizards
grabbed him, he followed willingly. It was really a brilliant uniform he had invented for
his troops. It was light and comfortable and could stop a hundred Killing Curses without
needing to be washed. His attention to detail was amazing. He remembered placing
incredible powerful runes in every stitch, even the embroidery that said, “St. Mungo’s
Psychiatric Ward.” Ronald Bilius Weasley, the Boy Who Lived, was enjoying his life.
74 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter VII

And whether pigs

have wings.”

e garden could only have existed through magic. At the moment, the group were sitting,
or lounging, in the sweet scent of night-blooming Cereus, a tropical flower who didn’t
seem concerned about growing above the Aric circle, and equally unconcerned about
the fa that it might be night, or early morning anyway, but the sun was shining. e
group, on the other hand, was trying to decide whether to be concerned or not.
“I don’t really care about the old snake’s reputation. I like the guy, we all like the guy.
Hell, you girls gave your virginities to him. Disa, do you regret that?” e half giant asked,
stretched out on a concrete bench, idly brushing and rebraiding his beard.
“No, Dad. Not for a second. Part of me wonders why I’m down here when I could be
up there with his cock in my mouth.” e voluptuous Huldr said with a lopsided smile.
Her hands were busy embroidering the lapels of a shirt with tiny little stitches. “I don’t care
if he’s a monster’s adopted son or not. To me, he’s Hasse, and if he wishes it, my master.
Mum, you said Fafnir advised him to bond us, right?”
e blonde Vala adjusted her position on the pillows, made a slightly pained face
before she answered.
“He did. at’s one of the things Fafnir and I talked about. It was something
about Hasse’s upbringing that doesn’t sound right at all to me. He hides it well, but this
formidable young man has a very low self-esteem. With the bonding, you will be in his
mind to a small degree, and he will feel how extraordinary he is. Hasse needs to know
that, and to feel it too. e tricky part is that he’s conditioned to think that anything out
of the ordinary is freakish.”
“But Sigyn, “ Surt said with a frown, “if he believes that he’s less than ordinary, and that
anything not ordinary is bad, while he is, in fa, extraordinary, how the hell do we clean
that mess up? He needs to learn this, and fast. Should we trust Fafnir? at potion would
alter him greatly. ere’s no way he could ever consider himself normal when he’s partly a

76 Midnight Sun — Vanir

ton-and-a-half of armour-plated acid raying flying predator. Will that shake him out of
his self depreciation, or make him suicidal? Would Fafnir know, and would he care?”
“I think he would. e Relic seemed to view him like a relative of sorts. ere was
none of the usual posturing or intimidations. You know, it was sort of scary to hear them.
I’m used to be an interpreter, but last night I understood that Fafnir has kept it simple for
me. Last night, he oke his native tongue. He also made quite a deal about the difference
between Vanir and Aesir. You know the Relic’s ego. He really doesn’t like to admit when
there’s something he doesn’t understand, but apparently, Fafnir is Aesir and Hasse is Vanir,
and so are you girls. He flat out said that Hasse could get better advice somewhere else,
and that’s a first, I think. He also said he would eak to me more later, but when Hasse
and Iwere finished, the old snake was very tired so we didn’t have much time. Damn, I
need another cup. Jorunn, be a dear?”
e raven-haired Huldr stood up and went inside. She didn’t have much to say
anyway. So, her Hasse had been adopted by a dragon. It didn’t change anything for her.
She knew of course that he wasn’t hers. What she did know was that she was his, and
would follow him regardless.
She filled the Vala’s cup with the pain relieving tea. ey had told her that he was
seriously equipped, and that she should bring the potion just in case. She hadn’t believed
them, but now she knew better. She had had fun, but she would remember him every
time she had to sit down for at least a week.
Jorunn smiled to herself. Being Huldr was usually hard, but now when her man had
showed up, it was great. She and Disa could revel in their being non-human. ey had
been in the forest, making trees grow strange shapes. ey had run through it without
a care, Huldr power fully engaged and without fear that it would deplete them too soon.
eir man, their Master, their Sorcerer had arrived, and life was looking good.
Both the Huldr girls was quite looking forward to meeting the little French Veela.
Apparently, she had welcomed the two Huldr to their strange family, and to team up three
girls against Hasse would surely produce great magic.
Clearly too great for human girls, if someone as experienced as Sigyn had taken
damage from him. It hadn’t been his fault at all. When Sigyn had felt how much she
had stretched, she should have taken it easy, not try and jump herself down.
If Hasse hadn’t been so gied with healing, the tearing that Sigyn had inflied upon
herself would have killed her in a couple of minutes. Her Hasse was too much for human
females, and she wanted him so much it hurt. With a grunt, she derailed that particular
train of thought, since it would lead her upstairs to her sleeping master. She returned to
the garden with the cup and sat down to listen.
“Yes. As long as he doesn’t think about it. When we were in my smithy, he proved
himself smart and quick to learn. He’s also so easily trained, physically at least, that it’s not
even funny. He gained several pounds of muscles in a couple of hours.”
“You should have seen him with the bat. I shot five balls a second at him, and he just
swirled and got them all. As soon as he stopped thinking, he did great.”
“He’s a great healer, too. I know I should have listened to you girls, and I couldn’t
believe just how worked up I’d get. I brought this on myself. Hell, I praically forced
Chapter 7 — And whether pigs have wings.” 77

myself on him. Leif, love, perhaps we should go inside so you can ine me for damage.
And I mean just that. I’m way too sore still for more gymnastic ineions. ”
“I’d love to, but my big hands aren’t the best for the job, are they?Surt, would you
“Not at all, Leif. Aer all, I’m pretty familiar with that part of you, Sigyn,” the bald
smith said with a smile. Just because he lived with only his daughter in the house didn’t
mean he was very lonely.
“While you grown-ups play, Jorunn and I should tend to our guest.” Disa didn’t mind,
of course, but seeing her parents go at it was too weird even for a Huldr. She stood and
adjusted her dress before grabbing Jorunn by her hand, dragging her up the stairs to their
sleeping sorcerer.
As they entered his room, they stopped and looked at each other. ey both had a
soer expression that they were used to seeing, and without a word, they sat down on the
chairs by the window.
Aer a few false starts ,and a long look at the sleeping man, Jorunn oke.
“I wonder a bit what’s happening to me. I care for this man in ways Ican’t explain.”
“I have seen it happen to human girls. It’s love. Maybe not the standard kind of it, but
it’s love anyway. Transcending self, putting someone else ahead of you and all. Even if he
wasn’t a delicious fountain of semen, I wouldn’t leave him. Couldn’t.”
“at’s it exaly. Sex isn’t the all-important goal any more. Cuddling sounds nice, all
of a sudden. What I’m feeling isn’t really what Dad has described, but maybe there is such
a thing as Huldr love. I want more than just his cock and his power. I want his caress and
his kisses. I want him stroking my tail. I also want to fuck him senseless, of course.”
“Of course.”
“But it’s not enough. I want to be a part of his life. I want to wash his clothes, and
cook for him. I’m a bloody Foxtail. I’m dangerous. We’re the one that gives all Huldr the
monster name. And here I am, wanting to crawl into bed with that man, cuddle up to him
and kiss him awake so he can kiss me back. is is not normal, but I wouldn’t miss it for the
world. Sorry about the rant. I’ll calm down now. What do you think of his Veela chick?”
“I really want to meet her. And taste her juices as she rides our Master, of course.
ere’s enough of him for all three of us. e bond is supposed to eliminate jealousy, and
since none of us ever were very jealous, we should end up downright generous, don’t you
ey laughed quietly, looking at their sleeping man.
“Is he human?” the redhead asked.
“He’s Harald Fafnersson. I guess he’s a kind of his very own. Why?”
“He was raised human. I was thinking, maybe we’re coming on too strong. We’re
always naked, wet and willing. Maybe he wants more humanlike girls. I know he loves
our Huldr parts, but maybe we should a a bit more human. It’s just a thought.”
“I haven’t had much conta with normal human girls. What do they do?I’m not saying
it’s a good idea, mind you. Nor bad. Just.... what do they do?”
78 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Well, they take things much slower. ere can be months before they give their guy
a blow job.”
“What?How can they stand it?”
“Beats me. Anyway, where we rip our clothes off immediately, they cuddle much
more. ey can stay for hours in bed, just kissing and caressing. e guys would normally
push for more, but it sounds nice, aually. Just being with someone without getting all
“Like, waiting for his move? You know that he wouldn’t have to push me far before
I’m flat on my back, legs read.”
“Me neither. We’re built for sex, but maybe we should try for cuddling alittle more.
See if he likes it, you know. I really don’t want to risk the Bond just because I can’t keep
my urges in control.”
“Okay, let’s try the more human approach. Just... let’s get into bed with him. I aually
want to cuddle right now, and I’ll try like hell to keep from pushing him.”
“He feels rather nice, when he’s just breathing, and you can feel his heart beat slowly.

* * *
When Harry awoke, he was very comfortable indeed. He had one girl on each arm, and
more boobs around him than could be found in a Playboy magazine.
Strangely enough, both girls were dressed, even though he could clearly smell the
sweet musk of an excited Huldr.
Disa was on his le arm , and her boobs were pressed into his side. She had her lovely
tail draped over his stomach, and he could see a few breadcrumbs lodged in her chest fur.
She was awake, and looking at him with a strange expression on her face as he met her
eyes. She leant into him, and kissed him gently.
As he moved, he could feel Jorunn on his right move as well, her tail caressing his legs.
Her small, strong hands stroked his chest, surprisingly enough avoiding his nipples.
Disa’s kiss was light and so, her tongue came asking to his lips, and he let her in. It
was slow and gentle and very, very nice.
Jorunn’s hand came up to his cheek, turning his head towards her. Her kiss was a bit
more demanding, but still very gentle.
Harry was thoroughly enjoying himself, relaxed in bed with two beautiful women,
just kissing and touching gently. Aer a few minutes, though, he felt himself being poked
by six rock-hard nipples. He smiled to himself and moved his hands over Jorunn’s torso,
soly tranorting her blouse and vest to a chair, and she didn’t even notice.
Neither did Disa, until he removed her bra, since that affeed such a massive part of
her anatomy. Her closed eyes slammed open, and her golden gaze seemed to be on fire.
He charged, crushing his lips to hers, kissing her senseless before leaving her gaing
as he turned to Jorunn. As he claed his lips to her nipple, she reonded swily, tearing
her skirt off with a jerk and throwing her leg over him. is time, however, harry felt like
Chapter 7 — And whether pigs have wings.” 79

being the aggressive one, so he forced her back, liing her delicious rear, lodging his head
between her legs and got very busy.
As his tongue made the raven haired beauty scream in joy, he held her up with his
magic, as his hands found Disa, who eagerly positioned herself for a smooth, long thrust
into her tight, but slippery channel. He tried to release a blue flash through his cock, and
by Disa’s explosive orgasm that wet him all over his stomach, he managed it perfely.
He tried the same with his tongue, as he thrust it as deep as he could into the tasty
depths of Jorunn, and as her liquid appreciation flowed over his face, he lowered her to
the bed, and pulled Disa up onto her knees.
He entered Jorunn from behind, and he wasn’t gentle about it. He pushed hard, all the
way, while Disa whiered encouragements in his ear. At her urging, he grabbed the base
of Jorunn’s tail, and used it to set a furious pace. As his poundings pushed her forwards,
she fell off the bed, but he grabbed her legs and kept pushing mercilessly into her, as she
kept coming and coming. He felt himself drawing close, so he threw Disa down on her
back on the bed and let Jorunn down.
e black haired girl took a moment to catch her breath before diving between the
red-head’s legs as Harry bent Disa’s head backwards and followed the Huldr’s eager tongue
into her mouth. As he pressed on, he got in all the way to the hilt, where she held him as
she made swallowing motions that got him dangerously close.
When Jorunn looked up at him with adoration on her sticky face, and told him to fill
Disa’s throat, he did.
Again, Disa took the first bursts down her throat, but then she grabbed Jorunn’s
hair, jerking her up, and shoved Harry’s pumping cock down her friends throat. Jorunn
immediately closed her eyes, sucking and swallowing and savouring the taste.
When Harry was almost done, Jorunn released him, letting the last slow urt dribble
onto her nipples where Disa quickly licked it off, giving Jorunn a final small orgasm. Both
girls then manhandled Harry to sitting atop Disa’s chest, where his cock could gently rest
between the most magnificent pair of tits imaginable, gently moving back and forth at a
lazy and comfortable pace. ere were still some drops coming, but the girls took turns
licking them off.
Aer a little while, though, sleep claimed the girls, and they slept as they lay, with
happy smiles on their faces.
Harry watched them for a little while. Disa had finally dropped the glamour, and her
sharper face and more pronounced incisors made her no less beautiful, although he had
to admit that the overwhelming cuteness was not as strong any more.
He liked it, though. He really liked these girls. ey wanted nothing from him that
he had any problem delivering.
If he was to be completely honest with himself, mind-blowing sex was agreat thing
when your mind needed blowing, and his experiences in the library was in dire need of
some serious blowing indeed. ere was much about it that he couldn’t quite remember.
He lied his hands, and absent-mindedly cleaned the girls up, and tucked them in, before
inning clothes for himself out of thin air. He also repaired the torn clothes that littered
80 Midnight Sun — Vanir

the floor (and the lamp, for some reason.). As he bent to kiss the sleeping girls, he heard
a low voice behind him.
“You are very good for them. Leif and I agree that Disa can’t do better. If you want
to Bond her, you have our blessings. I believe Surt has something similar to say, but that
isn’t my thing. How do you feel?”
Harry focused for a moment and held up his hand towards the bed. Faint blue lines
leapt from his fingertips, weaving a dome over the two sleeping beauties.
“Strange. Yesterday was a wild trip, and there’s so much I don’t understand about it.
How about you? I remember hurting you. e dome is asilencer, by the way. I don’t want
to disturb them.”
“Neat. I hurt myself on you. It was all my fault, and if you hadn’t healed me, it would
have been so much worse. Frankly, I have a life-debt to you now.”
“What?You have raised a lovely girl that I find it hard imagining waking up without,
and you say you have a debt to me? at’s just not right.”
“Are you serious? You have known these girls for a very short time, you know. You
shouldn’t be so attached yet.”
“I know. I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to feelings and things,
but I think I have gotten used to their presence while I was unconscious. It feels so right,
and I trust them instinively. I may be a stranger in a strange land, but they make me feel
at home. Does that make sense?”
“It makes a lot of sense. You are remarkable, you know that? Just now, the girls were
trying to humanize themselves for you. Did you notice that?”
“Yes, I believe so. ey were dressed, and we ent some time simply cuddling. It was
nice, but aer a while, I could feel them restraining themselves. I like them as they are,
and if they try to deny their nature for my sake, we all lose. I tried to make it up to them
by being a bit rougher with them. You said something about that. Did I do wrong?”
“No, not at all. Do you know how oen young men fucks two sexual beings to
“No, not very oen, I guess.”
“It never happens. Never. Shall we talk about Fafnir now?”
“If you wish. I was not entirely there, you know.”
“What is your name?”
“Here and now? Harald Fafnersson. Does this mean anything? I’m not trying to
disree your faith or anything, but I don’t feel different. Well, magic is easier, but I don’t
think it has anything to do with the Dragon.”
e beautiful Vala smiled.
“What do you think is causing that then?”
“Just now, I decided that I wanted to clean the girls up, and instead of thinking about
how to do that, I let my magic loose. I wanted a dome that muffle and dampen sounds,
but lets through light and air and, well, pretty much anything but sound. I released my
Chapter 7 — And whether pigs have wings.” 81

magic into the image, and there it was. I still feel like I’m coaxing my magic to work, but
this way was much easier.”
“Do you remember about the potion? About your quest?”
“I should go to a place called...Gösjestad, I think. What was that potion about?”
“Sjögestad. It’s quite a bit to go, but we have a gate to Linköping, which is close. e
potion is mostly the venom from the fang, and things to make sure you don’t die from
it. Fafnir said it would make you abeastrunner, but how that could happen is beyond me.
Anyway, the boys were supposed to begin teaching you about the beastway soon anyway.
Might as well make a head start. Why would he adopt you?”
“Beats me. I’m a parselmouth, I have killed a basilisk, I’m a Gryffindor, who’s only
natural enemy is the Slytherin snakes. I’m not clear at all over what might make him do
that. Beastrunner, that’s what I’d call an animagus, right?”
“I guess. Can your animaguses become magical animals?”
“I think it’s animagi in plural, and no, not from what I have heard, anyway. Hey, Cool.
I hadn’t thought of that. Do you have any piures of a Leharv somewhere?”
“I should think so. I keep the library, aer all. ere are books about them. I know
your school teaches runes. Can you read them?”
“No, not yet, anyway. My magic is working on teaching me to understand your
language. I don’t know if if can eak it yet, though. Speaking of runes, do you have
any idea how my trunk and things came to be here? I le them behind in London, and
suddenly they were here. Idon’t think I did it, because there was a bathrobe, too ,that
Ihaven’t thought about in a long time. ere was a letter on my trunk, written in runes,
but something happened that made me forget all about it. Can you translate it for me?”
“Sure. What distraed you?”
“Two Huldr, iffed to the teeth, on a mission. ey gave me a really good shave,
and then we moved to other exercises.” He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows in and
exaggerated way, before turning to rummage around in his trunk for the letter.
“I see. ose blue arks, do you use them on the girls too?”
“Yes, all the time. I’m learning to proje them from all parts of my body now, and I
can adjust the strength and, sometimes, the dire effe too. Here it is.”
“Funny. It’s written in English, but with the Futhark alphabet. e Swedish line,
“Line, what’s that?”
“Aett, or line, is the variety. e one most commonly used is the Danish. When Brits
talk about runes it’s usually the Danish line, since the Vikings that conquered Britain were
Danish. Here goes.

Dearest Harry Potter Sir. Dobby wishes Harry Potter Sir good luck in
the elves home land. Dobby is looking aer things here when Harry
Potter Sir isn’t here to keep people in line. Professor Dumbledore has
tried to steal Harry Potter Sir’s friends letters, but Dobby took them and
delivered them before Professor Dumbledore could read. Dobby is so
82 Midnight Sun — Vanir

happy Harry Potter Sir is safe in the bestest country, and hopes that Harry
Potter stay with nice Huldr. Harry Potter stay as long as Harry Potter Sir
needs. Dobby will take care of things here.
May the road rise to meet you,
Dobby, the richest house-elf in the world.
ere ends the letter. Hasse, I’d say you have a staunch supporter there. Is he really
the richest in the world?”
“He thinks so, and I believe him, anyway. I didn’t even know he could read. Are
House elves really from here?”
“Yes, if we’re talking about the same tiny creatures. We call them Vaette, though, and
they are fiercely independent, but friendly enough when treated with ree. I’m told the
ones that migrated to Britain were cursed somehow, and lost that independence. at’s a
story for another time, though. Apparently, you have allies. Do you know which friends
he’s talking about?”
Harry thought for a moment. He could feel Gabrielle’s presence I his mind, and he
could feel that she was still a falcon. He let his mind ’move’towards the feeling of her, and
suddenly, he could see what she saw, and it almost made him choke. Where had Hermione
hidden those boobs. Easily C-cup, and no tan lines in sight. She was rubbing Ginny’s
legs with sunblock, but Harry thought that there were more touching involved than what
could be motivated by the cream. Ginny was lying on her stomach,and writhing slightly.
Luna was there too, watching the other girls with amusement, and her nipples were clearly
visible through her swimsuit. He assumed by the thin threads crossing Ginny’s back that
she was in some kind of swimsuit, too.
∼ Hello Master. Do you like what you see? ∼
Gabrielle’s voice was amused, and he could sense that she was slightly excited her-
∼ Good enough for humans, I suppose. Unfortunately, I have three perfe lovers as
it is. I wouldn’t throw any of them out of bed, though. ∼
∼ I thought I felt a fourth. Was I wrong? ∼
∼ No, but she’s human. She hurt herself quite badly on me. Disa and Jorunn can take
me without a problem, though. How are they? ∼
∼ ey already knew you weren’t dead. I sealed the letter with my medallion, and
Luna managed to interpret it. Isn’t she lovely? Ginny wants to become your Consort, too
and Hermione just wants to fuck you. She doesn’t know that yet, but she can’t fool a Veela.
Hedwig is very nice, too. She has a wicked sense of humour, for an owl, anyway. She calls
me HenOfMaster. I think it’s kind of cute. ∼
∼ Dobby sent me a note about Dumbledore trying to steal their mail. Apparently he
dealt with it, but if you could warn them somehow? ∼
∼Hedwig said the same thing. I guess Dobby is the FriendOfHercules she mentioned.
All I could figure out was that Hercules is an Eagle Owl, and Hedwig fancies him a bit.
Also, when Fawkes learned that his master had stolen the letters, he pecked him. To quote
Hedwig, Fawkes can share her prey any time. e girls haven’t written a reonse yet. I
Chapter 7 — And whether pigs have wings.” 83

think they just realized they are all pretty hot, and are eager to explore. ey are just a bit
shy about it. Why haven’t you bonded the Huldr yet? ∼
∼ Too much is happening, and I think I want you here then. So far, I have learned
too much for my poor brain to assimilate. I have been adopted by a dragon, too. If I bond
those girls, I need to know I have lots of time to make it real for both of them. None of
them have had any time alone with me, so I don’t really know them. I think I love them
like I love you, though. ∼
∼ You do. I can sense that. Well, you have a visitor, and I believe Ishould fly away
and write them a warning note. Oh, by the way, Ronald appears to have gone around the
bend. He’s currently in St. Mungo’s psychiatric ward. From what I’ve been told, he tried
to force entry to your vaults, claiming that he was the Boy Who Lived, and your money
should follow the title. He was quite violent, apparently. e girls weren’t surprised or
upset. I think he has burned his bridges here before he snapped. ere’s a memorial for
you at some secret place in two days. Shall I go? ∼
∼Hell yes. I’d like to be there too, like this. Can you give me a holler when it’s time?∼
∼ I’ll try. Be well until then, my Master, and have lots of orgasms. I’m sorry I can’t
study for you, but I think this ying thing is important, too. Later, love. ∼
∼ I guess I have to rely on my own wits for now. When we meet again in person, it’ll
take me hours to show you how much I appreciate your work. See you later, love. ∼
With her chills of anticipation in mind, he let reality reassert itself.
e Vala was studying him with great curiosity.
“Where did you go there, Hasse? You were completely lost.”
“I visited my Consort. ree of my closest friends have apparently decided to end
the summer together. Hedwig, my owl familiar is there too, and she’s told Gabrielle about
the letters, too. Gabrielle acquired a Falcon form when we bonded, and the Falcon can
apparently talk with owls. Funny, really. ere’s a memorial for me in a few days. She will
try to attend, and I can see the whole thing through her eyes if I want to.”
“You should really try to do that. You will hear so many nice things about yourself.
is brings me to a real issue. e greatest problem with your control is your self-esteem.
Somehow we have to make you understand how ecial you are. I may be unusual, and
my step-daughter, too, but she’s still my baby girl. She came into my life when she was six
years old, and she adopted me as her mother within the week. I have cared for her scrubbed
knees, the conflis within her when her Huldr nature asserted itself, everything. ere
she is, my baby girl, on your bed. I can tell from her smile that she has a belly full of cum.
Do you think I would be happy with any man doing that? I would accept it, because I
know about her nature, but Icertainly wouldn’t beg the man in question to summon his
power, fuck her ass and make her his for life, but I’m begging you. Not just because you
can satisfy her, but because you’re you. When Jorunn lets loose, she can drain a man’s
life in seconds. You are the only man, the only man in the whole world who can make her
happy physically. As a Vala, I see something even stranger here. See love, in the girls. ey
aren’t bonded, enslaved or anything, but there’s a quirky kind of love there. One man in
history has ever been loved by Free Huldr. Guess who.”
“I don’t know much about your history. at Sigurd guy?”
84 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“You. e only one. You are the best thing that ever happened to these two girls, and
I would like to talk to Gabrielle sometime, because I bet she will say the same thing. Now,
you should get down to the menfolk. ere’s training to be done. If you can, set aside a
couple of hours for the lake, too. Stina has loads of things to teach you. You’re related,
too, I think.”
“I know your mother took samples from Stina, and I know you show Lake Warden
traits. I’m also aware about non-magical medicine, so I assume there’s parts of Stina in
your DNA. Now scoot. Oh how do I take this dome down?”
“Just touch it, it should collapse. See you later, Sigyn.”
Stretching a little in his unfamiliar clothes, he descended the stairs. He saw the two
men through the kitchen window, so he went out to sit with them.
“Hello there, Harald Fafnersson, did you enjoy my daughter?” Surt said with a fake
growl. Harry decided to play along and deadpanned.
“Why yes, I did. She has the loveliest flavour, reminding of hot summers, wild flowers
and the fruits of the forest. Exquisite.”
He delivered this in a fake French accent, complete with the intonation and gestures
he once had seen some wine tasting guy make on the telly. He had both men laughing
before he was half way through.
“Good one, Hasse, good one. We’ve had a bit of a meeting while you slept, and I have
no objeions any more. If she agrees, which she does, vocally so, you may Bond her with
my blessing.”
“Wife tell you that, I think?” e blonde man asked.
“She did,” Harry answered. “In the light of what she said, Ican’t believe you are
entrusting your daughters to me.”
“at’s just it,” Surt said, straightening up.” You are pretty much entitled to them. You
are possibly the greatest young man the world has ever seen. We only had to end a little
time with you to see that. Now, we just have to make you see it, too. You rested?”
“Enough, I guess. Where do we go?”
“You and I will go to the smithy. Leif have some things to prepare for you. It’s time
to start pushing you a bit.”
Harry was sitting in a cloud of magic. His eyes were closed, and he was getting used
to the distortion that the smithy’s metals created. He felt something enter the field, and he
looked at the swirls it made in the magic. Pewter. A cup. Pewter was easy. He grabbed it
with the surrounding magic, heated it a little bit and reshaped it to afigurine of a falcon
before setting it down on the ground. Something smacked him in the back of his head.
“ink you’re good enough to showboat, do you? e bird’s good, sure, but you were
supposed to identify and stop any intrusion. Again, and this time, stay focused!”
“How many did I do?”
e smith was quiet for a while, before answering.
“Fiy. at’s forty-five more that the goal, aually. Again now.”
Chapter 7 — And whether pigs have wings.” 85

Harry took charge of his magic again, letting it read throughout the smithy. It was
much easier now ,and he had a much longer reach. As he defleed more pewter, iron,
silver and wood, he let his magic grab the anvil he had failed to li before. It moved
effortlessly to his touch, and he brought it into the storeroom they were sitting in. Bronze,
copper, silver again, then ice, that was a tricky one. He set the anvil down without a sound
right behind the smith. Steel, iron, magnetite, rock. ey all required a slightly different
handling, but aer a while, he could get a grip on everything and reshape it a bit. Now,
when he was no longer preoccupied with the anvil, he ed up. Iron, rock, copper, wood.
He reshaped them to small statues of the professors and students from Hogwart’s. He
didn’t loose any time at all, having learned to maintain a double focus. Suddenly he got hit
anyway. He was so surprised that he aually fell over, right into the small pile of statues.
He hadn’t even seen it coming through the magic mist that was his awareness. He opened
his eyes to look at the grinning smith.
“Audsilber.” he said, holding up a rod of a silvery metal.”It’s a magical metal, one of
the two I will teach you to work with. Audsilber is tied to the wearer, reonding only to
the hand that wrought it. Vaulundersteel is impenetrable, almost indestruible. Now, it’s
time to move to something more complex than nails”
“Close. Horseshoes.”
“So, where do you want the anvil?”
“Right where it... Well done. Now put it back.”

* * *
“Welcome Hasse. Now, time to teach you fighting without magic. Good thing I so big.
You strong for a tiny tyke. First, a run around lake Sigyn.”
“Is that really the name of the lake?”
“You not know? Lake ten years old. Surt and I fight over Sigyn. I have earthway,
Surt have fire. We make big hole, all glassy rock, very hot. I found water and lead it into
hole. Surt drain heat and then, we shape lake together. Now, Sigyn married to me, and
sometimes sleeps with Surt. All is well, when heads work. Let’s run.”
ey ran. Aer a few laps around the lake, both of them were sweating profusely, but
none of them were eecially tired.
“Hasse, I know you have power, but you ever tired aer playing with Jorunn and
“No, not really. Out of breath, maybe. I usually have to rest a minute between times
but I’m rarely tired. Why is that?”
“I think you make more body energy from magic. en, you never tired. Let’s make
test. Can you ride bike?”
“No, not really. Why?”
“In two weeks there is big bike run. ousands of people, three hundred kilometres.
You will ride in that. Now we have new training goal. Italk to Surt. You make bike for you.
86 Midnight Sun — Vanir

I train you for right moves and stuff. Surt will bike anyway. He make many trips now.
Bikerun close to Sjögestad anyway. Today, we train back strength and some easy sorcery.
We teach you to fix flat tyre on the go. is will be fun!”

* * *
e rest of that day was a blur for Harry. Everybody seemed to think that this bikerace
was a great idea. ey gave him maps to study, with incline profiles and all.
Surt told so many stories and gave him so much advice that Harry just stopped lis-
ey measured him, and brought out a bike for him. Some time was ent rolling
around on a strip of tarmac with someone holding him, until he figured out the whole
biking thing.
You had to move.
Once he figured that out, it was kind of fun. As he didn’t know how to ride a normal
bike, there wasn’t anything he had to relearn to ride aracer, and as soon as he figured out
how the gears worked, he began to understand what Surt was aually talking about.
Sigyn came by, telling them that she had bought him a starting number in the race,
and stressed that it wasn’t a competition, but that she expeed him to do well anyway.
e girls loved the whole thing. ey brought him tiny strips of different materials
and made him copy whole wads of strange technical cloths. It took a few attempts before
he figured out how to sense the struure of a material, and just continue the patterns, but
once that was done, the conjuring was easy. As soon as the girls got their hands on the
cloth, they began sewing ridiculously tight clothes for him.
e most difficult part came when they put cages on the pedals and expeed him to
bike with his feet trapped.
If he hadn’t caught himself with magic, he wouldn’t have had any skin le on his legs at
all. Aer that ordeal, Sigyn sat him down and gave him a leure on physics and eecially
gear ratios.
Just when they were done, Surt came over with a whole lot of blueprints of a bike that
looked quite outlandish. Aer talking it through, it was a fairly clever design.
en, the girls took him out riding. e first ten kilometres was hard for him, since
he still had problems coordinating everything, and keep his balance. e next ten was
a nice ride, where they kept a nice and even pace. With ten kilometres remaining, the
girls changed position, and picked up some eed. Harry just smiled and stretched out,
beating the girls on the final stretch to the smithy. Aer locking his back wheel, stopping
with a nice fishtail and an impressive dust cloud, he remembered the cages on the pedals,
but he couldn’t refocus fast enough so he landed painfully on his side in the gravel. Once
the girls had unravelled him from his bike, he freshened them all up, and the whole team
reconvened in the kitchen. Over a huge meal with loads of meat and potatoes, Surt pointed
something out.
“You know, you were supposed to work on your sorcery today.”
Harry swallowed and thought a bit.
Chapter 7 — And whether pigs have wings.” 87

“I rather think I did. I’ve been using it the whole day, haven’t I?”
“You have. You are too problem focused to simply work out. Now, there’s apurpose.
We’re going on a bike run, you and I, and we will see if my experience or your power rules
the day. Tomorrow, we will make abicycle for you, but now, I suggest you have the girls
give you amassage and tuck you in. e time is eleven pm now, and I expe to see you in
the smithy by four. Pass the sauce, will you?”
“Sure. I didn’t think about it, until I fell just now. I was able to prote myself from
the ground, and then I freshened us up consciously. Iknew what I was doing. Have I done
anything impossible?
Leif let out a big belly laugh.
“Possible is boring. No one learn biking that fast. No one make more andex and
nylon like that. Few can right themselves on a falling bike. No one can just sit on bike and
go thirty five kilometres same day they learn biking.”
Sigyn continued.
“You got the gist of gear ratios and geometry in ten minutes. Your understanding of
physics and mathematics is very, very good. You made gear calculation formulas before I
even told you about it. You’re very smart, when you have a praical problem to solve.”
“When we were in the smithy, you used multiple foci,” Surt added.” You were deteing
and holding the things I threw at you, you reshaped and transfigured them, and you
also moved my big anvil without my noticing it. All those things requires anyone’s full
attention, and you did them at the same time. Problem-based or play-based learning seems
to work wonders for you. You have made great leaps today. Do you want to learn about
tomorrow’s expeations?”
Harry laughed, and shook his head.
“No, not really. I have my own schedule, and I believe I will make it. I’ll just try
to take things in stride, otherwise I’ll just get nervous, and performance anxiety never
helped anyone.”
He thanked Sigyn for the meal and put his plate in the sink before he retired. He
started to take his clothes off, when he grinned, and simply willed them to be folded and
cleaned on top of his trunk. ey flowed off his body like smoke, and Harry thought that he
could really get used to this sorcery thing. He was knackered, though, so he started driing
off almost as soon as he laid down. Not completely, though. He felt Jorunn climb into bed
with him, and gently massage the tenderness out of his sorcery-reinforced muscles. He
turned to his back aer she had finished with it, pulled her up and kissed her. Her reonse
was gentle, and almost shy. Now, when he was focused on just her, he could feel it clearly.
He loved this black-haired beauty who had declared herself his property, and she loved
him. He dried of with his lovely Huldr in his arms, according to his nature. He smiled
sleepily when she moved down to take his cock in her lovely, warm little mouth, according
to her nature. Yes, he would bond her. He would bond them both, and if wizarding Britain
had anything to say about that, they would learn just what happens when a Sorcerer gets
angry. Right now, though, Harald Fafnersson, e Boy Who Lived, was enjoying his life.
88 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter VIII

“But wait a bit,”

He woke up close to orgasm. He remembered falling asleep with Jorunn’s lips closing
around his cock, and he could sense that she was asleep now, but still sucking him. He
decided to just close his eyes and revel in the sensation of the gentle blow job given to
him by the sleeping Huldr. He stroked her hair gently, scratching her neck where the
hair became fur. She made a content little sound and sucked a little harder. Aer a few
minutes, he came, soly. It wasn’t the huge explosion he had performed with his girls
before, but more of a gentle release. She awoke slightly as the semen made her choke a bit,
and swallowed greedily. He allowed his affeion and gratitude to flow into her through
his caressing hand, and she came, equally gentle, from the touch of his magic. She cleaned
him off with her tongue, before settling once again and falling asleep. Harry, on the other
hand was wide awake, so he carefully dislodged himself from the sleeping beauty and cast
the same silencing dome over the bed as he had tried before. Once he checked the time, he
saw that he felt fully rested with only one hour of sleep. Brilliant! He wasn’t expeed at the
smithy for almost four hours. He wondered briefly if Lake Wardens slept, but decided to
go to the lake anyway. He had an idea he wanted to investigate. He pulled on the clothes
he had conjured the day before, a pair of stout jeans in what he could only describe as
Fafnir green, and a tight short-sleeved shirt that tied in the front. It was very similar to
the vests Surt and Leif wore. He tried to get out of the house quietly, and to his immense
surprise, he aually made it. e garden door in the kitchen was open, so he sneaked out
and for some reason he ran down to the lake.
It was just past midnight, and the sun was barely above the horizon. e sky was
flaming in pinks, orange and blue, just the kind of tasteless dilay he never would have
believed in in a painting, that only could be beautiful in real life. ere was no wind at all,
and the lake looked like a mirror. He sat down by the water’s edge and dipped his fingers
in it. e water was surprisingly warm, and he began to take his shirt off. He felt someone
watching him as he continued with his trousers and boots. He looked at his refleion in
the lake and almost fell in. Where the hell did all these muscles come from? He could see
the hammers from the smithy refleed in his shoulders and upper arms, the tongs in his
lower arms and hands. His chest was also muscular, and very well defined. He really liked

90 Midnight Sun — Vanir

what he saw. He was aually a bit intimidated by himself, and guffawed at the thought.
His legs were toned, but didn’t really match his upper body, and to his chagrin, he was still
short. is biking thing that had everybody in such a state would surely help his legs, but
he wondered briefly what kind of exercise there was to make someone taller. Suddenly, he
saw the refleion of his face change into that of a roughly twelve year old girl in pigtails.
He smiled at the pretty young Lake Warden.
“Hi there Stina, or should I call you Auntie or something?”
“Hi there Hasse Hunk. So, you are Lily’s rog. I wasn’t sure. Well, at least I know
why you can do those things now. So, what brings you here? Shouldn’t you be boinking
those Huldr’s silly by now?”
“I seem to need less sleep than they do. I guess my strange body adapts to the sleep
I’m aually getting. Is that a trait from you?”
“No, not really. Water never sleeps, even if fishes do. I guess you have parts from
creatures of night and day alike. Good thing then that you’re not sleeping around the
“Yeah. Can you teach me how this water stuff works? I think it just might be useful.”
“You’d better believe it, boy. Jump in, and I’ll show you loads of things.” She wiggled
her eyebrows suggestively.
“Eh, just out of curiosity, how old are you?”
“Oh, I’m about four hundred, I think. I know, the lake isn’t that old. I guess you heard
the story. e Mundanes were about to build a power dam, that would join several lakes,
including mine, into one. at would mean that I and the other Wardens would have
to slug it out for dominance, and that would have destroyed most of our ecies in this
country. e strongest of us got to keep his lake and mind the dam, and the rest of us got
relocated. I had a small pond and a creek here when the boys debated. I don’t mind my
new digs in the slightest. Well, I do mind when Sigyn goes skinny dipping aer using that
filthy potion of hers. Gods, that stinks. Soap and things is all right, I can deal with that,
but that potion is horrible. Hey, did she do you?”
“I’m afraid I did her quite thoroughly. And broke her, as a matter of fa, but I glued
her together again. She’ll be fine, but I guess it will be a while before she uses the potion
“How did you.. oh... OH! Hasse, you know, you really should get in.. the water, so I
can show you things and not at all manifest around that wonderful log of yours.”
“Sorry. You may be hundreds of years old, but you still look like a little girl. Strange
may I be, but not that kind of strange. It wouldn’t work. Besides, I’m bonded to one girl,
and about to bond two more. e idea of fidelity might be a bit absurd in my position,
but still.”
“en why don’t you Bond me too? I like you, I’ll get to see more things, and maybe
I can get a bigger lake or something. Shacking up with a Sorcerer and his harem sounds
like a great idea to me. How do you want me to look, then? I can change easily. It’s not
like I have a fixed face like you do.”
e Warden rose from the water, until she appeared to stand on the surface. Her
body grew from the twelve-year-old to a beautiful, athletic woman to a copy of a Muggle
Chapter 8 — “But wait a bit,” 91

supermodel. Her blue-green eyes never changed, though. Harry watched intently. is
ability was what he wanted. And her, of course. He made a heroic effort to stay on track.
“at’s very interesting indeed, Stina, and once I’ve learned what I want to know,
perhaps we can discuss it. What I really want to know is if I can use this power like you
can, and change my appearance?”
She sunk down to her waist again, mimicking a Marilyn Monroe with serious en-
hancements, and thought about it before answering.
“It’s almost impossible to say, but I would think so. e changing of my own body is
easy, and not very heavy on power. I guess that if you can do that race boat thing, you can
do the changes, too. It’s basically the same thing.” She grinned irreverently at him, “If I
have to be a teacher to get me some, I guess class is in session. Jump in. I need to feel you
to do this. I honestly do, it’s not just the pussy talking.”
is began a few interesting hours for Harry, and the Lake Warden worked him
hard. She guided his body, literally showing him how to swim. She forced him to learn
transforming his body to water, but they quickly found that he had a very limited ability
to do so. It was enough, however, to make him change his appearance, and even make
him a bit taller. is effe took some serious concentration, though, and he kept tripping
over his own feet. e Warden also frequently commented on his past experiences, and
made remarks about his thoughts, until he flat out asked her if she could read his mind.
She laughed at him.
“Hasse, did you know that more than half your body is water, and that you’re currently
swimming in several million tons of my brain? Sensing thoughts and memories through
touch is easy, once you learn to filter out the junk.”
“Can I learn that? What junk was that, by the way?”
“Your brain is full of signals. Muscle control, detailed information to your leen, all
kinds of junk. Sorting out your conscious thoughts isn’t easy. ere wouldn’t be much
point to learn this, as you couldn’t really sort things out without magic. Legilimency
is easier, and I bet Fafnir would be a better teacher than me. My way can bypass your
Occlumency, though.”
“My Occlumency is rubbish, so that’s not very hard.”
“What? You have Jormungandr in your head, guarding your thoughts and you think
it’s rubbish?”
“Eh. What was that? I tried to learn Occlumency last year, but I didn’t get it right.
Could have something to do with the absolute bastard who tried to teach me though,
“Well, you don’t need any more defence than what you already have. I guess you
can thank Fafnir for that, then. ere’s a constru of Jormungandr in your brain. It’s
quite intelligent, and will defend you violently. You might want to communicate with it
sometime. I sense that you have a link to your consort, and he won’t touch that, and you
have a listening device in here, too.”
“You mean I have a bug in my brain?”
92 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Almost. It’s a little piece of magic that will allow the maker to bypass all shielding
that’s added aerwards. I guess Jormungandr can destroy it if you ask. Now, let’s see Mr
Pritchard again.”
Harry concentrated. He grew taller, he changed his hair, his skin and he even managed
to cloak the damn scar. Aer a minute, Harry was gone, and Caradoc Pritchard was in
his place.
“Good. Now, remember what he feels like, and then, we’ll make you change the
clothes, too.
First, though, I want you to change into Harry Potter.”
He paused. What did Harry Potter look like? He was scrawny, had messy hair and a
distin scar. He was wiry, but not muscular, and more skinny than lean. He closed his
eyes, and brought the image of Harry Potter to the forefront of his mind, and imagined
the grid that she had taught him. en he willed his outer edges to liquefy, and assume
this form that he had in mind. He felt a rippling effe, not painful but uncomfortable,
run over his body. As she whooped and clapped, he opened his eyes. He had made it.
Not only had he changed into the scrawnier body that he had just two weeks ago, he was
wearing his school uniform.
“Great! Well done! Damn, you’re puny.” Stina said.” You might have use for this one,
too. Let me look at you.”
She ineed him with a dousing, and noted that he was aually scrawnier than
he had been, the scar was more pronounced and he was even an inch shorter. He had
made a gentle caricature of himself. When she told him to relax, he felt that ripple again,
and looked down on his present, naked and muscular self. He shied to Pritchard, and
this time he saw the ripple read, changing him direly from naked Hasse to cloaked
Caradoc. He resumed his own shape again, and lied himself, until he was walking on
top of the water.
“You know, this has been fun. I’m a bit curious, though. at first thing I did, the
racing? What was that?”
“You were trying to cross the lake. Your magic tried to help you, but didn’t know how
to do it. I helped you some, as a pick-up-line. Now, I’ve had your naked body inside me for
hours. I expe to have you inside my naked body shortly. I won’t interfere with training,
though. Go and play, and bring your Huldr girls here tonight for some serious playtime.
It’s about time for you to get to the smithy. Sea you.”
With the horrible pun hanging, the Warden sank into her lake, and Harry walked
across the lake to his clothes. Once he had pulled them on, he ran to the smithy. One neat
advantage of his wetter heritage, was that he wouldn’t need a towel to dry himself again.
He wanted to be dry, and he was. He decided, as the smithy came into view, to give the
Warden one hell of a thank you. Glamours wouldn’t cut it against Moody’s eye, or the
ident check at the ministry, for that matter. Maybe he could get to Britain as Caradoc, and
attend his own funeral? at would be sweet. He slowed down.
∼ Gabi, darling. You awake? ∼
∼ Barely, Beloved. ey’ve just gone to sleep here. ∼
∼ Anything ecial? ∼
Chapter 8 — “But wait a bit,” 93

∼ I have seen the most amusing dance here. You first, though. ∼
∼ I have learned a way to be Pritchard without glamours. I can change my body
instead. ∼
∼ Are you a metamorph now? ∼
∼ No, just wet. Apparently I’m part Lake Warden, and I can change my appearance
like they can. My teacher wants a “thank-you shag”, though. ∼
∼ Go ahead, then. I want some sisters. Have you bonded the Huldr yet? ∼
∼ You know I haven’t. I have decided that I will, though. Does that count? ∼
∼ Anything you do is perfe. ese girls here might not miss you as much as I
thought. ∼
∼ Oh? ∼
∼ Ginny was supposed to help Hermione shave her pussy. Watching Ginny “slip”
constantly was as much fun as watching Hermione biting her lips, trying not to cum. She
failed, though. When Hermione returned the favour, they barely pretended any more,
but they’re still maintaining that nothing has happened. As Ginny aually squirted, it’s
kind of hilarious. Luna is just playing it cool. She just excused herself, as she needed to
masturbate for a while. I like her. She howls like a banshee when she orgasms, too. May
I try her sometime? ∼
∼ Let’s see what happens first. I have a feeling things will be complicated. Have you
been able to give them my warning yet? ∼
∼ No. I was going to do it tonight, but I almost fell asleep. I will do it now. May I
flirt with them on your behalf? ∼
∼ Have fun, just don’t make any promises I can’t fulfil. ∼
∼So promising them a vigorous “thank you” that will give them problems walking and
sitting for days is all right? I wanted to recruit them to the Caradoc Pritchard Eionage
Network, bringing news to you about the people you care about. ∼
∼ at’s a great idea. e news, I mean, not the other thing. Do what you think is
best, though. Just tell me about it before I meet them again, will you? ∼
∼ Of course, Beloved. Now, I’d better write the mysterious letter. Have a nice day,
Master. ∼
∼ You too, my dearest. Have fun. ∼
Yup, things were getting complicated. Fun, though. e very thought of Ginny and
Hermione in bed was heating parts of him to and alarming level, and he was seriously
considering returning to the lake. Aer all, Stina could look like anyone, right?
He opened the doors to the smithy. Surt hadn’t arrived yet, but the plans for the bike
were nailed to the wall. He took some time to study them. He thought about the strength
of the tubes, and the struure. It was hard to visualize from the plans, so he cast an illusion
of the bike, to get the third dimension. He looked at the blue, tranarent bike that was
hanging in the air in front of him. It looked a bit small, so he checked the size with a ruler.
It was exaly as the plan said, but it still looked small to him. He decided to give his illusion
a little substance, so he did. Aer trying the illusory bike, he understood that he shouldn’t
94 Midnight Sun — Vanir

really have a larger frame, so he set to work. He willed the forge to light up, and started
to melt some bronze and aluminium. While the metal heated up, he studied the gears.
Surt had drawn in parts from his own bike, that he intended to buy. Some things were too
complicated, aer all. He remembered that Surt’s bike was right outside, so he went out
and studied it. As he couldn’t see it well enough, and didn’t want to mess with the settings,
he read his magic around the gear shiers and made a illusory copy. en, he made it
semi real, like he had with the bike, and mounted it on the ghost bike. As the bronze was
almost done, he gave it a little boost of magic. He continued to stir it, and eed up the
aluminium. en he put everything down and laughed and laughed and laughed.
He was doing it. He was direly manipulating his magic without ells, and with
only intent to guide it. Still snorting in a quite unattraive way, he lied the crucible of
bronze to his ghost bike, and poured it gently into the illusion. e shining liquid metal
read in an intricate braided web through the illusory frame. As he had the crucible
there already, he quickly made similar magical casts from the blueprints and poured the
front fork and the handlebars as well. en he filled the frames up with the molten
aluminium, adjusting the internal struures as he went along, making everything into
rigid aluminium tubes, with an internal bronze support struure, stronger and lighter
than a pure aluminium profile. Gently heating it to the perfe temperature, he checked
the struure for any weaknesses. As he found none, he took the heat out of the glowing
casts, dropping the metal to room temperature faster than any dousing could have done.
He also used the bronze to fill in the more complicated parts that he had copied from Surt’s
bike. ere. Now he only had to fit the wires and make a pair of wheels. A thought and a
wave assembled the parts of the bike into something that looked right wicked, and as he
concentrated, he gave the bike a figurehead, modelled aer his two favourite Huldr. He
smiled to himself as he turned to the door. Standing in the doorway was Disa, wearing
the same sun bleached yellow dress as before, and holding a tray with a large breakfast on
it. She also had her mouth open, dilated pupils and nipples that probably could cut glass.
He walked up to her and nodded at the tray.
“For me?”
She nodded vigorously, which put the faded fabric of the dress under too much pres-
sure in places, and with a popping sound, her nipples broke through. Disa looked mor-
tified, but to Harry, that might be one of the hottest things he had ever seen. He swily
took the tray from her, and reached out with his magic, conjuring a new dress for her, in
the colour he now called Sorcerer Blue. e same cut as the one she had just torn through,
but with a slightly longer skirt and a tail slit. He kept his magic out as he led her outdoors,
and pulled up the gravel from the lawn into a table and two chairs. Aer smoothing them
off with a flash of magic, he put the tray down on the table and sat. She sat down on the
other chair without taking her eyes of him. He began eating with gusto as the Huldr stared.
Aer a while, and several sandwiches, she shook her head.
“You’ve done it, haven’t you? You have found the control.”
“I guess. Stina in the lake showed me how to do it. I don’t think she knew what she
did, though.”
“You know, you were a dream before, with your incredible life-force and all, but.... “
Chapter 8 — “But wait a bit,” 95

“Please take me. Please. Let me serve you. ere’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, just
keep me. I’ll be your pet, your cook, your whore even, just mmp”
Harry had heard enough, so he summoned the girl and simply kissed her senseless.
As he held her in his arms, he let his desire flow into her, and she shivered as her own
desire fed off his, building to extreme levels. He whiered soly in her ear.
“Ssh, my dear. We must eak of this later. You can never be my one and only, but
I don’t want to leave you. I want to Bind you to me, and I want to keep you around. I
also want to fuck you silly right now, but I’d better wait until tonight, when I have time
to make it good for you.”
As he finished whiering, she came hard, wetting her dress and as he cleaned and
dried it with his magic, she came again. is time, she came without squirting, so they
could sit down and continue, even if Disa had the most adorable blush going.
“Should I call you Master now?” She asked with an arched eyebrow.
“You know my name. Gabrielle calls me Master, though, and I admit it’s a bit of a
turn-on. Now, I have to ask. Do you want to be bonded to me? Do you know what you
are giving up? You will be one of at least three, possibly four, girls. Maybe even more.
Gabrielle, Jorunn and of course you, are the ones I know I want right now. Stina is a
possibility, but we’ll see. I promised to consider her, so I am.”
“Master, yes that’s a turn-on for me too, like I said, just keep me. Fuck me once in
a while, and you can keep me in a doghouse if you want. Damn it, do you know what
happened there, when I saw you working in there, radiating power like a lighthouse? I’m
already half-bonded! I am completely subservient, like Jorunn has been since you met.
You are the Alpha male, and I want to have your babies, care for you and the whole eleven
“Nine yards, perhaps?”
“Eleven. I’ll go further than anyone. Let me serve you, your friends, use me however
you want. In the mornings I guess you need to pee, just like anyone else. If you put the
head of your cock in my ass, you can pee there, and I will take it to the bathroom for you,
so you can stay in bed. I. Am. Yours! Get it? Now, I won’t beg for your fantastic cock
right now, but tonight, I’ll be there.”
Harry smiled warmly at the ferocious Huldr. His life was looking up. Now he knew,
without a doubt, that he had someone in his corner. Gabrielle was just wonderful, and
Disa was beautiful and charming. Jorunn was breathtakingly beautiful, and both Huldr
girls were a power to reckon with. How two such powerful individuals could choose him
as their Master was beyond him, but he liked it. He really did. He could just imagine a
bedroom with a ridiculously large bed, where he could sleep with his black-haired, silvery-
blond and strawberry blonde Lady Love. Another thing came to mind quite suddenly.
Where would that bedroom be? No one could force him back to Privet Drive, that was
certain, but to expose himself to Fumbledore’s manipulations at Grimmauld Place was also
out of the question. He would probably continue to work with the Order, but his reason
for doing so was still just a few cells under Gabrielle’s heart. Now, where would he live?
Suddenly, the idea came to him.
“Dobby? Can you hear me?” Disa was looking bewildered, when an unusually loud
Pop was heard.
96 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Harry Potter Sir calls Dobby?” e little guy was jumping up and down excitedly.
“Disa,” Harry said, “Meet Dobby, one of my very best friends. Dobby, this is Disa, one
of my intended.” He was a bit taken aback when Dobby promptly attacked his knees in a
hug, just as Disa launched herself at him, catching his lips in an almost feral kiss. Dobby
oke up, with a trembling voice.
“Harry Potter Sir is the greatestest wizard in the whole world, to say Dobby is friend.”
“You’re right, but Harry Potter Master is the bestest sorcerer in the whole world, to
call me his intended.”
Harry could only laugh.
“e reason I called you, Dobby, is that I need an agent in Britain. Do you know if I
own any property where I could live with my Ladies?”
Dobby thought hard, but shook his head.
“Dobby doesn’t know. Dobby will ask the Goblin Bentpick. He knows, but Dobby
needs Authorisation for many things in Gringott’s. A free elf like Dobby can’t do much.”
“Gabrielle is in Britain, and as my official Consort, she is authorised for anything.
Right now, just ask Bentpick. Tell him that the storm is building up, and he might just
know you’ve oken to me if he wonders. Would it be easier if I hired you?”
“Harry Potter Sir would hire Dobby? Dobby would be the happiest house-elf in the
“Dobby, I wouldn’t need a house-elf without a house, so if you could...”
“Leave it to Dobby, Harry Potter Sir. Dobby will take care.”
With a pop, the ecstatic elf was gone.
“Harry, or Hasse or just Master, did you mean it? You called me your intended, and
to me, that means family, not just fuck-toy.”
“You could never be just a fuck-toy to me. In my own quirky way, I love all three of
you, and I would love to have a family as quirky as myself.”
She kissed him. It was slow and sensual and filled with joy. It lasted for quite some
time, and was only interrupted by the sound of Surt entering the smithy behind him.
“Hasse, what have you done now? ere’s bronze all over the floor here and on...oh

* * *

Dear Miss Granger, Miss Weasley and Miss Lovegood.

Firstly, congratulations on your personal developments. is might be
a good time to mention that Mr. Potter occasionally can see through
Guinevere’s eyes, and that he is most appreciating.
He wished me to advise you that mail can be intercepted, and that few
secrecy ells are impervious to the nosiest of parkers out there.
Chapter 8 — “But wait a bit,” 97

Harry arranged for your letters to be stolen from the Headmaster’s desk
unread, so no damage has been done so far, but care in future contas
might be best.
Due to his limited access to Guinevere’s eyes, he would ask you to bring
her with you to the memorial.
He would also be most appreciative if you would keep him advised on
the developments regarding his friends and those he considers family.
You need not include yourselves, since he have seen for himself how very
nice forms you are in.
As a side note, I can vouch for the greatness of his appreciation. It is
something most girls would remember tenderly for several days.
I would also personally wish for you to keep Guinevere with you during
most hours, when she’s with you. I wish to ensure Mr. Potter’s wishes
to return to Alma Mater in September, and some lures are better than
others to attra young men with.
Guinevere can as mentioned bring him return messages, and Hedwig
can no doubt find Guinevere.
Ms. Anne rope

* * *
Jorunn woke up by a tail in her nose. She smiled, and grabbed it with all the eed her
predator reflexes could muster. She was rewarded by a squeak, and felt Disa dive into bed
with her as she pulled.
“Morning, Sleepyhead. Our Master has just started to find a house for us in England,
and he intends to make a family with us and Gabrielle. He’s also considering Stina, but he’ll
see tonight, when we will go to the lake with him and see if we could wear HIM out for
once. I feel a bit guilty that he hasn’t been sated yet, when we collapse as soon as he touches
us. He might just bond us tonight, as well.” Disa outed out at machine-gun eed.
“at’s nice. Can you say it again, and at a eed I can understand?”
“Master fuck you ass. Me too. Maybe Stina. Get house England. Make family with
us. Tonight, we fuck his brains out. Clear?”
“What!? How did you...what did you..?”
“Easy there, sweetie. I didn’t do anything, and you know as well as I do that he doesn’t
even feel our allure. He loves us. Now, I just want to lie here in his bed and feel loved. He
loves us. I just can’t get enough of that. He looked me deep in my eyes, and told me that I
would never be just a fuck-toy to him. You have any idea how wet I got there?”
“I can imagine. You smell like you’ve come today, too. Spill.”

* * *
98 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“So?” Luna said. “You like to explore each other. I am a bit hurt that none of you wanted
to explore me, but I’ll live.”
“Oh, Luna. It’s not that.. we didn’t...” Ginny tried, beet red.
“You couldn’t really think about something you had decided not to think about?”
“As strange as that sounds, I think that’s it” Hermione said. “Honestly, I am attraed
to you both, but that’s not something I’m used to even think about. Other girls, I mean.
How about you then, Luna?”
“I am more open, I guess. I have thought of both of you as I have masturbated in
the past. You are more beautiful than I imagined, though, and I would like to know how
both of you taste. Maybe we can rehearse together, and drive Harry to the ground when
he returns?”
Ginny, still blushing, began to laugh.
“In front of Guinevere, too, so he gets a preview of why he should come back? I’m in.
I really like the two of you, and there’s very little I wouldn’t do to get Harry. Hermione?”
Hermione couldn’t think straight, and if that wasn’t annoying enough, her knickers
was soaking wet. She had no idea that it would be so exciting to know you’ve been watched.
She had barely restrained herself from diving into Ginny’s delightful little pussy the night
before, with Luna watching, and now she didn’t know what to think. She was frustrated
like crazy, and she had an itch that badly needed scratching. Harry could be watching.
Harry’s gratitude was great. She had a massive crush, if not more, on Harry. ere wasn’t
much to think about, really.
“Luna, why don’t Ginny and I help you shave?”
Luna’s happy blush was all the answer she needed.

* * *
Harry was pushing it, and he knew it. He needed to know the breaking point. He bit
down, pushing as hard as he could, ignoring the resistance, forcing his way up the hill on
too high a gear.
e chain creaked ominously, but the frame was still rigid. It had taken him and Surt
two hours to complete the bike. ere was just so many details he hadn’t thought about,
like cutting holes and such for fastenings and things. On the other hand, he now had a
very light and strong racebike, and a very cool-looking one at that. Leif had brought a
saddle and steering wraps in some kind of leather. Apparently, he was a leather worker by
profession, and the saddle he had made was perfe. e artistic Vala revealed her magic by
painting the bike in a scale-like pattern of green and bronze, with the brandname ’Fafnir’
painted on the top tube. Downhill now. He leaned forward, trying to minimize his air
resistance without cheating. He knew now how easy it would be to conjure a following
wind, but he refrained. He passed the forty kilometre marker. Only ten more to go. He
shied to the highest gear, and pushed on. Maybe Dobby would have returned when he
got back. He had been out a little more than an hour, and he still felt great. It was like
Leif had said. His magic wouldn’t let him wear out. Considering his little harem, that was
good news indeed. He got sweaty, though. e girls had given him a biking jersey in some
Chapter 8 — “But wait a bit,” 99

shiny acid green material, and a pair of trousers with some kind of diaper sewn in place.
He was told not to wear any underwear under those. Like he had any. He did have some
in his trunk, but since his cock needed so much more room now, they didn’t fit any more.
Besides, he didn’t mind going commando. Suddenly, he felt a disturbance in the magic
ahead. Someone was gathering a curse. He focused on the disturbance, and recognized
Leif ’s signature, hidden in a clump of bushes. More training, he assumed, so he prepared
a nice counter-attack. As he got closer, he felt a cutting curse come at his front wheel. He
blocked it easily, and returned fire. As Leif had stood up, Harry could clearly see his shock
as he grew a pair of boobs that put even Disa’s to shame. It bought him time to get off the
bike, and vanish. At least, that’s what it looked like from Leif ’s point of view. Harry was
staying very still. He was tranarent as water, but he knew that if he moved, he would
be seen immediately. He sent his magic out to the le, and rustled a few bushes gently,
while simultaneously building the swirls for a powerful stunner behind the huge man. As
Leif was looking intently at the shivering bushes, Harry powered up the stunner pattern,
which hit the halfgiant straight in the back. He collapsed quietly, and Harry lied the boob
hex and got on his bike again. Five more kilometres to go. He went flat out, and made it
back home in a good time, in ite of the impromptu duel. He put his bike away and got
up the stairs to his room. Jorunn was there, and he smiled at her. Her return smile was
decidedly shy, but he stripped anyway and hit the shower. He had worked all the knobs
out now, and treated himself to a gentle rain from all direions. Aer a few minutes, he
felt a small, so hand on his shoulder. He looked over his shoulder to find a naked Huldr
in the shower with him. She soaped her hands up, and began to wash him. She was very
attentive, and he got a great massage at the same time by those strong little hands. Aer
a while, he remembered something.
“Yes, Hasse?”
“Would you come with me back to Britain?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Oh yes. I have to go back, but I really don’t want to choose.”
“Hasse, Huldr is not supposed to love, but I love you. Disa too. I stay with you. Will
you Bond me?”
“Yes. If you want to, I mean. Do you?”
“I do. Please bond me. Take what is already yours.”
Harry turned around to face her. She was smiling, with tears running from her eyes.
She tried to restrain herself, but couldn’t. She leapt at him, throwing her arms around him
and wrapping her legs around his waist as her lips sought his. He grabbed her delicious
butt and lied her a bit and adjusted her position so he could lower her hairless little quim
on to his cock. She gaed, and her tongue invaded his mouth with a vengeance as he
began to move her. She egged him on, and came almost immediately. She came two more
times before she felt him swell, and she quickly dislodged herself from him, dove down
and took his cock between her upper breasts until she felt the tremors of his orgasm. She
took the head into her mouth, and revelled in the taste and texture. As her mouth filled,
she pulled him out, and jerked the rest out over her face and breasts, with a big smile on
100 Midnight Sun — Vanir

her face. He didn’t cum so much this time. For him, anyway. Looking him straight in his
eyes, she began to clean herself with her finger, sucking off every drop with a shudder of
pleasure. He knew she was play-aing a bit, but it didn’t matter very much, since she was
doing it for him. She was making the effort for him, and the feeling almost brought him
to his knees. He knew that it was a bloody strange marker, but her antics was what really
drove the point home. is incredible, perfe woman loved him, and would do anything
for him. He would definitely bond her that night, because if he let her go, he knew he
would regret it for the rest of his life. His Jorunn. His Gabrielle. His Disa. His life.

* * *
“Surt? Our daughters are perfely safe. He beat me in about five seconds. I didn’t get more
than one curse off before he had me distraed, looking the wrong way and stunned from
behind where I know he wasn’t. I just love that boy! ere’s no point for me to train him
myself. I was never that much of a fighter anyway. I’m calling in the Einharjers now.”
“Did you see the bike? I didn’t do more than help him assemble the tricky parts. e
frame is a masterpiece of magical engineering. I think he’s got it.” e bald smith was
aually jumping with glee.
Sigyn came strolling, beaming happily.
“Gentlemen, tonight our daughters will be bonded. Maybe they’ll have a Lake Warden
sister, but that one keeps changing. Harald has made a conneion with our standoffish
little waterout. He’s preparing to find a house for them in Britain, but I can sense that
he intends to return here once he’s done with his destiny there.”
“is is a lot faster than we anticipated, right? Why is that?”
“It’s Stina, I guess. Leif, we have always known that we can trust her, but she’s never
been part of the family, really. From what I can sense, Hasse treated her like a person
from the start, but he got a bit annoyed at the image she projeed. He asked her to
change somehow and she did. She could help him understand his power like no one else.
Appearances to the contrary, she’s smarter than me, wiser than me, and knows a few tricks,
too. He’s got some power over her, like he does the girls.”
“And you, dear.”
“Well, yes Surt. Does it shock you that I want to try to ride that broomstick of his
again? If he bonds me, though, I’ll be a sister to my daughter, and some things are just too
weird. I love you Leif, and I like you well enough, Surt. I have no intention of carrying
out my little dream.”
“at’s a relief. It’s enough to have your husband making me feel inadequate. At least
he’s supposed to be huge.”
e trio laughed together, happy for their daughters and each other, and happy for the
scrawny little boy who had become a Sorcerer before their eyes.

* * *
Chapter 8 — “But wait a bit,” 101

“Harry Potter Sir? It’s Dobby, Sir. Dobby has plans, Sir.
A messy black head rose from the bed. Dobby began to jump in excitement until he
saw how long the hair was, and the two pairs of breasts that followed.
“Hello, I am Jorunn. You Master’s friend Dobby?”
“Master Harry Potter Sir talk of Dobby, miss?”
“Yes, friend. He say you look for house in Britain so I won’t have leave loved Master.”
“Yes, Mistress Jorunn, Dobby has. Found little Castle, Dobby has. Kilchurn Castle.
By Loch Awe.”
“Wait a second,” Harry said, revealing himself over the edge of the bed, “I’ve been
there. It’s a ruin even to wizards.”
“Yes, Harry Potter Sir, it’s an old fideliuslike charm on the castle. Goblins say Harry
Potter Sir is heir to Sorcery, and the castle was owned by Sorcerers. Harry Potter Sir is very
rich now, and has many places in Britain as the last Sorcerer. Goblins like Harry Potter
Sir. Dobby has been to Kilchurn, and it’s very dusty and old, but fine. Shall Dobby clean
it or shall Dobby look for other castle?”
“Hmm. Can you take us there? Maybe we should check the place out before we make
up our mind?”
“Harry Potter Sir, there’s an Arch by the castle. If Harry Potter Sir can give Dobby a
day, Dobby will make the Arch work again, and dust a little.”
“What’s an Arch?”
“Hasse,” Jorunn said, “I think it like our gates. We have linked gates to other gates,
but some gates go anywhere. It like a portkey. Very old magic. Vanir, long before Aesir
“Mistress Jorunn right. Arch very old, older than Hogwart’s. Master Harry Potter Sir,
castle is not very big, but maybe too big for Dobby to keep otless and cook too. Can
Dobby hire Winky?”
“Of course. I remember the castle quite well. It’s a beautiful place, and the Loch is
wonderful. Okay Dobby. Hire Winky if you can, and see to the Arch. By the way, do
you know anything about modern plumbing and modern appliances? I think we’ll need
to upgrade the place.”
“Dobby is quick to learn about things Master wants. Dobby will see about it. Tomor-
row, Dobby will come back.”
With a pop, the elf was gone.
“You have castle? Real castle?”
“It seems that way. Do you mind?”
“No, no, I must go tell Disa and Father and ..” e excited Huldr threw her clothes on,
and with a squeeing sound, she cannonballed from the room.
Harry chuckled as he saw her tail escape through the door. A castle. ree girls,
possibly four. Maybe even more. He’d come a long way from the depressed little boy who
sat on his trunk at King’s Cross, waiting to be carted off to the Dursley’s. He could of
course be careless in not waiting for the other shoe, but life was pretty good.
102 Midnight Sun — Vanir

A few hours later, Harry was praising. He was using his watermorphing, assuming
the shapes of all his friends, and even some objes. He figured that if he could hide as a
rock or a suit of armour, it could be a pretty good thing. He could switch between Caradoc,
Harry and Harald Fafnersson in a lit second now, and he was trying on a few aors,
too. Suddenly he remembered what the sweet Lake Warden had said, about his mental
guardian. He sat down and closed his eyes.
∼ Jormungandr? Can you hear me? ∼
He was momentarily overwhelmed by the image of the World Serpent. is thing in
his mind was huge!
∼ Yes, Master Harald? ∼
e voice was deep and rumbling, and it oke slowly.
∼ Wow, you’re huge. Did Fafnir send you? ∼
∼Yes, Master Harald. Your father made me here to guard you. You know many things
that should be kept secret. We need to talk about some things, though. You have a back
door here. Someone has placed a magical gate into your mind. I can remove it or trap it,
making sure that no one enters unharmed. ∼
∼ Hmm. Can you tell who made it? ∼
∼ No, but I will recognise the touch if I feel it again. ∼
∼ Trap it then. Let’s see who we can catch. If someone tries Legilimency on me, you
will fight back, corre? ∼
∼ Yes, Master. No one will get to your secrets. I have raised walls here, that are very
strong, leaving allowances for Matebonds. I am in your mind, and I know your heart and
mind. My intelligence is magical, though, and I may have other pereives than you do.
Part of my funion is the Advisor. I also have a form of Warding magic available to me,
that you might want to deploy in your castle. ∼
∼ Good. Can you catch and hold an intruder? ∼
∼ Yes. It is not hard. I will do so, and give you time to identify them. ∼
∼ Can you block the scarconneion, or send false images? ∼
∼ Yes. Which images do you want to send? ∼
∼I want to give the impression of a scrawny, clinically depressed little kid who worries
like crazy over his lack of power and his certain death. I want Voldemort to consider me
completely harmless. ∼
∼ A good idea. I will make it so. Your mind is safe. ∼
at was interesting. He relaxed his morphing and returned to his standard appear-
ance. He went outside, and was met by Jorunn and Disa, and once again, he was struck
by their beauty.
“Hello Ladies. I was heading down to the lake. Would you like to join me?”
e two Huldr girls blushed prettily and their eyes lit up so brightly that it could
be seen in daylight, and they aually curtsied. ey took up positions at his sides, and
together they went down to the lake. As they got to the water’s edge, Stina rose from the
surface. First as the twelve year old, but she shied to her Marilyn face immediately.
Chapter 8 — “But wait a bit,” 103

“Hi there, Hasse Hunk, what.... are you up to..” She saw his determined face, and
“Stina, you said you would like to bond me. Were you sincere?”
“Yes. I don’t know why, but yes. I will follow you wherever you go, if you let me.”
“Can you carry us to one of the islands?”
Stina sank into the water, and an area of the lake, maybe ten feet across, seemed to
harden. Harry stepped out on it, and the Huldr girls followed him. e warden carried
them across the lake to the islet with the little cottage on. As Harry walked up from
the lake, Disa and Jorunn followed him, and Stina flowed up from the water, assuming
a human Rita Hayworth-like form, a voluptuous redhead with blue-green eyes. ey
entered the cottage, and Harry took in the room. It was small, but it had a table, and a
couple of chairs. ere was also a low bed, covered in furs. Harry didn’t say anything, but
he took Disa by the hand, looked her deep in her shining eyes before he kissed her. She
seemed to melt into him, and I ite of her huge boobs, she pressed her body against his as
if she wanted to merge with him. He concentrated, and made her clothes liquid, allowing
them to run off her like water before returning them to solid shape. He let his own follow.
He never broke the kiss. He felt his passion build, and allowed her to share it, blue light
flickering over the cottage walls. He allowed the lightning to flow over the floor, grounding
itself in Jorunn, who gaed in pleasure, and Stina who was totally unprepared, and fell to
her knees in a surprisingly intense orgasm. He laid Disa down on the low bed, and moved
his attention to her nipples. e air in the cottage was filled with blue mist, and he didn’t
wait longer than he had to. He put his finger on her little rosebud, and released the Veela
magic. She came, lubricating his hand, her arse and parts of the bed. As he positioned
himself for the Bonding, he asked her again.
“Disa, will you be mine? Will you let me bind you to me?”
She looked him straight in his eyes, and answered simply.
“Yes. I am yours. Please make it real.”
He did. He pushed his cock against her opening, and it gave way surprisingly easy.
Slowly, slowly, he pushed himself into her body, and her eyes were locked in his. She
reonded, and set a faster tempo. She was unbelievably tight, almost painful to be inside,
but as she moved he forgot everything except this beautiful woman and their joining. She
pulled him down and kissed him, then she whiered in his ear.
“Master, fuck me, love me, make me yours. I will always be there. However you want,
whenever you want. I can take care of myself and I will care for you. Just fuck my ass now,
and make me forever yours.”
He couldn’t take more than that. Her declaration and her tight little ass didn’t just
push him over the edge, he rocketed over it as he ent himself inside her, and as he did,
he felt their magics intertwine, and the bond form. His magic rose, towering over them,
before crashing down on her, making her glow with his blue Sorcerer’s magic. He felt
her joy over her new Master, and Jormungandr smiled and stabilized the newly formed
conneion. Disa herself was lost, driing on a sea of power, pleasure and magic. He felt
that she would stabilize eventually and stood up, refreshing himself with a burst of magic.
He le the glowing Huldr where she was, pulling a blanket over her and took Stina by
104 Midnight Sun — Vanir

her hand and led her outside. She was staring at him with naked longing, and he decided
to give her what he could. He took her in his arms and flooded her with his passion and
affeion and she froze. She stood shivering in his arms, locked in a mind-numbing orgasm
until he withdrew, and she collapsed in his arms. He carried her into the water, slightly
surprised that she kept her form as he laid her down at the water’s edge, caressing her as
she shivered. As his hand went down between her legs, she jerked her thighs apart, and
bucked to meet him. He realised that she, too, was a virgin in ite of her age. She wasn’t
sure of what to do, and he wasn’t about to oil the mood by asking. Instead, he laid down
between her legs and asked her the other question.
“Stina, you barely know me, yet you have said you wish me to Bond you. Is that your
wish? If you change your mind, I won’t stop unless you want me to, but I will bond you,
and keep you at my side from now on if that’s what you wish. What is your wish?”
“Please take me. I’ve been waiting for you for three centuries, and now you’ve come.
Please, please take me and make me yours, Master. Be my Master. I will be whatever you
want, just take me.”
So he did. Gently and carefully, he entered her tight little vagina. Releasing his magic
through his cock, he drove her to another never-ending orgasm, as he pushed through her
virginity, and filled her completely. She howled and sobbed and urged him to go faster,
driving him on with heels and nails until he drained himself in her virgin pussy, filling
her with his semen until it urted out besides his cock, still buried inside her. He felt
her magic reaching out for his, to be subdued and bonded to his stronger force. It was
very different from his bondings with Disa, which had just flown on, her magic begging
to be taken, and Gabrielle, which he barely remembered. Again, as his magic flooded her,
she passed out in a blissful state of contentment, and he felt her getting added to his soul
and mind. He carried her up to the cottage, putting the unconscious Lake Warden next
to the passed out Huldr and turned his attention to Jorunn. She had shed her clothes, and
stood straight, with something of a challenge in her eyes. Her naked body was glorious,
and he revelled in the sight of her taut little stomach, her large and full upper breasts and
her tight, firm, pink-nippled lower breasts. Her foxtail swished behind her, revealing a
rather playful mood, and her lovely long legs were arranged for maximal impa. Since
she seemed to expe him to, he asked her too.
“Jorunn, do you want me to bond you? If you don’t, I won’t.”
“Harry James Potter, Harald Fafnersson, Disa loves you, because you love Disa, not
Disa’s boobs, or smile, or sucking, Just Disa. Stina fell for you making her feel like person,
like woman, not strange water creature. She very ... other. You like other, so Stina love
you. I love you like them, but I different. I am dangerous. I can lose control and kill. Do
you love me? Do you want to bond me? I love you, and if I go feral like birthmother, will
you stop me? If it needs doing, will you kill me?
He thought about it, and it made hell of a lot of sense. If he bonded her, he would be
reonsible for her. If she became a danger, would he take that reonsibility? It wasn’t
really a question.
“Yes, Jorunn. I will talk to your father about it, because if such a thing would be
necessary, I would do it, or he would. I would not trust anyone else to do it with love and
care. I love you, Jorunn, and you know I can keep you safe, for others and from them,
Chapter 8 — “But wait a bit,” 105

too. Shall I prove it to you? Shall I hunt you, and take you by force? If I know you want
it, I can do it.”
He didn’t even finish the sentence before she attacked. Claws extended, she jumped at
him with force, and managed to slash him across his cheek. He liquefied it, and healed it
before he became solid again. He turned, scanning the area for the vanished girl’s magic.
When he otted her, she was about to attack him again. He caught her. He chose to do
it simply, and simply let his magic grab and hold her. She tossed and fought against his
grip, but he held her, and her musky scent filled the air. He floated her towards him, and
told her in a gentle, loving voice.
“I am stronger than even you. I am faster than even you, and I will always, always find
you. I can keep you fed and sated. You are already mine, by conquest, and by the old law
you invoked, but even if I have chosen you, do you choose me?”
She looked at him with obvious adoration, and whiered soly.
“Yes, Master. Please make me yours, and make my dream come true.”
He kept her in the body bind, but lied her, so he could reach her most tender ots
with his tongue. She screamed and writhed as he licked her clit, and probed her depths
with his prehensile tongue, as he prepared her ass for the imminent invasion. Her eyes
shone brightly as he lowered her, and sank into her wet, tight pussy. Just a few strokes got
done before she came, gushing over his cock, making sure he was perfely lubricated. He
released her, and she promptly had him on his back, sitting over him, and positioning his
cock just under her tail. en she sat down, letting out a loud howl of joy, as her very own
Sorcerer began to Bond her as she rode him in a furious tempo. He bucked and reonded
as she kept a pace high enough to almost outrun her Huldr healing power. He shone with
the Sorcerer’s blue fire, and she came again and again, before he bucked up and launched
a final load into her intestines, where it promptly disappeared, absorbed by the willing
Huldr’s body. is time, as soon as he felt the Bond in place, he didn’t have to fight it any
more, and dried off to sleep.
106 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter IX

the Oysters cried,

Harry didn’t move as he woke up. He had half expeed to wake up like in Jorunn’s dream,
with his cock in her ass, and Disa busying herself where they joined, but he was alone in
bed and he could hear laughter outside.
He quietly got out of bed, and morphed himself a pair of boxers. He decorated
them with his Coat of Arms, simply because he could. As he looked for the girls, he felt
Jormungandr calling his attention.
∼ Excuse me, Master. As you slept, the girls have rummaged around quite a lot in
your head. ey have learnt about your early life, Jorunn have copied and learnt your
English, although incompletely, and they have managed to conta Gabrielle through you.
I assumed it was all right. ere is a way I can set up a mental compartment, allowing the
girls to talk to each other without bothering you, unless you want to eavesdrop, of course.
Shall I? ∼
∼ at sounds like a good idea. anks for looking out for me. ∼
∼ I live to serve. Fafnir sends word that Sigyn have his fangs, and is brewing the
potion. ∼
∼ Do you know anything about that? ∼
∼ I do. One of my purposes is to integrate it into your mindset. You will change, but
not significantly. ∼
∼ Do I need to worry? ∼
∼ No. I will care for you. ∼
He looked out over the lake. At the water’s edge he saw a girl, a brunette wearing a
bikini of leather and bronze and some kind of loincloth. He recognised Stina’s eyes though,
so he strolled down to her.
“Hello Stina. How are you? Any regrets?”
“None whatsoever, Master. I love you. You don’t recognise this shape, do you?”
“No. Should I?”

108 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“You must be the only male in the lands who haven’t drooled over Princess Leia in
’Return of the Jedi’.” she laughed and morphed to the Rita Hayworth she had been earlier.
“I’d rather drool over you no matter how you choose to look. I didn’t bond you because
you can look like someone else.” he smiled, but jumped as she lost control and fell into a
puddle. A voice behind him laughed.
“Beloved, you sure do know what to say to make a girl melt.” He turned to see Jorunn
standing there, completely naked and smiling at him.
“Hello Love, how long have I been out of it?”
“Not long, Beloved. About an hour. Did you know we would grow in the Bonding?”
“How do you mean?”
She didn’t answer, just shimmered into an unusually large red fox. e fox had blue
markings around the chest, and the tail looked like a smaller version of her own. A large
female lynx came strolling around the corner, and shimmered into Disa, but she looked
slightly different. Her hair had more and different highlights, and her tail was a bit shorter,
and had a much lighter underside.
“Master, thankyouthankyouthankyou!” She cried as she threw herself at him and
covered his face in kisses.
“My other shape is so beautiful, and agile and fast and just wonderful. Both Jorunn
and I can retra our tails now, and look almost human.”
“You will always be more beautiful than any mere human. e only one I have ever
met who can compete with my girls is Gabrielle’s sister. No regrets, then?”
“None, Master. None at all.”
Stina had pulled herself together, and looked like a fieen year old version of her usual
pre-teen. She had the hair and other features of his adult alias, and a big smile.
“Master, meet Elaine Pritchard, Caradoc’s daughter and Harry Potter’s girlfriend. Just
in case you really want to muck things up.”
Harry laughed and struck a pose. He brought out a resounding voice and oke.

Dead, she dried to his feet.

Tell us, Love, is Death so sweet?
Oh! the river floweth deep.
Fathoms deeper is her sleep.
Oh! the current driveth strong.
Wilder tides drive souls along.
Driing, though he loved her not,
To the heart of Launcelot,
Let her pass; it is her place.
Death hath given her this grace.
Let her pass; she resteth well.
What her dreams are, who can tell?
Chapter 9 — the Oysters cried, 109

Mute the steersman; why,

if he Speaketh not a word, should we?4
As he oke, he summoned a mist over the lake. He made the illusion of a barge,
driing across the lake, barely visible through the mist. His voice echoed over the lake,
and everything went quiet.
He looked at his girls, who were staring wide-eyed at him with open mouths.
“is is our man,” Stina whiered, “who hasn’t seen Star Wars, but who makes poetry
come alive at the blink of an eye.”
“Lucky, lucky us,” Disa whiered back, with deep feeling.
A bell rang out over the lake, and another, dragonheaded barge came sailing out of the
mist, heading straight for them. At the bow was Sigyn, dressed in a white gown, and with
a smile playing at the corner of her mouth. As the barge touched land, she stepped out
of it and approached him. In her outstretched hands was something that looked almost,
but not quite, like a sword, covered with a white cloth. He understood that she had seen
him create this mood with his little recital, and just followed suite. In homage to the ritual
feeling, he un vaguely medieval gowns for his girls, and they played along, lining up
next to him as Sigyn made her way to them.
“Lord Harry James Potter of Kilchurn, Harald Fafnersson, Sorcerer, warrior, loved by
Freja and son of the great serpent of the North. On the eve of your bonding my daughter,
I bring you gis.
“I bring you Stormbreaker, a battle hammer, made of the rarest metals and by the
greatest of smiths this age.
“Wield it with care and strike with might, on that walls and wards alike will fall before
“I bring you Fang, a wand or staff, made from Fafnir’s own fang, and with Serpent
tears and Huldr love as core.
“It will hold for you where any other wand would fail. Wield it with care, and cast
with might.
“I bring you e Dragon’s Gi, the potion Fafnir gave you, his son, so that you can
take your rightful place as his heir.
“I bring you the gratitude of a Vala, for granting her daughter such happiness and joy,
and for providing me with such an opportunity for theatrics.”
As she oke, she removed the cloth, and handed him a huge hammer, at least two
feet long, but lighter than he would have expeed from the massive angular head, and his
Sorcerer’s sight could see it shine with magic.
e head was covered in some kind of harness, and it looked like it would sit on his
belt. Disa took it, and attached the hammer to his hip.
e wand was about twelve inches long, bone white and with an intricate pattern
carved into it, filled with runes that glowed blue as he took it.
It felt very good indeed.
From “Elaine and Elaine” by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps in Songs of the Silent World and Other Poems, 1885.
110 Midnight Sun — Vanir

ere was an arm holster to it, but before he could reach for it, the wand grew to a
staff, and the carvings appeared to move around over it. He shrunk it again, and Jorunn
strapped the holster on to his right arm, and the wand called Fang settled comfortably.
He took the phial of toxic green potion. He eyed it suiciously, but put it away, for
Harry let the mist fall and Sigyn dielled the barge, both smiling.
“What would you have done if I hadn’t had a poetry attack just then?” He asked.
“I would just have given you the stuff, I guess.” the Vala said with a shrug. “is was
much more fun, not to mention a hell of a lot more suitable. You’re like straight out of
our legends, you know.”
“I try”, he answered dryly.
“Hmm. I didn’t really expe that answer.”
“Legendary folks tend to win. I intend to.”
“Very good, very good indeed. What brought the poetry on?”
“at would have been me,” Stina said. “I call this shape Elaine Pritchard, to be
Caradoc Pritchards daughter.”
is forced Harry to recount the adventures of Caradoc Pritchard to the merriment
of the ladies. He also got to tell them the story of Elaine as he knew it, bringing brief tears
to their eyes. He conjured some chairs in front of the cottage, and they sat down, still
dressed in their medieval garbs.
“You aually managed to become your own guardian?” Disa asked incredulously.
“It wasn’t even hard, when I had the goblins on my side. Cray little buggers, they
“Master, that’s just outrageous. So now you have three identities to keep track of.”
Jorunn said thoughtfully. “Have you thought of how to use them?
“Not really, no. I think I will use my Puny Harry face in public and in school, Caradoc
when necessary, and when I don’t need to pretend, I’ll be myself, the Harald. I have this
feeling that this might be a good idea, but I still haven’t figured out why.”
“You know, you could always ask someone who’s job it is to find such answers. Like
a Vala,” Sigyn said with a smile.
“ere are other questions that are weighing on my mind about now. is potion, for
instance. How much time will it take to run it’s course?”
“Fafnir said that it would paralyse you for a few hours, while it works on your body.
Jormungandr is supposed to deal with the rest. Do you know what he meant by that?”
“Yes, I do. I have Jormungandr in my head, guarding my thoughts. I need to keep
my secrets, and my Occlumency stinks. Excuse me a moment, I think I need to have a
word with him.”
∼ Jormungandr, while the potion is working, will I have access to the bonds? ∼
∼ Yes, you will. ∼
∼ I was planning on seeing my memorial service through Gabrielle’s eyes. I can do
that while the potion’s working? ∼
Chapter 9 — the Oysters cried, 111

∼ Yes, it sounds like a good idea, since you won’t be able to move. Let your women
care for you and take the potion now. It is my advice. ∼
∼ ank you. ∼
He looked up at the staring girls.
“Jormungandr advises me to take the potion now, and end my time being cared for
by you three, and ying through Gabrielle’s eyes.”
“Sounds like a plan. You won’t get much safer than here on this little island. I am all
around it, and I may not have gotten a funky animal shape, but I’m much more powerful
now.”Stina pointed out. She nodded at Jorunn and Disa and continued, ”If you two stay
here with him, I’ll handle taicals, we can all three get to know each other while we care
for our beloved Master.”
Harry nodded his approval.
“Maybe Dobby can come by with some plans of the castle, and maybe piures of the
“Harry Potter Sir called?”
“Not really, but welcome. I guess you should all get to know each other. Dobby, I will
be out of it for a while. Can you show the ladies some of the castle, maybe floorplans and
such? ey are my family, and we will all live there. Take care of that for me?”
“Dobby can handle anything, Master Harry Potter Sir.” e elf popped out, looking
fiercely proud. Harry grabbed the phial and went inside the cottage.
“Anything else, before I drink some poison that will turn me into a dragon? Disa, you
fed and all?”
“Master, I’m getting oiled. I’ll last a month before I need more. I’ll want more in
about ten minutes, but I’ll make do.”
“Jorunn, anything?”
“Just love me. at’s enough.”
“I do love you. All three of you, and you too, Sigyn. Just not in the same way. Stina?”
“Tell Gabi we said hi. I can’t wait to meet her.”
“I will. Chin-chin.” He raised the phial and swallowed the potion in one go, before
hastily laying down amongst the furs.
e potion scorched it’s way down his throat, and he thought that this might have
been a bad idea. He couldn’t move a muscle, and his head was swimming with visions.
He flew, he fought and he was this huge beast with black, leathery wings. As abruptly as
the visions had come, they sank away.
∼You do not need those piures, he heard Jormungandr say. I will care for you. I will
take the pain and the images and put them where they belong. Visit your mate, Master.∼
So he did. He felt sharper and faster as he sought out Gabrielle’s mind, and as he
looked through her eyes, he saw three naked girls in bed, apparently just having had some
pretty wild times, if the testimony of the beddings sorry state was to be believed. Damn,
they were hot.
“Do you think Harry saw us?” He heard Ginny say.
112 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“ere’s just no way to tell,”Hermione answered. “I don’t really care, honestly. at
thing you do with your tongue, Luna, is just incredible.”
“ank you, Hermione. I was very surprised when you stuck your finger in my ass,
but now I can’t wait for Harry to put his member there. It was an intensive orgasm.”
“And both of you can suck my nipples like that anytime. Now, how do I get Harry
to do that?”
“Just show them to him, dear. Who can resist nipples like that?” Hermione laughed
and proved her point by taking one in her mouth as Luna claimed the other, and as soon
as Luna’s finger pressed against Ginny’s ass, the petite redhead came like a freight train.
∼ ey have been at it for hours, master. ey were much more vigorous before.∼
∼ Did you do something? ∼
∼ I may have told them that you sometimes watches through my eyes, and that you
might need something to lure you back to Britain. ∼
∼ at was fun all right, but I have four bonded beauties to keep me sated right now.
My defender told me you met them? ∼
∼ I did. ey’re great. ank you so much for Bonding them. e Lake Warden was
a bit of a surprise, though. Have you really gotten yourself a castle? ∼
∼ Dobby got it for me, and the Goblins helped him. ey have named me Heir
of Sorcery, or something like that. Apparently, I’m fairly loaded. Have I missed my
memorial? ∼
∼Aually, the girls are running late. ey should have started getting ready now. Did
you enjoy the bondings? e girls did, that I’ve been told. Jorunn seems to have a slight
Bondage fetish, doesn’t she? Disa seems to like it rough, and Stina just got all dreamy
when I asked her. Was she a virgin? ∼
∼ Yes, and you were right about them all. I held Jorunn frozen in the air, and when
I released her, she almost raped me. Disa loves to be pounded out of bed. I managed to
bond Stina vaginally. You know she can change shape, right? She could have morphed her
hymen away, but I think she wanted me to have it. ∼
∼ I should have known better than to ask. I’m so horny right now I can barely see
straight. Can I fly to you now? ∼
∼ It’s not much use, since I’m paralysed for a couple of hours. Once the memorial is
out of the way, you really could come north. Right now, though, you’re needed in England.
I need three new medallions, for instance, and Dobby might have use for your signature
to use my funds freely, with a couple of exceptions, of course. Hey, Dobby is supposed to
take us to look at the castle soon. We could maybe meet there. You could perhaps come
back with us. If you want to leave the girls some kins of message saying that I’ve decided
to come back for the promise of those three nice pieces of tail on the bed there, you may.
I prefer yours, though. ∼
∼ Beloved, may I ask for something? ∼
∼ Always and anything, my Consort. ∼
Chapter 9 — the Oysters cried, 113

∼ Could you perhaps make some kind of ceremony, making me, or us, your Consorts
sort of officially? My mother would appreciate it, and my father would like to see first
hand that you really are a Sorcerer. ∼
∼ Of course. I should have thought of that myself. I’ll talk to Sigyn. Aer all, I’m
taking her daughter, too. ∼
∼ Didn’t you fuck her too? ∼
∼ Yes, I did. Only once, though, so it barely counts. She got hurt by it, and now, she’s
made me this potion that’s messing with my body and mind somehow. ∼
∼ What is it supposed to do? ∼
∼ It’s supposed to make me an Animagus and a Serpent Master. My mental guardian
is dealing with it, so I can talk to you while it’s working. Hey, they’re stirring. ∼
ey kept chatting lightly as the three girls on the bed started moving again and began
to get ready in a furious pace. at is, Hermione was furious, Ginny got ready in the fast
paced routine of someone used to oversleeping, and Luna was Luna, just a bit quicker than
usual. It was god to see the little touches and caresses they gave each other as they passed,
and Luna eecially was taken by that. None of the girls looked Guinevere in the eyes.
∼ Gabi, did Stina tell you about her shape? ∼
∼ No, why? ∼
∼ She has modelled a shape aer Caradoc, and is calling it Elaine Pritchard, Caradocs
daughter and Harry’s girlfriend. Just to mess things up. ∼
∼ at’s brilliant. And she will wear a medallion as well. A perfe public face. Will
you make a Coat of Arms for Caradoc too? ∼
∼ I don’t know how to do that. How do you get a dragon, a lynx, a fox, a falcon and
something for a Lake Warden in on the same shield? ∼
∼ I’ll think about it, but it may take me a while. ∼
∼ You do that. I think I shall try to find the other girls now. Let’s see what’s happening
to my body. ∼
He let Gabrielle’s consciousness slip away, and began searching for the others. He
found Stina, and approached.
∼ Hello Stina. How are things? ∼
∼ Master? is will be incredible, once you’re done. You have transformed three
times now, and the cottage is a wreck. You managed to keep the roof of you with some
kind of shield, so Jorunn and Disa could easily clear the pieces away. Damn, those girls
are strong. ∼
∼ I didn’t ask you much about the bonding, did I? What happened to you, then? ∼
∼ I got a lot stronger. I can take bigger forms and maintain them away from the water.
I needed to be near water before, but now I can walk like a human for days, it feels like. I
can also “feel” more waters. I’m not sure what that means yet. You then, Master? We got
these wonderful gis through the bonding. What did you get? ∼
∼ I got you. What more could I possibly ask for? I know that the bond enhances my
feelings, but I love you. I can see myself, on an early morning by the Loch, standing behind
you and brushing out your hair. at is an image to die for. ∼
114 Midnight Sun — Vanir

He didn’t get a reonse from her, just something he only could call static. He moved
closer and found himself awash with happiness. He had no idea that this little four hun-
dred year old girl had been so lonely, and what a shock it had been for her to suddenly
feel loved. She had gone into this bond, expeing to become a mistress to a caring man.
Instead, she found herself being a lover to a loving man, and it almost overwhelmed her
to understand that.
∼ Stina, didn’t you know how lovely you are? ∼
∼ Master, when I see me through your eyes, I don’t recognise myself. I love you, and
I would love to sit on the jetty, while you brush my hair. Hopelessly devoted, Master. I’m
hopelessly devoted to you. Now, since you’re so far inside me anyway, do you want to see
yourself? You’re transformed now. ∼
Harry found the way to see through Stina’s eyes. She was very different than Gabrielle,
and her eyesight was not as great as the falcon’s, but it was certainly good enough to see
the huge form in front of her. It looked like one of those dinosaurs that Dudley had had
models of in his room, until he threw them out the window and then threw a tantrum aer
them because they didn’t fly. Pterodayl, he recalled. is one was bulkier, though, and he
could see that the wings were larger, and the skin of this thing was definitely armoured.
is was a good thing, he assumed, since there was still some debris from the shattered
cottage on his back. Apparently, he had grown right out of the building.
e wings had tiny overlapping scales, all brilliant black, with silver edges. e body
had larger scales, like the palm of his hand, all sharp little angles, making it shimmer and
glow, and the silver edges seemed illuminated.
e head was long and oddly graceful. e snout looked more like a dragon than the
dinosaur, and since the mouth was half open he could see the triple rows of teeth.
e tongue was fleshy, and it had two openings on the upper side. On the opposite
end was a long tail, ending in a diamond shape, and under the whole thing was two sturdy
legs with clawed, five-toed feet. He estimated it to maybe twenty feet long, including the
tail. is would be fun.
∼ Impressive, aren’t you? ose holes on the tongue are the ray conduits. You’re big
enough to carry us all. I remember when I was a minnow, and these things flew overhead
at nights, how they roared as they hunted. It still sends chills down my ine. Hey, aren’t
you supposed to be watching your own funeral about now? ∼
∼ I am, but the girls aren’t there yet. I wonder if they’ll admit Caradoc Pritchard’s
bird. e place they’re going to is very secret. e girls decided to explore each other
yesterday, from the signs, so they had a bit of a slow start today. ey seem hell bent on
getting a piece of me. ∼
∼ Will you bond them too, then? ∼
∼I don’t think so. Firstly, I’m too big for a human female and secondly, I’m quite happy
with four gorgeous ladies in my heart. I wouldn’t want to seem greedy now, would I? ∼
∼ Heaven forbid. I’m sorry, Master, but this mental thing is very new to me, and it’s
a bit tiring. Could you visit someone else for a while? Please don’t take offence. I do want
you as close as possible. You haven’t fucked my arse yet, and I really want you to, it’s just
that I’m getting a headache. ∼
Chapter 9 — the Oysters cried, 115

∼ Don’t worry so much, love. I’ll check out the Brits now. See you when I wake up,
if that makes sense. ∼
He backed out. He touched Jorunn briefly, without announcing his presence. Again
he was as shocked as Stina had been when he realised that this girl loved him.
Fiercely. She would stop at nothing to make him happy.
He moved on to Disa, and discovered the same thing.
He finally understood that these girls would love anything he did to them. ey were
Huldr. ey were not human. ey would aually love it if they woke up by him ramming
his cock in their asses. Disa had even checked out the cock on his animagus form, and had
almost passed out when she realised that it was almost as thick as her thigh. He had gotten
himself a couple of naughty girls. inking about how good life could be, he returned to
the welcoming feeling of Gabrielle.
He had apparently been browsing his girls for longer than he thought, because the
other girls and Guinevere had reached Grimmauld place.
“....and we got there as fast as we could, but it was just a fraion of a second too late.”
“Nymph.... Tonks, do you have any idea how he lasted that long? at shield must
have been something to see.”
“I’m sorry, Professor McGonagall, I heard that it was blue, but that’s all. It didn’t really
tell us anything.”
∼ Gabi, why can’t I see? ∼
∼ I don’t know, Beloved. It got dark the second we arrived. ∼
∼ Probably the Fidelius. Do you know who’s here? ∼
∼ So far, the only ones I’ve been able to identify are Tonks, McGonagall, Dumbledore
and the girls. Hedwig is riding on Hermione’s shoulder and I am on Luna’s. Ginny
mentioned that her family was here, but she didn’t mention any names. ∼
∼ Wait a second. If I push forward a little, I should be able to see, I think. ere.
Can you see now? ∼
∼ Yes, Master. ank you. ∼
ey looked out over the kitchen of Grimmauld Place. Closest was Tonks, talking
to McGonagall. ere were some he barely recognised, other than as Order members.
Podmore and Fletcher was there, as well as Emmeline Vance and Hestia Jones. He saw the
twins at the other end of the room, deep in conversation with Remus Lupin and Professor
Dumbledore. Again, he felt the stab of grief for Sirius, and he hoped that this was some
sort of combined memorial. He noticed that Fawkes was at Dumbledore’s shoulder, and
that the Phoenix was watching the Peregrine with interest. Suddenly, Dumbledore clapped
his hands, and the people sat down by the table. Gabrielle/Guinevere/Harry hopped from
Luna’s shoulder to the back of her chair. Dumbledore cleared his throat.
”Friends, we are here today to commemorate not just one, but two fallen comrades.
Before we share our memories, I would like to bring some points of order to the table.
I believe it was best done before, since I doubt we will be in the right mindset aer.
Apparently the house is still safe for us. I have ent quite some time ascertaining that.
I find it hard to understand that Narcissa or Bellatrix would be sympathetic...”
116 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Harry couldn’t hear more of what the Headmaster said, since Gabrielle’s mind had
gone into overdrive. Aer a few seconds, she was back to normal, and he could hear
Dumbledore again.
“..but the Fidelius charm seems to be inta.”
Gabrielle read her wings and gave a shrill cry. Dumbledore looked at her with
“I believe this beautiful bird has something to say, Miss Lovegood. Can you please
translate for us?
“I don’t eak bird yet, Professor, but Guinevere here belongs to Caradoc Pritchard,
and has been a great comfort for us and for Hedwig I the past few days. If Harry inherited
this house from Sirius, and Mr. Pritchard inherited it from Harry, isn’t it at least possible
that we are using this building with Mr. Pritchard’s blessing?”
“at would indeed be the most logical conclusion. ank you, miss Lovegood. May
I ask where...”
∼ Jormungandr! Can you prote the minds of others? Part of my secrets is in
jeopardy.” ∼
∼ I can, passive blocking at least, but not while proteing you from the
metamorphosis. ∼
∼ Sod that. Dumbledore is about to leaf through Luna’s, Ginny’s and Hermione’s
minds. If you can, prote them. ∼
e pain hit him like a bludger. His joints were forced apart, his skin was on fire and
his head was filled with visions of hunting. Deer, wolves and humans alike were hunted
in his mind. He felt through the pain, the exhilaration of the steep turn, of the wind over
his wings as he took hight and the sheer pleasure of the dive. It still hurt, but the feeling
of true flight overrode it. He could also feel Jormungandr move in his mind, and aer an
age-long minute, he heard the rumbling voice.
∼ Master, I have placed a bit of myself in the females you indicated. ey are safe, and
you may return to the bird’s eyes. ∼
∼ ank you. We will need to eak more of this later. ∼
Harry returned to the falcon at Grimmauld place. Dumbledore was looking quite
disgruntled, and it amused harry no end. Dumbledore continued.
“If any one makes conta with Mr. Pritchard, please tell him that I would very much
like to eak with him at his convenience. Very little is known about him, but he is believed
to be a Sorcerer. He has recently acquired the use of Kilchurn Castle, and that was entailed
for sorcerer’s, I believe. e Goblins seem to trust him, and it is likely that he was the last
man to eak to Harry before...” e old man’s voice caught, and if it wasn’t real, Harry
assumed that the headmaster was one hell of an aor. As he looked around, he saw
everybody’s faces closing up.
“is is not a funeral, my friends. is is a time for remembrance. e first time I
saw Harry, it was in the company of Sirius. Aually, he was sleeping in Sirius’ arms, and
a prouder godfather has never been seen. Some time later, I helped place him with his
relatives, away from the trappings of the magical world, and I had the opportunity to see
Chapter 9 — the Oysters cried, 117

him grow up to the brave young man, who struck such a decisive blow to the dark, and
paid for it with his life. My memories of him could easily fill a week, but I yield the floor.
Miss Lovegood?”
“Harry wanted to help me find my stolen things. No one had ever done that before.
He came from a home where he was battered and abused, and he still wanted to help more
than anything.”
ere were muted outcries at Luna’s testimony. Many of the people present obviously
didn’t know anything about him and his life. e twins followed.
“I remember his second year, “
“e smile on his face when we...”
“Yanked the bars from his windows with...”
“Dad’s flying Ford Anglia.”
“I remember,” Ginny continued, “later that year, when he risked his life for an annoy-
ing little girl he barely knew, and aually would have died if it hadn’t been for Fawkes.”
“He fought a mountain troll for me. He and Ron saved my life.
e testimonies went on and on. People he didn’t know told stories about him, and
the things he had done, like they were heroic. Aer a while, he began to realise that they
might aually be that, and that maybe not anyone would have done those things. An
hour passed, before the group broke up for a break. e girls managed to bring Tonks
with them to a room of their own.
“So, girls. Brave faces and all aside, how’r’ye holding up?”
“Not bad,” Ginny said.
“Could be worse,” Hermione agreed.
“All things considered, it’s pretty good. He will thank you for covering for him.” Luna
stated, completely serious.
“What? Oh yes, the bird. How is he?”
“We don’t know that much, but pretty good. He doesn’t write any letters himself. He
has a Consort doing that for him. She has said that his gratitude is great, and can leave
a girl tingling for days.
It sounds fun to me, but we were ecifically asked to give you a preliminary ’thank
you’ notice. He will be back in time for school.”
“And I will be in trouble for the hoax. Never mind. I knew about that when I did it. I
just hope he had a god time, and it sounds like he did. Do you really think he meant the
kind of ’thank you’ it sounds like?”
Her hopeful voice made Harry smile. He had an idea at that point, and decided to
a on it right away.
∼ Gabi, can you move to Tonks’ shoulder? I want to try something. ∼
e falcon lighted and moved over, to the startled looks of the girls present. “Guin-
evere” pressed her head to the side of Tonks’, and a small ark of blue lightning crossed
between them. Tonks fell to her knees, and her hair changed to a vibrant red as a small,
118 Midnight Sun — Vanir

but most unexpeed orgasm ripped through her body. She turned to look at the falcon,
and looked straight into a pair of startling green eyes. ey returned to their normal grey
as she watched. Tonks was stunned for many reasons.
“Is that...?”
“Harry? No, at least we don’t think so. e bird is too large to be a male. Peregrine
females are larger, and this bird is sort of female-feeling, but he can see through her eyes at
times, and apparently use his magic through her, too. at looked like fun.” Luna explained
with a smile.
“Damn, that was intense. If he can do that by proxy, what can he do one on one, I
“I don’t know, but I’m willing to find out.”
“Me too”, Hermione and Ginny added in chorus.
“Am I interrupting something?” Remus said, poking his head through the door.
“Not really,” Tonks answered. “How are you doing?”
“Much better, thank you. Girls, you missed a fairly important little detail. You’re not
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ginny asked with quivering voice.
“I mean, you show some signs, but you don’t smell distressed. Well, Tonks has been
under some stress in the last few minutes, but I don’t think she minds. I am, aer all, a
werewolf. No matter what shape I’m in, I have a pretty keen nose. Do you know what I
think that means?”
“Please tell.” Hermione asked flatly.
“I think one of the most watched people in the wizarding world has pulled off a major
prank. He would have needed accomplices, one of which is in this very room. I have seen
the remains, Tonks. ey may scan as someone we know, but they smell cow. I don’t really
need to know more than that, eecially with your faces proving my point. It’s one hell of a
prank. I’m proud of him, and I know Sirius is laughing himself sick, wherever he is.” With
that, the greying werewolf bowed, smiled and le.
“A prank, he said. I hadn’t thought of it like that.” Ginny pondered.
“Bloody good one, eh?” Tonks grinned.
“Brilliant.” Hermione agreed.
“Somewhat cruel, though,” Luna objeed. “Why haven’t anyone mentioned
“Mum told me he’s in isolation at St. Mungo’s. He got violent against the other patients
who couldn’t see his non-existent Patronus. Why?”
“Lots of people are hurting, and have been hurt because of this prank. If he had
thought of that, I don’t think he would have gone.” Luna stated with her usual dreamy
“You’re right of course, but I don’t think he would ever have thought of it. Would
Harry understand that people would miss him? His sense of self-worth isn’t that good.”
Ginny agreed.
Chapter 9 — the Oysters cried, 119

“We got the first letter fairly soon, though, and the rights to tell whomever we see fit to
know. Which includes Neville. Damn, I haven’t thought of that.” Hermione smacked her-
self on the forehead. “We need to get some kind of message to him, too. e Department
of Mysteries Assault Team should really stick together.”
“e DoM Raiders,” Luna smiled. “Without Ronald, at least until he gets better.”
“I guess I should feel sorry for him, or turn the libraries of the known world upside
down trying to find a cure, but I just don’t want to. I have better things to do.”
“Like Harry?” Tonks asked with an impish smile, but got rather shocked as the prim
and proper Miss Granger looked her squarely in the eye and answered.
“I’d love to, but I have to know where he is before I can seduce him, don’t I?”
“You would never do that” Luna stated blandly.
“Seduce Harry? I would surely try.”
“No, turn a library upside down. at would ruin the Dewey decimal system, and
you would never find the right books.”
“Well, I guess you’re right.”
Aer that repartee, they were called back to the kitchen, and the strange memorial
meeting went on.

* * *
Several hours later, the girls, Hedwig and Guinevere found themselves back in Basingstoke,
feeling upset in at least three ways. Firstly, they felt that they had betrayed Harry, giving
out hints le and right.
“Harry is a legendary kind of hero, and they tend to rise again in the hour of need,
don’t they?”
ey felt oddly confused by the headmaster, who had kept talking about a boy called
Harry, but who was nothing like the Harry they knew. Some of the stories that Dum-
bledore had told, simply never happened. More than once, the headmaster talked about
Voldemort’s defeat, as if it had already happened, and that it had happened at the cost of
Harry’s life. Everybody, even Molly, had picked up on it, and the atmohere had felt very
Finally, all the attention had been on the Boy-Who-Still-Lived, and no attention,
except for Dumbledore’s opening words, had been paid to Sirius. Sirius was aually
dead, and heroically so. Every time they had tried to bring him up, someone, usually the
headmaster, would cut them off with yet another Harry-story. Something was very wrong
here. To top it all off, Guinevere was getting impatient. She was looking out the window
and flexing her wings. e girls decided to write Harry a short note and let her go.

Dearest Harry.
As you have seen, we are eagerly awaiting your return. If your consort
doesn’t mind, we would gladly demonstrate what we’ve learned over the
120 Midnight Sun — Vanir

summer, and we hope you would return the favour. Your little demon-
stration with Tonks was iniring, and we all hope to deserve the same
treatment at some point.
Take care of yourself, and we’ll see you on the train.
ps/ I promise to swallow. H /
With the note securely attached, Gabrielle took wing, heading north. As soon as
she was out of populated areas, she let her fire flow over her wings, and she ed up
dramatically. It wouldn’t be long before she would be at the castle, where Dobby at least
would meet her. Shortly aer the Tonks interlude, Harry had gone unreonsive, and as
the meeting drew to a close, he had disappeared from the Bond. She couldn’t even sense
his presence. For obvious reasons, that tore her up badly. She couldn’t help her Master.
She was a Bad Pet.
Harry was hurting. He had understood what the others refused to see, and he had
drawn back to his battered body, experiencing the transformation fully. It had hurt, but
not as much as his new understanding of Dumbledore. When the potion had run it’s
course, he was in human shape, and he sat up, ineing his body for new changes.
Not that it did much good any more. He changed so fast now, that he barely recognised
himself from one day to the next.
ere were some odd ridges under the skin on his arms, but that was it.
He rose, and felt for the girls. Gabrielle’s distress came through like a needle. As he
tried to send her some reassurance, he couldn’t get through, though. e Huldr and Stina
were in the lake, so he got down there, rounding piles of wrecked cottage.
As an aerthought, he pulled up his magic again, piecing together the cottage as well
as it could be done, and conjuring new pieces where it was needed.
When it at least looked like a cottage again, he joined the girls. Sigyn was still with
them, and the sight of three gorgeous girls and one drop-dead gorgeous woman would of
course have sent him into rapture under normal conditions, but right now he just noticed
“Hi there, Master. We lost you for a while. Did my little trick help you?” Stina said
with a hesitant smile.
“What trick was that, love?”
“We all got in the water, and I used my new power to sort of link our minds to yours,
making you smarter and more observant. Did I do wrong?”
Harry looked down into the ground, and he didn’t say anything for three whole
minutes. When he looked up, his eyes were ablaze, and he caught her, like a deer in the
headlights of an oncoming car.
“Yes. You did wrong. It was a good idea, and it worked. It worked very well, and I did
learn things I needed to know. e wrong thing you did, however, has me shocked and
Chapter 9 — the Oysters cried, 121

hurt. I am blocking the bond right now, because I wouldn’t infli this pain on anybody,
least of all you girls, who I happen to love. Tell me, Stina, what did you do wrong?”
His voice was very low, and the Huldr, being too far away, had to resort to their bond
with Stina to hear him.
Stina looked ready to cry. She looked younger and younger until he had a crying nine
year old girl in front of him.
“I ... I didn’t tell you before?”
“Almost. You didn’t ask me before. If you get the idea to do something like this, you
ask me. Not tell, ASK!” He roared the last word, and the Lake Warden fell to her knees,
crying a literal river.
“Please, Master. I won’t do it again. Don’t push me away, let me stay with you,
“I won’t push you away. I love you, but I am very angry with you right now, and I
will punish you. Damn it, Stina you’re smarter than this. You mess with my mind and
perceptions without asking, of bloody course I’ll be angry. Sometimes I need to keep
my wits about me, but the word ’My’ is sort of the operative here. You put me in a very
difficult position, with more powers of observation and intelligence than I’m used to. It
was Hell!”
“I’m so very sorry, Master. How can I make it better? Anything, just tell me!”
“It might be a while before you share my bed. You will, however, help me reassure
Gabrielle. She took a bad hit when I withdrew, but she aed out my wishes before giving
in to the deair she’s feeling now. We will find a way to go to the castle in Scotland, where
you will do your utmost to satisfy her. If you do her really good, I might cum in your
mouth, right aer I fuck Gabrielle, but I’m not making any promises.”
“ank you, Master. I won’t disappoint you again.”
He grabbed her chin, and looked her deep in her eyes before he answered.
“No. You won’t.”
He felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Hasse, relax. She did her best. She just didn’t think of the consequences.”
“I know, Sigyn. at’s why I’m hammering in that they should ask first. Besides, it
might have the opposite effe. Did you know they like to be dominated? Disa is right on
the verge of coming, and Jorunn isn’t far behind. Stina hasn’t orgasmed yet, because I’m
not allowing her to.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize. Is that because you’re their master?”
“Partly, yes. ey are all very powerful. It’s not the submission that gets to them, I
think, but the fa that I can force their submission if I choose to. I have this Alpha Male
thing going here, and I’m beginning to enjoy that. Now, how do we get to Scotland in
half an hour?”
“Master,” Stina said, still on her knees. “I think I have found a way. I believe I can
take us there through the water. You can breathe under water, and both Disa and Jorunn
can hold their breaths for fieen minutes. It shouldn’t be nearly that long, though. Please,
let me help?”
122 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“You’re sure?”
“Not absolutely, but if I go there myself, you can see through my eyes if it’s the right
ot, can’t you?”
“It’s aually a good idea. Go and see.”
Stina nodded, and melted into the lake.
Harry found himself immersed in so female flesh, as both the Huldr girls threw
themselves at him, embracing him tightly. He held on to his macho for three whole
seconds before he broke down and cried. What he had seen at Grimmauld Place was a
demented old man, sticking to a plan he had made long ago, with a certain Harry Potter
as the principal tool. e plan had failed, involving as it did an idealized boy, not a real
one, but the advancing dementia had made the headmaster unable to adapt, so Harry
had been thrown into one pre-planned scenario aer another, and had performed to
satisfaion like a trained monkey every time. Now, the plan was broken, and Dumbledore
had unknowingly revealed to him that he was supposed to die in the final confrontation.
He had rebelled against the headmaster, but it had been the rebellion against a parental
figure. He would never had dreamed that the headmaster had seen him as an item, a tool
to be thrown away, and it hurt. He had needed to know it, but to have it bashed into his
brain like this hurt too much. He would never have figured it out on his own. He would
perhaps have seen some clues to investigate, and reached the same conclusion over some
time, but it hurt. One good thing about his lingering mental boost, was that he had worked
through the pain in just a few minutes. He sent a couple of grateful arks into the girls,
and enjoyed hearing them ga. He squeezed them briefly and let go.
“We’re always here, Master,” Was all that Jorunn said about it.
Sigyn kissed his cheek, before leaving the island. Harry kept a mental ear on Stina as
he busied himself, ineing his new toys again.
He learned to control Fang’s size, and he tried the staff out a few times, and he felt he
needed less mental focus with the staff as a magical conduit.
As he went over the cottage again, fixing things, he learnt that the staff could hold
ell effes for a while, saving him the trouble of continuous casting.
It was fun.
Careful ineion of the Stormbreaker revealed a permanent blasting curse built into
one end, and a cutting curse on the other. e flats held healing and repairing charms.
Before he could get any more detail, he received an image through the bond. It was
Kilchurn Castle all right, but it was sort of distorted, and he realised it was because Stina
was affeed by the repelling charms.
He could also feel Gabrielle nearby. e image turned green, and seconds later, Stina
rose from the surface of the lake. She looked at him, and he nodded.
is simple little acknowledgement le the the girl blushing in happiness, and Harry
realised that he may have been a bit rough on her. He would have to make it up to her.
He made no outward signs of his guffaw, when he remembered his unique situation.
ese girls, these beings were so much simpler to deal with than humans. Stina was hurt
Chapter 9 — the Oysters cried, 123

and very insecure right now, and he knew that the only thing he would have to do to her
in order to fix it was a right good fucking.
“Lead the way” he said, and walked into the water, merging with it as much as he
could, as he felt the familiar current that was his bonded Mate grab him, Jorunn and Disa
and pulled them under.
ey went down much further that the shallow lake allowed, and Harry realised that
somehow, they weren’t in the physical world any more.
Aer about a minute, he surfaced, and saw the stars for the first time in a while. As
he breathed in, he could smell heather blossoms and peat bogs.
He looked around, and saw a long Loch, but right in front of him was a massive
struure, much larger than he remembered, but it was unmistakably Kilchurn Castle.
He sensed around, and realised that Jorunn and Disa were stuck at the bottom.
He reached for them and lied them to the surface on his magic, and then pulled
them all to the shore.
Gabrielle was there, and she was so distressed that she wasn’t even aware of them.
He looked a bit closer, and found her on the parapet of the highest tower. He didn’t
think, he just pulled them all ashore and changed.
With a few movements by his powerful wings, he lied, and he caught some eed,
circling for height until he could land on top of the tower.
He changed back before he had touched down, and found himself hit by a silver-haired
missile. Aing completely on instin, she claimed his mouth in a searing kiss.
Now he felt her again, aively seeking him, and almost trying to melt into his body
and mind.
He caught her clothes with his morphing touch, allowing them to pool at his feet,
followed closely by his own. Still united by lips and tongues, he turned her around, and
put his cock between her buttocks.
Remembering thousands of wand-polishing jokes, he performed the Back-Door-Fun-
Charm through his cock, and lied her slightly. His magic and her Veela power cooperated
nicely, and he found himself pressed against her tight little arse.
It opened to his gentle pressure, and he slid home in her tightest entrance. She was
suended in mid-air, pinned on his cock like a butterfly on a needle, but a very happy
butterfly indeed. She writhed and moaned into his mouth as he began releasing small
arks straight into her arse, aimed for her G-ot.
Aer a few minutes, he could sense the other girls, escorted by Dobby, exiting the
stairs and joining them. Stina touched the Huldr’s clothes and three naked beauties in-
volved themselves.
Gabrielle was in Veela heaven. Her Master was fucking her ass slowly, but with care
and great attention to detail. A very pretty brunette was kneeling in front of her, licking
her clit and associated areas with an insanely long tongue. Two other gorgeous girls were
busying themselves with her breasts and she quickly lost count on her orgasms. e girl
124 Midnight Sun — Vanir

between her legs put her finger inside Gabrielle’s pussy, and suddenly she felt gloriously
filled. As she looked down, she could see the girl’s finger looking exaly like their Master’s
cock, just a tad smaller. e extra pressure by this double penetration was driving her and
her Master nuts. She considered sliding off and take him in her mouth to the finish, but
she sensed that he had a plan, so she just enjoyed her final orgasms.
Stina was fulfilling her allotted punishment, only to find that it was aually a reward.
Gabrielle was beautiful, and she tasted delicious. e sight of her master’s cock thrusting
into the tight little hole would have made her cum, but the Master wouldn’t let her. As
she morphed her hand, and began fucking Gabrielle’s little pussy, she sensed the Master
drawing close, and she hoped that he had forgiven her enough already.
Harry had gone as close as he could, and pulled out of Gabrielle’s tight little arse.
He lied her gently to the side, sending another lightning bolt into her lovely body, and
grabbed Stina’s head in both hands.
Slowly and deliberately, he pushed his engorged member into her mouth. It met no
resistance as he began fucking her throat, and it wasn’t long before he came.
She had to pull free, as rope aer rope of thick semen filled her throat and mouth.
Semen covered her face, and she had swallowed another mouthful before her Master
was done. As he finally allowed her to cum, she did.
She sat kneeling on the stone floor, her face covered by her master’s semen, and had
one hell of an orgasm.
On the floor was also a writhing pile of female limbs, as Gabrielle had decided to
return the favours with great vehemence.
His Sorcerer’s Sight caught something interesting. Gabrielle was emitting the Veela
Allure with a vengeance, ad the Huldr couldn’t block it, but reonded with the Huldr
Pull, which the Veela couldn’t repel.
ey were feedback-looping themselves into an absolute frenzy, and he found it pru-
dent to imbue Gabrielle with a continuous healing ell.
Veela were a bit fragile, aer all, and the Huldr were strong.
Smiling, he sent a little thought to Disa, reminding her what Stina had on her face, and
stood back as the golden-haired girl pounced, and began licking the Lake Warden’s face.
Stina was pushed on her back, as Disa licked her face clean and then Gabrielle joined
in, returning the favour by driving Stina insane with her tongue.
Jorunn was crawling towards her Master on all fours, craning her neck to take his
cock in her mouth.
He sat down on a bench, instantly warming it with a flash, and watched the three
girls on the floor working each other to a frenzy. Jorunn was sucking his cock with great
delight and he was soon rock hard again.
He sensed that Stina was still a bit shaken by his reaion, so he decided to do some-
thing about that.
He quietly sent the instruion to the other girls, and Stina found herself lied off the
floor by the powerful Huldr, as the petite little Veela still busied herself between her legs.
Chapter 9 — the Oysters cried, 125

She could feel a finger pressed against her arse, and suddenly it felt slightly slick, and
the pleasure that shot through her almost made her cum. She didn’t even notice she was
being carried towards her Master and lowered.
It was first when she felt his cock pressing against her magically prepared arse she
realised what was going on. As she felt herself stretch around him, she went into a con-
tinuous orgasm.
With the rough tongues of the Huldr lapping at her nipples, and the skilled little fingers
of a Veela working her pussy, there was just no way for her to retain her sanity.
She jumped from peak to peak as her Master thrust his length into her, and she
morphed her insides to take more of him inside.
Finally, she felt him tense up and shoot off inside her. e warm feeling brought
another peak, that was blown all out of proportion when he discharged his magic into
her, too.
Her Master had wanted her. Her Master had forgiven her, and she snuggled close to
him, still shivering. She felt his huge member slide out ,and his semen ooze slowly out of
her, and someone was licking it up. She was in her Master’s arms, she had his semen in
her arse and one of her sisters was cleaning up her nether parts with her tongue, and all
was right with the world.
Harry was sitting on a stone bench, on top of the highest tower of an ancient castle, a
castle he felt very at home in, and that he somehow knew, like he had lived there for years.
He sat there, stark naked, with his equally naked girls falling asleep around him. Dobby
appeared silently beside him.
“Hello, Dobby. Can you take them to bed without waking them?”
e little elf nodded, and levitated the girls away. Harry rose, and let his clothes slither
on to him again. He followed the elf down the stairs. It was time to get to know his home.
126 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter X

“before we have our chat;

e sun was shining in through the narrow window, waking Gabrielle up. She felt content
and happy. She also felt a bit horny, but she always did that anyway. Her Master was near,
and he had taken her the night before, so everything was all right.
She looked around, and found herself in a huge bed. It was more Sultan- than King
size and the Harem was all there. As she hadn’t really met the other girls before, she took
her time studying them.
To her right was Stina, the peculiar four hundred year old little girl. She looked about
fieen, complete with her brown hair in pigtails. She had a classic beauty, but with a few
freckles on her nose. Her arms were muscular, and the fa that she wasn’t fully human was
revealed in the shimmering highlights on her skin. Her breasts were large, maybe C-cup,
and her waist was slim and lacked bellybutton. She had slim, long legs, and her mound
had a little tu of hair, but the sides were bare. Not shaved, she saw, but hairless.
Gabrielle managed to keep herself from licking the girl awake, but promised herself
to do that some time. She did look absolutely delicious, and the smell of her sex was
intoxicating. Instead, she turned to her le.
Disa was right next to her, and Gabrielle could not stop staring at those incredible
boobs. e fur on the upper side was like honey in colour, and she felt she had to touch it
extensively, but later. Below the magnificent boobs were a very slim waist, and a very firm
and delightfully curvy hip. e thighs just begged to be licked, and the hairless slit with the
protruding clit was a wonder to behold, and Gabrielle found herself getting wet. Disa’s tail
was beautiful. Quite bushy, and silky so. It would be the perfe thing to wrap around
her shoulders on a cold day as she licked that beautiful quim. Disa’s high cheekbones
accentuated the large incisors, making her look slightly dangerous, and madly sexy. Her
tiny little nose made Cuteness the domineering trait of the Huldr’s face, though. Her large
eyes would be lovely to paint for more formal occasions. e long, basically strawberry
blonde hair was thick and shining, and would be lovely to brush and arrange.
Jorunn’s would be even better. It was incredibly long and rich, and Gabrielle shivered
a bit in anticipation of running her fingers through it. She also remembered a stripe of

128 Midnight Sun — Vanir

fur along her ine, leading from Jorunn’s head to that lovely tail of hers. Her face was
beautiful, too. Like with Disa, it was decidedly predatorial, but Jorunn looked even more
exotic and dangerous. She remembered well how Jorunn had lied her to taste her pussy,
and there was no doubt the girls had superhuman strength. ose four tits were a chapter
to themselves. Full and firm, and also equipped with perfe and sensitive nipples. e
hairless vagina was another great thing, and now Gabrielle could barely stop herself any
She looked around the bed, and noticed the discreet lendour they rested in. e
room had a high ceiling, and three large chandeliers with room for hundreds of candles,
and an odd-looking crystal in the centre. ere were tapestries on the walls and furs on the
floor. Everything oke of a medieval castle, except some little touches here and there.
ere were several wardrobes along one wall. ey were decorated with carvings, and
she got out of bed and walked up to the one with a beautifully carved Peregrine falcon on it.
Inside were several gowns and all sorts of clothes, all in the same style, vaguely medieval,
and severely sexy as well. She considered putting on a bathrobe and go looking for her
Master, but she could sense that he was busy, so she slipped back up in the bed. Disa’s
boobs were just too great. She crawled carefully in between Disa’s legs and began carefully
licking her awake. As the Huldr moaned and stirred, Gabrielle looked up, and into Disa’s
shining amber eyes.
“Hi! I’m Gabrielle, and I love you. Good morning.”

* * *
Harry was indeed occupied. He was sitting in a comfortable armchair in his study, dis-
cussing the renovations of the castle with Dobby, sitting in a similar, but miniaturized
chair himself. Between them were a table with a full English breakfast. He sensed the girls
waking up and busying themselves, and he smiled. ere would surely be tension and
fighting among them sooner or later, but later sounded good to him.
“Master Harry, the plumbing is working, and there is gas lights with a constant conju-
ration charm of some kind in the tanks. e kitchens work with gas too, and the storages
and larders have cooling charms that seems to need some fixing that Dobby can’t do.”
“I’ll have a look at them. How about guest rooms and suites? I guess the girls will want
to have their own rooms, too, even if they will always be welcome in the master suite, of
“ere are ten guest suites, and twenty rooms, not counting the ones near Master
bedroom that I already made for the Misseses. I mean, that Winky thinked of, and yelled
at Dobby to do until Dobby did.”
“ankfully, I haven’t had that problem yet. ey’re awake, by the way. Maybe
breakfast in half an hour or so? How is it with neighbours? Anything living in the Loch?”
“Winky will see to them, Master Harry. Only fish in the Loch. Muggles come here to
fish and take piures. e Fidei Divisor charm that protes Master Harry’s castle makes
them all see the ruin.”
“I need to learn that charm. So, security is pretty good here, then? What about that
arch you told me about. Could you get it to work?”
Chapter 10 — “before we have our chat; 129

“Yes, Master Harry. It is in a room in the dungeons. Very safe room. Rowan wood
and magnetite, nickel sheets and magic-eating runes of platinum. Master Harry is Lord,
and can always call the Arch. All Master Harry needs to do is to meet it and feel it. ere
are rings, too. Rings that will call the arch to wherever they are. Beautiful rings, they are.
is castle was made by Sorcerers, Master Harry. Sorcerers have always had many Bonded
girls. Dobby and Winky thinks they are made for Bond Brides.”
“Interesting word. ey’re not exaly my brides, though.”
e elf looked at his employer with an arched eyebrow.
“Dobby say that too. Winky say ’pish-posh’ and Dobby thinks Winky was right.
Master Harry, you learned elveses aren’t stupid as we is sounding. We see things you
do not. We see need before it is. Dobby see Master Harry with Bond Brides last night.
Harry laughed at his minuscule Chamberlain-to-be. ey had talked for hours, and
Harry had learned that there was a working brain between those floppy ears. It was a brain
that marched to a different beat than human brains, but it was fast.
ey had walked around Kilchurn, and Harry had found that the floppy-eared little
man was a very gied individual, equipped with a caustic wit, and great taste. e décor
was just like he wanted it, like a more benevolent and personal Hogwarts. e crests
that adorned many surfaces had been replaced with new ones, more suitable for his own
One suite had it’s doors adorned with a red shield with a fasces and a cornucopia, and
he was surprised to learn that it was the Weasley family crest.
Another guest room had a biseed shield in blue and gold, with a book and three
candles. e border was an outstretched Ermine. Aer seeing the Weasley shield, he
could easily see that this was the Granger, brand new family shield. Dobby had even had
it registered!
Luna had a room too, adorned with a crescent moon, a heart and a gauntlet.
ere was a room in the dungeons, too, decorated in what only could be called
”Testosterone chic”, all oak, brass and leather, with a bar and a dartboard, pool- and poker
tables and female-repelling charms on the door.
Dobby had told him that the room had already been there, he had only modernized
it. ere were plans to make it safe for mundane eleronics, too.
In the interest of fairness, he thought there should be an all female room too, but
he held that off for later. e library was extensive, and it probably would have been a
treasure trove for bibliophiles, and Harry reminded himself to see what he could learn
about potions there. Perhaps some strategies, too.
e rest seemed to work best if he didn’t think too much.
To his delight, there was a smithy in the courtyard and a gym in one of the towers.
ere were also a workshop with what he called the ”toolboxes of requirement.” Brilliant
solution, that.
“Does Winky cook at Hogwarts too?” He asked.
130 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“No, Master Harry, the cooking elves wouldn’t let her. e cooking elves wouldn’t let
Dobby either. Dobby can only make drinks at Hogwarts. Dobby make beer and mead
and butterdrinks, but is not allowed to serve, only make. Much is poured out. Squid in
the lake gets very silly. How is you, Master Harry? May Winky cook and Dobby, too?”
“Dobby, you care for Winky, don’t you?”
“Dobby does, Master. Master approve?”
“Of course I do. Is this place too large for two elves? No shadow on your work or
anything, but I want this place to be in top condition. Can you do it?”
“Maybe one or two more would be good, Master Harry. is castle could occupy
fieen elveses, but is not needed. Not really.”
“Dobby, soon there will be babies, too. I want you to be my Chamberlain. You will
take care of the castle, me and my ... BondBrides, and our children. You will lead the
work, and you will hire as you need the manpower. Who does what is not my call, it’s
yours. Remember that I need you fit and ready, so no doing everything on your own. I
will want to know about major changes in advance, but you are in charge. I want you to
hire mistreated elves, or buy them if you need it. I understand most elves are happy where
they are, but if they want out, lets give them a place to go to here.”
“Master Harry, Dobby did. Dobby make Elf hoital in dungeon, and le dungeons
with dust-and-clutter charms, to keep elves happy. Dobby did right?”
“Again, you anticipate my needs. Now, to understand women, I should rather talk to
Winky than you, right?”
Dobby grinned in a fairly insolent way.
“To understand, Master Harry needs to bang head against the wall. Winky can tell
what to do. Master shouldn’t try to understand. It just hurts.”
Harry laughed.
“You are probably right, my friend. Where can I find her?”
ere was a pop, and Winky was there. Dobby immediately evacuated his chair,
offering it to Winky. She looked horrified, until Harry nodded, and she sat hesitantly,
like the armchair would swallow her.
“Hi Winky. Do you like it here?”
“Yes Master. It is big, and Winky can do everything that is needs to be doing.”
“Good. I don’t know how you have arranged things, but I have given some details to
Dobby, who will a as my Chamberlain. Now, I understand that those pillowcases are
traditional, but I’d rather have you in some kind of uniform. Can that be done in a way
we can agree on?”
“Yes, Master. We make Elfshaped pillows. en, we make pretty pillowcases, and
wear those. Like Wizarding servant’s uniforms?”
“Something like that. You know my crest and my taste, as well as your own ,so I’ll
leave it to you. Now, Winky, I need some advice on romance. Constant boinking has it’s
charm, but I’m trying to diversify here....”

* * *
Chapter 10 — “before we have our chat; 131

e girls were still in bed, but a lot sweatier than before. Poor Stina had been assaulted by
both kinds of allure until she had gone almost catatonic by the constant orgasms.
She had managed to discern that the Veela allure was largely mental, while the Huldr
variety oke direly to the body, with only a minimal compulsion, designed to attra
the viim to the Huldr in question instead of anything female.
Jorunn had been thoroughly licked all over, and Disa had discovered that she could
aually cum by fucking a girl with her large nipples.
Given that the girl was a Veela, of course, with their ability to tighten up, but still.
e only one who could still move was Gabrielle, and those movements were largely
caresses. Suddenly, the door opened, and the main obje of their affeion came in.
Harry dropped his bathrobe on the floor, and climbed onto the bed. He crawled up
to the pillows, and laid back.
Immediately, he had Gabrielle’s lips on his cock, but he lied her up, and placed her
on top of him. She slid down his length, not stopping until he had reached her bottom.
e little Veela girl was held in place by his strong hands, and he slowly began to move
inside her. He captured a nipple in his mouth and bit gently, making her moan, and the
Huldr girls couldn’t move much, but they did roll over, and used their tails to caress and
tickle her into a nice lingering orgasm.
Harry gently moved her aside, and rolled over to Jorunn. He pulled her to her side,
and ooned her. Aer a quick charm, he placed his slick cock at her arse and pushed
himself inside. Just because he could, he morphed ridges and bumps on his cock, and she
panted heavily as he slowly buggered her.
Disa made a heroic effort, and placed herself between Jorunn’s lied legs, extending
that long rough Huldr tongue into her friend as their Master fucked her. Jorunn came
much harder than Gabrielle had, and the squeezing brought Harry over the edge.
He pulled out of Jorunn, and Disa took him in her mouth immediately. As Harry
unloaded his volume into the greedy girl’s mouth, he released his magic into his semen,
making Disa come gently, but for a very long time as she swallowed it all.
Spent and cleaned, he crawled over to Stina, who had begun to move. He got to his
feet, and pulled her up to him in a tight embrace. e embrace got a lot tighter, as he
used his waterpower to merge their bodies in what looked like a standing waterout.
It twirled and foamed, and there were some strange blue flashes, and the bond came
alive with love, closeness and the merging of mind and body. e girl still on the bed
found themselves gaing by the echoes of Stina’s experience. Aer several minutes, the
water column slowed and separated into two beings, two very happy beings, one of them
blushing and one gently smiling.
“Master, Did you think I would pass up the opportunity to enter you as you entered
me? Wasn’t it good?”
“It was brilliant, love. Just unexpeed, but unexpeed things can be very good.”
“Master,” Disa said,”Not that you ever need a reason to screw us silly, but what brought
this on?”
132 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Partly because I wanted to, partly because I love you and you are all so damned
tempting. Mostly, because I think that’s the level of romance you want from me. I’m
learning to deal with the fa that everything I know about courting and such is about
human girls, and you’re not.”
“You’re right of course.”Gabrielle nodded. “I know I look like a fairytale princess, but
given the choice between roses and poetry, or your cock down my throat, the roses don’t
stand a chance.”
“Our sister is right.” Disa clarified.” If you want to give us a romantic gi, tie a ribbon
around your cock. We love you, and when you tell us you love us, we just melt. You can
do no wrong with us, because you love us and we love you.
I love giving you examples, and here’s another one. You come home from Hogwarts
or whatever, a little stressed, a little grumpy and just out of sorts. You meet me in the hall,
grab my head and fuck my face until you feel better.
at means I helped you. I’m part of your life, and a part that makes you feel better.
Even if you just want to slamfuck my arse when you’re in a bad mood. Now, this isn’t
universal for us, it’s because it’s you. You would make damn sure we got off as well, even
if we do that naturally anyway. en there’s the bond. We feel your emotions. We know,
beyond a shadow of a doubt that you love us, and that you want us to have your babies.
You have no idea how much that means to us.”
“No I don’t, but I don’t really need to, do I? I love you, I need you and I’d like to keep
you around.
Gabrielle, even if you don’t need this, I do.”
He concentrated. is was a bit bigger than anything he had done so far, even if it
was mostly an illusion. He was suddenly dressed in a white robe with blue trim, and Fang
expanded in his hand. e walls and floor of the room became marble, and roses, blue
and white, covered the floor. e girls found themselves in white silk gowns, vaguely re-
sembling Sigyn’s ceremonial garb, and their golden belts were adorned with the alchemical
symbols of air, for Gabrielle, fire for Disa, water for Stina and earth for Jorunn. ey stood
up, wordlessly, since none of them could formulate a complete sentence. eir Master was
glowing with power, and his love for them shone clearly in his eyes.
“Ladies, you know how much I love you. Our Bond is all I need, and I think you feel
the same. Still, I was raised as a human, whatever else I may be, and I have to operate in
the human world.
Today, Gabrielle, I ask for your hand in marriage. Jorunn, Disa, Stina, I ask for your
hands as well, but I would like to postpone the aual ceremonies until I’ve dealt with
Voldemort. Gabrielle and I have to operate more in the human world, and even if we’re
already married in my heart, your family needs to see that I’m serious about you.” He called
up a silver tray, with four gold rings on them. Signet rings, but not bulky or cumbersome,
but slim , elegant and decidedly feminine.
“Gabrielle Delacour, will you marry me?”
Gabrielle’s head was inning. Her Prince was here, right here, asking her to marry
him. She didn’t need romance or roses, she just needed him, and here he was, offering her
him, romance and roses. She jumped at him, crying.
Chapter 10 — “before we have our chat; 133

“Yes! Yesyesyes!” en she melted as he kissed her with all the passion he had, setting
her body on fire with desire and need, which he quenched with a blue ark, leaving her
wonderfully weak in her knees. He took one of the rings and slid it onto her finger where it
fitted itself. A white light read from the ring and the castle flashed in reonse. She was
awestruck. is mighty castle, the Sorcerer’s fortress had recognised her, little Gabrielle,
Fleur’s baby sister as a Lady of the House.
Disa and Jorunn stood, and aer sharing a glance, they removed their belts and
switched. Aer buckling them again, they approached the newly engaged. ey didn’t
say anything, but their eyes shone brightly enough to be seen in daylight. As one, they fell
to their knees, and sang in the metallic cadences of the ancient Norse. ey were joined
aer a second by Stina, who had taken a while to catch on. He couldn’t understand a word,
but the meaning was clear, and the language and melody made a magic all of it’s own.
ey pledged themselves to him.
ey pledged their bodies and hearts
eir strength and knowledge
eir future and their children.
ey would never betray him
ey would always obey him
ey declared him their purpose and their life.
e room glowed, magic flared, the power in them all reonded as Harry embraced
them all within his magic, accepting the oath, and wordlessly, he reciprocated in a daz-
zling dilay of magic and might. e castle trembled, and the magical wave that ed
outwards from Kilchurn destroyed love potions and disrupted contraceptive charms all
over Wizarding Britain.
e five lovers in the Lord’s Suite didn’t know and didn’t care. ey were already
married in the eyes of themselves and Magic itself. e castle was humming soly, as the
last Sorcerer placed the rings on the hands of his women. e atmohere was Sacred,
until Disa broke the silence.
“at was fun. Is this the part where we make all the babies?”
Laughing, they descended to the dining room for a delayed breakfast.

* * *
Jacques Delacour was pacing in the garden.
Not that he minded being married to a Veela, not at all, but the calm way his wife just
accepted his youngest daughters absence was maddening. She was just fourteen! He knew
perfely well that she was a Veela like her mother, and therefore fully mature, but to have
her Bonded and pregnant already almost drove him crazy. He didn’t even know this boy
that had knocked up his daughter. He had gone on a rant about calling this pup out and
kill him in a duel, when Fleur had looked at him squarely.
“Papa, if you call him out, you will die. If you hurt Gabrielle in any way, you will die.
If you try to get between them, I will kill you myself, because I will be more merciful than
my sister. Cope.”
134 Midnight Sun — Vanir

at kind of talk does get a man’s attention. His eldest daughter had meant every
word, and she did know the boy. William had been there too, nodding agreement. Jacques
knew he was a fairly powerful wizard, but when a Triwizard champion, one of the most
powerful witches in the country, and one of Gringott’s finest curse breakers agreed that he
didn’t stand a chance, he would be a fool to push on.
It didn’t make him feel better, though.
Suddenly, an Arch appeared, and before he could even get his wand out, Gabrielle
stood in front of him. She was different, however. Her posture was not that of a little
girl, but of a confident woman. She was dressed in a white gown, and the crest of her boy
adorned her chest. She wore a ring now, too. Had she gotten married without telling her
family? Had he really been that much of a swine to her? His worries dissipated when she
flew into his arms, hugging him like she still was his little girl.
“Hi Papa. Do you have a few hours?”
“For you, Cherie? Always!”
“Good. It’s time for you to meet Harry.”
He didn’t have time to reond before his daughter had led him through the Arch.
e passage was strangely peaceful, but it didn’t last long until they arrived in what looked
like a dungeon.
“is is the travelling room. It’s easy to get in here, but hard to get out, if the Castle
doesn’t know you.”
“e Castle?”
“Yes. is Castle has some kind of sentience, and it recognises me as Lady of the
house. Let’s go. Harry is in the lakeside tower.”
Jacques was numbly following his daughter. is was a castle, no doubt about that.
Old and sentient, too. Whoever owned it might just be worth to take seriously. He
followed his daughter’s annoyingly swaying hips up several flights of stairs. Apparently,
there were three subterranean floors. ey ended up in a grand hall, with all the trappings
one could expe in a British castle. ey continued upwards until they came to a library.
Inside, there were books everywhere, and more importantly, three of the most beautiful
girls he had ever seen. ey wore gowns like the one his daughter was wearing, but with
different belts, and he was shocked to see that two of them had tails! Jacques was a studied
man, and he quickly realised that he was seeing at least two predators, capable of killing
him in an instant. e third girl, a brunette with startling, indigo eyes came up to him.
She addressed him in perfe , although slightly archaic French.
“Welcome to Kilchurn Castle, Monsieur Delacour. I am Stina, Bondsister to your
daughter and the oldest of us here. is is Disa, and Jorunn. We are all pledged and
Bonded to Harry, but Gabrielle is the one that matters now. As you may see, none of us
are human. Disa is a Lynx Huldr these days, she was a Squirreltail when they bonded,
Jorunn is a Foxtail and I am a Lake Warden. Disa’s and Jorunn’s families are all aboard
on this little adventure. e only possible rain cloud is, to be frank, you. So we brought
you here so you can meet Harry in some peace and quiet. Since you are not on familiar
ground, we thought that you can choose if you wish to have Gabrielle present, or if you
want to meet him alone.”
Chapter 10 — “before we have our chat; 135

“Charmed, ladies. Excuse me, I have just had a number of shocking things happen
to me in the last fieen minutes. I mean no offence, but I was under the impression that
Huldr were dangerous predators, but here you are, clearly not trying to eat me or each
other. I have never even heard of Lake Wardens, and I was completely unprepared for
the castle.”
“Understandable,” the one called Disa laughed. ”So was Harry. We are dangerous,
because we do feed off men’s life force, and we can easily kill if we’re not careful. Harry
could probably feed all the Huldr in the world and not notice, he’s so powerful. A Lake
Warden is a kind of water irit, like a nymph. If you look out that window, you will see
the Loch. It’s her body, her mind and her power. She is the water, and she might just be
the second most powerful being you’ll ever meet.”
“Disa, dear, you’re making me blush. I am powerful, Monsieur Delacour, but perhaps
not that powerful. I have no doubt I can be defeated by more wizards than Harry, but
not too many.”
“Is he really that powerful?”
“Papa, it’s not his power that keeps us here. Look around you. He keeps us happy,
and he loves us. He is a Sorcerer, but that doesn’t really say anything. He’s good and kind.
He loves us all fiercely, and he will prote us against anything. is whole thing started
when he proteed me against the British laws, and he might just destroy the ministry to
show just how much it annoys him.”
“Chevalier, then?”
“Perhaps. He’s mine, and that’s what really matters. He is the father of my child, Papa,
and that happened because I wanted it. He would never do anything against our will,
even if we do things against his wishes all the time. Well, maybe not all the time, but it
“Really? I was under the impression that you were more or less enslaved in the
“Usually yes, but it depends on the man. Veela bondings are based on desire and sex,
From what we know of Sorcerer’s Bonds, they were based on power. Our bond is based
on Love, and I doubt a bond like ours have ever existed before. It’s like seeing colours for
the first time, only more so.”
“Are you Happy, Gabrielle? Are you all happy?”
e overwhelmingly positive reonse almost bowled him over.
Stina oke again, trying to explain.
“Monsieur, I am a very alien life form, and Harry loves me. I can look like anyone, but
it’s me that he loves, no matter how I look. He had a chance to completely enslave Jorunn
the first time they met. She even offered him the chance, but he declined and healed her
instead. Disa has had many candidates for her bed, but Harry refused to bond her when
she asked him, opting to get to know her first. He didn’t want to have the greatest boobs in
existence, he wanted her. at’s the kind of man we love. I don’t need much romance, and
I’m not sure Disa and Jorunn even understands the concept, but he still made his proposal
beautifully romantic for Gabrielle. His suite have a very large bed, and we wouldn’t have
thought of staying somewhere else, but he made private rooms for us all here anyway.”
136 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“I see. I think I need to meet him.”

“So do we. If you would follow me?”
Jacques followed the peculiar girl up some more flights, into a tower.
“He recently acquired a flying form, and he’s out testing it over the Loch”
“He’s a bird, too?”
ey entered a large room, with a pair of huge open doors, facing the Loch.
“Not quite. Look over there.”
Something huge was sweeping towards them. Something huge and black, that would
have been terrifying if it hadn’t been aing so silly. He didn’t see Stina leave, because
he was captivated by the dragon-like beasts antics. ere were loops and barrel rolls,
strange manoeuvres, and something that would have looked like a winged Wronski feint,
if it hadn’t ended in a big lash when the thing misjudged it’s turning rate. However, it
shot up from the surface like a rocket, and headed towards this roost, or whatever it was.
Jacques was stunned when the dragon-like thing swooped in, misjudged it’s eed again
and crashed hard into the far wall. e leathery heap transformed into a young man,
howling with laughter.
“I was supposed to impress you, Monsieur Delacour, but I have a feeling I messed it
up. Had I known you were coming, I would have praised before.”
“You didn’t know I was coming, and yet you call me by my name?”
“Of course. e wards on this place told me about you, and your presence feels very
similar to Gabrielle’s. It wasn’t hard to figure out, really. Besides, I was planning on
containg you today, and the girls are getting good at anticipating my needs.”
“What was it you wanted to talk about, then?”
“Mostly to get to know you, frankly. We do have a few things in common, Monsieur.
We are both thrust into positions where we have little control, and fair Gabrielle holds the
keys to them. Shall we adjourn to my little Male Haven and socialise for a bit?”
ey began the long descent, and Jacques heard the boy mumble something about
elevators. He smiled to himself when he went over everything that had happened. Some-
thing had stuck in his mind, though.
“Mr. Potter, you said I felt like Gabrielle?”
“Oh yes. Seriously eaking, she is many things. Veela, witch and my bondmate for
starters, but beneath it all, she is clearly your daughter. at will never change. As you
may know, I have already proposed to your daughter, and although it’s the wrong order, I
would like to have your permission.”
“You have that already, since you got her home from her disastrous visit to this coun-
try. My blessing, though is another thing. May I ask about your other shape?”
“It’s a Leharv, an almost extin breed of dragon, but very distantly related to the
normal ones. I got the shape as a gi from Fafnir, the Great Dragon of the North. He
thinks Voldemort gives serpents a bad name.”
“And you are to take care of him, then?”
Chapter 10 — “before we have our chat; 137

“Yes.” Jacques trembled slightly to the absolute conviion in the young man’s voice,
and the slight wave of power that followed it.
“Monsieur, I love Gabrielle, and the others. Gabrielle is pregnant by me. My child will
grow up in a better world than I did. I can do it, I just have to figure out how.”
ey had reached a sturdy oak door, with a handpainted sign on, saying “Klub
Kilchurn” which made Harry laugh.
“I see my Chamberlain has been busy.”
“You have a Chamberlain?”
“He’s a house elf. Wicked sense of humour, he’s got. I sure didn’t make that sign.”
He opened the door, allowing Jacques to enter first and be suitably stunned. It was a
perfe Gentleman’s Club. He gravitated to the bar, and Harry stepped behind it.
“So, what can I get you?”
“It may be heresy for a Frenchman not to ask about wine, but a smoky whisky would
be great if you have it.”
“Certainly. Islay is only a few miles off, aer all.” Harry brought out a bottle with a
hand written label on and poured a glass for his guest. “is, however is an Oban. 48 years
in oak, cask strength and no charring and I have no idea what I just said.”
Jacques couldn’t help laughing at this boy, who might be powerful beyond reason, who
might have made his daughter pregnant and who might be a Dragon animagus but who
still was a young man, doing his best and who didn’t know everything.
“You just told me it’s a bloody fine whisky. May I ask the purpose for this room?”
“It’s a hideaway. ere’s even a female-repelling charm on the door, and more secrecy-
and anti-eavesdropping ells on this place than I care to name. Even my Bond gets muted
in here. e girls can feel my presence, but they can’t dete anything that goes on. e
room was here before I got the castle, but it was apparently made by other sorcerers, since
I can recognise the touch. Sorcerers used to bond lots of females, primarily Veela, and
I guess they needed a place to themselves. I’ll be setting up a a-like room for the girls
later. ey might need some privacy too.”
“Very wise. Let’s get busy, though. Why did you Bond my daughter?”
“Because it felt like the right thing to do. She asked me to, and another did as well. She
had to be kept safe, and as it were, she could have been claimed by anyone on the street.
I had to. I could blame it on her setting the allure on me, but I could have negated the
effe if I really wanted to.”
“It was her idea? She told you about it?”
“Yes. I didn’t know anything about bonding before. Suddenly we were bonded in my
way, not hers. It was very strange. I didn’t know about sorcery either. She has been my
guide in all this. I couldn’t, wouldn’t do without her.”
“Young man, I think you are an honourable man. Tell you what, if I may entertain
here once or twice, you have my blessing.”
“at was easier than I expeed. May I ask what brought this on?”
138 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Gabrielle is happy, healthy and safe. She loves you, and you love her. It’s evident in
your voice and everything. Your girls talked to me before we went up to the ... whatever
you call that room, and they painted a superhuman piure of you, truly too good to be
true. You are just good enough to be true. You are human aer all. Now, my son in
law, shall we play a little nice, friendly and benevolent prank on the ladies, and for now,
I include Fleur and Jeanne?”
Aer a lot of banter, ideas tossing and talk about shoes and ships and sealing wax,
Harry assumed a stern face and escorted his father in law to the arch. Jacques had a
similar stony face on, and the girls, who were hovering in the halls, barely visible around
the corners, were getting really worried.
Once Jacques was sent back, in the nick of time, since his stony face was beginning
to crack, Harry assumed his grumpiest face, and stomped out, with Jormungandr holding
his thoughts private even through the bond. In the hall, he met a very hesitant Disa.
“I’m sorry, Master. I thought it would be a good idea..”
She didn’t get any further, since Harry grabbed her and pushed her, face first, into a
niche. He vanished her skirt, and bent her tail up. Without a word, he entered her tight
little pussy, driving her into the wall with hard thrusts in a furious tempo, while constantly
arking her. He finished quickly inside her, kissed her neck and walked away, leaving her
on the floor, trying to recover from a long and continuous orgasm and with semen oozing
out of her womb.
“If that’s how he is when he’s annoyed, I’ll definitely annoy him again,” she thought as
she clambered to her unsteady feet.
He didn’t say anything about his visitor for the rest of the day. When the wedding
was mentioned, he was all smiles again, and the girls appeared to have forgotten about the
whole thing. ey were very careful around him, though.
at night, Gabrielle returned to the Delacour estate near Lille, and Harry and his
remaining girls returned to Seidheim. No one seemed to have noticed that they had been
gone for a day, but then again, under the midnight sun, time didn’t mean much.
Harry had a long talk with Sigyn before calling it a day.
When he got up to his room, Jorunn was waiting for him. She didn’t say anything, just
massaged his back with her strong hands, as he was a bit sore from flying. Aer half an
hour of being cared for, he fell asleep. He did wake up, briefly, as she crawled downwards,
again taking him in her mouth before going to sleep.
When he woke up a couple of hours later, he had aually slipped out of her mouth. She
was lying on her side, with her lovely arse and tail sticking out over the side of the bed.
If it hadn’t been so hot, he would have thought it looked ridiculous.
He slipped quietly out of bed, walked around and slowly and carefully performed the
charm. Cupping her breast with his le hand, he entered her arse with a smooth thrust.
She woke up with a pleased ga, and grabbed the sheets hard as he fucked her. Her tail
was flailing wildly as he thrust into her and she bit her lip as she came, again and again.
Soon he reached his limit as well, and he filled her belly with his cum, feeling her body
absorb it. He gave her a long and loving kiss, before he withdrew and got dressed. No one
Chapter 10 — “before we have our chat; 139

was awake as he le the house heading for the lake. He ran there, taking pains to do so as
silently as possible. Gabrielle could swim, fairly well in fa, and as he stripped and got in
the water, he drew on her knowledge to swim around the lake. He could feel the strain on
his chest and arms, but he figured it might come in handy. He finished on the islet with the
rebuilt cottage, sensing the Arch inside. He pulled himself onto the rocks, laid back and
relaxed. Aer a couple of heartbeats, he had Stina’s mouth around his member. Again, he
said nothing, but let his magic swing her around, so they ended up in the classic sixtynine.
Morphing himself a longer tongue, he got to work, and soon had her coming as he probed
her depths. So did she, with his cock as probe, and using her morphing ability to make
her throat feel like a tight pussy. Aer ten minutes of trying to drive each other crazy, he
came again, and she took his load all over her face. Aer cleaning him off, she turned
to face him, her face covered with his semen and while she was looking into his eyes, she
absorbed his semen right through her skin. He kissed her, got up and, concentrating hard,
walked across the surface of the lake back to his clothes, got dressed and walked back to
the smithy. On the way, he located Gabrielle’s mind. She was sleeping in her room, with
the Codex beside her. He smiled to himself and gently, very gently he reached out to her
through the bond with his magic. He gently caressed her with his power, watching, in
his mind’s eye, her nipples contra. He focused a bit more, and without waking her, he
managed to give her an orgasm. He felt inordinately proud as she mumbled his name,
and he saw that she was clutching his ring in her sleep. He smiled as he withdrew. She
might not need romance, but she appreciated it. He felt very lucky, but the feeling vanished
like a pay check in a bar at the stare he received when he entered the smithy’s yard. Leif
was there, and with him was a short man who reminded Harry uncomfortably of Mad-
eye Moody. ey had the same kind of glare, and the same awareness of everything that
happened around them. is one had greyish-blonde hair tied back in a short, stiff braid,
blue eyes and a very serious moustache. He had a stocky build, and was almost as muscled
as Surt, but something about his stance alerted Harry that this was a fighter.
“Morning, Hasse,” Leif said. He gestured to the man beside him, who barely reached
his waist. “is is Björn. He’s the trainer for the Einharjers, our militia. I can not teach
you much. He can. You are good and honourable man. Björn is underhanded bastard.
He can teach you much.”
“Good morning, Mistah Fafnerson. I’ve been told that I don’t need to teach you ells
and such, but I can and will teach you how to fight.” e fighter said in a melodical voice.
“Good morning. So duelling replaces biking? I like the biking, but duelling makes
more sense.”
Björn smiled, and moved as to whier something. Before Harry knew it, he was
strapped upside down against the smithy wall, too dizzy to focus on anything.
“Duelling, Mistah Fafnersson? I don’t duel. I will teach you to be a complete and utter
bastard. I will teach you to attack from behind, to sucker punch in fourteen ways and I
do teach by example.”
Harry almost felt sorry for him. Obviously, the man had never met a Sorcerer. He
summoned his power, tore free of the wall and somersaulted down to the ground.
Well, he intended to.
140 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Halfway through his somersault, he was hit by a barrel, and went flying in the wrong
way. He landed in a scrap heap, and as soon as he got to his feet, Björn was in front of
him. e stocky man stamped hard on Harry’s foot, and as soon as he reflexively lied his
injured foot, he received a knee in the groin that made him see stars.
Suddenly, there was growling.
Someone was placing a hand on his tormented groin, making the pain go away, and
he leaped to his feet. Disa was on her knees beside him wearing an oversized T-shirt and
her hair was a mess. She had obviously been sleeping ten seconds ago.
Björn was held in check against the smithy wall by a snarling Jorunn. Harry quickly
sent out to Stina and Gabrielle that he was training, and that there was no real danger.
Jorunn was magnificent. She was stark naked of course, and her tail was rigid and
frizzy. Her claws, that Harry had rarely seen, was black, and fully extended. Her canine
teeth were more pronounced than usual, and the glow in her yellow eyes oke of Death.
Disa sauntered up to Jorunn, making a similar transformation, but while Jorunn was
still naked, Disa grew a light coat of strawberry blonde fur. She crouched as well, extended
her clear claws and hissed at the man. Suddenly, Harry could see why some people would
be afraid of his cuddly bedwarmers. ese, females, were ready to kill on his
Jorunn seemed to have troubles restraining herself, and her face was contorted by her
snarling that showed most of her sharp, pointed teeth. He walked up to her, and for some
reason, he rubbed her ears. She immediately relaxed, and looked up on him worriedly.
“Girls, if he can beat me, I have things to learn from him. He needs to beat me every
now and then, and if you come to my rescue in training, I’m afraid I won’t learn.” He turned
to Disa, and guffawed lightly at her”fighting face.” Yes, her eyes were shining and her teeth
was showing and all, but since the Bonding, her eyes shone pink, her nose had turned into
a tiny little black button and her ears, that were poking up through her hair, had adorable
little tus on them. He could see that she might be scary, but she was so incredibly cute
that he could barely stand it. He bent down and whiered in her furry ear.
“If I get frustrated fighting this guy, I’ll have to work it off somehow, right?” Her
pink eyes lit up even more, and her feline growling turned into more of a purr. e girls
straightened and reverted to a more human shape, even if they kept their claws extended.
A few kisses later they le with Leif, who was looking appreciatively at Jorunn’s naked
body, leaving Björn, looking a little wild, and Harry. e older man shook his head to
colle himself and asked,
“Well, Mistah, what would you say just happened?”
“I got rescued.”
“Wrong. You won, by applying a resource I didn’t know about. Damn, that was
“You were lucky that only two of my girls were in the immediate area. If Stina or
Gabrielle had come here too, I may not have been able to control them. Never mind that
now. ey won’t bother us again. You got me. How should I have done it?”
is began a few interesting weeks for Harry. Eight hours a day was ent with Björn
and a number of other Einharjers, learning how to cheat, fool and destroy an opponent.
Chapter 10 — “before we have our chat; 141

e Einharjers, he learned was a hereditary force, typically about 3000 men and women
strong. ey shared a genetic defe, allowing them superior strength and eed in battle.
Unfortunately, this was due to a kind of battle rage, so they couldn’t use it intelligently.
is meant that the Einharjers were very balanced people who rarely lost their temper,
and Harry did his best to learn their temper-management techniques. In the beginning
he was afraid to let go, but as he learnt that they would heal anything overnight, he began
to exert himself. ey only asked for a bit of restraint aer he had transformed in a mock-
battle and melted a man’s legs off with his acid ray.
at lead to him ending two hours a day with Sigyn, learning about potions, poisons
and acids, in order to use it better and possibly be safer to be around.
ree hours a day was ent at Kilchurn with the girls.
He always ent at least one hour at the Klub, though, and the girls didn’t mind, since
they had their own Spa Wonderland to occupy themselves with. For some reason, the
girls couldn’t use the arches if Harry wasn’t in the castle already, and aer the first week
Harry had a large bedroom installed in the Dungeons, near the Klub and the Spa. From
that point, they went straight there, and Stina discovered that she could reach the Loch
by simply flushing herself down the toilet, since the filtering and cleaning charms in the
pipes didn’t affe her at all. e first time Harry saw her climb up through the bowl with
a dreamy smile, he laughed so hard he couldn’t stand.
ree hours a day was ent biking. He would transform and grab the bike in his
talons and fly to a nearby tarmac road, with some heavy diversion charms going, land
and just go flat out for the three hours just to see how far he could go. e road was fairly
straight, but it had a number of steep hills to get over, and Harry got to the point where the
meter on the bike said that his average eed was 40 kph, and he thought that it was good
enough. Surt said it was amazing, since he barely got his average on that stretch over 27.
Four hours were ent in the smithy, where he learned more about metals than he
thought there was to know, and Surt learned to make full use of his apprentice’s power.
e rumour read, and people from around Seidheim began to come to the smithy to
watch the show as Harry and Surt bantered while they worked, threw impossibly heavy
things to each other, swily snatching them out of the air. It was assumed that Hasse had
a gi for metal, like Surt had a gi for heat, and they made many beautiful things which
never gathered any dust before they were sold.
e rumour of the smith’s apprentice read like wildfire among the girls at Seidheim,
too, and every now and then, Jorunn and Disa made what Harry dubbed a “Possessive
Drive”, showing up in revealing clothes just to get a kiss. ey still weren’t jealous, and
once or twice, they aually brought girls to him for him to kiss. e girls he kissed were
the ones that nurtured the biggest crushes, and the ones most likely to turn stalker. He
kissed them, flooded their senses with his own brand of passionfire, and le them to his
girls for recovery. Disa or Jorunn would then explain that Hasse had his passion tied to
his odd core, making him too much to handle for anyone except Huldr, and that this was
the reason he couldn’t be with human girls. e infatuated girls usually accepted that,
and went on dreaming about the kiss. Harry made it clear to the girls that while he didn’t
dislike them, he only kissed them to get it out of their system. It was an odd way to run
a railroad, but it worked.
142 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Four hours were designated for resting, even though he usually ent half of it on
wing, simply enjoying gliding over the lakes and forests. He even hunted once, taking
down a deer with a focused urt of acid, removing it’s head in a second. He didn’t make
a habit of it, since the memory of the entrails that had looked so tasty to his Leharv made
him throw up violently once he became human again.
e girls studied. Stina was exploring her powers, moving from lake to lake, learning
of creatures and plants that Harry had never known existed. e Huldr studied everything
they could about Leharv’s and goblins and all the other magical creatures that originated
in Scandinavia. Gabrielle’s studies were of course the most extensive. She were working
through the Summus Codex, and studied up on other things as well, like bridal dresses,
table manners, wedding traditions and all such things. Aer two weeks of this regimen,
Harry sent a thought out to his Bonded.
∼ Ladies, are you busy tomorrow? ∼
∼ Nothing ecial. Why? Gabrielle thought, and Harry could feel the agreement of
the others. ∼
∼ I thought we should get married, Gabrielle. Do you mind if Sigyn officiates? ∼
Squeeing is sometimes cute, but when four females does it inside your head, it grows
uncomfortable very quickly, so Harry withdrew.
To the incessant knocking in his head, he opened the link again a few hours later.
∼ Master, I need time to prepare things. I have no dress... ∼
∼ Yes you do. ∼
∼ I don’t have...what? ∼
∼ You have a dress, invitations have been sent out, with a few exceptions, the food
is prepared and everything has been taken care of. Your Bondsisters will be your Bride’s
Maids together with your sister, and your friend Simone will be your Maid of Honour. e
wedding will not be a traditional one, but we’ve maintained some traditional elements.
Now, I will send the girls over to you in a little while. I just need their help with a few
things first. ∼

* * *
Neville missed the bubbling sound in the garden pond behind him. He was completely
focused on the sick plant in front of him. It looked like magnesium deficiency, but he had
added magnesium granulate to the soil, and the once so beautiful Ladyfriend flower was
still sagging. He jumped as a slender, white-clad arm reached past him. It glowed for a
second, and the plant it was lightly touching recovered before his eyes. He turned around
finding himself nose to nose, and more importantly, chest to chest with a gorgeous blonde
with amber eyes.
“ere is some kind of bug on the roots. I didn’t recognise it, but it’s dead now. I mean
you no harm Lord Longbottom, and I apologize for startling you.”
“It’s all right, Miss. You’re a Huldr, aren’t you?”
Neville stepped back a bit, and realised that she had the most distraing set of bulges
he had ever seen. He forced himself to meet her eyes.
Chapter 10 — “before we have our chat; 143

“Yes, Lord Longbottom. My name is Disa, I am fully fed, and I’m here to invite you
to a friend’s wedding.”
Neville thought for a moment. He ran through everything he knew about Huldr, and
quickly realised that he was probably safer than most in her presence. ey both cared for
plants and trees, and they were really on the same side. He also had a strong feeling that
he could trust her for some reason.
He then listed his friends who might be getting married, and didn’t come up with
anyone. erefore, he logically concluded that it had to be Harry. Harry faking his death,
going into hiding, knowing Huldr and then getting married made a lot more sense than
Harry getting killed.
“So, what’s the name of the soon-to-be Mrs. Potter?”
“Impressive, Lord Longbottom. e current wedding will be with Gabrielle Dela-
“Isn’t she too......Veela. A Veela would be old enough. I’d be delighted to come. I
assume it’s happening soon?”
“Milord, it would be good if you could return with me now. ere are suitable ac-
commodations at the castle, as well as many interesting plants in the courtyard, many of
which I don’t know. I would love to study them with you. May assist you I packing or
Neville smiled at the beautiful girl. As long as he kept his eyes on hers, he felt safe. As
soon as he allowed himself to notice those boobs, he got insecure. She seemed to notice
this, since she started to breathe a lot deeper suddenly. To cover his confusion, he turned
around and began walking up to the manor, while answering.
“No, that’s all right. I always have a bag packed for such occasions. Hasty weddings
are more common among the purebloods than most realise. I just need to clear my social
He could hear her walk up behind him, and he felt her hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Lord Longbottom. I am a Huldr, and we
thrive on attention. If you’d rather talk to my boobs instead of my face, I really don’t
“ank you, I’ll remember that,” he said with a weak smile.”It’s just not common
praice in my normal circles. Excuse me a moment. GRAN!”
An elderly, but intimidating woman appeared at the door.
“Neville? What do you think you are doing, yelling like that. Who is that little
Neville could aually feel the Huldr’s annoyance. She stepped forward.
“I am Disa Krake. On my father’s side, my family has ravaged the Earth for six
thousand years, tearing nations apart and levelling whole cities. My mother’s family
have devoured the souls of men for even longer. Lord Longbottom has been invited to
a wedding by my Master, and I believe he will be insulted if I tear you limb from limb. He
may even slap me. Don’t insult me again.”
Neville smiled, and went to get his bag. His Gran may have met her match.
144 Midnight Sun — Vanir

* * *
One of Nymphadora Tonks’ favourite tricks for gaining initiative was to copy the appear-
ance of her opponent. Now she learned just how effeive that was. e other Tonks had
only made one mistake, in that you had to make the image mirrored, otherwise people
didn’t recognise themselves. Still. It was stunning. e other Tonks smiled at her, holding
the wand she had dely plucked out of an unresisting hand.
“Wotcher Tonks. ere’s a wedding in the works, and you’re one of the few invited.”
“So, who’s bought it, then?”
“A cow you know. Don’t worry, there’s still enough of him to get around, and it’s just
his first wedding. I’m Stina, by the way. You got the threads, or can we just go, and fix
what you need there?”
“Lead the way. Damn, we have a nice ass.”
“He likes it. C’mon. Let’s go.”

* * *
She had taken to walking around the lake these days. She needed time to think. Her old
friend and one time mentor was not himself. Could he had acquired dementia without
her noticing? He had always been odd, but the way he talked about Harry these days went
far beyond that. Harry, yes. It was not the first time she had had to deal with losing as
student, but this one hurt more than usual. She had not been what he had expeed of her,
what he had had the right to expe of her in the last year, and now it was too late to make
amends. Her mind kept coming back to the circumstances of Harry’s death, of Albus’
strange behaviours and the appearance of Caradoc Pritchard. Somehow she knew that
there was a conneion, she just couldn’t figure it out. She also had the nagging feeling
that Miss Granger had. ere was no Caradoc Pritchard in magical Britain. ere had
been one, a hundred years ago, but he had died without issue at the age of one hundred
and sixty.
Her wand was in her hand as soon as the water started to bubble.
A woman rose from the lake, like Aphrodite, and she was beautiful enough to match
the image. e unknown woman appeared to be in her early forties, but well kept, and
dressed in a long white gown with a gold belt around her slim waist. She was completely
dry, and the wind swept her long blonde hair hither and yon, making the image beautifully
“Professor McGonagall?”
“Who asks?”
“Vala Sigyn Krake, Guardian of the Lore of Seidheim, and the one carrying a wedding
invitation for Minerva McGonagall.” e woman smiled at Minerva’s dropped chin.
“One of your charges is getting married, and he would like you to be there. is is
being done in secret, but he believes you will keep his secrets. Personally, I know you will,
Chapter 10 — “before we have our chat; 145

because he’s getting devious these days, and he’s not above pulling the guilt card out if he
feels he needs it.”
“e only one this could be is dead. Isn’t he?”
“Wasn’t Mr Potter’s remains identified by a reliable, impartial third party, who couldn’t
be expeed to tamper a bit?”
“I would guess,” Professor McGonagall said quite dryly, “that a certain Nymphadora
Tonks might have received an invitation as well?”
“I might have seen that name on the list. e list is very short, and the requirements
for being on it are more than rigorous.”
“I see. I can be ready in one hour. Will that be acceptable?”

* * *
Danger. Clearly danger, but not aimed at him. Danger, leaves, moss, soil and female.
Excited female. Under it all, like a trace, was a scent he could never forget. e note that
had been slipped into his pocket with an alarm charm on it had said to go to this alley
and follow his nose so he did. When the charm had gone off, tweeting and buzzing in his
pocket, he had nearly gotten a heart attack. Now he was near a second one. Whoever was
waiting in the dark alley had touched Harry in the last three hours. Remus turned around
the corner. ere was a crouched figure sitting on top of a barrel in the far end. It’s eyes
glowed in the dark, and the scent of excited female was strong. His eyes got accustomed
to the dark quickly, and he saw the tail. A Huldr. Damn.
“Remus Lupin? A certain Bambi would like you to be present at his wedding tomor-
row, and I’ve been charged with getting you there. If you want to go, of course.”
“Just a second. You are Huldr, right? May I ask how ... Bambi was the last time you
saw him?”
He focused his senses on her, trying to dete any dishonesty. It was a talent he didn’t
advertise, but it was bloody useful at times. e attraive Huldr smiled at him in what
only could be called a naughty way.
“e last time I aually saw him was this morning. He fucked me silly, sating my
feeding needs for the next year or so, and le for work when I passed out.”
She had been completely honest. ere was only one thing to say about that.
“Damn. Sirius would be proud!”
146 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter XI

For some of us are

out of breath, and
all of us are fat.”

e room was dark, and Remus relied more on his nose than his eyes to identify the people
present. Tonks’ scent was one he knew well, and liked a lot. McGonagall was surprising,
but it was certainly her, and then there was a scent he knew but couldn’t place. A student,
perhaps? His eyes got accustomed to the dark, and he recognised Neville Longbottom.
He also saw a person he hadn’t smelled at all, which was surprising. He recognised him
from the poor photograph he had seen in the Prophet.
Caradoc Pritchard.
“Welcome to Kilchurn Castle. I believe I am recognised by most of you?”
To Remus’ surprise, Neville stepped up.
“Not really, Milord. All we have is a name, that I don’t really believe in.”
“Really, Lord Longbottom? Why is that, may I ask?”
Neville smiled, and begun counting on his fingers.
“First, You go in to Gringott’s, but were not seen to leave. Secondly, Harry was not
seen to enter Gringott’s but leaves. irdly, you knew about Dean’s little sister, and he
doesn’t mention her that much, and Harry would barely mention Dean — much less his
little sister — to someone he just met. Fourthly, he never mentioned you at all. Fihly,
I’ve seen you in aion, something few other have, and I have an idea of your power, and
Professor McGonagall and I can both testify to your ability to pull a major stunt like this.
Hi there Harry.
As Neville counted, both Remus and McGonagall looked stunned. It was so simple,
so clear. How could they have missed it? Of course they had to be the same person.

148 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Mr. Longbottom, how on earth did you conne that?” McGonagall said, clearly
He looked at her with a cocked eyebrow.
“Professor, you were told that the remains were Harry by magical means. Magic is
always strange and usually right. I’ve been Harry’s dorm-mate for five years, and Harry is
even stranger, and proves magic wrong every day. He’s just Harry, and that’s the way he
is. e rest was just logic. Most wizards couldn’t figure out a Muggle bathroom door with
logic, but I’m not much of a wizard, really.”
“Yes you are, Nev. Don’t sell yourself short like that.”
ey all turned to look at Pritchard, only to see him shimmer and turn into Harry
Potter. Tonks was the first to recover and leapt for him. Unfortunately, she collided in
mid-air with Remus who had only been a lit second later, so it was Neville who got to
Harry first, grabbing his arm in the Brother Greeting.
“Hi again, Harry. I heard you were dead. It’s really good to see you got over it.”
“I couldn’t let you get bored now, could I?” Harry smiled at his friend. is was a man
who had followed him into battle, knowing what he was getting into. It was good to see
him, but McGonagall urged for his attention.
“Mr. Potter. Again, I find myself willing to award house points for sheer dumb luck.
How have you been, Harry?”
“Great, Professor, just great. You see, all of you, my mother sent me a belated little gi
of power, and I had to get away to learn to use it. Mum planned that too. I am learning
loads, and I have met four fantastic girls, whom I have given permanent places in my life.
“I was planning on waiting to get married until I have toasted Voldemort, but I
changed my mind. Hey, this is a secure room, and a bit bleak. Why don’t we adjourn
to my little sanuary? Tonks, Professor, you might just be the first females ever to see
that room.
“e female-repelling charms on the door have been temporarily capsuled. I couldn’t
break them, they are pretty complex Sorceries, and I want them back later, as well.”
“Oh, Harry. A wizard can’t break a Sorcery.” McGonagall tutted as they walked
through the brightly lit halls.
“No, they can’t. I have to be careful in praice, not to use my own stunners since
they can’t be reversed by anyone else. He grinned suddenly, morphed his ordinary black
robes to a silvergrey cloak with blue trim. He enlarged Fang and allowed his magic to
flare a bit, sending blue lightning flowing over his staff. He struck a pose and read in a
booming voice.

at old sorcerer has vanished

And for once has gone away!
Spirits called by him, now banished,
My commands shall soon obey.
Every step and saying
at he used, I know,
Chapter 11 — For some of us are out of breath, and all of us are fat.” 149

And with rites obeying

My arts I will show.
Flow, flow onward
Stretches many
Spare not any
Water rushing,
Ever streaming fully downward
Toward the pool in current gushing.5
“Goethe, Bambi? I’m impressed...wait a bit here. You’re a Sorcerer?” Remus was
“Looks that way. I’m becoming one, anyway. I can still do wanded magic, but it’s not
so much fun.”
“Is that what you’re learning now, Harry?” Neville asked. “Can you give us some kind
of timeline here? You seem to have had an interesting summer.”
“Let’s see. I ditched the order, hooked up with Gabi and bonded her by accident, got
superpowers and invented Caradoc at the ur of the moment. We went to Gringott’s,
where I learned some more stuff, and managed to send Gabi home to France.
“ Aer a detour to the Goblin kitchens, I knowingly walked into the Deatheater trap.
Aer a convenient time, I blasted a meatbag and some clothes and aivated a portkey. I
landed elsewhere, quite ill. I hooked up with the Huldr Jorunn, who brought me to her
Dad, you’ll meet him in a jif, and she and her best friend, the Huldr Disa, nursed me back
to health.”
“Huldr? Mr Potter, they are very dangerous!” McGonagall said seriously.
“I’d say!” Neville quipped. “Miss Krake told my Gran off so badly, I wonder if she has
dared to leave her room yet.”
“at’s my girl! Well, the girl’s dads started to train me, while the girls tried to get me
to Bond them too. During training, I met the Lake Warden, Stina, who really taught me
to wield Sorcery, but that’s like wielding a wand. It’s all about finesse. Well, I Bonded the
Huldr girls and the Lake Warden, too, for good measure. We’re all ridiculously happy, and
Voldemort is going down. ere. Questions?”
Harry, Neville and Tonks laughed like crazy at the soundlessly working jaws of the
more mature people present. When nothing was forthcoming, Tonks picked up the
“Was that really you in that bird at HQ?”
“Yup,” he said with a grin. “e bird was Gabrielle, by the way, and I can visit her
through the bond. With a bit of effort, I can even use my favourite magic through her.”
“And what would that be?” Neville asked.
Looking at the Metamorphs pink cheeks, he answered impishly.
“Why don’t you ask Tonks?”
From “e Sorcerer’s Apprentice” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1779. Available online
150 Midnight Sun — Vanir

As Neville turned to Tonks with an arched eyebrow, her blush faded and she looked
Neville straight in the eye, and said in a voice completely rid of all emotion.
“Harry has the power to bring a girl from nil to orgasm in a second, just by touch.
He did that to me by remote at his memorial. I went from slightly grumpy to a brilliant,
pantie-soaking orgasm, just by a falcon touching my face. If it hadn’t been inappropriate,
I would jump him right now to find out what else he’s learned.”
“e day before his wedding. Nymphadora, I’m shocked!” McGonagall said, clearly
“I’m just glad she didn’t say it in front of the girls. ey would lock us in a bedroom
right now, but it would probably hurt the few sensibilities I have le about that sort of
thing.” Harry snickered.
e hall turned silent.
“Are you serious, mate?” Neville finally said. “ey wouldn’t mind?”
“No, Nev, they wouldn’t. ey are all sexual beings, who need sex as much as food.
Well, not Stina, at least not as much as the others. She just loves it. at’s how Huldr extra
the life force they feed on. I can feed them through my arks, too, but the other way is just
more fun. e idea of fidelity is ridiculous to them, I think. I’m perfely safe, Professor. I
haven’t noticed the drain once, and I can keep them safe. Huldr are only dangerous when
they’re hungry. My girls will never ever have to be hungry abain. I’ll make sure of that.”
“Harry, I understand it’s great, I mean, even I was young once,” Remus said,”but do
you love Gabrielle, and the others? Is it more than sex?”
“He does,” said a voice from the open door to the Klub. “Hi. I’m Leif, Disa’s father.
Puny Hasse here is good man, or I not let him marry daughter, fancy stick or no.”
Again, it was Neville’s ine that uncoiled the fastest. He smiled at the halfgiant, and
stretched out his hand.
“Neville Longbottom, Sir. You have a wonderful daughter, and if anyone is worthy of
her, it’s got to be Harry.”
Leif stared for a second, before carefully taking Neville’s outstretched hand.
“Leif Krake, and I see Hasse was right, saying he have brave friend. A pleasure meeting
you, and I will make room for you if you need it. Hasse can tell you I mean it.”
“at’s me.” Harry said. “I had some kind of secret identity the first days abroad. Now,
everybody knew who I was of course, but Leif and some others got the habit. I got a new
name too, which also shortens to Harry, so Hasse stays for some reason I don’t get.”
“Hasse, I have smart and wise wife. She talk of you with full name you got in cave, so
I use Hasse to make point. You put on pants like me. You not legend yet.”
“Sigyn thinks I’m a legend? Has she been hitting the potions or something?”
“No potions since she healed from you.” e giant smiled wickedly. “She can almost
do without.”
Carefully considering all the possible clever and witty comebacks from that, he opted
for the time-honoured tradition: going red and changing the subje.
Chapter 11 — For some of us are out of breath, and all of us are fat.” 151

“Welcome to what Dobby named the Kilchurn Klub. Normally a Men’s club, and a
sanuary for me and those men who have gone before me, but today it’s my guest lounge.
e girls have a Spa Wonderland, that’s normally equally safe from male interference, but
which have been disabled for the day.”
“So I’m a guy then?” Tonks said, morphing her body to a caricature female. “I’m no
good at belching and scratching myself in public.”
“I’m sure we can overlook that, Milady.” Surt said, sweeping in and immediately
engaging her in light conversation. A couple of invited Einharjers claimed Remus and
Neville, so Harry gently steered his Head of house to a chair by the bar.
“I’m sorry, Professor.”
“For what, Mr Potter?”
“Harry, please. For worrying you, and generally making a mess of things.”
“It would seem like it was worth it. You do look happy, Harry. And Minerva will be
e stern teacher seemed to be loosening up, possibly thanks to the large glass of
Single Malt that had been pressed in her hand.
“ank you, Minerva. I’m getting married tomorrow with a beautiful girl who loves
me completely. I love her more than my own life, and I have three other girls who love me
just as much. Life has been good this summer. ey are great friends, too. eir families
have welcomed me, and Surt and Leif are among my closest friends. Sigyn, Leif ’s wife
who I believe you’ve met, is a friend, mentor, teacher and surrogate mother. I love them
all. e Headmaster thinks my great edge over Voldemort is love, but I had to escape him
to learn about it.”
He leaned back in his chair with a smile on his face. His teacher had something on
her mind, he could tell.
“I would like to get back to that. I did meet Sigyn, a most impressive woman. She did
say something cryptic about you hurting her good. I confess to being quite curious.”
“e other shape does influence us, doesn’t it? She led me on a kind of Vision Quest.
e potion I drank had some serious side-effes of a sexual nature. As I was robbed of
my concern, and may be slightly better endowed than average, she did sustain some severe
injuries. I healed her, and she insists that her injuries were self-inflied. She had the upper
hand, and allowed everything that happened.”
She studied her student to try to see if he was having her on, but no such signs could
be seen. She smiled ruefully.
“I did ask, didn’t I? Did the quest have anything to do with the Animagus shape you
just confessed to?”
“It did. I might just show you some day.”
“I’ll be looking forward to it. Say, this is an excellent whisky. May I ask what’s in your
“ank you. I believe you are having a 24-year old Laphroaig. I’m having a mild
mead myself.”
152 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“So your superpowers doesn’t extend to strong drink?”

“ey do, in fa. Anything poisonous is neutralised. I’m afraid I’ll never know the
joys of a hangover. I just don’t want to take any risks.”
“Very wise. You were at the memorial in some fashion, then? What did you think
of it?”
“Tragic. He might have been his legend at some time, but there is very little le of the
‘epitome of light’, as the books call him. He praically told us that he had a master plan,
and that it was supposed to get me killed. I just hope I don’t have to hurt him.”
“You believe you could take on Albus? Voldemort fears him for a reason.”
“Unfortunately, that reason is Voldemort’s ignorance. Dumbledore has some kind of
dementia. Not the frontal lobe variety, thank Goddess, but something is destroying his
mind. He is powerful, no doubt, but it’s the experience and his vast knowledge that would
be his only advantage against me. My stunner breaks the strongest of shields when I juice
it up, and Björn, the warrior over there, is training me to be a right bastard.”
“I see. My curiosity raises it’s head again, I’m afraid. I see no Weasleys and no Miss
Granger, yet I am here. Why is that?”
“I take it you heard about Ron?” At her nod, he continued. “Hermione, Ginny and
Luna all know that I’m alive, and that I’m in training. at’s it, really. Hermione has made
a couple of conclusions that are very funny, but they are short on fas. Now, the problem
is that my bondmates are pushing me to bond those girls as well. If I invited them, I would
have to make a decision now, and I’m not ready to do that. Besides, I may love Molly to
pieces, but she loves me into a little box, with cotton around me. I need to be more secure
in myself before I can allow myself to be Mollycoddled. You, on the other hand, can be
discreet, can keep a secret, and I like you.”
e normally stern professor laughed uproariously.
“at, Harry, might be the strangest explanation I have ever understood.”
ey talked for a while, and aer a little while, Harry had a friend and ally on staff.
ey moved around, and Harry took the time to talk to everybody. When a blushing Tonks
asked for a ark, he gave her one by pinching her bum, something Neville saw and teased
her mercilessly about. Harry and Neville got their heads together and planned a few pranks
for the school year. Remus and him got a bit emotional together and Björn entertained
them all with a remarkable singing voice. Aer a couple of hours, Harry excused himself,
claiming a prior Engagement, which drew quite a few groans, and le the Klub. It had been
a good night, and he had had fun, but as he sauntered towards his suite, he felt drained.
As he turned a corner, Sigyn was there.
“Good evening Harry. Were you headed for bed?”
“Yes. I have a big day tomorrow.”
“You do. I will accompany you. ere’s one part in this wedding that needs to be
addressed, but you really don’t need to know about it. Do you trust me?”
“With my life, of course.”
“Good. I have a ritual to perform on you, and I have to be naked. ere are no funky
potions involved this time. Will my nudity be a problem?”
Chapter 11 — For some of us are out of breath, and all of us are fat.” 153

“Not really. Do you mind if I stare dumbly?”

“Ogle away, my friend. Ogle away.”
e ritual was very strange. Sigyn was completely professional about it, naked or not,
but he could sense her desire anyway. She danced and sang in a strange, archaic language,
and there was a strange kind of magic to it. At one point, his cock got so hard, he was
afraid he’d pop an artery or something, and then it went straight down again. Chills and
hot flashes raced over him, and aer almost half an hour, it was done. He was told, firmly,
that the next woman that he touched intimately would better be his wife. For once, he
wasn’t knackered when he went to bed, but he fell asleep anyway, in ite of being alone.
For some reason, he dreamed of cats.

* * *
Harry was standing behind the parapet of the highest tower, the place where he had
unwittingly tied the castle to him. Apparently, he wasn’t the first sex-obsessed sorcerer
here to judge by the claiming ritual he had performed completely without prompting, and
he sniggered at the thought. He was getting married today. e day was warm but windy,
and he had to remember that for Jacques’ little play. ey had gone through a lot of trouble
to arrange this without their significant others finding out about it. Jacques and Sigyn had
worked together, designing a ritual that combined elements of the Norse culture with that
of ancient Breton praices. He had been assured that all the players knew their parts, and
at breakfast, Neville had asked him if he could use the same ritual, when his day came and
if Harry would stand up for him. He hadn’t needed to even think about it. Several of the
guests had agreed to a swim in the Loch aerwards, allowing Stina to copy their memories
for posterity and, he admitted to himself, to appease Molly Weasley, when she learned that
he hadn’t been invited to his wedding. He was looking down at the guest and friends. He
could ot Remus and Leif easily enough, but Neville and Surt must be off somewhere.
It was almost time now. He kept telling himself that he wasn’t nervous, but he knew he
was lying. He was eagerly awaiting his cue, though. He really wanted this little piece of
showmanship over with.
Jacques lied his hands, and an unseen choir took up a single note, resounding over
the Loch, and the crowd quieted and settled. Sigyn stepped up beside him on the small
podium, dressed in her ceremonial garb of shining white, which offset his own arkling
chain mail jacket nicely.
He looked out over the crowd, and aer receiving the right number of small nods,
he began.
“is is the day when my daughter will marry a man who even I can agree might be
worthy of her.
“is is the day when my family will be united with a great and powerful house.
“I want to thank you all, Ladies, Gentlemen, of all people and all races and ecies
present, for sharing this day with me. I, Jacques Sebastian Delacour, hereby declare that
my daughter, Gabrielle Antoinette Delacour, is of age, and is ready to be wed. Who stands
with her and says this with me?”
154 Midnight Sun — Vanir

e note swelled, and expanded into a massive harmony, as Gabrielle, dressed in a

white gown, lined with silver and with pale blue embroideries that slightly emphasized
her already visibly bulging midseion, appeared at the far end of the crowd. In front of
her walked Disa and Jorunn, dressed in the white gowns that Harry had conjured when he
proposed, at her sides, but a step behind her walked Fleur and Stina, dressed the same way,
and Harry had conjured a belt for Fleur, with the alchemical air sign in a simpler design
than Gabrielle’s. Behind her walked a petite dark-skinned human girl, beautiful enough to
match the group quite well. Gabrielle’s best childhood friend Simone had had a hard time
accepting that her playmate was getting married, but had grown with the reonsibility of
being Maid of Honour until the other bridesmaids automatically turned to her for cues
and guidance. She wore a similar gown, of course, but her belt was in solid silver chain
mail, and she had a slender sword strapped to it. e gorgeous pentacle walked slowly
forward to the tones of an old French song, that Jacques had adapted for the situation.
As they walked, the air arkled around them and thousands of flowers bloomed in their
Harry, watching from above, was stunned. e beauty of the procession tore at his
heart, and suddenly he understood was the whole ’weeping with joy’-thing was all about.
ey reached the platform, and as one, they turned around to face the crowd, and
Simone grabbed the hilt of her sword and oke.
“I, Simone, of the wizarding world, and lifelong friendship, say this.”
“I, Fleur, of blood kinship and the air, say this.”
“I, Jorunn, of the forest and the fire, say this.”
“I, Disa, of the wilderness and the earth, say this”
“I, Stina, of the ages and the waters, say this.”
In a flash, Simone drew her sword, and the bridesmaids assumed battlestances, with
claws, fireballs and enough colleed threat to give grown men nightmares. Gabrielle stood
serene in the centre of the pentacle, shining with beauty like only a Veela could, as her
father oke again.
“Who among you dares eak against me?”
e music faded, and the silence was compa. Harry clambered up on the parapet.
Aer a little longer than comfortable, he continued.
“is woman is ready. Who is the man who dares approach her guard? Who is the
man worthy of her? Who will take her for his wife?”
Harry let his magic flare with light, and threw himself off the ledge. He pushed
downwards, and in a glowing here of blue light, he gently hovered down to the ground
where Gabrielle had started. He was immediately joined by Remus, Neville, Leif, and Surt,
all dressed in silvery Lindorm leather, with tight vests over white linen shirts and trousers.
e only things distinguishing Harry was an Audsilber circlet on his head, and his staff.
To the tones of a Norse martial song, the quintet marched forward.
As the men reached the podium, they lit up, and Neville faced Disa, Surt and Jorunn
faced each other and as Fleur and Remus met, Stina shimmered and grew, to meet Leif as
an equal.
Chapter 11 — For some of us are out of breath, and all of us are fat.” 155

Harry stood still, with the point of Simone’s sword at his throat.
“Who are you, to believe yourself worthy of my friend?” She asked loudly.
“I am Harry James Potter, a Sorcerer, a Warrior and a Smith. By her leave, I will wed
her, care for her and prote her for the rest of my days.”
“What gi do you bring her, to show your worth?”
“My heart.”
“You stand defenceless before me. Who would save you from me?”
“I will,” Gabrielle said as she stepped forward and took the sword from Simone’s hand.
“He has proven himself to me, and I find him worthy.”
e men turned and oke in unison.
“Who eaks against the worth of Harry James Potter?”
Again, the silence was tangible.
Sigyn stepped forward, glowing in the light of the Scottish sun.
“Gabrielle Antoinette Delacour. Is it your wish to wed this man who seeks you?”
“It is.”
Gabrielle’s voice was hitching a bit.
“Will you honour him, obey him, and take his name for yours?”
“I will.”
Tears were streaming down her cheeks. She didn’t understand half of this wedding,
but it felt so right. She had dreamed of being the mistress of Harry Potter, but she had
found him to be another, much better man than she had dreamed of, and here she was,
pregnant, Bonded and getting married to the man of her dreams.
“Do you claim him as your provider, your proteor and the father of your children?”
“I do.”
She couldn’t say anything more for a while, but then, it was his turn now.
Sigyn turned slightly, smiling at the man who strangely had become like her son, who
was sweating profusely.
“Harry James Potter. You sought her to marry her today. Is your decision final?”
“It is.”
“Will you honour her, love her and trust her?”
“I will.”
“Do you freely accept the reonsibilities for her proteion, to clothe her and feed
her, and do you claim her children to your family?”
“I do.”
She looked at them both, asking with her eyes if Gabrielle could continue. At the faint
nod, the Vala asked.
“Will there be love?”
“Always” they said together.
156 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Until when?”
“Will you part?”
“Harry, Gabrielle, I know that the bond between you is deeper than words, and that
nothing I can say or do will make it stronger. ere is only one thing I ask of you, my
honorary son and daughter. Grandchildren.”
Gabrielle guffawed slightly at the older woman’s longing tone, which of course was
what Sigyn had wanted. Gabrielle wasn’t her first overwhelmed bride, aer all. Once the
communal sniggering had died down, she continued.
“Without further ado, I eak as the voice of Freya, as the voice of Siv, with the blessing
of the Viliya congregation,” Here she nodded at a regal looking Veela sitting with Gabrielle’s
mother, ”and by power invested in me by the French Ministry for Magic, I pronounce you
Husband and wife, as Harry and Gabrielle Potter.”
e cheer that went up as they kissed went completely unnoticed by the two of them.
Harry was told later that Leif, Neville and Surt had had to grab their reeive challengers,
as the Bondmates’ knees had given way. He was busy kissing his wife. She seemed to be
busy trying to merge with him, or maybe push her soul into him. It was definitely a kiss for
the Hall Of Fame, and as Harry’s magic flared, in flashing lights with a decidedly pink cast,
all present agreed that this was truly a match made in heaven. As they walked back,hand
in hand, to the starting point of the improvised isle, people stood and cheered loudly. e
challengers came in file behind them, with Jacques escorting Simone, or maybe the other
way around.
e rest of the day went by in a blur for Harry, and he made a mental note to check all
the recordings later, but he sueed that he would milace the note. He ate, danced and
was introduced to more people than he could keep track of, but since Gabrielle already
knew most of them he didn’t really need to try. He did remember his dance with his Head
of House, as it had been done in silence, while the old woman just looking at him with
a smile on her face. As the dance ended, she kissed his cheek, and was gone. His dance
with Mme Maxime was of course memorable as well, although more for the people around
him. He pretended to drink a potion, as he morphed into a bigger form, as Stina showed
him in the Bond. e French Headmistress was delighted, and began pestering him for
the instruions for what he called the Tripudio Maximus-potion. He was caught by one
of his arring partners from the Einharjer training, and she immediately started flirting
outrageously. e clock was approaching nine when Harry and Gabrielle looked at each
other, and quietly le the grand hall.
“Hello, Wife.”
“Hello, Husband. Let’s go to bed.”
e Lord’s suite was filled with white roses. e bed was made, and the crystals in the
chandeliers shone. Harry sealed the door, and took his wife in his arms. He was not in a
hurry, so he began undressing her slowly and with care. She stood there, shivering as her
husband took his time. When he had gotten her breasts free, and soly kissed her nipple,
she made a most undignified squeak as she came. He continued to undress her until she
Chapter 11 — For some of us are out of breath, and all of us are fat.” 157

stood naked in front of him. He paused to kiss the barely visible bulge on her stomach,
and she saw that it made her even more attraive to him. Oh, how she enjoyed that. Her
inner thighs were slick aer her orgasm and her continuous excitement, and as a Veela,
she knew she looked perfe. She released her Allure, full power, on him, and he didn’t
seem to notice until she said,
“Gabrielle, there’s nothing that can make me want you more. Tell me your dream,
and I will try to make it real.”
She pounced, unable to resist any more, and tore his leather pants apart. Once she
had freed his huge member, she stopped, and looked up at him.
“Can you morph it bigger?” she asked with surprising shyness. He searched out the
Bond. Jormungandr had divided the “common room”, giving Gabrielle and him complete
privacy, and in that privacy, he looked for her dream, and when he found it, he was aually
shocked. It was rough. It was violent. It was almost too much for him, but not quite.
Knowing that she wanted him to, and with the security of the bond that would tell him
if she changed her mind, he grabbed her chin, lied her and threw her onto the bed. He
morphed his member to an even greater size, and drove it into her tiny, fully contraed
pussy with full force. e violent extension made her scream. He violently fucked her for
a minute before he pulled out, and un her around. As she was lying on her back, with
her head between his legs, he opened her mouth and forced himself into her throat, too.
His morphed cock was so much bigger, more like an arm than anything, that he could
very clearly see her throat extend as he fucked it. He double checked the bond, and found
her ecstatic. He grabbed her tits and squeezed them lightly, and she came again, arching
her back and moaning past his cock somehow. He pulled out a bit, leaving the head in
her mouth, and she licked and sucked vigorously. He morphed slightly, creating a row of
bumps and ridges on his already monstrous tool, and yanked her up to him, standing on
the floor with her back to his chest by a firm grip on her boobs. He growled in her ear.
“Now, my little plaything, I will bend you over, and I will push this cock into your ass.
I’m sure it’s going to hurt you, but I don’t care, because it will feel good for me. Inch aer
inch will be pushed inside you, and when I can’t get any further, I’ll just keep pushing until
it fits. You have no say in this, because you’re mine to do with as I please.”
He didn’t get any further, before she bucked again in a forceful orgasm. He smiled, and
bent her roughly forward, making her read her legs while standing with her hands on
the bed. He winced as he saw how tiny she really was, and that the girth of his cock aually
was a reeable fraion of her waist’s. Keeping a keen ear on the bond, he put his cock
at her puckered little opening. He did the charm and pushed. She screamed, and the bond
verified that she was in pain, but that she loved it. As he pushed his engorged member
into her tight little opening, she shook and shivered, and when he encountered resistance,
she jerked back, forcing him deeper. He pushed her down to her knees on the bed, and
turned her over without withdrawing. Her face was red, and covered in sweat. Her eyes
were glassy and her pupils impossibly wide. He made two long, slow strokes, before she
orgasmed again, and the fountain of fluid that rushed from her vagina soaked the bed. As
she got more used to his girth, she began to meet his thrusts, moaning loudly, until Harry
had an inired moment. He pulled out of her quickly, watching in astonishment how
rapidly the abused opening healed and contraed. He lied her up roughly and growled
158 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“You’re jerking around too much. is will keep you still.”
He threw her face down on the floor, and put his foot on her back. Extending his
power through her body, he began morphing her.
Her breasts began to grow.
And grow.
And grow.
ey passed the beachball size, and continued to grow until the girl was suended
on top of two huge mounds of flesh. Harry walked around her and grabbed a nipple in
both hands. As he twisted it, she moaned, and as he rubbed his cock against them, she
almost came again. As her head was now in convenient height, he moved in between the
monstrous breasts, and shoved his cock into her mouth, fucking her face violently, leaving
her gaing as he moved around her, and started to methodically pound her pussy into
submission. It didn’t take her long to enter a continuous orgasmic state. Suddenly, he
had a vicious idea. He pulled out, and normalised his member. He walked around her
again, and bent down to give her a long and tender kiss, that in her hypersensitive state
triggered another peak. He then knelt by one of her enormous boobs, and put his cock
against the nipple. He broadcasted his intention to her, and she screamed as the image
brought another peak.
He began to push his cock into her nipple!
He checked the bond a bit more thoroughly, and found her beyond ecstatic. In her
world, he was using her for pleasure, and she was revelling in the feeling of fulfillment it
brought. She was a creature of delight and desire, and his violent behaviour oke to a
side of her that she normally kept suppressed.
e Pet.
e plaything who only lived and existed for him and his pleasure. Anything he did
to her was transformed into intense pleasure.
Just to test it, he reached for her other nipple and twisted it hard.
She came.
Abandoning all care, he pushed his cock into her nipple, enjoying her howls of plea-
sure. e experience was very tight, but more odd than pleasant, so he fucked the other
one too, just for consistency, before restoring her to her normal size.
He laid down on the bed. e power he had over her was incredibly exciting and he
was about to come, but he wanted to have his wife, his Gabrielle, and not the fuck-doll.
Apparently, she sensed this, and crawled up over him, pausing to lick his cock for a while
before continuing to a straddle. She concentrated, and a strange light came out of her
mouth, and travelled down through her body. She looked deep in his eyes, as she lowered
herself onto him, contraing herself as mush as she could, until he was almost stuck inside
her. As she began to ride him, she whiered to him.
“It’s part of who I am, my love. Whatever you want, whenever you want it. It’s in my
nature. I am yours to play with. I can be anyone you want, but you wanted Gabrielle, so
you have her. All of her, nothing hidden, nothing repressed. at means that sometimes,
Chapter 11 — For some of us are out of breath, and all of us are fat.” 159

you have to deal with my need to be dominated and just fucked. Do you know how great
it was when you trapped me with my own boobs? To be helpless, and used by you? It was
the best feeling of my life. I want you to fuck my nipples again sometime. I want you to
come inside my breasts, feel your hot semen fill them. Now, my love, I want you to fill me
again. I have cleaned myself thoroughly, and I want you..”
She shied position on her unbelievably excited husband, taking him slowly into her
“..To cum in my little asshole, to fill me up completely. ere is nothing in the way
now, between my tight little ass and my mouth, and I want you to try to cum in my mouth
from the other end. Please, my master, my love, my husband.” She released a focused blast
of her compulsion, and he felt her Veela magic engulf him, and it seemed to Harry that his
testicles aually rumbled in reonse. He drove into her like a madman, first grabbing her
hips, then her shoulders to get as far inside her as possible, as she screamed and howled in
ecstacy. Her fluids covered his stomach, as he shoved his length in her again and again until
he passed the edge. Seeing only her eyes, locked on his, he came more powerfully than
ever before, and he felt like he was expelling his very soul into her. He could feel the vague
tickling feeling in his cock as he pumped his fluid into the little girl sitting on top of him
with glazed eyes and her arms outstretched. Something drained on his magic, and as the
massive orgasm slowly died down, so did he, as he gently slipped into unconsciousness.
“All in all,” he thought as he dried off, “Not a bad wedding night.”

* * *
He woke up to an incredible view. Disa was sitting by the bed, brushing the fur on her
boobs. Gabrielle was braiding Jorunn’s hair, and Gabrielle was onge bathing Gabrielle,
who was still asleep by his side. None of them wore clothes.
He closed his eyes and counted to ten. When he opened them again, he saw the same
thing. As his brain woke up, he realised that one of the Gabrielle’s had to be Tonks, and
the other Stina. e sleeping beauty must be the real one. He reached for the bond, and
verified that the one who was braiding Jorunn’s hair was unBonded. He also made sure
that Gabrielle was all right ,and he could sense that she was in a magical sleep, but just fine
otherwise. e one that had to be Tonks saw him looking at her, and tried to play him a
bit, he assumed when she oke.
“Good morning, Master. Sleep well?”
He smiled, thinking that two can play that game. He stretched, and jumped out of bed,
aually knowing he was a sight to see at the moment. He stretched again, showing off his
muscles as well as he could, and looked at her, allowing his member to swell. He sauntered
over to Jorunn, giving her a light kiss, before he moved behind Tonks. He walked in close
behind her, pressing his hard and heated member against her borrowed arse. He leaned
forward and noticed her light shudder as he breathed in her ear.
“Wotcher, Tonks.”
“Damn it Harry. I didn’t even fool you for a second, did I?”
“Nope. You look hot, though. Why is my wife sleeping through a onge bath?”
160 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Disa turned to them and said with a smile.

“at internal cleansing thing was a great trick. When I try it, I’ll be doing it the other
way, though. You know, there was almost two whole litres of cum inside her? You filled
her up all right, love. It’s just that as you did, she gaed, and breathed some of it down
into her lungs and passed out before she could reverse the cleaning ell. She’ll be right as
rain in a few minutes, but right now she’s busy regrowing her digestive juices and all the
friendly baeria and stuff. We put her to sleep to eed it up. at healing thing you have
on her made sure she never was in danger.”
“Good. And the brilliant idea to replicate her? Twice over?”
“at would have been mine,” Tonks said. “e day aer your wedding day may be a
bit odd, but the girls said you wouldn’t mind if I slipped in to see you naked. I just wanted
to confuse you long enough to give me an eyeful. You don’t seem to mind at all, if that
log is any indication.”
“You look like my wife, what do you expe?”
“I... Hey, aren’t you the brooding, angsty kind of guy? Shouldn’t you be torn up about
“Nope. My bonded says there’s nothing to worry about. If I can’t trust them, then
“Good point. You know I really want a go at that broomstick of yours, right?”
“I do, and you might just get it, but not as Gabrielle. e girls don’t seem to be bothered
by it, so why should I be?”
“is leads me to something else.” Disa injeed. “Neville wants to join the force, as
it were. We were talking about this war of yours, and he had many points on the political
side that made a lot of sense. He’s also a dream in the garden. He knows more about plants
than I do, and some of the treatment we’ve given Gabrielle has been due to what he has
taught me in just a day. He’s considering asking you to become his liege Lord. I thought,
if we got him on board, his knowledge of the pureblood habits and stuff could just prove
invaluable. He’s also a great guy, who needs a bit of a ine. If we could give him a bit of
confidence, or some kind of power boost, he’d be brilliant.”
Harry smiled to himself. e girls had studied well, but they didn’t seem to remember
that he learnt everything they learned. He continued the little play.
“It’s a great idea. How should we do it, and how could we give him a power boost?”
“Well, we could give him some power over plants, letting him sense them like a Huldr.
Or we could help him to the power of controlling small animals, like pests. Maybe both.”
“How could we do that and help his confidence?”
“Master, He’s a great guy. I’d like to have sex with him if I may. I don’t need to feed,
but a Huldr can give gis to her lovers. If I teach him to be good in bed, it would help his
self-confidence, by proving to him that he’s a man, not a boy.”
Harry thought fast. en he found a solution.
“Here’s what we’ll do. I will offer him to become my liege, but to be bound to my
house, he has to have sex with you, surrendering a little, just a little of his lifeforce, and get
power in exchange. at’s where you go in and boost his self esteem. Just don’t blow it.”
“I wouldn’t do that, Master. You know I prefer sucking it.”
Chapter XII

“No hurry!” said

the carpenter.

As Gabrielle woke up, she felt great and didn’t know why. Her stomach hurt, her ass hurt
and her breathing was laboured. Still,she felt great. Someone was caressing her with a wet
onge, and she felt someone sit down on the bed in front of her face. is someone bent
down, and bit her ear.
“Welcome back, Love,” her husband said. “Next time you try to fuck yourself to death,
please tell me first, so I can make sure you survive.”
She smiled as the memories resurfaced. She was his. He had taken her completely.
She had...she had almost died from pure horniness. Her husband shouldn’t be pleased
with that. He really should punish her. Sometimes he was much too nice to her.
She opened her eyes, and made a start as she saw two of her in the room. One was
cleaning her breasts gently and soly, and the other was braiding Jorunn’s hair. at one
was so horny she could barely stand. All the present people was naked, including her
husband, who was sitting right beside her head.
“Gabrielle? Are you with us?”
“Barely, my husband. I’m sorry about that, I just wanted it so much. Will you punish
“Hmm. Perhaps I should order you to please Tonks over there. We owe her, remem-
Gabrielle immediately began to move.
“Hold on there, Love. You have some recuperation to do, and we have some plots to
make here. You know the most of all of us about the Bonds, and you are probably the
smartest, unless Stina puts her foot in the Loch. Do you remember Neville? You owe him,
and I do too. If he hadn’t taught Disa things about plants that she didn’t know, you would
have had to wait months before you would be able to stand my semen again.”

162 Midnight Sun — Vanir

She paled. Yes, she owed Neville. Not a life-debt, but close. She needed to serve her
master, and if he wanted to cum inside her, and she couldn’t stand it, she would learn what
Hell was about. e confli would tear her apart. She adored the fa that her husband
had said that he owed Neville for the same thing. It probably meant that he liked to cum
in her body.
Gabrielle tried hard to stop that train of thought. Yes, she was submissive, and to let
herself be taken like that had been great, but while it was who she was, it wasn’t all she was.
Trying to get her non-submissive braincells to line up and make a roll-call, she sat up and
smiled. You couldn’t go wrong with a Veela smile.
“Maybe we should ask Neville about it, then. From what I learned about him when
we danced, he’s a smart one.”
“Disa would like to have sex with him. Would the Bond allow it?”
“Master, I mean Husband, we have different Bonds. Today, I’m Bonded to you so
hard, it’s not even funny. We have a Sorcerer’s Bond, a Veela Bond and something new that
makes it hard to concentrate right now. I feel I should somehow grow a penis and fuck
Tonks right now, just because the image flickered across your mind. I’m so submissive, I
can barely breathe without an order. “Jorunn and Disa have the Sorcerer’s Bond, which is
a mental link, an emotional enhancer and a guarantee for their sustenance. Huldr can also
be taken, like their mother’s were, and you haven’t done that. at would guarantee their
fidelity and such, like my Bond does, but Huldr shouldn’t love, and they do. erefore I
think they have been claimed in some other way as well.
“Stina have the Sorcerer’s Bond, but I don’t know enough of her life form at all. I’m
completely faithful. I can’t even think of any other man. e loophole is that you can order
me to do it, but it will be an a. I won’t be able to enjoy it at all. Women are different.
ey are not a threat to the Bond, and I’m sure I would love to put my tongue as far inside
Tonks as it can go.”
Gabrielle smiled naughtily as the woman who was wearing her body squirmed, and
Gabrielle could see the wetness running down her thighs.
“Gabi, that was mean.” Jorunn laughed. “You will have to make it up to her.”
“I intend to. As for Disa and Neville, I think that if she can aively consider it, she
could do it. He won’t be Bonded of course, but he would be honour-bound, and that’s
something I can barely understand. What would be the purpose of that, Disa?”
“e main idea is to tie him closer to our little family. Huldr can give gis to the men
they feed from, and I think that Neville would appreciate some of the plant-related things
I can do for him. I think he would be an excellent guide into Wizarding society, if he gains
some self-confidence. Teaching him to be a good lover should do that. Sometimes the
simple things work.”
“I wouldn’t mind learning some tricks myself,” Harry said. “I just have to touch you
lovelies, and you fall to pieces. Without that insane magic I have, I don’t think I’m very
“Ehm, I have an idea about that,” Stina said hesitantly. “I just had a lot of people
in the Loch, so I could get to their memories of the wedding. I messed up a bit, and I
got a bit more memories than I thought I would. I have loads of wedding nights and
Chapter 12 — “No hurry!” said the carpenter. 163

similar situations swimming in the Loch right now. If I go down there for a few hours, I
should be able to condense the memories to instruions on lovemaking, complete with
“Stina, my beloved intended and captivating mistress of delight, are you telling me
you can make some kind of skill pill?”
She grinned impudently at her Master, before straightening her face, deadpanning.
“Yes. It’s a seven-inch suppository.
“ Seriously, making a memory matrix isn’t that hard. Making it stick is harder. If Disa
and Neville could have sex in the water, I could probably use that to implant the memories
in his head while he used them.
“ Master, I think Disa should go and get Lord Longbottom here. You hate to be
manipulated, and once you’d realise what we’re doing to your friend, you would definitely
feel horrible.”
Harry could have smacked himself senseless. He hadn’t even thought about it. ese
days of course, he was manipulated all the time, but it was by his girls and the purpose was
always sex. Right now, for instance, he could sense Gabrielle working in the divided part of
his mind, communicating with the others. He didn’t pry, but he sensed it had something
to do with Tonks.
As he watched, Jorunn was leaning back, rubbing her head against Tonks’ stomach.
He could see Jorunn’s four nipples stiffen, and Tonks groaned. Opening his Sorcerer’s eyes,
he saw a reddish cloud engulfing the Auror, and he assumed that it was the Huldr version
of the Allure.
He smiled as the Metamorphmagus lost control of her shape. She grew a eacular
set of boobs, then shrank down to a Naughty Schoolgirl kind of body, and she was altering
her body so fast that she aually seemed to stumble on nothing as she fell right on the
floor. She couldn’t get up. Gabrielle got to her feet, and walked over to the terminally
horny woman writhing on the floor.
“Nymphadora, we are very grateful to you. anks to your quick thinking, I can have
Harry’s cock inside me pretty much whenever I want.”
She had stressed the word ’inside’, making the panting woman shiver. Jorunn had
le her chair, and was pinning the Auror’s hands to the floor, thereby keeping her from
touching herself.”
“If it hadn’t been for you, Nymphadora, Disa would never have gotten her lovely
source of semen.”
e word ’semen’ made for an interesting moaning.
“Jorunn wouldn’t have her needed earthshaking orgasms. She would never wake up
with a stiff cock in her ass. She sucks his cock in her sleep. Did you know that? She can
swallow in her sleep, too. Doesn’t that sound nice? Stina would still be a virgin like the
rest of us, but for her it was even worse. She would never, ever have found a man who
could match her if you hadn’t been so quick. Now, Harry’s enormous member is hers for
the asking.”
164 Midnight Sun — Vanir

e fragrant puddle of juice was clearly visible. Tonks was writhing and shaking, and
Harry could see that she was assaulted by both kinds of Allure, but the slightly cold feeling
he got from Gabrielle told him that she was keeping the Auror from orgasming.
“Now, Nymphadora, I’m sure Stina wouldn’t mind sucking your nipples for a while.
Disa is also great at teasing tits, as one can understand. By the way, Disa, Why don’t you
tell her how Harry is when he’s annoyed?”
Gabrielle took the time that Disa was talking to have a mental conversation with
Harry. As he agreed to her ideas with an amused smile, he sat back, enjoying the view
“Of course, Love. You see, Nymphadora, I had annoyed Harry a bit, and when I met
him in a hall, he was feeling stressed. He grabbed me and pushed me into a corner. en he
removed my clothes and just pushed his great, powerful, glorious cock into my tight little
pussy. He pounded me relentlessly, and must have given me ten orgasms, before he filled
me with his cum. en he le, and as his mighty cock had been all that kept me upright, I
collapsed. I sat there for a long time, recuperating, and with his thick creamy cum leaking
out of me. Wouldn’t you have liked to have been there, just to lick his cum out of me?”
Tonks was lost. She had reverted to her “home form”, a Barbie doll with impossibly
long legs and slim waist. Her boobs were large, and her face could only be called Elvish.
She was sobbing, trying to rub her thighs together, anything to make herself cum.
“Now, Nymphadora, you can choose how we should thank you. I have tabs on Harry’s
finances, and I think he could part with a million galleons without a problem.
He can also give you half a million and a kiss. at’s not a bad deal.
He could also put his penis inside an orifice of your choice and give you a hundred
Or you could skip the money and have him fuck you silly.
Of course, if you gave an oath to promote and prote our family and obey Harry in
all ways, the rest of us would join in.”
She added the last part jokingly, without really thinking about how far she had driven
the panting and moaning woman on the floor, so she was very shocked when the silvery
light of her unoken oath flew from Tonks to the others in the room. at wasn’t really
supposed to happen.
Now she had given an Oath, and no one knew the wording.
Harry then decided that enough was enough, and levitated Tonks and Jorunn onto
the bed. As soon as the metamorphs hands came free, she pulled Jorunn down along her
body, ending in a sixtynine.
As soon as the smiling Huldr put her tongue on the enlarged clitoris in front of her,
she was rewarded by a piercing scream, and was sent through the air by the wildly bucking
girl on the bed. Stina and Disa took the opportunity, and latched on to Tonks’ tits, sucking
and licking.
As Gabrielle knelt and took Harry in her mouth, Jorunn crawled back onto the bed
and growled as she grabbed Tonks’ waist and flipped her over, so Tonks was on top. Harry
Chapter 12 — “No hurry!” said the carpenter. 165

pulled free of Gabrielle, and moved in behind Tonks. e overexcited Auror froze, as
Harry pressed his cock into her pussy, slowly, while Jorunn worked her clit.
Harry saw Jorunn’s eyes widen, and understood that Tonks had pushed a finger into
Jorunn’s arse.
Gabrielle understood as well, and started to work Tonks’ arse as well, making her
squirm and cum again.
Jorunn got a face full of fluid, and Gabrielle worked a second finger into Tonks’
widening little hole. Once she felt fairly relaxed, Gabrielle used the backdoor charm and
motioned for Harry to switch.
As he got his first inch into Tonks, she started orgasming. Harry decided to help her
along, and started to release small flashes of his blue power into the tight little arse as he
gently fucked it.
en he felt her morph.
She grew a bit shorter and curvier, and with a full head of frizzy brown hair. She rolled
over and, wearing Hermione’s face, urged him on, going faster and harder.
Hearing Hermione’s voice begging him to fuck her arse to pieces made something in
Harry’s mind go out of control.
He didn’t hold back, and Tonks aually glowed blue as he fucked and arked her.
He did make a mis-stroke, landing him deep down Jorunn’s throat which gave Tonks time
to change.
He pulled out of the Huldr’s mouth, and shoved his cock deep into Parvati’s chocolate-
brown arse, and heard the Indian girl’s voice warble uncontrolled as she came like a freight
Disa came crawling, and he gave Tonks some time to recuperate by finally fucking
those great boobs.
To his surprise, the Huldr aually came.
When he turned his attention back to Tonks, he was surprised when she pounced
him. She forced him down on his back and straddled him, taking him deep inside Susan
Bones’ pussy.
Harry noticed the difference from Parvati.
Parvati had had flawless skin, the same tone all over, and not a scar or mole anywhere.
e corn silk blonde and busty Susan was lightly freckled, and had a barely visible scar
partially hidden by her pubic hair. He concluded that the Parvati-body had been a guess,
while Tonks aually had seen Susan.
Two of Susan’s best features were right under her chin, and while he gently arked
her, he moved up to the greatest cleavage in school and slid his big member in between
those piure-perfe boobs. He noticed that the boobs grew bigger and firmer as he went,
and Tonks was eagerly licking the head when it came close.
With Susan’s voice, she begged him to cum in her mouth.
166 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Gabrielle moved gracefully up the bed, and backed down over Tonks’ head. As the
metamorph lengthened her tongue to reach the fragrant snatch over her face, Harry rose
a bit, and enlarged his cock just a little. He kept a mild blue glow on Tonks as he pushed
his engorged member into the tiny Veela, and the sight made Tonks come again.
Gabrielle had her eyes closed and her head bent back with a lovely smile as he slowly
fucked her. He looked around, and saw Jorunn keeping busy between the Auror’s legs,
while Disa and Stina entertained her and each other.
He sent them each a ark as he felt himself draw near. He charged an intense ark
deep into Gabrielle, making her fall forward in pleasant convulsions as he emptied himself
in Tonks’ eager mouth.
She couldn’t keep up, though, and her face was soon covered, as was her boobs. As
he dried out, he fell on his side, and Jorunn latched on immediately to his cock, sucking
the last drops out, and cleaning him off.
Disa was slowly and sensually licking the semen off Tonks’ face and boobs.
e Auror was still shaking with the power of her last orgasm, and made content little
noises as the coarse tongue of the Huldr caressed her face.
Aer a few minutes of silence and gentle caresses, as well as some mischievous tail-
tickling, Tonks oke in a shaky voice.
“Hot damn. at would be one hell of an interrogation method. I just swore myself
to you and your house, Harry. I’m oathbound to follow your smallest whim. You know
what? It was worth it.”
“I’m sorry anyway, “ Gabrielle said. “I should have known better than to say such a
thing. I should have known how far you’d gone.”
“Don’t worry about it, Squirt. I was getting bored by my old life anyway. One thing
I’ve learned lately is that Harry can do anything, except being dull. So, Harry, should I
call you Master now, too?”
“Yes!” said all the girls in chorus.
Harry laughed. He laughed so hard that tears ran down his face. He couldn’t breathe
or eak, but he kept laughing anyway. Finally, Stina ended his attack by the simple
expedient of jumping at him and kissing him senseless.
“Master, what on earth was so funny?”
“I have no clue as to what the hell I’m doing, and To..Nymphie here just signed on
as a follower or something. We were talking about recruiting Neville earlier. For what?
Where’s the war? I have no plan, no goal, nothing, except loads to lose. I can either laugh
or cry about it, so I laugh. It’s more fun.”
A voice from the door oke up, startling the crowd in the bed.
“You don’t have to recruit me, Harry, Ladies. I’m in already. e cause is simple, Old
bean. You want to live comfortably, without being attacked by Death Eaters, the Ministry,
“ You can’t do that as it is today. ese lovely ladies are cattle, by political decisions.
You are supposed to agree with the minister , because you’re famous.
Chapter 12 — “No hurry!” said the carpenter. 167

“ e governmental guidelines depend on whether it’s fashionable to agree with a

schoolteacher or not. e Headmaster has too much power, and he doesn’t use it for
anything good. As long as these things are wrong, you, the Gryffindor’s Gryffindor, will
not be able to relax.
“ My brave and worthy quest, mate, is to make sure that you don’t have to leave bed
in the morning unless you want to.”
Neville was standing in the doorway with his back turned. His blush reached his neck,
but his back was straight, and his determination obvious. Disa caught Harry’s eye, and he
nodded. She got up quietly, and Harry aimed a silent blast of Sorcery at her, cleaning her
and freshening her up so that her hair shone, and she looked so fresh and healthy that it
was almost ridiculous. She walked up behind Neville, and put her arms around him.
“Neville, my friend, you wonderful, wonderful man. We’re so glad to have you, and
we have things to talk about, you and I and Stina. Just wait a second, I think I’d better get
some clothes on, and then we’ll meet in your suite. How does that sound?”
“It works for me. Harry, Professor McGonagall and Remus would like to eak with
you, once you recuperate. at’s Remus’ words, not mine.”
“en I better go find them. I guess the new day is here.”
It was, and it was a good day.

* * *
She hadn’t believed him when he said that she wouldn’t need a coat, but she was happy
that she had pretended to.
e Swedish summer night was warm and comfortable,as her boyfriend guided her
through the crowds that had gathered in this quaint little town in the middle of the night.
He hadn’t been her boyfriend for long, just a little more than a week. He had called
her on the Floo out of the blue and asked her out. She had been stunned enough to agree,
and the man she had met was nothing like the one she had known most of her life.
He was charming, witty and much more intelligent than she had ever sueed. She
had revelled in the feeling of being the first thing on his mind, and his attention was
at night, when he had followed her home, she had taken the initiative and kissed
e kiss had been incredible.
She had of course explored a broom cupboard or two, but this was something other
than the normal approach of getting to her bra.
As close to perfe as she had ever imagined.
Of course, that had been when her aunt had come rushing out to chase the young
ruffian, who dared paw on her niece, away.
He had stayed and greeted her, like nothing was out of the ordinary.
He had been invited in for tea.
168 Midnight Sun — Vanir

ey had talked, the three of them, and when she asked about who taught him how to
kiss like that, he had blushed in the most adorable way. He told her and her aunt that
he had sworn fealty to the Lord of Kilchurn, and she had almost seen her aunt’s ears
widen. Apparently, he had been taught how to treat a lady, up to and beyond kissing, by a
staggeringly beautiful girl at Kilchurn Castle, as a way to boost his self-confidence. He had
looked straight at her when he continued by saying that as soon as he had gotten home, he
had Floo’d her, because the Lord of Kilchurn had taught him never to go for second best.
What girl wouldn’t melt by that?
She didn’t have the time to turn even slightly green, at the mention of the other girl.
When prompted, he had reluantly admitted that the training was very extensive, and
that he had literally gone from a beautiful woman’s bed to call her. She wasn’t quite sure,
though, about his continuing friendship with the girl, but he had said that she would
understand when they met. She had been a lot more amused at her aunt’s attempt at
interrogating the young man. She had learned that the Lord of Kilchurn was powerful,
and most likely a sorcerer, that he knew them all at least vaguely, and that the Lord was
married. ere were a few indications that the given name might not be the Lord’s most
commonly used.
e next day, he had immediately asked her what her aunt had told her to find out
about Lord Kilchurn, and she had wordlessly given him the list. He had written down
some horribly vague answers, signed it, and taken her on a lovely date in Muggle London.
A few days later, he had asked if she wanted to join him on a weekend trip to Sweden.
Apparently a friend of his would attend a bicycle race, and they would see him off, wait in
the little town and meet some friends of his, and welcome him back. e race was stupidly
long, and she had been told that many would take at least twenty hours to make it. Her
boyfriend’s friend was expeed to do it in less than ten.

* * *
She had heard the name of the town, Motala, but the only place she remembered the name
from was that Jules Verne’s fiional submarine had had it’s sharp bow made there. She
had never even considered bicycles.
ey were everywhere.
She had seen bicycles before, of course, but not like these. in shining frames, and
tyres as thick as her fingers. e pedals were usually matchbox sized things, but some had
cages strapped to ordinary ones, to make sure you fell if you fell, she assumed. at might
have something to do with all the helmets. Her boyfriend led her through the crowd, like
he knew where he was going, so she amused herself by looking at the crowds.
She had never made much issue about her ability to see auras. It couldn’t be used
for much anyway. Well, she could tell magical from muggle, humans from the humanlike
creatures, such things, but mostly it was just pretty.
Suddenly she saw something that was not so pretty.
Five auras ahead was not only magical, they were non-human. Dangerously so. She
could recognise a Giant’s aura easily enough, even if he looked normal-sized. e group
Chapter 12 — “No hurry!” said the carpenter. 169

also consisted of four predator auras. One of them was Veela, who were quite far from
their predatorial ancestry, but there was also two that only could be Huldr, and one she
couldn’t recognise at all, except for the predator signs. She tugged at her boyfriend’s hand,
trying to slow him down. He turned and smiled at her.
“ere’s something dangerous that way.”
“Really? How can you tell?” He looked ahead, but the creatures couldn’t be seen yet,
only their auras. She dodged the question since she could.
“ere’s a group of magical creatures over that way, and at least some of them are very
dangerous, worse than Vampires.”
“I’m guessing you somehow sense a Veela, two Huldr, a Giant and a Lake Warden?
Possibly in the company of a fairly powerful witch?”
She looked again, and saw the aura of, as he said, a fairly powerful witch. She was
“I assume I was right?” he asked. She could only nod.
“Come on then. Let’s go meet my friends.”
Friends? Huldr sucked the souls of men, killing them in the most horrible way, for
crying out loud! Veela made men kill themselves to show their bravery, and Giants were
She could only watch as a gorgeous blonde Huldr with a gravity-defying set of boobs
launched herself at her boyfriend. He just smiled, and caught the smiling predator. She
couldn’t believe her eyes when the Huldr, according to her books the Apex-predator of
the Scandinavian forest, kissed her boyfriend’s cheek and let him go, to be greeted by the
“Susan, I would like you to meet some good friends of mine. is is Disa Krake and
her father Leif. Yes, she’s a Huldr and he’s a Giant, but I trust all of them with my life.
Besides, Leif and I are Brothers in Arms. is is Jorunn, also Huldr and Stina, who’s a
Lake Warden. is is Gabrielle, Lady Kilchurn, at who’s wedding I had the privilege to
serve in a small fashion. is stunning lady is Sigyn, Vala of Seidheim, who also officiated
at said wedding. Folks, meet Susan Bones, the girl of my dreams.”
Susan was shaken. She was also shaking. She was in the presence of several killers, and
Neville, her Neville knew and liked them. e human woman approached her, and Susan
fought the urge to curtsy. e Vala was beautiful and regal. If she had been introduced
as a queen, Susan would not have thought twice about it. e older woman put a hand
on her shoulder.
“To begin with, Miss Bones, most of your books are wrong, but I understand your
reaion. Your books says that Huldr has to kill every week to survive, right?”
Susan nodded, and the Huldr girls looked at each other with shock clearly written on
their faces.
“As you can guess, that’s just not true. ese girls have never killed anyone, but I admit
there has been a few close calls. When a Huldr is starving, they can lose control and draw
170 Midnight Sun — Vanir

too much. ese girls are well fed, and they are completely safe to be around. Stina is
a predator, but she hunts aquatic life in her own lake. Lady Kilchurn has no interest in
hunting any man but her own, and Neville has proven his resistance.”
“Wife, you forget me again. Susan, I’m Leif, smallest Giant in town today. I not danger
to you. As Neville is Sword-brother, I defend you from anything. I still mangle eech, but
not other things. I Muellheim Giant. Smarter than other, and smaller too. I big like your
Hagrid normal. Besides, we all sworn in differ ways to Lord Kilchurn, and he like you.”
She noticed that the mostly unknown girl, Stina had held her hand at Neville’s cheek
for a while, while making eye conta with the other girls. Stina turned to her.
“When Neville allows, I can read his mind through touch, and I have a mental link
with the others. I believe you can understand that our Master, Neville’s Liege Lord, has a
few secrets, and we needed to know how much he’s told you.”
“I must say that I would never have expeed Neville Longbottom to keep such re-
markable friends,”She said, trying to regain her composure.”It’s a pleasure meeting you all,
and I’m sorry about my first reaion.”
e busty blonde Huldr smiled at her.
“You have a more remarkable friend in Neville, Susan. He walked into a room full of
naked Huldr and Veela, with the Allure on full blast, and just turned his back, and oke
to our Master. He didn’t stop and stare even for a second. I didn’t think there was a male
in the world who could do that. He’s amazing.”
“You’re the one who taught him to kiss, am I right?”
“Yes, I am. He was a very gied student, but I admit I was surprised when he walked
away from me, saying he had to Floo someone. Men are not supposed to be able to do
that, but now I see why.”
Susan blushed at the backwards praise. is incredibly beautiful girl had been the one
that Neville had le to call her. She wasn’t clear on the circumstances, though. If she had
fed on him, he wouldn’t have been unhurt, would he? Susan decided to have a little chat
with this Disa when time allowed. Maybe even ask for some advice. As the group started
to move, Neville held her hand in his, but as he oke with Gabrielle, Susan was free to
talk to Disa, who was still at her side.
“So, what’s it like at Kilchurn, then?”
“You mean, how does the family work?”
ey were turning by a petrol station into a road packed with people and bicycles, and
started to criss-cross through the crowds. She had to let go of Neville’s hand, but kept her
eyes on him as much as possible. She thought about the Huldr’s counter-question.
“Uh, I’m sorry, I’m still getting used to the idea that you are intelligent. at is, in
fa, what I meant.”
e gorgeous blonde smiled at her, forcefully removing a passing hand on her arse.
“Okay, here’s the basics. First, there’s the Master. From the start, he had four Bonded
girls, but He and Gabrielle got married the other week. Mostly, the marriage is a paper
tiger, because from a human standpoint, she’s still under age. Nothing has changed in the
dynamics between us girls. Well, we defer to her for fun, but we don’t have to. To complete
Chapter 12 — “No hurry!” said the carpenter. 171

the family side, Sigyn is my stepmother and Leif is my father. My real mum is a feral Huldr,
who’s returned to the forest. Sigyn is Jorunn’s unofficial stepmum as well. Ditto for her
real mum, by the way. Her dad, Surt, is getting ready to race now, with our Master.”
She paused to remove another groper, this time from her supersized bust, and Susan
heard a distin cracking sound from the offending hand.
“Back to the Kilchurn crew, then. We love our Master. Fiercely. We would never, ever
betray him in any way. At the same time, though, none of us are human, and we don’t see
things like you do. at’s the basics. Do you have any ecific questions?”
Susan had quite a few, but most of them drowned in the realisation that she and the
Huldr wasn’t that different. As Susan had been groped a few times in the dense crowds,
she mostly wanted to learn how to crack a man’s hand like that. ere was one question,
“Gods, how do I put this? Straight up, then. Did you sleep with Neville?”
“Yes, Stina and I did, but I was the aive one. Why?
“How does that work if you’re so devoted to your Master?”
“Simply. Jorunn and I are sexual beings. We’re Bonded to our Master, but the bond
is a mental conneion, and it has very little to do with sex. It ensures our loyalty and our
obedience, not fidelity. To us, Love is a big deal, but sex is a hobby, sustenance, and lots of
other thing, but it’s not as sacred to us as it tends to be to you humans. If I ask my Master
if I can have sex with someone else, chances are he’ll say yes. Between us girls in the Bond,
we don’t even have to ask.”
Several heads turned aer the two girls. Two blonde bombshells, walking through a
crowd, mentioning the word ’sex’ was bound to get attention, aer all.
“But why Neville? Of all the men in the world, why my Neville?”
Disa smiled at her. It was a friendly smile, warm and open, and Susan found it hard
to remember that this girl was supposedly one of the most dangerous magical creatures
“Because he’s Neville. At the wedding, he taught me things about herbology I didn’t
know, and Huldr are supposed to be experts by birth! He proved himself to be very
intelligent, brave, shrewd and loyal. He’s a Pureblood, and raised as one, and he has social
skills my Master doesn’t have. We thought that if he gained some self-confidence, he would
be a perfe liaison and ambassador in the days to come. Maybe even Minister. We wanted
to tie him closer to the Kilchurn House, and give him a confidence boost. I also wanted
to thank him for his tutelage, by giving him the Huldr Gis.”
Disa casually reached around Susan, taking another hand off her thigh and breaking
“Now that, I’ve read about. I guess a sexual being has it easy when it comes to figure
out ’thank you’ gis for guys.” Susan laughed.
“One size fits all, but only recently. ese days, we never go hungry. If were the
slightest bit peckish, we start draining the poor guy. Our Master has enough for both
me and Jorunn, and Jorunn, as a foxtail, needs much more energy than I do.”
“So you trained Neville up?”
172 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Yup. Stina was there, too, but we were in a pool, and she merged with the water. She
has some mental gis, and she was able to send memories and skills to him, and he could
try it out on me, making the borrowed memories his own. Stina said he was naturally
talented, though. You won’t be sorry once you show him that scar of yours.”
“And how the hell do you know about that, pray?”
“Hey there, we’re the ones who should be calling people prey. A metamorph called
Tonks has been hanging out with us, and she lost control of her form once. She cycled
through a lot of them, but I remember yours. And no, Neville wasn’t there at the time.”
Susan blushed furiously, knowing quite well why her one-time bodyguard knew her
body so well. She also remembered under which circumstances Tonks would lose her
ey were coming in to a great open area, filled with bikers and market stands.
“So, Neville is part of the extended family?”
“Yes, definitely. My Master treats him like a brother. Neville, Dad, Surt and one other
stood with my Master at the wedding. at’s for family.”
ey pushed on through the crowd, until they reached an area that was basically
empty of bikes, as they had walked past the entry gates for the start corrals.
“A brother, not a son? Hold on here, who is your Master, really?”
“You’ll meet him aer the race, I guess. We’re almost at the start now. Surt has a
red bike and a bright orange shirt with flames and an anvil on it. My beloved Master has
a green scaly-looking bike and an emerald-green shirt with a red lightning bolt on, and
both of them have eleric blue helmets. ey should be on the far side.”
Susan stared at the sea of people, dressed in screaming colours. e easiest, she
surmised, would be to look for the helmets, since there weren’t too many blue ones. She
otted two blue helmets, and understood why the colour was called eleric. ey were
worn by two men who looked like brothers, short and stocky, and with bulging arms. Even
at the distance, she could see the family resemblance to Jorunn in the man with the fiery
shirt. e man with the green shirt had his back turned, but she could see a ponytail of
black hair coming out from under his helmet. One really good things with these biking
clothes, she mused, was he huge amount of legs they exposed.
e starting area was very crowded, but organised. e four gates sluiced the starting
groups, 80 at a time, into the starting corral. Every two minutes a signal would sound, and
a big motorcycle would guide a group out of the city.
She was told that there had been starts every other minute since 9 pm, and that they
would continue until three in the morning, 80 bikers every second minute. Someone with
a muggle Sonorus device was walking around the corral, asking random bikers the same
questions over and over. She was brought out of her reveries by a strong little hand pulling
her to the other side.
“Come on, Susan. We can see them better from this side. ey’ll pass right by here.”
Disa was almost jumping with excitement.
True enough, her Master and that Surt guy had just moved into the starting corral,
and they were right on the other side of the field, out of sight.
Chapter 12 — “No hurry!” said the carpenter. 173

Susan was hit by a wave of sadness, suddenly. e announcer was talking to some
biker again, and the unseen biker’s voice sounded just like Harry Potter, if Harry had
oken Swedish, of course.
A strong suicion struck her, and as she turned to look at Neville, she caught him
watching her with an unreadable face. e starting signal sounded, and a big motorcycle
with a side-car, and little lights all over it, rolled past her, and was followed by the group
of bikers.
Her eyes flew over the group, looking for the blue helmet, but she didn’t see it. What
she did see, was a shirt in a very familiar emerald green, and a red lightning bolt with a
very familiar shape to it. Right above it, though, was a pair of equally familiar, intensive
green eyes.
He saw her, too.
A smile, a wink, and he had rolled past them and was gone.
She was stunned, to say the least. Lord Kilchurn, Caradoc Pritchard and the deceased
Harry Potter, Master to four girls, and married to one of them, even. Sorcerer, Liege Lord
and things like that tumbled randomly through her head. ey had never been close, but
she had counted him as a friend anyway. Her aunt had apparently had some dealings with
him, and had told Susan that if she went aer him, she would do it with her aunt’s blessing.
She was overwhelmed, and short of breath. e edges of her vision were getting darker, as
two pairs of strong hands grabbed her and held her steady.
Strength seemed to flow into her from those hands, and aer a few seconds she could
turn and thank the two Huldr who had helped her.
Disa just gave her that open, friendly smile while Jorunn gave her a little nod.
Now, Jorunn looked the part of the dangerous creature that Susan had read about.
Hauntingly beautiful, glowing amber eyes and the high cheekbones that gave her a feral
sort of appearance.
e small smile on the Huldr’s face told Susan that Jorunn knew what she was think-
“I know,” She said. “Us Foxtails are the most dangerous of the Huldr, but you’re a
friend of the House. Besides, you’re Neville’s girlfriend. You have never been safer.”
“Your Master. He’s Harry?”
“Yes. He will be returning to school with you, and we thought that he might need
a female friend there, too, who knows about him and who doesn’t just want to ride his
“What about Granger and Weasley? Or that Ravenclaw girl, Lovegood?”
“Luna wants him to fuck her ass, Hermione wants to swallow and Ginny wants all
of the above and then some. He needs more friends, not more fuck-toys. e four of us
should be enough,” She said with a wicked kind of grin.
“Did you just refer to yourself as a toy?” Susan asked incredulously.
“Hey,” Disa interrupted. “A girl can dream, right?” ey all broke up laughing at
that, and Neville, Leif and Sigyn came over to them to see what the fuss was about.
174 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Susan decided to detail the conversation, turning her boyfriend, who was apparently more
experienced than herself, brightly and cutely red. It was well past midnight, but the night
still felt young as the group walked back to the Krake family’s caravan.

* * *
Harry was nervous.
He was standing with his starting group, one foot already locked to the pedal, waiting
for the annoying beep of the start. e rope in front of him would lower, and he would
set out on a 300 kilometre bike trip.
He must have been insane to agree to this.
He could do it, he knew that. He had the strength and the stamina but it was still
ere were other bicycles everywhere, and a very real fear of getting tangled, tying
them all together in a big lump of bikes and bikers right there on the starting line crept up
in his mind. Just when the mighty Sorcerer, the Slayer of Basilisks, the Dragon Animagus
and Tickler of Veela was about to panic out of sheer expeed embarrassment, someone
stuck a microphone in his face and asked him in Swedish if he was looking forward to the
tour. He had grinned like an idiot, saying how much fun it would be in his so-so Swedish,
and suddenly the horrible beeper sounded.
He got on his bicycle, and locked his other foot to the pedal. All worries sank away
as he rolled out of the starting area, following the brightly lit Triumph ahead. He looked
for his girls, and smiled at them and Susan Bones, who for some reason was there too. He
winked at her, and turned his focus to the road and the other bikes. He was on the way.

* * *
Where had he gone? Where had he gone? He couldn’t be dead, because no one could
live when the other survives, and if he was gone, Tom would be dead and that would be
at the hand of another.... No, that wasn’t it. Either can live while neither survives. e
one with the power to live when the other survives approaches, and either can have the
power as his equal can live when neither survives? Born to those who had thrice defied
him, neither can mark him as their equal, because either has the power the other’s hand
knows not. ere. at had to be it. Neither can die at the hand of the Dark Lord, because
thrice defied, he has the power either knows not. Where are my lemon drops? Severus
had taken points for him again, because he had to, and he had been marked as his equal.
Where had he gone......

* * *
Chapter 12 — “No hurry!” said the carpenter. 175

Minerva was watching her tracking parchment. Albus was pacing in his office again. She
wondered what he was thinking about. Probably Mr Potter ... Harry. Words could not
describe how proud the Professor had been to be invited to the wedding. And what a
wedding it had been. She had to admit, Jacques was a brilliant Master of Ceremonies, and
there was no wonder he did it for a living. She had also been quite taken in by the regal
Vala, and they had had a very pleasant talk aer the reception. Sigyn was very insightful,
and Minerva had gotten a rare insight into Harry’s mind and motivations. She did feel
a pang of guilt over her aions towards the young man last year, but as the Vala had
promised her, she would have a chance to compensate him for her past transgressions.
She had to remember to treat him like the student she had known previously in public,
while subtly reminding him that she knew who he is, and that he could rely on her if he
needed her support.

* * *
Hermione had done it again. As soon as she landed from her orgasm, she had fallen asleep,
and nothing could wake her. Ginny had gone home to the Burrow the day before, and
Luna was both bored and horny. Aer counting Snorkacks for a while, she decided to
distra herself with something else instead. Hedwig was still there, and might just like
some exercise, so Luna grabbed for one of Hermione’s notebooks and a ballpoint pen and
started writing.

Dear Harry.
I’m lying here in bed, all naked and looking straight up into Hermione’s
vagina. I just ent some time on it, and it’s very wet from my efforts...
176 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter XIII

They thanked him

much for that.

“...and if it hadn’t been for my daughter’s healing power, I still wouldn’t be able to sit.”
Susan laughed again. She was having a great time, sitting in a caravan in a small
Swedish town. ey had all had a few drinks, and told each other stories about Harry
and his various deeds. Neville had proven himself quite the raconteur, and had had them
all gaing for breath a few times with his wildly embellished Tales from the Dorm. e
one where Ron had fallen asleep with a slip of Harry’s invisibility cloak in his lap aer an
argument with Hermione, and woken up convinced that she had castrated him in his sleep
would stay with Susan for a long time. Sigyn’s story about her underestimation of Harry’s
size should have been horrible, but the alcohol and her way of telling it made it hilarious.
Neville was sitting beside her, absently stroking her thigh, and her knickers were soaking
wet. ere was a lull in the conversation, and Susan saw the Vala giving her daughters a
stern look. Jorunn turned to Susan apologetically.
“Sorry about that, Susan. We forgot. You’re the only one here who gets affeed by our
allure, and we forgot to hold it in.” at’s why she was so hot and bothered! Huldr Allure!
“It’s all right. It’s not like you’re aer me or something, is it?”
Neville grinned and raised his hand.
“I am,” he called. “but the only allure I can come up with is in my wine cellar back
ey laughed again, and she felt herself calming down. en she thought that she
didn’t really want to, so she stood up and reached in under her modest knee-long skirt, and
pulled her knickers off and put them in her bag. ey were really too wet to be comfortable.
Once she had tucked her underwear away, she leaned over and gave Neville the hottest kiss
she could. As he reonded, she thought that losing the knickers was a good idea, but she
might just stain her skirt.

178 Midnight Sun — Vanir

e others applauded her effort, and she thought Leif looked a little flushed, but it was
nothing compared to Neville. Her boyfriend was very red, but he didn’t look embarrassed
at all and given the open atmohere in the group, she could understand that. He smiled
at her.
“Susan, are you trying to kill me? e Huldr Allure may not affe me any more, and
I know I’m immune to Veela charms, but you have complete power over me. I’m helpless
here. Do you want me to propose to you right now or something?”
Her brain shut down. She had fooled around at school, sure. Double D’s could give a
girl loads of attention, but this was a group that played for keeps. Sure, they were joking
and all, but the guiding star seemed to be Harry, and he was obviously not afraid of
commitment. ese people didn’t hold back with feelings, and there was no doubt that
he was serious. Neville didn’t want to fool around. Somehow she knew that if she offered
him a one night stand or something like that, he would turn her down, simply because
he didn’t play that game. He wanted to marry her. She didn’t know how, but she knew
it. He wouldn’t take her to bed without commitment. Her brain woke up again, and she
thought fast.
“No, love. It’s a little early for that, I think, but when you do I fully intend to say yes.”
Neville shone. at was the only thing to call it, as he reached for her hand and kissed
her palm. He reached inside his pocket, and brought out a seed. He frowned for a second,
and the seed began to grow. It iralled upwards, and grew into a perfe red rose, which
he gave her.
“Wait little, Neville.” rumbled the shrunken Giant. He reached for a box under his
chair, and brought out a lump of rock. e caravan lilted suddenly, as he regained his
original size, and he closed his large fist around the rock. His hand began to smoke, and
when he opened it, there was a thin silver ring among the dust and grit. He blew on it
until it cooled, and gave it to Neville, who put it gently on Susan’s finger. Sigyn watched
them with a smile.
“Susan” she said. “It’s an old custom, the Silver Alliance. It’s not very common any
more, and I don’t know whether you ever had it in Britain. Do you know of it?” Susan
shook her head, unable to eak. Sigyn continued.
“He is not promising to marry you at this point, but he is promising that he will ask
you at the right time if he can. You could be considered to be engaged to be betrothed.
As Neville is a Lord, and has sworn allegiance, he has to ask his liege-lord for permission
and such things, but the Silver Alliance should not be frowned upon. It’s a matter of the
heart, without consideration to politics or finance or anything like that. If you become
pregnant now, he’s obliged to care for you and the child without help from his family or
Liege-Lord. All you have to do is to accept the alliance. It’s a pretty ring, and you can of
course find your own meaning to it.”
“Neville, did you intend this as a Silver Alliance?” Susan asked.
“Now I do. I just didn’t know about it before.”
“en yes, Lord Longbottom. I accept this alliance.” She jumped into his lap and
kissed him with all her might. She was vaguely aware that Sigyn whiered something
Chapter 13 — ey thanked him much for that. 179

to Leif that made the giant blush before he pulled out a vial from a pocket, drank and
shrank. Disa cleared her throat.
“Eh, Neville? Gabrielle told Harry about this, and you most certainly have your Liege-
Lords permission.”
“Good to know. Where is he?” Neville smiled and looked at the map on the table.
Gabrielle, as Guinevere, was following her husband, keeping an occasional eye on
Surt as well. ey were not keeping company. Aer the first depot, 43 km down the road,
Harry had gone ahead faster, while Surt was pacing himself, and there was now almost
10 km between them.
“He’s past Gränna, and coming up on the Kaxholmen slope.”
“I wish we could see him there.” Sigyn said. “at’s supposed to be a killer.”
“Too bad Stina is in the lake. She could figure out his average eed in a second.”
Jorunn said.
“What am I then, chopped carrots?” Disa laughed, and brandished her pocket calcu-
lator.”Right now, if he’s got five kilometres to the slope, he’s at an average of thirty-five
“at bloody fast. See how slope goes.” Leif said with a wide grin. He was, aer all
the one who discovered that Harry didn’t get tired.
Susan barely listened. She was sitting in Neville’s lap looking at her ring. ere was
a tremendous amount of details to study, and there was also the fa that it had a magical
aura. It was smooth on the inside, but had a rough outer edge without any sharp points, but
clearly reminding her of the raw rock that the giant had used for it. She made a decision.
“Jorunn, Disa? Shall we go for a little walk? I need some advice.”
As the girls le, Neville was grinning ear to ear, and Leif was patting him congratu-
latory on his shoulder.

* * *
Everything was simpler on the road. It was him, the bike and the road. He was no one but
Biker 4565. He had parted ways with Surt at the first stop, as he didn’t really feel the need
to stop at all. e rhythm of the road was so alluring.
He had stopped at the Gränna depot, called the Golden Otter, for some reason, to
help a girl with her bike.
Her saddle had come loose, forcing her to stand on the bike for three miles, and he
had done a little piece of discrete conjuration to give her a replacement for the broken
nut. He had also cast a healing charm on her legs, to cope with the strain from the last
three miles.
A little ’thank you’ for the view he had had from behind her.
He even told her that, and she had just smiled at him, and kissed his cheek. Aer
losing three minutes there, he set out to make up for it, and he knew he was coming up on
the first named incline on the trip. Out of the blue, Gabrielle had called on him, asking
permission for Neville to marry Susan Bones. He had snorted for a second, remembering
180 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Tonks using Susan’s very lovely shape, but he sent his absolute approval through their
link. Neville and Susan. at was a nice thought, and according to Disa, Susan wouldn’t
be disappointed. He hooked up with a gang of about thirty bikers doing about 40 kph,
and found the effortless joy of biking in a group. His new senses helped him to keep
track of the other bikes around him, and when it was his time to pull, he kept at it longer
than the others, gaining him an appreciating glance from the guy who finally took over.
ere was talking in the group, but Harry didn’t want to divert his attention enough to
try to understand. He was just enjoying himself, and was humming a tune as the miles
disappeared under the tyres. He was a bit disappointed when he came to the incline. It
didn’t look so bad, did it? Aer a while, though, he saw that what he had thought was the
top of the hill, merely was a bend in the road, and the hill continued twice as long as he
had thought. He smiled to himself as he geared up a notch and accelerated. No bloody
hill should beat him!

* * *
His name was Ron Weasley. He was not the Boy Who Lived. He knew that, but it was
just so hard to remember. ere had been a prophecy. e prophecy said how to find
the right Boy Who Lived, but any boy could have been made to fit. His Door had said
that. Dumbledore had decided that Harry Potter had been the Boy Who Lived that he,
Dumbledore, had wanted. It could have been him! It should have been him!
His door had said that it was all right to hate, but that he should turn all his hate on
someone worthy of it, like Dumbledore. She was real nice, his door. She always wore
nice clothes, that showed off her figure. Every time he did progress she let him touch her.
When he had killed Dumbledore, she would let him do her in any way he wanted. She had
said that herself. He had to make plans. He wrote them on a notebook, and tore the pages
off immediately. Once Dumbledore was dead, he would become the Boy Who Lived, have
lots of money, and have his nice little door with the big boobies on a leash. It was good
to become him.
e door in question looked over today’s garbage harvest of deluded notes. ere
was even a drawing of her in there. e pathetic whelp probably believed that she had
boobs like that. Well, If she could get the Weasel to kill the Headmaster with nothing
more than allowing the boy to grope her a bit, it would be hilarious. Imperius would get
it done faster, of course, but there was all kinds of deteors in the ward. Besides, it was
fun, and well worth the effort of wearing these heavy glamours. e “Door”, Bellatrix
LeStrange was enjoying her life.

* * *
Susan was incredibly red. She had asked two Huldr for advice on how to make her
boyfriend deliriously happy, and that had turned into a Concubine Boot Camp.
Jorunn had called a House Elf, who had returned ten minutes later with a box full of
sex toys. She had been assured that they were completely clean, before the the two Non-
virgins began giving the virgin an advanced lesson in the art of deepthroating, stroking
and fondling.
Chapter 13 — ey thanked him much for that. 181

She was taught what to say and how to sound and, most importantly, that dignity had
no place in the bedroom.
Begging for something in bed did not really compromise anything out of it.
On the contrary, by telling him what she wanted, it would guarantee repeat perfor-
mances and would make it all better.
at had led to an even more interesting thing. She had to learn what she wanted, and
what she liked, but she already had a pretty good idea.
e two Huldr had looked at each other and smiled, before interrogating her on her
little affair with Tonks. e metamorph had been assigned as her bodyguard once, as
Susan’s aunt had received a credible threat, and Tonks had caught her masturbating and
offered to help.
Susan wouldn’t call herself bisexual exaly, but a woman’s touch was a great thing,
She didn’t intend to lose her virginity just yet, but as she wasn’t adverse to penetration,
she was introduced to the so called butt plug.
She had laughed it off at first, but the girls had her convinced to try it, and to her
amazement, it felt really good. She was sitting on it now, trying not to squirm, but it was
hard not to and she was grateful that she had already removed her knickers. Neville would
not be disappointed, she was making sure of that.
It wasn’t all fun and games, though. For beings supposedly without love, the Huldr
girls cared very deeply for her boyfriend, and she quickly got the idea that if she hurt him
unnecessarily, they would take offence, fang and claw. Primarily, though, they had a little
warning for her.
Neville had been traumatized, everybody who cared knew that. What mattered was
that Bellatrix was the first woman Neville had seen naked, and when he had begun fan-
tasizing about girls, hers was the body he saw. His primal desires was bound to a woman
he hated, and as Disa could testify, Neville could get a bit rough. e important thing for
Susan to remember was to sound. Talk to him, sing or cry or anything, just to remind him
who she was. Otherwise, under certain circumstances, he might just get a bit confused.
Even Sigyn had seen a cathartic violent sexual event in Neville’s future, and it just might
be best for Susan that it wasn’t with her.
Susan boiled over at the thought, and scorched a few square yards of grass. If that
woman had hurt her Neville, she would die. Horribly so, and as Susan went over all the
possible reasons for Bellatrix to be so ingrained in a little boy’s mind, she decided to help
torture the bitch herself.
As Susan was working herself into a right state, the two bonded girls looked at each
other. As one, they focused their Allure on her, as hard as they could, while physically
grabbing her and turning her over. It only took a couple of quick rubs over her sopping
slit, and a few knocks on the plug to make her orgasm into unconsciousness. Once she
had stopped bucking, Jorunn lied her gently, while Disa cleaned up aer them, regrowing
the burnt grass and having Dobby pop the toy box back to the castle. ey smiled as they
carried the ent girl back to the caravan.

* * *
182 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Luna had finished her letter. She wasn’t sure why she had written it, but it had felt good.
She wondered for a second if that letter meant that she was evil. She was horny and more
than a little frustrated, so she had decided to feel better by making someone else suffer
like she was. She comforted herself with the thought that as soon as possible, she would
indeed put him out of his misery, if he was miserable pining for her little arse. Right
now she was leaving a light blue stain on the sheets, as she had taken to moisten the
pen with her juices. Of course, ballpoint pens shouldn’t need moistening, but she had
done it anyway just in case. It had le her with an inky quim, and convinced that she
needed to buy herself a bigger pen. Luna decided to make sure that Harry didn’t think
she was evil, by becoming as good as possible. First, of course, she needed to make sure
that Hermione didn’t interrupt her exercises. at meant that she had to become better
at pleasing Hermione as well, since she fell asleep right aer orgasming. In the bookshelf,
she found many interesting books, from Kama Sutra to Ovidius, so she sat down on the
bed to read, absently running her fingers over her little slit. In her complicated mind,
the things she read started to form struures, like a step by step guide to becoming a Sex
Goddess. She thought of that as worthy goal to have. Now, if there was some charm that
could duplicate the Veela Allure....

* * *
“What happened?” Neville shouted as he jumped to his feet. Sigyn and Leif stayed in their
seats, but their attention were on the blonde that was carried into the magically expanded
“Nothing bad, Lover boy,” Disa said as she prepared a place where Jorunn could put
Susan down.
“You have a good one here, Neville. We were talking about your history and your little
problem, and she became quite mad on your behalf. As she was frying the nearby plant
life we knocked her out, Huldr style.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means,” Susan said groggily from the cot where Jorunn had put her, “that rather
than letting me screw things up with a load of accidental magic, they knocked me out
with an instant orgasm. I’ll love to see what Disa taught you. Jorunn, dear, I seem to be
retaining something?”
e black haired Huldr smiled, and did something in Susan’s skirt region, making the
blonde girl sigh deeply. Neville couldn’t help glancing at her chest, and she met his eyes
with a bright smile.
“ank you, Neville. You were right, by the way. It’s hard to be jealous once I got to
know her, and that you prefer to look at my boobs when Disa is praically stripping for
you makes me feel fairly secure.”
He looked around, not noticing until then that Disa had taken her top off, only leaving
her industrial grade bra on.
“at’s what I get for trying to distra you. Neville, my friend, you’ve got it bad.”
He rose and walked the few steps to Susan and put his hand on her cheek. She turned
her head and kissed his palm before looking him deep in his eyes.
Chapter 13 — ey thanked him much for that. 183

“No, Disa,” he disagreed. “I’ve got it good.”

Susan blushed a little, before she pulled him down to her, kissed him soundly and
whiered I his ear.
“I’m glad you’re here, Love. I want to associate all my orgasms to you, and I’d love it
if you gave me the next one. Preferably soon.”
Neville didn’t blush. He just caressed her ear in a rather ecial way, making her
“I promise.”

* * *
Amelia Bones was furious with herself. Since she was an honest woman, she admitted
to herself that ’worried sick’ probably were a more apt description, but ’furious’ sounded
more powerful.
How could she have let her niece travel so far beyond the edges of civilisation? She
must have been crazy! e Longbottom boy was good enough, she supposed, and as
the Bones family had admittedly hot blood, Susan would most likely lose her virginity
prematurely whatever her doting aunt did anyway. She looked again at the delicate silver
instrument that was tied to the barely legal tracking charm she had placed on Susan. She
was almost out of reach, but at least it gave Amelia a rough direion, and a general idea of
Susan’s emotions. at part of the instrument was fluuating wildly, and Amelia assumed
that it was just too far.
Neville. Remarkable changes lately, which the boy had attributed to his association
with Lord Kilchurn. e Lord was a major question mark. ere had been rumours lately
about a wedding at Kilchurn, that only a sele few had been invited to, and Neville had
been one of them. She was more annoyed than she let on that she hadn’t been. Neither
had the minister, of course, but the worn line about being in good company just didn’t
apply, since Madame Bones really didn’t think Cornelius Fudge was good at anything, and
that included thinking, breathing and being company.
What kind of proteion would Kilchurn bring to the boy? To her niece? Were they
really safe? ere were a lot of dangerous things in Sweden, aside from their horrible
music. Could Lord Kilchurn, Pritchard or whatever his name was, keep her niece safe?
She just couldn’t stop worrying.
“Damn it, Kilchurn. Can you keep her safe?” She said to the air in her study.
“Yes, he can.”
Amelia un around and brought her wand to bear on what appeared to be a House
Elf. Except for the fa that, in her experience, Elves did not wear tweed suits, nor smoke
pipes. ey were not supposed to lean nonchalantly against her fireplace with a slightly
condescending smile, either.
“Direor Bones, Your nice niece is very safe, she is. Body guard has she, who is very
loyal to Garden Lord, and is becoming loyal to Suzibones as well. If baddies want to get to
Suzibones, they need dragons. One dragon is not enough it isn’t.”
184 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Amelia Bones dropped her wand. She believed him. House Elves couldn’t lie, only be
quiet about things if they chose. is was a very unusual house Elf, but she believed him.
“I understand you work for Lord Kilchurn, then?” Her voice wobbled suiciously,
but the Elf didn’t seem to notice.
“I is, Ameliendame. I is Chamberlain of Kilchurn Castle. As Garden Lord is allied
to My Lord Kilchurn Sir, and Garden Lord has just made Silver Alliance with Suzibones,
you is extended family. Lord Kilchurn like you before, and I is having no instruions, but
think you is wanting being assured nice niece is safe.”
Amelia smiled when she heard the elf ’s name for her. She remembered seeing Garbo
in the role in 1939, during a mission in Berlin, and she had been called that many times
when there was a rumour that she slept her way to the top. Amelia remembered how she
had enhanced her likeness to the aress in her youth, and she thought it was nice of the
Elf to remark upon it. ’Die Kameliendame’ indeed. If she had been drinking anything, she
would have painted the far wall a second later as the words ’Silver Alliance’ struck home.
What in the world was this, and what had her niece dragged her in to now?
“And what does this Silver Alliance mean? I regret I’m unfamiliar with the term.”
“Sigyn, Chaplain of Kilchurn and wise woman say it like pre-engagement. It is of
heart, before any talk to guardian or Liege-Lord is made. No politics and no money. Gar-
den Lord has got permission of course, but not talk to Lord’s Scarygran or Ameliendame
yet. You is not obliged to anything. Dobby shouldn’t say, but Garden Lord is looking at
Suzibones all the time when two Huldr shoot much allure at him. He not even flinch, he
didn’t. Huldr smile much about that.”
“Huldr!? ey’re dangerous. What is she doing near those beasts? Get her out of
Amelia grew frantic in a second, grabbed her cloak and ran for the fireplace, when
the frowning elf snapped his fingers, throwing her into her armchair and freezing her in
place. e tweed clad elf jumped up in her lap and standing on her knees, nose to nose,
he began to angrily leure her.
“Ameliendame is wrong, she is. Huldr girls are Bonded to Lord Kilchurn, and will
defend Suzibones with their lives. Garden Lord knows that. ey are almost like family,
they are. Kilchurn has granted Suzibones proteion. Two Huldr and a Muellheim
Giant. Vala Sigyn is there, and will know of danger before it is, and the three strong ones
will defend. ere is reinfro...reof... more friends nearby. Dobby will advise Ameliendame
now. Forget what you know of Huldr and ask Hogwart’s Kittylady for the real history.
Being meanie to Lord Kilchurn’s girls will make him very angry, and he might make
London go boom. Huldr are sometimes dangerous. If someone do bad to Suzibones now,
they will learn how dangerous. Learn fast, Ameliendame.”
With a pop, the irate elf was gone. Amelia was reeling. e absolute absurdity of being
leured by a House Elf was getting to her in a bad way, and she realised that they were
powerful creatures in their own right. She just hadn’t thought about that before. When she
thawed from the chair, she stumbled to the fireplace and tossed a pinch of powder in.
“Minerva McGonagall.”

* * *
Chapter 13 — ey thanked him much for that. 185

It was sort of funny, Harry thought, that he could train hard, physically, mentally and
magically for twenty hours straight, then have earthshaking sex for three hours, sleep one,
and start over again. Here he was, having had a two-hour nap before the start ,and then
done nothing but biking for the last four hours, and he was falling asleep on the bike.
Perhaps he should stop at the next depot and have some coffee.
He was still going strong, and he wasn’t tired at all yet. He was bearing down on the
amusingly named town of Hjo now, and this was where Surt had said the tour really began.
Harry was looking forward to it. First, however, he really should stop at Hjo. ere was
supposed to be food there as well, and he felt like he could certainly murder a piece of
Lasagne right about then. One annoying thing that had made him pull the group he was
with a lot more than he should have had to, was biking pants. It must be the downside
of having power to are, he mused, that he aually noticed when a girl was in front
of him. Once the race was done, Gabrielle would get a rear pounding that she wouldn’t
believe. All these tight little behinds in front of him was really bothering him, because
he couldn’t really afford an ereion. It stretched his pants out of shape, and the hardness
that these tight arses in the tight pants provoked, aually made him fear for the seams.
So he pulled. He had tried singing to stay awake. He was humming soly to himself, and
without thinking about it, he had started singing the words of a Queen classic.
“..Jaws was never my scene, and I don’t like Star Wars..”
When he made it to the chorus, the entire group of twenty-odd bikers had joined in.
“I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my biiike! I want to ride my bicycle, I want
to ride it where I liiike!”
at had led to a lot of laughs, but aer a minute, the focused silence had returned,
interrupted only by the clicking of the dérailleurs. He didn’t initiate any communication,
but he felt for his girls, against his better judgement. Gabrielle/Guinevere was hovering
above the lake, keeping an eye on both him and Surt, who was just rolling out of Jönköping.
Stina was in the lake, by ecial permission of the local Warden. Funnily, in ite of
Vättern being the second largest lake in Sweden, Stina was still the stronger of the two.
Both Wardens knew that, but none had mentioned it.
Jorunn was sleepy, but she couldn’t really calm down. He could feel her trying to
sleep, but failing. He never knew how much she needed her “pacifier.” She could barely
sleep without it! She settled for sucking her thumb, but he almost heard her unoken
complaint that it wasn’t the same thing.
He focused hard on the endearing qualities, trying to ignore the smouldering ones.
is would be a bad time to think about that she needed to suck his cock all night to relax.
STOP! Too late. It was growing again. Damn. He continued the sweep to Disa, knowing
it probably couldn’t get any worse.
It could. She had one hand busy between her legs, and the other teasing her nipples as
she eavesdropped on Neville and Susan. By the sound of things, the ’puff was apparently
quite skilled. Now, it really couldn’t get any worse, so he opened the link a bit more,
flooding her mind with both barrels of his pent-up lust. She tensed as the images and
emotions impaed on her already overheated libido, and as he mentally caressed her, she
screamed bloody murder, and wet her bed beyond the capacity of a simple drying charm.
186 Midnight Sun — Vanir

To Harry, it was quite rewarding, but he was still bent around the iron rod in his tight
pants. He allowed his mind to wander. He had the awareness of the road superimposed on
his image of the mindscape, where his Bonded shone like suns. He had never really looked
around there. He noticed a mind, quite far away, that seemed to be searching for his. He
moved closer, to discover that the mind wasn’t aware of it’s presence in the mindscape at
all, and that it was blindingly fast.
∼ Jormungandr, are you there? ∼
∼ Always. How can I serve? ∼
∼ What can you tell me about that light over there? ∼
∼ Not much, I’m afraid. It is female, and it is thinking about you, quite intensely. It
has a conneion to you, but not one I know. I am guarding you, so it is safe to move in
for a closer look. Just don’t forget the road. ∼
∼ I won’t. ∼
e mind was incredibly fast. Images flew across the shining globe like lightning,
and most of them featured him. He was having sex with this girl! He couldn’t see who
she was, as all the images were seen out of her eyes, and he needed a face. ere was some
interesting positions involves, and if the girl was as flexible as she looked in these fantasies,
it would really be interesting. She seemed to prefer anal and oral sex, but there were some
vaginal imagery as well, just not as much. ere! ere was a mirror in the ceiling in one
image. He was getting a headache trying to keep up with this amazing mind, but he finally
had a face. e mirror over the bed in that one image showed a blonde girl, her face slightly
contorted in the throes of passion but still, it was Luna. Unmistakably Luna Lovegood.
Guided by Jormungandr, he slipped a password into her mind, and pulled back. He
was entering Hjo, and the road was lined with silly signs saying “I Love Hjo”. Funnily
enough, in ite of the sexual nature of this little mental encounter, his raging hard-on
had receded, so he could aually stop without embarrassing himself. He slowed down,
and followed the direions down into a park, where a few hundred bikes were parked
already. He obviously hadn’t overtaken them all yet. He picked a nice tree to park beside,
and stopped.
As he hit the ground, shoulder first, he reminded himself to unlock his feet from the
pedals first, next time.

* * *
Susan smiled at her boyfriend. She hadn’t quite managed to keep up with him, so she had
a few drops still at the corners of her mouth. She moved up a bit, taking his soening
member between her large breasts as she moved slowly up and down.
“I can’t imagine why Hannah said she didn’t like to take cum in her mouth, much less
swallow. You taste delicious, Love. You can cum in my mouth any time, and I will certainly
swallow your load. I loved it, just as I love your tongue in my wet little pussy. Next time,
I want to try to take you all the way down my throat. Would you like that? Or would you
prefer to fuck my boobs? ey’re all yours, you know.”
Neville tried to eak, but he just couldn’t form sentences yet. She had been better
than Disa, and he hadn’t thought that was even possible.
Chapter 13 — ey thanked him much for that. 187

Just the little thing that she kept talking to him, encouraging him and telling him just
how much she enjoyed what he was doing was a turn-on of an almost seismic scale, just
like her orgasm had been.
She had grabbed his head, crushed him against her pussy and rubbed his nose against
her clitoris for a very long time, it felt like. He hadn’t been able to breathe, and her gushing
juices had almost drowned him.
He was definitely doing that again!
When it had been her turn to please him, she had taken the time to tell him just how
much she loved his cock, detailing to him just how lovely each part of it was, and when
she had started to take him into her mouth, she had done it like an a of worship.
He hadn’t lasted long. When he had warned her that he was about to shoot off, so that
she would be able to dodge, she had just taken him a little deeper and when he came, she
just swallowed without missing a beat.
He had already known that he wanted to marry her, and aer this session, he was
bloody certain.
ey had known, both of them, that Disa would most likely eavesdrop, the naughty
little piece. ey had even talked about it before, but had opted to leave the silencing
charm between the little rooms in the caravan, keeping them to the outer walls only.
To Neville’s delight, Susan seemed to have an exhibitionistic streak that would be a
lot of fun to explore.
Disa’s howling orgasm had been a great iniration, and the two lovers had just looked
at each other and smiled when it rattled the walls. Nothing wrong with sharing, was
He reached for her face, caressed her, and scooped up the cum drops from her face.
She caught his fingers, and licked them clean with every sign of pleasure before she crawled
into his embrace. ey weren’t in a hurry. ey both knew that they had a lifetime to
explore each other, and they were looking forward to many nights together.
Neville pointed his wand at his nose and cast Haud Quietus Sonitus on himself, the
anti-snoring charm, and happy in each others arms, the couple fell asleep.

* * *
Once upon a time, there had been a huge, mile high waterfall here, Harry remembered.
Surt had told him more about the course than he really had wanted to know, aer all.
Today though, Tiveden was a drag.
In his eyes, there had obviously been too much geography for the ace here, so Nature
had solved the the problem by wrinkling it, fitting loads of geography into the available
e crowds were thinner now, and thanks to a very hasty meal in Hjo, Harry had le
the group behind, going on his own for a while.
Fortunately, there were no deleable derrières in biking pants here, so he could ac-
tually focus on the biking. He had the wind against him now, and as he pushed hard, he
188 Midnight Sun — Vanir

felt his Sorcery working in his muscles, repairing damage as it occurred when he forced
himself to power push up the hills. It was great to be him those times.
e sun was shining, the birds were singing, and he had just passed some religious
people, standing at the top of a hill, who apparently blessed all the passing bikers. ey
had said that God was with him on his tour, and Harry thought that if that was the case,
it had to be God’s turn to pull a bit now. He intended to bypass the upcoming city, and
wait for Hammarsundet before he stopped the next time. ose religious people had been
funny. Religion had never played any larger part in his life, and he had aually been a
little surprised at Sigyn’s invocation at the wedding. She believed. Well, it was part of her
job, aer all, and she was the wisest person he trusted. at was in itself food for thought,
and as he rolled towards Askersund, he began digesting it.

* * *
Susan climbed out of bed, careful not to wake her lover. She just grabbed her wallet from
her purse and snuck out into the living room. Her wallet was an excellent travelling
accessory that contained her are clothes, hygiene produs and loads of other things.
For some reason, she didn’t have any money in it, though.
e caravan was a lot larger than the tents she was used to, but then again, there was a
solid struure here to attach the charms to. She stretched and looked around. Sigyn and
Leif was sitting by the table, stark naked like Susan herself. Leif was back in his full size,
and he was a sight to see indeed. She considered getting mortally embarrassed and flee,
never to eak to them again, but thought better of it. Instead, she cast Tersus Tergum on
herself, and aer a second she followed it up with Tersus Saeta. Her favourite freshening
charms le her with a strange scent, sex and strawberries, but that couldn’t be helped. e
Tersus charms always made her smell like strawberries, and the scent of sex might not be
from her, aer all. She sauntered over to the table and pulled out a chair.
“, Susan. Did you have fun?” Sigyn asked with a warm tone in her voice.
“Good day to you two, too. Your daughter trained my boyfriend very well. I think
I might just keep him.” She laughed. She noticed that the half-giant looked at her curi-
“Susan, Neville know, but I say to you too. ere is place for you with us if you need
it. You always welcome. Now I thinked, You sit here naked like we are. You just have fun
and you know we know. Why you not even blush, not embarrassed? Would you have do
this yesterday?”
She didn’t have to think about it for very long.
“No, I wouldn’t. I would have been mortified, but for some reason I trust you all.
Disa and Jorunn are sexual beings, so I guess I’m not the first naked teen girl you have
seen. You have a drop-dead gorgeous wife, who’s sexy enough to affe me, and I’m fairly
straight, normally. You wouldn’t be mean to me, and I’m bloody certain that you wouldn’t
assault me. My lover was trained by your daughter, so what’s le for me to be embarrassed
“True,” Sigyn said. “It’s just that you’re still a virgin, and you are comfortable around a
naked male giant. We appreciate it, of course. It’s nice to know that you feel you can relax
around us, but you must admit it’s a bit unusual.”
Chapter 13 — ey thanked him much for that. 189

Susan laughed.
“I keep wondering how deep this rabbit hole really is, but since everything around
me here is very unusual, from my point of view anyway, why not try to fit in? I ditched
my shyness aer talking to Disa for five minutes, and there seems to be few taboo’s in this
group. I just go with the flow.”
“You’re right about that. I have a reputation for being straightforward, and I seem to
have affeed Harry and the others as well now. So, did you take Neville in your ass, or
did you stick to oral this time?” e Vala was smirking, obviously trying to embarrass her
anyway. Susan fought down her blush and answered in a sultry voice.
“is time, we settled for oral. Neville has an amazing tongue. I could swear he was
licking my cervix for a while. e best part was swallowing, though. e taste and texture
of his semen as it trickled down my throat made me so wet it was almost unbearable.
I couldn’t get him deep enough to have him shoot straight down my throat, but I will
praice until I get it right. Isn’t it just amazing to have a cock in your mouth as it shoots
these wonderful bursts of semen into you? I wanted it all, of course, but some of it escaped
and ran down my face, onto my nipples. I almost came from that.”
Susan had adapted her tone to a low, breathy purr, and she had stolen glances at Leif
as she oke. He had gotten progressively redder in the face, and he was clearly having
problems sitting straight.
Sigyn grinned at her, and turned to her husband.
“What’s the matter, dear? Don’t you want to think about this fieen year old girl
with semen running from her mouth to her lovely, perky teen breasts?” Leif just grunted
something unintelligible, so Sigyn turned back to Susan.
“Excuse us for a while. I think my husband wants a piece of ass right about now.”
She stood up and pulled her husband out of his chair by his very, very large and visibly
throbbing cock and lead him into their room. Susan smiled to herself. at had been fun,
but she had gotten a bit hot herself. How little Sigyn could take that monster inside her
was beyond Susan’s imagination, potion or no potion. Still, the mental images were a bit
thrilling. Perhaps she should go and wake Neville up before she got dressed.

* * *
Neville woke up with his cock deep down Susan’s throat, and with her fragrant pussy right
above his face. He felt her tense up a bit as he got busy on her clitoris, but as they both drew
near the “morning’s“ conclusion, he had to admit that it was pretty good to be him.

* * *
He had five kilometres le to go before he even reached the city, and already the road was
lined with cheering people.
ere had been crowds here and there along the way, and the cheering felt really
It brought back memories of Quidditch games and times when he had been celebrated
for things he had done, had worked for.
190 Midnight Sun — Vanir

ese people were cheering him on because he had done Vätternrundan in about
eight hours. Well, they didn’t know the time, of course. He was just one of the thousands
of bikers who had done it this year.
He also knew that a lot of people thought that he was a faory biker, as he had this
unknown bike and matching shirt. Someone had told him that people always cheered for
those they thought were pro’s.
e air was warm, the sun was shining and there was not a single cloud in the sky as
he rolled through the disconneed traffic lights.
Gabrielle was no longer above him. His very own silver winged traffic ineor had
gone on ahead, to wait with the others at the finish.
He was supposed to give a holler when he turned in on the final stretch, but right now
he revelled in the feeling of accomplishment.
e crowds applauded him and the other bikers, and Harry felt a small pang of guilt.
He had had an easy tour, compared to the others. Harry had heard more complaints
of aching butts in the last hour than in his previous life, and then there was the fa that
he wasn’t tired.
Leif had been right. His body replenished itself with magic, just like he had filled his
canteen from the tanks at the depots without stopping.
Speeding through a roundabout, he got a rousing cheer from the people around it,
so he made an extra lap around it, to further cheering and applause from the eators,
before he continued to the finish line.
ere were a lot more people here, and the constant cheering was getting to him. He
had made it, and he had power to are! He would be able to make another tour if he really
wanted to, which he didn’t. What he wanted now was to get off this bike, and to remember
to unlock his feet properly this time. en he wanted his wife. Badly. ankfully, there
were not many bikers ahead of him, and no distraing little backsides.
When did he become such a shag-o-holic? When he began getting as much as he
wanted and then some, that was when.
e past hours had highlighted how much he needed his girls in a purely physical
sense, and he was beginning to worry about school. He rested a bit, and sent out the
promised call, as he followed the markings down a hill towards the finish. e cheering
was deafening here, and he slowed down, as there seemed to be a bit of a queue on the
other side of the finishing gate. As he crossed, he couldn’t stop himself. He drew a deep
breath and shouted as loud as he could.
“We made it! ere is nothing we can not do!”
His call was well received by the other bikers, who had already crossed the line and
was wearing their medallions. Tired, exhausted men and women straightened their backs
and grinned at each other. ey all turned to the grinning young man in the green shirt
and smiled. ey may be tired and aching, but he had driven it home for them. ey had
all made it! One group who was wearing matching shirts had a quick word, and as Harry
had a pretty girl hang his medallion around his neck, they shouted again, and the call was
picked up by most of the bikers there. In heavily accented English, they shouted:
Chapter 13 — ey thanked him much for that. 191

“Hey, 4565, You made it! ere’s nothing you can not do!”
en there were boobs.
Disa, Jorunn and Stina were hugging the life out of him, and he really enjoyed it.
Leif, in his peculiar small form, took care of his bike, and Neville was flashing away with
a camera. Susan was standing with Sigyn, smiling at him, and as he beckoned for her,
she hugged him close and whiered a quiet “thank you” in his ear. He was thoroughly
congratulated as the family crowd le the reception area and moved a bit out of the way.
Stina grabbed his number vest and ran to get his diploma and such things as someone
pressed a large glass of beer in his hand.
en Sigyn stepped aside and revealed Gabrielle. She was standing by a smaller bike,
all silver and pink, in a silvery, form hugging biker shirt, and thin, tight, pink biking pants.
Harry’s jaw just dropped as his little wife led her bike towards him. She hugged him and
gave him a chaste kiss on his jaw. en she said in a sultry voice.
“Congratulations, Love. I thought someone should lead you back to the caravan. Just
follow me and I’ll show you the way.”
e other’s laughed as he immediately reached for his bike, and he followed his wife,
or more exaly her swaying pink arse through the city, back to the caravan.
She said nothing as they dismounted, and she unlocked the door to the caravan, but as
soon as they had closed the door behind them, Harry grabbed her, pulling her backwards
towards him. He felt her doing the familiar cleaning and lubricating charm as he liquefied
a hole in her biking pants. In silence he pulled out his ere member and lied his petite
wife onto it. Holding her close to his chest, he lowered her tight arse down over his cock,
pushing his way inside as she moaned in his ear. He carried her, supporting her weight
on his cock, to the table, where she rested her knees as he began to pound her hard. He
kneaded her boobs through the shirt, and she turned her head towards him, licking his
face until he turned to her in a deep kiss. Aer a few minutes of relentless pounding, she
slid off him and took him into her mouth. Aer some deliciously hard work with tongue
and hands, she was rewarded with a severe amount of semen shooting down her throat.
When she had licked him clean, she smiled beautifully at him and dragged him to his bed.
She pushed him down, and began to undress him. She hadn’t done more than get his shoes
and socks off when he fell asleep. Having a wife with the ability to foresee his needs was
a great thing indeed.
To wake up with several pairs of hands massaging your legs and back is something to
enjoy in silent contemplation of one’s luck. Gabrielle and Stina was working his back and
shoulders, Disa and Jorunn had his butt and thighs covered and to his surprise, he had
Susan bones handling his calves.
“I still can’t believe it. He used to be a tiny scrawny kid before he got some Quidditch
muscles. I can’t believe that this...this Hercules is my schoolmate!”
“I told you, Susan, those calves are new, and so is a lot of this butt here. Damn, it’s like
oak to massage. Are those calves soening any?”
“A little. Like oak, as you said, instead of marble. I think they’re as so as I can get
them. Does anyone have a foot fetish? If so, we can trade.”
192 Midnight Sun — Vanir

e girls laughed at that, and as Stina moved over and started taking care of his feet,
she said.
“Susan, you’re turning into a very naughty girl. I’m not sure we should let you keep
your hands on our man.” She finished with a giggle.
“Don’t worry. I’m a one man woman, even if I’m not technically a woman yet. I’m
sticking to Neville, but it’s thanks to you and this delicious piece of man flesh here that I
have him. I owe you.”
Gabrielle stopped for a moment.
“In that case, we should do some planning in the next few weeks, but not now, seeing
as this delicious piece of man flesh is awake. Welcome back, beloved. Why don’t you turn
around so we can work your other side? Don’t mind Susan. She has seen you already.”
Harry grinned, and while laying on his stomach, he pulled off a morphing he had thought
about, but never really gotten to work. It still looked impressive, even if it wasn’t funional.
As he clumsily turned around, he enjoyed the gas from the girls. e surprise from
Gabrielle and Stina, the sheer eagerness from Jorunn and Disa and the mild shock from
“Hello Loves, Susan. at was a great tour to have made. I feel like twice the man I
used to be.”
ey all broke up at his stupid line, and he morphed his second penis away. He looked
up at Susan, now rubbing his peorals.
“I guess I should welcome you to the extended family then, Susan. It’s good to see
“ank you, My Lord, “she said in a sultry voice, having discovered how much fun
that was. “For your information, I’m still a virgin in case you wish to invoke jus primae
Harry pulled on his Consort’s mental resources and thought fast. is was not made
easy by the girls, who all had opted for bikinis at the moment, and while he was quite happy
with his little harem as it was, he had to admit that Susan was beautiful. He forced his
member to stay down, by simply morphing the blood vessels shut, before he answered.
“Unfortunately, while your intended is indeed my liege, you are not and at the time
you will be considered as such, I very much doubt there will be anything le for me.”
“Oh, I could take a room at your castle, couldn’t I? en I would be ... eligible.”
She did things with her voice that made it communicate direly with his balls, without
even passing the brain. He was fighting a losing battle against his own ereion when he
heard two voices laughing by the door. Neville told his girlfriend with mock firmness.
“Susan, I thank you for not torturing my liege-lord with your wicked ways. And don’t
give him any ideas, please!”
Leif filled in, addressing Harry.
“at cute little devil did to me too. at voice and her ways is trouble for any
man with working bits. She ...naughty enough to fit in. Neville picked good mate. But
Chapter 13 — ey thanked him much for that. 193

He pronounced the word Naughty so carefully that harry understood that it was a new
acquisition to his vocabulary. Useful, that, he supposed, seeing the decidedly naughty
looks, shared by the girls.
ey decided to tease him, and the firm massage turned into caresses until he almost
lost control of the suppressed ereion, and he was convinced that he could take all the
girls at least twice before going so again. at was when Sigyn interrupted.
“Good. You’re awake and frisky. Hold that thought. ere’s only an hour and a half
to Sjögestad, and I’ve called ahead to set things up there. Let’s pack up. Harry, Don’t get
off, and keep thinking naughty thoughts. Girls, you help him keep his mind in gear. It’s
time for mister Fafnersson to meet my Goddess.
194 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter XIV

“A loaf of bread,”
walrus said,

Susan was very familiar with this ell. Her aunt had used it on her for as long as she
could remember.
When she had learned that it was a highly advanced diagnostic charm, designed to be
used on viims of assault and kidnappings and such, it had amused her to know that her
aunt used it to find bruises and scrapes on a clumsy little girl.
Anyway, it was very efficient. It revealed just about everything.
e glowing cloud of colours revealed, for instance, that something had penetrated
her reum. Susan was not so amused about that.
e faint traces of a potent Compulsion field were also visible to a trained observer,
and Susan just knew that her aunt would jump to conclusions, eecially since the scanner
revealed everything she had swallowed in the past day, and that list included alcohol and
e charm had also revealed that Susan was still a virgin, and she did notice her aunt’s
disbelieving stare.
at was it. Susan was easygoing enough, but she had to draw a line.
“Aunt Amelia, I’ve been violated.”
“I knew it! Was it Longbottom? Or those beasts you were...”
She didn’t get any further. Her niece had never before pulled her wand at her, but this
was apparently a ecial occasion.
“Do not insult my friends, Aunt Amelia. I was talking about you, and that damned
charm. Have you no ree for my privacy? You have no business peeking into my
knickers like you’re doing with that piece of magic. I am over the age of consent, and
the state of my maidenhead is None Of Your Business! If you ever use that charm on me
again, I’ll ... well, you’ll see. You won’t like it, though.”

196 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“You mean, no one did anything against your will?”

“Yes! You! Didn’t you listen? Well, Neville did as well. He stopped, and I didn’t really
want him to.”
“I’m too old for this.” the Direor said, and sank down on a chair. “I’m so sorry, I
was just so worried, and I was told off by a house elf and Minnie almost tore me a new
one... I’m sorry.”
Susan saw the lines on her aunt’s face. Clearly, she had had a rough day. Susan was
still not in a very forgiving mood, though.
“If you called Jorunn and Disa beasts in front of the Kilchurn Chamberlain, I’m
surprised you’re still in one piece. For your information, I’m now considered a part of
the Kilchurn extended family, and I will not have you insult my friends and sisters. Now,
you have your three questions, then I’m going to my room.”
Amelia nodded and thought deeply. is was a rule they had made a long time ago,
and it still worked. You didn’t part in anger without allowing three questions first. With
two headstrong people in a household, something like that was needed.
“Okay. Were you ever in any kind of danger, apart from traffic and normal things? I
mean, anyone can be hit by a bus, but...”
“I know what you mean. I was perfely safe. I admit I was a bit scared when Neville
dragged me towards two Huldr and a Giant, but there was never any danger. ey’re great
people, and even though I’ve known them for only twelve hours, we’ve grown close. I
would take a curse for any one of them, and they would for me. Next question.”
“Erm... Well. You’ve had sex, and that’s a fa and I’ll say nothing more about it without
invitation, but... were you pressured or compelled to do it? Were you in control?”
Susan aually smiled at that.
“I was in control. I was the only one there susceptible to the Huldr Allure, and the
girls simply forgot to suppress it. Once they remembered, it wasn’t a problem. One of the
Huldr is the one who trained Neville to be more confident, and when I asked, they gave
me a brief lesson in sexual technique, including many non-devirginising ways to have fun.
You know, Neville wouldn’t do more than kiss me without a commitment? I’m going to
marry that man, and those Huldr girls will be my bridesmaids. I won’t be a virgin bride
if I have anything to say about it, but we’re not in any hurry. Neville is mine, and I know
how to keep him.”
e last sentences were oken with Susan’s new favourite toy, the sexy voice. She had
praised and tried new varieties on Disa and Jorunn, and they had had a lot of fun with
it. Harry and Sigyn had agreed that there was a bit of magic laced into it, and thought that
it could be a great asset to have. It was clearly unsettling to her aunt. With her throbbing
voice, she continued.
“Trust me on this, Aunt Amelia. Nothing except stopping happened against my
expressed desires.”
Amelia was stunned. A girl in her teens had le, and a young woman had returned.
She understood that the ring on her nieces finger meant much more to Susan than she
originally thought. Susan even had a different body language. ere was nothing of the
Chapter 14 — “A loaf of bread,” walrus said, 197

teen defiance, the argumentative nature that she had somehow gotten used to. Susan
simply stood there and held her ground, determined to defend herself and her lover, come
hell or high water. Amelia Bones was aually impressed. She smiled at her niece before
asking the final question.
“Minerva was impressed out of her plaid panties with this lord of yours. Obviously,
he’s got good and powerful friends, and you seem to be in with him on the ground floor.
Now, this question is a little out of line, but ..” she hesitated a bit. “What is your assessment
of Lord Kilchurn as Liege-Lord to the Bones Family?”
Susan burst out laughing about that. It was just too brilliant! Of course she knew that
Harry wouldn’t ask it, but she had in fa offered him Jus Primae Nois, the right to her
first night. Oh, how she would tease him. She had no intention of carrying through with
it, of course, but the teasing was fun, since she knew he had ways to work off the tension.
“at would be brilliant, Aunt Amelia, but you should really meet him first. It might
just shock you a bit. You should also know that since I intend to marry one of his lieges,
I offered him Jus Primae Nois, but he declined, since I’m not his liege, just Neville. is
would be brilliant!”
“Wait, you want him to...?”
“Oh Merlin, no. He wouldn’t do that. I’m Neville’s, and he’s married and has three
bonded Consorts on top of that. He just wouldn’t. It’s fun to tease him, though, and he
is incredibly hot.”
“You know him well enough to say that aer just a day?”
“I do know him well enough. Aually, I only ent about three hours with the Lord
himself, but I know him well enough to entrust my life, and my virginity, to him. He knows
me better, due to the bond between the girls and him. He can see what they see, and they
can share memories, too. Aunt Amelia, if you swear allegiance to the house of Kilchurn,
we’ll be safe and we’ll have fun. We will have a safehouse to go to that You-Know-Who
can never find, no matter how many hem-kissers he gets into the Ministry. e Lord is
honourable enough not to ask you to compromise your ideals in your work, and I will
get a chance to hang out with my friends at Kilchurn a lot more than I expeed. Neville
and I can get a formal Betrothal legally binding in a day, and the beer will be a dime a
barrel. Go for it!”
“I aually do trust your judgement, Susan. I really do. I’m so sorry, but when that
house Elf in the funny suit told me about the Huldr and the Giant I just got so worried.
He told me to ask Minerva about Huldr, and her impression is identical to yours. Have
you met this Sigyn woman? Minerva was very impressed with her, and I got the distin
impression that she is close to the Lord.”
“Vala Sigyn is a wonderful woman. She’s the official stepmother to Disa, and the
unofficial to Jorunn. She takes some getting used to, though. She’s very straightforward,
and has a filthy mind, but she’s very wise, and can predi the future better than the fraud at
school. She just doesn’t like it, so she prefers to gaze into the present. She’s also married to
the Giant, Leif, who made this ring. I’ve never even heard of Muellheim Giants before.
He’s huge, a bit bigger than Hagrid when he’s not taking his potion. He’s as clever as
anyone, even if he learns a bit slower. ere’s nothing wrong with his understanding, and
his English is positively atrocious.”
198 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“I’m just shocked that a Giant can learn a second language at all. ey really are all
right, all of them?”
“Well, I didn’t get to know Stina or Gabrielle that well, but the closeness of the four
bonded girls was pretty obvious. Gabrielle is a Veela, and Lady Kilchurn. Stina is some
kind of water nymph that I’ve never heard of before. ey were friendly and all, I just
didn’t have much time with them. e last adult in the group is Surt. at’s a nickname,
but I can’t pronounce his real one. He’s a smith, short and built like a rock, all muscles and
no hair on his body. Burnt away by the forge, I guess. He has small burn scars all over his
body, and great self control.”
“And how do you know the state of his body so well, if I may ask? I mean that. You
don’t have to answer.”
“e Lord and Surt did a bike tour of 180 miles in one go. I helped massage them both
aer they finished. e Lord was asleep for most of the time, but the girls and I teased Surt
mercilessly. Except Jorunn, of course, seeing as he’s her father and all. He didn’t reond
at all, but I managed to get a bit of a rise out of the Lord.”
e long time direor of DMLE, inquisitor, judge, and veteran of hundreds of crim-
inal cases, frowned.
“Why is it that...? You knew the Lord before all of this. You are very careful in calling
him by title, and not by name. He’s apparently about your age. A student, no doubt,
and you know him from school. Neville knows and trusts him. He’s athletic. Apparently
“So, Susan, Mr Potter is doing fine, I understand?”

* * *
Harry was in a lovely Hell. He was surrounded by sensually writhing girls, one of them a
Veela, who had an ice grip on his balls to make sure he didn’t come too soon, but all the girls
were doing their best to drive him nuts. To see Gabrielle slowly lick Disa’s ere nipples,
hearing the moaning and feeling Jorunn’s double bosom pressed into his side was killing
him. A further mood-enhancer was the Vala in the front seat of the VW-bus, who was
watching his suffering in the make-up mirror with shining eyes and moist lips. He could
aually smell her arousal. One serious soener was sitting in the driver’s seat, though.
Surt was glaring daggers at him in his mirror. He knew that it was all on purpose, but he
was still reminded that the man was watching his daughter trying to press her nipples into
Harry’s arm, and that the beautiful Vala was married to an almost thirteen feet tall man,
currently sleeping in the caravan behind him. For some reason the ritual, or whatever
he was going to be put through, required an almost burnt-out brain. is method was
very efficient. He was right on the verge of a full gonad meltdown. Harry was lost in the
expanse of female skin surrounding them, when they suddenly stopped. Surt grinned at
him, finally, before stating the obvious.
“We’re here.”
’Here’ appeared to be just another slope in a fairly typical Swedish forest, but the grass
was short, and apparently mowed. Harry was not really thinking clearly as the group le
Chapter 14 — “A loaf of bread,” walrus said, 199

the minibus and walked past a runestone, the piles of rocks signifying graves from the
Pre-Roman iron age until they reached a group of standing stones. A man was walking
around them, drawing a circle around them using a white powder, and dusting the powder
inside the circle as well. Sigyn walked up to him.
“A sea salt circle? I don’t remember that as important. Did you use that when you
went through?”
e man turned and smiled at the group, giving Harry a wink.
“No, I didn’t, and I don’t know about salt but this is ant repellant. It’s bloody hard to
focus on procreation when the forest ants are chomping away at your bits, wouldn’t you
She laughed, and gestured for Harry to come closer.
“Harry, this is Daniel, and he has taken the route you’re about to. As you just heard, it
pays off to have someone experienced around. He’s the guardian of this place, and he will
help open the gate for you, as well as keep the tourists away.”
e unknown man smiled at Harry. He struck a pose and bowed deeply.
“Harald Fafnersson, welcome to Sjögestad. I can see you’re in the proper state of mind,
and you should be very happy that you have your harem around. I’m not supposed to tell
you what’s going to happen, but your physical body will not be involved in it. I was in
serious pain for days.”
“Excuse me, but can you tell me anything in general terms? Sigyn has told me nothing
at all. Well, she said I was to meet her Goddess, but I never know when she’s joking.”
“You can take that very seriously. When I made my trip, it was to learn to control my
wonky magic. I had to set things up myself, and that sort of ruined my focus. I did get
much more control, but my sacrifice was not enough, and I couldn’t strike a very good
deal. You shouldn’t worry about that, though. You play by a different set of rules, and
I believe that once you’re naked and sitting in the circle, well, among the stones anyway,
things will work out. I have a link to the Goddess, and she’s really looking forward to your
visit. You already have a conneion to her, seeing as you’ve bonded three of her own, and
she tends to think of Veela as hers as well. If you can deal with your harem here, you’ve
got nothing to worry about.”
“So, I shouldn’t worry and just take things in stride, is that your advice?”
“Pretty much, yes. Oh, and have fun. at’s always important. Shall we begin? I will
have to get your girls naked, too, and draw some blood from them. Nothing much, and
nothing bad. I was about to say that Sigyn will watch over them, but I guess the girls can
take care of themselves. Get your clothes off, kiss your girls and sit down in the middle
Harry walked over to the low, uneven circle and began to take his clothes off. Sigyn
was whiering with his consorts, and the girls, one by one, locked their eyes onto his, and
stripped. It was a bit too fast to be a proper striptease, but since the three capable girls
soaked him in allure, Harry was so incredibly hard that he considered morphing a bigger
cock just to make more ace for the blood. He did realised in time that it would probably
make him faint, so he chose to suffer instead
200 Midnight Sun — Vanir

. He sat down on the indicated place, where there was a cushion on the ground, and
quite a lot of the white ant repellent around it. Obviously, Daniel had had some bad ant
experiences here.
His blood was pulsing in his ears, as he saw his guide walk up to the girls, and holding
a quick whiered conversation with them. To Harry’s surprise, Sigyn undressed as well,
and the girls read out around the circle, Sigyn taking a place behind him. As the girls
climbed up onto the low stones, barely four feet high, they locked their eyes on his cock,
and Harry could both see, feel and smell their excitement.
Daniel tossed him a purple bottle, and he emptied it in one go, and was surprised at
the sweet taste. e world became tinged with pink and red as he saw his guide walk up
to Gabrielle, sitting right in front of him, with a surgical needle.
She leaned back a little, exposing her lovely vagina to him. She was very wet. Aually,
her juices were visibly wetting the stone, making it glow slightly in Harry’s lust-addled eyes.
As Daniel swabbed a ot on her labia, she had locked her eyes on Harry’s, and as the guide
stuck the needle into her throbbing nether lip, she released a little squirt of fluids over the
stone, mixing with the blood that was seeping through the needle.
e process was repeated with the other girls, with the difference that the Huldr
released a minor flood, and Stina had such an orgasm that she was about to fall off the
stone. He couldn’t see Sigyn, but he recognised her muskier scent immediately.
Apparently, his sense of smell had been enhanced, he thought, just to distra himself
as all he really wanted to do was to leap up, and plunge into the dilayed delights around
him, blood or no blood.
His head was inning, and his mind clouded. He tried to get up, to take what was
offered to him, but he couldn’t remember how many legs he was supposed to have, so
instead of jumping up he fell down.
And down.
And down.
He was suended in nothing, and the nothing was pink and red. ere were clouds
around him, and he was inning in all direions, as the pastel clouds showed him visions
of indistin pleasure and delight. e only sound at first was his own heartbeat, but as he
listened, he heard chanting in a distance. He was almost terminally horny when he felt a
warm, so female body against him. He couldn’t see her, but she felt perfe. Her hair was
long, like he preferred it, her waist was slim but not skinny, like he preferred it and he just
couldn’t decide if her boobs were large or small, as he didn’t really have a set preference.
Her body was hairless, and in his addled state, he sent a gentle blue wave into his unseen
lover, hearing her ga before he entered her, gently probing her depth. It was perfe. Very
tight, but not so tight that he was afraid of hurting her. It was hot and wet and wonderful,
and Harry enjoyed himself immensely. He never forgot about his unseen mistress, though,
and made sure that the voice howled in regular orgasms. Aer taking the invisible woman
over top aer top, he felt himself explode inside her. Wave aer wave flooded the tight
entrance, and he felt her disappear. A second later he felt another one take her place. is
one was much taller than him, and very muscular. She took charge, and used him for her
own pleasure. He didn’t like that much, so he called his power, and flooded this woman’s
Chapter 14 — “A loaf of bread,” walrus said, 201

nerve system with pleasure, until he felt her lose consciousness. e next one was a small,
submissive pet, and Harry was very gentle as he pleased her to the best of his abilities,
and as he felt her being sated, he allowed her to take him in her arse, provoking a quick
orgasm, completely filling the unknown entity, and before she disappeared, he felt a so
kiss on his cheek. He got no rest. An endless procession of invisible women came to him,
came all over him and le with his come inside them. Some had to be giantesses, but he
morphed and satisfied them. Others were very small, and again he adapted, careful not
to hurt them. He didn’t know how many weeks or months he ent in the pink and red
limbo, pleasuring and getting pleased by, an endless number of unseen women, yet it felt
like the most natural thing in the world to do. It was what he was supposed to do. is
one felt just like Jorunn, but had only two breasts. He energized his semen and pumped
her arse full, sending the girl into blissful oblivion before the next one took her place. No
matter how many times he came, he was never sated, never tired, never so. en, without
warning he fell, landed hard and lost consciousness.

* * *
Nymphadora Tonks was not a happy woman. e reason was very stupid, and she was
well aware of that.
She had gone out the night before, morphed to a long legged Nordic beauty, and she
had had many requests for her company.
A wandless revelation charm allowed her to check the men out before committing
herself to a full evening, and she had followed a well hung man home.
She knew that he had been a great lover, skilled, caring and demanding in just the
proportions she liked.
He had even given her an orgasm or two, but he hadn’t been Harry.
e source of her unhappiness was the fa that Harry was not, at that very moment,
buried fully inside her, nor did she have the uneakably delicious flavour of his semen
in her mouth. e guy last night had given her orgasms, but had not been able to satisfy
her at all, because he wasn’t Harry.
She was moving through the Alley, simply wasting her time until her shi ended
in ten minutes, and then she would return home and try her “hand” at imitating Harry
again. Perhaps the forty-second time was the charm. Merlin, she was horny. She otted
a familiar face or two, but as she kept hers unfamiliar, she moved through the crowds like
a ghost. Unnoticed and unremembered, just another face, unknown by all.
“Hi there, Tonks.” She almost jumped out of her skin. e redheaded witch laughed
at the Auror’s jumpiness.
“Damn it, Ginny, are you trying to kill me?”
“Aually, Tonks, I think I just saved your life. You’re headed into Knockturn, and
your head is not really along for the ride.”
Tonks deflated. e little girl was right. She was in no state to patrol now, so she
might just weasel out of the last minutes.
“Ice cream? I’m buying.”
202 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Sure. I was headed there anyway. I just visited my hopeless git of a brother. Whatever
they’re doing to him is not helping him. He still believes I’m Harry’s widow.”
“So the paddles are not quite in the water?” e metamorph frowned a bit, remem-
bering Ron mostly as an insanely petty little boy who tried to chat up her cleavage.
“Nor in the playroom.” Ginny grinned at the stunned look at the older woman’s face.
“Why, Ginevra Weasley. How would you know of such things?” Tonks said, stifling
her laughter.
“A friend of mine, who might remain nameless, had a book on her bedside table called
’anecdotes of the great accountants’. I wanted to see if it really was as dull as it looked, and
it wasn’t.” Ginny whiered in her ear. e breath of the young girl on her ear was making
her pulse race, to the auror’s great surprise. She would probably need to cast a drying
charm on her underwear soon.
“A whole education in itself?” she tried to quip, but failed. She sounded much to
breathless, and the gleam in Ginny’s eyes told her that the girl had figured something out.
“Oh yes, and the stuff that dreams are made of.” is time, the whier was much too
close, and she could feel the lips touching her ear.
“Ginny, you are one naughty little girl. So, in your dreams, who’s holding the paddle?”
She tried to regain the upper hand, but her attempt at embarrassing the girl just fell flat.
“Harry, of course. Who else? Usually, I’m bent over a table while he paddles my
backside before having his way with me. Can you imagine how glorious that would be?”
Unfortunately, Tonks could. She could vividly place herself in that position. Spanking
had never really been her thing, but with Harry holding the paddle it would be completely
different. e thought of her red arse being forced open by Harry’s member was too much
for her, and thanks to Ginny’s reflexes, Tonks didn’t collapse on the street, but was half
dragged, half carried to Fortuesque’s.

* * *
“Neville, may I eak with you?”
Lady Augusta Longbottom wasn’t used to ask for things in what she considered to be
her house, but she thought it a better part of valour to begin. Her grandson had changed in
the past few weeks. He had stood up to her, challenged her and threatened her with being
thrown out of the family home if she didn’t recognise that things had changed. He was not
the forgetful little boy any more, and it was hard for the old woman to relinquish control of
the family, but she had no choice. He had positioned himself strongly with the Light side in
the ongoing confli, deite her orders towards a more neutral position. He had followed
the Potter boy on his foolish crusade into the ministry and to her surprise, Neville had
emerged viorious. Now, he was consorting with dangerous beasts, and striking alliances
le and right ,and proving himself to be quite the diplomat. He had just been on the
floo with Marcus Abbott, discussing an upcoming legislation for the Wizengamot, and
had been treated as an equal by the ruthless old politician in the Abbott seat. Amanda
Longbottom had to surrender completely. e boy apparently knew what he was doing.
“Yes, Grandmother?”
Chapter 14 — “A loaf of bread,” walrus said, 203

“I will be going over to the Bainbridge’s for tea. ere will be many old bats like myself
there, and I was wondering if there was any rumours you would like to have squelched or
Neville thought about it for a second. He hadn’t really considered the potential hidden
right under his nose. e GOL’s, the Grand Old Ladies was a powersource, no doubt, and
if he could use that...
“Yes, Grandmother, there is. ank you for asking. First of all, Dumbledore is an old
man, and is slipping. Nothing Dark can survive to come near Kilchurn Castle, and Harry
Potter was treated unfairly, not least by the headmaster, and might just have staged his
death. He’s clever enough, and his perceived death has shown us how much the Ministry
really was prepared to load on the shoulders of a minor. Harry did his best, and we should
be grateful. He had, or has, no obligations to the wizarding world, considering how he’s
been treated. I need him painted as a young man who does his best without being forced
to. A hero, who’s yet to reach maturity, and has been abused by everybody but his closest
friends, and that at least he knows how to choose his friends.”
“Is it true?”
“Yes. Harry is in hiding, Dumbledore is showing signs of dementia and Kilchurn is
safe from the Dark.”
“at girl who delivered the wedding invitation? I thought she was a Dark crea-
“ey’re not. Huldr are sentient, they have a conscience and as long as they’re well
fed, they are completely safe. Disa, the girl who was here, is one of the kindest people I
know, and she would never hurt anyone on purpose. Unfortunately, her feeding might
hurt people anyway if she’s starved, but she has fed from me, and I suffered nothing from
it. She, and her Bond-sisters are among my closest friends, and I trust them implicitly.
is past weekend, I brought my girlfriend to see them, and I was not one bit concerned
for her safety.”
“You have a girlfriend? I didn’t know that.”
“Yes. During the weekend I entered what is called a silver alliance with Susan Bones.
We are as close to engaged as you can be without political or economical considerations.
I, of course, intend to replace the silver ring with a gold one as soon as possible.”
“If you need family approval for that, you have it, of course. She’s a fine witch and a
good match, all things considered. e Bones’ may be a young family, but they have all
the markings of a great House.”
He grinned impudently at his grandmother before reonding.
“Aually, for a man my age it’s more important to choose a girl who’s children won’t
starve if they’re nursed by their mother. Her intelligence, charm and wit are primary to
me, of course, but her overwhelming beauty certainly doesn’t hurt.”
e Grand Old Lady of the Longbottom House felt the tension li. Her once timid
little grandson had dared to tease her, and she fully intended to return the favour.
“Have you consummated your relationship yet, or do you stick to the non-
impregnating ways?”
204 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Neville’s only reonse was to blush at the unexpeed question. His Grandmother
turned and pointed at a ot on her back.
“Here, second vertebrae from the pelvis and two fingers le. Channel a trickle of
magic into it during anal sex and you’ll blow her mind, making her beg for more. Now, if
you excuse me, I have some lies to make up before I go out for tea. Don’t worry, Neville.
I know how to properly monger a rumour.”
Neville sat by his desk, watching his Gran leave. He had succeeded beyond his wildest
dreams. Not only was she treating him like an adult, with a value of his own, she was
recognising him as Head of the family. She even asked if she could help him! If she could
get these rumours circulating among the GOL’s, it would be perfe. To top it all off, he
did recognise the ree she’s paid him by teasing him and telling him about that trick.
If Susan ever decided to give him such a gi, he would make certain she didn’t regret it.
Two up, two le. He’d keep that in mind.

* * *
“You are shorter than I expeed. Bodywise, that is. Harald Fafnersson, also known as
Harry James Potter, Caradoc Pritchard, e golden boy of Gryffindor and a bunch of other
epithets. Lately, you’ve been called God a lot, but as that’s by your consorts during sex, I
don’t mind. You’ve impressed me, Harald. at’s not an easy feat.”
Harry sat up and rubbed his head, before he turned to the eaker. It turned out to be
the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was perfe, and no imagination could
ever produce something so glorious as the naked female body before him. She was sitting,
or lounging really, on a wooden throne-like chair. She was blonde, of course. Her blue
eyes were watching him with a hint of amusement, and her nipples were advertising a
definite interest. She wore a belt, intricate and golden, of course, that was very similar
to Sigyn’s ceremonial girdle and the total effe of everything told Harry in no uncertain
terms that he was facing a Goddess. Aing on instin, he rose to a kneeling position and
bowed his head.
“e very same. You know, you’re supposed to be reduced to a gibbering wreck by
my divine presence. It’s traditional.”
Harry couldn’t stop his impudent grin.
“No disree, Goddess, but I have no less than four gorgeous ladies in my life. ey
may not be up to your level of physical beauty individually, but they have sort of inoculated
me from beauty overloads.”
e Goddess laughed, a perfe laugh.
“Well said. I don’t think I could handle another go anyway. You have, aer all, just
ent three subjeive weeks doing nothing but having sex with me. is puts me in
quite a quandary, however. “You see, your physical limits have nothing to do with your
performance here, nor does your physical endowment.
“By seeing and feeling how you a and rea, I can get a feel for you, who you are and
what I should do for you. ere are faster ways of doing that, of course, but why should
I rob myself of the pleasure?
Chapter 14 — “A loaf of bread,” walrus said, 205

“at’s why I’m not pulling the whole Divine routine on you now. You don’t reond
well to authority, and I just bet that includes Divinity.
“Here and now, you know who I am, but as long as I don’t try to beat you over the
head with it, we’re getting along just fine. You are also a great lover.
“I wouldn’t know, but it wouldn’t surprise me if you aually could rival my brother.
Unfortunately, I got a bit carried away, and I have no idea of just what you need, and you
have proven yourself worthy of some major effort.
“Let’s start with the easy part. You have problems controlling your Sorcery. Now, I
had the same problems aually. Sorcery and Divinity are related, and they are handled
similarly. e difference is that my will is infinite, as is my power, within my charter, of
course. My handmaiden, Gullveig taught me a few things...”
So began three eventful months in the life of Harald Fafnersson.
Unfortunately, by the time he was returned to his physical body, the memories of the
daily life faded quickly, except for a strong affinity for cats. Cats were everywhere, and he
grew surprisingly fond of having his ankles attacked by murderous kittens all the time.
While he was there, though, he was tutored by Gullveig in Seidsong, apparently the
best and easiest way to control the intent-based force of both Sorcery and Divinity.
Heimdall, the only son of Oden to be born in wedlock, taught him how to properly
watch the stars, and many things he had seen and heard, including the amusing fate of
the Dursleys.
He learnt about healing, herbs and potions from Eir herself.
He was offered a potions session by Oden, but declined. Apparently, the old god had a
tendency to get high as a house and rape everything in sight, and Harry didn’t really want
to be seen under those circumstances.
He learnt that while he was in no way a God, they did have a few things in common.
Freja started to call him Cousin aer a while, and other entities he met treated him with
great ree.
As he got to know some of the real Aesir, he understood why he was considered to
belong on the Vanir side.
Aesir were too focused on honour, battle and glory.
ere was very little room for a man to cuddle a sweet girl among the Aesir. ey
were just too harsh for that.
e only Aesir he grew to really like were the triplet dwarven smiths Brokk, Eitre and
Sindre Ivaldeson, who he ent some good times with. He also met Loke, the trickster, who
reminded him of the Weasley twins, but much less benevolent. Lots of fun still, though.
Harry did strike a deal with Loke, just like he did wherever he went. He made deals
with the Ivaldesons,with warriors, healers and beasts. All who could travel to the physical
world, Midgård, and who he thought he could have use for was contaed. He was of
course warned that the number of odd things that they would be able to do in Midgård
would be very limited, but he made the alliances anyway.
206 Midnight Sun — Vanir

A couple of Valkyries did make it fairly clear that if he wanted to rape them, they
wouldn’t fight very hard, but unfortunately for them, Harry was still a fairly civilised man
and as such found the idea of rape repugnant.
Roleplay was one thing, but they were talking about aually forcing himself on them,
without them having a say. Aesir were just too rough for him.
e Vanir was much more humane, he thought.
Freja and her handmaidens were delightful companions and they were able to teach
him loads without him really noticing.
He mastered the Seid and the Galdr, as well as a few ways of using the Runes that he
just bet never made the Hogwarts curriculum.
He was taught warrior magic by the real Einharjers, which had the added bonus that
he could go all out on them, since they could heal anything overnight.
He also learned much about himself.
One of those things was that he really could love.
He loved his wife and his Consorts, and in his mind, he prepared himself to add to
their number once he understood that love was not likely to run out for him. He had
He also got the time to deal with his upbringing, his fate and the deaths that he had
been close to. All in all, Harry grew up, not in a cupboard or a magic school, but in a
tower room in Folkvang.
Surrounded by eternal irits of fertility and growth, he learned to battle the avatars
of destruion and entropy.
He also learned to really appreciate a good tankard of mead, and the subtle differences
between the brewing methods.
He learned to use a bronze straight razor and how to plait his hair in the short, stiff
plait that aually was called “Wolf ’s cock”.
When he gathered up the deal-tokens that he had been given, he felt quite ready for
anything Hogwart’s might throw at him. He knew his stuff.
He had had sex a few times, with Freja and some others, but Freja had warned him
about it. Apparently the only part of him that was in Vanaheim was his mind, and that
many of his acquired skills might vanish, as his real body didn’t have the proper move-
ments down.
He also didn’t ejaculate for real, and that he should expe a case of Blueballs that
would be on a truly epic scale. Aer all, there were hundreds of ejaculations that he hadn’t
had. He worried a bit about that, but was comforted by the fa that his physical body was
surrounded by his loved ones.
It was time to return, and Freja gave him a handful of red gold necklaces, with drop-
shaped pendants decorated with his crest but with the text in runes. He could tell there
was a story there that he hadn’t heard, but thanked the Goddess profusely. at was when
Freja got serious.
“Harald, you have been gone from Midgård for almost ten hours, and you’ve been
here for several months. I must say that you have used your time well. I like you, but you
Chapter 14 — “A loaf of bread,” walrus said, 207

might have learned by now that I’m never really nice or helpful unless it benefits me. You
pleased me greatly, and I have used a lot of my influence here to give you what you wanted
or needed for that, but I believe there should be a sacrifice as payment for me making all
your deals possible. I want your children to end time in Bredablick, under the eyes of
Balder. I want your children to be taught the Vanir ways, not as worshippers, but as a
school. at is my wish.”
Harry laughed. He couldn’t stop himself, and he tried to assure the goddess that he
wasn’t laughing at her by means of frantic hand signals as he tried to calm down. Aer a
while, Jormungandr decided for him that enough was enough, and slammed his mental
brakes down, almost making Harry choke.
“My apologies, Divine one. e very thing you asked for in sacrifice, was exaly what
I was planning to ask for if you had offered a parting gi. Just keep Oden away from
them, and I will gladly send my children here for a while when they reach the age of ten.
I understand that this might mess up the whole sacrifice thing, as it is something I want,
so you’d better come up with something else you want.”
e Goddess looked smug, and then she frowned.
“It’s hard. e only things you care enough about to make good sacrifices are things
I can’t ask for. Eecially, if I wanted to take one of your friends or lovers away. I know
you would fight me for it, and I didn’t bring you to this level to kill you. Here is your
sacrifice. You shall love. Any woman or compatible female who asks straight out to bear
your children shall have her wish granted. is does not apply of course, if you judge the
situation to be one where I might take the child away, like if she’s insane, or a drunkard
or things like that. Nor do I ask you to sleep with your stated enemies. You may make
whatever legal safeguards you feel necessary, but they better not exclude anyone else. If
they ask for your child, you shall let them bear it. e natural way, too. How’s that for
a sacrifice?”
“As a sacrifice, it’s a very Vanir one, and a rather good one at that. I’m quite hesitant,
but I will of course obey.”
“en, Harald Fafnersson, return to Midgård, and think fondly of me sometimes.”
“I will, Freja. I may not be the most devout of people, but if anyone asks who my
Goddess is, You are my answer. You have a very nice set of boobs as well, and that really
counts for something.”
e Goddess laughed, dissolving the solemn mood.
“You know, you have a way to pay homage to your Goddess that would make the
average atheist green with envy. I will miss you, Harald. Don’t be a stranger.”
His world grew foggy, and he felt himself rise through the air like a shooting star until
he rejoined his body with an unimpressive jolt.
He tried to stand, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t even open his eyes.
His stomach was on fire, and his crotch ached like he had taken several dire hits by
a bludger.
He threw himself backwards and started to convulse.
He threw up the remaining potion, and tried to control his heaving stomach as he
felt something close around his swollen, rock hard and almost purple appendage. As he
208 Midnight Sun — Vanir

managed to pry his crusty eyes open, he saw Jorunn with tears running down her cheeks
riding him furiously. It didn’t take him long to come the first time.
He felt like he was trying to shoot a whole bucketful through his penis, and he flooded
Jorunn’s insides, filling her womb and making the overflow squirt out around his mem-
Jorunn was then replaced by Stina, who had changed form to something almost
stupidly sexy. She may not have been anatomically corre but she was very tight, and
in three minutes, Harry came again. Stina didn’t expel anything, but as he could see her
belly extend, she had apparently morphed herself a king-size womb.
Disa was next, followed by Gabrielle. By then, the pressure was down so much that
she could let him finish in her mouth without risk of drowning. Disa helped with cleaning
up the semen, quite greedily a that, and while he hadn’t expelled as much fluid as he had
during the wedding night, it was still enough for Disa to thoroughly stuff herself.
With the ache gone, and his stomach no longer bothering him about any remaining
chemicals, he sat up, and surveyed his surroundings. e circle of ant-repellant was like
the border of a warzone. Inside it, the grass was scorched in places and frosty in others.
A small purple pool of vomit added a lash of colour and he was still completely naked
and quite pale.
“Well, that was interesting. So, how was your day?”
Chapter XV

“is what we chiefly need:

“Father, I’m back”

“Greetings, my son. You have grown, I see.”
“I hope so, Father Fafnir. I can ill afford to remain a child, but I find myself reluant
to grow up.”
“Why is that? Are you not eager to fulfil your fate and get on with your life?”
“I am, but I have looked at the world with new eyes lately, and I find a childish sense
of wonder, that I don’t want to lose.”
e Serpent laughed, and smiled a reptilian smile as well as he could.
“My son, you have truly matured. Many just grow old. e sense of wonder is a sign
that the child’s ability to overlook the wonders of raindrops has passed. at ignorance
is what immaturity means. You have gained a sense of wonder, not regained it. It is first
when you lose that feeling of wonder that you are truly ready to die. ose who lose it,
and who cannot reclaim it, and yet keep from dying have at best a half life, and would have
been better off if they had died when they stopped living.”
“Father, I don’t understand.”
“Once I lived without hope, secure in my power, known to be invincible to man and
beast until Sigurd proved me wrong. At that time, my power was all I had, and my only
purpose was to remind people that I was powerful. I killed and maimed, because I loathed
my very existence, and therefore tried to deny any higher purpose and establish myself as
the most powerful. I thought myself to have nothing else, so I tried to make what I was
matter. It didn’t matter, though. My power meant nothing, and the only time I have truly
been grateful for my power has been here, when I have found someone worthy to share it
with. Have you used the wand yet?”
“I have. ank you. As a wand, it’s very conduive to my increased power. It’s a bit
harder to control charms with, but it has almost no resistance when working on heavier
curses and transfigurations. As a staff, it’s great for weaving the Seids and Galdr I’ve learned

210 Midnight Sun — Vanir

from Gullveig. I’m still learning the art of swordmaking and I’m far from good enough to
make that sword at this point. Audsilber is incredibly difficult to work with.”
“e time will come that is right for such a forging. You are more worthy of my power
than I have ever been, and gladly do I share it with you. If such a feat was possible, I would
relinquish my power to you. It is strange for a cold blooded thing like myself to find itself
caring about any man or beast, but yet I do. e one who calls himself a snake in your
lands can not. He revels in darkness and evil, trying to make his own meagre achievements
count for something, yet he is what he most reviles. Have you not thought of that?”
“Not like that, Father. I have thought it peculiar, but never stopped to consider the
reason. It is hard to imagine the supreme egotist as driven by self-loathing. It does make
him more human, but also less than human, considering that he has chosen his aions.
If he is human, he has fallen beyond redemption.”
“Indeed. I enjoy the light arring, but I find myself impatient. Did you ask for me?”
“I did. I asked around, and was pointed to Breidablick for a ruling.”
“en, all is lost. Balder is good, perhaps too good. Why should he care for the
tormented serpent?”
“Because he is as good as you say, Father. He will visit you shortly, so I believe this to
be the last time I will come to talk with you like this. Perhaps I will see you beyond the
realms of Midgård, though.”
“You were let to wander in the realm of the Vanir? I did not expe that.”
“Oh, I stumbled all over the place. Didn’t care much for Oden, though. Loke was a
bit creepy, but all right, I guess. As long as you count your fingers aer shaking his hand,
mind you.”
“I wouldn’t know. I have never been very gied in the graing limb department.
You do well to avoid Oden, as long as you treat him with ree. Aer Ragnarök, he
lost himself in his studies. He is still incredibly knowledgeable and powerful, and he
could incinerate you by distraion. I agree with your assessment of Loke. He was just
unfortunately poorly gied with judgement, and placed in a humour-deficient realm. If
one is aware of his peculiarities, he can be a valuable ally.”
“Oh, I am very much aware of them. It was a most illuminating voyage in any number
of rees. Freya’s bargain was hard, but I can’t bring myself to even really dislike it, even
if I’m not happy about it.”
“Any woman who asks to bear my child, shall. ere are some exceptions, but I’m
basically unable to refuse them. It might prove uncomfortable, given that Gabrielle says
my power and abilities will breed true.”
“A most strenuous task, to ask a fieen year old to father a whole race.”
“Truly. It is a chore I believe few gets settled with.”
“Yes. Have you started?”
“I have. Gabrielle, my wife, is about a month and a half gone. It’s been showing for a
while, though, so we don’t know what kind of gestation we’re looking at. e time frame
differs between Humans and Veela, and we don’t even know what I am yet.”
Chapter 15 — “is what we chiefly need: 211

“If my guess is worth anything, I would guess that the initial development of the child
is quite rapid, but that the full development of the child will be slower. is is oen the
case with highly magical beings. e body develops quickly until it can sustain a core,
then it slows down to form it, which I believe is quite time-consuming. A guess, but one
sustained by much observing.”
“ank you, Father. You might just be corre. My other ladies are awaiting my deci-
sion, even if they know that they can make me impregnate them any time they choose.”
“If you wish to delay, I would advise you to care frequently for their physical needs, so
that they never feel the need to force the issue in order to get their hungers sated. My son,
much as I enjoy seeing you again, you have said that Balder himself will come to see me.
I need to prepare, and you need to, ah, plug some wells, I believe it was once called.”
“You are right, of course. I hope to see you in Vanaheim then, Father, and may your
body be returned to you.”
“One can only hope, my son. One can always hope.”

* * *
e tiny redhead had forcefed her Auror friend a full plate of Floreans Famous Choco-
laticide super sundae. Tonks didn’t really mind. Ice cream was a great cure for all heart
related conditions, and chocolate was the universal treatment for all magical people when
exposed to emotional turmoil, like the gut-wrenching embarrassment of having a ’knick-
ersoaker’ in the street. Unfortunately, the curvy little firecracker was now quietly studying
her, and Tonks could praically see the wheels in behind her eyes.
“So, Nymphadora Tonks, when were you in a position to get memories strong enough
to cum by?”
Damn. She was exposed. Maybe she could at least stall her, or redire her line of
“I just have one hell of an imagination, and I was good an primed already.”
“Really? at was memory-fuelled. I’m a Weasley, remember? We know these things.
Now ill!”
Ginny was taken aback, to say the least, when the tears started trickling down the
auror’s cheeks.
“I met him about a week ago. He and his Consorts teased me some before giving me
that ’thank you’. One of them made a joke, offering me loads of money and a kiss, and
then a full scale up to no money and a full size earthshaking shagging of a lifetime. en
they went one better, saying that if I made a pledge to the family, they would all join in. I
did it, and it was worth it. It’s just that ..”
“No one else will do now?”
Tonks’ head jerked up.
“Yeah. How did you know that?”
“I’m a Weasley. We know these things. Oh, I’m bluffing. It’s just a feeling that Harry
is one of a kind, and that he’s ... I don’t know, addiive or something.”
212 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Yeah. I had a piece of man yesterday, and he made me come and all, but he wasn’t
Harry. Why the hell am I telling you this? You’re fourteen, damn it.”
“Does it help if I tell you that I bring myself off, usually thinking about Harry, twice a
day? Weasley fa. We’re attuned to sex and reproduion. As the first girl in generations,
I might either turn into a complete slut, a baby-making machine or both. Hot blooded?
You don’t know the half of it. e bad side is that I feel when someone is horny, and I
get ideas.”
“at’s how you knew what to say, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah. I could track you by scent, too. Why don’t we co somewhere so you can slide
those knickers off. ey can’t be comfortable.”
Tonks saw an opening to get some kind of upper hand. She felt thoroughly humiliated,
and to top it off, she was getting horny again.
“Oh, you’re just trying to get my knickers off. Is there something Harry should know
about you?”
“Give up, Nymphadora. Do you really think Harry would mind that I like the taste of
girls as much as he probably does? How about it, Tonks? Want a little schoolgirl tongue
on your button?”
Ginny was grinning wickedly as she sensed the surge that went through the auror.
She was bagged, she just didn’t know it yet. Ginny was quite horny these days, and she was
tired of fingering herself. Here was a really hot girl, who even could change shape. She
could get some info on Harry, and get off at the same time. It was like Christmas, really.
Tonks was surrendering, and stood up.
“It’s not safe here for little morsels like you. I’m taking you home to my place. ere, I
might just shackle you to the wall to make sure you don’t go running around again, before
I turn you over to a Giant’s daughter I know. Come along now, Miss Weasley. You’re a bad
bad girl, and I know just what to do with you.”
Ginny swallowed. Her knickers were just a few seconds from being soaked through,
and the images Tonks had given her was both frightening and exciting at the same time.
e Auror had finally beaten her at her own game, but she’d be damned if she backed out
now. is might be fun.

* * *
Harry was tired and a little sad. How the hell he could have such strong feelings for the
severed head of a bloody big snake was more than he could understand, but nevertheless,
he would miss him.
His feelings were a mess.
He decided that he didn’t want to go to the smithy at the moment, so he called the
Arch, and stepped through to Kilchurn. It felt like home, and he relaxed a bit.
He walked with heavy steps towards his suite. Gabrielle was there, he knew. He also
knew that she wouldn’t try to cheer him up unless he wanted it.
As he opened the door, he heard a bath being drawn, and his little wife came to meet
him. She didn’t say anything, just kissed his cheek, and started to unbutton his shirt.
Chapter 15 — “is what we chiefly need: 213

ere was infinite caring in her aions and gestures, and very little sex, as she pulled
down his trousers and wrapped a bathrobe over his shoulders.
She took him by the hand and led him into the bath. She sat him down in the
magnificent marble utility, put a tankard of mild, ice-cold mead in his hand and started
to rub his shoulders.
Neither had said a word. She was sitting behind him on the edge of the bath, letting
his head rest in her lap as she rubbed his shoulders and caressed his face.
She was naked, of course, but she wasn’t projeing anything. Her eyes were downcast,
and her nipples were relaxed.
As he looked at them, they began to contra a bit, so he focused on relaxing himself
instead. It was hard, and he felt just how tense he was. He felt some movement in his
mind, and understood that Gabrielle was using the link.
Two minutes later, Stina walked in, wearing nothing but a gentle smile.
She stepped into the water and dissolved her body below the surface. Harry felt strong
jets of water beat into his tense muscles. Strong currents rubbed the tension out and he
relaxed, enjoying the feeling, the quiet company and the cold mead.
Gabrielle was working everything above the surface, and Stina was working below.
ey washed him, rubbing the soaps in, and then Stina would bring water up to rinse
His member aually stayed asleep as Stina gently washed it. He heard some move-
ment out in the bedroom, and sensed Disa and Jorunn making the bed up and tilting the
head side upwards and moving the bed slightly. It was still quiet, except from the creaking
of moving furniture and the rushing water.
Gabrielle discreetly refilled his tankard. When he made a move to get up, Stina flowed
up from the water and held his robe out for him. He kissed her, and slipped it on before
going out to the bedroom.
e two strong Huldr had pulled his bed up to the panoramic window so he could
lie down and look out over the Loch. He laid himself down in the middle of the bed, as
he heard his girls hit the shower. Stina was first out, completely dry, of course, and she
crawled up to him, settling down on his right arm.
She was gloriously naked, but more beautiful than sexy, and she was kissing him soly
when the others came out.
Gabrielle settled down on his le side, but he moved her to a sitting position in front
of him. He sang a few notes, and conjured a so brush, and started to brush her hair.
e little Veela was almost purring ans he straightened her hair out with long, gentle
strokes. When her hair was done, he ent some ten minutes on Stina’s hair as well,
brushing it out and just enjoying playing with it.
Disa got both her hair and tail well brushed, and he worked the fur on her chest until
it shone like golden honey. He was completely relaxed. He enjoyed the work and the view,
and as his member began to harden, he did nothing about it.
Jorunn had the longest hair and the strongest reaion to his ministrations as he
brushed in long, even strokes from her head and almost to her knees. e wonderful
214 Midnight Sun — Vanir

so tail got even soer, and he was beginning to feel the scent of excited Huldr. He was
done with the brush, and vanished it. As Jorunn was laid out over his knee, and with
his hardening member pressing against her stomach, he slipped his hand between her
legs. She parted them immediately for him, and he fingered her to a gentle, but very long
orgasm. He continued with Stina, aually merging his hand to her genitals, bringing her
to a fast climax which caused her to lose her form, so she had to withdraw to the bath for
a while to regain her composure.
He laid back with his wife and Disa, and as he pulled Gabrielle’s back towards his
chest, he took a firm grip on Disa’s prominent nipples, making her ga. He sang again,
and with the notes, he formed the backdoor charm on Gabrielle, and pushed inside her
tight arse. He drove it as deep as he could, and then he morphed himself just a little bigger,
and Gabrielle turned her head and kissed him deeply as she shuddered in her orgasm.
She slid herself off him slowly, taking care to show him and Disa how the enormous
member slowly slipped out of her tight little hole.
As soon as it was free, Disa’s hot mouth claimed it, and Gabrielle joined in, sucking and
licking. Harry laid back and enjoyed the feeling as he absently stroked Disa’s tail and quim.
She didn’t quite cum when he pushed his thumb into her arse, but it was a close thing. e
Huldr was very wet, and she was throbbing against his fingers. When he eventually came,
Disa swallowed most of the load, and Gabrielle lapped up the drops that escaped and the
sight of the little Veela’s pleasure in doing so drove Disa over the edge, making her bushy
tail fluff out in a quite amusing way and elicited a very nice moan. He stayed in bed, with
the girls alternating between sucking him and kissing him until he fell asleep.
He woke up briefly in the middle of the night, when Jorunn had been a bit too firm
sucking him. He climbed out of bed, bringing Jorunn with him, and together they climbed
the stairs to the highest tower, where he entered her.
He drove her from peak to peak for half an hour before emptying himself in her womb.
ey had stayed silent, and Jorunn had been less feral than usual. It had been slow and
steady, they had kissed a lot and generally, it had been a brilliant session of lovemaking.
When they had calmed down aer their joining, she had surprised him by holding him
close in her strong arms. She kissed him repeatedly, and said the first words that had been
uttered at Kilchurn Castle that day.
“I love you.”

* * *
e clinking of the fine china was the only sound heard in the exquisite parlour as the
ladies present contemplated the latest gossip. e first one to eak again was old Ophelia
“It would not surprise me one bit. My granddaughter has told me much about him,
and when I was momentarily misinformed by the newaper, she vouched for him quite
vocally and would not step down.”
“Well, Hannah is a Hufflepuff, aer all.” Lady Bainbridge said with a smile.
“Yes, and that she was more loyal to the young man than to her own family was most
Chapter 15 — “is what we chiefly need: 215

Silence ruled again. Augusta smiled inwardly. is was working out just fine. Maybe
a slight fanning of the flame couldn’t hurt. She thought for a moment.
“My Neville is, or was, a good friend of the boy. He hasn’t grieved a bit, and he’s ap-
parently in conta with that Pritchard fellow at Kilchurn Castle. Sometimes he disappears
for the day, and now we have Peaterglow growing in the pond. It’s only found in Loch Awe,
according to my books. I have also seen that silvery falcon frequently this past month.”
“Surely you can get a straight answer from him?”
“No. He flatly refuses, and there’s something new and strong about him that I frankly
do not dare to challenge. I am loathe to admit it, but I slipped a tracker in his pocket
once. It was a family heirloom, and more than a little Dark. When he came back, it was
destroyed. All the Dark enchantments were removed, and only the neutral ones remained.
Fortunately, the mapper of the thing is neutral, but once he got close to Kilchurn Castle,
the map went blank. ere’s also the thing about the Grindylows, but I’m sure you’ve
heard about that.”
“Not me. What about them?”
“e little pests used to have their habitat just outside the castle, but they have all
moved west, to the far side of the lake from Kilchurn. Nothing Dark stays around the
Lady Davis frowned. ese news should be passed on to her son, who would bring
them to the Dark Lord, but there was something in this that made the lady’s alarms go off.
e new player at Kilchurn Castle had upset the playfield. ese and other rumours had
him painted as a grey, but at least light grey wizard of incredible power, and possibly even
a Sorcerer. He had taken dire aion against an assassin for the Dark Lord without even
breaking pace. He was obviously not afraid of the Death Eaters, and he was also Harry
Potter’s guardian. Harry Potter who had brought up a shield that withstood some of the
strongest of her sons allies, and ripped the magic out of some real powerhouses and killed
several others. If the boy was truly alive, there would be Pritchard, Potter and Dumbledore
on one side, and the Dark Lord’s viory didn’t feel like such a foregone conclusion any
longer. Perhaps it was time to have a mild change of family direion. She decided to
announce it in this circle first. It could prove useful, eecially if Lady Longbottom read
the word to her grandson, and on to Kilchurn.
“I’ll remember that, and stay away,” she said with a laugh.”Or maybe I should ask
Alfred to go have a look. anks to him, our family is more Dark than anything.”
Augusta Longbottom was stunned. is was something she hadn’t expeed. eir
circle had always involved women from all over the greyscale, but never before had anyone
aually admitted to being Dark.
“Bellisima, did you just say what I think you said?”
“I believe I did, Augusta. Once upon a time, my son was taken in by a very charismatic
eaker who went on about our proud traditions. I saw no harm in it then, but when that
became a motive for murdering those who simply were born to the wrong parents, I don’t
know. I am still as sceptical as ever regarding the Muggle world, but I can admit these
days that it is mostly due to my own ignorance. It hardly seems fair to kill them all just
because I don’t want to learn something. If I send my granddaughter to Kilchurn, do you
216 Midnight Sun — Vanir

think she’ll be well received? She is at least a familiar face to Potter, even if he may not
trust her, being Slytherin and all.”
Augusta looked around. She knew, of course, which of the ladies present who were
from shadier families. To her surprise, they all had pensive looks on their faces, like
they were trying to figure out how to approach Kilchurn themselves. She turned back
to Bellisima Davis.
“Why don’t I mention the question to my grandson, and see what happens?”
Lady Marshbanks oke up.
“Oh, cut it out, Augusta. We’re all too well versed in the games, so why don’t we
move the meeting to the political side completely? You have a conneion to Kilchurn,
and Bellisima wants to switch sides to prote her family. Can you help her or not?”
e ladies all started to snicker. ey appreciated the games, but perhaps it was time
to start moving, and the Oldest Lady always had a short temper. ey were of course aware
of the nickname for their little social club, but maybe it was time to form the GOL-party
for real, instead of aing behind the scenes all the time. Augusta grinned and turned to
the dark-haired old beauty beside her.
“Yes, Bellisima. I can help you. Someone will most likely conta you, and do keep
your prejudices low. e first time one of the Kilchurn Ladies came by, I almost had a
coronary. Trust me on this, ladies. Most of what we’ve been told about certain creatures
is wrong. Due to my original reaion, I don’t know them very well, but my grandson
considers at least one of them a close personal friend. e whole ’vicious beast’ thing that
taints many of them seems to be un out of whole cloth. When I insulted one of them,
she reonded in kind, with eloquence and gravitas, and as they live at Kilchurn, they’re
certainly not dark.”
“What about the rest of us?” asked Rose Parkinson. “My moron of a son allied us to
the Malfoys through that thrice-damned betrothal, but we want out. Lucius is a squib,
and Draco has no proes at all. Maybe my motives aren’t so pure, but I want as far away
from the Dark Lord as I can while I still have some family le.”
“I really can’t say too much about that. My grandson is the chief diplomat of our Lord
Kilchurn, not me. I will discuss the matter with him. May I suggest another meeting next
week at our estate? Perhaps I can arrange for some Kilchurn presence then, so we all can
ask our questions direly?”
“A capital idea,” said Lady Marshbanks. “All in favour, say Aye?”
e choir was impressive, and as she le for home, Augusta Longbottom hoped that
she had done the right thing.

* * *
Harry was having fun. In the early morning he had Arched to Seidheim, and taken on
some Einharjer training.
Björn had pitted him against ten seasoned veterans, and he had hummed to himself as
he weaved and dodged, and none had caught on to his plan until he had sung the closing
note, transfiguring all their clothes to iron.
Chapter 15 — “is what we chiefly need: 217

e sudden appearance of ten iron statues, slowly tumbling over, had been hilarious.
He had been tasked to incapacitate, to maim and to evade, and he had breezed through
his tasks with ease, going viciously creative when Björn had launched at him himself.
e short Einharjer was suddenly trying to carry testicles the size of beachballs, and
when Harry had cast an illusion on his boots, making them look like football shoes, Björn
had yielded very quickly.
Aer that little recreational aivity, he had gone over to the smithy, and had managed
to get Surt to close his smithy for the day, and end it getting the smithy at Kilchurn back
in working order.
e castle’s smithy was more adapted to making weapons and such, but it was in better
shape that he had thought.
It was even fully stocked on tools and coal, and the master and apprentice smith went
at it like kids in a candy store.
Soon, the forge was roaring, and some Arching had provided them with enough
Audsilber to praice on, as Harry learned the Art of Swordmaking.
ey were bantering and playing as he learnt the light touch with the heavy hammers,
he learnt the partcasting and the little tricks to keep the weight down without compro-
mising with the strength of the blade.
He wasn’t ready to make the Fafnir blade yet, but he made himself some niy knifes
and a lochaber axe just to get a feel for making the edge.
He did discover that he could sing the metal into a higher density around the edges,
making them very sharp. Unfortunately, he couldn’t get it to work on the magically
tranarent Audsilber, but the metal was easy to make sharp anyway.
Surt was having a field day with some of the tools. Apparently, some of the things
in there was made for ecific tasks, like bending the finger joints on an armoured glove
and the likes.
Harry was too focused on his own work to pay real attention, and it was many hours
before they had had enough of the castle’s smithy and walked the steps to the castle proper
for a meal.

* * *
Harry was sitting in the grand hall. He had had a long day of training and forging, and
unlimited stamina or not, his shoulders were a bit sore. He had been able to make a kind
of conneion to the Floo network, but so far, he had had to make individual conneions
to each fireplace he wanted to conta. One of the most frequently used was the one to
Neville’s private suite at Longbottom Manor.
“Harry? You there,mate?”
“Nev! Good to see you. Do you want me to send an Arch?”
“Just open the grate and let me through. You’re the one who always falls over. I don’t
mind the Floo.”
218 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Harry smiled at the jibe, and swung the cast iron grates that blocked the fireplace open,
and Neville stepped through, dapper and elegant in immaculate, deep green robes.
“Hi Nev. Looking good there.”
“ank you. It’s easy to dress well these days. I just put on what Susan tells me to,and
like magic, I look good.”
ey laughed and sat down in the huge armchairs, and one of the Sanuary elves
brought them some mead. Aer the usual social health interrogation, Neville straightened
up as an unoken sign that it was time for business.
“Harry, there has been a strange movement towards you in the last week. anks to
Gran I have an ear in the Grand Old Lady camp, and many of the Dark- aligned families
seems to be withdrawing from the Death Eaters among them. Some are aively looking
for a way to switch sides, and Gran has brought me some requests for audiences. I have
read the rumour that nothing Dark can survive near the castle, so I think the meet-and-
greet requests are genuine.”
“Any one I know? I don’t particularly care for being a Malfoy alibi, but if I can rob
Voldemort of some support, I’m all for it.”
“e first ones to make a clear attempt at escaping are the Davis family, and Tracey
is even in our year. e Parkinsons are close behind, but it’s the Tracey Davis who’s on
my agenda for today. Her Grandmother asked if Tracey would be well received if she
came here to parley. I should warn you, though. Her ’parleying’ might involve the loss
of clothes.”
“Tracey? e blackhaired girl behind you in Potions? Aually, I didn’t think she was
Dark, but that might be because of her eyes, of course.”
“Yeah, she’s a looker, all right. ose eyes are incredible, and she uses them well. Not
even Snape can resist them. e rest of her is shapely, too, and when she’s in seduive
mode, she’s pretty irresistible. Not compared to our ladies, of course, but then again, who
could compare?”
“One day, Neville, I’ll show you a pensieve memory from Vanaheim that will blow
your socks off, but not today. You’re my political advisor. What do you think?”
e grin that appeared on the open and honest face of Neville Longbottom was almost
“You see, Harry old bean, Tracey has been involved in some of my potion mishaps,
and I believe she owes Gryffindor at least fiy points for that. Here’s my idea...”

* * *
She was terrified. Positively terrified.
She was used to be in control of every situation. She had always had control of the boys
and men around her, but now her Grandmother had traded her for the family’s safety.
Well, that wasn’t exaly true, but that was what it felt like.
e note that the beautiful blue and silver falcon had delivered was short and to the
Chapter 15 — “is what we chiefly need: 219

She was to wait here, outside the wards of her home at sunset.
She was not to bring anything Dark, as it could kill her just by proximity.
She was to dress warm.
She was, and that was the terrifying part, to prepare herself to convince the Lord
Kilchurn of her personal devotion to a non-hostile relation, and, pending her success,
he would consider her family neutral, or in the case of great success, as protégés.
e note had not been signed, and there was nothing to be told from the handwrit-
To Tracey, it sounded like she would have to seduce this unknown man, this power-
house that had her father quaking in his bloodstained boots.
She wasn’t half as confident as she felt she should be.
She didn’t know anything about him, except that he was nice to children. at had
led her to choose a slightly childish wardrobe for the evening. Her school blouse from
last year still fit her fairly well, and stretched just enough in the right places Fortunately,
her B-cups were firm enough to do well without a bra, and her dark nipples and aureoles
were clearly visible..
A knee-long skirt and knee-high socks made her look both innocent and alluring, as
the skirt was cut to show off her firm little butt, and she knew that she had very nice legs.
Her make-up was discreet, and as always done to enhance her eyes. She had pulled
her shoulder-long black hair back in a ponytail, and the result hadn’t been half bad.
On top of it all was a winter cloak for warmth. e night was warm enough, but the
note had told her to, and she would obey. Hell, she would obey anything if it could get
her family away from the Death Eaters and the Death Chef himself. Draco, the arrogant
bastard, had told her many times that when they had won, he would request her services as
mistress one day just to shoot his load in her eyes. If she had to accept that very treatment
from this man to stay away from the little snivelling son-of-a-squib, she would. Gladly.
Loathing didn’t even begin to cover her feelings towards the Malfoy scion.
Her seething was interrupted by the falcons arrival. It took a seat on her shoulder and
stretched out a leg with another note on it.

Don’t be alarmed. You are under the proteion of Lord Kilchurn for the
time being. Hank knows who you are.

What the hell was that supposed to mean? en, she screamed.
It wasn’t a dragon. It was too small to begin with, and the wings were too large for the
body. Whatever it was, it was coming straight for her, showing itself against the setting
sun. She understood why she had gotten the second note, because she was just about to
run and hide.
Strangely, the falcon had stayed on her shoulder through her scream, and was aually
rubbing itself against her cheek, as if to comfort her.
e monstrous flying reptile hovered in front of her, and landed with surprising grace.
It turned it’s huge, vaguely horse-like face towards her, and to her shock, it winked at her.
220 Midnight Sun — Vanir

She tried to ignore her terror, and studied the beast. It was large and black, but it
seemed to glitter in the light of the sunset. She stretched out a trembling hand towards
it, and touched the neck. It was scaly, of course, and not as warm as she would expe a
dragon to be, but she was convinced that it had to be a dragon of some unknown sort.
She had looked at the magnificent beast for two whole minutes before she even saw the
saddle, and the note pinned to it.

Miss Davis, meet Hank.

He is a Leharv, a cousin of the Dragons and one of the few of his kind
that’s le in the world. He is fast and dependable, but he also likes to
play. You will be safe though. He knows his job. He is very intelligent,
and can understand you well enough even if his reonses are limited.
Enjoy the flight.

She was supposed to get to the Castle on the back of a Dragon! Suddenly, her fears
were gone, and excitement had replaced them. She looked at the Leharv again and smiled
at it... him.
“Hank, was it?” she asked, and the Leharv nodded with something suiciously close
to a grin.
He jerked his head towards the saddle, and she climbed aboard, and felt a Sticking
charm take hold of her, pressing her down in the saddle, so that the conta between her
and the saddle was absolute. She thanked her lucky star that she had decided to put on
some underwear, as that hadn’t originally been part of her outfit, but if she hadn’t worn
her white cottons the saddle would probably have chafed her bits raw, and that would have
been unfortunate. She might just need them later.
e beast took off soly, and except from a so scaly clatter, it was soundless as well.
e falcon kept pace with them, as the huge creature accelerated through the air, going
faster than any broom she had ever ridden.
She could feel the powerful magic surrounding the beast, and she was also acutely
aware of the power between her legs. ere was a low rumbling coming from the beast as
it flew north, staying low over fields and lakes.
e falcon at her side was shimmering in the fading light and for the first time, Tracey
was taken by the beauty of the moment.
e feeling didn’t last long, as the vibrations of the beast travelled through the saddle
and it seemed to her like the feeling of power was going straight for her carefully groomed
little snatch.
Aer about an hour on the wing, Hank swooped down over a lake, and she screamed
in excitement as the beast suddenly dropped a hundred feet, skimming the surface of the
long Loch.
e movement also pushed her down in the saddle, pressing towards a part of her
that she had been acutely aware of for a while.
e mighty beast between her legs was sending shivers through the saddle, and she
was throbbing in reonse. She just knew that the thin white cotton was completely
Chapter 15 — “is what we chiefly need: 221

tranarent by now, and as the huge wings clawed the air for altitude, she bit her lip and
groaned soly.
e landing I front of the castle wasn’t half as graceful as the one at her home, and the
thump sent shivers through her, and she had to recognise the fa that she was sopping
wet, swollen and ready and quite severely worked up. Not even the chilling sight of the
dark and forbidding castle was sufficient to put out the fire under her skirt. e Sticking
charm dissolved, and she climbed off.
Hank took off again, as the gates of the castle swung open on their own. She heard a
tinkling sound, and a quick feel confirmed that her earrings had shattered.
She quickly surmised that there must have been Dark enchantments on them ,and she
realised that she was not making a very good impression and right now, she really wanted
to seduce someone.
She walked up the few steps and entered the antehall where she was met by a gorgeous
girl, dressed in a short white tunic and a gold belt. Her eyes were a startling luminous
yellow, and her hair was incredibly long, and pitch black.
e girl beckoned for her to follow, and Tracey was led through a bewildering maze of
halls and stairs, and Tracey noticed right away that this unknown girl had an even better
arse than she did.
As they walked, she began entertaining fantasies of what it would be like to touch it,
to caress it.
Aer a while, she really wanted the girl to bend forwards, as the short tunic would
show her if the girl truly didn’t have knickers.
She was seriously wondering what another girl would taste like, and she found that
she really wanted to find out.
Tracey had no way of knowing that she had been targeted by whatever allure Gabrielle
could proje in her animagus form, by the allure of Harry and at the moment, the purely
physical allure of the Huldr. It was hard for Jorunn to proje it when she had her tail
retraed, but she could sense her success. e girl behind her were inches away from
assaulting her.
As Tracey barely had a dry ot le on her knickers, Jorunn led her to the Grand Hall.
She stepped aside at the doors, and motioned for Tracey to step through.
Tracey looked around the room. ere was a long table, with books and maps on it,
as well as some strange things that she had never seen before, like something that looked
like a skull from a creature with fangs and a large horn on its forehead. A carnivorous
unicorn, perhaps? ere was a huge fireplace with two armchairs in front of it with a low
table between them. Someone was sitting in the right one.
Caradoc Pritchard.
He appeared to be perfely relaxed. He held a tankard in one hand, and his other
was absently stroking the head of a barely dressed girl, who was kneeling on the floor
beside him. e girl was just as beautiful as the one who had led her there, only this
one was a blonde, and had the most eacular breasts that Tracey had ever seen. Her
eyes were downcast, but her smile indicated that she was enjoying the middle aged man’s
222 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Welcome to Kilchurn Castle, Miss Davis. Please, have a seat.”

His voice was deep and throbbed like a bell. Tracey shivered as she removed her cloak,
and hanged it over the back of the free chair. ose dark eyes of his never le her face,
never wandered, and she felt like he was gazing into her soul. Her Occlumency shields
were nothing ecial, but she pulled them up anyway. e faint smile that crossed his face
told her that he had noticed, but she had a strong feeling that they didn’t matter much to
him, if he wanted to breach them.
e way his eyes didn’t leave her face was slightly unsettling to her. He was a man,
aer all, and men were supposed to at least glance at her boobs. ey were right there,
damn it, and she was even pointing at him without the benefit of hands. If he didn’t notice
her as female, she could just forget about getting shagged tonight, and she really wanted to
get shagged. As if he was reading her mind, he bent down and caressed the kneeling girl’s
breasts and Tracey couldn’t help but ga. e sorcerer was still watching her in silence,
and as she took a seat in the offered chair, she had to break the silence.
“ank you, My Lord. First, please allow me to apologise for the earrings. I had no
idea that they were enchanted at all.”
“I know. Hank told me about them. Apparently there was an eavesdropping charm
on them, as well as a loyalty curse. If you had said or done something that the controller
of the ells deemed too dangerous or treasonous or just disloyal, the controller could use
those earrings to torture you. I don’t like that.”
He was constantly stroking the busty beauty as he oke, and she preened and moved
to make him reach some of the places that she wanted stroked.
He didn’t look anything ecial. He had wavy brown hair, and deep brown eyes. His
nose was broken and he radiated power. She couldn’t help biting her lip in excitement.
She hated her body for it, but it clearly recognised a superior male, and wanted to submit.
She could clearly feel her pulse in her knickers. She had to say something.
“My Lord, on behalf of the Davis family, excepting my father and brother, I state that
we are not your enemies. We may not be very Light, but our history with the Dark is
recent, and to most of us, abhorrent. I do not plead for my father, who willingly took the
mark, or my brother who probably will any day, but I beg you, My Lord, not to consider
our whole family as enemies.”
“Miss Davis, I find myself unconvinced of your efforts to stay closer to the light. As
your family’s descent into the darkness was, as such, done without effort, does it sound
reasonable to you that you would be resurreed by nothing more than words?”
“No, My Lord, it does not. Our reason for asking this audience was for me to find
out what I, or we, can do in order to save ourselves. My Lord, how can we gain your
proteion? What do we have that you might want? How can I earn it? ere’s nothing
I wouldn’t do.”
e kneeling girl obviously took this as a challenge and smirked at her and leant
forward. With her perfe bum in the air, she proceeded to lick her Master’s feet. Tracey
blushed a bright crimson as the Sorcerer arched an eyebrow at her. She stifled an excited
moaning, and answered the unoken question.
“Yes. I did say anything.”
Chapter 15 — “is what we chiefly need: 223

“Very well, Miss Davis. Tell me about Harry Potter, please.”

“He is in my year, but I don’t know him. e oradic conta usually involved some
kind of plot against him. Unfortunately, the current climate in Slytherin doesn’t allow for
fence-sitting, and I have partaken in much more atrocities than I really care for. He seems
like a good boy,... man, and I was saddened by his death. I no longer believe that he’s
dead, though. I’d rather think he’s irited off somewhere, getting training I the Light Arts
or something.”
Pritchard grinned at her, and she smiled shyly in reonse. e kneeling girl bent
over again, pressing her cheek to the floor, and the powerful man stroked her butt as she
purred. Tracey almost lost it, and she was afraid there might just be a wet stain le when
she got out of the chair. He was still looking at her face, nowhere else, and she felt herself
preening a bit, trying to draw attention to her breasts or legs, to no avail.
“I have no real reason to believe you. Unfortunately, my legilimency, which could
settle the matter, is powerful enough to destroy a mind, so it’s fairly useless on people I
might want to let live. Now, I will put a few charms on you, in order to keep my secrets.
Do you mind?”
She shook her head vigorously. She wouldn’t deny him anything.
“Good. You are right, and my young charge is indeed in training for the light side. As
you may have guessed, I’m not particularly light myself. I am grey, or as I prefer to put
it, human. I want for my charge to be in touch with his inner Dark, although I know he
doesn’t have much. You are fairly excited now, aren’t you?”
She bit her lip and nodded.
“You would really like for me to bend you over the chair you’re sitting in and just fuck
you, wouldn’t you?”
She nodded again, and couldn’t stop herself from moaning, which made the kneeling
girl smile.
“I won’t, but by all means hold that feeling. I want you to seduce Harry, when you
have the chance. Not just for a quickie in a broom cupboard, but I want you to show
him the joys available from what is considered Dark. You can do that, can’t you? You
can encourage him to use you, to be a bit rough and to dominate you? I want him to feel
Masterly, so I want you to seduce him as a slave, kind of thing. Now, I can tell you that
he is rather large, so if you let him do your arse there might just be a bonus. You can beg
him for that, can’t you?”
Her large eyes were very wide. She was also on the brink of orgasm. Of course she
would. She would be Harry Potter’s little secret plaything. She would become someone he
could pull into a cupboard any time he felt like a quick blow job or an instant shagging. It
was easy enough to carry a few bottles of lubricant and numbing potion around, and she
couldn’t believe why she hadn’t thought of it before. She knew she was a bit too horny to
thing straight, but she had the feeling that asking this might be a good idea.
“My Lord, should I make myself available to Neville Longbottom as well? I have
treated him badly, and as he apparently works for you, I need to make amends.”
“A very good idea, Miss Davis. Neville did manage to get you here, and as that might
just save your life, you’re in his debt as well. I suggest you discuss it with Susan Bones first,
224 Midnight Sun — Vanir

though. She is his girlfriend, or fiancé, I’m not quite sure which, but she might just allow
it. She might just join in, aually, but make sure you talk to her before aing.”
“Yes My Lord.”
“For the time being, I will make no hostile moves against the Davis family. If your
father or brother gets in the way, though, I won’t are them.”
“I understand, My Lord. I might warn them, though.”
“at choice is certainly yours to make. You are not my allies, and you are not my
friends, but if anything would happen to you, I will at least ask questions. If you want the
proteion of the House of Kilchurn you know what to do now, don’t you?”
“My Lord, I will submit myself to Susan Bones, as a way to redeem myself to Lord
Longbottom, and I will do my utmost to gain Harry Potter as my Master, and serve him
with my body. Is that right, My Lord?”
He nodded, and even smiled warmly at her as her shivering intensified, and she
rubbed her thighs together trying to find release.
“Yes Tracey. Now, the deal hinges on your successful seduion of my charge, but
you will need Lord Longbottom’s support for that. I would like to put you under a charm
now, if you don’t mind. An incentive, if you will. It will make you unable to orgasm with
anyone other than Harry, and even then, not before he finishes inside you. May I place
the charm? How serious are you about this?”
“My Lord, you may place me under any charm. I will do my best to fulfil my obligation,
and if I fail, it is a fitting punishment.”
e wave of power that washed over her brought her the relief she had been searching
for. e orgasm, possibly her last for a very long time, was violent and loud but it le her
wanting for more. She could barely move on her own, and as the girl who had guided her
inside led her down into the bowels of the castle, Tracey was achingly aware of the other
girl’s ere nipples, and how beautiful those full lips looked, and how much she wanted
those lips on her nethers. She knew she couldn’t, though. Her body was aimed at a ecific
task now. She would have to take care of her body, because it belonged to Harry Potter.
As she had oken the terms out loud, the reality of it all had struck her.
Family First. at was something she had learned a long time ago. It was more
deeply ingrained in her than the potty training, and now she was to enslave herself for
the Family. e monumental contrast between her pride in her effort for her family, and
the humiliation in becoming a toy warred inside her until she saw the kneeling girl next
to the Sorcerer. She took pride in her position! ere was no humiliation in her eyes, and
her pride finally won. She, Tracey Davis, would serve her way into the Kilchurn House,
thereby saving her family and form a conneion to a great house and there was pride to be
found in the servitude. She was going to be the best damn sex toy the world had ever seen!
She was led down into the castle, and through a peculiar arch in a darkened room.
She wasn’t even surprised to find herself a few steps from her house, and inside the
wards as well. She didn’t look back as she went inside, headed straight to the library and
plundered it on everything related to sex and seduion before she headed for her study.
Her grandmother came knocking an hour later.
Chapter 15 — “is what we chiefly need: 225

“So, Tracey. How was it, and did you make it?”
“Yes Grandmother. At the moment, we are not his enemies no matter what Father
and my stupid brother might do. Once I fulfil my part of our deal, though, we might just
come under his proteion, or even become his allies.”
“at must be a very serious deal. May I know the details?”
“No, but that is my choice, not a term. We did nothing as they fell into Darkness,
dragging us along. I will earn our ascension through hard work, but the task is worthy
and even something I might have chosen to do anyway. I can’t tell you how much I’m
looking forward to it.”
226 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter XVI

Pepper and
vinegar, besides,

e word read like wildfire, and the slamming of wards in Knockturn Alley was almost
Caradoc Pritchard was in the alley and he wasn’t alone.
Yes, the Caradoc Pritchard.
Yes, this Alley.
No idea. A pretty sixteenish girl who stayed very close to him.
e Witches and Wizards flowed out of the shops and gathered along the narrow
street, trying to look like they weren’t gawking.
e pair made a serious impa on the people watching. e brown-haired couple
were walking slowly up Diagon Alley towards the Cauldron side from Gringott’s, ever so
oen stopping to look at the dilays in the shop-windows. He wore a long grey cloak, and
carried a silvertipped staff of what looked like ivory, and probably wasn’t. On his shoulder
rode the silverblue Peregrine, and at his side was a young beauty, with the same wavy
brown hair as the older man, but hers reached far down her back. Her robes were more
form-fitting, and more silvery than grey. She also wore a girdle in silver, inscribed with
Norse runes. She was a lot less stately, and praically bounced along, making her chest
bounce in counterpoint to the delight of the young males present which coincidentally
included one Dean omas, who was there with his mum and little sister. As soon as the
Sorcerer saw little Jenny omas, he walked over to her, pulling the girl along. He nodded
at Mrs omas and Dean before kneeling down to Jenny, supported by his staff.
“Hello again, young Lady omas.” He smiled at her.
“Hello Mister Pritchard.” He heard the sharp intakes of breaths around him at the
little girl’s indiscretion.
“You can call me Caradoc, Miss omas. is is my daughter, Elaine.”

228 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Hello Elaine. You are very pretty. Would you go out with my brother? He’s just
underfoot at home in the summer.” A lot of people laughed, and Dean looked mortified.
’Elaine’ took a bit of pity on him, and looked him in the face before she answered.
“Hello Jenny. It’s nice to meet someone who isn’t scared of Father, and I don’t think I
will go out with your brother. He’s very handsome, and he’s noble and brave, but I already
have a boyfriend, and I wouldn’t want to seem greedy.”
e young girl seemed to consider this seriously.
“You’re right. It wouldn’t be fair to some other girl I guess.”
’Elaine’ was still looking Dean in the eyes and agreed.
“No, there’s a girl out there who deserves a good guy. I’m sorry if I have embarrassed
you, Mr omas, but for some undisclosed reason, I have heard quite a lot about you and
I liked what I heard. I didn’t mean to tease you.”
e Jamaican Gryffindor straightened his back, smiled at the pretty girl.
“No harm done, and blushing is good for the skin, I’m told. Your boyfriend is a lucky
bloke all right. Tell him ’hi’ from me, would you?”
“I will. You’re an artist, aren’t you?”
“Becoming one, more likely, and if you ever want a portrait done, or just want to
model a bit, give me a call.”
“Sure. I’m Elaine, by the way. I think we’ll be seeing each other again.”
“I’m Dean. Tell your boyfriend ’happy birthday’ from me and Seamus, as well.”
She smiled brilliantly at him, confirming his suicions. Harry was alive, and he had
bagged himself quite a babe somewhere, too. He turned his attention to his baby sister
who was giggling uncontrollably. e grey Lord had hitched his robes up a bit, revealing
his socks.
ey were pink.
As their previous conversation had been printed and published many times, the crowd
smiled in recognition.
“You see, Jenny, I did listen. I try to wear something pink every time I’m trying not
to scare people. Now, I have something for you.”
He concentrated, and held his palm out. When Frigg had taught him this little piece,
he had thought of Jenny, and further in the future, his own children. It was a very com-
plicated charm, and almost impossible to do without the large number if Foci that his
Seidsong could provide. With an image firmly in mind, he sang the Fylgja song. His voice
expanded, and filled the street, sounding like it was coming from all direions at once, as
the magic coalesced over his hand. When he was done, there was a silver pendant there,
with an open lid, and above it hovered a small image of a Leharv made of bluish light.
e tiny illusion flew around her a few times, before it settled on the pendant again and
crawled inside.
“is little tyke is called Vingfåle, and he’s like a watchdog. He’s pretty smart, and if
you’re in trouble, or hurt, he will either carry you to my Castle, or just help you if he can.
When you’re alone, you can open the lid and play with him. You shouldn’t do that around
Chapter 16 — Pepper and vinegar, besides, 229

people who don’t know about magic, because then, he will just be still, like a hologram if
you know what that is?”
She nodded vigorously without taking her eyes of the pendant so he continued.
“If you’re all in trouble, he can even carry your entire family along, or you can use him
like a night light if you want to. He doesn’t mind.”
“Was that a little dragon?”
“No, not quite. Why don’t you ask your brother? If he doesn’t know, he can find out.”
“You know, you’re not scary at all. It’s the socks.”
“He may not be scary, young Lady, but he still commands incredible ree.” said a
voice behind him. Harry had known that they were approaching, and addressed the two
Grand Old Ladies before turning around.
“Lady Longbottom, Lady Davis. Lady Longbottom, it’s nice to meet you finally, seeing
as you are my liege and all, and Lady Davis, it’s good that I get to meet you before you
come under my proteion.”
Augusta smiled beatifically at him, and Bellisima frankly grinned and asked.
“Is that a certainty, then? Tracey has been less than forthcoming about your agree-
“e task I assigned her is hard, and hers to tell you about. e odds are stacked
against her, but as she is as talented and resourceful as she is beautiful, I have no doubt
that she will excel. Her counterpart in our deal is unaware of it, which should help her.”
“May I tell my granddaughter of your faith in her abilities?”
“Naturally. No offense intended of course, but formally, you’re still not my friends and
I choose my words rather carefully. Nothing I tell you is very secret. You may also tell her
that Hank took a liking to her, and would like another go.”
He smiled rather impudently as he nodded at the two impressive GOL’s. ey both
made the most interesting faces as they tried on different explanations for the last line,
and failing.
Suddenly, he felt someone behind him. Someone invisible. e feeling was strange.
e person was dangerous, hated him and posed no threat. He straightened up, let blue
fire flow over the carvings on his staff and turned to face the unseen person. His Sorcerer’s
sight cut right through the Disillusionment charm, and revealed an approaching Bellatrix
LeStrange, covered by layer aer layer of shields. Her wand was tucked away in her
cleavage, clearly visible to his Sight, and she held a red flag with a black Dark Mark in
the corner. Someone’s memories told him that this was a Parley Flag. He was supposed
to allow the emissary to say her piece, they would somehow exchange gis and it was bad
form to kill her unless she was rude. He gave the shields a closer look, and found out how
to get past them. He wouldn’t be able to get anything heavy through, without destroying
them, but that suited his crude plan nicely. He wouldn’t kill her, of course. Some day, he
would capture her and hand her over to Neville. His now best friend and most loyal liege
should have fun with that. When she was about twenty paces off, he oke.
“at’s close enough, Mrs LeStrange. I can see your flag, but it is technically invisible
so I don’t feel very obliged to ree it at the moment.”
230 Midnight Sun — Vanir

e air shimmered, and the crowds gave a colleive ga as the feared Death Eater
appeared in their midst. She didn’t look like her normal fierce and fanatical self, though.
She did wear the mask, but it was decidedly feminine, and looked more like a stylized
version of her own face than the customary skull, and it was clearly made to be beautiful.
e hood was pulled down, allowing her dark hair to flow freely over her shoulders, and
her robes was a lot more figure-hugging than the usual smocks she wore. e waist
was pulled together with a black corset-like thing that Harry vaguely recognized from
somewhere, and a short shouldercoat was parted over her shoulders, emphasizing her
bust further and doing a pretty decent job of making the psychotic bitch look sexy. Harry
was primarily repulsed, but he gave her an appreciative glance for her to see.
“Lord Kilchurn. My Master, Lord Voldemort, sends his greetings, and wishes to know
your intentions. He sees no reason for him and you to be enemies, when much can be
gained by an alliance. He asks for no answer at this time, but if your inclination is even
vaguely positive, just say that as an oath, nothing more binding than an inclination is nec-
essary, and I will make you a submissive Witches’ Oath, and come with you immediately
as a liaison or whatever you would use me for. ere is much to be gained from me, and
the alliance.”
“Mrs LeStrange, considering your considerable charms, my answer is painfully di-
re. As your Master is direly and personally reonsible for the deaths of many of my
friends, and the attack on my young charge Mr Potter is clearly reason enough for a most
resounding negative reonse, that is indeed my answer. You did personally praically
orphan my most loyal Liege, and for that I should disembowel you, parley or not. How-
ever, I can still see my little Bella in your eyes, and perhaps she is not lost forever. My
reonse is negative, and overwhelmingly so. I ree his straightforwardness in aually
asking my intentions, so I shall reond. If he surrenders in the next week, Wizarding
Justice will deal with him, and I will do my best to keep him alive, but I make no more
promises than that of an attempt. ose of his followers who surrender to the Aurors in
the next week will be treated as the criminals they are. Once this week is up, or if I meet
any of you in battle this week, you will be treated as my personal hated enemies, and you
will all die in a vast number of horrible ways. Light is too slow for my tastes. It’s time for
the Silver to try it’s strength against you and your murdering half-blood master.”
LeStrange had been looking increasingly incensed during his eech, and now she
interrupted him with a violent draw, ripping the clothes off her breasts, and shouted a
slicing hex. Stina moved in front of him, and the runes on the girdle Harry had made for
her glowed as the hex was absorbed. If it hadn’t worked, she would simply have allowed
it to smash into her liquefied body and dissipate. It’s a bit hard to cut water, aer all. As it
was, she maintained the bouncy Elaine-behaviour, excitedly squealing and bouncing.
“Father, Father, it worked! My boyfriend’s going to be so thrilled!”
“Young lady, he will be less than thrilled that you stepped in front of that curse. He
likes to reserve that kind of harebrained thing for himself, and you know damn well it
wouldn’t have made a scratch on me.”
’Elaine’ stopped, and looked horrified.
“Damn. He’s going to be mad.”
Chapter 16 — Pepper and vinegar, besides, 231

As they had ignored the most feared and the most fanatical of the Death Eaters, they
of course made the unbalanced woman literally hopping mad. She twirled around and
took aim at a sniggering bystander, but before she could strike him down, Harry struck.
He reached through her complex shields, and just for show, he used incantations as his
staff shone brightly.
“Bryt” Her wand snapped cleanly in two.
“Herdins” Her clothes changed from intimidating and sexy black, to pink with little
flowers along the edges.
“Stryk” She jumped and jerked as she received a number of light slaps across her face,
and a rather sound anking of her bottom.
His last cast was not verbal. He glanced at Stina and summoned his blue lightning.
ere was nothing gentle about it as he completely bypassed her shields and hit her with
a bolt, almost an inch thick, straight at her crotch. It lit, and two strands grounded
themselves at her nipples as the insane witch howled in tormented ecstasy. Something
beyond orgasms was chasing each other through her body until an emergency portkey
aivated, and she vanished.
“Well,” he said to the silent Diagon Alley, “at wasn’t a lot of fun.”
“My Lord,” said the quivering voice of Augusta Longbottom, “What was that? at
blue lightning curse?”
“at? Oh, nothing ecial. In small doses it’s a great pain reliever, but when I crank
it up it becomes like the opposite of the Cruciatus. She felt so good that it overloaded her
body, and some kind of injury-triggered portkey took her away. In good time, though. I
was just about to be nasty to her.”
“My Lord, what was that you said about Light being slow, and it was time for silver?”
“I don’t count myself as Light. I am a little too combative for that, and Grey isn’t really
appropriate either so I call myself Silver. Meet me with light, and I will be light, with one
or two darker streaks. Meet me with Dark, and you will meet Dark, with a few dots of light
in the mix. Personally, I’d say I’m light, though. I just believe that killing someone to save
masses is the right thing to do, and the Light under Albus Dumbledore has been stripped
of both arms and armours. ere are people I care about in this country again, and I will
not have them sacrificed on the altar of anyones principles.”
“A sentiment I can agree with, Lord Kilchurn,” said Amelia Bones, who just apparated
in with a large number of Aurors. “May I ask why you didn’t capture LeStrange?”
“Madame Bones, it’s a pleasure. Aually, I thought I had. e kind of overload I
subjeed her to shouldn’t really have triggered a portkey like that. I will destroy the
portkey first if it happens again.”
“Very well, you did save lives, and you made your point rather clear here. We do have
something to discuss, though. I have an Auror that I would like, given your permission
of course, to place at Kilchurn Castle...”

* * *
232 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Formally, she was being tutored in advanced self-defence, and field healing. As she already
knew the defence and had mastered all the healing her tutor knew in about two hours,
she was currently being let down from a makeshi rack, where the much older woman
had deliciously tortured her with an incredibly long and prehensile tongue for almost
a full hour before poor Ginny was allowed to have her orgasm. She had squirted two
whole feet. Tonks, or Mistress Dora, did throw the occasional hissy fit over her age every
now and then, but as Ginny did have the gi of knowing peoples greatest turn-on’s, she
just exploited the other girl’s weaknesses, getting her on the floor and then giving the
Metamorph a rough fisting until she came, and came back to her senses. e sensation
of aually reaching into another woman, and grabbing her cervix, gently poking a finger
inside had made the young redhead cum more than once. ey had also formed a fairly
stable mistress and slave relationship. Sometimes they switched, but Ginny was surprised
at how wet she became at the mere thought of being so submissive. ey had walked
through the Alley a few times with Ginny wearing nothing but a few Glamours, and she
had a buttplug in place most times as well. She knew that she could leave the game at
any time, but it was fun to let it continue. Having a Metamorph lover was very rewarding,
even though she couldn’t replicate Harry’s cock for her, and refused to copy his face. Tonks
slipped a collar onto the red-head’s neck, and pulled her along to the only armchair, where
Ginny, still shivering lightly, was made to sit on the floor, while Tonks took the chair.
“In two day’s time, pet, there’s a great challenge for you. I will put a confunduhere
around your head, disrupting sights and sounds. e only one to be seen and heard clearly
will be me. A friend of mine is having a birthday party, and you’re my gi. You are to please
my friend, you are to tease him, and get him off in any way you’ll like, but what you do is
up to you. You will not be certain who he is, and there will be others present, some who
knows you, but you won’t know who they are at the time. However, you can trust them
all, they’re all good people so give them a good show.”
Ginny didn’t know how to feel. It was an incredibly exciting thought, but turning
such a thought into reality was a huge step. She wouldn’t know where she was, or even
who she was having bloody sex with! On the other hand, Dora wouldn’t abuse her like
that. She wouldn’t just hand her over to just anyone, eecially since she knew that Ginny
was saving her Virginity for Harry.
It was July 29.
In two days, it would be Harry’s birthday. Neville’s real one too, but when she had
run into him lately, he had seemed completely devoted to Susan. Besides, Neville’s formal
birthday was tomorrow. Why would he throw a party on his real birthday for the first
time now? Besides, he was born just two minutes into the 31’st. It had to be Harry, but
she still wasn’t going to hand her virginity over to someone she couldn’t look in the eye of,
when he made her a woman. Still, Harry should really have her for real on his birthday.
It was really time to work on her stubborn hiner, that just refused to relax properly.
Dora oke again.
“I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do, of course. I want you to give
him a good show, and to hopefully get him off, but it’s your call. I can tell you that you will
never, ever swallow a more delicious load, if you choose to do that. Experience talking,
Chapter 16 — Pepper and vinegar, besides, 233

“Mistress Dora, would you please bring out the small toys? I think I need to praice
a bit, and Birthday boys should have something ecial.”
“If that’s what you want, go for it! I should tell you that you’re ecial enough, just
being you. He’s not a virgin in any way, but you’d be a first for him anyway.”
“How’s that?”
“As far as I know, the only fully human female he’s had is more than twice his age,
and he was wonked out by a potion at the time. I, and the others have sexually adaptable
bodies, and you don’t. You’ll aually be his first human girl.”
“But I’m not! You’ve seen it yourself. I never get sore or bruised, and then there’s
other things.”
“Don’t I know it, luv. at thing you do when you just know what to do and say isn’t
human, it’s divine! Trust me, Pet. is man might be a connoisseur, but you’re the best.
You’re a worthy gi.”
“ank you, Mistress Dora,” Ginny said, slipping back into the role. “May I ask what
I will see and hear through the ell?”
“You will see body heat, so there will be differences between people, but you won’t see
faces. You’ll find the birthday boy easily enough. All voices but mine will be altered, and
you won’t recognise anyone by voice alone.”
“Mistress Dora, may I ask something?”
“Sure, Pet.”
“If it feels right, and I’m prepared to give him my virginity, could you cancel the
e Metamorph smiled at the younger girl, and allowed her eyes to flash green for a
second before she answered.
“Yes, Ginny. If that happens, I will let you see him.”

* * *
Harry awoke early on the 31’st, although he didn’t know it. He had lost all track of time
during his time in the land of the Midnight Sun, and he had no idea that it was his
birthday. e previous day had mostly been ent in a pensieve, looking through some
more memories that his mother had le for him. Apparently, there was a large number
of little bottles in the Secret Keeper’s chamber at Gringott’s, made for various occasions,
but the ones he had perused the day before had been more general, and simply confirmed
what Gabrielle had researched in the Codex. He had ent hours in the smithy, sorting
things out while he made various items, from nails to figurines. e blade of Scales of
Justice, his Fafner tooth Claymore, was done, but he was still working on the designs of
the guard and pommel.
He was part Veela. He didn’t know why that was such a shock, but there it was. He had
enough weird little pieces in his body to truly be an omnivore. His digestive system could
process everything from rock and bone, to blood and raw meat. His resistance to potions
and poisons wouldn’t mature quite yet, but would probably become more or less total. His
234 Midnight Sun — Vanir

healing ability would only increase, and his basic toughness against magic would soon
reach Giant levels. e kicker was the information about the blue bolts of his. It would
have been good to know about them before he had started to use them, as he may already
have made Sigyn, Tonks and LeStrange addied to him. Addied.
Tonks would most certainly be, as he had given her several powerful orgasms with
it, and according to the memories of his mother, the withdrawal would be quite uncom-
fortable. As Huldr, and to a lesser degree Veela, fed on his excess energy, they would be
unaffeed, and nothing seemed to apply to Stina’s peculiar organism. Tonks, as the only
human subjeed to repeated hits, was the only possible viim. If LeStrange was affeed,
he would consider her more of a target than a viim. Unable to reach complete release
through normal means, her escalating libido would force her to seek him out again, just
to find solace. He snorted at the thought. She had a snowflake’s chance in hell to get it,
but Tonks was a problem. Fortunately, he would be able to relieve the symptoms of with-
drawal without reinforcing the addiion, by having non-arkling sex with her. Amus-
ingly enough, what Amelia Bones had wanted in the Alley, was an excuse not to fire the
Metamorph Auror. She had, by helping in covering up Harry’s disappearance, committed
a felony, and a serious breach of trust. Madame Bones just couldn’t keep her around, no
matter how right and well-intended it was. Tonks had overstepped greatly, and was now
placed as a guard at Kilchurn Castle. As such, she was transferred instead of fired, and
it was a pretty good solution, all things considered. Sometimes he was happy about his
apparently never ending energy in bed. Sometimes it annoyed and alarmed him that he
could think of sex, something he was still too young to have in most countries, as means
to an end. He could have sex with Tonks to make her better. He could use it as a weapon
against Bellatrix. He used it to keep two of his girls more or less safe for others, and them-
selves healthy and alive. He loved his life, as of this summer, but it was a bloody strange
one. is was, if anything, emphasized when he felt Stina in the Bond, asking him to join
her at the small jetty, that was built into the castle.

* * *
She was sitting at the end of the Jetty, watching the sun rise over the Loch. She was
completely naked, and her hair was wet. He didn’t say anything as he sat down behind
her. As he kissed her shoulder, he conjured a brush and started on her long hair. She had
kept the wavy brown of Elaine, and Harry carefully untangled it, and brushed it out bit
by bit.
“Yes, Beloved?”
“When you morph, how big can you get?”
“As big as the water allows. I have to build myself of something, but if I get too large,
it takes a lot of power to move, and I don’t have very much to use like that. I can power a
humanlike body about thirteen feet tall, but no more than that. Why?”
“Please, bear with me. You can pull on my magic through the Bond, right?”
Chapter 16 — Pepper and vinegar, besides, 235

“Yes I can, again, why?” He could hear her curiosity, so he jumped gracelessly into
the water and transformed. He opened the Bond fully, giving her complete access, and
thought to her,
“Come. Copy me, and let’s fly together.”
Her smile nearly outshone the rising sun as she reached into the water and assumed
the form of a slightly smaller Leharv in blue and gold, and reached for his magic to make
it as strong as she needed to fly. With a powerful Notice-Me-Not charm engaged, the pair
took off, riding the barely formed thermals over the lake, and rejoiced in the freedom of
Living Flight. Stina showed him some manoeuvres she remembered from when she had
seen living real Leharvs in the sky above, and Harry taught her the joys of low-altitude,
high eed skimming over land and water, and when they returned to the jetty, the nearby
church bell told them that it was seven o’clock, and that they had been flying for three
“Yes, Beloved?”
“I love you. You don’t need me as much as the other’s do physically, and I feel bad
about how little time I end with you alone. Just don’t forget that I love you.”
“I won’t. I can’t. Every time you take a shower, the water’s from my Loch. I can read
your mind more completely than the other’s can that way, and I know for a fa how much
you love me, and I really hope to bear your child one day. is time we’ve ent together
this morning means more to me than a full day of shagging. You don’t just let me share
your bed. I can share your life. We are solitary beings, apart from the sex, and you give
me so much more than that. I love you, my Master and Beloved. I just wish I could be
more useful to you. I don’t mind being a decoy at all, but honestly, Master and Beloved,
I can do more.”
“What do you mean, Love? I’m not the most imaginative, and I seem to know too
little all the time. Your memories are hard to catch as well.”
“You know about Neville’s parents?”
“I do. Go on.”
“I’m fairly certain that if I can get them into the Loch, I’d be able to cure them.”
“‘Fairly’ certain?”
“I have done similar things before. It’s really an extreme form of post-traumatic stress,
‘Battle-weariness’, and I’ve dealt with that before. Nev’s memories support my theory. To
prote themselves, they withdrew from their bodies, and now they can’t conne to them
again. at’s not for today though. Another thing I want is you.”
“You have me, right?” He liked the wicked grin on his Consort’s face.
“As a Leharv. I can match you now, and I want to mate with you as a Leharv. If I
remember correly, a normal Leharv penis is two feet. I bet you’re closer to three, and I
want it. Sometimes I do become a little jealous of the other girls, because they have such
amazing natural charms, and I get a bit self-conscious about that. Here’s something sexy
that only I can do for you. Disa has been obsessing about your other shape as well, but
there’s the risk of your semen being toxic or even corrosive. I would be able to handle it
236 Midnight Sun — Vanir

in the Leharv shape, as well as analyse it for dangers, and if you’re safe, Disa will some day
give you the tit job of a lifetime. I’d like to watch, too.”
“You are all different and unique, and all my consorts have incredible natural charms.
e idea of mating as Leharv’s is bloody hot, and as a Leharv, you’re insanely sexy as well.
Perhaps not now, though. I think I have the instins to do it, and I have a feeling that it
would take a very long time.”
“Several hours, at least. So, what should we call me? You’re Hank, Gabrielle is Guin-
evere, Disa calls her Lynx form Miss Kitty and why Jorunn decided on a name like Maid
Marian for her fox, I’ll never know. So, what’s my name?”
“I don’t know. I’m terrible at things like this. Rainbow?”
Her eyes grew distant for a second, before she refocused on him again.
“Let’s just think about it. Happy birthday, Love. e others agree that I should tell
you that we approve of all your presents, so just sit back and enjoy, once we make it up to
the party. As I said, I like being a decoy. Eecially when it gives me some private time
with the man I love.”
“You’re an incredible, lovely and drop-dead gorgeous distraion. Shall we?”
Hand in hand, they went up the stairs to the Grand Hall.

* * *
It had been a long time since Harry laughed so much in one day. e girls and his
chamberlain had made a staggering amount of work right under his nose, without him
noticing a thing. e party was small, by the Castle’s standards of course, but all his friends
from Seidheim and those Brits who already knew were there. e party was basically
ontaneous, but as so many people asked for a private word, Gabrielle and Dobby decided
that there would be formal audiences, too. One of those audiences would be Tonks, who
hadn’t showed up yet, but Harry was repeatedly assured that she would. He just had to
talk to her about the addiion.
Professor McGonagall had given him a book on the Animagus transformation, with
a note, saying ’is is how it’s SUPPOSED to be done. Happy birthday, Minnie.’
Surt gave him a toolbelt for the smithy, fully loaded with hammers and tongs made by
himself, and Leif gave him leather robes and cloaks of different varieties, from lightweight
summer wear to heavy winter.
Sigyn gave him several books on Seid and Galdr, as well as some industrial-grade
teasing which he happily returned. He also made sure that she wasn’t addied, but she
hadn’t felt anything unusual. As she put it herself, being unusually horny was not all that
unusual to her, a comment that sent both Leif and Surt into hysterics.
Björn and the Einharjers gave him a number of tiny edged weapons, to be hidden here
and there in his clothing. ere were armguards with neat little fold-out blades, a couple
of daggers for boots and even a vicious ring-loaded thing that would add a whole new
dimension to the horror of a knee in the groin. Neville brought him an oddly suitable gi, a
battle banner. e top flag was his own crest, with the crowned lion, but below it were more
smaller flags, orting the Longbottom crest as well as some he didn’t recognise. One held
Chapter 16 — Pepper and vinegar, besides, 237

a silver skull on a black field, and it looked more than a little menacing, until a memory
surfaced, reminding him that it was the Bones’ crest. at flag was attached by a temporary
sticking charm, and Harry had an idea that he would learn about it soon. Bill and Fleur
was there too, as they had on his wedding, and the sight of Bill’s red hair gave him a pang
of guilt over the three girls that he hadn’t even thought about for weeks. ey gave him
an ancient book that described ells that no one could do, and they were thought to be
Sorcerer’s ells. Unfortunately, it was under some kind of encryption charm that almost
had worn out, so the pages flickered between languages in a very annoying way. He put it
aside for later, and opened one of the small packages that had been delivered by his trusty
snowy owl. Hedwig was now camped on Gabrielle’s shoulder and refused to move.
e first one was from Hermione. It was a framed photo of her reading a book.
e enclosed note told him to tap the frame with his want, and when he did, the image
changed. She looked at him with a very naughty smile, and proceeded with a very well
done striptease that had him rock hard before she even flashed a nipple. He was definitely
doing her later on. He didn’t finish the show, but tapped it again, stopping it until he
had more time. Luna had sent him a letter too, and it was almost bursting into flames by
the sheer hotness. It was very frank and graphic, detailing many things that she wanted
to do to, and with, him. Some of them didn’t sound humanly possible, but with sweat
beading on his forehead, he resolved to try them all. He smiled when he saw her presents;
a bottle of lubricant and a penis-ring. It was in a large size, but still far too small. She
was in for a surprise, eecially since she, according to the letter had vowed to take him
fully in every entrance that he would find interesting, except her ears. She had admitted to
believing she had sexy ears, but they were poorly designed for penetration, which might
lead the unsueing to believe that ’mind-blowing sex’ was just a figure of eech. Lovely,
reliable Luna.
Susan also brought him a letter, but as it was from her aunt, it wasn’t half as much fun,
even if it was good. e Ministry for Magic recognised House of Kilchurn as independent,
as Sorcerers always had been. When a new owner established himself, he, or she, would
only have to Claim the castle to be fully accredited Sorcerers in the eyes of the Ministry, and
Pritchard himself was of course already on file as such. e house of Bones also offered
allegiance, which was far more important to Harry. As Amelia bones pointed out, that
would give him the right to marry Neville and Susan off without having to bother about
legal age-restriions and such nonsense. He hadn’t even finished telling Susan about his
positive reaion to the allegiance, before she formally, and in her sexiest voice offered him
Jus Primae Nois again. He almost agreed. Damn, he was horny today. at was the first
time he realised that he hadn’t had sex in almost 48 hours. e reaion aer such a short
dry ell was laughable, but there it was. en, Gabrielle ushered him into a side room,
where he would “hold court” with the personal talks.
“Lord Kilchurn.”
“Lady McGonagall. anks for coming. I had aually forgotten about my birthday.
And Neville’s too. I have to get him something nice.”
“I think your taunting of LeStrange was enough of a gi. Did you have to turn her
“I just followed the advice of a very wise witch. Anyone looks nice in pink.”
238 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Little Jenny omas?”

“Got it in one, Professor. Now, what can I do for you?”
She handed him a letter.
“Dead students don’t usually get their OWL’s, but I thought you should be an excep-
He took the letter. ese points had been important at one time, but now, they just
weren’t. He opened the envelope.
“Seven. Not too shabby I guess. I won’t miss Potions, but I don’t think the dear
greasegroomer will miss me either. Defence, of course. Runes should be a good one.
History, too. Charms and Transfiguration. Perhaps Law and Politics. at will be fun.
Finding the problem before I try to fix it might be sacrilege, but worth an attempt, I
His Professor snorted, noted his choices and excused herself. She was quickly replaced
by the wisest of babes.
“Hello Hasse. Being Lord of the Castle suits you. How are things really?”
He could see and sense her unhappiness. Something was really weighing on her
“Right now, Sigyn, they’re great. I’m a bit worried about Hogwart’s, though, but it
doesn’t really matter. So, what’s up?”
“Well, I really should work up to it, but as you’re short on time, I’ll just blurt it out.
Your Father, Fafnir of the North, has passed away. As far as we’ve been able to tell, he died
happy, and there are some things pointing to the presence of Balder. I’m sorry.”
e Seeress was almost sobbing. He stepped towards his surrogate mother and em-
braced her.
“Don’t be. It was his greatest wish, and I asked Balder to grant it myself. I know you
knew him better than I did. He was my Father briefly, and I fully intend to make good
use of his gis, and I will make him proud, I hope. He will be sorely missed. How are
you holding up?”
“Better than I would have expeed. I knew him for many years, and while I may not
have exchanged many words with him, he was a part of my world and now he’s gone. I’ll
live through it.”
“Good. I wish I could help you, but time is the only thing that aually works, and I
don’t have much of it as it is.”
She smiled in reonse.
“You’re a good man, Hasse. at was almost wise. ere’s hope for you yet. Now, if
you excuse me, there’s some good whisky out there, and I should get drunk and embarrass
my daughter. Have a good one.”
“You too. Take care.”
e next one in line was, surprisingly enough, Bill.
“Hello Harry. I’ll be brief. Tonks threatened me something fierce if I go on too
long. Gabrielle and Fleur talked about you, and Fleur talked to me. I know about your
Chapter 16 — Pepper and vinegar, besides, 239

bargain with her, and I know that my Fleur really wants to have a child with a Sorcerer.
Lord Kilchurn, I humbly request that you allow my firstborn to aually be mine. Is that
“It really should. Otherwise I would basically steal your family, wouldn’t I? You will
be the Head of the Family, and your son aer you. It should be valid enough, right?”
“anks. I must say that I like the idea of raising a Sorcerer, and if my second child
comes from you, I won’t complain. e first, though, I’d like to have red hair.”
“Frankly, I don’t understand the whole Sorcerer deal at all, but I believe even the
Goddess would understand your request. It’s a Deal.”
ey simply shook on it, and then Bill was swily replaced by Tonks, who had brought
a big box with her.
Birthday or not, he used his Sight on the box, and saw a person hidden in it. He also
sensed that it posed no threat, but instead he picked up on a severe case of excitement.
“Wotcher, Harry. Happy birthday and all. Having fun yet?”
“Great, Tonks. anks for asking. How’s life?”
“Oh, I drag along just fine. Now, this gi is a one time only kind of thing, at least as
far as I’m giving it, so just sit back and enjoy. My pet here has a confunduhere around
it’s head, and it probably has a pretty good idea where it is and who you are, but it doesn’t
know for sure. As soon as I open the box, It’ll hear us so I won’t mention your name.
Happy birthday.”
She opened the box and oke into it.
“Pet? Showtime.”
He recognised her long before he could see her face. Only one person had hair like
She stood up, and he could see that, while she was facing him, she couldn’t really
see him as her eyes were unfocused. She was dressed in a black little nightie that didn’t
really hide anything, and a pair of black string knickers that only hid if she was completely
hairless or just mostly. His pulse went way up as she bent at the waist, touching the ground
in front of the box. He could sense a stabilising charm at work as she lied her le leg
straight up and towards him before the other leg followed. In a deliciously slow movement,
she swung her legs over through a hand-stand to a standing position in front of the box in
a breathtaking dilay of feline flexibility. She began to walk slowly towards him, carefully
putting one foot right in front of the other, while she sang in a surprisingly low alto.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, my Master, happy
birthday to you.”
She had almost reached him now, and dropped to the floor, crossing the last few feet
on her hands and knees. She was talking to him.
“I hope I please you, Master. Are my breasts large enough? Do they move to the
Master’s satisfaion? I hope my nipples doesn’t tear through the fabric again. ey do
that when I get excited, and I’m very excited now, because I might please the Master.”
Her hands caressed his calves and feet, and he could see that she was telling the truth.
Her nipples may not have been of Disa’s calibre, but they were a sight to see. Her rounded
240 Midnight Sun — Vanir

mounds orted prominent and rock-hard tips the size of a thimble, and the rosy red
colour was clearly visible through the thin black gauze. As she began caressing his knees
and thighs, almost making him moan, she turned to Tonks.
“Mistress Dora, could I please have assistance in liberating the Master to full free-
“Naturally, Pet.” Tonks said and waved her wand. Harry found himself quite naked,
and with the attraive redhead kneeling in front of him he was fully alert. Tonks drew a
ragged breath at the sight of his rather enormous member, rock hard and visibly throbbing,
but Ginny obviously couldn’t. She just leaned forward and started to lick his thigh.
“Master, your skin tastes wonderful. If you don’t mind, I’d like to lick some more.”
He didn’t say anything. He just stroked her hair, and moaned a little. She was clearly
encouraged by that, and searched out his balls without even touching his cock. She
licked them very gently, and even managed to take one in her mouth without the slightest
discomfort, apart from the growing pressure inside. She then continued upwards, on to
the base of his painfully hard member. He saw her eyes widen as she realised his girth.
Her hands flew up and grabbed it.
“Holy...” she whiered as she traced his incredible size with his hands. She rose a
bit and started to lick the crown, as she lowered one hand between her legs. Evidently
rubbing herself, she coated his cock with saliva, and started to suck it in earnest. Harry
almost swooned as the little redhead bobbed over him, trying deerately to fit more and
more of him in her mouth. As she withdrew to catch her breath, a trickle of precum was
already seeping out of him, and when her flicking tongue found it, she devoured it with
little noises of delight and pleasure. She started to suck again, and moments later, with his
cock in her little mouth, she rubbed herself to an orgasm. Her loud moans and the sudden
scent of her climax excited Harry almost to the point of bursting, but he held. He stroked
her hair, and then he thought of something. He leaned forward, touching her throat and
sending a small trickle of Willpower into it. She jerked at the unexpeed sensation, before
returning to her attempts at getting him down her throat. To her surprise, Harry’s huge
cock slid down easily and she stood on her feet. With her head bobbing, she only released
him when she needed a deep breath. Her hands were busy working his sha and he felt
the irresistible wave build inside him. Apparently she sensed it too, as she looked up at
him, saying:
“Master, may I please taste your semen? I want it so much.”
He couldn’t hold it in anymore and exploded down her throat. She fought valiantly to
keep up, but it was hopeless. When she had swallowed her fill, Tonks was there, taking the
still pumping member in her mouth, swallowing all she could before she let Ginny claim
the rest, and lick him clean. He still hadn’t gotten over the aershocks when the door burst
open, and Björn and Disa came running in.
“Mister Fafnersson, the Longbottom Estate is under Death Eater attack. Stina and
Gabrielle are already there, gathering information. All the present Einharjers, and a bunch
of other people are ready to go. Lead us.”
Chapter XVII

are very good indeed;

’His little Bella’ indeed. He would regret that with his very last breath. He would regret
that the month before she allowed his last breath, too. She would torture him, maim him,
and rape him again and again for weeks, months, years. She would only let him rest once,
when he taught her that curse he used on her. She dreamt of it, of the unearthly pleasure
that tore through her defences and rendered her a weak, pathetic little girl, yearning for a
caress instead of the strong woman she knew herself to be. Today, the bastard would feel
the fall of his liege, and tonight, the pathetic weasel boy would have his dream come true.
Damn, she was horny. She would ill blood today. Lots of blood. She would bathe in
it, and wash this weakness away. Blood was always good. e pain she pulled out of her
viims would once again heal her and make her anew. It always had.
’His little Bella’. How could he know her? He had to be lying. Why did he say it? Who
was he, and what had he done to her? She couldn’t stop thinking about him, about his
power and his staff, the powerful staff, how she would love to have that staff between her
legs and ride it like a broomstick, all those carvings and bumps....
Bellatrix LeStrange was fingering herself again, unaware that her quim was already
red and raw from the previous times. She was sitting on the edge of her cot, uncaring of
the muggle boy’s corpse that laid behind her. He hadn’t satisfied her enough. It hadn’t
been good enough. She had only had a few minutes relief, but now the fires were burning
again. Her fingers yanked and pulled and rubbed the already raw pussy, and in places, the
blood was almost breaking through the abused skin...

* * *

Harry jerked upright, involuntarily shoving his still engorged meat down Ginny’s throat,
making her cum and choke at the same time before she landed on her lovely derrière.
“Gabrielle? Get her back here. She’s pregnant, damn it!”

242 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“She knows, Master. She won’t jeopardise your son like that. She’s hovering at two
thousand feet, keeping watch. Trust me, as Guinevere, she can avoid any curse at that
distance. Now lead, for Freja’s sake.”
Harry made an effort to draw his wits about him. Intel first, then solve deployment.
e arches would eliminate the logistic problems, and he had almost forty Einharjers at
his diosal.
“Intel first, then. How many are we up against, and how long can the place hold?”
Björn cleared his throat.
“Apparently the wards will hold for about thirty minutes more, so let’s say ten. ere
are about fieen human assailants, showing no great skill. You would have wiped the
floor with them before we met, but they’re pounding away at the Wards. ey are under
the command of the woman you met the other day, according to your Lake Warden
Consort. e problem is three giants and about twenty Dementors. ere may be more
in reserve.”
“Of course. Are the Einharjers trained to use the Patronus charm?”
“Some know it, some don’t. We exterminated our Dementors a long time ago, and
Lethifolds don’t survive long.”
“All right. Disa, you and the Einharjers will hold in the Arch chamber. Jorunn is with
me, and we will approach the mansion under heavy shields and loads of noise. Disa, you
will dire the Arch, bringing my reinforcements in when I call you. Remus, Leif and Surt
should come with me too.”
As Harry oke, he summoned his armour and his battle hammer. As he donned
it, and flexed his muscles, Tonks made a little wave with her wand, and the kneeling
Redhead could suddenly see clearly. She saw the back of a powerful, muscular wizard
dressed in Dragonhide, and wielding a massive hammer like it was nothing. She could
see the muscles move under the tight leather, and she couldn’t help but moan quietly. He
obviously heard her, and turned to face her fully. He strode up to her, and pulled her to
her feet. He leant forward and whiered in her ear.
“Ginevra, I’m sorry we were interrupted. You have given me a great gi today, and I
fully intend to reciprocate. Your own birthday is just a few days off, isn’t it? ”
He turned around and strode out of the room. Disa lingered for a second, looking at
the petite witch with amusement.
“Make sure you’re well rested. I know that gleam in his eyes.” With that, she le.
She joined the others in the Arch chamber. Harry was just hammering out the de-
“Disa, You hold here with the Einharjers. Remus, Surt, Leif and Jorunn, you’re with
me. Professor McGonagall, you come through with the Einharjers, and I want you to make
walls and covers if necessary. Is there anything else?”
Sigyn stepped up.
“Hasse, I invited two people who might be useful to you. You can do introduions
later. Harald Fafnersson, meet two of your mothers-in-law, Gunlög and Saga. I’m sorry
to ring this on you like this, but they’re powerful and quite dangerous.”
Chapter 17 — are very good indeed; 243

Harry could see the Einharjers shrink back a bit when the air in a corner shimmered,
revealing two beautiful women, one shining blonde, and the other one with midnight
black hair, and both of them had the feral traits and the yellow eyes of their daughters.
e blonde, who he guessed was Saga, oke.
“Harald Fafnersson, we would love to help you, and by order of Freja, we are sworn
to your service. at’s why we’re here. is may be a bit abrupt, but we’re not quite at full
strength, so if you could feed us a bit..?”
He simply raised his hands, and launched a net of blue lightning over the two feral
Huldr, and he could see the difference between the feral and his more civilised Huldr. Saga
and Gunlög simply absorbed the power without flinching, but with shining eyes. He didn’t
let the flow drop until they both had nodded at him, and they quickly took up flanking
positions. As he had fed the women, Susan had come in running, and handed Jorunn the
battle banner, which she proudly unrolled.
“Well then,” He said. “is is where I’m supposed to hold a eech, but I won’t. Let’s
kick ass, and show the magical world just how bad the idea was to attack my friends.
Let’s go!”
He changed his appearance to his Caradoc persona as he turned, and the first group
walked through the Arch, to appear half a mile from the manor house and behind the
enemy. As they marched towards the battle, Harry construed a large, barely visible shield
around them, and the Death Eaters stopped the assault as the group came into view.
Harry was the obvious centrepiece, in his black armour and a visible aura of bluish
light. Right behind him was Jorunn, carrying the banner, and at Harry’s sides were the
feral Huldr, radiating sex and violence. Both were slightly crouched, their eyes shone and
their vicious claws were fully extended. Next to the Huldr were their one-time husbands.
Surt was whirling his heavy battle hammer around, and the air above him shimmered of
the heat he radiated, just like the ground trembled at Leif ’s steps. Harry had never really
understood what the Earthway Leif possessed was about, but now he began to understand.
Remus was following Jorunn as a guard, and the group fanned out a bit as they approached.
Suddenly, Harry stopped, and the others followed suit.
“Leave and live. You are attacking a Liege of Kilchurn. If you stay, you will die.”
A curse flew at him. He recognised it as a body bind, but the weakness of the curse was
less important than the message. He expanded his magic over the area, allowing neither
portkeys or apparition attempts to leave the field.
“So be it. Kill them all, but Bellatrix is mine.”
ey were less that fiy yards from the nearest Death Eaters, and the two Huldr
women crossed the distance in no time at all.
eir unfortunate targets barely had time to get a single curse off, but they did. e
feral ladies swily dodged and jumped reeively, and the two men, anonymized in their
masks, were mauled to death within a second, even if it took a few minutes for them to
aually die. Harry noted absently that he didn’t feel very ill at the sight of the eviscerated
men, but brandished his Stormbringer at a known target.
Marcus Flint had never been accused of having a good head on his shoulders, but
when the blasting curse built into the hammer conneed with his sloping forehead, he
didn’t even have a bad one.
244 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Jorunn had planted the banner on the front lawn, and the werewolf was firing off his
Patronus, trying to contain the Dementors that were trying to come closer.
e giants were still staring dumbly, until Leif took them on, shouting loudly at his
cousins, twice as large as himself. Harry couldn’t follow the events as he was attacked by
Bellatrix. Her initial attack, a concussion curse, was easily defleed, and she didn’t get
more than one curse off.
He knew exaly what to do. He dropped the hammer and drew Fang in it’s wand
shape. Using it as a lightning rod, he hit her with his lightning again, and again, and
again. She was ent, worn out on the ground in less than ten seconds.
He quickly stunned and petrified her, then he shrank her down and put her in his
pocket. He had use of her.
e chill of the Dementors was getting more pronounced, and he turned around in
time to see his old teacher’s Patronus fail. He quickly summoned a happy memory that
was less than twenty minutes old, and cast his stag against the disgusting wraiths. On an
impulse, he cast a second time, and he wasn’t really surprised when a huge Norse Dragon
e enormous serpent circled the oncoming dementors, as Prongs launched at them.
As they couldn’t seem to escape, the attacks and the warm glow from the serpent made
the terrifying entities fade, until they were little more than shadows. Aer a few more
seconds, the cloaks they had been wearing fell to the ground, and the chill was gone.
He quickly ensured that Remus and Jorunn was all right, and then he looked for
He found the smith among several charred corpses, duelling with a pretty good fighter.
e Death Eater used ells that Harry had never seen before.
Surt seemed to be holding his own, but Harry had a little time on his hands. He struck
out with his voice, and Vanished the man’s skeleton.
e sack of skin and crushed internal organs that had been Rastaban Lestrange sank to
the ground with a hideous twitching motion, as his muscles tried to move without having
any skeleton to work on. e wheezing sound as the pile tried to breathe was disquieting,
so Harry le.
He noticed a black-robed coward trying to play dead, so he tapped the man’s hip with
his hammer, making the man’s pelvis shatter before he joined up with the Huldr. ey had
blood up to their elbows, and their mouths were covered as well.
“Is it always like this?” Gunlög asked in Norse. She was smiling in a both beautiful
and terrifying way.
“I don’t really know, but I shouldn’t think so. I’ve always been scared before. Excuse
He reached around the beautiful woman and blew a hole through some Death Eater’s
chest with a Reduo.
“Freja wanted us to tell you that the necklaces she gave you makes the wearer immune
to the bad side of your lightning. What’s the bad side?” Saga asked as she somersaulted
over the head of an attacker and ripping his throat out from behind.
Chapter 17 — are very good indeed; 245

Harry looked around, but saw nothing of interest at the time.

“It’s addiive. Apparently, if I hit a human a few times, nothing else will do aer that.
It’s only me. So far, I’ve only made two women addied, of which one was on purpose,
and that’s the bitch who lead this attack. You’re stronger, and won’t be affeed.”
∼ Harry. Behind you! ∼
Gabrielle’s mental warning was a little bit too late. e blasting curse grazed his ear,
and the pain made him lose control for a moment.
Disa had of course sensed the event, and decided to lead the reserves through. As
they le the Arch, they faced a horrible scene.
e fight was over.
People reduced to bubbling puddles won’t fight very well, and the Einharjers decided
to add something to their battle guidelines. Something like, ’ If there’s an angry Leharv
on the battlefield; be somewhere else.’
e Leharv was hovering above the battlefield, screaming his defiance, before touch-
ing down and resuming his human form, then morphing back to Caradoc.
“Some got away,” He reported. “When I transformed, I lost control of the tranort
blocking field and they apparated away. ey got most of the wounded too, so these melted
chaps were mostly dead already.”
Leif was standing on top of a pillar of soil that he apparently had risen out of the
ground. He was still talking to the three giants, using simple words and lots of gestures.
It didn’t look threatening at all.
If the sound “pop” can sound hesitant, that would describe the Auror’s approach
perfely. ey apparated in tight huddling groups, and almost came apart when faced
with the Einharjers. He smiled beatifically at the Aurors and said gently but decisively.
“Report, please.”
He recognised Kingsley Shacklebolt in the first group of the three that arrived. As he
nodded at the tall black Auror, the man oke up.
“Lord Kilchurn, we were alerted to an attack on your liege a few minutes ago, and
came as soon as possible. Apparently, we arrived late for the party.”
“Just a bit, Auror Shacklebolt, just a bit. When someone attacks my friends I tend
to get upset. For reporting purposes, I brought along a few friends as an advance party,
but there wasn’t much for the main force to do when we got done. We might have killed
ten or so...”
“Hem hem, what is the meaning of this? Aurors, why haven’t you detained or executed
these beasts? A werewolf, two vampires and a giant. With these sub-humans present, the
case is clear, isn’t it?. It is obvious who attacked this...”
e toad-like woman didn’t get any further before Harry decided to forgo magic and
simply backhanded the repulsive witch. She un as she hit the ground with a muddy
“Dolores Umbridge. I should have expeed you. e fa that no one has found a
cure for your existence saddens me. Well well, let’s see to that, then.” He paused to think,
246 Midnight Sun — Vanir

and was readily assisted by a powerful, liquid intelle. He didn’t reveal that he noticed the
arrival of the press, represented by the inevitable Rita Skeeter.
“Madam Umbridge, you have the Minister’s confidence still, even aer last years
complete and utter fiasco. You used a blood quill on several students, and tried to cast
the Cruciatus on my charge. is annoys me. You just accused me of attacking my own
liege. at’s a mortal insult, and I can defend a Vendetta on that alone, but you also
insulted one of my Consorts, her parents, the parents of another of my Consorts and a
good friend of the Kilchurn family. at is pretty much a declaration of war between us,
Madam Umbridge. Between the Ministry you represent and the House of Kilchurn. Was
that your intention?”
e unpleasant woman was uttering and rubbing her jaw, so Skeeter took her
“Lord Kilchurn, could you please introduce our readers to your family here? As much
as I regret it, my knowledge of the other sentient ecies is sketchy at best.”
Harry smiled inwardly. Rita Skeeter was polite. at was almost unheard of. It would
be interesting to see what she would make of this.
“I would love to, but I’m a bit preoccupied at the moment. Safe to say is that I’m
familiar with the British attitude on other sentients, and I realise that the guidelines won’t
change as long as Cornelius is minister. at’s why I will defend my chosen Lieges, but
no one else. If I did, it would mean that I effeively allied myself fully with the ministry,
and that I supported the British views, and I find these views repulsive. Remus Lupin over
there is a good man, with a great ability to teach. As he was once bitten, through no fault
of his own, your society has turned it’s colleive back on him. He’s a resource that the
ministry has decided to ignore. He was able to detain several Dementors until they could
be permanently dealt with. e house of Kilchurn is deeply magical, but there’s a great
deal of non human sentients in it. If the ministry tries to enforce stupidities like the Veela
laws on my House, there will be a war between the Ministry and myself. As long as Fudge
is minister, don’t count on me to help you.”
“My Lord, Professor Lupin was a good friend of young Mr Potter. Is it true that Mr
Potter has survived, and is right now at Kilchurn Castle?”
“I have no intention to discuss these rumours. However, as Lord Longbottom put it,
pretty much everything is more believable than Harry Potter dying that easily.”
“Lord Kilchurn, could you please comment on the events here today?”
“Briefly, yes. I received word that my Liege was under attack. I reonded according
to the terms I gave the Death Eaters not fully two days ago. ese people were my
hated enemies, but it seems like I severely overestimated the opposition. ree Huldr,
a werewolf, a giant, a squib and myself were more than equal to the task on our own. e
inclusion of Hank, my Dragon friend, was unintentional but efficient. When I get hit, he
gets cranky, and when he gets cranky, it usually leads to acid and destruion. e trained
fighting units did arrive on schedule, but there were no enemies le at the time. Now, Miss
Skeeter, I have many demands on my time, but I’m sure my daughter would be agreeable
to an interview later if you are interested.”
“Very much so, My Lord. One final question, if you please. You oppose Minister
Fudge. Who would you see replace him?”
Chapter 17 — are very good indeed; 247

“I know very little about the inner workings of the Ministry. e one that comes to
mind would be Madam Bones, who is one of my allies. I say that, because she would go
against my expressed wishes without batting an eye if it was the right thing to do. She’s
just and fearless and I believe she would do quite well.”
“ank you, Lord Kilchurn. If your daughter would be kind enough to owl me with
a time and a place that suits her, I will make myself available. Good day, My lord.”
Trailing her photographer, she aually apparated away. Harry looked at the muddy
form of the former High Inquisitor of Hogwarts.
“Madam Umbridge. You are not my friend, but not yet my enemy. Do you have any
valid, legal concerns regarding my defense of my liegeman’s home?”
Dolores Umbridge wasn’t completely stupid, and she realised that she was very close
to an uncomfortably acidic death. She thought of the issues that could legally be raised
against the Lord.
“Did the Huldr feed of any of the opposition?”
“No. e Huldr feeds on vitality, and the enemies were all Stalebloods. ere’s nothing
to feed from.”
“Excuse me?”
“e pureblood families lose vitality fairly fast. ey don’t have the strength to survive
long enough to give a feral Huldr even a light snack. My ladies feed from me, period.”
“Did you give the Squib the magical weapons?”
“No. He’s a skilled crasman, and he has even taught me how to make those hammers.
He made his own, of course.”
“ese are all foreigners, right?”
“Some of them, yes. e important point is that they are all allies of the House of
Kilchurn, and will of course answer my call to arms. Borders means very little compared
to loyalty.”
“ank you, My Lord. at concludes my questions.” She apparated away almost
before she finished eaking. Harry smiled at the Aurors, who were sniggering at the
pompous bureaucrat as she fled the battlefield.
“Aurors, I hope that some day soon, you will be able to call on the Kilchurn Forces if
the situation gets sticky. For now though, you may well be ordered to attack my home.”
Harry concentrated, and forced his magic to manifest in the air around him. e air
glowed and writhed in the intense magic field, and the staff that appeared in his hand
shone blue. He knew that his eyes glowed as he oke again.
“It may be wise to refuse such an order. I have yet to exert myself today.”
He relaxed and allowed the magic flare to die down.
“I was of course not threatening you. I just gave you a pensieve-worthy memory to
explain your refusal. A piece of showmanship, if you will. Now, Is there anything I can
help you with?”
Kingsley found himself eleed as okeerson, so he asked the question that every-
body wanted to.
248 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“My Lord, we would all like a straight answer to whether Harry Potter is still alive,
and if so, where he is.”
Harry smiled at the Auror.
“at’s something I won’t give at this moment. Take that answer as you wish.”
e tall Auror looked at the Sorcerer, and then at the battle banner. As he recognised
the Potter crest, he smiled and nodded.
“I hear you, Sir. As there may be some difficulties identifying these remains, could
you tell me who they were?”
Harry looked around at the smoking, half-melted remains that littered the area and
started pointing out the people he remembered.

* * *
Ginny’s head was inning. She had seen him, but it had been so surreal that she would be
able to convince herself that it was a dream without any problems. She had seen him, and
now she knew that he was indeed alive. She could still taste him. She had had Harry’s cock
in her mouth, that big, big cock. At first, she had been convinced that he had done some
kind of engorgement charm, but she should have felt it, if there was one. It must have been
natural. She would never be able to handle that! Not that it would stop her from trying,
though. He had looked so hot. All those muscles, and the leather outfit and the power he
emitted was everything she could ever desire.
As soon as Harry, the blonde bombshell and the squat warrior had le, she had
crawled back into her box to think. He had promised to reciprocate. If the word meant
what she thought it did, he would return the favour some day. Maybe even on her birthday!
Harry Potter was going to give her an orgasm, he even owed her one! As a sniggering Tonks
put the lid back on and pulled the box back to the Arch chamber, Ginny was dreaming
about the day when Harry would get her off.

* * *
It was late, and Harry was sitting in the Klub. He was nursing a tankard of half mead, half
butterbeer. It didn’t taste half as good as he had thought it would, but on the upside, it was
easy to make it last. He couldn’t afford to get even slightly tipsy tonight. He didn’t even look
around when he heard the door open, and his expeed guest pour himself a large whisky,
down it and refill his glass. He didn’t even look up until the creaking leather told him that
the chair next to him was occupied. He took a sip of the unholy blend in his tankard.
“Do you blame me?” He asked quietly.
“I don’t know. I wanted it, but I’m not sure I wanted to learn what it would take. I
did it, though.”
“I know. How did Susan take it?”
“Better than me, I guess.. She told me that it would take her a day or two to sort it
out, but that it shouldn’t be a problem. She seemed to expe it, but it shocked the hell out
of me to know that I had it in me.”
Chapter 17 — are very good indeed; 249

“e Darkness? We all have it, Nev. We just have to learn about it, and to know it
for what it is.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s an impulse. Nothing more. It can’t get the upper hand unless we let it. Stina and
Sigyn agreed that you had a mighty Dark tie to that woman. Now, you don’t. You gave
it back to her.”
“at way, it doesn’t sound so bad. It’s just hard, you know. She begged me for it, and
I tortured her to death, in the most horrible way I can imagine. She knew, she must have
known that I was killing her, but she wanted more. It was the most insane thing I’ve seen.”
He drained his glass again and filled it up.
“She was already insane, and I don’t think I helped her by zapping her as I did. at
begging thing is probably my fault.”
“Harry, you don’t have to take the fall for me. I did it, and I hated her as I did it. Susan
asked me about that, and it seemed important. She didn’t attra me at all, but I did it. I
was ready, and I used my body as a weapon.”
“Sigyn said that it’s something quite common in young men with a lacking confidence.
You have any idea how many guys who wants a bigger one? e dream of using your cock
as a weapon is a primitive and basic one, and normally not one we allow out to play. anks
to Stina, you got to let it out. Want to do it again?”
Neville almost jumped out of the chair. He emptied yet another glass into the black
hole he felt inside him before he answered as Harry filled his glass again.
“Hell no. I’m not that impressive in my natural state, but Susan’s happy, and that’s
enough for me. You know, I felt none of the things I feel with Susan this time?”
“Of course not. You love Susan, and you hated Le Strange. My hands can caress my
ladies, or they can rip the heart out of someone. e girls are also quite happy about some
of the things I can do with my mouth, but when I transform, it belches acid. It’s all in the
intent. e tool shouldn’t be accused for what the wielder wants to do, and that’s what
counts. What did you want to do?”
“Punish. Get revenge. To make her suffer like I have suffered. To close the book, so
to eak. To heal.”
“I know you’ve had some rough moments with girls. Disa and Stina told me about
your ’training’”
“I know. I think that’s gone now. at ghost from my past is dead. She’s lying in a pool
of her own blood, all bled out and no visible wounds. I don’t even know if she suffered at
all, the way she kept urging me on. Am I a monster now?”
“You’re asking the wrong guy. I have no idea about how many people I’ve killed today,
and I just found out that I’m part vampire. I gave her to you, knowing full well what you
might do. If you want to blame me, I’ll make it easy on you.”
“It was my call. I could have slapped her and let her go. I could have AK’d her or
simply used a severing charm on her neck. My call was to fuck her to death with a cock,
morphed to be almost a foot-and-a-half long. What do I do now?”
250 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Now? You do the Male Psychology basic treatment. Get roaring drunk, end tomor-
row on full-scale suicide watch and have a talk with Sigyn, who’s better with these things.
You know, I almost did that to her once. She, if anyone will understand it completely.”
“She’s great, you know? Sigyn. She’s very wise, and hot, too. When did you do that
to her?”
“First time we met. I wasn’t used to my size yet, and I hadn’t learned to morph. I was
also stoned out of my gourd, whatever that means. She got carried away.”
“You know, you know, it’s great, you know. Just knowing you, my best mate and the
girls. ey’re not my Sue, but they’re smoking hot all of them, and they don’t always dress
around me. You’re my best mate, best I ever had. I haven’t had a lot of mates, you know.”
“I know, Nev. Trust me, I know. We’re family now. You think I would let just anyone
in bed with my Bonded Consort? You’ve done so much for me, I owe you loads.”
“I’ll get through this, Harry. She’s dead. I didn’t enjoy it, but I did it. She had it coming
to her, but I did it. I don’t really feel like some blooding...bloody heroic kind of guy like
I thought I would. I’m drunk.”
“You are, Nev. You’re fairly cheap, too. Lucky bastard. I get a bit tipsy, but then my
magic starts to countera the booze.”

* * *
Harry smiled. His friend had no head for alcohol, eecially not in muggle drinks.
Of course, he had just had more than half a pint of cask-strength whisky, but now he was
soundly and noisily asleep. Tomorrow would be angsty like hell, but by the end of the
week, all his demons would be exorcised.
He levitated the snoring young man to his room, where a red-eyed Susan waited for
“Hi Sue. How are you holding up?”
“Fairly well. She didn’t suffer enough, though. How is he?”
“Conflied. I don’t think he regrets the fa, just the method. You may have some-
thing to deal with there.”
“She tainted him for life when he was just a baby. He stole his purity back from him.
I’ll convince him.”
“Better you than me. Were you ever afraid of him?”
“No, never. He’s my Neville, by both our choices. He dealt with a monster, and he had
to become one to defeat her completely. e a was hideous, I may be weirder than most,
but his power turned me on more than a little. Not the power itself, but his control. He
had all of that inside him, and I still know he wouldn’t ever hurt me. Ever.”
“Good. I’m still not sure I did the right thing about all this.”
“You did, Harry. Now, though, you have a very worried Veela wife waiting, and I’m
not saying that ten times fast, in your bed. Go and let her know that you still love her, even
though you got upset over the risk she took.”
Chapter 17 — are very good indeed; 251

“I’ll do that. Take care of my liegeman, dear liegewoman, and your offer of Jus Primae
Nois is declined, by the way. I have enough as it is. I need to meet with Saga and Gunlög
before bed, though.”
“Just don’t forget the willing little pregnant babe in your bed, Mighty Sorcerer.”
“You think I would? Good night, Sue.”
“Good night, My Lord.”

* * *

e greatest Wizard since ——

by Rita Skeeter
Dear readers, whatever you may have heard about the great Caradoc
Pritchard, the reality is far more impressive.
I met him on a field of carnage, a battlefield like nothing I have seen in
my many years of faithful reporting of truths.
Below me, on what used to be a perfely manicured lawn courtesy of
Lord Longbottom, his generation’s finest gardener, were three women of
unearthly, inhuman beauty walking around and healing the turf with a
touch here and there, while proudly dilaying their beautiful fluffy tails
to the world.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Smiling, laughing Huldr were there, and I still
felt safe, because next to me was a Titan.
On a distance I saw a half giant, standing on a pillar of soil, shot up from
the earth itself, laughing and talking with the Giants that the Dark Lord
had brought to attack the liegesman of Kilchurn, Lord Longbottom. e
half giant wore the Kilchurn crest.
On the killing field, well known and reeed Werewolf Professor Re-
mus Lupin were making lists of the fallen.
e situation was well in hand. e others present were a force of at
least fiy armed warriors in Kilchurn colours, and a small contingent of
As I watched, Ministry okeerson and personal assistant to the Minis-
ter, Dolores Umbridge of High Inquisitor fame, appeared. Aer otting
the non-humans on the field, she quickly blamed everything on them,
and demanded that the Auror’s should execute them all immediately.
Caradoc Pritchard struck her down with the back of his hand.
Politely, and without ever raising his voice, he asked her if she intended
for the Ministry and the House of Kilchurn to go to war, as she so delib-
erately accused him of attacking his own liegesman, and further, insulted
the Lord’s own family.
252 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Dear readers, he was deadly serious.

ere is no doubt in my mind that he’d win as well. As he went on to
explain, his family is highly and mightily magical, but it does have a large
number of sentient non-human’s in it, and this, dear readers is the reason
why Caradoc Pritchard will only help his lieges and allies.
e current and previous administration has made this country the
hardest to live in for non-humans in the world.
We are denied the proteion of this Titan by a few bigots in office. Ladies
and gentlemen, I have sometimes allowed this bigotry to affe my own
impartial, fa-finding work, but never more. ese non-humans have
proved themselves to be reliable and trustworthy to Caradoc Pritchard,
and that is good enough for me.
Unfortunately, e house of Kilchurn will never really be a part of our
society as long as Fudge occupies the prettiest chair of our government.
Who can do anything about that?
However, my dear readers, my friends, Kilchurn Castle remains to us a
beacon of light in this dark time, where we are threatened not only by the
Death Eaters, but by the incompetence of our eleed leaders. It remains,
hopefully, a lightning rod to the Dark Lord’s wrath, and that wrath will
grind itself to dust before the mighty walls of the Castle.
Dear readers, you all know I’m not one to read baseless rumours,
but there was a feeling, when I looked into those ageless eyes of this
incredible wizard.
Where did he come from?
What if he just came back?
Could he really be the greatest wizard since ... himself?
Rita Skeeter
e battle, blow by blow. Page 5-12
e Death Eaters who threaten us no more, Page 13-15
Caradoc Pritchard, the man, the myth, the incredible Hunk, page 16
Rita Skeeter looked down on the page. She hadn’t just given him good press. She had
praically called him Merlin. Perhaps it was time to put the bitching aside, and aually
try to affe public opinion for a greater good that just for amusement, and to further her
own career. She had found that, to her surprise, she really did believe in what she had
written, except possibly the last part. She remembered where she had seen that particular
way of setting a jaw in determination before. Now, all she had to do was figure out what
the link was between Potter and Pritchard. Father and son? Ancestor and descendant?
Friends? It would all be clearer once she had that interview with Elaine Pritchard.
She looked at the time, and decided once more to sleep at the office couch. She did
have some thinking to do.

* * *
Chapter 17 — are very good indeed; 253

ere were so many little things to deal with sometimes. Aer making sure that the feral
Huldr had someplace comfortable to stay, making sure that his other houseguests were
taken care of and triple checking on Neville and Susan, Harry was almost dead on his feet.
He closed the bedroom door behind him, and looked fondly at his young wife, who had
taken obvious pains to look as adorable as possible in a barely existing nightie and a few
touches of discreet makeup.
“Oh, I’m so sorry about running off like that. I just didn’t think about...”
He aually waved her off, as he sat on the bed and started tugging at his socks.
“Hush, love. We are here, and the time is now. What happened did happen, but it’s
not happening any more. It’s over, and you were safer than I thought at first.”
He pulled his pants off in the most anti-erotic way he could. He pulled the covers
down a bit, and started to unlace his vest.
“It’s just that ... you were so angry, when you learned of my aions. I just want to
be useful.”
“Oh, come on. My young, pregnant wife was heading for a battle with the greatest
arseholes in the world before I even knew there was a problem. at’s a mighty reason for
a knee-jerk reaion, don’t you think? Besides, if you hadn’t warned me, that blasting curse
would have smacked straight into the back of my head. I should have defences against
that, but it’s nothing I really want to test.”
rowing the vest over the back of a chair, he unbuttoned his linen shirt. He noticed,
of course, the cloud of Allure that surrounded him, and it fascinated him how it made her
eyes shinier, her hair to seem longer and thicker, and how it made those perfe nipples
stand out even though he blocked the mental effes. He wondered briefly if it was some
kind of Glamour before bending his power to a total bodywide freshening. Showers were
nice and all, but he was too worn out.
“So I wasn’t so bad?” She pressed on, trying very hard at some kind of Naughty
Schoolgirl routine.
“Not bad at all, aually.”
e beautiful girl pouted cutely.
“Bugger. I had this whole ’begging for forgiveness’ play planned out. Now, I have to
find some other way to misbehave.”
Harry smiled inwardly. Sometimes, his Veela wife was a bit prediable. Well, he
wasn’t going to be too easy this time. He was incredibly tired, but he guessed he did have
the power for at least a blue bolt or two. She would have to work for it a bit, though.
“Oh, you know I’m not the punishing type. I went completely overboard with Stina
that one time, and I won’t do that again. You’re safe, love.”
“But you were angry! I have to make it up to you.” She sauntered towards him as he
crept up into the huge bed.
“Yes, I got a bit angry for a while, and that was wrong. Now love, let’s go to bed. I’m
really tired.”
254 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“But, I’ve ...”

“Oh, Goddess, I’m tired. e Tails are catching up with their mums, or whatever you
should call it, and Stina had something to ponder in the lake. Me, I just think she likes
to expand without anyone calling her fat. I mean, she’s the Loch, right? at puts her
bodyweight at about a fnuzillion tons, and she ...”
“Yes, Love?”
“Aren’t you going to punish me?”
“Yes, I am.”
“en what the hell are you waiting for? You have a Veela in a thin nightie here, almost
begging you to tie her up and punish her, for Merlin’s sake.”
“Do I usually do this, or do I just do what you want me to?”
“You ... I ... Ooh, Harry, you’re just mean sometimes, you know that?”
“I love you too, dear. Let’s go to sleep.”
As the little Veela cuddled up to her husband, he did release a mild arc into her nervous
system, making her purr in contentment where she laid on his arm
“Good night, My husband.”

* * *
Severus Snape wasn’t lying in bed. He was hovering above it, suended a few inches over
the mattress as the tiny little fragments of his pelvis knotted themselves together. e
process was close to the Cruciatus curse, painwise, but at least he knew that it was good
for him. What was more annoying was that he was out of the lithium grease.
He had thought that he had gotten away unscathed when he dropped and played
dead, but that thrice-damned monstrosity of an illusionist had otted him and launched
a sneaky, underhanded attack, involving at least ten bone-shattering curses. e hammer
had to have been a ruse. Aer all, he was Severus Snape. No one man could defeat him,
save the Dark Lord.
He brushed his blonde bangs out of his face and stared at the ceiling.
Unfortunately, he might soon have to prove it. Recruitment was down to zero aer
the confrontation with Bella in Diagon Alley. Much of the old Inner Circle was gone and
much of the political support had dwindled because of this one man, who hadn’t really
done anything. He had walked through the alley twice, he had made friends with that
Longbottom squib and probably gotten some kind of hold on Bones, as well. He needed
a weapon against the bastard at Kilchurn. Maybe it was time to stop dosing Dumbledore
with the ≺Aevum Leviculus≻ potion, and just keep the ≺Ostendo Fides≻ going. He
never thought he would hate any one like the misters Potter, but this Pritchard figure
came too bloody close.

* * *
Chapter 17 — are very good indeed; 255

His Door hadn’t been to see him in four days now. He hadn’t had his medicine either,
and he knew that this could be the reason for his sudden agitation. He just felt so weird.
It was like Reality was moving in and out of focus. Sometimes, the whole Boy-Who-Lived
moniker was attached to him, and he was either angry because no-one cared, or planning
to murder Dumbledore because Dumbledore had chosen someone else to be the Boy.
Sometimes, he knew that he was very sick, and that he had betrayed his best mate, his
sister and the girl he sort of fancied. At those times, he tried to write them. He wrote long
apologies to Ginny, to Hermione and even to the Goblins. He also would have written to
Harry, but Harry was de .......
How dared they lock up the Boy-Who-Lived like this! Once he figured out how to
use his amazing powers, he would show them! Kill them all! He would have every woman
in the world, and any man who objeed would be killed. He would have Hermione ....
Hermione ... What had he done?
Ronald Weasley, a Dissociated mind, was not enjoying his life one bit.
256 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter XVIII

Now if you’re ready,

Oysters dear,

She was standing in front of a mirror, brushing her hair. Her large, violet eyes followed
the brush as it travelled through her mane, and continued over her body. It was a good
one, but she wondered if the pubic hair was a bit too much. Perhaps she should go for
bare, instead of a tu shaped like a lightning bolt? Ah, shaving off the remains wouldn’t
be that hard. It had been nice to know that her visit had been remembered, and that the
Lord thought that she would be viorious. e offer of another ride on Hank had been
nice. e dragon-cousin had been friendly, and she wished that he would belong to her,
instead of Kilchurn. She had never cared for horses, but the huge winged beast had been
different. She wouldn’t mind polishing those arkling scales at all.
ere was a knock on the door, and before she could reond, it swung open to reveal
her classmate, Pansy.
“You know, tarting yourself up won’t get you closer to Draco. You need to put out for
that, you little prissy.”
Her voice was grating, but Tracey knew that was part of the sneer. When Pansy didn’t
screw her face up in that ridiculous mask of mock superiority and aually could breathe
through her nose, she had a very nice voice. Not today, though, and Tracey was a bit
annoyed already. She had gotten a letter from Susan, declining her services. It was a very
polite and nice letter, and it hinted at a possible friendship, or at least a kind of kinship, but
it shot down her opportunity to serve the Lord. Maybe it wouldn’t matter, as it was said
that she couldn’t cum with anyone but Potter ... Harry. Her Master. She had just hoped
that she would be able to orgasm if she did it to serve Lord Longbottom, too. Ah well, the
point was moot, so she decided to answer the badly thought out slur instead.
“Draco? Do see reality, please. I set my sights above ground, and I wouldn’t let the
pointless son of a near-squib and a drunk touch me with a ten-foot pole. Haven’t you seen
it? Everything has changed now.”

258 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Pansy did lose the sneer, but only to replace it with an equally unattraive imitation
of a clubbed seal.
“What do you mean? e lies from the paper?”
“You’ve never met Lord Kilchurn, I take it? e Dark lord is a goner. He hasn’t lost
yet as he hasn’t met the grey Lord yet, but when he does, the Dark Lord will be dead, gone
and nothing but a greasy smear in the history books. Draco? Keep him, and watch him
insult someone close to Kilchurn. Watch him, your hope and sweetheart, dri away as a
cloud of greasy smoke. Wake up, Pansy.”
“But you’ve tried to get closer to Draco for years... He’s rich, you know.”
at was just lame, Tracey thought. She continued to brush her hair, and praised
altering the shades of her eyes as she considered how she would make her friend under-
“Pansy, I’ve tried to survive. Once, as my father allied our family with the dark jerk,
that meant Draco, so I made sure that he found me worth to keep alive, even if he was a vile
little weasel. Now, however, the family, sans Father, has made a deal for the proteion of
Kilchurn. ere’s some real power there, and the Lord of the castle shares his power with
the inhabitants of the castle. ere was an almost naked woman there, sitting on her knees
next to the Lord. I could sense her power clearly. She was kept on a leash, but there was
nothing enslaved about her. I can’t really explain it, but I felt that she had more freedom
than I ever had. If she had asked the Lord, he would have given me to her immediately, and
it excited me. Within the confines of that leash, her freedom was complete and I envy her.
e lord has assigned me to one of his allies, but I don’t know where he is or if he would
accept me, but I will do my best to acquire such a leash for myself. You want to live? Go to
Kilchurn, ask for such a deal, and enslave yourself to Lord Longbottom. He’s a kind man,
and his fiancée isn’t bad at all and probably wouldn’t whip you more than once or twice.”
“What did he do to you? e Imperius? I just can’t believe what you’re saying.”
“No, I’m just exaggerating to get through to you. You want to live? Ditch Draco
and the Darkies and do whatever it takes to get on Kilchurn’s good side. If that means
a whipping or becoming a toy, then so be it. e war is real. We will live or die, and
both of us has shown ourself allied to the side that’s going to lose. We have some extreme
measures to take if we want to survive.”
“But... the Dark lord is going to win. Isn’t he?”
“No. He won’t. ere’s a new player in the country now, one who’ll kill and maim if he
has to. When the opposition was no one but Fumbledore, who never did bloody anything,
the Dark Lord had a shot. Even then, though, he didn’t have that many triumphs, did he?
He doesn’t stand a chance now.”
Finally, her words had struck home. Pansy was white as a sheet, and trembled vio-
“I’m dead. e Dark Lord won’t prote me if he can’t prote himself. Do you believe
in the Prophet’s account of the battle?”
“I do. Pritchard is ruthless, and those girls I saw at the castle were very powerful. e
dragon they mentioned? His name is Hank, and he likes me. He wants to fly with me
Chapter 18 — Now if you’re ready, Oysters dear, 259

again, and I’d like that, too. It’s the feeling of something powerful between my legs. It’s
intoxicating,” she finished with a smirk.
“What can I do? I’m not pretty like you, and I’m neither powerful nor graceful. How
can I get in the good books with the winning side?”
Success. She had won, and Susan would be pleased with her. Maybe she would help
her to get her hands on the Master. She just had to land the deal.
“ere are not a lot of people known to be in with Kilchurn to the level that it would
help you, and I’ve already mentioned what I think you should do. Longbottom is your
only hope. He’s engaged to Susan Bones, but he or she might have use for a pet.”
“Is that what you are? A pet?”
“No, not yet, but I aire to become one. It’s a great feeling, aually.”
“Why is that? It sounds so strange to me.”
“I have a purpose, and it’s a clear and simple one. I will please my Master. Everything
else isn’t my concern. I can ignore everything else but my task, should I choose to, but
I intend to help my Master as much as I can, or even engage in some plotting that will
amuse him. If you want to join the winning side, there are a few plots and things that I
would like your help with.”
“I’m thinking about it. Isn’t there a ell or something to enforce the enslavement?”
“I’m not sure. Does it matter?”
“My charaer isn’t the strongest. If I’m to be a slave, and you do make it sound
appealing, I want to be a good one. A ell would support me if I falter.”
“Ask Lord Kilchurn about that. Now, Pansy dear, I’m about to take a run around the
estate. Join me.”
“I can’t run like that. I don’t have the muscles.”
“I know. Your thighs are sort of saggy, and you’re quite pale. It’s time to tone you up
a bit. My body belongs to my Master. I have to take care of it, keep it desirable for him,
so that he finds it good enough to pull into a cupboard and empty his balls in every now
and then. Transfigure your clothes now and join me.”
e final line was delivered in a commanding tone. Tracey had seen her friend shiver
in delight when she had talked about the cupboard. She didn’t move a muscle as Pansy
sighed and transfigured her fashionable clothes into something that could be considered
training clothes. It wasn’t pretty. Pansy needed a lot of work to be considered pretty, sexy
or even at all fuckable. Her shoulders were broad, but bony, her arms were like sticks and
the minuscule amount of boobs she did have was aually sagging. She would have to talk
to Lady Susan about this, but right now, she pulled up her own training shorts and pulled
her friend out to the track. Let’s see what she was made of.

* * *
260 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Are you happy?”

e unexpeed question stunned him. When she lived with him, she had been a
perfe wife and mistress, and he had known that it really wasn’t her at all, but his ideal
woman, temporarily infusing the body of a Huldr, a Huldr who would have drained his
life force if he hadn’t enslaved her. To have this creature inquire about his happiness was
very odd to the smith.
“I am. I miss you, or rather, who you were, but you gave me a wonderful daughter.”
“Yes, she is rather remarkable. She is bonded to the Sorcerer?”
“Yes. Her magic is quite strong, too, and as he feeds her well, her Huldr abilities seems
“As you have learned, we belong to Freja. She has commanded us to the Sorcerer’s
service, as well as all our kind. He did feed us well. I don’t mind serving him just for his
good feeding, but something about him smells Aesir. Would you tell me about him?”
“I have to go quite far back for that. It’s a long story.” He warned her.
“I don’t mind. I like stories. Sören, I liked living with you. You’re a good man, and I
would never hurt you. I remember what I was like when I lived with you and I can be like
that if you want me to. I’ll even share your bed if you want, and you would be safe. Just
stay clear of my tail, please. Now, please continue.”
e smith blinked. It had been a bit awkward to meet the woman he had enslaved,
but apparently she hadn’t minded. He decided to ponder the idea some more later.
“Lily visited Seidheim just before I met you, some seventeen years ago. She was
colleing samples of various magical beings, and took some little pieces of both Leif and
Stina, if you remember her. She used to live in the stream above the smithy.”
“e lake warden?”
“at’s right. Now, she stayed a bit longer than necessary because she liked the place
as it used to be. She had long talks with many of us, and we became good friends. Some
time later, she called on us again, and this time she was pregnant with a son that would
become the ultimate crossbreed, but more importantly, a Sorcerer. As things in England
was looking bad at the time, she set up a whole bunch of contingency plans in case she
wasn’t around, and some of those included the boy finding the way to us for training. We
made plans to teach him Sorcery and to fully use his other natural abilities. However,
the Magical Integration fouled up most of our plans. We almost forgot about it, and then
this boy fell in our laps. e girls took to him immediately, of course. is sexual power
he has was apparently the first thing that aivated. We discovered that our plans were
completely useless, as Hasse, as we still call him, was nothing like we expeed. He excels
in everything he touches, and in just a few years, he’ll be a better smith than me. It was
aually Stina who taught him to use his Sorcery, and then we got him some Einharjer
training. He charmed the Relic, too, and became Harald Fafnersson. He’s a Singer these
days. He’s also a Leharvhamne. He thinks that’s another word for animagus, which he also
is, but he hasn’t found his shapes yet. We’re not telling him about all that, though.”
“What is he, then?”
“It’s a little hard to say, aually. We know that he can turn into a black wolf and a
blackbear, but there are traces of something smaller and flying, if Sigyn has read the signs
Chapter 18 — Now if you’re ready, Oysters dear, 261

right. None of these shapes are really what the Brits call Animagus, as the wolf and the
bear are produs of his breeding. ere are parts of both Wolf- and Bearrunners in him.
e small thing might be a genuine Animagus shape. Nothing is ever simple about this
young man. How about you, what have you heard about him?”
“I have heard that Freja holds deep affeion for him, and that all of Vanir likes him.
Freja has ordered all of her Midgård creatures to help him, and to fight for him when he
needs it. She’s trying to reach the ones in other countries as well. She even tried to reach
out to the Goblins, but they were already firmly on his side for some reason. He appears
to be a hero, and if he calls me to his bed, I won’t be tardy.”
Surt laughed out loud at that.
“You and the whole damned female half of any bloody ecies. Anyway, he’s bonded to
the little Veela you probably saw, Jorunn and Disa and Stina as well. He has a Metamorph
oath-bound to him, and probably about a dozen interested.”
e Huldr smiled wickedly.
“Too bad then he only has one cock.”
“Your daughter seems to think the one is enough. It’s apparently huge”
“Hmm. Maybe I should have another child, then.”

* * *
e Leaky Cauldron was very quiet this time of night, and Tom had withdrawn to one of
the small rooms in the back with one of his best friends.
“So, firewhisky and turpentine, I gather?”
“Please, and keep them coming. I’ve had a rough couple of days.”
“I heard. It’s not oen you have deities at the tellers.”
“I can’t believe she aually queued. e males in the lobby, excepting my kind, was
drooling puddles. Aual puddles. Not Weasley, though. Dating a Veela must have made
him immune.”
“He’s a Weasley. When it comes to sex, they’re rather ecial. Have you heard about
the battle?”
“Yes, I have. Made me feel good about it all. He’s more ruthless now than he ever
would have become if he had stayed here, and that article was pure gold. Wasn’t that fairly
precisely what you wanted?”
“If it lasts and works, yes. So, Bentpick, what did her tastiness want?”
“Tastiness? at was the most absurd title I’ve heard in a long time.”
“Doesn’t she look tasty to you?”
“Of course she does. With mustard and turpentine. She wanted to ask about our
possible alliance with her pet in the Castle. We told her that it’s alive and well, and thanked
her for her patronage.”
“A bit rude, perhaps?”
262 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Not at all, just brief. You must understand that there’s just so much I can tell even
you, my friend.”
“I understand. If you started talking numbers, I’d be lost anyway.”
“If I talked numbers with you at all, I’d be lost as well.”
“Do you know how Gabrielle is these days? I miss her, sometimes. Best maid I’ve
ever had here.”
“She’s Mrs. Potter now. He’s bonded to three more girls, but he’s only married one of
them, and that’s your girl. e Longbottom boy runs their finances now. We’re not sure if
Harry even knows it, but we have checked all of Longbottom’s transaions, and they’re all
good so far. He’s as good at growing money as he is growing plants. Mister Potter now has
a minor financial empire, and some of the more unseemly firms, from his point of view at
least, is losing profit margins all the time. e financial fiion named the Kilchurn Krew,
is putting some pressure on the market.”
e aged barkeep grinned at his goblin friend.
“You know, people give me galleons, sickles and knuts for stuff I give them. I give
these money things to you, and you tell me I can continue another month. ere. at’s
my understanding of finance.”
“I know, and that’s why you are the perfe confidant, like you tell me about the
heartaches of your customers. If we hadn’t had this friendship, Lily’s boy would still be
stuck with Dumbledore.”
“True. Ah, the benefits of mutual misunderstanding. You have a heart of gold,
“I know. It’s cold, hard and yellow, and it’s worth quite a buck on the black market.”
e goblin and the half-naiad laughed and talked all night. Rumours from the bar
would pass to Gringott’s where Neville would pick them up and a on what needed to be
aed upon. Gringott’s was firmly behind Kilchurn, and the visit from their old Goddess
had just made it firmer. She had been nice and polite, and she hadn’t issued any commands.
She had asked politely, and had accepted the reonse and le. e Goblin nation was
happy about their alignment. Free or not, their former Goddess still meant a lot to the
elders. It was time, perhaps, to find a new path.

* * *
Gabrielle was working out, Veela style. She was naked, of course, and she did lits and
She made handstand pushups and ran around the room. Sometimes even a bit up
the wall.
She worked every joint in her body to it’s maximal flexibility, and exercised her visible
muscles to be hard and long, as to not appear too lumpy.
Her husband didn’t really like that, even if he of course would accept it.
at was the hard part about having a kind and generous Master.
She didn’t get any clear orders, as he liked pretty much everything she did.
Chapter 18 — Now if you’re ready, Oysters dear, 263

It le her with a bit too much opportunity to develop her own personality, and Gab-
rielle didn’t really like that.
She wanted to be her Master’s dreamgirl, not just close, but a dream made flesh.
She paused for a while, happy that she wasn’t even breathing heavily, and tried to
see just how limber she was. She relaxed her back, and contraed her abs, bending her
flexible ine in an almost impossible curve. She reached out with her long, so tongue,
and managed to reach her clitoris and even beyond. Her prehensile tongue found the
rubber coated string. Air was becoming an issue, as her lungs were completely collapsed,
but she managed to get her tongue inside the loop of string, and pull. She relaxed her
vaginal muscles all she could, but she still had to pull quite hard before the rubber coated
lead staff fell out, bumping her forehead. e wheezing sound that she made as her lungs
filled up again wasn’t very attraive, and she made a mental note to work on it. She was
startled at the sound of applause behind her. She un around and found her sister leaning
against the doorframe.
“Very good. How heavy is that? I can hold almost half a pound in, but then, I don’t
bounce around like you do.”
“It’s three-quarters of a pound. Harry stretches me out so far that I had to step up to
keep in shape.”
“at’s really heavy. I’m impressed. If he’s so large, why don’t you just mold aer him,
“Because I’m pregnant, and he likes it tight. Anal sex will be uncomfortable soon, and
I want to make sure that my little cunny is tight enough for him.”
“It might make the delivery harder, though.”
“With the regular stretching I get? I don’t think so.”
“How does it feel to be bonded? Is it what you dreamed of?”
“It’s even better. He loves me, and I can feel it, like I can feel my arms. He loves my
bond-sisters too, and I can feel that love as well. We all get our private time with him, and
I get a bit more than the others, being married and all. We love each other as well, and
the kind of feedback looping we get when he takes one of us unexpeedly is incredible.
When I feel him bending one of the Huldr’s tails up and taking her roughly against a wall,
I come like crazy, and the others feel me, and the one he’s fucking. at sets the other’s off,
and when Stina cums, the intensity is just unbelievable.”
“I love Bill, don’t get me wrong here, but it would be nice to be a part of that sometime.
It sounds lovely. at’s not why I came here, though. I plan to ask your husband for a
child. Will that be a problem for you?”
“Of course not! Every woman should get to try my husband at least once. at way,
they will all envy me as I get to have him almost whenever I want. Unless I’ve been bad,
of course. I have a bit of a dry ell now, unfortunately.”
“en why didn’t you use the exercise to get off? You can cast the vibrare charm on
the weight, I’ve seen you do that before.”
“Yes, Fleur. I know, but my husband is gently punishing me, and as that is his right, I
won’t circumvent it. I took a great risk without asking him about it. He seems to think my
264 Midnight Sun — Vanir

pregnancy is some kind of illness. As soon as I get to him next time, I’ll fuck him bloody
senseless, just to rid him of that silly idea. Back to your baby, though. He won’t give you
the first one, so I wouldn’t even ask if I were you.”
“Why not? You said he had to give a child to any suitable mother who asks. Why
would I be unsuitable?”
“Because he would then steal the Weasley line. You intend to marry Bill, corre?”
“I do. I’m even considering Bonding him.”
“en, your first-born should be by Bill. Bill will be the head of his family one day,
and if your firstborn is by another man, Bill couldn’t recognise it if he wants to keep the
Weasley line inta. e law about family progression still assumes Virgin brides, you
know. Aer that, though, I think your next 27 kids could be by my husband. You should
really talk to Bill about it before you make any decisions in this area.”
“You really should,”said Bill from behind Fleur, embracing his girlfriend. “Hi Gabri-
elle. Looking good, but could you please put something on? I’m completely devoted to
this lovely creature in my arms, but a naked Veela is still a sore temptation.”
Gabrielle laughed and went to put the weight away, and to put on a robe.
“Bill, are you angry with me?”
“No, love. I assumed you would want a Sorcerer child, and like your very wise little
sister said, I want the first child you have to be mine. I understand that Sorcerers means
something ecial to Veela, and I certainly know that you are Veela, and I wouldn’t rob
you of your chance to have that Sorcerer’s child. Just not the first one, please.”
“Bill, you wonderful man. I do want your child, and your child will be the first in my
womb, but I would very much want a child by my sisters husband.”
Bill made a face.
“You just had to put it like that, didn’t you? You are one wicked witch.”
“You know I am, Bill. If I wasn’t, do you think I would tie you up and have my wicked
way with you?”
“You know,” a scantily, but still dressed, Gabrielle interrupted, ”ere are some inter-
esting dungeons around this place, but I have a better idea of a game for you.”
e petite Veela pulled Bill’s ear down to her and whiered something that made him
grin wickedly and nod. He straightened up and headed for the bathroom, when Gabrielle
stopped him again.
“Bill, by the way, your sister was here yesterday. She might become pregnant before
Fleur, I think. How much of a problem will that pose?”
“Nothing from me, but I advise you to talk to Charlie before doing anything perma-
nent. He’s the most proteive of us all, and he might just send a flight of angry dragons
here if he believes she’s been hurt. If you fly to him at the camp on that dragon thing I
saw, he’ll listen.”
Bill disappeared into the bathroom, where Stina was climbing out of the toilet. He
stifled his guffaw as the beautiful girl walked up to him and slid her hand down his pants.
e sensation of the forced morphing was odd, but not unpleasant. She grew taller, to
whier in his ear.
Chapter 18 — Now if you’re ready, Oysters dear, 265

“Now, you’re the size of Harry, and I enhanced your prostate as well. You will produce
a very serious load. Now, take this necklace and press it against her when you come. It will
trigger a flash like the ones Harry uses on us. I want it back, though. She’ll get one of her
own when you get married, if the two of you pledge yourselves to the House of Kilchurn.
Now, go and seduce your girl. e morph lasts for about three hours.”
He smiled at the Lake Warden and kissed her cheek, before pocketing the drop shaped
necklace and leaving the bathroom. She stayed for a while, smiling and touching her cheek.
ese little signs of friendship and affeion were still new to her, and she thanked her lucky
star for the day Harald Fafnersson came into her life. A flush later, she was gone.

* * *
“He’s like, I don’t know, big. I mean really huge. Like an arm with a fist on top. Not really,
though. I must have it. He’s big as well. All over, I mean. He’s so wide over the shoulders, I
can’t believe he can walk through a door without having to go sideways. And he dressed in
leather, and he had long hair in a kind of braid, and his eyes were like green flame torches
and he didn’t have glasses on and I just wanted to jump him and ear myself on that... on
that... on that incredible, unbelievable COCK!”
e little redhead was sitting on the floor of her friend’s room outside Basingstoke.
Her face was flushed and her eyes shone as she tried to convey her experience to Hermione,
who, frustratingly enough, didn’t believe her.
“Relax Ginny. Honestly, I have seen him in pretty much every state of dress except
naked, and there’s just no way he could have hidden such a thing without my noticing it.”
Ginny bounced up and started pacing.
“It was real, Hermione. It was all him. No engorgement charm or anything. I would
have known.”
Ginny was waving her arms around, excitedly trying to make the older girl under-
“I’m not saying that you made it up, I’m just saying that you must be mistaken.”
at did it. Hermione needed to cool off, and Ginny knew just how to do that.
“So, you wouldn’t want such a monster pressing against the fabric of your knickers,
your wet knickers, that are almost coming apart at the seams?”
“Ginny, stop it. It’s not working.”
“If he would just pull the little slip of soaked cotton aside, you could feel his heat
direly against your opening. Would you be wet enough, you think? Would he be able to
slide his crown against your bits in a smooth motion?”
“Ginny, stop it right now.”
“I’ve seen how far down your entrance is. If he just bent his knees a bit, he could push
straight into you. Would you like that? Cold you keep a straight face? Would the others
“Ginny, don’t... what others?”
266 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“e other people on the train, of course. He would just walk up behind you and pull
your robes up, sliding his length along your little wet quim. He’s so big and hot. It’s almost
burning you. It would barely fit, of course, there might be some delicious pain involved
as he slowly pushes inside you, and there’s too many people around for you to let it show.
You just have to keep a straight face as he’s slowly pushing that big, big cock all the way
inside you, then slowly pulling it out. en, he begins pushing again.”
“Ginny ...”
“He’s breathing in your ear as you’re talking to Professor McGonagall. Suddenly, you
can feel him twitch inside you, and you can feel his hot semen rush into you, and you can
feel the pressure of his cock against your uterus as he floods your insides. Can you feel it?
He’s twitching inside you right now, and you are getting nearer but you’re talking to the
Professor and just can’t let it show...”
Ginny smiled as the orgasm tore through her friend. She was really easy sometimes,
and her imagination was even better that Ginny’s own. Talking her into an orgasm usually
took less than two minutes, and Ginny loved that feeling of power. Harry, now. He was
something else. He had barely been affeed by her feeding him his fantasies, and that
could only be because he had his fantasies readily available. So, how could she get to him,
if he had all his dreams? He didn’t need a submissive. He had that, apparently. Dominance
just didn’t work, and through Tonks, he could have any woman he wanted. Suddenly it
struck her. e images she had gotten from him hadn’t been of the sort of generic female
doing the things he wanted. e images had been of her. She was what he wanted, and that
was what she would offer him. Perhaps she would enhance her school-girl image a bit for
good measure. She wouldn’t train herself to take bigger things, either. Pure unadulterated
Ginny was what he wanted, and that was what she’d be.
Hermione was trying to colle herself aer the orgasm. Ginny was far too good at
that, and used it to shut her up all the time. She could use some shutting up every now and
then, even she knew that, but the worst part about Ginny’s attacks was what she had learnt
about herself. She was kinky. Downright filthy at times. Her sex drive was abnormal,
and the idea to have Ginny going down on her on Professor Snape’s desk turned her on
incredibly. e idea of quietly masturbating at the Gryffindor table during dinner was
another great thing, but the fantasy of having Harry take her roughly under the quidditch
stands right aer a game, when people were getting down and the team was looking for
it’s seeker was one that had rocked her world. e letter had said that Harry would be on
the train. She had almost vowed that she would have his semen in her mouth before the
trainride was over, and hopefully her Harryride as well. Of course, if he really was as big
as Ginny had said, there may just be a bit of a problem with that. Ah, well. ere were
magical solutions to everything. She had heard of a magical lubricant that should make
her able to do her kegels with a Quaffle, so there was all kinds of hope. She would have
him. In public, too.

* * *
Luna was praising. She held a pencil with her vaginal muscles, and drew various attempts
at Snorkacks on a paper. at she didn’t know what the animal looked like helped, as
known animals didn’t work at all.
Chapter 18 — Now if you’re ready, Oysters dear, 267

When she tried to draw the one-eyed trouser snake, she had dropped the pen multiple
times, and dripped all over the paper.
She had learned how to work her nipples consciously, and could contra them to rock
hard pebbles or fingerlong points with a bit of concentration.
She had also learnt to open and close her cervix at will, and her gagging reflex was
almost gone.
She could also stand up and put one leg behind her neck without using her hands or
losing her balance. She didn’t know why that would be useful, but she was sure she’d think
of something. She didn’t know what to do about her figure, though.
Harry was an orphan, but he had probably been breast-fed anyway. However, research
showed that athletic men preferred soer bodies, and emotionally challenged men, like
Harry had to be, preferred big breasts.
Her own slim, athletic body wouldn’t do unaided. She had scoured her books for
reliable breast expansion charms, but came up dry. Not even the nasty muggle way would
work, because it would require her father’s signature, and that would be inappropriate.
He didn’t need to know her ambition of being a living sex goddess, and he might even
try to find a flaw in her perfe plan. at wouldn’t do.
On the other hand, she could probably forge his signature, have the procedure and
use ordinary magic to heal aerwards.
at would be a new thing for Harry, and he would surely appreciate the discomfort
she had gone through for his pleasure. She would call for the surgeon in Basingstoke. She
had memorized the phone-book at Hermione’s on a slow day anyway.
Aer properly hexing a phone booth in Ottery St Catchpole, she called the BMI
Healthcare, Hampshire clinic, in Basingstoke. Aer a quick conversation, she got an initial
appointment for the next day, which gave her a bit of time to study. She never would have
guessed how many confounding charms she would need to know to become a sex goddess.
On the other hand, if it was easy, anyone would do it.

* * *
Lord Voldemort was seething. at pretender at the Kilchurn Castle had cost him half of
his force. Some had run away, and he hadn’t even captured half of them.
Some were out injured or maimed, like that thrice-damned Lucius, and now his
annoying, half-marinated bitch was yapping about her sister.
Like he didn’t know.
at might be the worst part. He had lost Bella.
at annoyed him greatly. How was he supposed to relax without her?
Putting the Crucio on the others wasn’t the same at all, and the lovely sound of her
insane cackling was missing in his ears. It had started to go wrong when she had addressed
the Kilchurn wanker in the alley.
No one could have resisted her charms.
268 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Hadn’t he almost succumbed himself? No, the thing at Kilchurn couldn’t be human.
Everything was his fault, anyway.
Even Nagini was cold to him these days. She had said that there was a great serpent
lord in the land, like he didn’t know that.
It was him.
For some reason, all his parseltoys from Slytherin wouldn’t reond to him anymore,
and it had to be the Kilchurn wanker’s fault.
He would kill him. e world would fear him again.
First, though, he would do away with the Potter brat’s friends.
e boy was dead, of course. He had heard the rumours, but as his legilimency hadn’t
picked him up, and Severus insisted that the boy was unable to learn occlumency now,
there was just no possibility that the boy was alive.
Anyway, that mudblood would be a good target. She was rumoured to be fairly
intelligent, for the ecies, anyway. Better give the mission to Wormtail, then. He may
not be very smart, but his low cunning had it’s good points.
e mudblood bitch should be raped and murdered in a very bloody way, so he’d better
send Draco along. He had told many stories about how women screamed as he entered
them, and would certainly do the rape well. Experience was the key. Now, he needed to
recruit, but how...?

* * *
Saga was thinking peculiar thoughts. She was a Feral Huldr. ey wandered, tended the
woods and had a human every now and then. Right now, though, she was feeling almost
domesticated. e Sorcerer had fed her to bursting of life, and according to her Daughter,
he could easily sate her other hunger as well. e battle had been exhilarating, and the
acceptance of not only her, but of her nature could be addiive. Her Goddess had oken
to her, telling her to submit to the Sorcerer who had driven the Goddess to exhaustion.
Now, that meant staying in the castle, and she really didn’t mind that at all.
She stopped thinking for a while to have a long and loud orgasm. Her gigantic one-
time husband had his amazing cock, that she really missed sometimes, deep in her pussy
while his current wife was pumping her fist in the Huldr’s flexible ass.
Yes, she wouldn’t mind staying here, and get to know the sorcerer and his people
better. As the Sorcerer could keep her fed, she wouldn’t be dangerous, and the pretty Vala
was someone she wanted to know.
She was tossed down on the bed, and suddenly had her mouth filled with her former
husbands ejaculating cock, and she swallowed greedily. As the drained cock withdrew to
be replaced by the Vala’s fragrant pussy which she immediately cared for with her long,
coarse tongue, she had something of a revelation. She didn’t mind this treatment one bit!
Perhaps there were some good sides to being domesticated, she thought as another orgasm
tore through her body and took her consciousness away.

* * *
Chapter 18 — Now if you’re ready, Oysters dear, 269

He was sitting at one of the tables in the back of “e Cat and the Cradle”, a tiny Wiz-
arding pub that also catered some of the muggles in Huntly. e local Muggles had long
since learnt that close to the Clashindarroch forest, many odd things happened, and one
shouldn’t care overmuch. e miniscule man went more or less unnoticed, as did the
robed guest he had been waiting for.
“Good evening Filius.”
e small man rose to pull a chair out for his guest.
“To you too, Minerva. It was good of you to agree to meet me here.”
She smiled at him, but it was a brittle smile. He had, in fa, come close to blackmailing
her. She refused to acknowledge that, however.
“Your message was truly intriguing. Which secrets of mine were you talking about?
Surely not my recipe for Gingerbread?”
He was intelligent enough to hear what she wasn’t saying, and he did look embarrassed
for a second before he bit down and pushed on.
“Hardly. I heard that you arrived with the Kilchurn forces aer the battle at Longbot-
tom Manor, and I am curious as to the nature of your affiliation with Kilchurn.”
at, she did not expe. e big question was of course why it bothered him, so she
had to ask something else.
“How on earth did you know about that? I’m not denying my presence, but I apparated
away in less than a minute.”
He knew the game, so he chose to answer the asked question, instead of the one she
chose not to ask.
“One of the Auror’s was my nephew, and he recognised his old Head of House. So,
how do you know the Lord Kilchurn?”
She understood that this was not an idle question. He wouldn’t reinforce it like this if
the answer didn’t mean a lot to him. She still wasn’t ready to give him the full answer before
talking to Harry about it. Filius was trustworthy, and had been a very good friend ever
since school. She had been two years ahead of him and they had talked a lot even though
they hadn’t really moved in the same circles, but she remembered the brilliant little man
fondly. Briefly, she wondered why she had never gone out with him. She had gone out with
a lot of boys, but not with him, and still, he was the only one she kept in touch with aer
school, even before they became teachers. She covered her slight confusion by offering
a hypothesis.
“Possibly his young charge had talked well of me, so he invited me to visit?”
e diminutive genius snorted. He recognised the covering for what it was, which
was nothing. She could see traces of agitation in him, which was rather rare. What could
provoke such emotions in the usually controlled man?
“Or the Minnie McGee I remember from school isn’t so far gone as I feared. Now,
what was that amusing nickname they gave you?”
If looks could kill, Filius Flitwick would at least have developed a serious cold. Min-
erva was not amused, and she was even more mortified that her friend had heard the
270 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“e name I believe you are referring to was ’Roundheels’, and I thank you for remem-
bering what happened to ’Dodgy’ Doge the one time he used it to my face.”
Her energetic reonse should tell him that his suicions were indeed unfounded.
To her relief, he grinned broadly at her.
“I do indeed, which is why I didn’t. is Pritchard fellow is rumoured to be a fairly
handsome chap, so naturally I was curious. I’m sorry for bringing that up.”
He apparently was. She figured that it didn’t mean much if he knew. It wasn’t like he
was one in her long row of suitors, aer all.
“Oh, never mind. Just think what it would have been if my Animagus shape had been
known in school. Now, for your information, Pritchard is indeed handsome, but he also
has a beautiful teenaged wife and three mistresses living in the castle, as well as a bevy of
others coming and going. He wouldn’t waste his time on an old crone like me.”
Relief was coming off the little man like steam rising from a cauldron of pepper-up
potion. He straightened his back and met her eyes as he answered.
“His loss, then. I always see you like you looked in your seventh year. ere is no
beauty in school now who can rival you, Minnie.”
His honesty was unmistakable, and the normally stern Professor found herself blush-
ing like a schoolgirl. What was he trying to do? Suddenly it struck her.
“Filius, are you coming on to me? Why? Why now?”
“Because there’s hope. Because the stigma of being part-human is fading as we eak,
thanks to one article in the Prophet. Because the Dark Lord is going down. Because I’ve
been attraed to you more or less constantly for half a century, and enough is enough.”
“But ... why didn’t yo say anything?”
“In school? You were the Pureblood princess, the one everybody were aer, and I was
just Gnome-boy. You’re of course still out of my league, but I had to tell you at least.”
“I do believe this is a conversation for another setting. My place, perhaps? I’m not
saying anything definite, of course, but my other form makes me very curious, and yes,
you may say it.”
She smiled indulgently. He knew what he wanted to say. It was a bad off-colour joke
that she had heard many times, and discouraged mightily.
“ank you. God bless that pussy! You have no idea how long I wanted to say that.”
e half-goblin was grinning from ear to ear. She couldn’t keep her controlled exterior
up any more, so she smiled at him. It was a warm, friendly and even slightly naughty smile,
that was a lot closer to Minnie McGee than Professor McGonagall. As they le the pub,
she thought about the proes of the immediate future, and managed to sum them up,
as well as reond to her colleagues comment with one word.

* * *
Chapter 18 — Now if you’re ready, Oysters dear, 271

Dobby was having a lot of fun. Sanuary was working great, and he had had to ask the
Garden Lord for help.
Together they had started the Whitest Witches Laundry service, which now catered
every magical inn in the realm, as well as a few muggle hotels.
A couple of elves from Sanuary would pop over and bring the dirty linen to the
great laundry room of the castle, where the recuperating elves would wash and iron them
before they were popped back.
e elves had something to do, and according to the Garden Lord, the Sanuary
aually turned a neat profit.
ey were just days from opening the Blazing Broom cleaning service, but the notice-
me-not-charms were tricky, if they wanted people to notice that the place was clean.
e elven Hoital was working out just fine, and with the laundry service as therapy,
elves were recuperating much faster.
e real kicker was when their old Goddess, from before the House elves were house
elves but a kind of domestic gnome, Hustomte, back in the lands of the Midnight Sun,
had visited them.
She had been very pleased with them, and with their choice to follow Harald Fafn-
ey were happy, too, as they had anticipated an order from their Goddess before the
order even had been considered.
ey were good House-Elves. ey had been asked to pop around the countryside
with strange creatures. ey had made almost a thousand pops with Lindorm’s alone, and
then there were other strange beasts as well.
Dobby wasn’t stupid at all, and he certainly recognised a minefield when he saw one.
Suddenly, this was not a good place to be for Dark Wizards. Dobby grinned. He was a
good House Elf to the bestest magical house in the world.

* * *
“Arrest him, then.”
“On what charge?”
“Invent something. Obstruion of Justice. e attack should have been yours to
“e alliance is registered and verified. It won’t work.”
“e murder of all those people?”
“e attacking, uniformed force? I wouldn’t go there, Sir.”
“e assault on Dolores?”
“It was nothing compared to the trouble he could legally make, regarding her attitude
at the scene. If you make a single move to prote her, you could end up with a feud
between Kilchurn on one side, and Umbridge and Fudge on the other. at’s without the
allies. Do you want the risk of that, Minister?”
272 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Of course not. ere has to be something I can do. He’s a power outside my control,
and I don’t like that one bit.”
“Minister, you could send someone to investigate his problems with the laws, and
maybe reify some of them?”
“Bend over for those animals? I’d rather attack the castle.”
“Minister, you would have to do that yourself. No Aurors will do it for you, and is
more likely to help Kilchurn anyway. If you give the order to move against Kilchurn, most
of your Aurors will quit.”
“is is treason!”
“No, Minister. We are sworn to prote the ministry, not the minister. If we move
against Kilchurn, he will see it as an attack by the ministry, and the ministry will be gone.
He took out the Death Eaters at his liege’s home with an expeditionary force, and his main
body never even moved. Gang warily here, minister. Legally, there’s nothing you can
do, military, there’s nothing you can do and personally, I would advise you to keep your
distance. ings will blow over.”
Chapter XIX

we can begin to feed.”

Commander Steiner was not happy. e Vampyrs was a proud unit, as far as mercenaries
went, anyway. He didn’t really have a problem with working for a Dark Lord. He did,
however, have a problem with being assigned as backup to a ragtag bunch of absolute losers
like this outfit, that identified themselves with the romantic name “Crimson Dawn”. He
had nurtured a certain hope of competence when he heard that one of the Dark Lords most
trusted men, and one of the coming stars were going with them, but that hope crashed and
burned when he was introduced to a ratlike little man with a showy prosthetic hand, and
a snot nosed brat, high on his own pure blood and obviously suffering from delusions
of adequacy. at was when he learnt about the assignment. He was to follow these
intelleually challenged incompetents on an attack against a schoolgirl.
A schoolgirl, about sixteen years old, who apparently was intelligent in ite of a faulty
Commander Steiner really wished that he had never le Bremen.

* * *
“Hasse, It’s time to think about school. Your survival might be widely sueed, but very
few has seen you. It’s time to decide what to keep secret, and what to reveal. Stina has
established herself as your girlfriend Elaine, but you need to see the other three regularly
anyway, due to the Bonds.”
“I know, Sigyn. I was considering establishing an Arch in the dungeons, or simply fly
here on weekends as Hank. If we take Stina’s ability to carry me through the water into
account, there’s no shortage of measures to jump school, even if the Wards will probably
go a bit crazy.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier if the girls came to you?”
“I don’t think so. ere’s probably a definer in the wards somewhere that will classify
my lovely coddles as Dark creatures of the highest order.”
“You know, to most people, Huldr are very bad news.”

274 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“ey need better news, then. Hel, any Huldr who come to me will be fed, at least
on energy. e world holds no shortage on erm donors, I would guess. If Freja has
seconded the entire ecies to me, maybe I should look around for a suitable village or
something like that. ey’ve got to live somewhere, and preferably, somewhere I can get
to regularly.”
“To feed them?”
“Basically, yes. I also want to learn more about them, of course, and there should be
some way to read a more unbiased view on them, right?”
“Like a reserve, or just a dedicated habitat. Not a bad idea. May I discuss it with
“Sure, just don’t pester him. He’s running himself ragged on my behalf, and I don’t
even know what he’s doing most of the time.”
“I’ll remember that. Susan is helping him, and she’s taken on some of the running
tasks, like rumour control and your social calendar.”
“I have one?”
“Well, Caradoc does, anyway. Back on topic, though. What do you want people to
“Hmm. ey need to know that I’ve been abroad. Any attempt to glean the truth with
Legilimency will produce images of me in a large bed with loads of pastel pillows, while
scantily clad ladies feeds me peeled grapes. I was thinking about going there with Leif,
talk some about hammers and girls and things, and as soon as Leif leaves, I will morph
into my Harry Potter body. in, pale and weak and with my famous glasses.”
“Interesting. Let me guess here. In the smaller body, you will deny what just happened,
and claim that the bed is the real story, while the stories of your Giant friend and your
muscles read?”
“Yep. at way, I’ll be able to get away with more strange shit than if I tried to make
a proper cover-up or with full disclosure. I will be cryptic to my acquaintances, and only
tell the partial truth to my friends. My enemies will of course wish they weren’t there, or
even born. I have no intention of playing the school game any more.”
“Just be careful, Hasse. You will be a target like never before.”
“Let them come. I won’t leave safety without my armour, and I will stay armed.”
“at’ll do, I suppose. Now, how many girls will you impregnate, do you think?”

* * *
Silicon is the second most abundant element on earth, next to oxygen. Silicones are
aually a family of chemical compounds. ey are made of silicon, which is a naturally
occurring element found in sand, quartz, and rock. When silicon is mixed with oxygen,
hydrogen, and carbon, it becomes silicone. Silicone can be made in a variety of forms.
Low molecular weight silicones form oils. Middle molecular weight forms gels, and high
molecular weight forms elastomers and rubbers. Silicone is found in many other types
Chapter 19 — we can begin to feed.” 275

of implants, such as facial implants, artificial joints, drainage systems, etc. e magical
properties of the material had never been examined, however, but the properties of quartz
were of course well known. A quarts crystal can hold struured magic, like a ell, and
the larger the crystal, the more power can it hold. Losses over time are determined by
the struure of the crystal, and silicone gel cushions, like the ones now residing under
the skin of Luna Lovegood, Sex Goddess in training, contained billions of microscopic,
but perfe, crystals. e carbon conneions between these crystals allowed for a minor
energy exchange between the quarts pieces, as well as a slight loss in the form of radiance.
As such, when charged with a potent Attraor- or Charisma charm, the effe would
continue to irradiate from the gel cushions for several days in a remarkably steady rate.
Unfortunately, one pillow could only hold one ell, which was why Luna at the moment
carried a Healing charm in one and a Charisma charm in the other. She also orted a
slight case of magical exhaustion aer charging her le implant with as much Charisma it
could possibly hold, on top of a serious amount of Confundus charms. Once the Healing
charm dissipated, she would replace it with an Attraor charm or some other similar
Her ree for vain Muggle women had grown several notches. It had bloody hurt!
It had only taken two days from the initial meeting until the procedure, and she
was currently recuperating at the Granger’s house, while absently listening to Hermione’s
feminist rants.
She hadn’t mentioned the magical properties of the implants, and she had no intention
of ever doing so. It was her little secret, and it had already driven Dr. Granger (male) out
of the house, and Luna wondered if Hermione even noticed how oen she interrupted
her rants to eat Luna out. Even Dr. Granger (female) had looked eculative at her. Luna
figured it was only a matter of time. Ginny was however unaffeed. Apparently, Harry
had an even stronger attraion. Luna wondered idly if the penis that Ginny had so vividly
described could be large enough to generate it’s own gravity, perhaps, so that Ginny was
caught in a degenerating orbit. Some day she might find out.
When Luna had visited the surgeon, she had contraed a condition that was common
enough to have it’s own name among the medical establishment: Cup-greed. Her origi-
nal plan was to expand her humble A’s to modestly large B’s, but when the possibilities
of the confundus class charms had dawned on her, she could ignore all the sensible wait-
ing periods and the “cool head decisions” and have the largish D’s installed immediately.
Fortunately, her foundations were large enough to escape the whole “beachball-in-a-sock”
appearance of many similar, poorly considered surgical viims, and her normal magical
healing had allowed her skin to stretch accordingly. e wonders of magical healing po-
tions had reduced her discomfort, but the slow irradiation of the healing charms handled
the risk of scar-tissue buildup and the subcutaneous bleeding that would have extended
her convalescence considerably. She felt great. e day would have been a fairly nice one
if the group of five black-clad wizards hadn’t appeared in the Granger swimming pool.

* * *
276 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Mistress Susan?”
“Tracey? I’m not your mistress, but how can I help you?”
“It’s Pansy. Her mind is in the right place, but I’m afraid she’s just too ugly.”
“at might be a problem. I wonder if Neville would mind, but I do, anyway. Has
she been working on it at all?”
“She’s been working hard, but she’s a pureblood from a warrior line. She’s just very
far from any kind of beauty.”
“at won’t do. Politically, we’re dealing with the impression of the House of Kilchurn.
If the chief diplomat shall have a concubine, which he should, it should be a beautiful one.
How far would you think Pansy would be willing to go for a shot at real beauty?”
“To the end of the world, Mistr... Miss Susan, and then a few miles. Is there any
“ere is. I’ll talk to Elaine, and then I’ll get back to you.”

* * *
Pansy was not a happy girl. e potions had helped, and she had lost enough weight to
aually acquire a waistline, and she could see that her bone struure wasn’t bad, but she
was far from the boytoy she had decided to become. She had of course confided in her
Granny, and to her surprise the old woman had encouraged her! Even to the extent of
going out for the quite dodgy potions she believed she needed. It hadn’t helped, though.
Unknowingly mirroring Luna, she had blasted through her family’s library looking for
figureshaping, or simply breast-enhancing ells to no avail, but fortunately, the notion of
going Muggle never occurred to her. Her fat-reducing potions had even drained much of
the volume her breasts had had, and she was loudly lamenting its loss.
“Pansy Parkinson, Why are you unhappy?”
Pansy jerked her head up. Tracey was standing in the door, wearing a short, black
leather skirt, and a tight black hide vest over a white blouse. Around her neck was a choker
with the rune Perthro on a bronze plate. e whole outfit matched what was becoming
known as the Kilchurn costume, and Pansy reonded to the formal address with the ease
of the ones born to formalities and ancient rituals.
“I am unhappy because I lack the beauty to please my Masters.”
“You may gain what you lack for an oath, Pansy Parkinson. Beauty awaits you in the
Hallowed Lake.
Swear yourself to the House of Kilchurn, to obey it’s master in all things, to accept
praise and pain as he sees fit, and to remain loyal to him in all things.
Whatever position he chooses to put you in, you will serve in that position to the best
of your abilities to benefit your Masters and the House, until the Lord of Kilchurn releases
you. at oath will take you to the Hallowed Lake, where the Ancient Mists might grant
your wish. Will you so swear?”

* * *
Chapter 19 — we can begin to feed.” 277

Commander Steiner realised that these schoolgirl’s might just be worthy of ree,
when the petite redheaded witch in the faintly visible bikini casually threw an overpowered
cooking charm into the water. He was able to launch himself out of the pool before it came
to boil by casting Reduo straight down and use the shockwave as propellant. He landed
on the lawn next to the tiled area. He had lost both his wand and his breath, and before
he could regain either, a beautiful brunette cast a freezing charm on his soaked, steaming
clothes. He was grateful for the cold, but as the full body bind slammed into place, he
realised that he might just have gotten a really bad deal. e ratfaced man had, as far as he
understood, grabbed the brat and aivated their return portkey, bringing a few metric tons
of boiling water along for the ride. e other two recruits, Greene and Taylor, were pulled
out of the pool with some severe blistering, and one of them had apparently lost a hand.
He could hear the brunette and the redhead argue about what to do with their prisoners,
when Steiner heard something on his other side. As he swivelled his eyes towards the
sound, he saw Her.
Luna giggled slightly at the sight of the Death Eater with the prosthetic hand being
dragged down by the weight of the metal appendage, and laughed as he grabbed the
smaller of the group and aivated a portkey under water. Everybody knew you shouldn’t
do that. It wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a person and the water, and
would simply tranort a here, overriding the safety seions of the ell. Luckily for the
Death Eaters, no bodyparts had been outside the here, but one of the remaining ones
had apparently lost something. e one who had jumped out on his own accord was more
He was tall and well built, and wore a combat suit rather than the clumsy robes of
the others. Over his le front pocket was an emblem of a bat against a full moon, and he
wore a face shield rather than a mask. His hood was tight, but it had been torn, revealing
short, blonde hair and an ear that Luna found quite attraive. She decided to praice, and
bounced a little, making the rings of her sun bed squeak. She had considered similar
situations before, as she had studied magical body language, and the art of subliminal
signalling. As she had gained his petrified attention, she swung her legs over the edge of
the bed in a highly calculated motion, stood up, and walked slowly towards him, every
muscle moving as she wanted it to.
She was Divine. Every movement she made was a symphony of grace, and promised
pleasures no mortal man could refuse. e Vision was walking towards him, and Com-
mander Steiner, Squadron leader of the Vampyrs mercenary force, understood that Fate
had sent him there.
She sat down on her heels next to him. She smiled the sexiest, most beautiful smile
he had ever seen as she traced his Unit symbol with her slim, perfe finger. She followed
the edge of the embroidered moon. Round and round her finger moved on his chest, and
the touch burned like fire.
She bent down, and whiered in his ear.
“I am Luna. Do you want to serve me?”
Oh gods, did he ever. His throat was burning with the simple desire to shout ’Yes,
please’ but the body bind wouldn’t let him. She seemed to understand anyway.
278 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Whose are you?”

’Yours’ he screamed in the silence of his mind. She was perfe. She was beautiful,
and the rewards for faithful service could only be utter bliss.
She appeared to have heard him, and released the body bind with a wave of her wand.
His uniform was still a bit stiff with ice, but his stillness had more to do with the fa that
she had taken his hand. He hadn’t noticed, but there was a shallow cut along the edge of
it, and she brought his hand to her breast. Steiner couldn’t believe his eyes as she bared
one of her full, firm and beautiful breasts, and traced the cut with her nipple. Before his
eyes, the cut closed. He had worn the moon on his uniform, and now, he had Luna on his
mind. As soon as he could walk, he would summon the unit away from the pathetic Dark
Lord. He had found the person to serve.
His Goddess.

* * *
“Ha-Ha-Harry, you will definitely not believe this!”
Neville was struggling to breath through his laughing paroxysm, as he handed a letter
to his Liege Lord.

Dear Lord Kilchurn.

My name is Luna Lovegood, and as a friend of your charge, Harry Pot-
ter, I am naturally on your side of whatever struggle there may be. I
have recently gained religious control of a trained military unit, formerly
known as the Vampyrs, but now the Lunarian Legion. Unfortunately, I
greatly underestimated the cost of food and lodging for 25 soldiers, and
I humbly request assistance. Please help me, My Lord. ey followed
me home. I want to keep them.
Luna Lovegood
Sex Goddess
Supreme commander of the Lunarian Legion.

Harry had to morph to keep his face straight, but he managed it.
“I believe, Lord Longbottom, that as one Goddess assisted me, I’d better return the
favour regardless of pantheon. It doesn’t hurt to have a Goddess on your side, does it?”
e two friends then laughed until they fell out of their chairs.

* * *
Pansy was scared. She didn’t know where she was, or what would happen. She had to
agree with Tracey, though. Flying on the small iridescent Dragon was incredibly exciting,
once the mind-numbing terror wore off. Now, she stood on a rocky beach, and the warm
August night didn’t make it too uncomfortable to be stark naked. She was just a bit self-
conscious, but she fought it as well as she could.
Chapter 19 — we can begin to feed.” 279

e weather shouldn’t produce any mist at all, really, but she was surrounded by rolling
clouds of it. It was near midnight, and the water appeared black as it reached towards her
in little waves. In front of her, maybe twenty yards out in the lake, the mist began to glow
with a bluish light. A hand broke the surface, and it was followed by a beautiful woman in
a white gown who seemed to flow out of the water. Around her slim waist were a golden
girdle, and thin gold chains accentuated her perfe breasts. Pansy was too taken by the
whole scene to be jealous as the beautiful brown-haired woman walked across the water
towards her. As she oke, her voice didn’t come from her mouth, but from all direions
at once, like a choir of a thousand voices whiering gently in perfe harmony.
“Little Pansy, why are you here?”
“Milady, I wish to please my Master, but I was not made to catch the eye of men. I
wish for that to change.”
Fortunately, she had began preparing for whatever ceremony or ritual could happen
since Tracey had appeared in her room. is question was obvious. Others may not be,
so Pansy listened carefully.
“Pansy Parkinson, you have served a false Serpent Lord. Will you denounce him for
the real Lord of your house? Have you taken the oath to the House of Kilchurn?”
is time, Pansy was lost. e false Serpent Lord was obvious, but the real one?
Kilchurn had never showed any inclination towards snakes at all unless ... unless you
counted the small Dragon. It was a lot more reptilian than any other dragon she had seen,
and if Kilchurn housed that one, there may just be more she didn’t know about. Why
should she know anything, really? Praically nothing was known about him.
“I have taken the oath, and I will not follow or obey the Dark Lord any longer. Should
a real lord announce himself, I may follow him, but I do not fully understand.”
“Well said. You do think before you say what you think I want to hear. I am pleased.
Come into the water.”
Pansy walked forward, and was more than a little surprised at how deep it was. Aer
only three steps, the cold water reached her chin. e Lady of the Lake, because Pansy was
clever enough to conne the dots and figure out who she was, motioned for her to stop.”
“You are between life and death. You can move back, and leave. No one knows how
you will fare either way. You can also move forward, into a life of servitude to the House
of Kilchurn, it’s current lord and it’s next. e strong arm of elder times will safeguard
you, as it has proteed others. e Heir will accept your service. Will you accept him
as Master?”
“I will, and I will not turn back.”
“en, Pansy, come deeper. Fear not, you will not drown but arise renewed.”
Pansy took a deep breath and took a step forward. She couldn’t feel the bottom as
something swept her away under the surface. She fought her panic and won, as she felt her
body shi and move, and warm, blue light surrounded her. She slowly lost consciousness,
and knew nothing until she woke up in her own bed.

* * *
280 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Stina was very, very tired. e transformation of the girl had really been an a of mercy,
but the power it required to make the morphing permanent was staggering.
Harry had allowed her to use his without even knowing what she wanted it for, and
the trust he showed her brought tears to her eyes.
ese tears were not dissimilar to the ones she had shed from laughter when Susan
had laid out her little scheme to the Kilchurn Sewing Coven, as she had laughingly put it.
Sigyn had helped in polishing the phrases so that they could allude to both the Norse
and the Arthurian cycles, and Jorunn had helped her calling up the mist while Disa had
used her allure to provide the sense of unreality.
Stina herself needed a few minutes to morph from Rainbow to an idealised Elaine, so
the help was needed.
When the pug-faced girl had submerged herself, Stina had vetted her mind, and found
it remarkably educated, but untrained.
She had suppressed the slight superiority complex, and enhanced her submissive traits
as well as encouraging her to tell the story of her transformation ’in confidence’. e Tales
of Kilchurn were building and reading, and with Elaine as a public face, they would be
able to enter their beloved Master and Husband into the very Pantheon of Magical Britain.
’Harald the Just’ had a nice ring to it, aer all.

* * *
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, ickle Gin-Gin, Happy
birthday to youuuuu!!”
Ginny fought the urge to clamp the pillow over her head as her room was flooded
with both red hair and the twins attempt at crooning. It wasn’t that they had bad voices,
they really didn’t, but the fa that they found skilled out-of-key singing to be hilarious.
On the other hand it really woke her up.
She looked out the window, and of course it was raining. She took that as a sign that
Harry would not be around today. She sighed, and grabbed the teacup her mother had
placed on the tray in her lap. e present family was horsing around while she had her
breakfast. She sighed inwardly. e idea of eating in peace had never really interfered
with the Burrow’s boisterous ways.
“Now, dear, why don’t you freshen up a bit and come down. ere’s some presents for
you, and Luna’s soldiers have said they’re all safe.”
“anks Mum, I’ll be right down. As soon as Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dumber
here gets out so I can get out of bed. Any word on any others?”
Molly began counting on her fingers, ticking them off as she went.
“Yes, dear. Bill and Fleur will be along soon, and Charlie will be here for lunch. Luna
is coming any minute and Hermione is with her and her soldier boys. I swear, that girl
gets stranger by the minute. Luna, I mean, not Hermione. Is it true you were attacked by
Death Eaters at Hermione’s place? One of the soldiers told me.”
“Yes, Mum. ey came, got their bottoms soundly anked and fled. ere are some
heavy unfriendly wards in place now, thanks to the Legion.”
Chapter 19 — we can begin to feed.” 281

“I just hope they don’t come back. Now, I’ve learned my lesson, and I won’t keep asking
how Luna got all those soldiers under her command, but they sure make me sleep better,
knowing they’re on guard. I was very concerned at first, but they seem reliable to me, and
that charming Commander Steiner is very polite and friendly. Now, dear, I’ll bring Fred
and George downstairs, so you can get ready.”
e twins suddenly turned serious.
“No, mum...”
“We would like a word with...”
“Our favourite sister first. We’ll be...”
“Right down.”
“Okay, what’s going on here?”
“We realised something. You were not to be seen anywhere on Harry’s birthday.”
“So we think there might be something to know.”
“And that you, Sister dear, know it.”
Staring intently at her, they asked in chorus.
“Where’s Harry?”
Well, she never believed her twin brothers were stupid, but while she didn’t know
very much, she decided to share it.
“I honestly don’t know, but I’ve seen him, and I gave him his present. He’ll be back,
and you might just regret you’re not in school any more.”
She grinned at them as they groaned, but they bounced back quickly with their con-
“So, he’s at Kilchurn Castle, he’s tight with the Lord and you’re no longer eligible for
Unicorn hunting, then?”
Not a bad conclusion at all, she thought before formulating an answer.
“No idea, no idea and yes, more’s the pity. I believe we were at Kilchurn, because the
place mobilised in about ten seconds when the Longbottom alarm went off, and people
turned to him for leadership. Since you asked, if the alarm hadn’t gone off, I might had
seen my last unicorn. Now, brothers dear, did you really want to know that?”
Her saucy smile had her brothers blushing and groaning to a great combined effe.
“No, not really. Will he give you something in return, do you think?”
“I hope, anyway. Why?” She asked suiciously.
“Just ordinary, non-pranking curiosity.”
Fred would have been more believable if he hadn’t conjured a halo.
“Frankly, we just want a bit of proof as to our favourite partner’s continuing existence.”
George said seriously.
“Not that we doubt you, but still.”
“Very well. If you make me angry, I know someone who can reduce your shop to
bubbling rubble. You know that, don’t you?”
282 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“We certainly know that.”

e twins didn’t look too troubled, so she chose to believe that whatever prank they
had planned wouldn’t be aimed at her. She threw her covers off, and drove the twins out
with the view of strings and lace on a sisterly body.

* * *
e morning progressed, until Bill and Fleur showed up.
Riding on a Dragon.
Ginny recognised it of course by the description in the paper. It was the Kilchurn
Dragon, Hank.
It should be terrifying. Aer all, it was a known killer, bringing acid rains on the heads
of the enemies of Kilchurn, invulnerable to curses and more intelligent than humans. e
Prophet had done quite a piece on it, without calling for it’s execution even once. To Ginny,
it was beautiful. e shining Obsidian-black scales and the long head that turned to her as
she gazed upon it. She didn’t even notice Bill and Fleur until they were right next to her.
“You recognise him, I gather?”
“It’s Hank. How did you get him to fly you here?”
“Gin, what do you think? Now, his... owner can’t really be seen, but he hasn’t forgotten
about you. Fleur, do you have it?”
Fleur nodded, and gave Ginny a small box with the rune Gebo on the lid.
“Go on,“ Fleur said. “You won’t even notice ours until your present from... Kilchurn,
is settled, I think.”
With a sense of reverence she opened the lid. Inside was a beautiful drop-shaped
pendant in red gold, hanging from a thick red gold chain. e engraving on it showed
the Potter crest, with the text in runes. She couldn’t read them, but she recognised the
number of letters, which matched the seal from the mysterious letters from Miss Anne
rope. On the back, there was another Gebo rune, together with a Wynja. ere was a
small note inside the lid of the box, and she carefully unfolded it.

Happy birthday, Ginny. Now, I can’t really be out just yet, no matter how
much I want to give you your gi in person. I will, of course, but not
today. Now, put the necklace on, and let Hank take you for a ride. He
might play a bit, but he would never harm you. e necklace is really
important. See you on the express, and have fun!

With a look of determination and anticipation she quickly claed the necklace in
place, and approached Hank cautiously. She relaxed when the dragon looked at her and
winked. She smiled at him, and climbed up in the saddle. With a cry, like from a happy
fog-horn, the black beast launched into the sky, and Ginny was very happy about the
sticking charm that held her in place. As the eed increased, she noticed a blue light
crackling along the edges of Hank’s wings. e light read along the scales, and as soon
Chapter 19 — we can begin to feed.” 283

as it touched her, she squealed. It felt like hands, eleric hands caressing her, stroking
her, and before she could get a hold on the new sensation, it overwhelmed her, and she
came. As the quick orgasm ebbed out, she looked around and saw that they were high
over Ottery St Catchpole. at’s when Hank decided to powerdive, and her screams of
excitement over the eed and the thrill of the dive, Hank hit her with the blue light again,
but this time, it wasn’t so overwhelming, but he built the tension inside her through the
dive, a following loop and a barrel roll, not allowing her to climax until at the turning point
of a perfe Wronski feint. He kept her up in the paradise of the multiple orgasm until he
slowed down to land again.
With unsteady legs, she climbed out of the saddle and walked up to the head of the
powerful animal.
“Hank, you can communicate with Harry, can’t you?”
e dragon winked at her again, and nodded.
“en, my beautiful Dragon, communicate this.”
She bent her head over the Dragon’s long nose, and stuck her pink tongue out, tracing
the edges of his scales with the tip from his nose and up between Hank’s now half-closed
As the dragon shuddered, she whiered to it.
“Tell him that.”

* * *
Harry stumbled down the stairs. e effort of forcing his own Passionfire to work in his
Leharv shape was bad enough, but Ginny had basically sucked it right out of him. He had
made it back to his roost, and transformed right out of the saddle, only to discover that
the saddle was in bad need of a hosing. He hadn’t known that such a small girl could even
produce so much fluid. She must be worse that Jorunn and Disa together. He had opted
to clean the saddle by hand, and only conjure the water, instead of the normal routine
where he just banished everything that wasn’t the item to be cleaned. He didn’t even want
to risk cleaning himself up right now. He wanted to sit by the fire in his grand hall, he
wanted to have a cup of mead, and then he wanted a shower and a girl. Damn that little
redheaded minx. When she had licked his face like that, he had had to clamp down on
his body control to keep from flashing all the Weasleys his five leathery feet. For the first
time in a long time, Harry was horny.
He slouched into the Grand hall, and flopped down in his favourite chair. e other
chair was occupied by Susan at the moment, so he decided to stop her normal approach
“Susan, this is a very bad time to tease me. Ginny is bloody gied in that department,
and if you give me the slightest incentive right now, I’ll take you hard over the back of this
very chair and Neville be damned, so please just don’t.”
“Hmm. In that case, I’ll need reinforcements. Most of the Seidheim crew is in Sweden
right now. ere was some paperwork, I believe. Gabrielle is in France and Neville is
scouting out your real estate. We’re quite undisturbed, but not alone. Dobby?”
284 Midnight Sun — Vanir

With a pop, the funny elf in his sober tweed suit appeared, blowing a smoke ring from
his diminutive Briar pipe. She hadn’t looked at the pipe before, but now she could see that
the head of it was sculpted to resemble an irate Severus Snape, with the smoke coming out
of his head. She giggled a bit before addressing him.
“Chamberlain Dobby, could you please alert Huldr Saga that she is needed in the
Grand hall, and see to it that Master Harry gets a tankard.”
“Of course, Lady Suzibones. I’ll see to it.” He bowed to both of them before disap-
Harry was a bit confused, and as it showed, Susan explained.
“Harry, I need to talk to you about sexual matters, so you need to get off in a hurry.
Saga wanted to taste you anyway, so I thought that we could talk while she sucks you off.”
Harry just smiled.
“Susan, you are a very strange girl, and Nev is lucky to have you.”
“He will be, anyway. He hasn’t had me yet. You think you can focus for a while, now
that you know help is on the way?”
“Sure. Let me have it.”
“Firstly, Commander Klaus Steiner of the Lunarian Legion has requested an audience
at lord Kilchurn’s convenience. I’ve lodged him with the Einharjer contingent, and I
believe Björn will be able to assess his combat skills shortly. Nice guy, that Steiner. I was a
bit surprised that neither he, nor any of his men aually believes that Luna is a goddess.
Anyway, i’d like you to have a glass with him tonight, if possible. We don’t know anywhere
near enough about them.”
“Granted. I’ll meet him in the Klub as soon as I’ve had a shower.”
“And sex, I hope?” injeed Saga, as she casually walked into the room, stark naked.
Her smile was unexpeedly sweet for a feral Huldr, and her sweeping, thick squirrel-
like tail was brushed to a golden shine, and the furry collar, much thicker than her daugh-
ter’s, was curled in a way that suggested some serious care. She sank down in front of his
chair and looked pleadingly at him, but it was Susan who oke next.
“How nice of you to come, Saga. Could you please empty our Lord’s balls for him?
Don’t mind me.”
“Of course, lady Susan. It’s always a pleasure to come, no matter how you put it. My
Lord, please don’t bond me, but if you wish to make me pregnant, go right ahead. I won’t
ask, so it’s your choice. I wouldn’t mind, though”
Harry had thought himself immune by now, but found himself blushing anyway.
“Not today, I think. Oral is quite sufficient, and I think I need to talk to your daughter
before doing anything permanent.”
At that, he felt the link open and the presence of his loves was there, alerting him that
this was a ’public’ call. Disa’s voice carried through.
∼ Master, I can always sense you. We have talked about it, and if you feed my mother,
I really won’t mind. It might be a bit petty of me, but I would prefer it if you would
impregnate me before my mother, though. ∼
Chapter 19 — we can begin to feed.” 285

∼ Yes, Love. I’d like that, too. I’ll just go ahead and have some casual sex with your
Mum, then? ∼
∼ Do that. Have fun, Love. ∼
Apparently, she hadn’t caught his amused and bewildered tone, but since Saga had
taken the opportunity to liberate his most diroportionate member and started to taste
it, he didn’t really give a damn any more. e feral woman was very skilled, so Harry just
sat back and enjoyed it, as Susan stared at the impossible flexibility of the non-humans
“Susan? ... Was there... anything else?”
“Erm... what? Oh yes. Don’t tell Neville, but I borrowed Tracey from you and
recruited Pansy Parkinson as a pet for Neville. I don’t particularly like the idea of being
anally slam-fucked or have my head forced too far down, ... like that, yes, but I don’t want
to rob Neville of the pleasures. She will of course service me as well, so it’s really a win-win
situation. Stina pulled some of your magic to make her pretty, which will grate on Malfoy
as a bonus, but the point is that we more or less established Stina as the Lady Of e Lake.
We also introduced the idea of a rightful and just Serpent Lord into the rumour-mill, and
soon, Kilchurn will be considered Heir of Merlin, if not Merlin himself. Oh Merlin, how
does she do that?”
“Very well, Susan. She does it very well indeed. ... Don’t you ... think it was a bit
premature to ... introduce the Serpent Lord at this ... point. Oh Goddess, Saga, you’re
really good at that. Is the transformation of Pug Parkinson ... that drained me so bad the
other d ... the other day?”
“I should think so. My, isn’t it hot in here?” she said in her sexiest voice as she shrugged
her robe off, and began to unbutton her blouse. Her voice worked it’s magic, and Harry
shot off down the Huldr’s throat. Her eyes opened in surprise, but then she closed them
and enjoyed the copious amount that rushed into her body, but she couldn’t keep up for
long. Susan’s eyes were riveted to the small stream of semen that leaked out through the
corners of Saga’s mouth. She slid out of the chair, and crawled over to Harry and the Huldr
on her hands and knees. She carefully scooped up some semen from Saga’s face with her
fingers, and licked them off. Shuddering with pleasure, she proceeded to lick the Huldr’s
face and chest clean of her Liegelord’s cum, before standing up and casually returning to
her own chair. It might have been the view of that, that caused Harry to let out a powerful
blast of Passionfire, that knocked the Huldr out cold. Small torrents of lightning flowed
over her body for a few seconds until she sat up again, shaking her head.
“Master Harald, I’ve ... I’ve ... Damn. Any time, any place and any how, Master. If you
wish to bond me, or even cut my tail, just do it. I’m yours.”
“Are you fed enough now, Saga?” he asked, mostly to cover his lack of composure.
“For the next year, I guess. I see why the Goddess likes you, and you better believe I’ll
read the word among our kind. As I said, I’m yours. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I guess
I have to lay down a bit.”
She stumbled out of the Grand hall, with the occasional ark still illuminating her
tail, making her jump. e scent of aroused female was strong, but Harry didn’t mind. He
turned to Susan, who had her robes on again and looked as prim and proper as ever. Her
286 Midnight Sun — Vanir

cheeks had a slight flush, but she didn’t say anything about it. He buttoned up his trousers
again, and addressed her in a casual tone.
“So, if you want Pansy to be your toy, have fun with that. Now, you really don’t need
my permission, of course, but I would appreciate to learn of these things in advance from
now on. You’re attaching her to you, which means she’s attached to me, and has the right
to expe my proteion. I feel like I’m stretching myself too much. Death Eaters attacked
Hermione’s parents’ place, and I didn’t even know it. I’m good in a fight, I make fairly good
blades and my nails are bloody brilliant, but you seem hell-bent on making me into some
kind of half-god. I’m not. I’m Harry.”
Susan aually laughed at that.
“Sure you are, Mister dragon animagus, adopted son of a Great serpent, assigned
Chaos faor and bedmate of a fertility Goddess, a real one. Staff wielder, Master smith,
Seidsinger, watermage, part vampire, part Veela, part Giant and part things I’ve never even
heard about. A regular Joe Average, you are. Not to mention that ramrod you’ve got in
your pants. Every guy has four sexual beings in bed most nights, and even does their
mums if the girlfriends is too far out. Grow up, Harry, and see who you are.”
Harry was stunned. e man she had described was one hell of a guy, a powerhouse,
and possibly the luckiest bloke on the planet. What he couldn’t really get was that it was
him. But it was.
“You know, that’s one hell of a list you got there. anks. I’ll try to keep that in
“You’d better. Now, let’s talk about the unit formerly known as the Vampyrs.”

* * *
As he had half expeed a torture chamber, Commander Steiner was more than surprised
by the pleasant surroundings of the Klub. As he took in the room, mentally cataloguing
all points of cover and possible hidden defenses, he aually missed the middle-aged man
behind the bar. at’s why he jumped in surprise when the Lord Kilchurn oke up.
“e pool table is even supposed to be usable as cover. e marble base is layered,
making it capable to withstand quite an onslaught. Welcome to the Klub, Commander. It
might just be the most secure room you’ve ever been in, and what happens here, stays here.
No attempts at ying will work, and even Pensieve memories will just deliver static.”
“Very impressive, My Lord. Sorcery?”
“Of course. is is a Sorcerer’s castle, aer all. So, Whisky, whiskey or beer?”
“Host’s favourite, please. I was impressed by your forces, I must say. I do hope I’ll
never be pitted against them in battle.”
“So do I, but at the moment, your allegiance is a bit unclear. You did come here to serve
a man I intend to compost, aer all. Here, a fine, but quite unremarkable Laphroaig.”
“ank you. Yes, we did. As you might know, my first assignment was to attack a
schoolgirl, and a man who orders such attacks just isn’t worthy of our services. Further,
the girls did beat us soundly with a bit of luck and a cooking charm, so prudence destroyed
my loyalties to the Dark Lord.”
Chapter 19 — we can begin to feed.” 287

“Do call him by name, please. Voldemort or possibly Riddle. Now, I’m also a bit
curious of the Lunarian side of things.”
Commander Steiner put his glass down and looked the Gray Lord in the eye.
“My Lord, do you know about my and my men’s family background? We’re from
prominent Nazi families,and at home, that’s a real Stigma. We’re not allowed in the Reg-
ulars, we’re never hired by the Goodies, sorry, the official law enforcement, or anyone
considered Light. Are you familiar with the concept of Ronin? Samurais who had lost
their Masters, and became fanatically loyal to whoever picked them up? Luna picked me
up, and she gave me a sense of belonging that I didn’t know I missed. We are aware of
that you are paying, but we serve her. She’s good and kind, she’s clever and powerful, and
she’s also of course dynamite in bed. She might just be an incarnation of a Sex Goddess.
It’s a bit hard to explain the feeling it is to be found and accepted, possibly loved, by such
a person, such a personality. As soldiers and mercenaries, we’re bought and sold. As the
Lunarian Legion, we at least know that we’re not needlessly ent.”
“Well said, Commander. As Luna is a friend of the family, I don’t see any problems
between us as long as you stick with her. So, what did you want to talk about?”
“Suitably enough, a formal alliance. My Goddess wishes to join her flag to your battle
standard. Her Father, who should be the formal head of the family, has surprisingly
enough yielded his rights to his daughter.”
“I see. Well, the interest for such an alliance is rather obvious by now, I guess. I should
require a personal meeting, though. As a personal friend of Freja, I would very much like
to meet the local Sex Goddess.”
“My Goddess has expressed interest in a personal meeting with either you or a par-
ticular one of your associates. She did not confide in me the ecifics, but as I understand
it, she expeed it to be handled in school.”
“A capital idea. My associate will announce himself to her, and they can discuss
business at their leisure.”
“So. at was the business part. Darts?”

* * *
Harry was slowly packing his trunk. He hadn’t gotten around to do any Muggle shopping,
so Dudley’s old rags was still his main costume. Perhaps he should squeeze in a visit to
Diagon to get some new robes? Nah. He was still as bloody short as he was last year, and he
intended to use his HarryPotter puny morphed shape mostly anyway. His old stuff should
fit, and if he needed, he could always sing himself some new things. Minerva had gotten
his books for him, and he had ample opportunities to get out of the castle if he needed to.
Lastly, he packed one of his most prized possessions these days. It was a very serious
looking book, titled “e use of the syllable ’qwah’ in rain making rituals.” It was filled
with piures of Disa and Jorunn, in increasingly raunchy poses alone and together, as
well as a bunch of classy nude studies of Gabrielle. His wife was like a model, classy and
erotic, while the shots of his Huldr girls could only be called porn. He loved that book,
just because it told him that they had thought of him, and they had let him know that
288 Midnight Sun — Vanir

they expeed him to brag to his dorm-mates. He put his wand in a sleeve holster Leif
had made for him, and strapped the shrunken Stormbringer to his hip, mostly hiding it in
his pocket. It made it hard to sit, though, so he decided to leave the battle hammer in his
trunk instead. Once he was done, he shrunk the trunk down, and put it in his shirt pocket
before lacing up the vest. He had gotten so used to wearing the leather trousers, the linen
shirt and tight vest that it never even occurred to him to wear something else.
He looked out the window and sighed at the sight of Scotland in early fall. Sure
Hogwarts was in Scotland, too, but it wasn’t his Scotland. Now, he had to go to England, at
least for a few hours. He was not happy about that, and he wanted to revel in that feeling,
for once this summer. He had even asked the girls to stay away for now. He wanted to
commit his castle and the view to memory. He was going back to school, and for the first
time ever, he hated it.
He would have to be Harry Potter again. Well, there were some people who should
learn just who Harry Potter was! He would not fold this year. His priority was not the
school, the Ministry or the Order. e house of Kilchurn was his, and Hel could take
whoever tried to separate him from his family.
His girls had tried to convince him to expand the family I school, and even refrained
from sharing is bed the previous night. As they put it, he needed all the charge he could get,
seeing as he would screw at least twenty witches on the ride alone. Harry had just groaned,
but as he had one ecial witch in mind, one who had aually promised to swallow, he
could probably do with a largish load.
“Hasse, I mean Harry, you ready go station of schooltrain?”
“Yes, Leif, I guess I am. Why do you use english now?”
“You may not know, but most in castle eak Norse for weeks. Even Susan and Neville
learn with Stina in bath. You need listen in English.”
“anks, but I don’t think I need it. Now, are you sure you can appparate us both to
the coordinates?”
“Yes, little Harry. I big giant, remember? I not really can blend in if I miss, so I learn
precision. I draw power from earth and field, and we go. Easy-peasy. I need to stand on
ground, though.
“Okay, lets get down, then. Hey, maybe I can get my broom back in school, and fly
here some time.”
“Hasse, once the girls get horny, they’ll come to you wherever you are. Now, Little
Hasse, it’s soon time to go.”
“What am I forgetting?”
“To move. You behind in courses, use Stina’s brain. You need army, call us. Hell, you
need big help, half of the gods in Vanaheim will come. You good. I wish you marry Jorunn
and Disa, though. Stina, has no need of ceremony, she say as she part of you anyway, but
try to marry Huldr girls soon. Now I say it, and won’t sleep on couch tonight. ere, all
“So, this is it, then?”
“Yes, Harald Fafnersson. It’s time for Harry Potter to go to school, and may Loke have
mercy on it.”
Chapter XX

“But not on us!”

the Oysters cried,

”Hello there Hermione, Luna, Ginny. I’ve had a brilliant summer. How was yours?”
Luna opened her mouth to say something when two missiles launched right next to
her. e reddish streak won, and Ginny was caught by Harry and hoisted into the air by
those massive, muscular arms. As he lowered her into a tight embrace, she did her best
to cover his face with kisses. He laughed, and appeared to look for something around
her neck. As he found it, he did something to her neck. Something blue flared for a lit
second, and Ginny went limp in his arms. She did whier something to him, though,
before she staggered to the side, leaving room for Hermione.
Hermione stared at the young man before her. e tight vest could almost be a coat of
paint, as it showed his muscles off almost as if he were naked. at thought immediately
made her eyes go downwards on their own accord, and the monstrous impossibility that
reached down the leg of his tight pants made her drop her jaw. As she didn’t move, he
did. He took the closing step slowly, and closed her in those strong arms, making it very
clear to her that if he wanted to have her, she would be powerless to stop him, even in the
unlikely event that she would want to. She felt his breath against her ear, and suddenly her
undies were much too wet for comfort. She felt something ripple, like warm water against
her skin, as he whiered to her.
“anks for the letter, Hermione. I do remember your post scriptum, and I intend to
hold you to that. Right here, perhaps?”
She groaned in his ear as she felt her undies disappear. e rippling sensation travelled
upwards, and suddenly her bra was gone as well.
“So, this really turns you on, doesn’t it? I can remove all your clothes right here,
and perhaps even make you mine right here, making you make good on your promise
to swallow right here.”

290 Midnight Sun — Vanir

She bit his ear. He inhaled from the brief pain, and growled at her, making her skirt
vanish under her robe. She shuddered in a light, very light orgasm, that wouldn’t keep
her for more than a few minutes, she reckoned. He had claimed her, right there on the
platform, and she hadn’t even said a word. It was just that she couldn’t think of anything
sensible to say, so she just whiered in his ear.
“You, Mister Potter, had better fuck me soon, or I will do you on the stairs to the main
He separated from her with a wicked smile.
“Which would you prefer, I wonder? Now, I just have to greet Luna before I lose my
muscles for a while.”
Luna had approached, as had most of the people on the platform. at included a
certain Commander Steiner, who was looking at Harry eculatively. Harry turned to
him first.
“At ease, Commander. If you wish, I can relieve you, and take over the guard.”
“ank you, Lord Potter, but I’d rather we double-post it, if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. Carry on.” And Luna flowed into his arms.
“Hello there, Goddess.”
“Hello Harry. I didn’t save myself for you. I’m sorry.”
“We all have our paths, and I didn’t expe you to. You’re my very good friend, and
yes, I’m not affeed by your artificial charms. Good work, though. We should discuss an
alliance soon, you and I.”
“We should. Do you like anal? Because you’re just too big for me right now, but I
can praice a bit.”
“I don’t really have ecific interests like that, but watch this.”
A rippling effe seemed to cross over his body, making him shrink a little in height,
and a lot in width. He was once again the scrawny little boy in ill-fitting clothes and
mended glasses and unruly, slightly too long hair.
“I can morph pretty much everything.”
“Good. en I really suggest you to fuck my arse. It’s apparently very nice, and all the
semen makes my boobs silky smooth.”
Harry laughed. She was certainly reliable. Even as a Goddess, she was still Luna to
the core. e really great part about their little conversation was that no one had heard it
well enough, and no one had really seen what happened. As he turned around to face the
crowd, he saw a lot of wide open eyes diminish to more normal ogling standards. Once
again, he was what they expeed, except that he was alive. He did see a lot of familiar
faces in the crowd, most notably Tracey Davis large, beautiful violet eyes that were locked
on his face with a dreamy expression. ere were Dean, once again with his little sister
in tow. He smiled at her, nodded at him, and cast an artful look of consternation towards
Tracey, before taking the lead and basically ran to the train. Well inside, he dodged people’s
attention with a subtle Notice-Me-Not charm, which enabled him to pass unnoticed until
he found an empty compartment. e girls were only a few seconds behind him, and a
Chapter 20 — “But not on us!” the Oysters cried, 291

lot more ruffled once they managed to push their way through the throngs of people who
wanted to gape at e-Boy-Who-Lived-Again.
As the girls tried to catch their breath, not having his never ending stamina, he asked
them in a hopeless voice.
“I bet lots of people didn’t die this summer. What’s so ecial about me?”
Ginny laughed, Luna looked like she was contemplating a list, and Hermione just
Aer a second she seemed to compose herself, as Ginny nodded to Luna, and the
two fih-years withdrew to the window, leaving the soon-to-be sixth-years to talk about
mature things.
“Where have you been? Did you get your books? What happened to your muscles?
Is it really you?” She would have gone on for a while longer, Harry thought as he held his
hand up. He thought for a second before he answered.
“My dearest little Ermine, I fled to Sweden, where I learned the ways of the Sorcerer,
the Serpent, and the Smith. I have met the Great Serpent of the North, the Norse Goddess
of love and beauty, I’ve married, and have three lovely bonded mistresses to boot. I am an
animagus who currently intends to screw you silly right here in this very compartment.”
en he smiled. He had oken Norse.
“I just answered your questions. You may not understand that particular language,
but if you’re very nice to me, I can say it all in another.”
She blushed, paled, and then blushed again.
“How nice?”
Harry grinned, and then he sang. His voice filled the compartment, reverberating
from the ceiling, and making the door slam shut. A fairly powerful Notice-Me-Not charm
was layered into the windows, and an illusion of a filled room was added for good measure.
What Hermione noticed was that Harry grabbed her, and pulled her in front of him, facing
the window. e corridor outside was filed with students and parents rushing hither and
yon, and Harry’s hands was slowly slid upwards, and her breath suddenly grew ragged. He
moved his hands towards her breasts outside her robes, giving her plenty of time to stop
him. She didn’t. As he reached her breasts, she bent her head back and moaned.
“Look at them, Hermione. A tiny film of my magic is all that keeps them from seeing
you right now. When I take this robe off, they will see that you don’t have anything on
below your waist. Would you like that?”
“Yes ... yes please. Take it off. Let them see.”
He did. He also sent a quiet word to his highly amused wife, who used the Einharjer
communicator to relay his message to an even more amused recipient.
“I think I’ll need my full strength soon, so excuse me while I drop the disguise.”
His arms that encircled her suddenly filled out, and she felt his muscular chest against
her back as he caressed her. He slowly unbuttoned her blouse, and opened it, and Her-
mione felt like he was dilaying her, his trophy, to the world. He caressed her breasts and
292 Midnight Sun — Vanir

teased her nipples for what seemed like an eternity, as people moved in the hall outside.
e Patils, Seamus and Dean, Neville and the Bones girl, Susan. e last two stopped right
outside to talk, and Hermione was staring at them, transfixed, until Harry oke again.
“Hermione? I seem to have a growing problem a bit down. Why don’t you ine it,
and see if there’s something you can do about it?”
She didn’t hesitate for a second. She un around, gave him a quick, searing kiss and
It frightened her a bit. Growing? As in not yet fully grown? She grabbed the strings
and undid the knot in a lit second. She loosened the lacing, and began to pull those tight
leather pants down, and followed the revealing of his member with unbelieving eyes. It
just didn’t stop! As she had unveiled the whole thing, it rung up a bit, but it was clearly
not at full size. She gave the crown a tentative lick, and found the taste most pleasing, and
Harry’s moan even more so. She quickly took it in her mouth, and found the sensation of
his member hitting the back of her mouth to be oddly pleasing. She applied some serious
suion, and began bobbing her head. She didn’t stop as she felt Harry reach down to grab
her waist, and she didn’t stop as he turned her upside down. As he touched her enlarged
clit with his tongue, she did stop for a second to cry out, but then she continued to try to
get his enormous member down her throat. Harry’s tongue was amazing. It reached deep
inside her, rubbed against her G-ot and caressed her very cervix. When she glanced out
the window, and saw the people there, just a few inches away, she came. In the sensation
of an orgasm with a large cock in her mouth, something in her throat must have relaxed,
because suddenly, the massive member slid home effortlessly, and she enjoyed the feeling
of him throbbing inside her body. Harry, however took this to be the moment to aually
li her off, and turn her around. It did hurt a bit, but it was even more exciting, to be
handled like that, like a toy, by those incredibly strong arms. She didn’t quite understand
how he did it, but suddenly she found herself held by his hands under her arms, and with
her knees bent over his elbows. e thing that occupied her mind was that her wet little
quim was in dire conta with Harry’s cock. She was only a formal virgin, having lost the
biological to a vibrator years ago, but she did feel like a real one as Harry slowly began to
lower her onto his rod with their eyes locked together. She whimpered a little as her walls
gave way for the monster, but as soon as he was far enough inside to stretch her, rubbing
a little against her clitoris and G-ot, she closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure. She
opened them again, of course, to look out at the people, and at the two forgotten girls
inside the compartment. Harry hadn’t forgotten about them, however.
“Ginny? In the right pocket of my trousers is a necklace like yours with the Hagalaz
rune. Could you put it on Hermione, please?”
“Of course. Is it a conduor of some sort?” She quickly found the necklace, and
fastened the cla around the panting girl’s neck.
“Aually, it’s a limiter. Without these necklaces, hand made by Freja herself, it’s
“I see. Well, it’s on. Hit her.”
He did. Hermione could never have imagined such pure bliss as she felt when the
blue crackling fire invaded her body and told it to become pure Pleasure. She felt her
Chapter 20 — “But not on us!” the Oysters cried, 293

juices flow, as her orgasms tore through her, and in the wake of that, Harry buried his
full length inside her, stretching her incredibly wide. Heaven continued as he un her
around, and held her suended on his cock, facing the window. Susan and Neville were
still outside, and Neville was apparently showing her some magic, as he held a glowing
purple here in his hand. Suddenly he appeared to hear something from his collar, and
suddenly, he and Susan turned to the window, looking straight at Hermione.
“Hello there, Hermione,” Neville said.
“You do look like you’re enjoying yourself,” Susan added, and that was the last thing
Hermione heard, as the orgasm that this revelation produced burned right through her
body, and took her mind along. Harry gently lied the unconscious girl off his cock and
placed her gently in a seat, allowing her clothes to flow back on. As Luna opened the
door for Neville and Susan, Ginny more or less swallowed Harry whole. Revelling in the
combined flavour of Hermione and Harry, she took him as far down as she could, but she
also remembered the last time. She waved for Luna to join her, and the self-proclaimed
Sex Goddess steadied the huge cock with her enormous bristols as Ginny busied herself
with the crown. Aer too few seconds, Harry gave the customary warning and received
the customary reonse. Ginny bowed and licked his balls as Luna’s mouth claimed the
crown, and the first thick ropes of semen. When she couldn’t keep up, Ginny took over
and by joining forces like that, not one drop was wasted. As the two girls readjusted their
clothes and Harry flowed his pants up from his knees, where they had been threatening
to trip him up the whole time, Neville and Susan applauded the trio.
“Very well done, you two,” Susan said. “I’ve seen a Huldr fail to take it all, and they
live on the stuff.”
“You should have seen his wife the morning aer the wedding. She looked like she
had been swimming in yoghurt.” Neville added.
“Wife?” Ginny asked, sounding a little hurt.
“Don’t worry about it, Ginny,” Susan said. “She’s very understanding, and since I
talked to her just a minute ago, I know she doesn’t mind you screwing him at all. No
one woman could handle that on her own. Besides, she finds you quite scrumptious, and
wouldn’t mind any of you herself.”
Ginny looked at Harry eculatively.
“So, Harry. Ever been double-teamed?” she smirked at him.
“Ginny, there’s a very limited number of things I haven’t done. I’ve never had more
than five women in bed at the same time, but I could have increased that number any
time in the last weeks if I wanted, but I have a thing about bedding mother and daughter
“You mean, you could ... Damn, Harry. You can’t be serious!”
“He is, Ginny,” Neville said with a smile. “Two of his Consorts have their mothers
living at the same place, and they are very interested in getting a piece of our little Harry-
bear here. Right tasty ladies, they are, too.”
Susan looked at him with interest.
“So, Nev, you want to do Saga? You did her daughter, aer all.”
294 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“No, not really. Saga would probably screw the life out of me. Disa almost did, and
she’s much more controlled than her mum.”
Hermione had awakened by now, but she had a drowsy, silly grin on her face when
she oke up.
“e three of you must have had some summer. So, Harry, how many steady girls do
you really have now?”
“Well, there’s my wife of course, the infamous Ms. Anne rope, and then I have three
Consorts and then there’s Tonks. She’s not a consort, but she’s oath bound to me, and I’m
afraid she’s addied to my Passionfire. If it wasn’t for those necklaces, you would be too.”
Hermione thought for a moment. en she shook her head.
“So, Harry, why don’t you show us your Animagus shape? It’s not like we haven’t seen
it before. Isn’t that right, Guinevere?” Her face went from shrewd triumph to embarrassed
bewilderment as the three on the “inside” started howling with laughter.
“No, Hermione, if I could turn into a falcon, it sure wouldn’t be female. What made
you think that?”
“Honestly, Harry, you’re a flier, you’re more than a little reckless, and , well, beautiful.
e falcon also used that ... Passionfire, on Tonks.”
“ank you. Just to mess with you, I could admit that your reasoning is valid, and
that I am indeed an animagus. Just not Guinevere. I really shouldn’t have condued it
to Tonks. at might have been what made her addied. It’s no big deal, as long as I can
zap her once a week, and that’s no hassle. No, Guinevere is an Animagus all right, but
she’s not me.”
“She’s Elaine, then? Your wife, and Lord Kilchurn’s daughter?”
“Oh my, you’re informed,” Harry said with such an honest expression of admiration
that Hermione immediately understood that she was wrong.
“Don’t fret, Mia. I’ve muddied the waters on purpose, and I do have a pretty good
idea how your mind works. So, do you have any guesses on how I ent my summer?”
“Mia?” Hermione asked incredulously.
“Why not? I think I’ve proven my ability to pronounce words with four syllables.
Haven’t you ever had a pet name before?”
“I’ve never been a pet before, but you can pet me anytime.” She purred to his immense
“Sorry to interrupt, but as you didn’t really stay awake to make good on your word,
Luna and I took over.” Ginny smirked. “You still have at least one time to go.”
at made Hermione blush and glance at Neville and Susan.
“Did you ... did you really see?”
“No, we didn’t. Harry may be quite unembarrassed in front of us, but he wasn’t sure
about how real you were ready to go. We took up positions and drove people away with
a rather ecial Fear-charm, and Harry direed us. All we saw was the illusion Harry
made, and it was a really good one.” Neville assured her, nodding towards Harry. “We
weren’t even sure we were at the right compartment.”
Chapter 20 — “But not on us!” the Oysters cried, 295

“ank Merlin for Harry’s skill, then.”

“Freja, please.”
“What, Harry? Wait, didn’t you say she made the necklaces, too?”
“I met her this summer, and yes, we’re talking about the Norse Goddess. e real, live
Goddess. She taught me to make those illusions and a lot of other things.” He suddenly
remembered his shape and shrank down to Puny Harry again.
at was the moment when the door slammed up, and everybody’s favourite weasel
made his customary appearance. He had of course missed the appearance of Harry out-
side, and even dismissed the whierings. No one had told him straight out that harry
was back, either, as those who tried were hushed up by the two gorgeous girls at his sides.
Tracey was looking better than ever, with high, pert breasts, very slim waist and a taut
butt, and her luminous eyes were arkling as she looked around the compartment. As
she expeed him there, she managed to break through Harry’s Notice-Me-Not field, and
she smiled at him. Draco, of course didn’t, as he was too busy showing off to the new and
improved Pansy.
Pansy had become a Amazon. Her waist wasn’t quite as slim as Tracey’s, but a lot more
muscled. Her hips were narrow, and she had somehow gained a firm pair of C-cups, with
highly prominent nipples, and she had lost the sneer. Her eyes had grown larger, her nose
had straightened out a little, leaving her with a cute little up-nose that was just adorable,
and her jaw had slimmed out. Her brown hair was wavy, and styled like the few photos of
Elaine Prichard showed, in a loose ponytail. All in all, she was looking really good.
“So, you complete bunch of losers and soon-to-be corpses. Where’s your saviour now?
What happened to him when he tried to show his face in public?”
e door slammed shut behind him and the two girls, separating them from the two
normal tag-along goons.
“He killed some, ripped the magic out of some and then, he took a vacation.”
It was very quiet in the compartment as Draco Malfoy slowly turned around to face
a “dead” man.
“Hi Draco. You didn’t follow the script there. You were supposed to use your normal
word for Muggleborn, and then I was supposed to kill you. So, how’s Lucy dealing with
life as a squib then?”
“You ... you ...”
As Draco ran out of eloquence, he of course drew his wand. Striking an impressive
pose, he pointed it straight at Harry’s face where it rested for two whole seconds before
Harry simply took it away and tossed it on the ground, putting his boot over it.
“Draco, Draco. You see, here’s how this year will work. You will keep to yourself and
do your homework and wank off and all the usual things. You will not address any of
the people present without good cause. You will not annoy me in the slightest because
when you do, you will be horribly wounded and maimed and scarred for life. at’ll be
the warning. Now, leave the girls here and run. ey’re pretty and might want to choose
the winning side. You are ugly and will most likely die.”
296 Midnight Sun — Vanir

He casually opened the door, and summoned the gritty wand to his hand. He stuffed
it down the back of Malfoy’s shirt before pushing him through the door, and into the wall
on the other side before looking at Crabbe and Goyle.
“Goyle, I’m sorry about your dad, but this is war, and he chose the losing side. You’ve
got time to turn around. However, if you move against me or mine, I will kill you too. You
too, Crabbe. I don’t want to kill anyone, but there seems to be loads of people who choose
to be on the losing side, and they will die.”
“You can’t kill, Potter. You’re too goodie-goodie for that.” Malfoy at out in a great
dilay of stupidity.
Harry grabbed his collar with one hand, and his right index finger with the other,
snapping it with ease. Before the blonde ponce could even begin to scream, Harry hissed
at him.
“Idiot. It’s not about right and wrong, light or dark. It’s You against Me, Us versus
em, and you, you insignificant little staleblood with delusions of adequacy, are em.
Your very existence is a threat to me and mine, and I will kill you in a heartbeat if you give
me the flimsiest of reasons, so see that you don’t.”
He focused a second, and as he oke next, his voice was heard in every compartment,
behind every silencing charm, and caused a seventh-year Slytherin to lose his ereion, to
the great disappointment of the sixth-year ’Puff he was with.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow students. Kilchurn has declared the use of the word
Mudblood to be prohibited. e first offence will result in broken bones, the third is
considered Capital. is applies to all years, as well as the staff. ank you for your
attention.” With that, he nodded at Crabbe and Goyle, and returned to the compartment.
e compartment was quiet. Ginny, Luna, Hermione, Tracey and Pansy was just
staring at him with half-open mouths as Susan and Neville were shaking with suppressed
“Damn, Harry. You just don’t know how to keep a low profile, do you?” Neville
“Nope. e only time I held it was when I had it, or possibly wanted it. e attack in
Diagon Alley proved to me that this is war, and I will win.”
He flopped down on an empty seat.
“And just how long have you rehearsed the little eech you gave Malfoy?” Susan asked
with an arched eyebrow. Harry grinned at her.
“Every time I shaved for the past month. I had several versions ready, depending on
his stupidity. is was the simplest.”
He looked at the two Slytherins.
“Hello there, Ladies, I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. My name is Harald,
Harry to my friends, Triwizard survivor, battler of dark lords, writer of lines and I once
did Vätternrundan in seven hours. I got a medal for that. I know your names, of course,
but as you stayed behind when the winner of the all-wizards stupidity award went away, I
assume you want in on the winning side so I want to know you a little better. Pansy, you’re
certainly not one I’d call my friend in a hurry. Could you tell us why you’re here?”
Chapter 20 — “But not on us!” the Oysters cried, 297

“I want to live, and I want out of the bloody arranged marriage my father has sold me
to. I know I’ve disgraced myself to you all, but mostly to Lord Longbottom.”
She turned to him and fell on her knees with her head bowed.
“As such, Lord Longbottom, please accept my servitude as atonement for my crimes
against you. I wish to serve you, in any and all capacities it is possible for me to do, until
your Lady thinks that I have redeemed myself.”
Neville was a bit lost for words, but he was a Pureblood, and as such he had an
enormous reservoir of platitudes for all circumstances.
“I, Lord Longbottom, do thank you for this most extravagant offer. Sorely tempted
am I to take it without thought, but prudence has taught me differently, and while I by
no means intend any slight against your good intentions, I must ask you to clarify these
Harry couldn’t help himself. In a loud whier, he asked Hermione.
“Don’tcha jist luv ta hear the aristrecrates talk all fancy like tha’?”
She suppressed a giggle, before answering.
“Duz me heart alotta good te hear’em pulishing those vocabilaryties all shiny.”
“Hush, you low-born oafs.” Neville laughed.
“My lord,” Pansy continued, with only the tiniest trace of mirth in her voice, “It is
clear that I have been misinformed regarding who’ll win the current confli, and as such,
I wish to live. My goals may not be the purest, but as I understand that I need to earn
and gain the ree and proteion from the House of Kilchurn in order to survive, I have
chosen to, by your leave, bind myself to the Lord Longbottom. You are just and kind, and
hopefully, I will learn those traits. I trust my servitude to Lady Susan, as you are known
to be more forgiving than I deserve, and she is more likely to know your worth than you
are, My Lord. erefore, she will know when I have served enough.”
Neville seemed to consider this carefully, before turning to Harry.
“My Lord, her position is fair and just, and as my Lady has been reminding me
frequently and occasionally loudly, it is my duty to keep a mistress of concubine, which
this fair lady seems to offer herself as. However, as the condu and appearance of my
associates refles on the house that I represent, and not just myself, I humbly beg my
Liege Lords opinion.”
Neville and Susan were the only ones in the compartments whose eyes seemed to
remain inside their heads as Harry rose, cast a privacy charm on the door and morphed.
In the place of the scrawny teen stood the broadshouldered Harald Fafnersson in his
Kilchurn costume, and with wide bronze links around his arms. A cape of iridescent
Lindorm leather flowed from his shoulders and he held the staff Fang in his hand. Sigyn
had designed this look for, as she said, “Lordish” events. It worked. He was majestic,
archaic, and no one who saw him could doubt his power, or his ability to win, ever again.
“My most faithful Liege, as I trust you to manage the Sentient’s Sanuary, and my
finances and holdings, I trust you, and your Lady to choose wisely. However, as the gi
was given to me by my father, I can, by your leave, read her heart for you, and see if therein
resides the seeds of betrayal. Barring that most gruesome outcome, I find her pleasing to
298 Midnight Sun — Vanir

my eyes, and her eech is sweet to my ears and well versed she seems, in all manners of
rites and protocols in which I find myself sorely lacking. Her line is that of proud warriors,
and I do sense the steel of old in her stale, but still flowing, blood. Perhaps, her once proud
family name can regain it’s honour and vitality by her voluntary enslavement to you, my
most treasured Liegeman.”
“My Lord, you eak as always with the wisdom you falsely claim to lack. Your father’s
gi, however, might be highly prudent to employ before I accept the fair flower’s oath.
Please, My Lord.”
“Pansy, please rise, and meet my gaze. If you would be found lacking, no ill shall
become you, but if treachery lies within your heart and mind, you would be wise to leave
now, before my test of your resolve begins, for the punishment for treachery is old and
On shaking knees, Pansy stood. She had not expeed this. She had thought that
Potter might be Lancelot, but now she was convinced that the man before her was the
Pendragon himself. His slit pupils reminded her of the words that the Lady of the Lake
had said, about the true Serpent Lord. Straightening her back, she met his eyes. is was
where her life had brought her, and she faced it as herself, without agendas or plots and
plans. Just Pansy, a rather foolish girl about to do something right in her life. She saw those
reptilian pupils widen, and suddenly, there was an alien presence in her mind. Something
moved through her memories, taking stock of good and bad, and her plans and thoughts
about the future was scrutinised carefully. Aer ten eternal seconds, the presence was
gone, and Potter oke again.
“ere is no traitorous plots within her. ere is , however, a genuine wish for atone-
ment and servitude. Lord Longbottom, e house of Kilchurn has no objeions to your
taking her oath, and as such, extend it’s proteion to her and her unmarked family. ere
are Marked members of her family, though, and the week of mercy is long gone. e house
of Kilchurn has oken, and it’s wishes made clear.”
With that, he returned to his puny shape and sat down, studiously meeting no ones
eyes. It had been the right time, and the right circumstances to pull on his authority. It
was just bloody inconvenient, unless he Obliviated everybody.
On the other hand, it certainly wouldn’t hurt his long-term plans.
A week or so of being a little more “plain Harry” would have been nice, pipe dream
or not, but maybe this could still be contained. He paused his brooding to hear Pansy’s
pledge. Nev was certainly shrewd enough to hear any obvious loopholes, and as neither
he nor Stina had found any plots, he wasn’t too worried, but there were always new things
to learn.
“I, Pansy Hypathia Parkinson, swear my services, in body, in soul and in mind, to
Neville, Lord Longbottom. As he sees fit shall I serve, withholding nothing, hiding nothing
and denying nothing, until the lady Longbottom, his wife, releases me from this oath. I
am his, as tool or toy, and this I swear, on my life and magic, and I am willing to be placed
under an enslavement ell, if one can be agreed upon by me, aing then of free will, and
my master, Lord Longbottom. So mote it be.”
“So mote it be.” echoed Neville.
Chapter 20 — “But not on us!” the Oysters cried, 299

Pansy smiled. It was an open, content smile. It made her now attraive face beautiful
as she took her place at her Master’s feet.
“Damn,” Harry said. “I didn’t really expe more than something like ’Please don’t kill
me, I’ll be nice.’ So, if you could all just forget my and Neville’s little conversation there,
I’d be most grateful. I don’t like to boss people around, and I don’t like to give orders, so
I ask you instead.”
“You’ll have to order me, though.” Tracey interrupted. “I will obey your orders, what-
ever they may be, but you have to give them. I’m here to announce my subservience to you,
My Lord Potter, but I need to be ordered, though. If so ordered, My Lord, I am yours.”
With that, she turned and le. Well, she tried to, but the door wouldn’t open.
“Tracey, just remember that you made me do this. I order you to keep your mouth
shut about what you just saw. You may discuss it with anyone present, but not where
others can hear it. Is that clear?”
“No, My Lord, but it’ll do. I will need more detailed instruions tonight, aer the
welcoming feast. At the entrance to the Dungeons?”
“Yes. Just keep this quiet.”
It was perfe, he thought. She had been more defiant than he had expeed, but he
had given her an opening, and she had grabbed it. He wouldn’t toy with her for too long.
He had looked at her too, as he was already engaging Jormungandr, and he was happy
about what he had found inside her. Her mind was filled with dreams and desires of him,
and the only decidedly dark thing he found was a strong desire to hurt her father, for
disgracing the family. He could sympathise with that. He had also done her the favour of
clarifying her mission for her. She would now do everything in her power to make him
enjoy giving commands. His future was looking good.
With the privacy charm removed, and what Harry considered the ’business’ part of
the journey over and done with, an endless row of people just happened to pass their
compartment. Harry did his best to be polite and friendly to everybody, but the repetitive
parts of the conversation began to grate, and he started to vary himself. When people said
“I thought you were dead!”, he usually answered something like “I got better”, or sometimes
just “Don’t believe everything you read”, but aer a while, he tried to be creative. “I did,
but Hell is outsourcing this year. See you in potions” worked just fine, but his line to the
Patils, “I did. Didn’t you?” failed eacularly. He ent several minutes calming down
the apparently crying twins before he caught on to their little ruse, but it wasn’t until they
began feeling him up that he got it. He didn’t let on until they were aually handling
his member, but then he rewarded them with a hard swat on each lovely bottom. ey
unhanded him at once.
“Ouch,” they said almost in unison. “at will leave a mark”
A bit of iniration hit him, and he asked in a low, fairly threatening voice.
“And who’s mark would that be?”
e shading on the Indian girls’ cheeks might have been a blush as one of them
“Yours, I guess?”
300 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Right. Now, what would such a mark mean?”

“Ownership,” the other one stated with a certain satisfaion.
“Right, and don’t you forget it. See you in school. Now scoot.”
“Yes, Master,” ey curtsied and ran off, giggling, as Harry returned to his seat.

* * *
“Could someone explain that to me? What the hell just happened?”
“Honestly, Harry,” Susan said, glancing at Hermione with a smile, “During this sum-
mer, have you met even one woman who didn’t want you from second one? Or aed
really submissive, come to that? You were hard to resist before your ... before you learned
to sing, but now it’s almost impossible. Come on, harry. Name one.”
“Well, Sigyn ... no. Sti ... no. You! And Minnie. Your Aunt, too.”
“My Aunt wouldn’t mind a piece of you, but she has a lifetime of control to hide
behind. On your birthday, Minnie wouldn’t take her eyes off you whenever you were in
the same room, and me? Are you kidding? I love Neville, and I certainly want him more,
but believe me, I will invoke the Goddesses price one day. You’d better believe I want you.
You’re just not first on the list.”
“All right then, but what does that mean?”
“Oh, hone...Harry, obviously something about you makes us a like this,” Hermione
said with a similar smile at Susan. “It’s said that women has a drive to mate, or submit to
the most powerful male in the area, and you’re telling our bodies just how powerful you
are. My body is telling me how much it wants to have your bab....what?”
Harry had clamped his hands over his ears, and even created some kind of silencing
here around his head .
“Riight.” Neville said. “Now, I’ll need some oaths. is is, at the moment, a state secret,
and Sue, you can expe one hell of a anking later. Ladies, your oaths that my next topic
is not discussed outside this compartment. Pain-oaths will do.”
Once the bewildered girls had given some fairly light oaths, Neville explained to them
about the Goddesses price, and Hermione understood that she had almost compelled him
to impregnate her at the ot, if she had just worded the sentence that way. At Neville’s
wave, Harry cancelled the deafness ell and Hermione immediately began to apologise.
“I can’t believe she could ask such a price aer the fa. I mean, the deal was made
and all, and then the horrible bi ..”
“HERMIONE! You’re badmouthing my Goddess. As her champion, I’d have to go all
Jihad on your ass, and there are so many more pleasant things I like to do with it first.
You got the impression that I don’t want to make you pregnant, and that’s just wrong.
Just not now, and not here. Next year, on the other hand, in the library, maybe even in the
Restried seion on top of a pile of old editions of ’Hogwarts: A History’. Sound good?”
Hermione couldn’t answer, as her eyes had glazed over, and she was rubbing her thighs
together in a way that would be obvious to a firstie. Harry smiled indulgently at her, before
turning to Ginny, who had a eculative look in her already mischievous eyes.
Chapter 20 — “But not on us!” the Oysters cried, 301

“So, you mean that no contraceptive potions or techniques can be used if I call you
on that price-thing. How about barren women?”
“She’s the Goddess of fertility. I guess she’ll fix things.”
Ginny’s face fell momentarily, but she jumped up, and placed herself in Harry’s lap,
rubbing herself against him in a most anti-subtle way.
“Harry, I will make the necessary legal work, and as soon as legally possible, I want
you to end at least 48 hours making me pregnant. I don’t mind having your baby, and I
really want to see if I can fit all of you inside me.”
“You didn’t need to call on the Price for that, Ginny. I owe you a very serious session,
“Does this mean a bloke can move in on Elaine?” said a voice from the door.
Harry turned to greet his remaining sane dorm-mates.
“Dean! Seamus! How are things?”
“Great, now that we can see you. So, you got a hot babe like Elaine, and here you are
with Ginny on top of you. Can’t you leave some babes for us poor mortal blokes?”
“You know Elaine intends to sit for you? Knowing her, there’s just no way she’ll keep
her clothes on for it, either.”
Seamus just stared at him, and Dean started rubbing his palms against his jeans, before
asking Harry.
“You okay with that, mate? I’m not sure I’d be, if I were you.”
“No worries there, mate. She’s proud of herself. You might get to see, but I’m the one
who gets to touch. I’m just fine. Since she’ll ask me, I’ll ask you. How’s Jenny?”
“Oh, she’s great. at little critter Lord Kilchurn gave her is an odd one, though.
What’s it supposed to be? I’m not complaining, mind. at medallion yanked her out
of the way of a lorry the first week, and one of our neighbours gives her a wide berth these
days, mumbling about shining dragons, and I’ve never trusted the old bastard one bit.”
“e image is a Leharv, like Hank.”
“e Kilchurn Dragon?”
“Yes. He’s not a real dragon, though. More like a winged serpent. Friendly chap, but
he does have a temper, and he’s just happy to let Jenny have his likeness as a Fylgja.”
“I thought that was something like a ghost, or something like that, anyway.”
“at’s the name of the proteion ell. I think it’s illegal here, but Kilchurn doesn’t
really care about that as long as it’s the best. She couldn’t have a better bodyguard.”
“If it’s so great, why is it illegal?”
“As it deals with Spirits, it’s considered Necromancy. I’ve already done the rituals to
donate part of my irit as a Fylgja when I die, and so have thousands of others through
the ages. One day, someone will make a Fylgja for someone that my Spirit Echo likes, and
this part of me will watch over them. It’s a sacrifice that has been part of the so-called
’white magic’ for millennias. My own kids will definitely have them.”
“Cool, it really is intelligent. D’you know what the name means? e Lord told her to
ask me, and I don’t have a clue. Wingphale or something, wasn’t it?”
302 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Vingfåle means winged steed. I thought you took Runes?”

“Yeah, and then I close my books and go to the next class. It’s not like I really bother.”
ey all laughed, mostly at Hermione’s incensed expression and some time during
the summer, she must have acquired the ability to laugh at herself, as she joined in aer
a minute. ey horsed around for about an hour, and Neville had to explain Pansy
several times to the people who passed through, and Dean and Hermione went off to the
Prefe’s meeting. Harry made a mental note to thank Professor Minnie for not appointing
Neville. He needed his liegeman. Nev’s explanations of Pansy were sometimes hilarious.
Sometimes she was a transfigured Kneazle, sometimes he had bought her in Knockturn
alley, or won her in a game of hardcore strip-poker. Pansy proved herself worthy by helping
him reinforce the story. When she was introduced as a kneazle, she meowed and purred,
or grumbled about the unfairness that his four eights had beaten her flush. She even
transfigured some trash into a price tag, saying 12 sickles, 4 knuts, which she attached
to her cleavage and flashed those who got that story. is way, the hours passed.
Dean looked out the window. “Hey, wasn’t that Gallow Rock? Ten minutes to
Hogsmeade station. We’d better go find our trunks and change. Catch you folks later?”
“Sure, Dean, Seamus. I’ve got a meeting aer the feast, but I’ll be in the Common as
soon as I can, all right.”
e two young men le, and the usual flurry of stuff and robes happened in the
compartment. e trip hadn’t been nearly as stressful as he had feared.
is was where the hard part began.
On an impulse, he enlarged his trunk and brought out his Stormbringer. e weight
of the hammer was very reassuring, hanging from his belt.
Carefully checking his Puny Harry shape, he stood, and as soon as the train had
stopped, he made his way to the exit.
Emitting a fairly weak repelling charm, he managed to pass into the carriage without
anyone but the estrals noticing him. Neville, Susan and Hermione joined him, as he
made his mostly unexpeed return to the castle. As he made it fairly clear that he didn’t
want to talk, the ride went by in silence.
As he crossed the Wards, a bad feeling caught him, and he made doubly sure that he
had his hammer and his wand safe and within easy reach.
Keeping as low a profile as he could, he sneaked in to the great hall, but before he
could even get near the Gryffindor table, a dazzling purple cloud surrounded him. With
a shake, he shattered it, and a black flash replaced it, and it slid off him as well but a bright
green net-like struure managed to form around him, and he was trapped.
e hall was absolutely silent.
He looked at the head table, where he saw the Headmaster standing with his wand
raised, and a bright green glow surrounded it.
e headmaster didn’t really look all that happy to see him.
Chapter XXI

turning a little blue.

“Stand down! Stand down! Everybody calm down. He’s not in danger, and there’s backup
in the room. We knew someone would try something, and he can handle it!”

* * *
Stina’s voice echoed through the link. Harry wasn’t supposed to hear it, but as she was
almost flooding him, and Jormungandr was a bit busy, he heard her anyway and realised
that she was right. He had enough defences to deal with almost anything, and this bluish
net didn’t seem to harm him.
He undid the holster lid and brought Stormbringer out, resting the heavy head on the
floor, and his hands on the handle. His face was mildly disapproving, but not hostile at all.
He was just waiting for the foolishness to end.
“Headmaster, you’re delaying the sorting.”
“Who are you?” thundered the aged wizard.
“My name is Harry Potter. You may have heard of me. I’m rather famous for not
dying, and as you can see, I’ve done it again.”
“Lies. All my tracking mechanisms has melted. Who are you?”
“I told you. By the way, isn’t there a name for old men who ies on schoolboys? e
quality of your trinkets would be something between the manufaurer and yourself, if
I hadn’t figured out what they were and made a move to jam them. I didn’t really think
they’d melt, but I can bear their loss with courage. Now, let’s lose the net and get on with
the sorting. e firsties are getting nervous, and I’m hungry.”
“e wards reported you as a possible threat ....”

* * *

304 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Wingardium Leviosa.”
e table jumped up and knocked the Headmaster’s wand off his target, and continued
to hit the old man on the chin, making him fall over. Harry swung the hammer lightly,
and the net shattered in a flash of light. As the Headmaster clumsily got to his feet, Harry
walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down between Dean and Hermione, and across
from Ginny.
Neville, with his wand still in hand, was marching up to the head table. He was
eaking soly , but the whole hall could hear him anyway.
“Headmaster, I just got word that the armies of Kilchurn are standing down, aer your
unprovoked attack on the principal Heir of the House. You got very close to a very nasty
sort of crisis here, Headmaster. e kind where people die before anyone even knows who
the enemy is, and your reckless behaviour was the sole cause. He is indeed Harry James
Potter. A little stronger, a little more self-assured and with a whole bunch of hard-hitting
friends. If he was a possible threat, why on earth did you go so out of your way to make
him a real one? Try anything like this again, and I won’t be able to save the castle. I got
lucky this time, and so did you. Please think first.”
With that, the young politician turned and le for the Gryffindor table.
∼ Master, someone is trying to access the back door into your mind. e trap is set.
What shall I do? ∼
∼ Take them in and hold them there. See if you can identify the attacker. Oh never
mind. I see him. ∼
At the same moment that Harry gave his invisible friend his instruions, the bat-like
Potions professor went rigid and passed out over his plate. Harry transfigured a piece of
mud from his boots to parchment, conjured a pen and wrote a note.

Next time you try to break into my mind, I will rip yours to pieces and
fry what’s le. ere will be no more warnings. Harry Potter.

He folded the note to a bat, and sent it flying across the room. When it had settled on
the table in front of the greasy bastard, he ordered Jormungandr to release the prisoner.
Snape jerked again, sending his goblet flying, and straightened up. Aer seeing and
reading the note, he turned a pasty white and stuffed the note in his pocket. Harry just
smiled and ended the transfiguring ell.
He finally could look at the rest of the head table. Professor McGonagall nodded at
him, and so did Professor Flitwhick. Hagrid was staring at him warily until Harry smiled
at the big man, and then, he smiled back. Professor Sinistra was eyeing him like a side of
beef, and then there was the most unintimidating glare from Dolores Umbridge.
“Excuse me, but how come the toad woman is still on staff?” he asked his neigh-
“I was told no one could replace her. It’s not the most popular post. Will you run the
DA again?” Ginny asked eagerly. Harry thought about it for a second.
“I’m not sure. Some kind of open training should be possible, but I will have very little
free time this year. Wouldn’t it be better to have a competent teacher?”
Chapter 21 — turning a little blue. 305

“Lupin for instance? I’ll talk to him and Rita if you want.” Neville brought out a
“Could you please? Getting rid of her won’t be hard. She will no doubt step over the
line immediately, but I’ll roll with it until we can get a replacement.”
Hermione was staring at him. Her mouth was open, but she was still incredibly cute,
in a clubbed sort of way.
“It’s you.” She said.
“Erm, yes? I’m Harry. Pleased to meet you.”
“You’re not the heir, you’re the Lord.”
“He’s taller than me. Elaine is his daughter. Wouldn’t that be, I don’t know, yucky?”
“I would agree, but there’s this thing called magic, you see.”
“True, but while a herring is just a herring, a good cigar is a Cuban.”
“Exaly. Hush now. e Hat is singing.” He enjoyed her expression immensely, as
she tried to make sense of what he had just said.
e Hat sang about House unity, school unity and the need to stand up for the good
and proper things in life, but Harry was a bit preoccupied with some of the present females.
Parvati, two seats off was making eyes at him, and some serious eyes they were. She
was busying herself by doing some kind of finger gymnastics that for some reason was
incredibly erotic, while keeping her eyes firmly at him. When he looked over to the
Ravenclaw table, he saw her sister doing pretty much the same thing. Further away, he
saw Tracey looking at him with naked lust in her eyes, but as soon as she saw him looking
at her, she cast her eyes downwards and smiled to herself. All over the student tables, he
saw female eyes, many of which disappeared when he looked at them.
e head table was a bit funny. He had expeed to be more or less ignored by the
headmaster, but found the old man looking at him more than once. Snape, on the other
hand was studiously ignoring all students. Suddenly he felt an elbow in his side.
“Harry! I’ve been talking to you for two whole minutes here. How did you pull this
off? How do you change shape like that? Do you really live with Dark creatures?”
at, of course, got his immediate, undivided attention. He slowly turned his head
to look straight at her. He didn’t slit his pupils this time, but she shrank back from his
glare anyway.
“Miss Granger, they are as dark as you are a sub-human, suitable for menial tasks, who
can be housebroken with just a little effort. ese labels were made by the same people,
aer all.”
He could just as well have slapped her with a trout. Just to confuse her even more,
he morphed her bra again, making it a lacey push-up thing that le her nipples bare. Her
face froze, and her cheeks reddened slightly. He whiered in her ear.
“Sometimes, the most brilliant things are hidden by layers of nonsense. Like robes.”
He knew that he might have gotten through to her, but he had certainly shut her up.
Ginny was looking amused, and leant forward to ask.
306 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Did you zap her or something? She’s almost on the verge there.”
“Really? Should I leave her there, you think?”
“If you feel like getting ravaged the second she gets you alone, go right ahead. Now,
how did you ...enter her? I mean, she doesn’t look like she’s in pain by sitting.”
“I can alter shape and size. It just limits my feeling a bit. You’ve seen me natural.”
“Oh my,” Dean interrupted, grinning widely. “What an interesting conversation to
have at the sorting.”
Harry turned to his dormmate.
“Sorry about that. I live with four, no six, sexual predators. Shyness is not really an
option any more.”
“Oh, never mind me. Elaine as well?”
“Yes. And yes, I believe she’ll sit for you. As she is what she is, but she loves me, I
really can’t make any prediions.”
“Sounds like a woman, then. Now, go on. Lav and Parv are about to blow their tops.”
“at’d be a sight all right.” Harry concluded.
Ginny grinned wickedly and turned to the two girls mentioned.
“So, what do you want to know about him?”
e barrage of graphic and detailed questions made the conversation deteriorate like
a falling brick.

* * *
Aer a great feast, without any interruptions by the headmaster, except the usual, but
slightly distraed eech, Harry, Hermione, Dean, Seamus, Parvati, Lavender,Ginny and
Neville hung back at the table. Harry had sent off another ’bat signal’, alerting Tracey of
the possible delay. When they heard the name, Hermione had groaned and Dean grinned,
and the rest ignored it, as they didn’t have a clue as to what he was talking about and
didn’t want to let on. ey all nursed tankards of sweet mead, brought in by a grinning
Dobby. Not only did that give the elf an opportunity to break school rules, he also had
the great privilege to show off his fancy tweed suit, and make lewd remarks to Hermione
in a hideous mix of accents.
“Oh Lordy, now. ose cups gotta be holdin’ enuff candy fer a whole week full o’
Saturdays, eh Boss?”
Even Hermione had to laugh at the little comical elf, even though she blushed a lot.
She froze, though, as the elf addressed someone behind her.
“Lo and behold, if it isn’t the greatest Minnie McGee, the sweetest pussy in the king-
“Hello to you, too, Chamberlain Dobby. Have you brought alcoholic beverages to
these students?”
“Dobby has, Lady Professor Kitty girl. Would ye like a dram?”
“Aye, if it pleases the Lord, a drop of Ardbeg would nae go amiss.”
Chapter 21 — turning a little blue. 307

“Coming right up then, Madam.” And the elf popped away.

“I swear that elf brings out the worst in me. May I have a seat?”
Aer some shuffling, the Head of house got a seat at the table, next to a still very
stunned Hermione.
“Oh, do relax, Miss Granger. Don’t make a habit of this, but I will be looking the other
way rather oen this year, when it comes to Mister Potter. Harry, the headmaster wishes
to see you in his office in half an hour. My task is to soen you up sufficiently to make you
tell him all about your summer. How am I doing?”
“At this point, I feel quite prepared to tell him about my curse-breaking in the Brazilian
jungles, and maybe share an anecdote or two about the Brazilian all-female football team.
Would that do?”
“Perhaps, if you include the House of Kilchurn somehow.”
“Oh, that’s easy. Elaine was on the team, and I got rather attached to her since she
had this way to open her ...”
“at’s quite enough, Mister Potter. You will of course be completely unaware of any
Legilimency probing that goes on?”
Harry turned serious.
“I have already warned Snape off. He will end the rest of his life as a vegetable if
he tries again.”
“I’m afraid the headmaster talked Filius into doing the honours. Please don’t hurt
“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it. He will fail, though.”
“I believe he expes that. He is, aer all, a very close friend of mine, and I have given
him some hints. Nothing definite, of course.”
Harry reached out and put his hand on his Professor’s cheek, thus enabling wordless
∼So, just how close? I don’t mean to pry, but I was intending to lock him in a memory
of some rather intense physical aivity. He might just be feeling a bit frisky, once I release
him. ∼
∼ at would be just fine. ank you. ∼
Harry grinned and released her. Hermione was still staring, but managed to shake
it off slightly.
“Touch telepathy?” She asked.
“Something like that. It works, and that’s enough for me.”
“When were you How can you... Harry. at’s a Vampire trait. How
can you do that?”
“You know, once you figure it out, you tell me. I haven’t the foggiest.”
“What else can you do?”
“How about this?” he smirked, and liquefied all her clothes except the already modi-
fied bra and her robe. Hermione didn’t bat an eye, but she did get slightly flushed, ee-
cially with McGonagall sitting right there with an amused halfsmile.
308 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Erm. Yes, I thought of that, too. Vanishing things like that isn’t that hard, but you
made them reappear again, in place. at’s not possible.”
“You know, Hermione, when you consider Dyson’s theories of localized quantum
phase aces, but use Plancks constant as denominator, rather than the eed of light,
the whole thing makes a lot more sense.”
Hermione was blinking rapidly, and even out of sync.
“Mate, I think you broke her.” Neville laughed.
Harry smiled, and returned her clothes to her a second before she jumped from the
table, and took off for the library at a rint.
“Mister Potter, what on earth did you just tell her? I barely recognised the words.”
“I have no idea, Professor. I picked it up in an issue of Science Illustrated, a muggle
magazine, and it wasn’t even in the same article. What I meant it to sound like was a way
to temporarily remove something from Reality, without moving it at all. Like invisibility,
only more so. If she figures it out, I’ll have hell to pay.”
“Oh, Mr Potter, you worry too much. Just shag her for an hour, and you’ll be all right.
Well, I’d better make myself known to the first years. Don’t kill the headmaster, please,
and I’ve already draed a letter, offering the DADA to Mr Lupin. How soon do you think
I’ll need to send it?”
“I don’t know, when is my first DADA class? Take care, Professor, and don’t show fear.
ey can sense fear, Firsties. Right scary, they are.”
“Until tomorrow, then. Good night.”
When the professor le, everybody were staring at Harry, except Neville, who was
rolling on the floor with his hands clutched over his stomach and tears running from his
Seamus was the first to break the relative silence.
“What have you done to her, Harry? She was almost human, she even made jokes!”
“We got to know each other over the summer, and she was even invited to my wedding,
which not a lot of Brits were.”
Parvati and Lavender blanched.
“Wait, you’re married? And she knows and suggested ... You married Hermione?”
Parvati stuttered.
“No, I’m not married to Hermione. Minnie, I mean Professor McGonagall is a very
good friend of my wife, and my three consorts, as well as my really hot mum-in law, who
doubles as my substitute mother as well. I just had two other mum-in-laws move in as
well, and they are always trying to get into my bed, with their daughters cheering them on.
ese fas are no, and I repeat, not for the public ears. Lavender, Parvati, you understand?
And could someone please pour some ice water over Seamus before he catches fire?”
“No problem. We will get to see a lot of girls make fools of themselves over you. So,
Harry. What is it about you that makes you so attraive?” Lavender asked in a sultry
voice, but Ginny was already one step ahead of her. e redhead undid her necklace and
fastened it around the blonde’s neck and nodded at Harry.
Chapter 21 — turning a little blue. 309

“Go on, Harry. She’s safe. Just don’t hit me until I get the necklace back.”
As Lavender looked around in confusion, Harry had leaned across the table and
captured her hands. He caressed her fingers, and then he let his tongue trace the lines of
her palm, while he allowed a trickle of power conne to her through his tongue. Lavender
gaed. en she leaned into him and kissed him forcefully, and Harry released. A halo
of blue light surrounded them, and Harry’s sensitive nose picked up on her arousal. He
focused another flash at her, and she came in a tightly contained, but incredibly intensive
orgasm, right there at the table, before she collapsed back into her seat. Ginny steadied
her as she reclaimed the priceless necklace. Ginny told the shivering girl,
“at’s why. Well, that, and his enormous trouser snake, but he needs to shrink it by
half to fit a normal woman. He also tastes delicious.”
is time, Seamus grabbed a nearby pitcher and emptied it over himself, to general
Harry stood up and straightened out his robes.
Well, I guess I’ll have a meeting, then. I also have another meeting aer this one, so
I don’t know when I’ll be back at the tower. See you all later.”
He squared his shoulders and walked towards the known ambush.

* * *
Harry stepped into the office as a warrior. He held Stormbringer in his le hand and
Fang in his right, and his robes had been transfigured to look like battle-armour even if it
couldn’t prote as well. He looked around, and saw nothing of the little Charms professor.
He felt him, though, skilfully sliding through the illusions of shields that Jormungandr
had set up. When the little man was inside, the trap swung shut, and Filius Flitwick was
caught inside Harry’s memory of Freja’s Trial.
“You wanted to see me, Headmaster?”
“e mirror. What was it called?”
“Ah, I see. It was the Mirror of Erised.”
“Who was the first innocent life you saved in your third year?”
“From your fourth year, who was the are?”
“Fuck you, I’m out of here.” He turned to leave.
“Wait. Please forgive me, Harry. I was so certain, and I couldn’t believe you were back
from the dead. I had to make sure, and you did reassure me. No mere words can possibly
convey just how plesed I am to see you alive and well. Please, let us start over.”
“Headmaster, I’ve learned some very disturbing things lately, so if you don’t mind, I’ll
attend this school, for which you are the Headmaster, but there ends your influence.”
e Headmaster’s face fell for a lit second, but he recovered quickly.
“I need to know where you were this summer.”
310 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“No you don’t. You want to know it, but that’s another thing entirely. Let’s say I took
a holiday with, lets say, Bill Weasley, and we went to South America to break curses and
meet some babes. At a revel with the two of us and the Brazilian female football team,
I met a cute girl, who wanted me to move back to Britain and meet her Guardian. In
reality? I have studied, and learnt more than a little. I’ve learnt that power is like a hair
colour, just something you have unless you use it, and have the willingness to use it. Good
or bad is shown simply by how you use it. By having power, like you, and not use it against
the Dark, is by itself Dark. As heir to a mighty house, I have learnt that force will solve
many problems. I have banned the use of the word Mudblood, for instance. e use of it
here in school will be dealt with in force, and can be a capital crime. I will gain influence
in Slytherin, and try to make up for the negle and abuse it currently suffers, and if the
current Head tries to attack me again, he dies. No charges, no complaints or redemption
schemes. He will just die. Legilimency will from now on only be performed with my
expressed consent. Without it, it’s an attack. Questions?”
“How did you praice when your wand hasn’t been used?”
“My wand was destroyed in the first attack. I got another one, of course.”
“May I see it?”
“You’re seeing it. If you tried to handle it, it would hurt you.”
“What was it made from?”
“A serpent dragon’s fang. at’s all. No core or case. Just the fang. It’s great for
parselmagics and the more powerful combat ells and makes amazing shields.”
“I see. e hammer is a rather prominent piece of equipment, so I assume that you
have been training with the infamous Dark legion of the Einharjers? I must ask you to
leave it here, I’m afraid. It’s a well-known Dark artifa.”
“e Einharjer’s are a militia, and mostly a law enforcement body. Calling them
Dark in my presence makes you look like a liar, and as I assisted in the making of my
hammer myself, in every step, the second claim proves you a liar. I will not allow myself
to be disarmed. So far, most of the greatest threats I’ve encountered has been Hogwart’s
employees. Next.”
“It is rather obvious that our relationship has been severely damaged. Where did we
go wrong?”
“Fieen years ago, when you made a clever, but unfortunate decision regarding me,
without any authority to do so. Every year when you sent me back to hell, every year
you employed Snape and most importantly, at the memorial, where you were distraed
enough to reveal the plan. I will never trust you again, so make your plans without me
from now on. I will kill Riddle, but for my purposes, not yours. Let’s not forget the time
just now, when you so blatantly lied to my face. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Headmaster, I’m
somewhat late for a prior engagement. Say hello to Professor Flitwick for me.”
With that, he le. e headmaster rubbed his eyes and asked his hidden assistant.
“Well, Filius? Did you get anything out of him?”
e little man frowned.
“Headmaster, you set me up against a Master Occlumens. He trapped me in a feverish
wet dream with an impossibly perfe woman, and except for a deep, heartfelt admiration
Chapter 21 — turning a little blue. 311

for the dear boy’s imagination, I only caught powerful determination to keep his loved
ones safe. He’s powerful beyond belief, Albus. I also believe that I’m darker than he is.”
“Please explain.”
“ere’s more than Legilimency to the study of man. When you attacked him, he
evaded, but didn’t defend. A shield might have sent ell debris around, so he took the hit.
He also didn’t retaliate at all, which he would be legally entitled to do, and as we just heard,
he knows about that. Also, Mr Longbottom was telling the truth. He really feared for the
Castle, should Harry get angry or hurt. He has an army on his side, Albus. An army. e
Kilchurn forces were ready to go to war for him, and Kilchurn has proven themselves to
be against the Dark time and time again. e boy who just le is a leader of the Light,
Albus. He is, in difference to you, a man of aion, who will take the fight to the enemy.
You have also lost his trust. I’m not at this time sure when that happened, but I’ll look into
it. ere may be a slim chance for an alliance, but it’s to early to tell. Keep Severus out of
his way, though. is formidable young man will not back down, and if he is expelled, he
will leave and not look back. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have something to discuss with
his Head of House.”

* * *
She was still waiting for him, and as he got near, she silently led him to a small room,
hidden behind a portrait of a noblewoman.
“You’re still here?”
“Of course, Master.”
“I’m not your master, Tracey.”
She just smiled at him.
“You will be, though. Look at me.”
She opened her robes, revealing a vest like the Kilchurn costume’s, but it was cut a lot
lower, and she didn’t wear anything under it. Below it were a pair of tight thigh-length
shorts, quite similar to biking pants.
“You’re beautiful. What’s this about?”
“You. I’m yours. All you have to do is take me. I will not come to you, but I will hunt
you and haunt you until you take me. Do you want to take me by force? Just do it, then. I
won’t resist, but you have to take me. If you want me to come to you, you’ll have to order
me, be my Master. I will do whatever you want. Do you want me to suck your cock? Just
order me, and I will.”
“You are making this very hard for me, Tracey.”
“ On your order, I will suck you as hard as you’ll ever be, and then you can order me
to take my clothes off. Tell me to go slow, and I will. Tell me to be fast, and there will be
tatters all over the place, and then you can order me to suck you some more, or to lay down
and read my legs. All you have to do is order me to bend over and read my cheeks,
and I’ll be yours in every way.”
“Why do you do this to me? Or to yourself, for that matter.”
312 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Because of many things. Because I want you so much my nipples hurt, but this is the
way it has to be. I’m yours for the asking, but you have to ask with force. You’re a force,
Harry. Try to become what you are.”
“On your knees, then, and suck my cock.”
She did, eagerly. Her fingers were aually shaking as she undid the laces on his
trousers and gently pulled him out. en she stopped. She looked at the huge member
with disbelieving eyes, and measured it to her hands. She needed both her hands to reach
around it, and another measure showed that it was as long as her forearm. When she
looked up at him, her beautiful violet eyes were dark with lust, and she licked her lips
before opening her mouth as much as possible. She did manage to take the head in her
small mouth, but she did her best to make up for the lack of depth with her hands and
tongue. Aer a while, though, Harry realised that she was sobbing.
“What’s wrong?” She didn’t answer, but continued to suck and lick as much as she
could. He realised that he had asked her.
“Tracey. Tell me what’s wrong.”
She looked up at him with tears in her beautiful eyes.
“I got you to give me the order I wanted, but I can’t obey it. I’m just too small.”
“en prepare for a real shock. Stand up, and take off your clothes.”
“But, Master, you’re ...”
“Hush. You wanted orders, here they are. Take your clothes off and turn around.” He
pulled one of Freja’s necklaces out of his pocket, and marked it on the back side with the
Tiwaz rune. He admired her slender back for a second before putting the chain around
her neck. He rubbed his length along her wet little quim, enjoying her shivers.
“Now, Tracey, you will grab your ankles.”
She folded like a pocketknife, straight at the waist without bending her knees at all. He
knelt behind her, and she managed to capture his crown in her mouth as he started to probe
her with his tongue., he used his morphed tongue to carefully measure her before standing
up and putting his crown at her slick entrance. She was shivering and making little whining
sounds, but she didn’t even move as he started to push into her. He morphed himself to be
a little too big for her, but within the tolerances. He had figured wrong. To her, he was just
perfe. Tracey, a girl with a more than healthy libido, had endured more than a month
without release, and the tension was becoming intolerable. e sensation of her Master’s
member grinding inside her brought her to, and over, the edge. Unfortunately, she still
couldn’t come, so instead, her body simply shut her mind down. Tracey was reduced to a
being of feral need, and that need was for her Master to fill her with his seed.
She began counter-thrusting so forcefully that Harry lost his balance and fell back-
wards with Tracey on top of him. e slim girl began riding him in a ferocious pace, and
as she saw how much he enjoyed her squeezing, she lied herself off of him, and took him
into the tighter entrance. Luckily for her, he hadn’t lost it completely yet, and was able to
shrink himself enough to avoid the serious injuries the girl was ignoring. He cast the lu-
brication charm, and flipped her over on her back, while he pounded her relentlessly. She
was moaning and grunting, and her little pussy was releasing near in a steady stream.
Chapter 21 — turning a little blue. 313

He pulled out of her arse and cleaned himself with a burst of power before coming into her
pussy again. It was almost as tight, and the wet suion brought him to the edge, where he
pulled out, and stepped over her legs in a move that would have been ridiculous under any
other circumstances, and pushed his cock into her mouth. is time, his size was more
manageable, and she took him down her throat by grabbing his butt and pull. Her beau-
tiful eyes were locked on his when she let him slide out of her mouth. She stroked him
with both hands and said hoarsely. “Cum, Master. I need your cum. Please, Master.” And
he did. At the first twitch, she buried him in her throat again, moaning in pleasure as he
filled it with his semen. He pulled out, and she lapped it up with all her might. He wasn’t
as charged as he would have been, using his full size, but it was more than she could take
anyway. She rubbed his semen all over her breasts and face, as he made a minor morph,
making himself hard again.
He switched position again, kneeling on the floor between her knees. Fully aware
of the amount of semen on and in his cock, he built his wave, and slowly, very slowly
pushed himself into her reum. He released the wave equally slow, allowing it to build
to a truly thundering climax. It took a quick cushioning charm to keep the convulsing
girl from crushing her own head against the floor Every muscle in her body cramped,
and her hiner pushed him out fast enough to hurt. He cradled the sobbing, crying
and moaning girl to him as her orgasm ebbed out. Once she had calmed herself, she
stood up and dressed in silence. So did Harry, but before the girl le, with her mission
accomplished, she knelt before him and kissed his still naked feet.
“ank you, Master. Remember that I’m yours, though. My pleasure is far second to
yours, and I look forward to the day you pull me into a cupboard and just fuck my arse
and leave. I am your plaything, and not your equal. Please remember that, Master.”
With that, she was gone.

* * *
Harry shook his head. is was not as he had planned it, but then again, he had his doubts
about the original plan. She would be good to him, he reckoned. She held an enormous
pride in her submission, and would force him to be her master, and that was one way to
learn to command. He wasn’t very good at it, he knew. He was fortunate enough to be
surrounded by people who could invent his orders if he didn’t give any, but that wouldn’t
be enough in the future.
∼ Master, Freja wishes to eak with you. Shall I allow it? ∼
Harry was more than a little surprised of this, and a bit shaky from having his train
of thought derailed, but he allowed it.
∼ Harald, one who wears my necklace is under attack. e one who just le you, I
believe. I just made a Fafnirhamn. May I control you for a second so you can use it? You’ll
be able to track her then. ∼
∼ Of course, My Goddess. No one hurts one of mine. ∼
e sensation was odd, but not completely unlike his transformation to Hank. Sud-
denly, he was a forty feet long Serpent Dragon, and he could sense Tracey, and she was
314 Midnight Sun — Vanir

being pounded by a fist. He slithered out of the room, and ed down the halls, track-
ing her scent. He realised that he must be near the Slytherin Dungeon when the scent
disappeared through the wall in the middle of a stair.
⊳ Open up ⊲, he commanded in Parseltongue, and a seion of the wall swung open.
Inside was a scene that made his blood boil.
Snape was hitting his servant, and Neville’s too.
“You shame my House, You dishonour Slytherin!”
Snape was hitting the girls again and again. ere was blood on their faces, and Pansy
had a cut across her forehead.
“Whores to Potter and the squib wonder of Gryffindor!” He tried to kick Tracey in
the ribs, but got tangled in his robes and almost fell.
“is is not the Honour and Purity of Slytherin House!”
He never noticed the other students sudden silence. He just lied his hand to strike
again, when he felt an incredible pain in his arm. As he completed his swing, he saw that
his hand was gone. As he turned around, he was face to face with an enormous, bright
green serpent, who still had his hand in it’s mouth. e monster at out his hand and
oke in English.
“Sseveruss Ssnape, you are unworthy of thiss housse. e way of the Sserpent iss not
the way of hate or revenge. ere iss a falsse Sserpent Lord who lies about theese thingss. I
casst him out. Tom Marvolo Riddle, Your Voldemort, iss not a Slytherin. Learn, Sseverus.
Learn, or be found wanting.”
e snake turned to the sobbing, beaten girls and breathed a shimmering blue cloud
over them, and their cuts and scrapes healed instantly, and only the dried blood on their
faces showed that they were ever there.
“Sslytherin Daviss, Sslytherin Parkinsson, you chose wisely. Be well.”
e serpent turned and le, leaving a bewildered House behind him.

* * *
∼ Goddess, all due ree and such, but what the hell was that? I’m not too fond of riding
the back seat in my own body. ∼
∼ I’m sorry, Harald, but legends has to start somewhere. Did I do something you
wouldn’t have? Your Father said you wanted to shape up that House, and this was the
fastest way. Do you mind it much? ∼
∼ No, not really. It’ll be fun to hear about his later, though. Tracey will believe I had
something to do with it, though. ∼
∼ en tell her. I am proud of how you handled her. Now, I must go. Your Father is
here, too. He sends his best. ∼
∼ Please take care of him, Divinity. Be well. ∼

* * *
Chapter 21 — turning a little blue. 315

Dumbledore had been enough, Tracey had been more fun, but still hard work, and then,
he had bitten the hand off of Snape.
He had bitten Snape’s hand off.
Right off.
He just couldn’t wrap his mind around that. It was freaking hilarious. With a bit of
help from the Goddess, he had become a miniature version of his Father, and scared the
shit out of the whole Slytherin House. His father would be proud of him, but he still had
to face Gryffindor tower.
He was currently meandering upwards in the castle in his imperfe camouflage form,
as a tranarent water-like body. He wasn’t invisible, but fairly hard to see, and he didn’t
have a scent either. Someone or something was watching him, though. It meant him no
harm, and was positively inclined, but he couldn’t get a fix on whoever it was.

* * *
“Good evening, Mister Potter,” the Fat Lady said as he got to the tower.
“Good evening, Kind lady. I believe I should wait here, as I don’t know the password.
Do you mind if I ask you a question?”
“Not at all, if I can ask one in return. What did you wish to know?”
“Your name, Dear Lady. It has struck me how impolite my normal address is.”
“As I really would like you to answer my question, I will answer yours, but I beseech
you to keep my secret. I don’t mind the epithet Fat at all, as my Christian name is, or
technically was, Macaronia Dither. My father fell in love with certain elements of the
Italian cuisine, and I suffered the consequences. Now, first I should assure you that, while
the portraits of Hogwart’s are a resource to the Headmaster, we are first and foremost
bound to the castle. e sentience of this building recognises you as a Sorcerer, but
somewhat different. My question is therefore on behalf of Hogwart’s. What are your
intentions? Prote, defend, restore, or destroy?”
He hadn’t really expeed this. All students had a feeling that the castle was somehow
aware of things, and the idea that it was sentient wasn’t that big of a surprise. e honesty
and straightforwardness however, shocked him. He thought deeply. He was unassisted
at the moment, as Stina was busy having sex with Jorunn (using his shape), so he had to
make do with his own brain.
“My Lady, I have a strong difference of opinion with the Headmaster and the current
Head of Slytherin House. It is my firm belief that Hogwart’s would benefit from some
changes on these posts. I will of course defend Hogwart’s, and if I knew how, which I
don’t, I would gladly add my power to the wards. My intentions for the magical world will
lead to a greater population, which I believe will bring this castle back to the glory of the
days when all these unused classrooms were in full use.”
“ank you, Lord Sorcerer. May I also ask why you are different from the Sorcerers
of Old?”
“e original lines of the Sorcerers are gone, but they have been artificially reinstated
through me. I have been told that my children will be Sorcerers as well.”
316 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Do you have children? A bit young, aren’t you?”

“I have one on the way, and most likely more coming. I have made a deal with a
Goddess, which essentially means that I will have loads of kids. May I ask if there’s a
smithy on the premises somewhere? I believe I will need to relax every now and then, and
forging soothes me.”
“ere is an old smithy far below us, but it has fallen in disrepair. e castle will begin
restoration and the Room of Requirement is always available. Now, people are awaiting
you. You don’t need a password. All doors will open for you. Good night, Lord Potter.”
“ank you, My Lady, and good night.”
e portrait swung open, and Harry climbed through.
ere was a lot of people waiting for him, and the only one missing from the circle
was Neville, who was sitting by a table with a stack of papers. Even the First-years were
“Erm. Hello?”
Hermione took the lead, but before she could begin, Neville interrupted her.
“I told them you wouldn’t talk unless they swore it to a Gryffindor Secret, and they did.
I’ve already told them that you are the real Lord Kilchurn, and that you’ve been in touch
with a Goddess. No details, though. Why don’t you change back? You look ridiculous.”
Harry had to laugh. Trust Neville to get him past the greatest awkwardnesses. He
took a deep breath and returned to his normal bulkier shape.
“So,” he grinned. “Questions?”

* * *
e barrage lasted for almost two hours, and Harry was convinced that he had heard all
questions at least twice. e Gryffindor House now knew that he had been training abroad,
but most believed he had been in France. ey knew that he had had a boost in power,
but not the full extent of the boost, and that he had learned an almost extin form of
magic, usable to people above a certain level, which enabled him to alter his shape without
glamours. ey knew that he followed a polygamous tradition, and that he was married
to one, and betrothed to three more. Pregnancies were not mentioned.
Frankly, a lot of things were bluntly avoided by him, or neatly sidestepped by
He knew he had to do something nice for Neville.
e firsties wanted to know about the Hammer.
e second-years wanted to hear how he planned to get rid of Umbridge and the
e third-year boys wanted to know if he would play Quidditch again, and the girls
wanted to know how young girlfriends he could imagine having. Well, all the girls listened
intently to his reonse to that one, which was simply to state that one of his Consorts was
fourteen, but a part-human, who matured faster. He told them that ages weren’t really
Chapter 21 — turning a little blue. 317

important, as maturity was individual, and that other races matured at a different pace,
making age-limits a homocentric stupidity.
His explanation of the word “Homocentric” highlighted his anti-bigotry agenda, and
as he explained, most of the younger kids began to cry, as they realised that they had
opinions that Harry Potter aively stood against, and they all, silently, vowed to change.
One or two, though, got a thoughtful look on their faces for other reasons entirely.
Aer the first salvoes, the younger kids were sent to bed, and the harder questioning
began. Seamus started it.
“Harry, were you at the Longbottom Battle? Did you kill anyone?”
“I was there, and I killed. I killed people when I escaped, too, I think. Why?”
“It’s just ... well,” e Irish boy floundered.
“People who try to kill me will die. My stated enemies dies at my convenience. People
who attacks my friends and loved ones will hopefully die quickly. For them, that is. I have
a bit of a temper.”
Neville laughed at that.
“You sure do, My Lord.”
Soon came the question whether he had killed Bellatrix LeStrange. Before Harry could
eak though, Neville had stood up.
“I did,” he said, “and in a suitable way. at woman abused me as a baby, giving me
nightmares for as long as I have lived. I have the memories of my one-and-a-half year old
arms used as a dildo by the perverted bitch. I can eak of it now, because I killed her.
Did I become a monster? Yes, I did. For a while, I was a monster, but now I’m free, of
her and of the monster.”
Lavender oke up with a vicious gleam in her eyes. “I’m sure I will regret asking this,
but she killed my uncle, and desecrated the body in a similar way, I suppose, so Neville,
what did you do to her?”
He was quiet for a few seconds before he answered.
“If you want to know, I can tell you in private. It will scare you.”
“I thought so. Later, then?”
“Harry,” Parvati continued the interrogation. “Who is Caradoc Pritchard?” e Com-
mon room grew quiet again.
“Caradoc came when I needed him. He knows Gods and Goddesses. He’s a parsel-
mouth like me, and his powers are immense. He helps me do things I need to do, and see
things in a different light. rough Caradoc, I have learnt so much. anks to him, I could
escape the attack in Diagon Alley. Who is he? You tell me. I miss Elaine more, though.”
He turned and walked towards the stairs to his dorm, when Hermione asked a final
question. It was so perfe that he just had to answer it truthfully.
“Harry? Your girlfriend Elaine? How old would you say she is?”
318 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“You know about Hank? He’s a Leharv, and possibly the last of his kind. ey have
been rare for hundreds of years, but Elaine has seen them in scores. From that, and other
things, I’d guess a bit more than four hundred. Why?”
“Just asking. Good night.”
He climbed the stairs. Looking around the dorm, he saw the neat arrangements of
Neville’s things, the artistic clutter of Dean and the absolute mess of Seamus. Ron’s bed had
been removed but his stood in it’s usual place. He ran a check over the dorm, and found five
scrying ells in the canopy of his own bed, but nothing on the others. He identified them
as the magical equivalent of surveillance cameras, visual only, and cast a small illusion in
front of them, blocking all view. One would show a quidditch match from his point of
view, another got Voldemort’s return and the third and fourth got conversations he’s had
with Dumbledore over the years. e last one ran an image of an aquarium. Whoever
put the ells there would be very annoyed wit him, he guessed. He wasn’t really tired,
but keeping all these small deceptions straight was taxing. Truth was easier, but not even
his Goddess thought that it was a good idea. Apparently there was a serious discussion
going on downstairs, as no one had come up yet, so he got out to the loo and got ready
for the night.
As he got back, the curtains of his bed were drawn. He smiled an odd little smile
before engaging his Sight. is would prove a tiresome year. He recognised a silencing
charm on the curtains, and a female behind them, probably Ginny, who he had more or
less expeed. As he couldn’t really see faces with the sight like this, he could only tell
that she was moderately powerful, physically mature, and very, very horny. It wasn’t until
then that he noticed the disillusionment charm. She was hiding at the foot-end of his bed,
standing up to make the smallest possible imprint on the sheets, and had made herself
invisible to boot.
He parted the curtains, muttering about how they never stay up and climbed in. en
he pulled his trousers off, freeing his half ere member. He threw himself back on the bed
and allowed more blood to fill him, bringing him up to full mast. en he looked through
the disillusionment with half-closed eyes. He did notice the thin little nightie, but it was
really too thin for his enhanced vision, so he looked through it instead. She was indeed
one sexy little thing. He couldn’t resist pranking her a little, so he grabbed the base of his
cock and stroked it a few times. He made it a little larger with each stroke, until he couldn’t
even reach the top. By then, he had no feeling at all le in the morphed appendage, but
Ginny’s eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. As he quickly morphed himself to a
slightly smaller shape than normal, he looked her straight in her eyes.
“Harry, you beast. You knew all along!”
“I did. Now, I believe I owe you something. I just can’t remember what. Care to
remind me?”
She didn’t say anything, but walked up the bed until she was standing above him. en
she sat down, pausing only briefly to put his crown right, before sinking down slowly about
an inch.
“You owe me something big, right here, but not tonight. I’m still a virgin, and all I
want tonight is another taste of you, so just lie back and enjoy.”
Chapter 21 — turning a little blue. 319

It had been a long and hard day, but it was good to be him, he thought before he was
lost in sensations.

* * *
e following morning had Harry as the first one out of bed. He cleaned himself up out
of habit, as he Banished himself clean all the time, shrank himself and le for the great
hall. e very name made him miss his breakfasts by the fire in his own grand hall. As
he sat down to have his breakfast, a familiar flutter of blue and silvery wings was heard,
and Guinevere settled on his shoulder, pressing herself against him. She had a note tied to
her leg, that simply stated “You le something behind at home. Come down to the lake at
your earliest convenience, and I’ll bring it over.” He assumed that Stina had sent the note,
but that Gabrielle/Guinevere wanted to stretch her wings a bit. He quickly demolished his
breakfast and headed down to the lake.

* * *
“Davis, Parkinson, wait up a bit!”
“What now, Bulstrode? Still in shock?”
e tall girl frowned a bit.
“Yeah. It was a bloody great shock, but you weren’t scared like the rest of us. Did you
know about it before it happened? Do you know where the snake came from?”
Pansy immediately deferred to Tracey, who answered.
“No, but I’ve flown on the Kilchurn Dragon, and they looked and aed kind of similar.
Pansy has been alerted that there’s a real Serpent Lord, who opposes a false one. e words
of the Way of the Serpent is familiar from there, too. What are you really asking?”
Daphne Greengrass had approached as well, and asked.
“If the Dark Lord is this false lord, can he be the heir of Slytherin then?”
“I think so,” Pansy said. ”I think this Lordship doesn’t rely on blood heritage, but I’ll
ask my Master. He might know.”
“My Master certainly will, so I’ll ask as well.” Tracey said as she glanced out the
window. For some reason, she just knew that Harry was out there. Millicent Bulstrode
shook her head.
“I can’t believe you. You used to be proud Purebloods, and now, Pansy, you have
enslaved yourself to a near-squib, and you Tracey are sucking up to Potter of all possible
losers. What’s the plan, what are you really aer?”
Tracey felt like her brain had caught fire. Damn, she was angry. She reached between
the larger girl’s breasts and grabbed her bra through the blouse, pulling her along to the
“Sucking up? I serve. I have chosen to serve a man who’s worthy, who will defend me
and mine, and who will win. Look down there.”
ey all looked. For some reason, quite a few people were looking down at the figure
walking towards the lake with a falcon on his shoulder.
320 Midnight Sun — Vanir

ere were still some traces of fog on the lake, but as Harry got closer, the fog got
thicker, and billowed up on the shore. Something started to glow in the heavy mist, and
right in front of Harry, the cloud parted, revealing a woman, dressed in white and with a
sword resting over the palms of her hands. Harry bowed his head, and stepped out on the
surface of the lake, and walked towards the woman. As he reached her, she knelt before
him, and girdled his loins with the scabbard belt.
As she stood again, he drew the sword, and the mists over the lake shone with an
unearthly blue glow, that dimmed as he re-sheathed it. He embraced the woman in white,
and they shared a long, passionate kiss before he turned around, and walked back to the
shore. As he reached it, the fog sank away, and there was no trace of the woman.
Tracey turned to Bulstrode and Greengrass.
“at’s who I follow. Now do you understand?”
ey could only nod.
Chapter XXII

“After such kindness

that would be

He was seated in the front row, looking every bit the regular student, unless you noticed
the hard glint in his eyes. His hair was worn in a perfe ponytail, and his immaculate
robes hid his Kilchurn costume and his sword.
As the rest of the Gryffindors had filed in, they had taken one look at his bright smiling
face, and taken their seats with barely hidden smiles of anticipation. At exaly the right
second, his target of the day entered the room.
“Good morning, class.”
“Good morning, professor Umbridge.”
“Now, this is NEWT-level Defence against the Dark arts, and according to this silly,
silly curriculum, you children are supposed to use ells against each other. Obviously, we
will therefore divide you by blood. Yes, Miss Granger?”
“Why does that matter, Professor?”
e pink blob looked at the young witch with disdain. Harry smiled and raised his
“I would think that would be obvious. Perhaps Mr Potter can answer your silly little
Harry jumped out of his seat and stood at attention next to it.
“Certainly Professor. No pureblood can be expeed to last against someone with
more potent blood.”
Umbridges face cycled through several unpleasant hues before settling for a pasty
white with pink ots. She obviously couldn’t believe that someone was so misinformed.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Simple, Professor. Blood isn’t purified through the generations. It’s recycled. Aer
a few generations, the magic in it dwindles unless there’s an infusion of more potent

322 Midnight Sun — Vanir

heritage from somewhere. Two muggleborn parents never ever have a Squib child. at’s
a staleblood thing. Neville here is about as pure as they get. Come on, mate. Reduo
my nose.”
Neville didn’t hesitate for even a second. He pulled out his wand and cast the curse
straight at his friend’s face. e colour, eed and luminosity clearly told everybody that he
wasn’t holding back. It was a killer curse if it conneed. However, it hit something about
an inch from Harry’s face, and dissipated over the surface of the invisible shield. Dolores
Umbridge wasn’t stupid enough to fall for such an obvious set-up, however. It was time to
make this little half-blood crawl back into whatever hole he’d been hiding in.
“Interesting. Now, Mr Malfoy. Please cast a blasting curse at Mr Potter’s nose.”
A vicious grin appeared on the blonde boy’s face, as he drew his wand, and with an
elaborate jerk launched a Bombarda at his foe. Harry grinned. He kept grinning when the
slower ell impaed on his shield and was absorbed without a trace. Before the failed
result had even registered with the little ponce, he found himself shackled to the desk by
heavy iron chains, and his wand was in Harry’s hand.
“Professor, did you just order a student to attack another with a blasting curse?”
“Of course I did. Just like you.”
“But I asked him to fire at me, not you. To use that example would require Miss Malfoy
to fire at you, not me. ese events have been recorded and will certainly be revisited.
Please continue.”
“Eh. ank you... well. As I said, we will now pair up. Mr. Longbottom and Mr
Malfoy, please step forward..”
Harry tossed Neville a pair of keys, and Neville took the long way around the room
to unlock the chains that held Draco in place. is required him to cross the makeshi
duelling platform twice, and Harry noticed the little stream of what appeared to be dust
that flowed from the bottom of his pants. Harry grinned to himself. Neville hadn’t been
much of a powerhouse before, magically eaking, but with the Huldr-made gras of
ecialised magic to his core, he was more than adequate to his opposition this time. Draco
Malfoy, however, strutted up and caught his tossed wand with a snapping motion. Well,
he intended to, but he missed a bit, making it bounce to the side and down on the floor.
Neville had a look of concentration about him, and Harry noticed the green sheen
on the floor as the boys raised their wands in salute. A little clock on the leern made
two little clicks and then a gong sounded. Malfoy started with the disarming ell, which
Neville sidestepped and answered with a stunner, slightly too high. Malfoy dodged, and
appeared to lose his balance. As he fell forward, the floor around him came alive, and roots
and branches snared his hands to the floor and crawled up the legs of his pants, making
him scream in a very silly fashion. Neville stepped forward and picked the blonde boy’s
wand up from the clump of roots that covered the floor.
“I win.”
Apart from some subdued whining, the room was silent until Harry started clapping.
It grew to a standing ovation to the professor’s consternation.
“Yes, Mr Longbottom, but five points from Gryffindor for using ells not in the
ministry-approved curriculum.” is didn’t have the desired effe on the Gryffindors, as
she was met with seven blinding smiles. She tried to recover as best she could.
Chapter 22 — “Aer such kindness that would be 323

“Miss Granger, Miss Bulstrode, front and center, please.”

Harry managed to grab a hold of Hermione as she walked by. He whiered to her.
“Tonight, the common room, disillusioned but not silenced. If you win, that is.” Just
for good measure, he melted her panties and saved the water in a little hip flask. Her eyes
seemed to burn for an instant, and she took the floor with confidence and determination.
Taking a leaf out of Neville’s book, she started the duel with the hovering charm, making
the Slytherin’s robes billow up over her face, and a quick barrage of other common jinxes
had Millicent Bulstrode slowed down, petrified, trussed up like a turkey and hanging half
way up the opposing wall. As Mia claimed the other girl’s wand, she quoted Neville with
a toneless voice.
“I win.”
As she walked past Harry on the way back to her seat, Harry returned her knickers.
She froze for an instant before she whiered in his ear.
“I will be wearing my necklace, and I dare you to make me scream, and then, mister
smarty pants, we will discuss phase aces and assorted disjointed technobabble.”
“What if I fill you so much that you will be leaking all the way up to your dorm? Little
white drops running down your legs...”
“Damn you.” Her eyes were slightly glazed as she returned to her seat, and Harry’s
nose told him that his bushy-haired friend was leaking already.
Seamus got trounched by Pansy, as the re-made girl was very proud of her assets and
flashed him for a second, which stunned the libidous Irishman long enough for him to
be swily disarmed.
Tracey got her pretty arse handed to her by Dean, as he never took his eyes off hers,
and proved to be quicker. No one else got a chance, as Professor Umbridge, secure in her
pureblooded delusion, decided to do something really stupid.
“Mr Potter, now that the luck seems to have evened out, let’s see how you do against
a fully trained Pureblood. Come on now. Don’t be shy.”
No one should have been fooled by his poorly feigned look of horror and his theatri-
cally wobbling knees, but Umbridge looked triumphant nonetheless. She lost the smirk as
his hand whipped up for the salute, with a blue glow around his ivory white wand. As the
gong sounded, he bowed his head. A storm broke out. Harry’s robes were thrown back
over his shoulders, revealing his costume and, more importantly, his sword. e Clay-
more had a serpent’s head for the pommel, and the guards were entwined snakes. e
hilt was wrapped in iridescent Lindorm leather, and the scabbard was covered in glowing
runes. His wand grew to the Staff, and lightning crackled over the carvings. e arks
grew out into the air around him, and Delores Umbridge found herself pressed against the
far wall. e air smelled of hay, of dust, earth and blood, and just outside of hearing were
the sounds of horses and battle. Harry’s hair had escaped the knot, and stood out over his
head, carried on the current of Magic that radiated from him. Her single, weak disarming
ell was torn apart by the magical storm in front of him. He raised his head, looked at
her as he took a firm grip on the hilt of his sword.
324 Midnight Sun — Vanir

ere was a clatter of wood as she immediately dropped her wand. Class was dis-

* * *
“Brown! Patil! Wait up.”
e girls stopped and turned, drawing their wands.
“Greengrass, Bulstrode. What’s the matter?”
e Slytherin girls ran up to the Gryffindor’s. Aer catching their breath, Daphne
Greengrass oke up.
“We propose a trade. D’you know what happened in the Slytherin Common the first
“No, we haven’t heard anything about that.”
“I’d be surprised if you had. It’s been locked as a Slytherin Silence matter, but we have
a way around that. In exchange, we want the inside track on Potter.”
Lavender couldn’t stop a slightly mocking question.
“Scared you, did he?”
She was rewarded when the Slytherins jerked a little, and Bulstrode began.
“No, of course no...”
She was waved to silence by Greengrass.
“Shut up, Millie. You were as scared as I was. What happened to him? What did
Longbottom do? He didn’t even throw a curse!”
Lavender and Parvati held a quick conference with their eyes. Most of what they knew
were going to be around the school in no time, and this way, there was some gossip to get
in return. ey made their choice, and Lavender went into leure mode.
“Harry has grown. He’s almost stupidly powerful, and he doesn’t really need that
wand, or staff or whatever it is. He’s apparently a Sex God, and he can make a woman
orgasm by touching her hand.”
Parvati couldn’t help adding.
“He did you good, anyway.”
“And he’ll do it again if I can help it. He’s had some conta with a real, aual Goddess,
and Pritchard may be heading the bunch at Kilchurn Castle, but Harry is the Lord. He’s
been in frequent conta with part- and non-Humans, and he will not now, not ever accept
bigotry, nor even have his friends called Dark, which I believe our books say they are. Your
turn. What happened in your dungeon, and how in Merlin’s name can you get around the
“Easy,“ Greengrass smiled. “We need this information to stay ahead, and it’s a part of
the Slytherin Creed. We will do anything to get ahead.”
“Sounds a bit like Seamus’ creed. Just lose the ’A’.” Lavender grinned.
“Indeed. Anyway, Snape was doing the normal eech about Silence and the honour
of Slytherin and all when Tracey Davis came in. Draco started shouting about how she and
Chapter 22 — “Aer such kindness that would be 325

Parkinson had sworn themselves to Potter and Longbottom and Snape lost it. He didn’t
draw his wand, he started in on them with words, fists, and feet. I think he had aually
broken at least Pansy’s nose, maybe Tracey’s too, when the door opened and a huge snake
came in. Not a basilisk or anything like that, it was bright green, and had red horns or
something along the jawline. It bit off Snape’s hand, called him a liar about the ways of
Slytherin, and cast V... Tom Riddle out of the house. It also said that there was a True
Serpent Lord in the realm, who opposed the false one.”
“You mean it oke English?”
“It did. It went on to tell Davis and Parkinson that they had chosen wisely, and it
healed them with a ray of something from it’s mouth, and then it le. Snape hasn’t been
heard from since, and Malfoy is more or less shunned. I think the Consensus is that it was
an embodiment of Slytherin House, but we’re just not sure. e two of us believes that
this means that we have to make something dramatic to put us in Kilchurn’s good books.
Would you say Harry would like it if we gave Seamus a number or two? Or anyone? I mean,
if Tracey and Pansy made the right choice, and Tracey has sworn herself as some kind of
peculiar sex-slave to Potter, and Pansy is training to be Longbottom’s official Concubine,
we have to find someone, too.”
Parvati thought about it carefully.
“I don’t think you do. If you try to learn how to get along with Harry, maybe make
yourselves available to Tracey and Pansy if they want to do something ecial for their
Masters, and be generally good Slytherins, not the petty scheming variety that Malfoy and
Flint before him made so bloody common, I think you’ll be fine. You saw Harry there. To
stand against him is not favourable to your careers, your health or anything. e Slytherin
thing, the ambitious thing would be to become valuable to him, and frankly, Harry has all
the pussy he needs — including mine.”
Greengrass thought deeply.
“at stands to reason. What about Longbottom, then? Any clue?”
“He’s with Bones, and from what I heard, she’s the one who arranged for Pansy to
become a concubine. If you want to get close to him, you have to go through her, because
he wouldn’t even dream of doing anything with a girl without her expressed permission.
As for the New Nev, he’s been close to a non-human who can give certain people gis of
power. Apparently, that mended his core, which was damaged when he was a baby. He’s
no Dumbledore, but the powers he got has to do with plants and growing things. Kind
of fits, don’t you think?”
is time Bulstrode, the Slytherin Herbology ace, grinned widely. “He didn’t need
any help with that. He was amazing in the greenhouses before, but now I won’t stand a
chance. Have you heard anything about that sword?”
Parvati took that one.
“I heard him talking to Neville when they le. He mentioned making the hilt himself,
but I think the blade is old, and he said he called it ’Scales’ for short, because the full name
was a bit of a mouthful.”
e thought struck them all at roughly the same time. ey looked at each other with
something like awe in their eyes. Finally, Daphne Greengrass broke the silence.
326 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“I can only think of one sword who’s name can be shortened to ’Scales’.”
Quietly, they contemplated this revelation. Suddenly their suicions crystallised, and
they knew that they would need to get closer to him. e time of legends was upon them,
and those legends were carried by a scrawny boy they all had known for years. ey had
this corner piece of the puzzle that revealed the shape of the whole.
Scales. Excalibur.

* * *
Harry was walking towards the Great hall. He hadn’t expeed a free period as a bonus for
scaring the crap out of the annoying toad, but he welcomed it. He walked past a couple
of Hufflepuff fih year girls he had seen a hundred times before, but he noticed that one
of them who usually wore braids had her hair down, and he thought it looked great. He
stopped her on a whim, conjured a boquet of starflowers, and gave to her.
“You look beautiful like that. Have a nice day.” and then he moved on towards the hall.
He flopped down at the Gryffindor table and started to go through his Law and Politics
books. Aer a few minutes, Susan took a seat in front of him. She was giggling, and he
noticed that giggling did nice things to her chest.
“Harry, what in the world did you do to Trina Donnelly? She’s barely coherent, and
there’s something about the way she clutches those flowers that’s just indecent.”
“Trina, Trina... oh yeah. Fih year muggleborn, Hello Kitty bookbag and no braids
today?” At Susan’s nod, he continued. “I liked the way she looked with her hair down, so
I gave her flowers and told her so.”
“Harry, in her mind you praically proposed. I’ve been tooting the Kilchurn line in
our common room, telling everybody what a great guy you are, and then you do something
like this? ankfully, I could let her down gently, by telling her that’s just the kind of guy
you are, but she’s still star-struck. Maybe you should do her, just in case.”
“I wish I had the time, but I have too much sex scheduled for today as it is. I was
worrying that I would have a dry ell once school started, but I couldn’t be further from
the truth. I’m going dry here.”
Susan just laughed at the exaerated voice of her weary Lord. Hufflepuff was more
or less rallied to his side, and the idea that equality should extend outside of humanity, to
all sentients, was accepted easier than she had thought. From what she had heard, Luna
had used a very different approach with Ravenclaw. e intelleuals of Ravenclaw seemed
to be ill equipped to deal with more simplistic arguments, like ’do it my way, or I’ll hurt
you.’ Rumour had it that Cho Chang had started to insult Luna, in a fit of pique over the
younger girl’s enhanced bust. e eacular black eye the Prefe wore today did lend
some credence to the story, as Luna could throw a punch these days. Suddenly, the pecking
order of the Ravenclaw house had changed. at should prove interesting to follow, Susan
thought. Cho and that bitch, Marietta, had been very subdued aer the first night, and
Luna had begun to move with purpose and confidence. She turned her attention back to
the Lord.
“So, who will have trouble sitting tonight then?”
Chapter 22 — “Aer such kindness that would be 327

“I have to meet Tonks tonight for her fix, and Disa will be with her. I also promised Mia
something rather ecial. Tracey can probably wait another day, and I have a ’Diplomatic
exchange’ to negotiate with Luna. I also believe that Katie Bell will jump me one of these
days. Do you have anything on her? She smells a bit, I don’t know, odd.”
“I’ve heard that she may not be fully human. Have you heard her angry? at funny
accent she gets into? I bet she’s from Orkney, and that can only mean one kind of non-
“Orkney roughly translates to Seal Island, if I know my Norse, which I do. Selkie,
you think?”
“Yes. Look at her eyes sometimes. ey’re almost all black. Now, should I add
arranging your ... sexual schedule to my duties, My Lord?”
“Damn it, Susan. Could you stop using that voice on me? What kind of schedule do
you suggest?”
“Well, Hermione is in the tower, studying. You have a free period. Deal with her now,
but save some stamina for Tonks and some semen for Disa. en, My Lord, I suggest you
find yourself a furnace somewhere and make something beautiful for me. You need to
“at’s not a bad idea, Sue. Tell Neville to give you ten minutes extra from me
“I will, My Lord. Have fun.”

* * *
Hermione Granger was frustrated. She was sitting in the common room with some
second- and fourth-years, who had a free period, as she seethed. Harry, her nice, naïve
Harry had outmanoeuvred her three times already, with disturbing ease. On the train, he
had simply shagged her senseless. at had been a lot nicer than when he fooled her with
Dyson. e terms he had used didn’t match, but it had taken her hours to prove it. Today,
he had brought a little warrior out of her with the promise of a fantasy, and she very much
doubted that he would make good on it. Well, at least until something grabbed her and
lied her straight out of her seat up to the ceiling of Gryffindor Tower. e movement was
so quick that no one even noticed. She observed with some curiosity that she had passed
into some kind of concealment here that appeared invisible from the outside, while she
saw the entire common room perfely from the inside. Only then did it occur to her to
possibly be frightened. She turned to see Harry standing on the ceiling, and she found
that she was indeed looking up at the floor. He put his finger across his lips and grew to
his full muscular size. He whiered to her.
“ey can hear us. Just be quiet. Very, very quiet.” He then put his hands on her shoul-
ders, and she shuddered at the glow in his eyes, and at the sensation of her robes melting
off her body. He grabbed her arms, and threw himself backwards onto the floor/ceiling,
with her on top of him. As he turned her over on top of him, making her look down
on the others in the common room as his hands caressed her body, her body simply lit
up. She knew the concealment ell was there, but there was nothing to remind her of
328 Midnight Sun — Vanir

it, and it really felt like all these people only would have to look up to see her shame, to
see her hard, aching nipples straining against her bra or how her lacy little knickers were
almost dissolved by her juices. As she thought it, he did that frustrating thing again, and
her knickers just flowed right off of her, and she was laid bare for all the room to see. Her
heart was trying to beat itself out of her chest, and her breaths were ragged. His hands
moved to her breasts, and as he pinched her nipples through the bra, she released a flood
of juices that filled the room with her scent. She could feel him move under her, and sud-
denly, he was naked, too. She bit her lip, trying to contain her whimper as she felt the
heat of his massive member between her legs. Her bra was gone, too. She could feel his
breath in her ear.
“You know, Mia, I intend to fuck you now. Right here, under the ceiling of the
Common Room. e inversion charm that holds us here is simple, and it will last until
I counter it, but the concealment is different.” He was rubbing her nipples with one hand
as he oke, and his other was slowly moving downwards. “What if it fails when I come?
Maybe it fails when I get really excited? You’re very exciting in yourself, Mia, and I am
quite excited already. If it fails, they can see us.”
He used both hands on her little pussy now. He stroked and caressed her labia, without
ever touching her clitoris. He read her wide with his fingers, and she couldn’t help
moaning. One of the students in the room looked up from his book with a surprised
look. She was right above him, read open like a ... she couldn’t find a good analogy as
she looked down between her legs. Harry’s enormous member stood up between her legs,
and she just knew that she had to have it. She squirmed downwards, started to rub herself
against his hot pole, and whiered to him.
“Harry, I need something from my le pocket. A bottle. Can you get it for me?”
She could feel him tense up a little, but soon, he lied the bottle into view, using the
cold glass to tease her nipples even further. She grabbed the bottle and quickly slid off of
him, turned, and took his crown in her mouth. At the same time, she positioned her pussy
over his face, and squatted down with some force.
It was just wonderful. His tongue was very long, and reached far inside her, touching
ecial places that she hadn’t even known about. She did feel the continuous pressure on
her G-ot, however, and she knew that if she came now, he might just drown. Her primary
attention, though, was on the glorious monster in front of her face. She licked. She sucked.
She did her best to take it as deep as she possibly could, but she didn’t get very far. e
small drops of precum were savoured like a fine wine, and she found it delicious. Aer
about two minutes, she realised that she hadn’t given him any ace to breathe through,
and she jumped off him with haste. She looked up at his face, and he just smiled at her.
At least he hadn’t suffered. Now she got busy. She knew she wouldn’t be able to keep him
inside her for long, so she used her hands and mouth to bring him as far along as she could.
She started to lick his balls while she caressed his crown with one hand, as she used her
other hand to rub the potion over her little pussy, careful to read it inside her as well.
When she felt the tingle, she sat up, facing away from him, and squatted over his huge
cock. Looking up at the busy, but quiet, common room, she slowly impaled herself on his
enormous meat. e potion did its work, increasing her elasticity several times over, but
it didn’t make her less tight. Slowly, she sank down, until she just couldn’t get any further,
Chapter 22 — “Aer such kindness that would be 329

and she lay back over his body. He grabbed hold of her breasts and started thrusting in and
out of her impossibly stretched pussy. is continuous friion on both her G-ot and her
clit made her cum in just a few seconds, but he kept thrusting, prolonging her orgasm to a
blissful torture. She bit her lip as hard as she dared to keep from crying out as the amazing
member pounded her insides. In a brief reite between orgasms, she whiered to him.
“Harry, I want to swallow your cum. Please tell me when.”
“Right now is fine,” he answered, and she could hear the tension in his voice. She slid
off him with an audible plopping sound, making several of the people in the hall notice,
and turned him on his side. She lay on the floor/ceiling beside him, and jerked him off
with his crown in her mouth as she looked up at the people in the room. As she felt him
twitch, she took him as deep as she could, and, looking down at her fellow students in the
Gryffindor Common Room, her mouth was filled with the delicious taste of Harry’s seed.
She had studied the subje enough to be able to drink, and not one drop was wasted.
Once he had recovered, he did that annoying thing again, and her clothes, minus her
bra and knickers of course, flowed back on her, and between one breath and the next, he
was dressed as well. He walked her on the ceiling to the girl’s dorm stairs, where he let her
down, and then, he was gone. ey had been silent ever since he came. She had a very
good reason to stay silent. She still had her mouth full of Harry’s cum.

* * *
e Politics class had been enlightening, as it turned out to be a leure on what Neville
had done while Harry had been busy screwing. Apparently though, the Professor, a
dusty old man called Binks, had no idea just who Neville was, and they had exchanged
many amused glances as the little man had gone into rapture over the cunning moves of
Kilchurn. Truthfully, many of these moves had been successful due to the support of the
GOL’s, but that had apparently escaped the little politician’s notice.
Aer classes that day, Harry vanished. A lot of people went looking for him, but he
was nowhere to be found. When one of the more clever ones asked a portrait, they got
the answer that Mr Potter was doing his chores, and that his location was not public. is
made everybody believe that he was in the headmaster’s office, but he was in fa in a large
room in a dusty and almost forgotten part of the dungeons. e room was furnished with
a large bed and one of the Kilchurn Arches. Hogwarts had agreed to allow for people to
travel with the arches to this room, as long as they didn’t leave it without the Headmasters
or Deputy Headmaster’s permission. Somehow, Harry sueed that he wouldn’t have
much of a problem getting Minnie’s permission. Right now, though, the bed was covered
in a worn-out Tonks, a highly content and even burping Disa and a sweaty Harry. He
was lying read-eagled in the middle of the bed, and Tonks slowly dragged herself up
towards his crotch where she took his flaccid member in her mouth and started sucking
him back up.
“Hey Tonks, if I fuck you again, you’ll break.”
“I don’t care. More cock. More Harry. You still haven’t fucked my arse today.”
“I have, and you came three times.”
330 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Let her, Master. She might get you up, but she’ll fall asleep soon. Good job there, by
the way. Ten orgasms and not one ark from you.”
“e plan is to get her off this addiion. How about you? All fed?”
“Oh yes. You’re oiling me, but don’t you dare stop. By the way, I should tell you that
Saga and Gunlög are doing both your enlisted Einharjers and the Legion. If we need it,
can we go to them for some relief, too, Jorunn and I?”
“Hm. I’m not too fond of the idea, aually. If you need it, of course you can, but I
rather you came to me. I love you, you know.”
“We do, and I asked for emergencies. We have started to eavesdrop on the Aurors,
so that we can give them backup if they need it, and there’s a lot of Lindorms and other
animals around that can keep watch for us. e mining town that Neville asked us to scout
out is perfe, by the way. ere are enough standing buildings there for 2500 residents,
and the Elves are having a field day cleaning it up. e Legion have been setting some
muggle-repelling wards and stuff, and we have planted loads of trees in the area. With
some help, and there are a lot of Huldr ready to help, we should have a sizeable forest in
just a few weeks.”
“Nice. Invitations to other ecies?”
“Sent out. Father is praising like crazy. He plans to make the little pond nearby into
a real lake. ere are some aquatic life forms that we might like to save.”
“Any problems?”
“Nothing much. e ministry tried to keep us from talking to the Werewolves, but
as the cleaning of the place is handled by your elves these days, it didn’t last long. It’s like
no one at the ministry can cast a cleaning charm. ey buckled under the pressure of full
trash cans. You really need to do something to establish sovereignty.”
“Morons, the lot of them. I’d better talk to Nev about it. Look, Tonks is asleep.”
“She looks cute like that, with your cock in her mouth.”
“So do you. Well, It’s been nice, but I guess I’ll better get upstairs and bewilder a few
“You do that, Master. I’ll take care of the big, strong Auror here. Later, beloved.”

* * *
e headmaster was concerned. His influence over Harry, cultivated over the years,
seemed to be gone completely, and somehow, the boy had grown immensely over the
summer.Delores had given him a shivering report of the incident, and had cancelled sev-
eral classes due to the personal crisis she was suffering from.
Poor Delores, she had had too many hits at her preconceptions of late. First, there had
been the aristocratic Lord of Kilchurn, who physically hit her for insulting his people, then
challenged her beloved Ministry, making it clear that he didn’t think too much of it. She
had been forced to watch as some of the fringe groups of society, Werewolves for one, got
more and more support in the Wizengamot and Lord Kilchurn became a greater source of
Chapter 22 — “Aer such kindness that would be 331

safety for people than the Ministry’s Aurors. ere was even a report from yesterday that
an Auror strike force, sent out to deal with a smuggling ring who dealt in banned potion
ingredients had seen observers, wearing the uniform of the Kilchurn Armed Forces. e
Aurors had reonded positively to that, claiming that it was good to know that someone
had their backs covered.
Today, her long-held belief that Purebloods were better had been challenged hard by
Granger and Potter, a Mixed-blood and a Muggleborn. She had even had the Malfoy boy,
considered quite powerful by the Slytherins, attack Longbotton, who was considered weak
in the extreme. Apparently the Longbottom boy had won in a eacular fashion, and
aer Potter had scared her half way to St. Mungo’s, her secure little world had crumbled.
e headmaster smiled about that. Harry hadn’t used force. He had just dilayed his
ability and told her to yield. e boy might be out of the Headmaster’s influence, but he
was still in the Light.
e reports from Severus were much more troubling. ere had never been reports
of great snakes around Slytherin house before. is one had defended a pair of Slytherin
miscreants, and removed the Head of House’s hand. e snake had also cast Tom Riddle
out of Slytherin, in a way that aually had registered with the Castle. All documentation
about him stated that he had been cast out, and the mention of his house in various places
had been erased. Severus obviously felt his authority with his house was in jeopardy,
eecially as the miscreants, to use his words, were now free to read their vileness all
over his house. Perhaps the Headmaster should look a little closer at the crime they had
Severus hadn’t mentioned that.
Hufflepuff house had settled nicely, and Susan Bones had turned out to be the unof-
ficial leader, and that was good. She, too, oke well of Kilchurn, and advocated a more
forceful anti-bigotry agenda than the passive resistance the house had settled for previ-
ously. Pomona didn’t mind, as the girl was quite moderate, so the Headmaster saw no
reason whatsoever to intervene.
Ravenclaw had had a bit more turmoil at the start of the term. Filius had been
very happy to report a change in his house. e headmaster had of course been aware
of the slightly boisterous group called the Clique, headed by the seventh-year prefe,
Chang. Now, though, it seemed like Lovegood was the apex of Ravenclaw, seeing as
she had charmed most of the house to follow her, or Kilchurn. e difference wasn’t
quite clear, and when Chang had made some pointed remarks, she and her lieutenant,
Edgecombe, had each received a severe beating. Someone had obviously taught Lovegood
to fight physically. e injuries were limited to some severe bruising, and according to the
portraits, Lovegood had offered to heal them, which only Edgecombe had accepted. e
fih-year girl had then bared one of her noticeable breasts, and touched the injuries with
it, making the bruises vanish
He headmaster hadn’t really been aware of the bullying problems of the house before,
and he still sueed that the reports were exaggerated. e reports had, for instance,
stated that the prefe, Chang, had been severely involved, and to sue such a lovely
creature of such vile behaviour just didn’t sit right with him. Still, it was an internal matter
of the house and not his problem.
332 Midnight Sun — Vanir

He frowned a bit as he thought of Gryffindor. e house could just as well be renamed

Kilchurn. Not only did it house Harry, who didn’t say much on the subje, but somehow
he had gained the ree and admiration of his entire house, it also housed Neville
Longbottom, who had grown from a shy planter to a confident political mover, all in the
name of Kilchurn. Why did that man succeed where he, Albus Dumbledore, had failed?
He had asked Neville about the reason for Kilchurn’s successful gaining of ree. e
boy had politely avoided the question, until the Headmaster had pushed a bit too hard.
“Headmaster, when we, the Kilchurn crew, see something fucked, we try our best to
unfuck it. Aions eak louder than words, and a shitload louder than waiting for nothing
and playing parlour games behind the scenes.”
e young man had appeared a tad upset.

* * *

Caradoc Pritchard, new names, old legends, and Harry Potter, The Boy
Who Just Refuses To Die.
By Rita Skeeter.
He’s back.
He fell to cutting curses, decaying curses, blasting, and killing curses and
now he’s back for more.
Ladies and gentlemen, witches and wizards all, there is much we have to
thank the House of Kilchurn for, and lately, the list has grown to include
Harry Potter. An emergency Portkey, which partly malfunioned due
to the intense magical field, whisked our favourite schoolboy away from
certain death, and brought him to safety and intensive training according
to a highly initiated source. Who would know such things, I hear you
Elaine Pritchard, Harry Potter’s fiancé, that’s who.
Instead of being stuffed back into an abusive Muggle home, unfit to
house anything except possibly dementors (Elaine’s words), Harry ent
his summer an an undisclosed location, catered by experienced fight-
ers, legendary mages and magical creatures. In this stimulating environ-
ment, Harry Potter has worked hard these months to become as good a
fighter as he could possibly be. A true defender of Justice and Equal-
ity, and this, dear readers, seems to be what the House of Kilchurn is all
When Elaine was escorted into my office by a house elf, she thanked the
elf with ree. I must admit I found it a little bit odd, until I saw how
the little tyke straightened up and winked at her. When Elaine later told
me just how organised these little beings are, I made up my mind to be
a lot more polite to our tireless helpers in the future. First, though, there
were things I needed to know.
Chapter 22 — “Aer such kindness that would be 333

Who is Caradoc Pritchard?

What does he want?
How can we help?
Here’s what I learned, and I must say I wasn’t too surprised. Caradoc
Pritchard is no stranger in Great Britain. He has been here before, but
under another name. e only timeframe I could get was that his age
is surprising. Also, he is not what we today, at this day and age, would
call fully human. I learned that his charming daughter was adopted, and
she freely confessed to be centuries old! Imagine my surprise when I
had hoped to interrogate an innocent sweet sixteen. Caradoc is very
powerful, doesn’t really use ells at all, and is absolutely ruthless to his
enemies. He is a parselmouth, knows how to eak to dragons, and has
made friends among them. Dear readers, didn’t we learn about him in
What does he want, then? What has brought him back to our islands
aer all these years?
Our failure, that’s what. Once upon a time, there was peace here, and
all the magical races coexisted in relative harmony, but that time, dear
readers, is gone. Over the past century, the Dark Lords have come with
an alarming frequency, and we, the citizens of the Wizarding world, have
forgotten that we are part of something larger, the Magical world, where
Elves, Centaurs, Werewolves and other being, with even darker tinges to
their names have their places as well.
e man we know as Caradoc Pritchard is not here to fix it for us. He’s
just training the one who will: Harry Potter.
Once again, this young man is at the centre of our future, just as he was
all those years ago, when he stopped the Dark Lord for the first time. If
our leaders had done their duty, there would never have been a second
time, as You-Know-Who wouldn’t have had a support struure already
in place, but it seems like our Minister has been to busy accepting money
from this struure to ever bother even investigating their involvement
with You-Know-Who. e Centaurs, those wise beings, have developed
contempt for humans and rightly so, considering how they have been
treated. Elves are considered as little more than furniture, except we
don’t make a chair punish itself when we stub a toe, and by regulating
their lives so hard as we do, the Werewolves, ordinary humans most of
the time, are more or less forced into crime and Darkness, simply to get
a chance to sleep indoors. e list is endless, and our ministry considers
most of them threats, because the ministry has made them into threats.
How can we, the citizens of Magical Britain, help?
We need a new Minister. We need to support the House of Kilchurn
in their attempts to make homes for non-human magical beings. at
334 Midnight Sun — Vanir

proje is apparently well under way, and costs us nothing, but help is
always welcome. Neither Caradoc or Harry are naïve enough to believe
anything to happen overnight, but we all need to remember that there
are other magical beings in this world, and that they are worthy of our
e Dark Lord?
We just need to get out of Harry’s way.
Harry appears to be quite the romantic, dear readers...

* * *
“is is an outrage! Take every Auror you have and close down the Prophet.”
“Minister, we can’t do that. By the Prophet’s press charter, this article is clearly within
the letter of the law.” Amelia Bones stated. She had enjoyed the article, but she enjoyed
the purplish complexion of the Minister even more. e ittle, however, she could do
“at inhuman bitch then. Attack Kilchurn for High Treason. She confessed to being
a beast. She’s done damage to me, a wizard. She has to be put down.”
“Minister! Listen to me. at would be an a of war in the eyes of Kilchurn. He
will not send a protest to the Wizengamot, he will not write a sarcastic note in the paper.
He will kill you, your family, and the man who sells you tea. e Aurors considers him
a friendly force who has their backs covered against criminals. If you give the order, I
will see it delivered, but that’s the last thing I do, because I want to live. at means I’ll
be getting away from you as fast as I can. You have options, but charging onto Kilchurn
is not a smart one. You have made too many cuts in the Auror budget. ere’s only 400
Aurors available, and Kilchurn can rouse thousands, and that force might just include an
Auror or two as well.”
e little man in the green bowler sank down into his chair.
“Is there any way I can save something?”
“Your face, Cornelius. You can save some face. Make a grand stroke, and cut some
of the Werewolf regulations. ey still need to be registered, but if you ask Remus Lupin,
he can help you with that. Make House Elf abuse illegal. Cut out the Veela Inferiority
A. en, you can retire with honour. You’ve been fooled by Malfoy and others, and
everybody knows that. Admit it, publicly. Confess to having been played for a fool and
people will forgive you.”
“I see.” e little Minister thought for a moment, before continuing. “Madam Bones,
Caradoc Pritchard is an enemy of the state. Order the Aurors to attack Kilchurn castle
with all their might. Aer that, you’re fired. ere is only one Minister of Magic, and that
is Cornelius Nero Fudge.”

* * *
Chapter 22 — “Aer such kindness that would be 335

“Get out of his way? How dare she write something like that?”
“Master, she ...”
“Silence! When I want your opinion, I’ll give it to you, Worm.”
“Yes, Master.”
“Go to this Skeeter-woman’s home and leave nothing alive. Let the Dark mark be her
final exclamation mark. Take as many as you have to, but leave me Snape. I need his ears
at the school. You’re dismissed.”
Wormtail scurried away. is wasn’t going according to plan at all. ey had ent
a lot of gold to get the Vampyr’s over to them, and they had le without completing even
one mission. With this article, recruiting would be almost impossible, and the last ten
hadn’t even qualified for a Hogwarts letter. ey were scraping the bottom of the barrel
and got quite a lot of dregs in the process. He only had ten Death Eaters le that he knew
could handle a fight, and Wormtail was not quite stupid enough to like those odds. is
was not good. On the other hand, it was a low risk mission. Who would guess that they
would be attacking a journalist?

* * *
“Bloody hell!” Harry reached out through the link.
∼ Hey Stina? Read the prophet yet? ∼
∼ Yes, beloved. One contingent of Huldr and Einharjer’s are on the way to Skeeter’s
home address, and we have surveillance on the Prophet. I must have screwed up more
than I thought, Master. I’m so sorry. ∼
∼Never mind that. Skeeter is just Skeeter. Even when she likes me, she makes trouble.
Keep me posted, love. ∼
∼ Will do. See you soon? ∼
∼ If possible. Spread the love, Dear. See you. ∼

* * *
It was close to three in the morning, and the heat was intense. e ringing sound of the
hammer against the anvil filled the Room of Requirement, and the sweat was pouring
off him. He checked the heat of the Forge with a melting rod, and as it was enough, he
pulled the casts out of the coals and poured the bright shining metal from three different
crucibles, very gently, into the casts. It was a tricky thing to do, and required either three
sets of hands, or a Sorcerer, to get done right. He sealed the casts with kiln cement, and
buried them in the back of the forge again, where they would cool slowly. He went back to
the blade he had been working on, and folded it again before shoving it into the coals. He
had five pieces at work at the same time, and the timing was crucial. He pulled out the hilt
for Luna’s dagger. His Goddess had been highly amused by the girl’s antics, and had agreed
to let Harry convey her power for this work. As he picked up the tiny chisels and went to
work on the décor, he sung the allure and attraion of the Goddess into the hilt. e
effe wouldn’t reach very far, but in touching distance, the girl would be irresistible. e
336 Midnight Sun — Vanir

handle had so curves, and was very feminine without being obvious, and the pommel
would be a true depiion of the moon, and the impression would be of a busty woman
holding the Moon in her hands. As it began to cool, he put it back in the fire and took
out the next piece.
“You are very good at that, My Lord Sorcerer.” a voice behind him said. As he had
sensed her/it, he wasn’t surprised.
“ank you, Lady Hogwarts. Is that what I should call you?” He filled the hollows
of Hermione’s hilt with moon silver, making the ermine and candles on the miniature
crest shine before he turned around. e Avatar of the castle wore a classic gown of the
thirteenth century, and the sharp blue eyes and raven-black hair was familiar, although
he couldn’t place it.
“at would be appropriate, I guess. I may have borrowed Rowena Ravenclaw’s
likeness, but I am not her. You appear to prefer this type of woman, so I am trying to
make a good impression.”
“You are very pleasing to my eyes, Milady. Is this a social call, or is there a disaster
I need to know about?”
“It is part social, and part instruional. You are the first sorcerer in a long time,
Milord, and you are bringing students of all houses together. is aivates patterns in
my core that have never been used before. As the portraits report an opposition between
the Headmaster and you, I need to understand how to adapt. I cannot fully serve both
of you.”
“I see. As I see it, the Headmaster is declining. He is no longer in full control of his
faculties. e Deputy headmistress is more than capable of handling things in the day-
to-day affairs of the school, so I’m not worried about that. e Headmaster is just playing
games with people, and I have very little patience with that.”
“I see. I am of course aware of the situation between students, and I believe I know
who your friends are. May I assist them in finding you unless you tell me otherwise?”
“Yes, of course. Is there anyone searching that I need to know about?”
“I believe the Patil girls will need to find you tomorrow night. ey have written a
letter to their father, and wants him to meet you tomorrow night at ten, I think. e real
smithy below will be ready by then, and is located near the Arch room. May I guide them
“Sounds good to me. Can you tranort the pieces from here without cooling them
too much?”
“Gryffindor preferred to mend his own things, and I have memories of metalwork. I
can care for them properly. ey will be there when you arrive. May I place an inaive
portrait there, for communication? It’s a late portrait of Rowena, made the Wizarding way,
but there are no imprints in the frame so I can animate it fully.”
“at would be nice. I guess I’ll call it a day then.”
“Good night, My Lord Sorcerer.

* * *
Chapter 22 — “Aer such kindness that would be 337

Auror Dawlish was angry with his team. Kilchurn was no god, he wasn’t Merlin or even
important. Kilchurn hadn’t done anything worthy of his ree, and now, by order of the
Minister, Kilchurn was a criminal. ey had portkeyed in several miles from the castle
and were now following the shore towards the ruin. How anyone could live in the old
pile of rocks was beyond Dawlish’ imagination, but suddenly he heard a sound overhead.
It was that bloody pigeon that Kilchurn paraded around with. He grinned to himself,
wondering what the bird would taste like cooked as he launched a fire curse towards the
beautiful Peregrine. e curse disappeared in a wall of water that suddenly rose above
the eight-man Auror team, and as the enormous wave crashed down upon the Aurors,
Dawlish realised that he may have made a mistake there ...
338 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter XXIII

a dismal thing to do!”

Harry didn’t know what to do. He had options — of course he had options — but he still
didn’t know which one to choose, so he followed the fastest route to a peaceful solution.
Well, more peaceful for him, anyway.
He knocked on Professor Umbridge’s door.
As soon as it opened, it almost slammed shut again, but Harry was in no mood to
tolerate that kind of thing. e door blew up, and Harald Fafnersson, in all his glory,
stepped through. With an impatient wave of his hand, the shivering witch lost her wand,
and it hit the wall quickly enough to snap. With burning eyes, he glared at the pathetic
excuse for a ministry toadie as she sank down against the wall.
“e Ministry is attacking my home, Undersecretary Umbridge. One of your Aurors
launched a fire curse at my pregnant wife, Undersecretary Umbridge.”
e nauseating dilay of kitten-obsessed bad taste that plagued the walls shattered,
and on the desk, quills and parchments were smoking.
“Undersecretary Umbridge, do you have an emergency portkey that will take you to
the Ministry if you are injured?”
e panicking woman nodded.
“Good. Here’s the message: Either back down and pay restitution, or die. e attack
will end in ten minutes or we will be at all-out war. Got it?”
She nodded again, not thinking about the obvious next step until the merciless force
of a battle hammer struck her hip, shattering her pelvis, femur and several vertebrae before
the portkey whisked her away, leaving only a smelling puddle on the floor. Harry squared
his shoulders and le.
He had made it to the Great Hall, where a frantic Susan came running, followed by an
equally frantic McGonagall. ey stopped in good time, and approached him warily. He
was still in full Lord-mode, and quite intimidating.
“Harry,” Susan began, “my aunt says that the Aurors will attack Kilchurn and that
she’s been fired. Do you know anything more?”

340 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Yes. On arrival, they shot a deadly curse at Gabrielle. When I get too angry, my
mental defences shut down the bond-link. She’s alive, and not seriously injured, but
someone took a shot at her. at’s all I need to know, really.”
“Harry, My Lord, just remember that the Aurors are not your enemies. ey are just
following the Minister’s orders. ere are many good people among them. Try not to kill
“I’ll do my best, but if they attack, I will allow the Huldr to have a go at them. I’ll ask
them to play nice, though.” Susan nodded in recognition and took a step back.
“Harry, do you know why Professor Umbridge’s emergency portkey just aivated?”
McGonagall asked, not really needing the answer. Harry, as a man of aion, had no doubt
caused it.
“She’s delivering my ultimatum to the Minister. Unless they cease all hostilities in
the next ... six minutes, there will be a war. At this time, it’s between me and Fudge, but
anyone attacking me will be added to the losing side. Now, if you excuse me, I need to
be somewhere. Susan, you know how to reach me.” With that, he took off towards the
dungeons. As he strode down the stairs, Draco Malfoy and Ted Nott chose to try to stand
in his way. He didn’t even slow down, but defleed their curses with a casual wave, and
grabbed both boys by their collars, pulling them along with him as he continued down
two more flights of stairs.
“Boys, I’d love to kill you right now, but as I’m a bit busy, and I want to pay attention
to details when I pull your intestines out through your urethras, I hope you don’t mind
a rain check?”
He dropped them in the middle of the stairs, leaving the suddenly terrified boys to
drag their bruised and battered bodies to the hoital wing on their own.
e lesson was obvious. ou shalt not annoy Harry Potter, lest you wish to go ’squish’
under his boot.
Kilchurn was much more peaceful than its Lord. As soon as Harry le the Arch, a
tankard of mead was pressed into his hand by Commander Steiner, and Björn was there,
smiling, so Harry did his best to calm down.
“Herr Fafnersson, we have sixteen Aurors in the dungeons, about seventy outside, and
very little going on. Apparently, a large black man is in charge outside, and he’s waiting
for confirmations to attack.” Steiner snapped. Björn continued.
“ey are completely surrounded, demoralised and, well, doomed. Why don’t you
take Stina along and talk to them? is is not a worthy fight. Maybe Leif as well, just to
fly the colours a bit.”
“Sounds like a plan. I know one black Auror, and he’s a good man I’d rather not kill.
Do we have enough mead and tankards in the house for seventy?”
ere was a pop, and the richest house-elf in the world appeared.
“Lord Kilchurn Harry Potter Sir, I’s having a suggestion...”

* * *
Chapter 23 — a dismal thing to do!” 341

Kingsley Shacklebolt was fidgety. Impatient sounded better, and Charged For Battle would
have been nice, but he knew himself quite well, and Fidgety was just the word.
ey had been ordered to lay siege to a bloody castle, and a castle they could barely
see at that. Half the time it was just a ruin, and half the time it was a pretty impressive
struure, with guarded battlements and all. He had ordered two teams to watch the skies
for the dragon, but he didn’t have the foggiest notion what to do if anyone saw it. He
almost jumped out of his skin when a House Elf popped in right next to him. e Elf was
dressed in a small tuxedo, and looked every part a butler.
“Auror Shacklebolt, Sir. e Lord Kilchurn regrets this delay, and invites yourself and
ten into the courtyard for a cup convival until the festivities start. For those Aurors who
no longer wish to serve a Minister who has made himself a personal enemy of the Lord,
Kilchurn offers political asylum.”
“ank you for this, erm, kind offer, but it might be considered as me leaving my
“It might also be wise to do some clever ying inside, not? We will make the castle
fully visible and hold the meeting in view through the open gate. e minister wishes this
confli, not Kilchurn. e situation grew worse aer one Auror decided to use deadly
force against the Lord’s pregnant wife, but it wasn’t you, and we know this.”
Suddenly, there was a call from the barely visible battlements.
“Shacklebolt! Dobby eaks for me. Come on in and have a drink. You’ll be safe.”
He couldn’t really believe his ears.
“Potter? Is that you?”
“Yes, it’s me. You thought Dumbledore had style. I sent a message to the Minister, and
hopefully, you won’t have to fight us today. Hell, we’re partners. You deal with the scum,
and we watch your backs. I’m not throwing that away; I owe too much to the Aurors.
Let’s talk.”
“Mon, it’s good to hear some sense. We’re coming in.”
He turned to his group.
“Okay, team. I trust Harry, and I’m sure it’s him. Anyone know someone who should
join us? ere’s room for three more.”
“e teams are trained together. Let’s leave the seats.”
“Good point, Brown. Let’s go.”

* * *
Harry was in full gear for war. His layered dragonhide battlerobe with the great claymore
hanging in a baldric across his back gave him a Samurai look which was offset by the
battle hammer hanging from his bronze plate belt. is made the staff in his hand quite
ridiculous, as he only had two hands, and was unlikely to drop either hammer, sword, or
staff in a fight. e Auror team looked at him and recognized him immediately as Bad
“Auror Shacklebolt, how nice of you to drop by. Mead?”
342 Midnight Sun — Vanir

e Auror was suitably shaken, and nodded. is was hardly what he had expeed.
e courtyard was full of flowers, a table was placed in the middle, and beautiful women
were everywhere. e women wore simple white gowns, and one of them, a brunette,
also wore a large bandage covering her shoulder. As he wasn’t deaf and paid attention
to rumours, he looked around for tails hidden under the gowns, and he found them
everywhere. Suddenly, this little image of paradise didn’t seem quite so friendly any
“Good eyes, Shacklebolt. Most of these women are Huldr, and until you get the signal
to attack, they pose no threat to you at all. is is Elaine, who has posed as my girlfriend
so far. Aually, she’s my fiancé.”
“I am pleased to meet you, Auror Shacklebolt,” said the bandaged girl in a pleasant
alto. “Harry eaks highly of you, and puts you in stark contrast to the monster in the
“Charmed,” said the slightly bewildered Auror, and bowed to kiss the offered hand.
“May I ask what kind of monster you have there?”
Harry laughed, completely without humour.
“e Dawlish kind. He threw a deadly curse at my pregnant wife, and I claim full Line
Proteion rights. He will not return. Fortunately, Elaine was able to block the curse, and
she’s tougher than she looks. ”
“I see. Do you know why Kilchurn suddenly became an enemy of the Ministry?”
“It may be the interview I gave in the paper. Kilchurn doesn’t hold Fudge in very
high regard, and I said so. e next thing he did was send you here to try and save face.
Apparently, Madam Bones opposed this, so he fired her. Basically, you’re not here on a
Ministry errand. You’re here as Fudge’s hissy fit.”
e Aurors within hearing range grimaced at the pretty girl’s apt description.
“She’s right. I may have aggravated the situation a bit by aivating his undersecretary’s
emergency portkey to send him a message, though. He won’t be happy about that, but he
started this, not me, and I’m ready to finish it.”
Kingsley didn’t really like the sound of that.
“I do have a lot of people here to stop you. Wouldn’t that make it hard to move on
the Minister?”
“No, not really. You were at Longbottom Estate, right? You saw the result of seven
people and a dragon. I have thirty Huldr in the castle right now, two dragons, a giant
and almost two hundred trained warriors. e Queensberry rules will not apply. You’re
also surrounded by three hundred Huldr, using their power over nature to hide. I believe
some of the Aurors are aually sitting on Huldr right now without knowing it. If you get
the orders to attack, just throw down your wand. at way you’ll live. Please understand
that I’m not threatening you here. e Minister has no idea what we can do, and he sent
you here with a much too small force to even make a dent in our defences. Umbridge is a
casualty by now, I guess. Dawlish will be, but that’s where it ends from my point of view.”
“I see. Mistah Potter, not that I doubt you personally or anything, but it’s hard to
believe that these charming ladies could pose such a threat to trained Aurors. I know very
little about Huldr, aer all.”
Chapter 23 — a dismal thing to do!” 343

“Of course. You and one more, disarmed and captured by one of them, would that
Auror Brown moved quickly to his team leader’s side. Harry gave them a questioning
look, and both men nodded. Two seconds later, both men were sitting in chairs, with their
wands on the table, and a pretty little girl holding them both down with one hand on each
man’s shoulder. e girl looked to be about fieen years old, a blonde little thing with
pigtails and a friendly smile.
Harry walked over to them with their wands.
“You see, a Huldr is almost as fast as a vampire, and just as strong. eir allure is
powerful, and Occlumency won’t help you. ey can sap your magic and strength if they
want to, and they’re sturdier, more resilient than humans. ey are predators; we are
usually prey. ey just don’t like it, so they come here because here they can feed and
live without having to harm anyone. I’ve seen to that. e greatest threat to these girls’
dreams of living without hunting is Fudge, and I’m very sorry that he has put you in this
“So am I. Please excuse me, I need to talk to the other teams for a second.”
e large man was visibly shaken as he le his team inside, and called a meeting with
the team leaders.
“Guys, we’re here because a girl told a reporter that she doesn’t like Fudge. ere are
enough troops inside the castle to grind us into the turf, but they won’t need to, because
we’re surrounded as well. ere are hundreds of Huldr in the area, and, well, if we attack,
we’re dead. oughts?”
“What about the missing teams? ere were supposed to be two teams coming in
along the shore, right?”
“I think they’re in the dungeons. Dawlish shot a curse at Potter’s pregnant wife. He
won’t leave here, and good riddance. I think the rest will be released.”
“Hold on, did you say that the Minister sent us here for personal reasons? A personal
vendetta, that kind of thing?”
“Pretty much. It’s about the article in the Prophet, nothing else. e girl who oke
to Skeeter is also the one who took the curse for Harry’s wife. By the bandage, I’d guess
she jumped in the way of it.”
“Wasn’t she his girlfriend or fiancé or something? He has a wife, too?”
“Looks that way, lucky bugger. She’s a hot little thing, too. I haven’t seen his wife yet,
“at’s not illegal, but using us as a personal brass knuckle is. Gentlemen, I’d rather
go back and arrest Fudge for Misuse, Condu Unbecoming and Criminal Stupidity. How
about you?”
“Hell yeah. My wife is expeing me home tonight, and being dead would sort of keep
me from that. She gets right shirty when I miss dinner.”
“I agree. I’d like to see the other teams return with us, though.”
“Come on then, let’s go talk to Harry.”

* * *
344 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Conrad! Conraa-ad!”
“Yes, Mother. What are you yelling about?”
“Get that broad behind of yours to the Ministry and get Fudge out of there. Augusta
just called, and Fudge has gone to war against Kilchurn.”
“What? at’s madness! He had Huldr by his side at Longbottom’s. I’ve met some
Huldr in my days, and I sure don’t want to do so on a battlefield. He’ll get us all killed! e
bloody article even said ... bloody hell, where’s my robe?”
Conrad Mayweather jumped into the Floo. Maybe it wasn’t too late.

* * *

He was the Minister of Magic. He had a plaque on his desk that said so. He just didn’t
look much like a leader at the time. Percy Weasley had been there when the battered body
of Dolores Umbridge had appeared. Somehow, he had thought — they all had thought
— that the Ministry would prote them from everything. Obviously, Kilchurn didn’t
care. Kilchurn didn’t care about cauldron bottoms, about trade quotas, or about rules
and regulations. According to everything Percy had heard, Kilchurn was only interested
in equality, and Percy couldn’t find much wrong with that.
Kilchurn, or rather Potter, had destroyed a Ministry official just to send a message to
the Ministry, and that message had chilled Percy’s blood. If a representative of the Ministry
had hurt Potter’s wife, there would be hell to pay, and a war would be almost inevitable.
He made his decision. He opened the security console and moved some pegs around.
He could hear Fudge in his office, and that office was now sealed, and the Floo blocked.
He grabbed some parchment and a quill.

Dear Ginevra.

I know you didn’t expe to hear from me, but there’s a bit of a situation
here. e Minister has lost his mind, and you are the only one I can think
of who might get through to Harry Potter at this time. Please tell him that
Fudge aed alone, and only in his own interests. I have Fudge locked up
in his office, and I’m sending out retreat orders right now. Please find
him and make him stop. e Aurors are not his enemies.

With belated, but loving regards,

Percy I Weasley
Coup-maker in the Ministry.

* * *
Chapter 23 — a dismal thing to do!” 345

Some attacks on fortified strongholds weren’t so bad, the Aurors concluded, as a long line
of beautiful women began to walk around, carrying large trays of beer and mead-tankards.
e girls smiled and laughed with the Aurors, releasing their tension with a saucy wink
here and there, and didn’t complain about a hand or two on their swaying posteriors, and
the girls were positively surprised that their tails weren’t considered repulsive at all. When
the crowd had been served, Shacklebolt conjured himself a leern, jumped up on it and
cast a Sonorus.
“Fellow Aurors, we’ve been ordered to stand down. e order has been issued by
Fudge’s secretary, Weasley, who saw that Fudge had lost his mind and locked him into his
own office. I have a whole new ree for the little twerp — he’s a brave twerp now.
Anyway, as many of you have noticed, these ladies are Huldr, and right now, they’re
using their powers to help us relax by feeding off a little of our excess energy, so we may
aually all be sleeping well tonight. Relax, have a drink, and then, I think, we have a
Minister to arrest. is wasn’t a legal matter, it was purely personal, and I’ve had it with
that shit. You all with me?”
“What about Dawlish’s and Barber’s teams?” someone called out.
“Barber and his team are being brought up right now. Dawlish’s team will be back
once they’re healed up, and Dawlish won’t return. He made an unprovoked attack on
the pregnant wife of Harry Potter, and, well, he’s not returning. Potter claimed full Line
Proteion rights, and I don’t blame him. It’s legal and everything. His team got a bit
banged up, but trust me, there are worse things than Huldr nurses. Once the Otherton
hoital is up, I won’t mind going there for my nicks and bruises. Let’s help them along,
people, and get the turd who sent us here to get killed behind bars.”

* * *

“Were you hurt?”

“Don’t be silly, beloved.” Just to make the point obvious, she morphed to face the other
way, and then into a handstand without really moving, just rearranging herself. “e heat
was diersed throughout the Loch. I didn’t really feel it, and even if I had, I heal quickly
and Gabrielle would have been worth it.”
“It’s just, well, I love you, and I’d hate to see you hurt. Where’s Gabrielle?”
“In her room. She might just need some reassurance. I sometimes forget how young
she is. Don’t forget that she’s a Veela, though. Don’t expe a human reaion. Scoot,
beloved. I’ll send Jorunn up as soon as she’s back from delivering the team.”
“anks. See you.”

* * *
346 Midnight Sun — Vanir

e room was ... pink. Very pink, and frilly to boot. It wasn’t so much lace as pink and
white gauze, and Harry figured that the room looked a bit like what the inside of a piece of
cotton candy must be like. On a heart-shaped bed — pink, of course — was his wife. She
was naked, sleeping, and covered by a sheet, and he could clearly see the bulge on her taut
stomach. Without making a sound, he unhooked his weapons and allowed his clothes to
pool onto the floor, where they resumed their shape.
He climbed into the bed behind her and pressed her back to his chest. She felt so small,
and Harry’s proteive reflexes fired up again. She didn’t really wake up, but she made a
kind of strange jerking motion with her pelvis, and to his amusement he realised that he
had his crown inside her tight little vagina without having moved a muscle. He brought his
Passionfire out in his hands, and caressed her breasts with a so, blue glow that made his
drowsy wife purr and thrust back a little. He started thrusting gently, and in combination
with his hands, the petite Veela was pushed into a string of small orgasms that didn’t let
up until she pushed his hands away to turn around and straddle him. Locking her lips to
his, she pushed herself down on him, and without moving, she used her internal muscles
to basically jerk him off inside her. With her tongue chasing his, she squeezed him hard
and as he drew close, began to slide all the way up and down without letting his mouth
go, and sighed happily as he filled her folds with his semen, retreating into the orgasm she
had been fighting off for several minutes. He bathed her in his Fire, and when he sensed
that she was content and happy, he released her. As she fell back into slumber, he smiled
and crawled out of the bed, dressed, and le. Veela girls were so much less complicated
to deal with. He could sense her reasoning, vaguely, as she was almost asleep, through the
Bond. Her Master still loved her, still found her desirable even if she had been a bit stupid
and taken such a risk. He hadn’t been angry, and as he had come to her and gied her
with his semen, so all was right in the Veela world.

* * *
On the way down to the Arch room, he met Jorunn, and she had fire in her eyes.
“Love, you have too much rage still inside. Come on, fuck me hard.”
So he did. His panic when he was alerted to the attack, his rage at the ministry, and
his tension from dealing with the Aurors had built up to dangerous levels, some of which
was poured into Jorunn as he forced himself down her throat repeatedly before ripping
her clothes off, forgoing magic, and simply rammed himself into her pussy from behind.
She yelped a little as Harry drove himself deep with unrelenting force, but thrust back at
him nonetheless. Aer a minute, she turned and pushed him back on the floor and dived
onto his cock, taking it as deep as she could in her throat. Harry fucked her throat a couple
of strokes until she at him out and straddled him, this time taking him up her tightest
hole. He felt her magic as she did a cleansing charm, but as soon as he got inside her, he
sensed that she had foregone the lubrication. As he reached to do it, she stopped him.
“No, Master. I will heal, and I have some rage inside, too. I need the pain, so just
fuck me.”
She cried out as he forced her open, but she had told him to, and he trusted her. He
was too large for even her tough body without lubrication, though, so as she forced herself
Chapter 23 — a dismal thing to do!” 347

down over him, he felt her stretch beyond her capacity. As he felt the entrance get slick
with blood, he sent the question through the bond, and she wordlessly told him to go
on. He did so, and flooded her with Passionfire as he tore up her insides, but as he drew
close, he turned her over on her back, pulled out and sung Healing into her as he made
a cleansing charm on his cock and gently penetrated her pussy. He pushed deep, and as
he felt her cervix, he pushed up against it. Well there, he relaxed and sent his semen into
her uterus. She looked at him with wide eyes when she felt his intent, and opened herself
fully, allowing him to make her pregnant. Her complete acceptance made his orgasm even
more intense, and his enhanced body pumped semen inside her until there was a steady
stream running down her crack, onto the floor.
“ank you, Master. I’d say you have at least one more forceful fuck le before you
can be really gentle, but thank you. I really hope I get pregnant. Now, get back to school,
and turn that Tracey-girl into a puddle. Do bond someone as well. We want some more
company here. Now go fuck some schoolgirl.”
As usual, he smiled and did as the pretty girl told him.

* * *

Almost half of the Wizengamot found themselves already at the ministry when the sum-
mons for an emergency session came. In less than ten minutes the requisite two-thirds
were in the chambers, and the gallery held almost all of the GOL’s. Present also was, not
quite surprisingly, Neville Longbottom, dressed in his Kilchurn costume and carrying a
dagger at his side with the Potter crest proudly dilayed. A fairly confused Chief War-
lock tried to bring order to the assembly and the agenda at the same time, and was aually
quite relieved when Percy Weasley whiered in his ear and took over.
He avoided the seats, and took up position in the centre of the open floor. A judicious
use of the cannon-blast charm brought him the undivided attention of the delegates.
“Ladies and Gentlemen of the Wizengamot. Today, in a fit of pique over a non-
supportive article in the Daily Prophet, the Minister ordered every available Auror, the
eighty-eight men and women not otherwise assigned, to attack Kilchurn Castle immedi-
ately for the flimsiest of reasons. Madam Amelia Bones objeed, was forced to leave the
Ministry, and has been impossible to locate thus far. However, the Minister did bring us
all to the brink of disaster, and only inches from a most horrible civil war. Please, Lord
Longbottom, could you please describe these events from your pereive?”
Neville was a bit surprised at this, but he realised what the former Head Boy was aer.
He took the floor with his hand on his dagger.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, the operative person in this has been neither myself nor
Caradoc Pritchard, but Harry Potter, a man with no reason to love the Ministry. Elaine,
who gave the interview, is Harry’s Fiancé, but she’s one of three, and he’s also married to
one girl already. His wife is pregnant, which is sort of important. e first indication of all
this that Kilchurn received was when Auror Dawlish made an unprovoked attack on Lord
Potter’s pregnant wife. e curse was deadly, and if Elaine, who is quite a bit sturdier than
she looks, hadn’t stopped the curse with her body, none of us would be here.
348 Midnight Sun — Vanir

When Lord Potter, who has a mental link to his girls, learned of this, he became
angry beyond my ability to calm him down. He sought out Professor Umbridge, with
whom he has an unpleasant history — also due to the Minister — and wounded her badly
as a message to Fudge. He did make sure that she would survive, however. He used a
classified tranort to Kilchurn, where the commanders of our armed forces managed to
calm him down. By that time, the Castle had the seventy-two Aurors surrounded by an
overwhelming force, and the hundreds of trained fighters inside the castle were armed
and ready. Sixteen Aurors had approached from another direion, and as the leader of
one of those teams was the one who opened fire, they were all in custody. As Lord Potter
recognised the site-leader among the Aurors, he managed to defuse the situation while
both sides were waiting for ministry confirmation of the attack. ankfully, this brave
man here had neutralised Fudge, so the disaster never happened. I was alerted to this as
he sent a message to Kilchurn, using his personal conneions with the house. I received
it rather than the Lord, but was able to conta the Castle in time. Ladies and Gentlemen,
Lord Potter has prepared for a war against the current Dark Lord; he is prepared to fight for
his family, as some of them are classified as beasts by this body; and less than a thousand
Aurors isn’t much of a threat, frankly. If he gets to live in peace, if his friends and family are
treated with the ree they deserve, his forces can be seen as a resource for the Aurors
and the Ministry. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Wizengamot, there are two viims of
this confli who will not recover. Dolores Umbridge will end the rest of her life at
St. Mungo’s, the bill for which Kilchurn will pay. Lord Potter has also claimed full Line
Proteion rights against Auror Dawlish, and he’s unlikely to be seen again. is ends the
current events. ank you.”
Augusta Longbottom looked down on her grandson. When he had been called to the
floor, she had been nervous out of habit, but had quickly recovered. He had played the
Wizengamot like a flute, altering his voice and posture to match his words exaly. He had
gone from whiers to roars, from mild voice to blasts of a war bassoon. What he had said
didn’t matter as much as how he had said it. e Minister had attacked a pregnant woman
without provocation. Kilchurn House could have levelled the Ministry, but sagely chose
not to. ere were some unfortunate costs, but all in all, Kilchurn forgave the Ministry.
All that was le was for the Ministry to find a scapegoat, and Fudge had more or less
Percy thanked the younger Lord, and resumed.
“is could have been an unmitigated disaster. e House of Kilchurn is not our
enemy, even if they may violate a couple of laws that we might look at later, but due to this
unilateral declaration of war, I ask the Wizengamot to second my request for a vote of No
Confidence regarding Cornelius Fudge, and for his removal from his current post.”
e gathered Grand Old Ladies smiled.

* * *
Some hours earlier, Harry had exited the Arch at Hogwart’s. Jorunn had been right. He
still had way too much energy to relax. He wasn’t thinking about how he looked, and that
he was at full size as well. He took the stairs two steps at the time, and the rare students
Chapter 23 — a dismal thing to do!” 349

he encountered, usually couples, backed away from him or just stared. e stocky warrior
that was climbing the stairs had very little in common with the scrawny boy they had seen
just this morning, and as dinner was about to be served, it was much too soon for any kind
of training regimen to have had this effe. He marched into the Great Hall, and flopped
down unceremoniously at the table.
“What?” he asked, as his fellow Gryffindors stared at him. Dean cleared his throat.
“Eh, Harry. You’re in full size, you’re dressed in dragonhide, you have that hammer
hanging loose and a sword across your back. at’s a far cry from school robes, you
“Oh. at might explain it. Never mind; e day’s screwed enough as it is. Another
thing won’t matter.”
“What happened? You disappeared, Umbridge vanished, and Bones and Nev were
just frantic for a while, but no-one knows anything. You wouldn’t believe some of the
rumours going around.”
“Does any of the rumours say that the Minister decided to attack Kilchurn with almost
a hundred Aurors, that one of them cursed my pregnant wife, and that it was touch-and-go
for a full scaled war until Percy Weasley arranged a coup and arrested the Minister?”
As everybody stared dumbly, he made the obvious conclusion.
“ey weren’t too informed, then, as that’s pretty much what happened.”
Dean, the unofficial okesman for the ill informed started counting on his fingers.
“Okay Mate: Why, What, Wife, War, and Who?” He looked around. “Anyone have
any other questions?”
Seamus laughed.
“No, you’ve got them all covered, all right.”
As Harry retold the story again, more and more students gathered around the table.
As he clearly was getting angrier as he told it, most of them drooped off again, with a few
noteworthy exceptions. Padma had taken up position behind Parvati and was staring at
him with open mouth. Harry decided to bring her back to reality, and maybe tease her a
bit as well, mostly to make himself focus on something else for a minute.
“Padma, you have an absolutely beautiful tongue, did you know that?”
ere was an audible clap as she closed her mouth and seemed to shrink a bit, so
Harry guessed that she was blushing. He looked around, and was highly amused to see
Luna standing behind him, with Marietta Edgecombe kneeling at her feet. It must have
been interesting in Ravenclaw these past few days. However, he couldn’t see any Slytherins,
not even the one he wanted to see. He felt sort of deerate for some reason. He had made
love to his wife, fucked his girlfriend, and now he needed to shag the daylights out of
someone. If he had understood the Lady Hogwarts, the twins would make a play for his
attention that night, and he didn’t want to hurt them. Tracey, on the other hand, would
welcome some roughness. Maintaining the game didn’t have the appeal it used to. He had
yet to prove his command ability, but he knew he had it now, so he was confident that
he could order her to be his toy for a while. It would probably be awkward, but this day
already held his record for weirdest shag. In hindsight, he couldn’t believe he had done
350 Midnight Sun — Vanir

that to Jorunn, but he also knew that she was probably the toughest of his girls. If anyone
wanted to have some serious pain sometimes, it was certainly her. Tracey wouldn’t be able
to take that, but if he just remembered to morph ahead of time, she would want to take
whatever he dished out.
With that thought firmly in mind, he rose.
“As much as I would like to stick around and gaze longingly at Padma’s delightfully
pink tongue, I have some working out to do. Catch you guys later.”
“But I’ve caught you right now, Potter. You will not subvert my house any further,”
said a voice from behind, accompanied by a stunner that fizzed out harmlessly on his
armour-clad back. He turned with a bored expression.
“Professor, attacking a student from behind has to be against some rule. It’s not even
good Slytherin taics, because you have to ...”
At that point, the seething potions professor launched another hex, which Harry
caught on his armoured arm. A third aually opened a gash across Harry’s forehead, and
Harry, quite literally, saw red. He reached over his shoulder and drew his sword, but he
didn’t get to do anything further as the greasy man keeled over, revealing the dainty little
form of Daphne Greengrass standing behind him with a cracked pitcher in her hand.
“Vindiiveness and counter-attacking aer the fa is not the way of the serpent,” she
said, looking at Harry, with a few glances at the sword as he re-sheathed it. “Fighting with
any available means at the right time is.”
“Well put, Slytherin Greengrass. ank you; I’ll remember that.”
“Frankly, I think I saved his life. Would you help me get him to the hoital wing?”
“Of course.”

* * *
As they walked the maze of halls and corridors towards the hoital wing, they talked
mostly nonsense, while the conjured stretcher bounced between the walls. Harry was of
course very much aware that she was working hard to be cute and sexy, but she wasn’t
coming on to him overtly. Aer a while, he simply asked her.
“So, what’s on your mind? You’re working hard to remind me that you’re a beautiful
girl, but I don’t think you’re coming on to me, so what’s going on?”
“Eh, this is me trying to worm my way into your affeion. Does it work?”
“It does, aually, but why? I think you know that I’m married, I have three consorts
as well, and there’s even some other girls I shag every now and then. At this point, I like
you even if I don’t trust you very far.”
“I know you’re shagging Tracey, and, well, she eaks highly of you, and if you don’t
mind, I’d like to watch you sometime. She says that you’re annoyingly gentle and I just
want to know what that’s like.”
He laughed a bit, still feeling the pent-up aggression.
“I intended to go find her later, but that’s because I have a lot of aggression today. I’d
like to shag it out of me, and she might be a willing recipient.”
Chapter 23 — a dismal thing to do!” 351

“She will, but today is perhaps not the best day. She’s got her period.”
“Let’s see what she says about that.”
ey deposited the still unconscious Professor in the tender care of Madam Pomfrey
and made their way back through the labyrinth.
“You got me off track nicely there, but now I’m back. What’s in this for you?”
“I want to live. I want to be on the winning side, like any other Slytherin, and that
means I have to get closer to you. Also ... TraceyandPansyseemsohappy.”
“ey are happy, all right? In our house, there’s a constant struggle to achieve domi-
nant positions, to fight or outsmart all others. It’s just hard. If you’re on the bottom, any
one can take advantage of you. I have no idea how many girls gets raped once they’re in
third year just because they’re not at the top, and now no one touches Tracey or Pansy,
because they have made themselves property. I want that kind of peace. at kind of
unstated influence they’re getting, simply by carrying a shadow of you and the House of
“We’ll talk more about that later. I have a strong feeling that Tracey is coming this way
right now. I intend to use her, so you may want to be somewhere else.”
His senses told him, somehow, that Tracey was coming closer — or rather that her
necklace was coming closer. He hadn’t felt that before, and figured that it might be a good
thing. He would have a word with Jormungandr about that later, but right now, he stopped
by a fairly deep niche in the wall that housed a suit of armour, but there was some ace
behind it. It looked like a good ot in any case, so he built a quick wall-shield, leaving
about six feet of ace behind it, and he laced the shield with illusions and Notice-Me-Not-
charms, making it look like an unusually boring piece of masonry. Just when he was done
with it, Tracey came jogging around a corner. Harry raised his hand and stopped her.
“Good. You’re here. Get in behind this suit of armour and on your knees.”
As he followed her through the false wall, he noticed that Greengrass was following
them, but he chose not to say anything. Well inside, Tracey was on her knees, and was
already gaping. It was tempting to simply shag her face, but he had to ask her.
“is is why you came running, isn’t it?”
“Yes Master. I think it was the necklace that told me to hurry and where to go.”
“Do you have your period now?”
“Yes Master, but I use a tampon, so my mouth and ass are still available if you want
to avoid the bleeding.”
“I’m mostly interested in your ass today, but one of these days, I might just make you
pregnant. Shut up now and suck my cock.”
He couldn’t quite get over the fa that Tracey blushed happily when he ordered her
to do things like that, but there was no denying her joy when she liberated his unmorphed
member. As she took the crown in her mouth, he was frankly astonished when she
continued to push him down until her nose was pressed into his stomach. She pulled
off of him and smiled.
352 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Purgamentum potion. It pays to be a Slytherin, sometimes. Use me, Master; I’m

your personal rubber toy.”
She didn’t get to say anything more, as he shoved his length down her throat again.
Potions. What a lovely science, he thought to himself as he roughly grabbed the girl’s neck
and fucked her throat violently. He noticed Daphne kneeling beside them, and he was
prepared to see fear in her eyes at his rough handling of her friend. Instead, her eyes were
slightly glazed, and she was licking her lips. He pulled out of Tracey’s throat and turned a
little, making his member swing towards the little blonde. She didn’t hesitate for a second,
but grabbed his member with both hands and started jerking him and licking the crown
clean from the precum that was almost running out of it. As he enjoyed her ministrations,
he pulled Tracey on to her feet. He pushed a finger into her tight little arse and performed
the charm. To his surprise, her knees buckled in an orgasm, something that appeared to
surprise her too. He turned her around and felt the strange soness in her body that the
potion had created. Just to see if it was possible, he lied her right leg and laid it behind her
neck. She turned and smiled at him, but he barely noticed. He was almost transfixed by
her crotch. She was wet and wide open to him. Clear juice flowed from her pussy, and her
arse was slightly open as well, due to the charm. He gently pried his cock out of Daphne’s
hands and pressed it against Tracey’s tight little opening. As he pressed himself inside,
extending her beyond the possible, he flooded her nerve system with Passionfire and as
his huge member slid in to the root, she cried out in a powerful orgasm that wet her feet
with juices. Daphne crawled closer, staring at her friends stretched opening, hesitantly
liing her hand to Tracey’s clit. At Harry’s nod, she got bolder and started fingering the
hooded little pearl expertly. Harry pumped his full length in and out, over and over as
Tracey came time aer time thanks in no small part to her friends ministrations. Harry
felt himself drawing close, and flashed Tracey with his blue bolts again. As he overdid it a
bit, a small ark carried over to Daphne, and the small girl howled in an incredibly loud
orgasm and attached her mouth to Harry’s balls, licking and sucking.
“Tracey, I’m about to cum. Drink it, but share if she wants to.”
As the thoroughly shagged girl slipped off his cock in a fluid motion, she bent her
back downwards in a truly impossible way, so to Harry, it almost felt like another stroke
as his cock le her arse and entered her throat. anks to the cleansing properties of the
charm, he imagined that it was without too much discomfort, but he didn’t really care. As
he pumped into her throat, Daphne had stood up, and was now pressing her body against
his. She had lied her blouse and skirt so he could feel her hard nipples and moist bush
as she whiered in his ear about how beautiful his cock was, how lovely it tasted and how
much she wanted his cum. As very few men can stand against a horny girl begging for
his cum, he came, and Tracey pulled off. She took his semen in her mouth, swallowing
greedily, and as Daphne praically dove onto it, Tracey shared the urting member with
her friend who swallowed with equal greed. As Harry’s store ran out, the girls met in a
hot, cummy kiss and continued to clean each other’s faces before licking Harry clean. As
they readjusted their clothes again, Tracey laid her hand on her Master’s arm.
“Master, is there a necklace for Daph too? She had a ark already, but ... “
“It’s better to play it safe. I agree. I don’t have one right now, but I’ll get you one if
you want it.”
Chapter 23 — a dismal thing to do!” 353

e petite blonde asked in a small voice.

“Does this mean I’m yours, too? I’d like that ... Master. I’ll learn to make that potion,
so you can fuck me next time.”
“If you want to belong to me, that’s fine by me. Just remember that this is not a passing
thing. If I choose to make you pregnant, the decision is mine, not yours. If I want you to
walk around naked the decision is mine, not yours. If I want you to come to my room
and suck my cock from sunset to sunrise, that’s exaly what you’ll do. ink about it, but
when I put that necklace around your neck, it’s final. You understand?”
“Yes, Master. I’m ovulating tomorrow, if you want to impregnate me as soon as
“I’m in no hurry. I have made one girl pregnant today already, so I can be patient.
Once you have that necklace I’ll give you a real Passionfire Orgasm, and trust me, it’s
worth a capital letter. See you babes later.”
As he made his way back up to Gryffindor Tower, he wondered what the hell just
happened. He had praically enslaved another girl, and it had felt like the right thing to
do. He wondered whether he becoming obsessed or something, but the thought made him
guffaw. Of course he was. He had women all over throwing themselves at him. He really
had to talk to Susan. He was going to need that shagging schedule. is little session had
reduced his tension by loads, though. Having a castle full of ’Shaggabilities’ might just be
a comfortable thing.
A feeling of foreboding made him turn around and pick up the pace. As he drew
near the new secret ace, he heard angry voices, both male and female, so he morphed
himself tranarent and silenced his feet. As he turned the last corner, he saw Malfoy,
Nott and Goyle. Malfoy holding Daphne against the wall as the two other boys tore at
Tracey’s clothes.
Harry went cold with rage.
Without moving, he made Tracey’s necklace shine and sung Movement at Malfoy.
As his voice appeared to come from all direions at once, Goyle and Nott was looking
in the wrong direion as Malfoy’s leg began to twist. His scream made them refocus, and
they stared as the blonde boy’s foot began to turn, continuing beyond the breaking point
of bone and sinews, which was audibly announced. As the twisting motion approached
the breaking point of skin, it moved upwards, and by sheer, fiendish creativity, Harry laced
a little Healing into his voice, thereby keeping Malfoy from fainting as his leg was twisted
and destroyed up to his knee, with sharp bone fragments piercing his skin all the way and
blood pooling below him.
With a final twist, the match-sized pieces of remaining bone sliced his skin to shreds,
destroying the leg beyond repair. Harry stopped singing, and Malfoy finally lost con-
sciousness. e piure before him was frozen for ten seconds, before Nott threw Mobil-
icorpus, and with Goyle in tow, ran towards the Hoital wing with the freely bleeding
Malfoy trailing a red ribbon behind them. He could see that the girls were unharmed, so
he returned to his previous trail, smiling the kind of smile that approaches careless divers
and has a fin on top. ose girls were his.

* * *
354 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Luna’s breast dagger was finished on the shelf, and the untraditional Athamé he was
making for Hermione was coming together nicely. By sheer luck, the foldings of the wavy
blade gave the impression of pages, making it possibly better for ritual than herbal work.
He had no intention of making it into a real one, though, as Hermione didn’t use that type
of magic at all, but he was able to incorporate a stolen hair from her, as well as Veela hairs,
tail hair from a Foxtail huldr, and breast hair from a Squirreltail. Not from Jorunn and
Disa, though, instead from girls he didn’t really know, but who were known to be intelligent
and studied, at least from the limited pereive of their ecies. He had encased the thin
little braid in Audsilber and incorporated it in the handle. He was now using his smallest
chisel to give the impression of fur on the silver Ermine on the guard, shaped like an
open book, with said ermine stretched out, resting, on the pages. e coals were cooling,
and the only thing he had in the fires were ingots of a strange greenish alloy that he had
made by absently pouring three crucibles into one. As Surt had told him, sometimes really
stupid things were done, and it was better to see what had really happened than to curse
the result. erefore, he had poured the metal into ingots to see what the result would
look like. As the mix contained both Audsilber, moon silver and regular, Vaulundersteel,
and bronze, there was just no telling what it would be like when it cooled. As he put the
chisel down, he noticed that he was not alone. By the door was a tall man in a pin-striped
suit. His friendly smile brought out the similarities with the Patil twins, even if he hadn’t
been obviously Indian.
“Mister Potter, I must say I am impressed by the driven focus in such a young man. I
am Suman Patil, and my daughters wished for me to see you. Do you know why?”
He oke in the rapid, exa English of a studied immigrant, and he seemed so friendly
and good-natured that Harry immediately liked him.
“Welcome to my smithy Mr Patil, and thank you. Metal has no patience with the
careless. e eyes of your daughters have given me some ideas, but the exa reason for
your visit is still unknown to me.”
“Naturally, Mister Potter. I would believe that any young man could see intent in the
eyes of my daughters. Can we sit? is is not a subje easily brought by men and should
never be forced upon fathers.”
e exaggerated wariness in the man’s voice made Harry smile as he conjured a couple
of chairs and a table.
“Of course, Sir. Please, sit, and trust me when I say that few subjes will be new or
embarrassing to me. Do not expe shocked outcries from me.”
“I see what you mean. To begin where I should, Magical Britain is unusually rife with
powerful mages. A population of less than a third of ours, magically eaking, has in
recent times produced your headmaster, You-know-Who, and yourself, as well as many
other powerful individuals. In India, the level of power is in decline, and while we have
few Squibs, we have very few with notable power. I am considered very powerful by our
standards, but I am nothing ecial here. May I ask about your power level?”
“I am a Sorcerer, Mr Patil, and my power is nearly limitless, but I am also not fully
human. My children will be sorcerers as well, and inherit my power and my ecial traits,
but as I understand it, they will be human, and take aer their mothers. I believe I can tell
Chapter 23 — a dismal thing to do!” 355

where the subje will take us, and I confess that I am oath-bound by the Goddess Freja
to give children to any suitable woman who asks, and my children will end some time
with her to learn how to use their Sorcery, and to make sure that none of the bigotry that
is so rampant today will take hold with my descendants.”
“You are assigned to father a whole race, then?”
“Pretty much, yes.”
“I don’t know whether to pity you or envy you. ere is a technique from Khajuraho,
to move a just conceived child between women. Many women came there to receive a
blessed child ,conceived in the womb of one of the Shakti priestesses. Would you be willing
to help Magical India that way? By impregnating my daughters and have the children grow
to term in other women? e children would be well cared for, you could get to know them
if you wish, and we will not hinder your deal with the Goddess as it so greatly benefits us.”
e name Khajuraho was aually familiar to Harry, as a book on Indian temples,
Khajuraho in particular, was the furthest Dudley had ever gone in his foreign studies.
When he had discovered other magazines, with more piures than text, the book had
found it’s way into the smallest bedroom. Still, the whole concept was making Harry
more than a little dizzy.
“We are moving out of my depth here, Mr Patil. It is my duty, I believe, to father
children, but this sounds like a baby-making produion line. I need to get used to the
idea first, before I can answer.”
Suman Patil smiled at him again, nodding in agreement.
“I understand perfely, Mister Potter. In international diplomacy, we are now at the
point where we would separate for the day, claiming consultations with our governments,
while we really just think things over. I will, however, consult with mine, and learn just how
far I can go with concessions, as there is a Goddess involved. Now I believe my daughters
intend to persuade you, so I will leave. ank you for your time, and may your Goddess
preserve you from determined twin daughters.”
ey laughed together at his hopeless tone as the friendly gentleman headed for the
door. As the door swung shut behind him, it was opened again, and two visions of sensu-
ality came through it, closed it, and sauntered towards him with perfe synchronisation.
ey wore body-jewellery and very little else, and the look in the four identical eyes heated
him more than the forge. It was good to be him.
356 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter XXIV

“The night is fine,”

the Walrus said.

“Okay, we’re here. Let’s get to work, go home and have a drink. MORSMORDRE!”
e Death Eater — a seasoned veteran from five similar attacks on unprepared, unde-
fended targets — fired the hideous illusion into the cloudy sky, and was shocked beyond
bladder control when a voice cried out behind a low garden wall less than twenty feet
A blinding white beam shot up from behind the cover, unfolding into a crescent
moon with the silhouette of a buxom girl sitting inside it like in a chair, preening slightly.
Over time, the moon seemed to turn fuller, until the image of a full, round breast was
dilayed and as it turned, it alternated between the preening silhouette and the fully
dilayed breast, and it completely outshone the sickly wi of greenish smoke from the
On the ground, a similar event had unfurled. Outside the Skeeter residence, a mighty
force of Death Eaters, fieen fighters, had met the guard from the Kilchurn forces. As soon
as the Death Eaters arrived, the Einharjers on location put up wards to keep them there,
a massive wave of Huldr Allure distraed the black-robed misfits, and the fight barely
happened. Pettigrew did try to fire off a Killing curse, but was knocked out cold before
he could even finish it, and the others fell to a storm of stunners and body-binds. As
the ten present Huldr dragged the would-be attackers together, using their touch to keep
them distraed, the door opened and the charming view of Rita Skeeter in a horribly
frilly bathrobe appeared. She looked up at the competing marks in the sky and almost
orgasmed in excitement. Pulling a notebook out of her bathrobe’s pocket, she conjured a
quill and rushed down to the troops to get her story. She had it pretty much down when
the first Aurors appeared. Kingsley Shacklebolt ignored the reporter and focused on a
note pinned to one of the captives.

358 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Hello. I am Peter Pettigrew, Order of Merlin and all, Death Eater, shocking example
of poor personal hygiene, betrayer of the Potters, and framer of Sirius Black. As an illegal
rat animagus, you might want to keep me stunned until you have me kissed for the murders
of Cedric Diggory and others. Oh, and kick me.”
Shacklebolt read it out to his team, and laughed the whole time while they processed
the Death Eaters’ wands and, aer a quick conference with the Einharjer commander,
portkeyed them out.
Rita was now just silently taking notes as Kingsley, Johan from the Einharjers, Hans
from the Lunarians, and Saga the Huldr met up.
“So, you are all Kilchurn forces, I take it? I need some kind of report, I guess.”
“Jawohl,” Hans began. “e enemy portkeyed in and fired the mark. We scared them
good when I cast our — the Lunarian Legion’s — mark, the Luna Lovebite. Gut, ja?”
“We move next, I think,” Saga continued. “A focus hit of Allure to make them think
with wrong head, but some fall from that.” Her accent was very heavy, but the charming
blonde made it sound endearing, and even apologetic. Johan followed the report.
“Aer shocking and disabling them, all wands moved to stun and bind. e rat
almost completed a killing curse, but that was all the opposition managed. e Huldr
kept them distraed and disabled until you arrived. Time estimation, first to last ell:
three minutes.”
“ank you. Please convey my force’s gratitude to the Lord. And the Goddess, of
Rita scribbled like crazy. e story of the year, right on her front lawn. She had to do
something really nice for the Lord of Kilchurn Castle.

* * *
“Lord Longbottom? A word, please?”
“Yes, Mr Nott?”
“I understand you have some influence on Lord Potter?”
“He listens to me sometimes, yes.”
“I believe I have partaken in a very stupid thing. Malfoy was instantly punished, and
all he did was to hold Greengrass. Goyle and I escaped scot-free, and we did something
worse, I think. Could you please advise me?”
Perhaps theatrically, Neville closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“is worse thing you did, did it harm or inconvenience Tracey Davis, perhaps? In
Harry’s presence?”
“I’m afraid so, no, I’m certain of it. I tried to apologise to her, but she refers any such
decisions to her Master.”
“As she should. She will get a good report from me. You, I’m afraid, are toast. Harry
doesn’t get as fumingly angry as he used to. He kills, then goes on with his life. You
have crooked a hair on one of his girls, and there is nowhere in Britain you can hide.
Chapter 24 — “e night is fine,” the Walrus said. 359

Scandinavia is out, and frankly, the whole of northern Europe is hostile territory for you
now. As one of his Fathers-in-law holds a high post in the French magical government,
France, including the French interest here, is also not a good place. I suggest you
immerse yourself in the American Muggle culture. Possibly Africa would do, but I would
believe America would be an easier place in which to disappear.”
eodore Nott hadn’t noticed, but Neville was very much aware that there were a lot
of attentive ears nearby.
“And if I stay here?”
“You might get lucky. You might even be allowed to live, but it would surprise me.”
“ank you for your advice, Lord Longbottom.”
e boy bowed, turned, and le, his face ashen.
Neville said quietly to himself, for the audience of course.
“Be adventurous: piss on Voldemort, but don’t touch Harry’s girls unless you really
wish to die.”
He made sure he had all his papers, and ran down towards the Arch. e Wizengamot
would convene in half an hour, and he had to be there.

* * *
She was worried. She had her faithful in battle, and she couldn’t be there. She owed them
so much, and now, all she could do was wait.
e strategy had worked.
e first evening, Chang and Edgecombe had started their usual routine to make sure
the firsties knew that they were the queens of Ravenclaw. At one point, as they were prone
to do, the bitches had pointed her out as a warning example — eecially, her apparently
’padded’ bra. She had stood up from her comfy chair, walked over to the two superior-
looking girls, and sent the Asian beauty flying with a short right hook. She had praised
it oen, and found it interesting that a punch that might have rocked one of her Faithful
had sent the prefe flying arse over tea-kettle. She had swept the legs out from under
Edgecombe and used a move from something called Aikididio or something to land her
on top of Chang. She had then proceeded to give the firsties a more balanced view of
Ravenclaw, like mentioning that studies were more important than keeping Chang and
her Clique supplied with cool drinks and pedicures. Chang had then attacked her from
behind with a fairly bad hex, but Luna had shielded herself and the firsties, who had been
in the line of fire. She had then used a combat ell to enhance her own strength for a few
minutes and pushed the older girls against the wall, keeping them in the working range
of her enticement charms. Edgecombe had crumbled immediately, but it was the sight of
Luna’s breasts as she healed Marietta that made Chang fold for some reason.
at night, Marietta had come to Luna’s bed, begging for an opportunity to please
her as an apology. As Luna orgasmed from the seventh-year’s tongue, something had
happened to the older girl, and Marietta now ent all her available time at Luna’s feet.
Chang hadn’t sought out Luna’s bed yet, but she would. Luna was certain of it.
360 Midnight Sun — Vanir

She paused in her mental meandering to allow the orgasm that the gently licking
Marietta had given her to run it’s course. at interesting crackling sensation was there
She was still worried. She looked through the distraion field as she felt someone
enter. Cho was standing in the door, wearing a much too short nightie, and her nipples
were clearly marked through the thin fabric. Perhaps a distraion of a different flavour
would work.

* * *
Harry allowed the hammer in his hand to fall to the floor. He must have held it for a while
without noticing, but now he certainly didn’t need anything to slow him down. He was
oiled, and he knew it. He had beautiful women around him all the time, begging for
his seed. He had magically enhanced perfe sex goddesses around him constantly, but
the sight of two identical girls slowly walking towards him with chiming body jewellery
was the sexiest thing he had ever seen. ere were no way he could identify them without
the help of Jormungandr, and he didn’t really want to. One of them walked around him
as the other one stayed in front. e chiming intensified for a brief moment as the girls
removed the chains and links of their golden armours and let them fell to the floor, making
a beautiful c-minor chord. e girl behind him pressed her naked body against his back,
and he could feel her nipples right through his leather vest. e girl in front of him started
to unlace his vest and shirt.
“Harry, we are not here to be made pregnant. If we were, it would be wonderful, but
we just want you. You marked us, and we are yours. We want to show you what we want
to do to you whenever you want.”
She loosened his vest and the girl behind him pulled it off of him as the one in front
started to tug at his shirt, but the chest-laced shirt seemed to confuse her, so Harry helped
her a little by liquefying the cloth and letting it pool around his feet. She wasted no time
in claiming his nipples with her mouth, teasing them with a long, pink tongue. e girl
behind him seemed to draw figures on his back with her nipples, and whiered in his
“We want you, we need you. We’ve always known that we were to breed with the most
powerful Mages we could find here in England, and we are so incredibly happy that it’s
you. Ginny bragged a bit, by the way, so we know what to expe, and we want that too.
Today, though, we’re not trying to get pregnant; we’re trying to please you.”
She began to nibble on his ear as the girl in front started on the lacing on his trousers.
“Do you want to fuck me, Harry? I want you to. I want to see how much of you I can
take inside my little body. I want to know what you feel like when you’re pressed against
my womb. I want to know how your semen tastes. I want to have your hands behind my
head, shoving your cock down my throat.”
She went down on her knees and freed Harry’s throbbing cock. As she began to lick
the crown, her sister behind Harry took over the commentary.
“Does it feel good, Harry? Is her tongue so against your wonderful member? We
want to show you things you never dreamed about; we want to please you and ourselves.
You taste wonderful. Sis, take him all the way in, I want to taste him properly.”
Chapter 24 — “e night is fine,” the Walrus said. 361

As the kneeling girl smiled up at him and took his crown in her mouth, the girl behind
him moaned. Her hands caressed his torso and teased his nipples, and her mouth licked
and nibbled at his neck.
“Mmm. Yummy. e greatest thing about being a magical twin. A double mind in
two bodies. I can stand here, with my breasts pressed against your back, and feel your cock
in my mouth. I can have you inside me while I lick your balls. If you cum inside any of
us, in any way, we will cum like you won’t believe.”
She stepped around him without breaking skin conta. ey were all naked now, and
she was pressing her backside against him, liing his right hand to her breast. He moved
his le one to her lovely firm arse on his own and caressed the girl soly, as both of the
twins moaned. As he placed his hand in the small of her back and slid it downwards, with
his middle finger tracing the crack, pressing lightly against her anus, not stopping until
he felt the moisture on his fingertip. e kneeling girl shuddered lightly and renewed her
efforts, taking him deep with her pink little tongue whipping around his crown.
e one standing made a small yelp as he grabbed her waist carefully but firmly
between his hands and lied her straight up. She caught on quickly when he turned, and
wrapped her legs around his neck, arching back with a flexibility he had only ever seen in
Gabrielle. She loosened her grip around his neck, allowing him to see her properly, and it
was a lovely sight. Her quim was smooth, and the little remaining tu of pubic hair was
shaped like a star. Below it was a perfely symmetrical flower, glistening with moisture
and crowned with a small pink clitoris, peeking out from under its dark hood. e contrast
between her dark, south Indian skin and the deep pink of her folds was exquisite, and
her powerful scent aroused him incredibly. He reached out with his tongue to touch the
bottom of her folds, and was rewarded by a double ga. He traced the labia in front of him
with the tip of his tongue, and the girl on her knees started to jerk him off while she licked
his crown all over. He worked the fragrant snatch in front of him for a couple of minutes,
without ever touching the clitoris, before he put her down gently on the floor. As the girls
traded places, the one getting up reached for a small capsule in the pile of discarded gold
ornaments and threw the contents in a corner of the smithy. With a whooping sound,
it unfolded to a large pile of pillows in different colours. e girl with his cock in her
mouth started crawling backwards, pulling him along by suion, until they had reached
the composite bed, where she stood next to her sister and pushed him down into the so
pile. He lay there in perfe comfort, looking at the double visions of beauty as they stood
in front of him, basking in his admiration. ey took a step apart, and the one to his right
lied her right leg slowly, and in a dance-like move, lied her knee towards her breasts,
then extended it upwards, keeping perfe balance. Harry’s cock couldn’t possibly have
gotten any harder as her position opened her completely to his eyes. Keeping her torso
perfely level, she began to fall towards her sister, who caught the elevated leg on her
shoulder and began to kneel down, grabbing Harry’s cock in the process, aiming it slightly
as she lowered her sister down onto it.
He saw both girls’ eyes widen and he forced himself to lie still as the girl was slowly
lowered on top of him. He saw, in perfe detail, how the so, pink petals read them-
selves for him, and how the opening slowly distended to accommodate his girth. As the
girl lied again, he could see how the inner labia clung to his member, as if unwilling to let
362 Midnight Sun — Vanir

it go, before she was lowered again, fraion by fraion until she reached her bottom. e
sensation was unbelievable. e only physical conta between them was her hot, tight,
wet folds squeezing his member. As she began gyrating her hips, the other girl crept up to
him, kissing and licking his body until she lay beside him, looking up at her sisters swaying
body as she pleased their man like no-one else before.
“is is incredible, Harry. Your cock is truly amazing, and it feels so good inside. I
can feel you right here, inside my belly as you fuck her. She’s stretched so wide that her
knob is rubbing against your sha and your crown is poised right at her uterus. Today is
just for pleasure, though.”
She was working her hands between her legs for all she was worth, and he reached
his arm around her, morphing it slightly to increase his range. He slid his hand down her
crack like before — if it hadn’t been the other girl, of course, since he wasn’t sure any more.
He didn’t stop this time, though, and with his thumb against her ass and his middle finger
half buried in her welcoming slit, he performed the Veela charm.
Harry thought he would lose his member to the girl’s orgasm. e small stimulation
provided by the lubrication and cleansing had sent the girls rocketing over the edge, and
the one perched — well, impaled — on his cock was contraing so violently that Harry
feared she would injure herself. She fell forward over him, and the gaing girl, still
contraing, began chasing his tongue with hers as her sister crawled down, licking his
balls and the sha that wasn’t inside her sister. Harry took advantage of the girl’s temporary
lapse in strength, and without allowing her to slip off of him, turned and laid her down
with her back against his chest. He began to thrust gently as he teased her nipples and
whiered in her ear.
“Do you want me to cum inside you? Do you want me to fill your folds with my semen
until it flows out of you, for your sister to taste?”
“No! I want ... it in me more .. I want to taste it .. more!” she panted as he thrust inside
her, her sister licked their joining point. She turned her head and whiered to him.
“We feel each ... other, but it’s more ... intense in person. You lubed ... up Padma’s ass.
It’s ... time to fuck it. Just bend ... her down and I’ll ... help you do her from behind.”
Staying inside her, Harry sat up, then stood up, with the dark beauty still impaled
on his cock. en he quickly lied her off of him and caught the other girl — Padma,
he guessed — flipped her over and lied her cute little bottom. As he licked her folds
and performed the Veela charm once more, Parvati was gagging on his cock, coating him
in saliva and rubbing it between her breasts. As Padma, and Parvati to a lesser extent,
appeared to draw closer, he dumped her on the pillows and adjusted her so that she had
her firm little butt in the air. With her sisters guidance, he poised his crown against the
tiny entrance and, with Parvati as guide, he pushed. Both girls lost it. Padma bucked
back, trying to take more of him than he knew she could handle, while Parvati howled
until Harry grabbed her and pulled her in front of him with her bum in the air. As he
fucked one of the twins in her well-lubricated arse, he stuck his finger in the other one,
fired off the same charm, and switched. Both girls panted and moaned as he fucked them,
and, aer a minute, they started kissing.
With liberal use of cleansing charms, he started to switch between pussies and asses
as the girls moaned, panted, and occasionally cried, and he lost count of how many times
Chapter 24 — “e night is fine,” the Walrus said. 363

they orgasmed. He had been surprisingly turned on by the thin white fluid that had begun
to flow from the twins’ nipples aer a number of orgasms. ey had lost all control, were
touching each other in ways sisters normally wouldn’t, and aer almost an hour, they were
sixty-nined while Harry moved around them, going from arse to pussy to mouth without
pause until he was too close to stop himself again. He threw himself back among the
pillows with his cock like a glistening flagpole, the girls untangled themselves, and one of
them almost leaped on top of him, driving him deep into her pussy. ey could see how
close he was, and as the other girl laid her head on his stomach, licking his sha and her
sister’s clit, they were ready for him. As he started to buck, the riding girl slid off, and the
licking girl took him deep in her mouth as her sister moved.
He came.
He came in one hot mouth; on a swirling, pink tongue; over a beautiful face; on firm
perky breasts; and then back into another hot, sucking and swallowing mouth until he was
dry and only light twitches remained of the urts. One of the girls rose and pulled him
inside her hot folds as the exhausted trio basked in the aerglow of one incredible feast of
lust, their feelings serene, almost sacred.
At least until one of the twins burped loudly and they all dissolved in exhausted

* * *
Harry was about to leave his smithy, and the girls were just getting dressed before he could
escort them back to their dorms. He had le the room, giving the twins a chance to talk
for a second. He had learned that these little chats were very important, and that he should
never, ever even think about eavesdropping. Suddenly, someone was behind him.
“Hiya, Harry.”
Harry hadn’t been surprised in a long time, but his favourite vassal had aually made
him jump. Neville was in the Costume, and looked almost dead on his feet, but happy.
“Hi Nev. What are you doing down here?”
“I just arched in from the Ministry. I was representing you in the Wizengamot.”
“Better you than me. If I had gone myself, we would have been at war as we eak.”
“Trust me, mate, I know that. I like this kind of thing, and I can’t thank you enough
for the chance.”
“So, what happened?”
“anks to Percy Weasley, Aunt Amelia is Minister. anks to Voldemort, the
Kilchurn Forces are a legal peacekeeping force in Britain. All it took was to promise to
assist the Aurors if they ask, and we would have done that anyway.”
“Okay. Where did Amelia go? I heard she was missing.”
“Delacour estate. Your Father-in-law had given her a bolt-hole, it seems. What are
you doing here?”
Harry grinned.
364 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Foreign relations. ere might be a firm alliance in the works with India. I just
negotiated an assurance of maintained interest, you might say.”
e door opened, and the twins emerged. Both of them wore dreamy smiles and their
school uniforms, but all their normal house identifiers were in bundles under their arms,
as was the body jewellery. ey smiled warmly at Neville, and one of them oke.
“A most serious interest, you might say.”
“Hello, uh, which one are you?”
“Frankly, we’re not sure right now. We think I’m Padma, though. I have a small callous
from the quills, but that’s the only real difference.”
“I ... see. I realise that if I try to understand this, I might sustain brain damage, so
I won’t. Good night.”
As the girls giggled, he sauntered onwards shaking his head.
“ere goes my best mate. I’d be lost without him, but I’m not above teasing him a
bit. Would you dear ladies mind if ...”

* * *
Harry was already under the covers of his bed when he realised that he wasn’t alone in
there. He didn’t let on that he had noticed, just made sure that there were no scrying
ells aive and that his visitor didn’t mean him any harm. As he fell asleep, someone
liberated his tired cock, who was of another opinion regarding its weariness, and started
sucking. Harry just relaxed and began driing off to sleep. He would learn who it was in
the morning. Sometimes, it sucked to be him, but sucking did have its good points.
He woke up alone, though.
He went through the motions of every morning, with one difference.
∼ Jormungandr, are you awake and aware when I’m asleep? ∼
∼ Yes. Do you wish to know what the female did last night? ∼
∼ Yes please, and who she was, too. ∼
Suddenly, an image danced in front of his eyes. It was a peculiar sight, as it wasn’t
visual but mental, but he recognised Lavender anyway. She had sucked him gently, careful
not to wake him, and she had quietly relished his semen as it flowed out of him at his silent,
sleeping climax. She had swallowed it all, licked him clean, and tucked him back inside
his boxers with great care. Before she le, she had whiered in his sleeping ear.
“Sweet dreams, my prince. It’s all I have to give, but I hope you sleep well.”
She had kissed him with tears in her eyes, and disappeared, silent as a ghost.
He would have to talk to her. Or rather, Parvati. He wrote a quick note to her, saying
that he wanted to know everything about Lavender Brown, as he needed to do something
really nice for her.

* * *
Chapter 24 — “e night is fine,” the Walrus said. 365

The Battle Of The Marks

by Rita Skeeter
Last night, as the Wizengamot held its long overdue session to remove
Cornelius Fudge, evil did not sleep. e Death Eaters decided to attack
Yours Truly, as I have finally understood the Dark Lord’s true value —
or rather, his lack thereof. A full scaled attack was launched under the
cover of darkness, and the first indication of a problem was the appear-
ance of the Dark Mark in the sky above my house. It was immediately
followed, however, by a white, beautiful mark in the heavens. My editor
has forbidden me to describe it, but the piure below says it all, I believe.
It is called the Luna Lovebite, and is the symbol of one of Kilchurn’s al-
lied forces, the Lunarian Legion. Between a contingent of Legionaries,
the elite force called the Einharjers, and a group of Huldr whose pacify-
ing power was instrumental in the strike, the entire Death Eater com-
pany was subdued in seconds with absolutely no casualties on either
side. When the Aurors arrived, the prisoners were subdued, harmless
and in some cases even healed by the Huldr, who also kept them calm
and peaceful.
Ladies and gentlemen, I owe them my life, and I have no doubt that
we all will in good time. Commander Hans Schmidt of the Lunarian
Legion, Sergeant Johan Silfverslägga of the Einharjers, and Lady Saga of
the Huldr led their forces with elegance and efficiency, and I never even
felt fear.
So, what’s the big deal, you ask?
e invincible forces have won again; there’s nothing new about that. e
remarkable detail in all this was that the Kilchurn forces were already
there: ey were waiting for the Death Eaters in my own garden.
Aer my honest report of the interview with Elaine, they had surmised
that the Dark Lord might take offence and decide to eliminate your ever-
vigilant reporter of undeniable fas. ey decided to stop him, and
placed a guard at my place.
e Ministry read the same article, yet the Aurors arrived long aer
the Death Eaters would have been gone. e ministry’s reonse to the
article is mentioned in other places in this paper.
Fudge would have let me die. Kilchurn wouldn’t.
Goodbye Cornelius, you old goat, and good riddance.
e war that didn’t happen, page 2-5
Percy Weasley, Lion in bureaucrat clothing, pages 6-8
Sirius Black proven innocent, page 9
e forces of Kilchurn, our strongest wards, pages 10-17
Peter Pettigrew, the Order of Merlin, facing the Kiss, page 18

* * *
366 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Mr Potter, a word, if you please?”

“Certainly, Headmaster.”
He rose from the breakfast table and followed the aged Wizard to the room where the
champions had gone in the Triwizard Tournament. Well there, he decided to be courteous,
and conjured two chairs similar to his own at Kilchurn. Dumbledore looked surprised for
a second, but sat down with a sigh.
“Mr Potter, I know that I’m overstepping my bounds as Headmaster in this very
second, but I am also the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, and I fear that I am sorely
lacking in that position at this time. I would appreciate any insight into the Kilchurn views
that you might like to share with me. I ask for no secrets, but only a general view.”
Harry thought for a moment. ere was nothing too secret about that. Indeed, they
had done away with most of the secrets.
“Peace. Equality between sentients. e survival of the magical world. at’s the
main thrust, anyway.”
“I see. If the current eculations are true, why did the Lord of Kilchurn take an
interest in you? No offence, of course, but I must admit I feel a bit le out.”
“Headmaster, I will not comment on the relationship between me and the Lord of
Kilchurn. As for you being le out, it’s your own doing. I don’t trust you. Your eech
at my memorial at Headquarters told me quite a lot. If you study it in your pensieve,
you will see that you got confused, and told me more or less straight out that you had
planned for me and Voldemort to kill each other, and that you saw me as a weapon, a
blade forged in adversity for the purpose of killing and being destroyed. It was a shock,
and it contradied everything I thought I knew about you, as well as your own words, but
your aions through my life support it. All these years, you have done things backwards.
When the time has been one for aion, you have not moved. When inaion has been
the preferred way, you have meddled and thereby created the situations that should have
been avoided.”
“I ... will look at my memory of the incident. If that is the case, and I do believe you,
I fully understand why I find myself on the sidelines. I would like to eak more of this at
a later date. Now, to an even less pleasant subje. ere has been a number of attacks on
staff and students in school, and consensus indicates you as reonsible, even if there is not
one shred of evidence to support it. Again, I wish for nothing more than a hypothetical
guess regarding the reasons for such attacks.”
“I only know of a few such attacks. Tracey Davis and Pansy Parkinson were attacked in
the Slytherin Common room by Professor Snape. I believe a Serpent Lord Avatar defended
them against the gross perversion of the Slytherin ideals that the current Head of House
represents. Daphne Greengrass and, again, Tracey were sexually assaulted earlier today
by Malfoy, Nott and Goyle, I believe. e reason for these attacks has probably been their
open affiliation with me or the House of Kilchurn. Oh, and I did destroy Umbridge, but
in doing so, I managed to send a message to the ministry that probably saved thousands
of lives. A partially regrettable loss of a torturer, but it was not for nothing.”
“I understand. e needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few. A noble
sentiment, as long as one carefully considers who the few might be. By the Rules of House
Chapter 24 — “e night is fine,” the Walrus said. 367

and Quarrel of 1634, your treatment of Dolores was perfely legal, but I must say I was
a bit surprised at your list of assaults. It does not correond with mine. ey do involve
the same incidents, though, but from a different pereive. I must also congratulate you
on a most impressive Occlumency defence. I have not approached it myself, and Severus
refuses to even discuss it, but as I guess you knew, Filius tried you and was most impressed.
As I just caught myself preparing to read you, I was reminded. Now, Mr Potter, I believe
you have double Transfiguration this morning, and I mustn’t keep you. Please visit me if
there’s anything you wish to share.”
ey parted, and as Harry ran along the halls to make it to class, he couldn’t help
wondering what the Hell was going on.

* * *
is was the sixth batch he had ruined, and now he was out of Lethe’s bramble. Damn
that bloody snake-thing. A one-handed Potions master wasn’t good for anything except
teaching, and that was unbearable. Not only had he failed in making the trust-reversing
potion, he had also failed in making the silly little Rapture draught in time, so all the
addied house-elves that had served him in dosing the people he wanted dosed had died
of withdrawal. e bloody stump that sat where his hand should be refused all treatment.
ere was some kind of toxin le behind that resisted all his skill, and, of course, the
meagre skills of the so-called Masters at St. Mungo’s. All attempts to regrow the hand
had been fruitless, and the bloody healers had stared at him like he was a fascinating kind
of dung beetle, mumbling about interesting cases and healing sciences. He pushed the
blonde curls out of his face and tried to save his latest failure, but there was nothing he
could do. Perhaps it was time to cut his losses. He walked over to the storage room and
started picking out the most valuable ingredients, packing them carefully in a trunk.

* * *
Transfiguration had been fun, eecially for someone who could do it on instin alone.
He had transfigured his ferret into kittens, monkeys, and even into Malfoy once, to general
jollification. As it hadn’t been a sitting class, but the students had moved about in the class
room, he had taken up position behind Hermione as oen as he could get away with it,
and by lunch she was wet to her knees. He had made sure to help Lavender as well, and
Parvati had beamed at him for it. He had even managed to get her alone for a second,
just to tell her that he owed her a big favour for a great night’s sleep. Her blush had been
almost illuminating.
His little breakfast prank on Neville had been small but good. e twins had walked
up to Neville when he was talking to Susan and, perfely enough, Seamus. ey had
nuzzled and kissed both his cheeks, and done the same to Susan. e blank stare from
Susan and the vibrant blush from Neville had been great fun, but to see Seamus’ mouth
open and close in a complete mental lock-down had been hilarious.
Parvati had slipped him a note in return half way through the class, and he hadn’t
been able to read it carefully yet, but he had noted that Lavender wanted to work with
368 Midnight Sun — Vanir

design, hairdressing, make-up, and the whole girlie works, but didn’t really have the con-
fidence regarding anything except her own beauty. at was pretty much all he needed
to know, and for much of the time he looked focused in class, he was aually talking to
his Bondmates. He also carried muttered conversations with Neville regarding an offer to
the Ministry. As just about everybody knew, Azkaban wasn’t safe, as it was built around
using Dementors for everything. Otherton, on the other hand, would have a large num-
ber of Huldr and similar ecies to cater for. Perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad idea to keep
a prison/Huldr restaurant on the premises. Neville was sure he could get it through, but
Harry was less certain.
Seamus, who had noticed how easily Harry talked to the girls in class, and how he
could even slide in behind them and corre their stances and wand-movements, began
teasing him about it, and almost got himself hexed by all the present girls.
“Oh, come on now, Harry. How do you do it? How can you get close to all the birds
like that?”
“at is quite enough, Mr Finnegan. e secret is simple. Mr Potter has style, and
he showers regularly. He also has the ability to transfigure a pebble into a beautiful rose,
so I do suggest you work on your skills. A rose that smells like an old sock will bring no
birds, Mr Finnegan.”
He stared in shock at the stri Professor. For the first time, he noticed the little
changes that had happened since school started. She smiled more, sometimes wore some
unobtrusive traces of make-up, and didn’t wear her hair in the prim bun any more. He
stared at her, then at Harry, and with growing horror, at the professor again. Professor
McGonagall chose this moment to blow a kiss to Harry, who returned it extravagantly,
and managed to keep his face straight for several seconds before cracking up. e class,
including Seamus, had a good laugh at the successful prank by their Head of House.
As they le class and were heading down the stairs, Harry felt like someone kicked
him hard in the back, and as he was thrown through the air and down the stairs, his brain
registered the cracking sound of an automatic weapon.

* * *

He was waking up again. He had failed, again. He hadn’t pushed hard enough; he hadn’t
been good enough to make them kill him.
He was chained to the wall. ere was a beautifully worked metal band around his
waist holding the chain. ere was a bed, so, nice and with a self-cleaning charm on
it. It smelled of lavender and lilac, but the so bed was just out of reach unless they were
there for him, draining him, killing him, one little piece of his soul at the time. He was
well fed, at least. e room was not uncomfortably hot or cold, so he didn’t really miss his
clothes. It would just have bought him a few seconds rest, to have to undress for them.
ere was no point in trying to deny them. ey were just too strong, and their magic
oke direly to his body, making it perform even when it was beyond his ability. ey
pumped his cock up with pieces of his soul, his élan vital. He couldn’t help sobbing when
he heard the key turn in the lock.
Chapter 24 — “e night is fine,” the Walrus said. 369

Again, someone had come for him, and this time, they were two, and they carried
a sack between them. One of them went straight for him, her squirrel-like tail swinging
as she removed her clothes and had her magic catch his undivided attention. He felt the
chain extend itself as she led him to the bed, where she promptly mounted him, driving
him to one half-orgasm aer another, until she finally let him have a real one, filling her
greedy mouth with semen. She didn’t eak to him at all, she just nodded at the wall,
and the chain dragged him back to his blanket by the wall. He looked around for what
the sack might have contained. Next to him, bruised and scraped, was the thoroughly
defeated Cornelius Fudge.
Today’s ecial at the Otherton menu: Life force of Auror or Life force of Politician.
Somehow, Dawlish didn’t think that this was very good news.

* * *
e K-Pist, Carl Gustav M45.B might just be the simplest and sturdiest sub-machine gun
in the world. A metal weight and a ring, set in a pipe. No complicated clockwork things,
no complex mechanics involved at all. ere are no eleronics whatsoever, and it has
impressive fire power for its compa size. e perfe weapon in a magical environment,
as long as you mind the rate of fire, which empties a clip in 4 seconds. Ted Nott hadn’t
minded that. He had also been so startled by the flare that he hadn’t kept the gun down,
so 33 of the 36 bullets had ended up hitting stonework. ree had hit Harry Potter in
the back.
Ted Nott didn’t have much time to worry about that, as every hair on his body was
yanked out and his eyes were covered in paint. As a large number of hexes, including at
least six stunners, hit him, the thought that remained in his brain was stupid.
“At least Potter didn’t kill me.”
Lavender was the first one to rea to the attack. As she didn’t know the Cruciatus,
she hit the attacker with the most painful ell she did know, the depilation charm. She
followed it with a ell of her own devising, the Instant Makeup-charm, but she pushed
as much magic as she could into it, instead of the usual gentle touch. e result looked
like a panda with a hangover; his eyes quite firmly walled up with waterproof eye-shadow.
Parvati and Hermione were running down the stairs, and Neville was talking to his sleeve.
Aer a minute, Harry was on is way to the Hoital wing, the Professor carelessly levitating
Nott that way too, and Neville put his hand on Lavender’s shoulder. e girl was still frozen
in place, wand out.
“Lavender? You did good. Harry will be fine in a couple of days, and I’ve told all
involved about what you did. You can expe a very serious reward. Do you want me to
conta your brother?”
She lowered her wand and turned to him, but there didn’t seem to be anyone behind
her eyes. Neville began to lead her gently down the stairs, as Susan Bones came running
up the stairs to get to them. Neville kept talking.
“Lav, I think you’re in shock. You need to rest, I think, and to feel safe. ere’s a room
waiting for you at Kilchurn if you want it.”
370 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“He was nice to me. He didn’t ask anything from me. When I gave him something,
he thanked me. He was going to give me something in return. Now, he’s gone.”
“He’s tough, Miss Brown,” Susan said. “He can take just about anything, and the best
healers in the world are coming here. Come on; let’s get you to Kilchurn, and you can tell
me what you want Harry to give you when he wakes up.”
Lavender Brown descended the stairs, giving a detailed description of Cunnilingus,
something the poor girl apparently didn’t know much about, as Susan and Neville led her
towards a new life.
Outside, things were more dramatic. A dense fog had appeared over the lake, and out
of it came soldiers, chainmail blazing in the sun. A deep thumping sound was heard as
battle hammers marked the marching rhythm against the ground and iridescent Lindorm
cloaks shimmered as four columns of Einharjers marched forth and separated for two
shorter columns of Legionaries in shiny black leather. ey were followed by ten Huldr,
two wearing white gowns, the rest in white vests and mini-skirts. e Huldr in gowns
barked orders, and the Einharjers immediately set up camp with military precision, a
well-honed routine. In mere minutes, tents were raised in a city-like pattern and wards
were ereed. A guard of Einharjers and Legionaries escorted the Huldr towards the main
gates of the castle. ey were about half way there when the Legionaries still in camp got
together and pointed their wands towards the sky.
It looked a little goofy under the bright midday sun, but it was a sun nonetheless, a
reddish sun disc with a patch of green on top and a snake-like patten circling it, superim-
posed with the Potter crest, the motto in Norse runes.
e midnight sun had risen over Hogwarts.
Chapter XXV

“Do you admire the view?

He could remember them all. Every decision, every consideration, every snap judgement
was coming back to haunt him these days. He just couldn’t remember why he had thought
them intelligent at the time. He could remember his decision to place Harry with the
Dursley family. He couldn’t remember why it had been a good idea to never check up on
his progress with them. He could remember everything but the very thing he was trying
to understand. He couldn’t remember why.
ings were happening around him at an outrageous pace, and he had a very hard
time coming to terms with it. Somehow, Harry had become a real power in the Wizarding
world, and power also emanated from him. e Longbottom boy had truly blossomed, in
the way he loved to see his students blossom, but the Headmaster was honest enough with
himself to understand that he hadn’t had anything to do with the boy’s growth. Harry
had. Apparently, there had been a serious bullying situation in Ravenclaw, something
young Miss Lovegood had reified. Had he given her the confidence? Harry had. e
whole house of Slytherin was in awe of Harry, several of the girls had given themselves
in servitude to him, and he had apparently accepted. Slytherin might still be cause for
continuing concerns, but the Dark shadow had been lied. He hadn’t made that happen.
Harry had.
He looked out over the newly ereed military encampment outside the castle gates
and chuckled to himself. It must have been a sight. e Supreme Mugwump coming out
to greet the new arrivals. e new arrivals simply divided their ranks and walked right
past him on either side. He had never felt so insignificant in his entire adult life as he
did when the beautiful ladies with their escort marched past him, heading straight for the
hoital wing. One of the men in black had stopped briefly.
“I apologise, Headmaster, but time is of the essence,” he had said with a heavy German
“I do understand. You are welcome here,” he had answered. What else could he say?
e real marker of his failures had come later, however. As he returned to his office,
he had met Mr Longbottom and Miss Bones, escorting a distraught Miss Brown toward

372 Midnight Sun — Vanir

the dungeons. At his question, Neville had said, “She needs peace and a sense of security,
so we’re taking her somewhere else for a while.”
“Hogwarts is the safest place....” He didn’t get any further, before they had pushed past
“Why don’t you go back to your office and have a lemon drop?” Mr Longbottom’s
voice had been friendly and slightly condescending.
A kind offer of a peaceful time, from a young politician to an old has-been who didn’t
matter any more. A kindness that hurt worse than any curse.
When he had tried to locate them half an hour later, they had been nowhere to be
found, but they hadn’t passed through the wards. Perhaps he could show them that
he wasn’t completely gone yet if he could figure out how they did it. Maybe he could
even regain some trust if he showed himself worthy of it by allowing them this secret
passageway, whatever it was. e castle was full of them, aer all. Yes, that was it. It was
a challenge he would truly enjoy.
One thing he didn’t enjoy was the proe of dealing with Mr Nott. He didn’t have
much of a chance of survival, considering the army camped outside, but the Headmaster
saw it as his duty to improve on those odds. He had been able to get the full circumstances
from the boy’s mind, and they were troublesome. e weapon had been hidden in a school
bed for three years! e automatic Muggle weapon, loaded with silver bullets, had been
smuggled inside the castle by Draco Malfoy and had been hidden under his bed, attached
to the underside with Muggle du tape, until Mr Nott, in a fit of deeration, brought it
out and made his poorly thought out pre-emptive strike.

* * *
Lavender found herself sitting in a high-backed chair in front of a fire, with a large whisky
inside of her and a tankard of something sweet in her hand. Right next to her was a
beautiful woman, not entirely young, with long, golden hair, and in a chair like hers, a
few feet away, sat a tiny little girl who appeared to be younger than Lavender herself. e
girl had long, silvery hair, looked perfe, and was apparently pregnant. Suddenly, she
realised that this must be the wife of the man whose cock she had sucked the night before,
in what some might consider a gentle kind of rape. She was terrified, and it must have
shown, as the woman at her side oke up.
“Yes, Miss Brown. Gabrielle is Harry’s wife, and we all know that you sucked him last
night. Gabrielle, what do you have to say about that?”
Instead of answering direly, the little girl stood and walked over to Lavender’s chair,
bent down, and kissed her on the mouth. It was a so kiss, far from sisterly but not the
slightest bit demanding. It was a kiss that held great affeion, care and a healthy dollop
of desire, but it didn’t ask anything of her, not even participation. Gabrielle moved back,
and looked her straight in the eye.
“ank you. It’s good to know that there’s someone who cares for his needs, for him,
when I’m not around nor are any of my sisters. Perhaps my husband will ask you to join
us, and I will not obje.”
Chapter 25 — “Do you admire the view? 373

Lavender was reeling in her chair. Of all possible reaions, that was the most unex-
peed. e woman chuckled at what must be a very amusing gob-smacked look.
“You see, Miss Brown, this isn’t a very typical family. I’m Sigyn, by the way. Harry
had a vacancy in the Mother position, and I’m on trial, I guess. Gabi here is Harry’s only
wife, but my adopted daughter, my sort-of adopted daughter, and a close friend of ours are
waiting in the wings. ere’s a lot of Harry, and more than enough to go around. All the
four girls have a Magical Bond with him, and my daughters are with him right now, and
they have the best healers in the world with them. He’ll be fine — in time, anyway.”
“Why am I here?” she asked with an embarrassing wobble in her voice.
Gabrielle answered, “Because Harry cares for you. Because of your quick aions that
prevented a good shot. Because you need to relax a bit, and school isn’t the right place
for that at the moment. We’re securing the place right now, and the troops are reading
through the school. I guess it’s a bit tense there at the moment. Because I could use a
haircut. Take your pick.”
“You don’t. Need a haircut, I mean. Your hair is perfe, and I’m masterful at otting
lit ends.”
“True. Harry has a thing for long hair, and as a Veela, I will always be perfe for him.
Come on; let’s find you a room and we can share our awe for the most amazing member
of the known world.”
“You do look a bit awe-struck. When are you due?”
“No idea. With a mix of ecies like this, there’s no telling how long it’s supposed to
be. Next month, next year, there’s no way to tell, really.”
“ere have been Veela-Human mixes before, right? What’s so ecial about this
“Harry isn’t fully human, and as we don’t know exaly what he is, it all becomes
“I could tell he tasted differently. Sweeter, sort of.”
“I wouldn’t know. He’s my first, and most likely last. I’ll have to ask the Huldr girls
about that. ey’d know.”
Sigyn smiled as the girls le together. Lavender had made a good impression on her,
and Gabrielle could use a few orgasms right about now. ey’d be fine, and she had been
reassured that so would Harry.

* * *
Harry himself would have disagreed with that. As the bullets hit his back, he was pushed
off his feet and sent tumbling down the stairs. Between his natural, morphing resistance
and the stout vest he was wearing, most of the impa read across his skin, and the bullets
hadn’t done too much damage. ey still burned, though. He should have been able to
just morph the injuries away, but morphing required some hard concentration, and the
pain from all his broken bones was just too distraing. Hermione must have hit him with
the petrifying hex before he had even stopped moving, and that had probably saved him
some pain.
374 Midnight Sun — Vanir

He was aware of everything as they levitated him to the Hoital wing, and to Harry,
that was not a good thing. Being petrified meant that he couldn’t even pass out, so when
he finally was placed in one of those hated hoital beds and the hex was lied, he was so
exhausted from the pain that he promptly lost conciousness.
Parvati and Hermione were working as quickly as they could. Madam Pomfrey was
nowhere to be seen, but the girls knew the basics. ey had gotten his clothes off with a
switching ell so that they weren’t destroyed, and had started to clean up the three bullet
holes in his muscular back so that they could see what they were doing. A house elf alerted
them that Madam Pomfrey was running back from the greenhouse and would arrive in five
minutes. e girls didn’t say a word as they cleaned the wounds and continued ineing
him so that they could give a full report to the nurse when she got there. ey didn’t even
turn around when the motionless body of eodore Nott was dragged in, blood seeping
out of his skin in thousands of places, and thick cakes of paint covering his eyes. at
was when Hermione noticed that she was soaking through her knickers. A look at Parvati
confirmed that she was feeling it too, and Hermione had barely begun formulating an
initial theory as to the cause when the door swung open. Hermione’s knees buckled, and
if Parvati hadn’t been leaning on the bed, she would have fallen as the Huldr entered,
accompanied by a massive flood of Allure. Two of them wore gowns and golden girdles,
and they grabbed Hermione and Parvati, pulling them aside as the other Huldr, dressed
in the kind of Nurses outfit that can only be found in stores with age-limits, surrounded
the young man on the bed. eir skirts were so short that they barely lied to make room
for the foxtails that could be seen under most of them. ey swily pulled the bullets
out with their extended, sharp claws, and their faintly glowing hands closed the wounds
in minutes. e resident Healer came in, but she didn’t say anything, just observed the
Huldr Healing power at work as the beautiful girls began working on the broken bones,
starting with getting the ribs back in order.
“Hi. I’m Disa, this is Jorunn, and you are Hermione and Parvati. anks for what
you’ve done for him, but we’ll take over now. Kilchurn owes you both. What happened?”
Parvati looked at Hermione, who started.
“As we le class, a student opened fire with some kind of automatic weapon. Harry
was thrown down a flight of stairs. We petrified him and brought him here. I think the
student who caused it is in a bed further down.”
Hermione paled as the pretty blonde’s eyes started glowing pink, and her nose shrank
to a dark button. e dark haired one put her hand on the blonde’s arm.
“What would Harry say if you killed the brat before he had a chance to judge?”
e button-nose grew to a more conventional button-nose as the girl straightened
“Nothing nice. Wait. Did you feel that?”
“He’s not in pain anymore. Good. He might be able to take it when he’s unconscious,
but it was beginning to bother me.”
Hermione couldn’t take it any more. She was working very hard to keep away from
her inquisitive outbursts, but sometimes it was just too hard.
Chapter 25 — “Do you admire the view? 375

“So, you are the two Huldr he bonded with, I take it? What’s happening, how did you
get here so quickly, how did you know, and where are the two other girls?”
e Huldr looked at each other and laughed. Jorunn answered with her so lilting
“We are, we’re proteing our Master, through magic, twice, and at home. We didn’t
know what to expe here, only that Harry had been attacked. We roused a rescue oper-
ation, established a beachhead by the lake, and we’re not leaving until the place has been
pacified. Gabrielle is still at home. We knew that it wasn’t deadly if we got here quickly
enough, and ... Elaine handles the tranort. If she guides us, we can walk down into one
lake and up in another. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have a loved one to care for and worry
about. You both have rooms at Kilchurn. Come and visit us sometime. Our man really
liked doing you both, and maybe we could gang up on him.”
With that, the two non-human girls turned around and walked over to the throng of
Huldr around the bed, leaving the two humans with flaming faces, sneaking glimpses of
each other. e Allure in the room had subsided somewhat, as the Huldr were diverting all
their power into healing. eir hands roamed all over him, glowing soly as they caressed
the bruises away and mended the bones, but from their looks at each other, and the few
words Hermione knew of the Norse language, Harry was in fairly bad shape. Nothing fatal,
but he would be tied to bed for quite some time, and unable to perform with any girl for
weeks. Suddenly the doors to the infirmary crashed open, and a wild-eyed Luna appeared.
Her chest, primarily her football sized breasts, were glowing with an eerie blue light.
“Like hell you will, Harry James Potter! You’re not allowed to die without fucking me
at least twice!” e small girl with the enhanced boobs threw herself on the bed, and the
room was bathed in eleric blue light. Wide beams of light travelled from the two on
the bed, grounding itself in the Huldr, who fell with ecstatic grins on their faces, except
Disa and Jorunn, who managed to push the two humans out of the way, before getting
hit by the arclights and when they fell, they did so howling in pleasure. e humming
from the bolts, the panting and screaming of the Huldr, and the strange grinding and
popping sounds that emanated from the bed were deafening, the blue light blinding, until
everything stopped.
Hermione took her hands from her eyes, and for a second, she thought that she saw a
woman stand by the bed. Tall, blonde, and very naked except for a girdle and a necklace
in gold. As she blinked, the woman was gone, and Hermione, Anglican-raised and atheist
almost by profession, tried very hard to make herself believe that she had imagined it.
She didn’t do very well, though. Her attempt was ruined when Luna sat up and smiled at
Harry, who sat up too, and smiled back.
“I never had a brother before. Is that what you are?”
“Not really,” Harry answered. “We’re just unique together. She’ll visit you again, I
guess. If you’re like me, you need training. It’s weird. You’ll like it.”
“Good. She was pretty, and if you were my brother, it would be somewhat wrong for
me to want your penis so much. You will shag me silly sometime, won’t you?”
“I would love to shag you silly, but I believe I’ll be too busy to give you my full attention
right now. We need to talk about how this is possible sometime, but I need some clothes,
376 Midnight Sun — Vanir

as do you. Your Passionfire has ruined your blouse. You need to be careful with that. It’s
“I know. My pets, Chew and Marionetta, do anything I say for the privilege of eating
me out. I ark when I come, apparently.”
“Good for you. You know, Cho’s awfully pretty so long as she shuts up and smiles.
Can I borrow her some time?”
“Of course, but not until you’ve shagged me, and only if you promise to take her anally.
She may be pretty, but I don’t really like her.”
He laughed and kissed the Goddess on her forehead. Somehow, he understood exaly
what she meant, and now he understood why he had almost conneed to her during the
bike run.
He swung his legs down from the bed, and ent a minute caressing the Huldr with
soly glowing hands until he was satisfied that they’d be fine. en he kissed his Consorts
deeply, and placed gentle kisses on the lips of the human girls as well. As he was stark naked
and, thanks to the Allure still flooding the room, at full mast, he almost drove Hermione
out of her mind, but before she could have her wicked way with him in front of all the
people present, he turned to the door and held out his hands. ere was a flash, and he
was dressed again, this time in his battle robes, his hammer hung by his side.
“I’m too short for this shit. I think it’s time to leave this place. Who shot me?”
Hermione swallowed. Power was rolling off of him, the Allure was still noticeable,
and she still felt the heat where his cock had been pressed against her. One thing that
she knew, though. If Harry le school, the chances of him fucking her regularly would
plummet, and that just mustn’t happen. She would ... She would have to follow him, and
drop out of school too. If she stayed in school, she would get ace grades, but still have
problems getting a job because of her parentage. If she went with Harry, she would learn
things that no-one had known before her, she would be in the centre of things, able to
give advice and she would certainly be set for life. e thought of daily access to all that
masculine meat had nothing to do with it, whatever her soaked quim tried to say. Still,
learning in school was important. at had always been a constant in her life, and her
libido wasn’t quite strong enough to overrule it.
“Please stay, Harry. Nott will get what he deserves. Lavender hit him pretty hard, and
I have a feeling that your Slytherin servant wants a piece of him first. You’re the Lord. You
have people for this kind of thing.”
He turned and smiled at her, making her pulse race even further.
“You’re probably right. Well, thanks to the Goddess Luna here, I’m all right again,
and very interested in vengeance, but I guess Tracey and Daphne deserve a shot. Where’s
Before she had a chance to answer, his eyes grew distant and his knees buckled a bit.
Jorunn and Disa moved quickly to support him, even though they could barely stand
“Well, now I know where Lav is and that I shouldn’t link to my wife when she orgasms.
A day during which you learn something isn’t a complete waste. So, where’s Nott?”

* * *
Chapter 25 — “Do you admire the view? 377

Ted Nott woke up in pain. Well, more of a dull ache, but Purebloods weren’t supposed
to experience any kind of discomfort. He was in the Hoital wing, that he knew, and he
recognised the curtains around his bed. It was sort of dark in there, but there seemed to
be holes in the curtain at the foot of the bed. He quickly realised that he was wrong, as the
four dots of light moved a little in pairs. ey were eyes. Shining predatorial eyes. He was
about to die. Worse, he was about to be eaten alive. He was trying to get his voice to work
when someone right by his side whiered to him.
“No, little boy. Not today. You will live, until I find it funny to kill you. You touched
my girls, and I will give you hell for that. I need to make an example of you. An example
that will make people know in their bones that no-one touches the Ladies of Kilchurn. is
means that Tracey and Daphne have free reign over you. ey are not to kill you, but as
long as they might find you useful, you might not be killed just for my amusement. I trust
you to understand that if you do anything to them that they obje to, I will kill you slowly
over several weeks. Now, get better. My ladies needs someone to clean their undies.”
He le, and the beings with the glowing eyes le with him, and behind them, some-
how, his life le as well. Ted Nott understood that he was beyond defeated. He couldn’t
even run any more, because at this time, Potter was probably the only one in the castle
who didn’t want to kill him immediately. Potter wasn’t quite that nice. On the other
hand, Potter wasn’t the only power around. e Headmaster could reign him in. He had
before, and the Headmaster always believed in sob stories. at was it. He would become
the Headmaster’s next redemption proje. Satisfied with his plan, Nott settled into the
pillows again. He might as well rest while he had the chance.

* * *
e room was dark, and the people around the table couldn’t see each other’s faces. e
air was heavy with the wizarding world’s favourite tobacco, Lakatia, with it’s unfortunate
scent of wet, well-worn wool socks. It was considered classy. Each of the people around
the table had their own glass in front of them, and drank only what they had brought
themselves. e whole setup positively screamed ’coniracy’, but the wizards and witches
present didn’t know that. ey were executing their sacred duty.
“Every day, he brings in more of these beasts.”
“I know. Doesn’t he know that they are legally slaves, at best?”
“It doesn’t matter whether he knows it or not. He just ignores the law. People like
him always do.”
“You may be right. He’s building a city for these sub-humans somewhere, when the
Duke’s Charter clearly states that there is only to be one completely magical town in the
“Is he really the heir of Merlin?”
“Dunno, don’t care. He’s powerful, no doubt, but he was seriously injured yesterday.
e beasts marched to the school and healed him. Some say there was a goddess involved,
but school rumours can invent the strangest things. e point is, he’s not invulnerable.
Neither are his pets.”
378 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Are we ready for such a step? I agree that he’s gone too far, but wouldn’t we go even
further if we aually make an attack?”
“Cowards. He’s making a mockery of us. We are the British Empire. I can tell what
they’re thinking you know, the foreigners. Now, as a renegade little teenager is mocking
our laws, our traditions and our history, people from the lesser counties have the gall to
congratulate me on my countries ’progress’. It’s just unbearable!”
“Easy there, brother. At this time, it’s a case of ’might makes right’. He’s stronger than
us, and he’s got the biggest standing army in the lands. Wait a second. He’s got the biggest
standing magical army in the country. Is that legal?”
“Who cares? He’s the one with the army, the hordes of soul-sucking fiends, and public
opinion. at’s a hard combination to beat.”
“He’s got our wives and mothers, too. at’s scarier.”
“What about the Dark Lord, then? Aren’t they supposed to have a little get-together
at some point?”
“How do you mean? Would You-Know-Who be a greater threat or a possible ally?”
e silence was deafening.
“I’m not sure. e Death Eaters have taken a pounding lately. He’s formidable in
himself, of course, and we can muster some able-bodied men to do the skirmishing. e
idea of an alliance is certainly possible.”
Silence fell again.
“How many people did he have? Does anyone know?”
One of the figures leaned forward, and oke with a calm, cultured, and sibilant
“I never had more than forty-two I could count on, and some riff-raff for skirmishing,
but I ruled this country with them. Perhaps I got a little set in my ways as I grew older,
and I didn’t adapt to the brat’s strategy in time. I have less than a dozen now. Let me
put a suggestion on the table, just for the discussion. We join forces to defeat the brat at
Kilchurn, and when we reform the Wizengamot, I get a third of the votes myself. I also
want dominion over Hogwarts. You gentlemen lit the remaining votes, and we’ll have
our beloved country back on it’s feet in no time at all.”
No movement was seen in the room for more than a hundred heartbeats. en, the
nodding began.

* * *
e days aer the shooting had been strange. e army had come, prepared for a war that
never happened. Ted Nott had been charged with attempted murder, but he had made
some kind of confession to the Headmaster. e headmaster had not believed him, but
had stepped up for his proteion anyway. As a sign of ree from the government,
the Kilchurn forces had been deputized to bring the boy in to the ministry. As four
Huldr carried the squirming boy out of the great hall, he had called to the Headmaster
for proteion. e Headmaster had drawn his wand.
Chapter 25 — “Do you admire the view? 379

“Accio eodore!”
e summoning charm is a powerful one, and, cast by a powerful wizard, it’s a lot
stronger than any human hands. However, Huldr hands are quite strong, and as they
are capable of aually ripping someone in two, Nott’s body gave way before the beautiful
tailed girls even noticed the abrupt pull.
Rita Skeeter had been there, of course, and the following day’s front page showed
the piure of the four girls standing shocked with only severed limbs in their hands as
the mutilated torso of eodore Nott flew towards the Headmaster. e accompanying
article, “e Strong Arm of the Law”, focused entirely on the headmaster’s attempt at
subverting the legal system through magical power alone and defended the deputized
Huldr as temporary agents of the Law, carrying out their duty and making sure that they
didn’t drop him. e debate during the following days in the Letters seion supported the
Huldr in this instance, but a number of letters reminded people that the Huldr were loyal to
Kilchurn, and that Kilchurn hadn’t stated loyalty to anyone. e consensus became slightly
wary of these beautiful, but highly dangerous entities that probably could kill someone
just by not watching where they went. e overwhelming positivity was gone, even if this
tragedy could be placed solely at the feet of the headmaster.
Dumbledore had retired to his office, and hadn’t been seen since.
Aer less than a day, the forces of Kilchurn marched back into the mist over the lake
and were gone, leaving only a feeling of security and, in Seamus’ and some other boy’s
cases, sore groins. Seamus had made one of his normal, unthinking lewd comments in the
presence of an English-eaking Huldr, and had found himself backed up against the wall,
with three hot babes in nurse’s outfits gliding purposely towards him with swaying hips and
fiery eyes. He had stumbled into the Gryffindor common room hours later, mumbling to
“Harry ... hundreds ... over and over and over ... he’s a GOD! I must have ... over and
over ... hundreds of them, it’s unbelievable.”
He overdid it slightly, but the fa remained that he didn’t make a single lewd comment
for three whole days, and when he looked down the girl’s dresses, it was clear that he was
on autopilot, and that his heart wasn’t in it.
From that point on, Seamus bowed to Harry whenever they met. Once Harry heard
the story, he nodded graciously, even royally, at the little Irish boy who had had his dreams

* * *
Sigyn was very busy these days. How had the simple teaching mission evolved into this?
Now, she was overseeing the construion of Otherton, trying to make the needs of the var-
ious races come together while avoiding conflis. e Goblin part of town, Overground,
was almost complete, as the Goblins were quite accomplished builders. e Huldr area
looked like a beautiful glade, with tree houses and dug-outs for the various sub-ecies,
and the Veela built their temple-like struures nearby. e centre of the town had its re-
maining buildings repaired, and shops and other businesses were ready to move in to. e
slightly oversized pub was already open, and the Tall Tail Inn was doing well. Both the pub
380 Midnight Sun — Vanir

and the inn were staffed by Huldr, and Sigyn had a growing suicion that “coffee, tea or
me?” might aually be on the menu, but chose to ignore it. An old block of flats had been
converted to a hoital, and about twenty Huldr were very busy studying medicine as a
complement to their healing power and natural knowledge in herbology. ey had great
memories, the Huldr. ey were not so good at improvising from what they had learned,
though. ey had already had some questions about setting up an Auror station, and as
the word read, more and more ecies made some kind of conta, wanting in on this de-
velopment of a magical community rather than a wizarding one. e biggest surprise had
been the Acromantulas. Ribbon, the emissary of Aragog, had a body the size of a pony,
not counting the legs, but she also had a mild and sweet demeanour, and a surprising sense
of humour. When she had approached the ’city council’ — the original Seidheim group
plus Neville, Susan and their pet — the sun had been setting, and she had just appeared
ten meters away. Aer an eight-legged curtsie, she had asked about Harry.
“Father wishes to know. Did he slay the Enemy to take its place? Does he remember
that we too eak and think? Will we be forced to remain monsters or will we be cousins
among cousins here?”
Sigyn had yet to thaw her blood, but Neville jumped straight in.
“Daughter of the great Aragog, I have heard him eak of your people. ere has
been fear, of course, but mostly ree, and reverence for the great Aragog. Any sentient
ecies who agrees to the cardinal rule is welcome here if they so desire. e rule is simple.
Harm no one and ree your neighbours. As long as you pose no threat to the citizens,
you are welcome here.”
at had been the beginning of a very interesting friendship. As no human could
pronounce her name, she had translated it to Flat Rope, as her web came out like a tape
instead of the normal round ropes, but they had renamed her Ribbon. She had been
instrumental in bringing about the treatises with the Centaurs and the Forest elves. She
had also taken it upon herself to deal with all the more or less frivolous complaints that
were delivered daily. e concept of explaining why the colour of whatever should be
whatever for whatever reason, to a ider the size of a horse limited the queue to less
than a tenth. People with valid claims stayed, of course, but the time-wasters didn’t come
anymore. As Ribbon herself put it, she had a natural advantage when it came to putting
her foot down. Just to make a point, she had started to wear a pink bow on her head,
which gave the refleion of her eight eyes a pinkish cast that was both disturbing, in a
cute way, and disturbingly cute. She had taken up human eech patterns very quickly,
and it was clear that Acromantula intelligence had been highly underestimated. One day,
Sigyn had caught Neville sitting with his ComC books, laughing about the descriptions
in them. e books were so incredibly inaccurate that there was nothing le to rewrite,
really. ey would have to bring that Hermione girl in on this. e boys were convinced
that she would do a great job, and Minnie had admitted that this girl just might be the
smartest person in school, teachers included. Well, ’twere best done quickly.

* * *
Chapter 25 — “Do you admire the view? 381

“Hi Harry, Ginny, Hermione.”

“Hi Neville. How are things?”
“Just great, Harry, just great. Who would have thought that it would feel normal
having Pansy scrub my back in the shower?”
“You’re asking the wrong guy, Nev. I’m the one with the shagging schedule. What’s
happening at Otherton?”
“Funny you should ask. Ladies, do you have any firm plans for the upcoming week-
Hermione and Ginny looked at each other.
“Nothing we can’t change. Why?”
“ere’s a book that needs writing. e Guide To e Sentients, by H. Granger. Did
you know that if you yank a centaur filly’s tail straight down, she becomes infertile for two
hours? Did you know that Acromantula bristles are self cleaning? And that Selkies can
sing in harmony with themselves?”
Neville smiled as the clever girl reached for parchment and a quill without even
thinking about it, and took notes across her Aritmancy homework without even noticing.
He continued with a slightly sardonic smile.
“Given the Lord’s,” he nodded at Harry, “permission, I would like to invite the two of
you to Kilchurn Castle. Hermione, I would like you to meet some of the representatives
of some other ecies personally first, before exposing you to their cultures.”
“So Hermione has a job, but what about me?” Ginny asked with a mock pout.
“Oh, I thought you would like to get together with two Huldr, a Veela, a Lake Warden,
a metamorphmagus and possibly a human and shag Harry’s brains out. I wouldn’t be doing
my duty if I weren’t considering my Lord’s well-being, would I? It’s been a week since you
were shot, Harry. How many times have you had sex since then?”
“Eh, three times, I guess. No, five. e Patils, Disa, Tracey and Daphne. Just quickies,
Harry didn’t really see what it was that brought the others into gales of laughter.
“Harry, for you, Mister seven times a day, that’s praically celibacy. Lavender wants to
tag along, and I really think you should get her a necklace too. She’s considering dropping
out of school to open a business at Otherton. Have you met Ribbon? Or Lilac, the Centaur?
ey’re awfully tight these days, and I think they’re about to go into business together. I
guess I should warn you, though. Lilac wants a piece of you as well”
“A centaur? I know I’m a bit on the largish side, but there’s no way I could satisfy her.”
e silence dropped like a stone. A large, quiet stone. Aer the appropriate time,
Neville broke the silence.
“Ladies and gentlemen. Please note that the only thing he thought of was how to
please her. e differences between the ecies was just an obstacle. ere were no moral
issues, no other concerns but the personal performance. Harry, she has the bottom of a
horse. Doesn’t that bother you?”
382 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Erm, why? Her name is Lilac. She’s sentient. If she can choose to want a piece of me,
why shouldn’t I be able to choose to give it to her? She will be warm and so, she will feel
pleasure, and so will I. She has a human torso. We can kiss, even if I have to take a stroll
to get busy again. Besides, we’re talking about the technical side. I may not like her. She
may not like me. at’s more important than the immediate body shape.”
Hermione agreed. “Sex is largely mental, as long as the bits fit, and usually more so
when they don’t. Sentience. at’s the moral deciding faor, right?”
“I guess. Well, there has to be something there that clicks, too. I can’t imagine having
sex with a giant ider no matter how clever they are. Hell, I don’t even know if they do
have sex, but from what I’ve heard, things usually end badly for the males. I sometimes
lose my head when I’m with a girl, but I’d like for that to stay allegorical, thank you very
“Very funny, Mister, and yes, Neville. I’d love a chance to see if I can make him beg
for mercy, and I’d need help for that.”
Harry grinned at her.
“No, you wouldn’t. You’ve always been able to keep going, but I run away. Great idea,
Nev. I want to see my wife, and check if Jorunn is pregnant yet.”
“Harry, that’s one of the things you’re welcome to keep track of yourself.
“I am, thank you. Your fiancés fantastic shagging schedule has done wonders for my
social life, and even gives me time to be gone for hours, if I choose to.”
“at’s good. You need to relax more, and your hotter aivity, temperature-wise, does
that for you. Speaking of gone though, have you heard anything about Fudge? He went
missing as soon as the vote went through, and he didn’t even take his embezzling with
“Not a peep. He didn’t have any shortage of enemies, I guess?”
“Most of the higher levels of European society, as a matter of fa.”
“I feel no need to waste resources on a blob-hunt. He’s disarmed, harmless. Anything
on the Death Eaters?”
“Not a peep, as you said. Well, I’d better go find Susan before she gets bored and starts
a family with Pansy. See you later.”

* * *
In her diary, Hermione had once called herself a semi-professional Harry-watcher. Over
the years, she had gotten to know him more than intimately. He had pushed her away
sometimes, but she had always been close by, and she had watched him. Today, she saw
him like for the first time, as they stepped out of the arch into the massively fortified room
in the massively fortified castle. is Harry showed no trace of his poor upbringing; there
was no uncertainty about him as he confidently squared those gorgeous shoulders and
stepped into the role of Lord Harald. As he led them up the stairs, Huldr curtsied deeply
and giants and warriors bowed or saluted. e oddest moment had been when they had
entered what he called the Grand Hall, where he had gone straight for one of the high-
backed chairs and flopped down with every sign of contentment. Apparently without
Chapter 25 — “Do you admire the view? 383

thinking, Ginny had joined him, kneeling on the rug next to him, and as an elf fetched
him a tankard of something or other, he had absently started to stroke her head, and Ginny
had almost purred. No-one seemed to find this even the slightest bit odd, which was very
odd indeed. Aer lounging for a little while, watching people of many different ecies
come and talk to him in many different languages that he seemed to be fluent in, they
had gone up another flight of stairs, and Harry had entertained them with some trivia on
Wizarding Heraldry, finally asking Hermione to try and read a crest, hanging on one of the
doors. It was divided diagonally by a stylized ermine, and the fields showed a lit candle and
a book. She saw it immediately. It was hers. She had a crest and a room at Kilchurn Castle.
e buck-toothed bookworm had a room, and a crest at the most revered castle in Magical
Britain. e implications, political and personal, chased each other around her mind until
she aually fainted. It was a proper fainting, too. She couldn’t move, but was still vaguely
aware of her surroundings, eecially as Harry caught her in his arms, and carried her into
the room, putting her down on a so and very big bed. She heard Ginny ask him.
“Why did you put that crest there? She doesn’t have one, does she?”
“She does now. Dobby had it registered. She’s the first of a line that will be a very
important one, and the Granger crest is inherited on the Distaff side as well. e Weasley
family had its crest removed for five generations once, but that was seven generations ago,
and I never could figure out why. I had it re-instated. at’s it over there.”
ey le the room, her room. She swam back to full consciousness and looked
around. ere were a couple of big wardrobes along one wall, and book shelves with large
glass doors along the other. A desk with several book supports stood by the large window,
overlooking the moor outside. She valiantly fought the attraion of the bookshelves and
looked in the wardrobes. ey were fully stocked, of course. On a hook on the door were a
simple white gown, and next to it were a silver girdle adorned with the Potter and Granger
crests. She had a crest! ≺Libri quod dolosus≻6 , that would be the motto. She returned
her attention to the gown. It was charmed in some way, and she had felt the charm before.
She looked at the inside of the dress, and understood that Harry James Potter was a very
naughty boy who knew her too well. It was one-way tranarent. When she wore it, she
would be dilaying herself to the world. It just wouldn’t see her. It was brilliant. She was
just about to change when there was a so knock on the door. At her reonse, it opened
and the First Lady of Kilchurn stepped in.
“Hello, I’m Gabrielle. I don’t think we’ve formally met. Welcome to Kilchurn Castle,
Lady Granger.”
“ank you, but Hermione will do. I’m not a Lady. is is a beautiful place. It’s yours,
I take it?”
“Yes, it is. My husband performed a ceremony to bind the castle to him as soon as we
got here. We didn’t know it at the time, though. It just felt right. Now, it remodels itself
pretty much at his will. Oh, and you are a Lady of Kilchurn. It’s not a Royal ordnance, but
Sorcerers have the right to elevate women into Ladies, and I understand you have already
filled the requisitions.”
Hermione had no problem deciphering that and blushed profusely. She had fucked
another woman’s husband. ere were words for women like her.
Books and Cleverness
384 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Oh, don’t look like that. I want to screw his brains out every minute of every day so
I can’t blame you, and you are so delicious that I can’t blame him either. ere’s enough
of him to go around, and I’ve never felt negleed. I’m not human, Hermione. Human
morals are not for me, and I will praically order my husband to make another woman
pregnant tonight.”
“Jorunn? He mentioned that she could be expeing already.”
“He caught her at a slightly bad day. She ovulated two days later, and there are limits
to even his fertility. He’ll just have to shag her again, and with a bit of luck, he’ll do us both
as well. You know, he has never been shagged to the ground? We’ve always been forced to
give up, but this time he might just reach his limits. Do you want to join? I’ve been dying
to taste you for quite some time.”
With that, the petite Veela transformed to Guinevere and back.
“You know, when you girls played, and I was separated from my husband, it was very
hard not to transform and join in on the fun.”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but that sounds like more fun than studying. I can read
once I’m sore, and I don’t intend to get sore for a long while. Just let me see where I put
the truck stop potion and we can go find your husband.”
“Truck stop?”
“Have you seen the size of your husband’s penis?”
To the chiming laughter of the gorgeous little girl, they set out to find them a nice
Chapter XXVI

“It was so kind

of you to come!

ey would never understand what a relief it was. e stars were nothing but pretty
lights. Signs were nothing but markers of addresses in the new town of Otherton. For a
Centaurette devoid of any talent in divination, city life suited her down to her new rubber
soles. Magorian, her sire, had sent her as an informal ear into this new sub-culture of the
Magical world. She was determined to stay, though. ey may be pedestrically impaired,
but they were nice, and one day, she might even tell Lavender what her grooming really
felt like. It had started with an argument about human treatment of horses, of which the
Centaurs knew little but assumed a great deal, and Lavender had stood her ground about
caring for them, going so far as to muster all her magical strength to conjure the grooming
tools and demonstrate what it was all about. Lilac had just melted into it. It would be worth
being a beast of burden to get that every day.
e work they talked about, however, was not the carrying kind. She may not be much
of a stargazer, but she did have impeccable taste, and the innate ability to see and match
patterns and shapes in the heavens had, to her surprise, transferred itself to an insight
into cosmetics. She could easily see which colour, and how much of it, should be used
to emphasize someone’s features. To see how lines should flow to make someone look
thinner, to bring out the best features and hide the worst, was another instinive thing,
and when this was coupled with the talents of her most improbable friend, Ribbon the
Acromantula, they could easily design clothes as well. e immense, three-dimensional
geometric sense of the giant ider had no problem visualising all the parts needed for an
outfit, and as Lilac explained how the lines should go, ribbon would modify the patterns.
Over the past week they had been working a couple of hours a day to improve their ability
to communicate these ideas, and whenever she had had the time, Sigyn had been there,
teaching the two representatives of unclothed races just how cloth behaves and what the
material would let you get away with.
Aer three days of learning about wool, silk, and something the Seidheimers were

386 Midnight Sun — Vanir

very fond of, Rayon, Ribbon asked a couple of House Elves to make her a couple of frames
in sanded and waxed wood. Aer some experimentation, she managed to produce lovely
swathes of shining Acromantula silk on the frames. e ribbons, from which her name
was derived, were nearly three inches wide, and she could produce four at a time, covering
the five-by-five meter frame in just a couple of minutes. Once she learned how to make
a weave that glued the ribbons together but dried in the air, making it safe to touch, she
had begun inning meter aer meter of the finest, brilliant white silk. Soon, Lilac was
designing dresses, Ribbon produced and cut the pieces models work, and Lavender put
them together, producing the world’s first piece of Acromantula clothing, a feather-light
gown for the Lady of Kilchurn. It drew much attention, and the market seemed to be
ready for the new beauty enterprise, Boutique Bouquette. No one aually knew where
the sign had come from, but the name of the shop, and the sign, showing lilac blossoms
and blooming lavender held together with a stylized ider web, felt sort of inevitable. e
future looked bright.

* * *
“It’s bigger than the Burrow! I can’t believe you did this. And the balcony, and the
bathroom, and the...”
“Whoa, Ginny, breathe. You see the box on the balcony? at’s your broom. It’s
a Monark International, possibly the fastest broom in the world, but it can’t manoeuvre
worth a damn. Good for commuting, though.”
“Commuting where?”
“at’s your decision. is is your room and your broom. Not mine. I’ll keep the
rights of a landlord, though.”
Ginny stopped her rather silly dancing and bouncing, and turned to face him in a
surprisingly quick movement. She started to walk slowly towards him, one foot in front
of the other, and looked at him under heavy eyelids. A casual shrug allowed her to walk
straight out of her robe, and she opened the top three buttons of her blouse. When she
oke, it was in a low purr that he seemed to hear through his pelvis.
“Is this where we negotiate ... rent? You don’t need money, but maybe there’s some-
thing else I have that you might ... want?” She faltered a bit when the boy she still thought
of as somewhat shy took a step towards her, and undid the knot on his trousers.
”You do have something I want. You have a hot little body, my sweet, and a tight
little pussy that I want to fuck until it’s raw, a tight little ass I would like to stretch when
convenient, and a mouth that I remember as exquisite. I’ll take the rent in hard labour,
though. In nine months, perhaps?”
She had thought that she knew how horny she could get, but that was before Harry
had stated that he simply wanted to fuck her. His use of the vulgar word sent a shock
through her body. She tore her blouse off and pounced. As she grabbed the hem of his
leather trousers, she was a bit surprised when it gave way and tore, but she didn’t waste any
time in getting his huge member out through the ripped gap. As she savoured the feeling
of his hard sha against her so tongue, she didn’t notice when her remaining clothes slid
off of her and pooled with his on the floor. She noticed when he pulled her off his cock,
Chapter 26 — “It was so kind of you to come! 387

though. She made a discontent little sound before she was bodily hurled on top of the bed,
where she was swily pulled to the edge with her knees read wide by a widely grinning
Harry. He bent down and gave her a long, slow lick, from the bottom of her entrance to her
super sensitive clit. She moaned loudly as he stood up again, resting his huge, hot member
against her little slit. As she looked down, it scared her. ere was just no way that thing
could enter her little body without tearing her apart. Her eyes widened when it seemed to
grow. As it extended further over her body, she snapped out of it and pressed her breasts
together, trapping it as she bent her head to suck it. Harry moaned at the sensation of her
breasts and mouth before receding to his normal length again. He heard the door close
behind him, and felt the presence of his highly amused wife. ere was another there as
well, and his guess was corre when he heard Hermione’s voice.
“ere. You see? at’s why I call it the Truck-stop potion. I think she’s going to
need it.”
“I don’t. I have something better.”
With that, Gabrielle walked up to the bed and dropped her gown on the floor.
”Hello Ginny. You want him inside you, don’t you?”
Harry could see the cloud of focused Allure his wife was projeing at the little red-
headed girl as she moaned and nodded.
“en, I think I’d better help you get wetter, so he can just slide in. Ginny, I’m a bit
horny too. Would you mind licking me while I help him get into you?”
As Ginny reached to pull the petite Veela towards her, Gabrielle straddled her face,
and immediately smiled as Ginny’s tongue got busy. en, she leaned forward, stuck her
long, prehensile tongue into Ginny’s wet pussy, and started to stroke Harry as well. She
didn’t have to do that for long, as Hermione’s hand came around from behind Harry and
took over. As Gabrielle gave her full attention to Ginny, Hermione stepped around to
Harry’s front, still stroking him.
“Harry, this is the most amazing cock I’ve ever seen, including porn stars. In just a
little while, it will stretch Ginny’s little cunt, and when she can’t take it any more, I want it.
I want you as deep inside me as it can go, all the way into my filthy little hole, and I’ll do
my best to squeeze the life out of it. If you want tight, there’s always my arse to fuck, and
then Gabrielle can take what’s le until we start all over again. Now, I think Ginny is wet
enough. Push this log inside of her, and don’t be too gentle. She likes it rough, you know.”
She knelt and pointed his cock to Ginny’s now sopping wet opening and Gabrielle bent
her head back, giving his crown a lick. Ginny screamed in absolute ecstasy, as he pushed,
inch by inch, into her incredibly tight, wet opening, and to his, and the girls’, immense
surprise, his entire length fit inside her. Gabrielle continued to lick Ginny’s clit as Harry
fucked her in long, slow strokes. Hermione had moved up on the bed and was staring
into the little Veela’s pussy, as Ginny was a bit too preoccupied to care for it, and aer a
short moment’s consideration, started to lick it. Aer the first tentative taste, Hermione
really got into it, and licked the tight Veela cunt and arse with great enthusiasm while
she vigorously fingered herself. She Accio’ed her potion bottle, not even noticing her own
wandless ell, and started to rub the potion into her own pussy and arse. She would have
him both ways, and soon, she thought as she pressed finger aer finger into her still tight,
but very flexible cunt until she was fisting herself, thanks to her potions skills.
388 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Ginny was moaning and sobbing as the huge member pushed into her, alternating
with Gabrielle’s throat. at meant that one second, there was no stimulation whatsoever,
and the next, she had his cock inside her and Gabrielle’s tongue working her stretched clit.
Ginny didn’t know if she came every time he entered her, or if it was just one continuous
orgasm, with peaks. e sight of Hermione’s dreamy expression as she licked Gabrielle’s
quim was exciting her even further until she felt something happen inside her. Something
seemed to build when he moved in her, and soon, it exploded.
She screamed, hoarsely, and bucked violently enough to aually send Gabrielle fly-
ing, with Hermione scampering aer her to continue licking. Ginny was lost, and what
remained was a being suended in limbo, aware of nothing but the sensation of fulfilment
generated by the member that reached through her centre, flooding her with pleasure, and
she bound herself to it, to him, conneing to the source of bliss in a way she didn’t un-
derstand and didn’t need to. As she magically reached for it, a whole world opened to her,
a world of power, love, devotion, and purpose, and she willingly submitted to it, graed
it with both hands and allowed it to consume her. As she did, she felt the pressure inside
her, inside her womb, of his semen rushing out of him, filling her utterly, and as it was the
right thing to do, she allowed herself to conceive. It was his wish, so she would carry his
child. ere wasn’t even a choice; it was the most obvious thing.

* * *

As she slowly became aware of the outside world, she understood that some time had
past. She was still in her bed, and so were many people, suddenly. Harry was there,
moving in and out of a meowing Hermione. She was obviously ent, lying as she was,
completely conforming to the bed under her, and Harry’s smile told her that he knew it
and just refused to let her down. Ginny herself was surrounded by an impressive expanse
of female flesh, not least the incredible, unbelievable boobs that were pressed against her
right side and the marvellous chest, adorned with no less than four breasts, to her le.
Someone was licking her still, but gently. It felt really good and kept her horny as hell but
it wouldn’t bring her off any time soon. Gabrielle’s beautiful face appeared upside-down
over hers with a big smile on it.
“Welcome back, Love, and welcome to the family. What kind of magical creature are
“I ... I don’t know. I always thought I was human ... I can feel you all ... what was
e incredibly busty blonde took over.
“You’re one of us now. You’re bonded to our Master. As far as we know, pure humans
can’t bond, and no human can take that much cock without magical help. You’ve been
slightly enhanced by the bonding, you’re magically stronger, most likely an Animagus,
and you have access to a mental link as well. It’ll be fun to have a human-raised in the
bond. Do you love him?”
“More than my life, of course, and for some reason I love you too, and I don’t even
know your name.”
Chapter 26 — “It was so kind of you to come! 389

”Oh, sorry. I’m Disa Krake, part-Huldr from Seidheim, and this is Jorunn Sörens-
dotter, same, and the one keeping your fire stoked is Stina, a Lake Warden, and the one
who’s been posing as Elaine. She can morph, much more so than Harry, and you already
... ooh.”
She didn’t get any further, as Ginny decided to start sucking hard on Disa’s prominent
nipples, and cross her legs behind Stina’s head, pulling her in. She could feel the Lake
Warden chuckle as something much longer and harder than a standard-issue tongue slid
inside her, and she could feel something tickling her arse as well as it make its way inside.
Jorunn started to lick Ginny’s nipples as Gabrielle leant forward as before, and again started
teasing Ginny’s clit with her long tongue. She was in heaven, adri in a sea of skin, fur,
sweat and pleasure. When she released Disa’s breasts to pay some attention to Gabrielle,
she found her quim to be filled already, and the visual impression of the petite Veela slit
stretched perfely circular by Harry’s enormous rod made Ginny come hard and wet. It
didn’t slow her down, though. With an energy and strength she didn’t know she had, she
used her legs to li the lake warden up on the bed. Tipping the whole human pile on top
of the thoroughly sated Hermione, who squeaked indignantly, she pulled Stina up to her
face. Unknowingly echoing Gabrielle, she introduced herself.
”Hi. I’m Ginny, and I love you. Now, just lie back. It’s your turn.”
Using her ability to sense turn-ons and desires, she quickly drove her fist into the
current brunette’s pussy, reaching deep and reading her fingers. Stina’s eyes became
unfocused as the redhead bent down and bit her clit. Sucking hard on the little nub, it
grew to almost a tiny penis which Ginny sucked and licked as one hand moved inside the
older woman and the other reached for her breasts. As Ginny pinched Stina’s nipples, she
came, and for the first time Ginny found herself caught in the backlash of a Bond-orgasm.
When someone behind her reached inside Ginny and pressed her G-ot, Ginny came as
well, which set the other three off.
e mental constru known as Jormungandr didn’t have much self-awareness. It was
a neural program of events and reonses, but it did have some appreciation of the outside
world, to be able to understand the do’s and don’ts of humans. It also had a rudimentary
sense of humour. When the bond was flooded with the serial, escalating orgasm, he
blocked it, of course. His Master had much power, and it wouldn’t do for him to lose
himself in such a fashion. Unfortunately, the pleasant assault didn’t let up, and he found
his resources strained. e unexpeed Bonding just minutes prior had him somewhat
drained, and for once, he didn’t feel it was in his Master’s best interest to prote him.
With the mental shrug that was the only one available to someone without shoulders, he
released the Bond.
Harry had moved on to Jorunn when the blast hit him, and he felt like he emptied his
soul into her womb. e orgasm was unexpeed and immense. Passionfire burst from his
body, infusing the six girls present, triggering another level entirely, as Stina lost control
of her shape, and read over the others’ bodies, further reading and receiving pleasure.
Lightning struck out from the castle, sending rolling clouds of glowing blue mist in all
direions. e Huldr presence in the castle proper all collapsed with silly grins on their
faces, and many of the present humans had ontaneous orgasms as well.

* * *
390 Midnight Sun — Vanir

ousands of miles away, in the Mobilia mall in the small town of Mantorp, orgasms were
rampant as well, as Luna happened to be there when she for some reason was caught up
in the remote event and flooded the entire mall with a fine web of Passionfire. Once she
regained her bearings, she stepped out of her soaked and singed knickers and casually
le the mall. She had to learn how to control this, and she was just a few miles from

* * *
Lavender had been talking to Sigyn about furniture for the shop, when both women pulled
almost identical necklaces out. Lavender had been given one by Susan Bones two day’s
earlier, but this was the first time that it seemed to do something. Apparently, Sigyn’s
necklace had heated up as well, as she, too, was staring at it in vague disbelief. e blue
flash was most unexpeed, and it made both women’s knees buckle, and Lavender had a
sudden recolleion of the sweet taste of Harry’s semen.
She looked at Sigyn.
”How do I get to the castle from here?” Sigyn smiled and turned a ring on her right
hand, making an Arch appear.

* * *
e Patil sisters were in the showers when it happened. With perfe synchronisation, they
had scrubbed their legs, shaved them and their quims as well, and cleaned themselves very
carefully. ey had both conceived, and it was time to make the transfer. ey needed to
be absolutely clean for the ritual to be successful, and until it was, they knew that Harry
wouldn’t do them again. e deal that Neville and their father had struck was apparently
good for both sides. Harry would get children who were very well cared for and who
would know their father and their originative mothers, which was a funny term, but as
the situation was new to the Magical world, they needed a ecial word. India would get
twenty children by him, at least ten by the twins, but there were many women who were
eager to have their own as well. For now, though, it was the twins who carried the very
pleasant duty. ey had le the streaming water and were reaching for their towels when
the wave of pleasure hit them, making them fall on their knees with their fingers fervently
rubbing their slits. When the pleasure abated about five minutes later, they stood up again,
looked down at their legs, and sighed. ey went back and the water flowed again in both
the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw showers.

* * *
e light had died down, and the massive vortex of fire and pleasure had abated. In a
circle on the floor, untouched and unharmed, were six naked bodies. A seventh one was
slowly putting itself together from the carpet, the floor and the sweaty bodies. e rest
of the room was an absolute mess. Dobby, the world’s only house-elf in tweed, surveyed
the disaster area and laughed. He strolled into the bathroom, pulled a hovering blob of
water out of the taps, and carried it out to the undamaged circle. He dumped it on the
Chapter 26 — “It was so kind of you to come! 391

carpet, allowing Stina to make herself a full-sized body, as she hadn’t thought of simply
making a smaller one. e first one of the others to move was Ginny, who suddenly sat
bolt upright.
“I’m Bonded and I’m pregnant. Mum’s going to kill me!”
“Sweetie, I have enough soldiers to prote you from your Mum, I’d guess.” Harry
reonded, sitting up and tentatively touching his limp member.
“Oh, Harry. You know Mum better than that.”
“Some of these soldiers are female, and they have baby piures.”
“Oh. at’s all right then.” She looked around her room, as a small army of elves
invaded it, scrubbing, cleaning and replacing everything broken. Aer seeing that her
room was taken care of, she slowly made her way over to her ... boyfriend? Master? She
didn’t really care, as she took his limp cock in her mouth and started sucking it lazily.
Harry lay back and enjoyed it. One by one, the girls came to and joined Ginny. Hermione
crawled up to his face and started kissing him, probing his mouth with her tongue. As his
cock was cared for by one girl sucking the crown and two others licking his sha and balls
and the amount of naked skin was heavily iniring, he hardened in less than a minute.
Disa busied herself between Jorunn’s legs, as she was leaking semen, and Disa was a bit
hungry. He didn’t really see much, but he felt it when a more inflexible heat than usual
engulfed his crown. He looked past Hermione to find Lavender crouching over his cock.
Disa and Jorunn immediately stood, and grabbed her under her arms and knees, carefully
swinging her further down over his member while she crooned in pleasure.
“I’m sorry ... Harry, but I couldn’t ... help myself.”
“I have a beautiful girl on top of me. You think I’ll complain?”
She smiled and let her head fall back as she revelled in the feeling of him inside her.
She wasn’t a virgin in any way. She was used to being used by men, though, and hated
by women. is time was different. She had chosen him. He hadn’t hunted her at all, she
didn’t feel obliged to have sex with him, and he gave more than he took anyway. To top that
off, he had called her beautiful. He was surrounded by the most gorgeous of women, all
willing to take him in whatever fashion he chose, and yet, she felt that he wanted her right
now, and these women agreed. ey had seen her come in, they had waved her closer, and
as soon as they saw the longing in her eyes, they had let her have him. Now, two of his
women were helping her to enjoy him, rocking her back and forth over his member that
had her so wonderfully filled.
He rubbed against her G-ot by girth alone, and to her extreme surprise, Hermione
bent forward and licked her clit. Aer her first orgasm, small but intense, she was tipped
forward, and was laid down on top of him, and he pumped gently inside her, caressing her
back and buttocks. As she claimed his lips in a deep kiss, she was shocked to feel, not just
the usual tongue-wrestling of her previous conquests, but a so and gentle kissing. She
almost started to cry, but was brought up short by a finger in her ass.
It was a most unexpeed sensation.
She had had anal sex before, of course, but only ever for the boy’s sake. Usually,
she would offer it when she felt that he was about to break up with her, and it tended
to extend the relationship by up to a week. She had never even contemplated that it might
392 Midnight Sun — Vanir

be pleasant, but this was. Someone behind her said something to Harry in a language she
didn’t understand and she whimpered in disappointment as he pulled out of her. Again,
she felt a finger against her arse, and something happened to it. Something very pleasant
that almost brought her half way to another orgasm made her feel clean, relaxed, and
slippery. Something was pressing against the puckered little hole, entreating entry. She
tried to consciously relax and welcome it inside, and she gaed at the brand new sensation
of a painless, even pleasant, anal entry. She moaned into Harry’s mouth as she rode him
faster and faster until the two strong Huldr girls lied her and bent her backwards, moving
and turning her and Harry until he was fucking her from behind as the blonde Huldr
crawled in under her to lick her sensitive ots. With the fragrant, hairless slit right under
her, she began to lick as well, while Harry fucked her ass in long, pleasant strokes. She felt
the oncoming orgasm build, and as it hit her, she cramped. e new stimulation brought
a kind of orgasm she’d never had before, and her jerking legs launched her forward as
her legs straightened on their own accord. As she revelled in the aerglow of a massive,
full-bodied orgasm, she saw Harry finish off and empty himself in the Huldr’s mouth and
according to the small fountain, the Huldr came as well. Harry sagged down, falling on his
side where Ginny immediately crept up to him, and he threw his arms around her, slowly
caressing her nipples as Hermione started to stroke his cock again.
“Another one? Are you really that insatiable?”
“No, Harry, but when we attack you in group, there’s a chance for us to wear you down.
You’re a bloke! You’re supposed to go limp aer a two-minute quickie, but I think you’re
going on your fih hard-on and your seventh orgasm or something. You deserve to be
completely sated.”
Gabrielle moved closer as well, craning her neck a bit as Hermione bent his member
towards Gabrielle’s mouth. e Veela didn’t hesitate for a second, but took him down
her throat, all the way down to his balls. Lavender looked on in amazement. She could
clearly see the girl’s throat expand to accommodate the cock inside it, and marvelled at
how long she could keep it down. Lav knew from experience that it was impossible to
breathe with a cock that far down, and the little girl had held him for a very long time.
She got her attention away from Harry when a gorgeous brunette crawled over to her and
started to lick her. Lavender realised that her dreams of finally receiving oral sex had been
understated as she came again and again from the girl’s ministrations. Aer a couple of
minutes, she noticed that Harry was kneeling right next to her, and she took his cock in
her mouth without hesitation and as the skilled and relentless tongue brought her to a final
orgasm, Harry came in her mouth. She swallowed greedily, but took the last few bursts on
her face, from where Ginny licked it off. en she burped, and fell asleep.

* * *
Neville, Lord Longbottom, International man of Ministry, as his fiancé liked to call him,
was sitting at his desk, reading the minutes of the last meeting of the Wizengamot. No
moves were made against them in there, mostly due to the former ambassador to Scandi-
navia, Conrad Mayweather. When the question had popped up about the nature of Huldr,
and just how dark they really were, Neville had prepared to stand up, but Mayweather had
beaten him to it. His account of the ecies had been more thorough than the one Neville
Chapter 26 — “It was so kind of you to come! 393

had planned to give, and did mention that Huldr killed some people every year, but he
also made a strong point of the fa that if they were fed regularly, Huldr might make
a man tired, but they didn’t have to kill, or even hurt. At that point, Neville had stood
and proudly stated that a Huldr had fed from him, and that he had suffered no ill effes.
Neville had also pointed out that his firm allegiance to Kilchurn might make his testimony
sue. With the complete lack of subtlety that was so predominant in the Wizengamot,
this bought him points for honesty. He thought about it for a second. ere was a faion,
or a Clique, that opposed him. is was however done with such subtlety that he only had
the identity of one in the group, by the name of Carrows.
Carrows had been the head of the Foreign Affairs bureau for many years, and had a
excellent diplomatic face. However, when he didn’t deploy it, he was fairly tranarent. His
pure-blood bigotry was obvious, and he had been reonsible for the lack of international
aid in the difficulties with Voldemort, and had also made sure that British agents were
most unwelcome in the surrounding states. He needed to go down in order to build the
magical Britain they wanted.
Neville rose and fetched a ledger from a shelf. Under the seion marked ‘fund-raiser
invites’ was a list of people he needed to remove, and Carrows was already on it, of course.
So was the missing ex-minister Fudge.
Next to the names were little squares without labelling.
ere was a cross over the one by Fudge.
e door opened, and Pansy came in. Susan had decided that he needed regular
shagging to stay sane, with all this political crap, so she had taken to sending Pansy to
him every now and then, and it really was a great stress reliever. Susan herself was still a
virgin, and Neville wasn’t really sure about what to make of her most pragmatic view of
him and Pansy. To Neville, they were in no competition. He loved Susan, and Pansy was
just an independent right hand, really. She was a lot more fun to toy with, though. As
usual, she was dressed in white lace, and a black leather dog collar.
Aer her first week of servitude, she had said that she wouldn’t mind if they treated
her rougher than they had been, and Neville did his best to comply. As soon as she went
down on her knees, he pushed his cock down her throat, bringing tears to her eyes. Aer
some rough strokes down her throat he lied her by her hair and threw her over the desk.
She did have a fantastic arse, and somehow, he could always enter it without any effort
deite how tight it was. He fucked her vigorously, and he was quite certain that she came
at least twice. He realised that he never had tested the trick his Gran had told him about.
He found the ot, two up, two across, and channelled a little magic into it, and the effe
was certainly undeniable.
She clenched her butt so hard he thought he would lose his member, her howl was
absolutely primal and she wet his legs with the gushing fluids from her folds as she came
harder than she ever had in her entire life. She arched her back and pushed herself towards
him, willing her Master to come even deeper into her bowels, and the pulsing movements
of her orgasm brought him over the edge. In a final asm, Pansy pushed herself backwards
hard, falling back on top of her Master, which drove his cock in an extra half inch as he
urted his semen into her bowels. e fall made him a bit dizzy, and as he drained himself
394 Midnight Sun — Vanir

into her, he lost consciousness, and so did she, which was how Harry, Ginny, and Susan
found them thirty seconds later.
“I thought he was killing her or something.” Susan said.
“It looks like he achieved the ‘small death’ in any case. I wonder how he did it?” Harry
“I think it’s time to get him in my bed. If that’s how he fucks, I’d love to see how he
makes love.”
“Harr... Master, come have a look at this.” Ginny was standing by the desk, reading
the ledgers. Harry sent a thought to Stina, and suddenly felt his mind expand and pick
up eed. He preferred his normal pace, but it didn’t hurt to have such a mental booster
available. He looked at the books Ginny pointed out while Susan and Ginny did their
squeeing thing about Ginny’s new status as a Lady of Kilchurn. ere was many things
on this desk, and he didn’t know about half of them. Normally, he wouldn’t need to , but
as all of these things were done in his name, at least he should know about the things he
could risk torches and pitchforks over. ere were many such things.

* * *
Neville came to in the Klub without remembering how he got there. On the pool table were
a stack of ledgers from his office, and in a chair nearby, deep in concentration over one such
ledger was his Lord. e shining globes and large runes in the ceiling were dimmed, and
small brass otlights attached to the backs of their chairs provided comfortable reading
light. Harry looked at his vassal with an arched eyebrow.
“Hi Neville. I just learned that there’s stuff here that I need to know. We haven’t really
talked about what you do for me, have we?”
“No, My Lord, we haven’t.”
“Some of the things I’ve read about in these papers might be considered unseemly
and underhanded.”
“Yes, My Lord.”
“Definitely contradiory to time-honoured traditions of Wizarding Britain.”
“Yes, My Lord.”
“Great minds think alike, it seems. Good on you, and me, of course. So, Nev. Ac-
cording to this, it looks like you do indeed know the whereabouts of the Minister.”
Neville chose to let his relief show. Harry was incredibly dense in some rees, but
his affiliation with that snake guy had helped greatly in shaping the teenage Titan in the
next chair into a workable Ruler. It was a bit early for these revelations, though. He’d have
to wing it.
“Aually, I don’t. Let’s just say that I have a very strong suicion that I don’t mind
leaving be. I’d rather not tell you, though. It’s just another thing I’m handling for you.”
“I can live with that. I realise there’s a lot that I really don’t need to know. I do
need some general information, though. I’m in the dark here, and make a very grumpy
Chapter 26 — “It was so kind of you to come! 395

“Okay. It’s not like I’ve kept things from you, but I do stuff as I think you’d have them
done if you knew. I’m lobbying heavily for the rights of the sentients, I’ve managed to get
the Crown’s permission to aually build Otherton, and things like that. Unfortunately,
there’s some resistance, and I’m at a loss fighting them. I don’t even know who they are.”
“How is that possible?”
“ere are people who talk to all the members in the recesses, reading ideas and
seeds designed to make our going tougher. Sometimes I hear opinions from people I know
fairly well that I know they didn’t have ten minutes before. Sometimes stupid people burp
out complex schemes and interpretations that I know they’d be unable to come up with
themselves, and I’ve noticed a pattern. If I’m right, there will be a proposition next week
that Huldr are legal in this country as pets, and that Huldr without a necklace bearing the
owners name and licence number, can be taken under Imperius or other animal control
measures by anyone.”
“So, if someone wants a Huldr, they can go to Otherton and steal one, legally?”
“Pretty much, yes.”
“So, you have no inkling of who this opposition is?”
“No. Well, Carrows is in on it, but I’m not sure about anyone else.”
“Nothing to go on, then?”
“Nothing that would stick, anyway. I’ve started looking on more ... decisive methods
of handling this, but it’s a very long step to take.”
“Sure is. Backing up a bit here, what does the Crown have to do with Otherton?”
“It’s something called the Duke’s Charter. ere’s only supposed to be one purely
magical settlement in England. I got the building permit on the grounds that the world’s
a slightly bigger place these days, and that the old charter needed modifying. e modern
edition eaks of one Wizarding settlement, leaving this more cosmopolitan village free
of it.”
“Good. I noticed you’ve paid a few bribes, but I couldn’t find a figure of the total
financial side.”
“Well, as the Goblins declared you the Heir of every Sorcerer who ever had an ac-
count, and those accounts have been wisely invested by them, we could pave the streets of
Otherton in silver if we really wanted to, without bankrupting ourselves.”
“e werewolves might get a bit upset about that, though.”
“Yeah. and you too. You had a bad reaion to those silver bullets you were shot with.
Not like a were, but in that direion.”
“Damn. I just Bonded Ginny, by the way. Can you figure out what kind of being she’s
descended from?”
“I’ll try. Damn, you don’t do things by half, do you?”
“Nope. Hermione is a very small step from swearing allegiance, as well. Need an
“Hmm. Not right now. In time, it might become handy, but she might be a bit too
... moral, I guess, for politics.”
396 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“I guess. I just thought of something. You do as I say, right?”

“Eh, yes? You’re my Lord. I’m your Vassal. Duh, to use a common colonial collo-
“Impressive. Care to say that three times fast?”
“Duh, duh, duh? Sorry. Why did you ask?”
“I think I rule Britain.”
Neville froze for a second. He knew it already, of course. e question was, now
that Harry had realised the kind of power he had, what would he do with it? Sure, Harry
always did what he felt was right, and usually he wasn’t too far off the mark, but this could
be serious. He decided to test his Lord a little, before disclosing everything.
“I think you’re right. Minister Bones likes you, and if push comes to pushy, you can
get just about anything written in the law books, simply by relying on force. e power of
any ruler boils down to threats of violence, and you have the most violence here, by far.
It’s sort of a Dark-Lordy thing to do, though.”
“I know. If it became public knowledge that I, and Hank, will take it personally if
someone tries to even touch a Huldr in ways that she don’t like, I guess the law will become
useless. I could make this country become what I want by cursing the slood out of anyone
who objes, but it’s not a very attraive thought. If I come to rule, I would prefer to be
e young politician didn’t show his relief, but it should really come off him like steam,
he thought. He did serve a good man. Now, to carefully and safely make him efficient was
a challenge, but Neville did already have a plan.
“Have you ever heard of a Muggle called Niccolo Machiavelli? A frightfully clever
chum. I really think you should read ‘e Prince’. I’m not saying you should duplicate it,
that just wouldn’t work, but there are some great ideas in there.”
“You sure? I don’t have much time for reading.”
“Oh,come on, you must have some time for yourself, even in bed.”
“No, I really don’t.”

* * *
“Yer sure ‘bout this, Perfessor?”
“Absolutely, old friend. If any member of the trusted staff can handle himself under
these dangerous circumstances, it would have to be you.”
“Ah guess Yer right an’ all, but it’s not lightly done, me puttin’ the suit on.”
“Just don’t forget to brush your hair and beard as well. You have to look your very best,
if you are to get any information. I think I might be able to acquire you some assistance
for this mighty task, though.”
“Ah well, ‘tis fer a good cause, I reckon.”

* * *
Chapter 26 — “It was so kind of you to come! 397

No, it wasn’t the proe of going into a dangerous situation that had Rubeus Hagrid
sweating in his finest, orange and brown suit. Danger, he could handle. It had been far
more disconcerting when the very pretty Indian twins had shown up at his cottage, and
helped him tame his hair and brush out his beard. ey had also brought some Engorged
manicure equipment, and more other beauty produs than the large man had ever heard
of. It had almost scared him witless when they had shown him a mirror aer three hours
of hard work. He never bothered with such things, himself, but he recognised a handsome
fellow when he saw one, and knowing that the strapping lad in the refleion was him felt
decidedly odd. Not only was he uncomfortable in the suit and sorely missed his moleskin
coat, but not looking like his normal woodsy self put greater demands on his behaviour,
eecially as the Headmaster had asked him to gather intelligence. He was honest enough
to know that if he managed to gather any intelligence, he could use it himself as nature had
been a bit cheap with him in that ree. He didn’t mind, though. He ran all the things
he’d learnt about the Huldr through his head. Unfortunately, the things from his books
and the things from the newapers didn’t add up, but aer talking to the Patil girls, he
trusted the papers over the books.
By sheer coincidence, he hadn’t met any of the Huldr who had been at the castle so he
didn’t really know what they looked like, and to further aggravate this, no one had even
told him what to expe.
It was a fairly unprepared Rubeus Hagrid who opened the slightly oversized door to
the Tall Tail Inn. He steeled himself. He would have to talk to girls who weren’t students.
He almost froze.
So did most of the staff, and in the dimmed light of the room, Hagrid saw four
beautiful, busty blondes in little maid’s outfits whose eyes lit up like little candles, amber
lights piercing the permanent dusk inside. As one, they drew closer to him slowly, but
moved far more than their forward momentum might indicate. One of them, a tall, long-
legged girl with a long braid down her back and a golden tail up it, laid her tiny little hand
on his chest and praically purred.
“Hello there, big boy. What can I get you? Coffee, tea, or ... us?”
Before it shut down the top two floors, Hagrid’s brain told him that he might just
learn to like this ying thing.
398 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter XXVII

And you are very nice!”

ere was no way around it. He had to use Sorcery for this kind of delicate manoeuvre.
He silently called his power forth, and with the lightest of touches, he made Ginny sleep
just a little deeper. at way she didn’t wake up as Harry carefully levitated her off of him
and downwards a little bit. He then carefully removed his hard penis from Jorunn’s mouth
and replaced it swily with Ginny’s breast. Extraing himself from the pile of gorgeous
women was a tricky piece of contortionism, but there was only one of them he wanted to
wake up at the time. He wanted to visit Otherton, and if the girls woke up, he would end
the day at “the pink place” — well, several pink places, aually. His eyes confirmed what
his nose had already told him, that the pile consisted of his Bonded only. Jorunn had been
sleeping with her favourite pacifier and Ginny had been sleeping almost on top of him,
with her head in his crotch and Disa’s fantastic boobs right beside her. Stina and Gabrielle
were on top of his legs in a sixty-nine, with Stina’s hands morphed into something dildo-
like. One of them had apparently slipped out of Disa during the night, and the other one,
of truly shocking dimensions, was moving soly in Gabrielle. Gabrielle was muttering in
her sleep, and as she did it straight into Stina’s pussy, was absolutely impossible to hear.
By the smile on Stina’s upper lips, her nethers apparently found it funny, though. Within
touching distance was Hermione. She was sleeping with her bum in the air and her cheek
pressed to the pillows. Lavender was right next to her with her legs read wide and both
hands fondling herself. His nose told him that she was very wet indeed, and he could see
Hermione aually dripping slightly on the bed. Carefully, he levitated both girls along
downstairs to his Grand hall, where he put them down, very gently, on the rug in front
of the fireplace.
Hermione started to wake up when he slowly entered her from behind, but it was
her almost instant orgasm that finished the job. Seeing Lavender’s meticulously groomed
little quim right in front of her made her decide to pay it forward, as it were, and sank her
tongue into the fragrant snatch.
Lavender was primed and ready, and she also came before really waking up. When
she did, though, she quickly crawled in under Hermione to a sixty-nine, and as Harry
withdrew, the girls entertained each other to a second and third orgasm each. Harry sat

400 Midnight Sun — Vanir

in his chair and enjoyed the show, absently conjuring a third chair, and a table which the
resident army of elves filled with a grand breakfast.
When the girls had worn each other out for the moment, they took their seats with
fantastic blushes in place. Harry was slightly amused that neither of them looked for a
way to cover themselves. ey were blushing, but they dilayed their bodies with pride.
Embarrassed pride, but pride nonetheless.
“Isn’t that a great way to wake up? I miss it at school, but over the summer, I did get
quite used to it. Today, I was planning a trip to Otherton. Hermione, we’re quite serious
about you as an author of corre schoolbooks, so I thought we should set you up with
some kind of office in town. Lavender, I’ve heard great things about you and your shop,
so I was hoping to hire you on as a guide. How does that sound to you?”
“Honestly, Harry, do you think I can do it? I’d love to, but, oh I can’t think properly.
It sounds good.”
Harry smiled at his friends consternation. Hermione had a highly organised mind,
and when too many things around her were strange or unfamiliar, she lost her rhythm.
Waking up like she had would make her a bit erratic for a few more minutes. He turned
to Lavender.
“Harry, anything you want from me is yours. You’ve given me... You’ve done... I owe
“You owe me diddly-squat. If you hadn’t taken Nott down, he might have gotten a
better shot in, and by giving you the means to run your business, I’ll be moving into
another area of Wizarding business. Not like I own you or your business, but you do
rely on a multi-ecies staff for your success, even if it’s barely started. ings that restri
Otherton will restri you, and your produs are something that the Wizarding public
and elite will want. I need you.”
“ank you, but I still think I owe you. One day, I’ll get drunk and tell you all about
why, but for the time being, I would be grateful if you would fuck me every once in a while.
at way, I’ll feel like I’m sort of paying off a debt.”
“You’re not currency, Lav. If you feel like you owe me, make money. Not for me, but for
yourself. In the short time I’ve been aive in this country, I’ve entrenched myself more and
more into the Wizarding economy. anks to my Arches, Fortuescues buys dairy produs
from Sweden; the new Nimbus broom is made from Masur-birch from Finland; and the
single greatest cleaning and laundry firm in Britain, muggle and magical, is staffed by the
Kilchurn Elves. I have cornered the dairy market; wood and some services; you’re moving
into clothing and beauty produs; and all in all, the tax income of the Ministry has climbed
steadily since my first involvement. If I decide to pull out right now, taking everything with
me, the Wizarding community in Britain would be bankrupt in a week. e goblins know
this, and Neville’s been buying stocks by the... What do you buy stocks in?”
“Maybe, well, loads of them anyway.”
“Harry, do you want to take over the Wizarding world?”
Chapter 27 — And you are very nice!” 401

“It’s mine already. Have you read the laws? Trial by combat is a recognised, legislative
procedure. Might makes right. I have to take over in order to make my rule illegal. Fun,
He concentrated on his breakfast for a while. He noticed the girls whiering and
made the effort not to eavesdrop. Some so pops alerted him to house elf aivity, and
looked up to see a tall glass of his favourite ice coffee in front of him. As he enjoyed it,
Hermione started to interrogate him about the ecies he knew of, and she also did some
deep breathing exercises clearly designed for him to keep his eyes on her. He was of course
very much aware of it when Lavender got out of her chair and walked soly to his side,
knelt and took his flaccid member in her mouth, where it stopped being flaccid in just a
few heartbeats. He smiled, closed his eyes and leant back in his chair with his cold drink
as the very pretty girl did her best to swallow him whole. He enjoyed hearing Hermione’s
strained voice as they kept talking, and he was aually surprised when Lavender climbed
on top of him, and took him into her tight little ass. He opened his eyes and looked straight
into hers as she sat down as far as she could, and kissed her. She clung to him as she rode
him, her pleasure obvious and loud and as he was about to come, he kissed her again as
he filled her lower intestine with his semen. None of them had said an intelligible word
during the encounter, but as Lavender climbed off of him, squeezing her hiner shut
tight, she grinned at him.
“I had several reasons to do that, pleasure not withstanding. One of them is that I
might need some investment to my business, so I should really try to get on your good
side, another is that I’d like you to have your wits about you and make a good impression
in Otherton, and who knows how much ogling you might have done if I hadn’t gotten you
off. en, there’s the fa that I never liked anal sex before, so I’m trying to figure out why
you’re different. Besides, taking that ramrod of yours through my tiniest door makes me
feel like I have accomplished something today already. One of these days, I’m going to
want kids, and I’ll tell you when.”
“So you’ve heard, then?”
“Yes. I loved that.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Now, if you’re done breakfasting, we should get dressed. Much
as I love the sight of you beautiful ladies, the rest of the world would have a coronary —
from jealousy, of course. Of you, because you’re simply gorgeous, and of me, because I’m
in the company of two so gorgeous creatures, and that’s just those who don’t know you.
ose who do would be even worse, knowing that both of you are so much more than
visual expressions.”
“Yes, I think I’m a pretty good lay as well,” Hermione deadpanned.
“And I smell good, too.” Lavender continued. e girls looked at each other and
started to giggle. It was looking out to be a good day.

* * *
402 Midnight Sun — Vanir

He was insane, and he knew it. Oh, not in the wearing-underpants-on-your-head way, but
he knew now that he couldn’t trust his own memory. Everything that he remembered ever
happening to him might be a fiion. He had also learned that his personality was more or
less gone. e brain things had eaten it. What he had was a number of traits in constant
change, flux was the word that the Squib psychiatrist had used, and the Uneakables had
been very interested in his case. So much, aually, that they had paid him to make some
scans, and to follow his progress. He wasn’t rich or anything, but he had been able to
give his parents almost 20 000 galleons and still keep enough to buy some fine oak timber
from Sweden of all places. With the excuse that he needed some physical therapy, he had
ereed a wharf near the Burrow, and he had stretched the keel already. He found the
thought amusing that if he kept the plans in his head, the final result of his construion
would be completely unprediable. It felt good to have a purpose. His condition had
lost him everything else. He still carried Hermione’s last letter in a cigar case on a chain
around his neck.

All in a hot and copper sky,

e bloody Sun, at noon,
Right up above the mast did stand,
No bigger than the Moon.
Day aer day, day aer day,
We stuck, nor breath nor motion;
As idle as a painted ship
Upon a painted ocean.

He mumbled as he tightened the big screws on the warper, being careful not to break
the boards. He fetched another bucket from the pond and doused the groaning oak again.
When the boards were wet, he pulled out his wand and started to pour magic into the
wood. e Uneakables had been kind enough to design the ells for him, but they had
warned him that he needed to drain himself repeatedly in order for them to work on such
a massive scale. He wasn’t a natural Enchanter, but this ell should work anyway. It wasn’t
as if it was safe for him to have magic anyway. When he was drained and the wand felt
hot in his hand, he put it away and went over to the large workbench. ere were a lot
of plugs to whittle.

At first it seemed a little eck,

And then it seemed a mist:
It moved and moved, and took at last
A certain shape, I wist.7

Perhaps he could build himself redemption.

* * *

From e Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1866. Available
online at and
Chapter 27 — And you are very nice!” 403

She didn’t have much of a gi for seeing what was to come, but she could sense that
whatever was supposed to come had changed its mind and gone somewhere else as soon
as he entered the shop. Suddenly, she understood what it was about this human that so
annoyed uncle Bane. In his wake, stars changed their paths, bones became unthrown,
or hidden behind something heavy, and the tea-leaves, if they ever used them, turned
into cheap Earl Greyish teabags. History, present and future re-wrote themselves in his
presence, and she didn’t know whether to fall to her knees, run and hide, or try to snog
him. All three seemed like good ideas. She must have stared at him, because he smiled
and oke to her.
“Lilac, I presume? I’m Harry. I’ve heard many good things about you.”
“Eh, thank you, My Lord. And thank you for ... making this place. It’s fantastic.
Everyone is a person, and people ree each other. Nothing of what the Herd said would
happen have happened. No one has tried to put a saddle on me, or hitch a wagon aer
me. Eh, just ... thank you.”
“You’re very welcome, Lilac. It’s not really my doing, though. It’s being made by others
in my name, and I have a feeling that it won’t stay this peaceful for long. Maybe it will,
though. Perhaps the inevitable bickering is a human trait. Ah well, philosophy was never
my strong suit. But eaking of suits...”

* * *
Katie didn’t quite know if she was happy or not. She had lived with her secret for so many
years, and it had always been a ecial little part of her. No matter how bad a grade she got
at potions, she was the one who could turn into a seal if she wanted to. When a boy walked
out on her, it was for his own good. If he really got her worked up, the Selkie Charm might
hurt him, so she could always rationalise it to herself. Now, in this new climate, her family
was considering moving to Otherton and revealing their family secret for all the world to
know. Sure, it would make things easier on her, with fewer secrets to keep from her friends
but it would force her to give up that secret, ecial thing about her that had been such a
comfort in rough times. If it hadn’t been Harry who had been the man behind it all, she
would have dismissed the whole thing out of hand, but aer five years of school together,
Katie Bell knew that there wasn’t a dishonest bone in his body. He could have played his
celebrity like Lockhart, but he hadn’t. He seemed completely unaware of his status as a
Quidditch-god, and he apparently didn’t notice the fa that he aually had groupies who
would do anything to get a piece of him — or rather, a few inches. She had explained this
to her father, and he had identified her crush with an intuition that was rather unsettling,
coming from a male. She had, by family council, been tasked to go to Otherton to meet
Harry as the Lord, and to try to figure out if this was all for real.
She was nervous. She had heard the talk of the town, what a great guy he was, how
great the Ladies were, and how well he took care of the ones in need. She had been to the
Werehouse and seen the statue, and to her enhanced senses, it had smelled like the wolf it
was made to resemble. Professor Lupin had told her that all he needed to do was to touch
the statue and transform in the building, and he got to keep his mind. e statue was
said to be a gi from Loke, the father and mother of Fenrir, the original werewolf. Loke
404 Midnight Sun — Vanir

had apparently traded it to Harry for a silly WWW-trinket, one of which was dilayed by
the statue. It looked like a common pair of binoculars, and when you looked into it, you
saw a blurry image of a naked woman. As the woman had resembled her, she had fiddled
with the focus to see better, and as soon as she turned the knob, the toy had rayed her
with ink. e fa that a God had traded a huge silver statue for something as silly as that
made her feel a whole lot better about being an atheist. She had also visited the beauty
shop, Boutique Bouquette. She had heard that Lavender Brown ran it, but she hadn’t been
there. Instead, a bloody huge ider had welcomed her. Katie had frozen stiff until the
ider had asked her in a friendly, but slightly weary tone if it would help if she shouted
’boo’. ey had ent an enjoyable hour together, once the shock had worn off.
She had avoided the Vampire enclave, Batty Rouge, but the Huldr area, somewhat
blandly called Garden of Senses, had been wonderful, and she had enjoyed the company
of the Norse predators. She had even met Hagrid there. e large man had had a couple
of petite Huldr girls around him, and while she had learnt that it was impossible to tell
a Huldr’s age by their appearance, it struck her as both funny and unnerving that all the
girls around him looked like schoolgirls, no older that herself. Perhaps the friendly half-
giant had more than prejudice to fight in school. Aer a slight shiver, she decided to be
happy for him.
Now the talk of the town was that Harry was there, and it was time for her to find
him. It was no big deal. He knew her, and she knew him. ey had been team-mates, and
had seen each other covered in sweat, dirt, blood, and even snot during cold seasons. She
had helped carry him to the hoital wing twice, and he had given her a heavenly massage
once. It was nothing to worry about.
She was, of course, terrified. Suddenly, her little schoolmate had grown up to be the
obje of thousands of girl’s desires, and she was tasked to get close to him. Talk about

* * *
Harry was more than a bit uneasy, walking through the new town of Otherton. It was
worse than it had ever been when it was just being the Boy Who Lived. ese people
thought that he was someone he wasn’t. ey thought that he was a hero, their saviour,
the great equaliser and liberator of the oppressed, rather than just Harry, a scared little
boy, who would prefer to shag all day long and not make a single decision that would
affe thousands of people. He realised that he was surfing now: He was poised on top
of a bloody big wave, the little figure on the top, the one they all could see and the one
who would appear to control the power liing him, but who would, eventually fall, maybe
drown, when he got a little too cocky, too self-assured, too fooled himself by his own
public persona.
Harry himself couldn’t see it, of course, but the people he looked at with this growing
sense of dread, the people he was so afraid to disappoint were the people no one else
cared for, the people whose opinions never counted. e people watching the panicking
young man with hero-worship in their eyes were people who couldn’t go to St. Mungo’s
for help, but who now had a hoital built for them. ey were the people who could go to
Chapter 27 — And you are very nice!” 405

a restaurant in their new home town and have a decent meal, by their own standards. In
Batty Rogue, a Sanguinaria was being built, and donors were being recruited. e Huldr
had their own nutritional needs met at the Inn or at the Giant’s encampment right outside
town. Deals were made with local farmers, and Ribbon had produced several coils of
incredibly strong rope for one of them in exchange for a live pig every now and then. In
a Goblin restaurant, the beef and the rats were cooked just right, and some places had
multi-ecies menus.
He hadn’t given them freedom, just hope and a place where they could pretend to be
free. ey loved him for it, but he couldn’t see that. All he could see was a world of new
reonsibilities for the little boy in the cupboard. e sexy boy in the cupboard. e hot,
manly powerful boy with all the muscles and the marvellous cock and all that semen and
Harry understood that his beloved Bonded had come to his aid. It was a pretty cool feeling
and for once, he paused, and really took in their image of him. For once, he decided to
believe someone else’s opinion of him.
He was one hell of a guy! From his pereive, they had a slightly odd view of his
aions, but he couldn’t find anything really wrong. He could easily distinguish between
Gabrielle’s selfless love, Disa’s shameless physical attraion and adoration, Jorunn’s slightly
darker longing and her unwavering faith in him, Stina’s more balanced, mature love as she
knew him in a slightly different way and loved his flaws as much as his strengths. Ginny’s
unreserved hero-worship was almost silly in comparison, but it was as strong and deep
as the others, and Harry began to feel good about himself aer his minor panic attack.
As he looked around, he saw the same people, but now he met their eyes and smiled. He
nodded at a few, mumbled the occasional greeting, and absently healed a scraped Oread
knee, smiling as the inhumanly perfe little girl kissed his cheek in thanks.
At a small distance, Katie watched him. He was such a natural leader. He cared so
much, and was never aloof or afraid. At the thought that he would be a great father some
day, something moved inside her, and the unbidden thought that she wouldn’t mind being
the mother surfaced, to her own great surprise. She steeled herself, put her most winsome
smile on, and began to approach him with her Selkie charm on a low level. She hadn’t
gotten half way when he jerked upright and seemed to have a conversation with his sleeve.
She was suddenly frightened when she saw the look of fury on his face before he promptly
turned into a dragon, of all things, and flew away. Once her shock had worn off, she
swore. He had been here, but now he was gone. She otted Hermione and the Brown
girl, so maybe she could harvest some gossip instead.

* * *
Carrows was smiling. As the word invokes a friendly image it may not be the most suitable
one, but it will have to do. One of his brethren — or rather puppets — was finishing a very
long address to the assembly.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, witches and wizards of the Wizengamot. You have all read
the proposal for amendment to the Creature a, you have seen the inevitability of the
proposal, and how reasonable it is for the lower life forms and how imperative it is for our
way of life. I move for immediate voting.”
406 Midnight Sun — Vanir

e puppet sat down again with the look of a man who had already won when a young
beeacled man pressed his Speaker stone and rose for the Chief Warlock to recognise
his right to eak. He had it already, of course. He wouldn’t have agreed to run the new
department if he could be censored.
“Chief Warlock?”
Dumbledore, for once in sombre black robes smiled at the young man in pinstripes.
“e Wizengamot recognises Percival Weasley, head of the newly formed Department
for Common Sense.”
“ank you, Chief Warlock. Ladies and gentlemen, I simply wish to point out that
once you remove the rhetoric and flowery language, this suggestion is designed to make
the House of Kilchurn declare war on Wizarding Britain. Kilchurn’s stand on the rights
of Sentients is well known, and this proposal classifies the Lords wife and consorts as
domestic animals. From what I know of the man, he wouldn’t accept this law as legal and
he would take personal aion against the people who would insult his family by agreeing
to this proposition. I fail to see how a document legalising slavery and rape can prote
our way of life, when it will end the life of everyone who as on it. at is all.”
You could have heard a combine harvester drop. e noise of every member loudly
expressing their ill-informed opinions was deafening until the Chief warlock showed why
he was the only wizard for his job with his patented, area-effe Silencing charm while he
waited for the people to sit down and use their Speaker stones in good order. e puppet,
Mr Appelby, rose again.
“Mr Weasley, surely you exaggerate. Once we pass it, it will be law. Law!”
Percy shrugged. It was his job to point out flaws and stupid mistakes, not to corre
them. He answered anyway.
“A law that will drive us into a quite unnecessary confli with a power we simply can’t
match. Aer the former Minister’s absurd case of cerebral indigestion, Kilchurn made no
moves against the Ministry. is does not mean that he forgot about it. I’d say that he’s
not our friend, but rather the enemy of our enemies. Harry Potter is still our greatest hope
against Mr Unmentionable. is proposition will make us his enemies. Madam Minister,
your assessment of our Auror force and the aual strength of Kilchurn is more reliable
than mine, so if you please?”
Amelia Bones rose. One of the first things she had changed in her Office was her
rights in the Wizengamot. By only keeping her Veto power and relinquishing her 25%
Ministerial vote, she had re-established some semblance of democracy to the assembly.
Unfortunately, it had necessitated the new department. At this time, she understood that
she had chosen the right man for the job.
“Mr Weasley, as the recruitment of Aurors takes time, we have about half of Kilchurn’s
human numbers. I have no accurate count of the number of Huldr there are in the country
at this time, but one Huldr is a serious threat on the battlefield. I’m not the right person to
ask about the ecifics, though. He has talked the Giants away from Mr Unmentionable,
and our own part-humans, a larger percentage than one might believe, are firmly behind
him. From what I know of him and his operatives, he knows who’s here, and if this bill
Chapter 27 — And you are very nice!” 407

is passed, you will all need to re-ward your homes, because he will take it as a personal
insult, and he’s stronger than us.”
She hadn’t sat down when the warded doors crashed open, and Harry Potter, in full
Lord-mode, strode down to the floor. By his side came Lord Longbottom, also in clothes
more fitting for some archaic battlefield. Just because, Harry let his steel-capped boots
strike arks on the granite floor. He took up position in the absolute centre of the floor
and rested his hands on his drawn sword, the point of which visibly sank down an inch
into the floor.
“Let’s make it simple. I eak for Kilchurn in this matter, and I invoke the Rules of
House and Quarrel against the signatory parties. I will also tell you beforehand that I will
call on Trial by Combat to have it stopped. Takers?”
ere was no hesitation in his voice, no mercy in his eyes. is was a Sorcerer with
his prime yet to come, a force only the most unwise would challenge.
Amelia chose a very non-threatening voice and demeanour.
“Mr Potter, you are not a member of the Wizengamot. How did you get in?”
He smiled mirthlessly.
“I swore a Wizard’s oath that it was a matter of Life and Death for several members.
If I can’t convince you not to pass the bill, I will be forced to kill at least one of you, so
the oath is valid. Neville handles the thinking side of politics, I will deal with the violent
side. Carrows? It’s your proposal, and I don’t care just who you made deliver it. Care to
defend it, wand by wand?”
Carrows couldn’t believe his ears. ere had been no traces of their interaions. It
was impossible that this young whelp could know anything, but he quite obviously did.
He stood, because he couldn’t think of an alternative, and allowed his barely funioning
Diplomatic autopilot to take control.
“Eh, no. You’re more powerful than me, but might does not make right.”
He would have been much happier with this defence if the young man hadn’t smiled
at him.
“en please explain your proposal to me again. is is political might, but there’s
nothing to defend it but pure, sheer bigotry. Ergo, might is what makes it float right
now, and I intend to sink it. Please note that the most powerful mages are almost never
is time, the room stayed silent. Very silent. Aer almost a minute, the Chief
Warlock cleared his throat.
“I believe you’re right, Lord Potter. I am myself of close Muggle descendance, albeit
both my parents were magical humans. e second of the upper-echelon Mages alive had
a pure Muggle father and your heritage, Lord Potter, is well documented. As for Lord
Pritchard, his origins are shrouded in mystery, perhaps you can enlighten us?”
“Well, I’m not positive, but I believe his mother was Muggleborn, and he never talks
about his father. I don’t think they were close.”
Harry had to use his power to keep his face straight, and Neville had to look into his
papers to hide his grin. He had just doled out another piece of Myrrdin-lore in the perfe,
408 Midnight Sun — Vanir

oand way that made rumours flow and he had done it without aually lying. at, and
the image of the sword sinking into the floor should do nicely. e real point rested on a
small piece of leather on the floor, but it was covered by an illusion of an extra inch of steel
that, of course, had sunk into the floor. It didn’t have enough mass to rest on anything.
In the confusion, Conrad Mayweather stood, pressed his Speaker stone, and oke
without recognition.
“Ladies and Gentlemen of the Wizengamot, the circumstances have taken a life of
their own. erefore, I have chosen now to eak, formally out of turn, against the pro-
posal delivered by Mr Appelby. As I have mentioned many times, I have some personal
experience with Huldr, and during my service in our Diplomatic corps, I had the oppor-
tunity to intera with representatives of several of the here-mentioned ecies. ey want
to live their lives. ey’re going through life like we do, raising their kids, trying to find
food, and looking for the next sickle like we do. Some of them have greater talents than
we do at certain things. at doesn’t make me feel inferior. Some of them are brighter
than the average human, most of them are stronger than us, and health is rarely a problem
for them. Yet I don’t feel inferior. We’re all a bit different. Aually, if you consider Mr
Appelby’s stature, you can see that I am a lot closer to average than he is, in height, weight,
and colouring, as purple isn’t considered a normal facial tone. My nose is average, my
hairline is in an average place and I am, all in all, average. If the ones outside the norm
should be considered less, I move that we expand Mr Appelby’s proposal just a little bit.
Aer all, he does have pretty daughters, and I’d love to have them as indentured maids. By
their relation to the clearly abnormal Mr Appelby, they have to be animals as well. Please,
Ladies and Gentlemen. Do see the grotesque absurdity of this proposal.”
Several of the present representatives of the Magical People of Britain looked at each
other, blinking like owls in daytime. Amelia Bones, Minister of Magic, made some quite
undignified snorting sounds and stood.
“Yes, it is quite preposterous when you look at it from all angles. May I suggest that if
the proposal is continued, it must be in the by Mr Mayweather expanded form.[ed: I don’t
follow the second half of that last sentence.] Perhaps a Department of Normalcy should be
formed? Mr Potter, as everybody already calls you ... Wait a minute. Mr Weasley, did you
in fa call the Dark Lord Voldemort Mr Unmentionable, and made me do the same?”
“Yes, Madam Minister. If you aren’t allowed to use his name, he is more or less
unmentionable. As his followers have never declared themselves before the Wizengamot,
we cannot know if he indeed has twelve sworn followers as needed to legitimise his claim
to Lordship. As such, no Lordship applies to him. at the nomenclature sounds like a
salesman for women’s underwear is purely coincidental.”
“I’m sure it is, Mr Weasley. Ladies and gentlemen, as you know, I have been to
Kilchurn myself, and I can assure you all that Mr Potter here has hundreds of sworn
followers. I move for granting of full Lordship, under his own devise. is means no
obligation for us, and is little more than a cumbersome address for him, but I believe that
by showing up here today, before this disastrous motion could be implemented, Mr Potter
has proven himself worthy of our ree. Do I hear a Second?”
“You do, Madam Minister. House Mayweather seconds the motion.”
Chapter 27 — And you are very nice!” 409

e room went silent again. No one wanted to stand against the brand new power
block that had formed among them. To the colleive surprise of the present, Harry oke
“While the necessity of the Department saddens me, I’d like to hear from Mr Weasley
before I agree to the honour of this nomination.”
Percy stood, with only a small nervous tick revealing his surprise of this vote of
“ank you, Lord Potter. Judging by the current consensus of the Wizarding popu-
lation, and your unwavering support among the non-humans, it makes perfe sense to
grant you a Lordship. Aer all, you are already a Lord in the eyes of the People.”
Harry turned. “ank you, Mr Weasley. Nev, I’m a bit out-customed here.”
“Lord Potter, you have more than twelve sworn followers, and you can even muster
up an all-human dozen if you need to. at’s a Lordship right there. You have a fortified
stronghold, a standing army, you have aed in the public’s best interest by apprehending
Death Eaters, and you’re filthy rich. If you pushed for it, I could probably get you a Barony,
but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s yours, all right.”
“Is there anything le to do here? I’m not a member, aer all, and I do have other
“I think we’re done. Your diplomatic approach needs some polishing, but it’s effec-
“What approach?”
“e ’do it my way or I’ll kill you’ approach.”
“Oh. Well, it saves time. Let’s get back to the castle, then. Ladies and Gentlemen,
have a nice day.”
e security guard outside the chamber almost had a fit when the ancient Arch shot
up from the floor to let the two young men through, but they almost skipped through it
to avoid questions as they both knew that the made up story would be better and more
entertaining than anything they could come up with.
“at was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. How did you learn about the
“Mayweather hired one of our Elves. He sent a message with the Elf the moment he
learned of it.”
“Is he a friend or ally or what?”
“More of a what, I guess. He knows a fair bit about the other ecies and he supports
our main agenda, but he’s a bit wary of some of our tenants. If something happens that
he feels is a threat to the public, he’ll fight it, but he will never side with bigotry against
us. Good bloke, that one.”
“We can do with more folks like that. His eech was brilliant, and how the hell did
a guy like Carrows get a rep for being clever?”
“It depends on who you compare him to. It was bloody da of him to even reond
to you. He blew his own little coniracy, but I don’t think we’ve seen the last of him. How
are things at the castle?”
410 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Gabrielle says I’ve made an impression in Otherton, eecially my departure. ere’s

a northern girl, probably Katie Bell, asking about me in town and Ginny has gone home
to the Burrow to see her Mum. She sees it as her duty to storm the gates of hell on my
behalf. Honestly, better her than me, I guess.”
“You coward, you.”
“Ever met Molly?”
“You have a point.”

* * *
He had, with more than a little effort, managed to get on top of the Astronomy tower to
think in peace. He would have his revenge. He was the prime of Magical Britain, and as
Britain was the greatest nation on earth, that made him rightly the finest Wizard on the
planet. It was logical. Potty was just lucky. He got a new wardrobe and a fancy Glamour
and everybody aed like he was a Malfoy or something. He wasn’t, and Draco would never
allow him to rise to such heights. e scarhead belonged in the muck amongst mudbloods
and pigs. Of course, he wasn’t certain just what a pig was, but he imagined some kind of
ratlike thing that smelled. To add infamy to insolence and insult, Potter had stolen Pansy
from him, put her under the Imperius, and given her to the squib Longbottom. Now, of
course, the curse had been lied. He had taken his observations to the Gryffindor Head
of House, who had scanned Pansy for mind-altering magic and found nothing but a mild,
self-cast compulsion ell of the same kind that many students used to keep from biting
their fingernails. e old crone had, when he urged her to search for potions or perhaps
signs of torture, dismissed him and told him to stop whining.
A Malfoy didn’t whine!
His train of thought was derailed by someone coming up the stairs. With his nor-
mal level of courage and straightforwardness, he managed to Disillusion himself and hid
behind the door.
Tracey Davis and Pansy Parkinson were talking, and paid no attention to the rather
obvious outline behind them, or the fully visible shoes.
“So, how’s it really working out?”
“Oh, Tracey, it’s brilliant. You were so right. ere are so many things I just don’t have
to worry about. As long as I’m loyal and please him, everything is perfe, and I just don’t
have to care. Master does that for me.”
“You know, I thought I took the whole Sub part pretty far, but you’re praically a
“I know. Isn’t it great?”
ey laughed about it and kept chatting about what great guys the louts who owned
them were while Draco slowly reached his boiling point. Loyalty? Obedience? He should
have had that. He could have given her all the domination she could take, and here she was,
unable to even use her magic without her Master’s approval. at gave him an idea. She
could only fight with her Master’s approval, and he wasn’t here. at meant that Tracey
were defenceless here, and as most students above fourth year knew, only major ells
Chapter 27 — And you are very nice!” 411

could be recorded up here. is was important, as silencing charms and anti-pregnancy
charms were considered minor. In the halls, there were monitoring charms that kept
track of all ells used, but the Tower was safe from that. He could simply petrify Potty’s
whore and dump her over the edge. ere was no one here to stop him as Pansy wouldn’t
be able to do a thing even if she wanted to. As he had formulated a truly astoundingly
brilliant plan and was the finest wizard on the planet, he immediately jumped into aion,
as great heroes are wont to do. By focusing hard enough to almost give himself a bleeding
nose, he managed to cast the petrification curse wordlessly. He then cast off his own
Disillusionment and strutted towards the struggling brunette with the pretty eyes.
“Only minor ells, bitch. No one will ever know.”
“Silencio! Tarantellegra!” e ells hit Draco in the back. He never knew Pansy
packed such a punch with her wand. His legs were stomping around furiously but silently
as the now gorgeous girl broke the ell on her friend. As Draco, the last Malfoy, tried
to scream impotently, the girls looked at each other. As one, they moved and as Pansy
conjured a board up on the parapet surrounding the tower, Tracey reinforced the Dancing
hex. With so and gentle banishers, they guided the helplessly dancing boy up on the
board, up on the parapet. ey didn’t say anything, they just watched the furiously dancing
boy deerately try to control his movements on the narrow parapet. Aer about a minute,
the hex began to wear off.
ey renewed it.
When they had renewed the hex twice, they looked at each other again, and Pansy
stepped forward. She stepped up on the ledge inside the parapet and leant a bit towards
the silently dancing, crying, and sweating boy.
“Did you really bet your life on my Master minding if you DIE?”
As she shouted the last word in his face, his dancing legs took an involuntary step
e silencing charm was very good. No one even heard the impa.

* * *
“Never fear. He’s unprediable. No one could know he would show up like that. He must
have some kind of listening device in the chamber.”
“ey’re routinely swept by the Aurors for just such things.”
“He has seduced the Aurors as a group. ey might ignore it.”
“True. Weasley started the ruckus, though. Can we do anything about him?”
“e word is that Potter has Bonded the little Weasley cunt. If he can Bond Humans,
no one’s safe. at might rally people to him, just to be safe, I guess. We can strike at both
Potter and the pillock at the Ministry by hitting the cunt. I have a few men, but I might
need a ward-master to get to their house. e oldest of the brood is a curse-breaker, so I
believe there might be some inventive wards at the family home. It’s time to strike direly
at his heart.”
412 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter XXVIII

The Carpenter said

nothing but “Cut
us another slice:

On some level, she was aware that she must be richer that she had ever been, but the
knowledge didn’t really register with her. e confliing feelings of loss and freedom
balanced out, and together, they dominated her view of the world. She was walking
through the beautiful forest, free of her chains but alone in the world. Other than two
letters, one each from the ministry and the school, no one had contaed her. Not one
person wanted to know how she was doing or how she would handle things. She knew,
of course, that this was earned. Her family had been the cream of the cream, admired by
some and feared by others, and never, ever making friends. No one in Wizarding Britain
cared to know her fate, and right now she, the loneliest woman in Britain — by her own
standards anyway — was crossing the pathless forest, heading towards Otherton. She had
enough non-human blood to qualify, at least she hoped she did. Maybe she would be
accepted. at would be nice.
Suddenly she froze. In a clearing ahead of her, two wolves were playing, and she did
recognise Werewolves when she saw them. In ite of the broad day light and the fa
that the full moon was several days away, the two wolf cubs, who were playing a rather
violent game of tag in front of her, were unmistakably Werewolves. She sank down on her
knees and watched them. If they sensed her, she was too close to get away anyway, but by
presenting a non-threatening visage, she might just escape their notice. She watched the
cubs play for a long time, seeing them raise and lower their tails as they won or lost the
game, and old lessons in Care surfaced in her memory. She could recognise that the raised
tail was the sign of the dominant, and that their relaxed postures and raised ears meant
that they must be siblings in play, to exchange dominance so easily.
eir postures changed suddenly, from relaxed and playful to wary and cautious as

414 Midnight Sun — Vanir

they caught her scent. As they slowly approached her, she was grateful to see that they
were cautious, but not threatening or threatened. She realised that she had been slightly
mistaken about the age of the cubs when they snapped into human shape, revealing
themselves as two girls, the older about seven years old and the younger about five. e
wolves had worn leashes, but as the girls transformed, the leashes shimmered and became
grey dresses with a runic pattern around the necks. e older girl had light brown hair
and hazel eyes with a worried expression.
“Hello. We scare you? We think alone here now.”
e older woman smiled at the girls as soothingly as she could. She wasn’t used to
being nice to children, but she did her best. ey were obviously not British, and she was
impressed by the heavily accented English the girl used. She hadn’t been anywhere near
that proficient at another language at that age, even if she oke several today. She waved
her hand.
“It’s all right. You were playing. Do you live in Otherton?”
e girl obviously understood her, and nodded vigorously.
“Yes. Father is religious cordonator and Mother is door in sickhouse.”
“He not like word priest.”
Ah. Coordinator. Not a bad title to use in a place with so many cultures and religions,
but it indicated less zeal than she was used to from a priest. A priest who recognized a
validity in other faiths? Unthinkable. She nodded anyway.
“I see. What’s your name?”
“Ylva. Little sister is Hilde. You?”
She was stumped by the seemingly easy question. What was her name? She wouldn’t
dream of using her slave name. It had been used as an insult too many times, and was
heavily wrought by the expeations of her family, both her blood and her latter. Her
husband had rarely used it, and it had few positive memories attached to it. No, she had
decided to try and make herself anew, and a new name should be a part of that.
“I’m not sure. Can you tell me the name of a little white flower in your language?”
“Hmm. Vitsippa8 . Sippa. Is that your name?”
“It is now. It’s nice to meet you, Ylva and Hilde. I’m Vitsippa. Call me Sippa.”

* * *
“Mr Potter, I’m sorry, Lord Potter, I was very surprised to find your name on my Visitor’s
“Where else would I turn for advice on common sense, Mr Weasley?”
“A very good question, unfortunately. First, though, is it true that you have Bonded
my sister and made her pregnant?”
Chapter 28 — e Carpenter said nothing but “Cut us another slice: 415

“It is, but it was more of a mishap, frankly. I didn’t think there was any risk of Bonding
her as I thought she was a Human, and when she reached out and more or less Bonded
me, I forgot about the risk of pregnancy altogether.”
“I confess that I find it disturbing on many levels, but I know my sister, and this had all
the markings of her deepest desire granted. I may be disturbed, but I don’t hold it against
you in any way.”
“ank you. Now, I have a bit of a sticky situation on my hands, and I need advice
from someone who would tell me if I’m in the wrong. You know of the Longbottoms?
ere’s a strong chance that one of my Consorts can heal them, but I deerately need
Neville as an independent aor. If his father regained his health, would Neville stay head
of his family?”
“He would, as the position has passed to him already, and he has proven himself
competent in the position. Common sense diates that I advise you that Neville would
undoubtedly listen to his father, perhaps more than to you. It might put him in a bad
“Truly. I believe you have a well working idea of my needs and wants here, what’s
your advice?”
“Hmm. Not an easy question. In your position, I would heal them, which would
possibly strengthen Neville’s devotion to you, if such a thing is possible. en, I would
send the older Longbottom’s to recuperate somewhere, and let Neville visit as oen as he’d
like, but monitor them. at’s what I’d do, but I’m not a very nice person. e so-called
’right’ thing to do would be to heal them and let them play happy families for a while, but
you really can’t are Neville, I understand.”
“Your suggestion has merit, and frankly, I have been given the same advice before.
e difference is that while I know the first person to be incredibly intelligent, she may
not tell me something I don’t want to know. I don’t think you have those scruples.”
“Speaking of scruples, are there any companies or trades le for you to get your hands
on? I did a quick survey the other day, and I found more than thirty companies that operate
out of Otherton. In the interest of common sense, do you know what would happen if
someone put a stop to Otherton?”
“As a matter of fa, I do. You would have an economy in chaos. In the short time I’ve
been operating the place, your tax income should have doubled, and most of the Death
Eater controlled businesses are almost bankrupt. Otherton cleans your offices, makes your
clothes, and cooks your food. If I didn’t feel like helping you with the transition, you would
have better part of a month of chaos. Without chocolate, I might add. e only major
source of chocolate that I don’t have deals with are Papua and Madagascar — and only
because I don’t like their chocolate. I’d say that any obstacles thrown in our direion are
contrary to common sense and the interests of the Wizarding world.”
“In the patois of the world, you have us by the scrotum.”
“Oh, no. I leave that for the Huldr.”
“Are they really so hot-blooded?”
“It’s more like we get hungry, and in Otherton, they can get three square meals a day,
instead of having to stuff themselves monthly. It’s only when they stuff themselves that
they become dangerous.”
416 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Lord Potter, I have had some conversations with Mr Mayweather, and he believes
they might be somewhat more dangerous than you let on.”
“Perhaps. ey are, aer all, predators. ey’re fast and strong, and can pose quite a
danger to an enemy. I do try not to be one.”
“So I’ve been told. I should tell you that there are some messages for you here in the
Ministry, as all official diplomatic mail is redireed to the Ministry. Apparently, the Hopi
Nation is looking for an alliance of sorts, as are the Aztec, and the tribes of Uluru and
Zimbabwe recognises you as King of Britain. ey have refused to recognise the Ministry
for twenty years.”
“So you read my mail?”
“I did. However, I’m the only one who has, as I could classify them. I may not like
it, but the foreign ministries have a lot more faith in you than they do in us. Given my
choice to either fight you or help you, I go with common sense. e mail will be delivered
to Kilchurn momentarily.”
“ank you. Do come and visit sometime. I’m told that renting a room at the Tall
Tails is an education in itself, and yours is already paid for.”
“I may just do that sometime. For educational purposes, of course.
“Of course. Have a good one, Mr Weasley.
He silently reached for the Bond and sent the go-ahead to Stina. She didn’t waste
any time, but brought Jorunn and Gabrielle with her to St. Mungo’s for a check-up on
Gabrielle’s progressing pregnancy and to bring the two insensate Longbottoms back into
aive duty.

* * *
Aurora Sinistra tried to glare at the two girls in front of her. As aing head of Slytherin,
the Aurors had decided to allow her to interrogate her students in of a fashion, as they
had failed to find any sues. It was written off as a suicide, but Aurora couldn’t believe
someone like Draco Malfoy would have the guts to jump. ese girls were recorded going
up to her tower fieen minutes aer Malfoy, and they had said that they had found some
planks, but nothing else out of the ordinary. She cursed again the decision to forego the
real-time monitoring for large ells in favour of a system that recorded ells every half
hour. As such, it was impossible to tell exaly when those planks had been conjured,
and they had evaporated before anyone could take a wand-profile scan. It was quite
unlike Minerva to be so slow, but there it was. e pink-haired Auror who had led the
investigation had only smiled when Aurora pointed out the stains of sweat evident on a
magnification scan of the floor, claiming that she might have le a couple of similar stains
there during her last year in school.
Professor Sinistra had given up. Whatever had happened, it was now a suicide. is
cross between an interrogation and a grief-counselling session was the only thing she had
been allowed to do in order to find the truth.
“Miss Parkinson?”
“Yes, Professor?”
Chapter 28 — e Carpenter said nothing but “Cut us another slice: 417

“Can you conjure a plank?”

“According to the potentiomantic scan taken when I was ten, that level of magic should
be out of my reach.”
“at’s not a ’no’, is it?”
“Excuse me, Professor?”
“Have you ever done it?”
“Why should I attempt Magics that experts have said are impossible for me?”
“Why indeed. Tracey, your wand showed a lot of cleansing and elasticity charms.
Several dozens, in fa. Why is that?”
“Professor, I believe my personal life is not in your jurisdiion.”
“Indulge me.”
“All right. You know my Master, Harry Potter? Well, to sum it up, he has a really large
penis, and if I don’t cast a couple of rubberskin charms, there’s no way I could take him
either in my ass or down my throat ...“
“ank you, I think I understand now. Pansy, your charms were for the same reasons,
I guess?”
“Basically yes, Professor.”
e interrogation continued for almost a full hour, and it had some pretty eacular
results. e two girls didn’t give anything away, but they managed to sing their reeive
Masters’ praises at every opportunity, eecially sexually. While Draco was still the viim
of a suicide, which apparently couldn’t be questioned, the still beautiful but slightly stern
professor had soaked through her panties and started to entertain ideas of giving Mr Potter
a date ... err ... detention with her in the tower some night. e girls in front of her
appeared to know that as well, and used every opportunity to boast. She decided to close
her own investigation and have herself a nice calming draught. It wouldn’t do for a calm
and colleed Professor to jump a sixth-year’s magic broomstick, now, would it? As they
stood up, she tossed out a final question without really expeing an answer.
“I wonder what could have driven Mr Malfoy to take such a step?”
e two voluntary slave girls stopped and looked at each other. Without looking at
her, Tracey said.
“It was probably a mistake. He must have tried to balance on the ledge without really
knowing how close to the edge he was.”
“ere are so many ways to overstep, aer all, and he didn’t have much of a sense for
Pansy’s contribution cleared it all up for the Professor. She knew what had happened,
and she knew that she wouldn’t do anything about it. Draco had insulted and harmed the
boys who the girls saw as masters so many times, and somehow, he had gone too far. She
didn’t really want to know what he had done, and settled for a soer reonse.
“If Misters Potter and Longbotton knew the circumstances, do you think they would
understand it?”
e girls nodded.
418 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“at is all. Please tell your Masters that I would like to see them at their conve-
Tracey smiled, and it was a smile full of mischief.
“If you don’t mind a rather personal situation, I believe my Master is studying in the
Room of Requirement at the moment. I’m sure he won’t mind if you drop in on him, and
neither will his study partner.”
“And who might that be?”
“At this time? Probably Daphne, but it might be Granger. I’ve forgotten the sched-
With that, the girls were gone. Aurora Sinistra stood frozen by her desk, marvelling at
the vision she had been granted. She could see her futures, two of them, stretch out before
her. One was a long, dull progression of years behind her desk, gazing at the cold light of
the stars, trying to decipher their meaning and their movements, trying to determine if
there was a greater will controlling them, always wondering if the Greater Will, if it existed,
cared about her. It was a safe future, with simple decisions and little risk. e other line
she saw started with her walk to the legendary Room of Requirement. It would bring her
closer to a legend. e Legend of Harry Potter would outlast the fas of his life. Whatever
he did, there would be legends of more. Whoever he was, he was Pendragon in the minds
of the people. Pritchard was definitely Merlin. It was one of the things that everybody
knew and yet no one knew why. It was a life of adventure, of excitement. A life of answers
to questions she barely dared to ask. It was a dangerous line to walk, one with the potential
of utter darkness, but the darkness had blazing edges, and the voice of a younger Aurora
reminded her that it might be preferable to the eternal twilight of a long life at the desk.
Her hands rose, like they had a will of their own, and undid the prim bun that normally
held her long hair in check. She shook it out, looking in the mirror for grey hairs and not
finding any. She might be old enough to be Mr Potter’s mother, but the margin was not
wide. She set off to find the Room of Requirement.

* * *
“... And that’s how the touch telepathy should work. I believe you’ll need some training in
Occlumency to work it consciously, even if you should have a natural defence. e defence
just holds people out who try to attack you, but the training incorporates techniques of
organising your mind that might be very useful in controlling this ability. Your latent
Empathy will be efficient as a way to know if people are lying to you, but by touching them,
you’ll know for sure, and you’ll know what they were hiding. Oh, God. I don’t know what
I’m doing, sitting here talking to myself. I’ve worked out most of the permutations of the
ell, but it’s possible that I’m dead wrong, and you’re sitting there, wondering what I’m
on about. Ah well, on to the next chapter. You should have at least seven ways to heal
yourself available, and quite frankly, if you master them all, I can’t imagine how you could
possibly be hurt. e first one, that I sincerely hope you already know, is the Water way.
You can turn a wounded body part to water and reassemble it to a healed one. Now, as
my studies of the phenomenon are a bit less than conclusive, the method is aually more
successful at avoiding damage by allowing the damage to happen to a body of water. e
Chapter 28 — e Carpenter said nothing but “Cut us another slice: 419

water will allow any violence to just dissipate, and you can turn it back to a solid state
without having it affeed at all...”
Harry paused the memory and exited the Pensieve. He could only take one bottle
of memories out of the bank at any one time, but there was so much to learn in each
one. Some of his mother’s guesses were more than a little off, but her explanations helped
him understand the basic mechanics of his various traits, and he was already learning
more than he even knew possible. He had learned that Hank, his Dragon shape, wasn’t
an Animagus shape at all, and neither were the two shapes he had learnt about from his
mother. He could now turn into a fairly large, black wolf that he called Laddie, just because,
and a huge brown bear, now called Bear — which had sent Tonks into hysterics.
Sometimes he wondered about her.
He had an Animagus shape inside of him, he knew that, but to find it, he would have
to go through the regular training.
e Sunday following the most eventful Saturday had been a lot of fun. He had learned
that the sense of humour varied greatly between the ecies in Otherton. Goblins found
surprising financial loss to be most entertaining, and if it was due to the individuals own
stupidity, it was hilarious. e Huldr’s idea of humour never rose above the waist, unless
boobs were involved, and the Giants were more oriented towards body funions. Telling
a Vampire that something sucked was a bad idea, as there were thousands of jokes with
that as a punchline, and none of them were funny. Werewolves were like most people,
but the enforced poverty had le most of them in lower-class social circles. ere were
some great stand-up comedians among them. All in all, he had met a lot of good people
that day, and he had learned that they didn’t, in fa, have any unrealistic expeations of
him. He had given them a chance to live a normal-looking life, and they loved him for
it, just because his name proteed them and they were determined to make it worth his
while. e “Anywere” worker’s pool had apparently started without even Neville knowing
about it, and were currently negotiating on taking over the manual labour in Azkaban,
as the Werewolves were less affeed by the presence of Dementors than humans. ey
were already employed by Abbott Industries, that operated in both worlds, as well as the
Brocklehurst Trading Company. e BTC had suddenly gotten great contras in India
because of that as the Indians used Naga as loaders, and few humans were comfortable in
the presence of the great snake people. e Werewolves didn’t mind, and the Naga liked
them. When word had gotten out about Harry’s involvement with the Weres, the deals
between BTC and its Indian counterpart suddenly became longer, to the satisfaion of all
involved. e people in Otherton had made it rather clear to him that he had their loyalty.
If they could help him, they would. Every time he thought of the financial power he had
now, his head just un. He tried to bring his thoughts back to today’s objeive.
He sat down in a conveniently materializing comfy chair and pondered the last les-
e most interesting thing this time was the whole touch telepathy thing. He had used
it a few times, but it had been instinive. With a bit of control, it could bypass the heaviest
Occlumency shielding, and even be used to replace Obliviation. e problem was finding
someone on which to praice, but he decided to try the mind-reading ae out as soon as
the opportunity presented itself. With almost narrative prediability, the door opened.
420 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Hello Daphne. What brings you here?”
“Tracey said you might like to shag someone to within an inch of their lives, so I
thought I should volunteer. It sounds like fun, and I do know what to expe.”
e petite blonde entered. She didn’t wear much under her robe, which she shed on
the floor very quickly. Her flimsy excuse for a bra offered great support, but didn’t hide
anything, and the knickers had a convenient opening that made Harry wonder about the
point of them until he realized that they turned him on, and that she might consider that
a worthy reason for the vague piece of clothing. He could see as she strutted towards him
that her knees bent slightly in the wrong direion, so he assumed that she had used that
rubber potion Tracey had used last time.
She knelt before him and licked her lips.
Without hesitation, she unlaced his trousers and as soon as she had gotten his trousers
off of him, she climbed on top of him with her feet on the armrests of the chair. From
that elevated position, she crouched down onto his cock. He noticed that she had shaved
completely, making the petite girl seem even younger, but the pheromones released by
her flowing juices made him ignore the awkwardness of that. e sensation as her tiny,
tight twat slowly extended to envelop his member was very nice, and her enraptured face
as she slowly slid down his length was incredibly hot. She began to rock back and forth,
and he felt her pulse surround him as she used her body to please him to the best of her
abilities. She was working really hard, using both arms and legs to overcome the friion
of his girth against her potion-enhanced walls, no matter how slippery she was. Her brand
new necklace, adorned with the rune Dagaz in a braided silver strand, shone of sweat and
power as he kept her in ecstasy as she fought for his. She was very energetic, and while
his tension built slowly, it did feel very good indeed, and the room was lit by a fine blue
mist of Passionfire. at was the state of the environment that Professor Aurora Sinistra
stepped into.
To her, it was a shock to all senses. First of all, she knew Daphne. e girl was as clever
as they came, and ambitious to boot, and to see the small girl working so hard to please a
man when she obviously had had her fill was like a revelation. Tit for tat. e Professor
concluded that Harry must have more than pleasure to offer to make Greengrass work so
hard, eecially as Aurora knew about the dynamics in Slytherin house, and Daphne had
never been anyone’s bitch. She was much too independent for that.
Secondly, it was the sight of the little girl in reverse cowgirl on top of such a monstrous
cock. e outline, the bulge of the huge member moving inside her could be clearly seen
on the outside, and such a thing just wasn’t possible. e blue light in the room ambushed
her senses and made her entire body tingle, and she was suddenly jealous of the little girl
who had such a magnificent thing inside her, and without really thinking about it, the
professor began to take off her clothes.
Harry smiled as he used his new skill in touch telepathy to examine the little vixens
mind. Her motivation to come to him was, surprisingly enough, exaly what she had told
him when she had bopped Snape on the head with that pitcher. He was her safeguard in
Slytherin house, and she used this conneion to him in order to ensure her safety. She
Chapter 28 — e Carpenter said nothing but “Cut us another slice: 421

didn’t really take advantage of him, though. She knew that her secure position was due to
her necklace, and that necklace was given to her as she gave herself to the Sorcerer from
Gryffindor. at implied that she should be loyal to him, she would serve him and do her
best to anticipate his needs. She would fuck his brains out as oen as she could, and mind
his best interest. In exchange for that, she had security and a future. To her, it was a great
deal, and one she had volunteered for, and for him, he didn’t give up anything he wouldn’t
have given her for the asking.
When he concluded that he knew all he needed to, he stood up with the small girl
still eared on his member, turned around and began pounding her against the back of
the chair. As he drove into her, pushing her higher with each stroke, he turned to the now
naked professor. She looked great. Her breasts were full and supple, and her nipples looked
hard enough to cut glass. Her bush had seen no razor, but the dense coat of hair was moist,
and as most of Harry’s girls were more or less shaved, it looked quite exotic to him. Her
eyes were locked at his cock, and more precisely, at the point where it disappeared into the
little girl. He reached out his hand towards her, and laced a bit of magic into his voice.
“Come. You want to have a better look, don’t you?”
In a daze, she approached and knelt beside him. Hesitantly, she reached out with her
hand and cupped the little girl’s breast with one hand and the magnificent male’s balls
with the other. She moved that hand to the girl’s clit as he slowly pulled out of her. e
professor couldn’t believe the sight of it. Inch aer inch were pulled out, and it never
seemed to end. As the head finally became visible, she couldn’t help herself but to pounce
and take it in her mouth. Harry smiled indulgently, and pushed his hand into Daphne’s
little pussy, enjoying the stretching feeling around his hand as well as she enjoyed the
different kind of stimulation. Using the telepathic conta, he gave her a couple of orders,
and he could feel her mental smile in reonse. Almost bonelessly, thanks to the potion,
she slid out of the chair as Harry morphed himself even bigger and much more muscular.
He grabbed the dazed professor, lied her up and put her in the chair facing him. He
leaned forward, allowing her to take his crown in her mouth, and her experience showed as
she immediately followed with her hands, giving him a fantastic blow job. Daphne crawled
in between his legs, and her Head of House made an interesting start as the little girl parted
the Professor’s bush with her tongue. When the older woman was close to coming, Harry
pulled out of her mouth, trailing his cock down her body to her soaked pussy as Daphne,
always prepared, poured her are dose of the potion down her Professor’s throat. When
the interesting wobble that indicated a successful dosing had passed, Harry pushed into
her, making her howl in a powerful, extended orgasm as the pressure of the giant member
inside her refused to let her down again. With a vicious gleam in her eyes, Daphne licked
the older woman’s breasts for the full two minutes that Harry kept her going from peak to
peak without rest. Finally, Harry couldn’t hold it in any more, and he pulled out, letting
his thick ropes coil over both women’s faces, and Daphne’s darting, pink tongue caught
as much as she could. Professor Sinistra was utterly ent, completely tamed as the sixth-
year girl licked her face and breasts clean of semen. She tried to stand again and again,
but her body refused to obey. Harry, who had buckled to the floor as well managed to
stand up before she could even move a muscle, and he helped her up with a strong grip
with his powerful arms.
“So, Professor,” he said with a dazzling smile, “is there anything else I can do for
422 Midnight Sun — Vanir

He was quite impressed when the hot, sweaty, and still quite sticky Professor smiled
and began questioning him. He decided that he liked her. at was play and this was
business. She deserved to be Head of Slytherin House.

* * *
She should have blown up by now, but with the Bond constantly reassuring her, she didn’t.
Aer Arching to the Burrow on Saturday, she told her mother about the latest development
in her life, and prediably enough, her mother had gone completely off the scale. She had
more or less expeed that. What she hadn’t expeed was to be grounded. Of course, she
could Arch out again, or Harry could break down the wards, and Stina could even carry
her through the locked Home wards from the pond in the back, but Harry had suggested
she try to endure it and find a more peaceful solution. She found it very easy to do, once
her Master had told her what to do. Mrs Weasley was on the Floo again, trying to find
yet another medical authority to tell her that the Bond couldn’t be broken, and that it was
no illness to be cured from. It was simply a fa. Ginny took it in stride, and took her
time to revel in the sensation of the Bond. e other girls had known about Bonding
like a fa of life, and only Stina hadn’t expeed something like that to happen, even if
she, too, had known about it. She just hadn’t expeed it ever to happen to her. It was
something the two of them had in common that the others couldn’t understand whether
they shared memories or not. Ginny and Gabrielle shared something else. ey were
both quite young, and their love was tinged with Hero-worship as their master had saved
them both, even if Gabrielle hadn’t really been in danger. Ginny had, and Harry had slain
a real monster for her. at memory was very comforting to Jorunn, with whom she
shared another thing. Ginny’s experience with the diary was very close to Jorunn’s fear
of going fully feral, and with Ginny’s memories of that time, Jorunn was reassured that
Harry could deal with anything, whether he wanted to or not. Of course, Jorunn’s worries
were shrinking more and more, as feral Huldr did quite okay in Otherton. With Disa,
Ginny shared a relaxed kind of love. With the bond had come a strange realisation. She
understood why boys had hounded her since the onset of puberty. She, little Gin-Gin, was
smoking hot. She was drop dead sexy and suddenly, Ginny understood all the annoying
stares and occasional stalkers. With Harry, there was none of that. She, like Disa, was very
happy with her inherent hotness, but Harry didn’t keep them around for that alone. He
liked, perhaps loved, them for themselves, and their sexiness was just a bonus. ey were
free to revel in his presence and affeion, like by a fire on a cold day. Life as a Bonded Lady
of Kilchurn was something she really could get used to. Now, however, she had something
to do. She had to talk to her brother. He was currently laying on the floor with his feet
on the couch, reading a book.
“Hello, Ron.”
He closed the book and looked up on her from the floor.
His tone was polite, possibly affeionate, even.
“What are you reading?”
Chapter 28 — e Carpenter said nothing but “Cut us another slice: 423

“A book.”
“What’s in the book?”
She smiled as she recognised a piece from a play they had been forced to read growing
“So, you’re the Prince of Denmark, then?”
He smiled at her.
“Personally, I’d say Bottom. If there ever was a mule-headed bloke, it’s got to be me,
“It looks like you’re doing better. e Ship out back looks almost complete.”
“Some Uneakables have been helping me. ey are very curious. In all senses of
the word, frankly. I think Miss Blue wants to sleep with me, but that’s probably the cuckoo
“e cuckoo?”
“Yeah. at’s what I call the more bizarre impulses I get. As long as I’m aware of
them, they can’t do much damage. You’ve been here a while now. You arrived Saturday,
and unless I’m off again, it’s Wednesday now. What about classes?”
“I’m covered. is last Friday, Harry Bonded me, so I have access to the knowledge
of all his Bonded. Some of my sisters are dead smart.”
“So, you discovered our little Family Secret, then?”
“You know about it?”
“Yes. Mr Green told me about it in their initial survey they made on me. I can’t express
it fully, just bits and pieces, but you just might. It’s sort of funny. Me, the figurehead of
the unthinking bigots, a part-human.”
“So, what are we, then?”
“You’ll figure it out. Aer all, the whole thing might have been the Cuckoo talking
again. Of course, some of the things it says makes sense. We’re about to be attacked.”
He hadn’t even stopped talking when the alarms went off and the sky outside went
orange. at meant, according to the drills they made when they were kids, that the
primary Wards had fallen.
Ginny’s understanding of the situation had a very peculiar effe. e Bond flooded
her mind with rage. Neither Huldr nor Lake Wardens were very big on law-suits. If
someone attacked them, they killed, and those instins poured into the young girl’s mind
and settled nicely. Jorunn’s darker nature, and the bloodlust she tried so hard to control
pushed many of the buttons that Riddle once had installed in Ginny’s mind, and this time,
he wouldn’t like it.
e young redhead, her mind full of rage and fire, looked at her brother.
“Let’s kill ’em.”
With a rather feral grin, he reonded.
“Let’s make all the little pieces regret the idea to attack us.”

* * *
424 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Yo! umbs out of wherever, and combat ready two minutes ago. ere’s an attack in the
making at the Burrow, Ottery St. Catchpole in Devon. e latest Bonded is visiting her
family there. Jocke, you’re in charge.”
“Just pull your undies out of your ass-crack, Björn. If you run to the arch, you might
beat us there. We’re coming.”
e Einharjers assembled their combat gear with the swi and economical moves of
the well-trained soldier, and within twenty seconds, thirty men and women were running
for the Arch.

* * *
It was easy with the support of the Bond. e first black-clad intruder had caved with his
ribcage, as her blasting curse hit home. She had always been magically strong, but this
was insane. ey had told her she would be enhanced by the Bonding, but this was just
unbelievable, she thought as she cast Alohomora at an attacker and watching his chest
tear itself open. Ron was right beside her, mostly shielding but also casting piercing hexes
with great accuracy. Ginny was beginning to feel hot, and she noticed through the Bond
that the Einharjers were less than a minute out. In her battle-frenzied mind, that became
a need to kill all of the attackers before others came and snatched them away from her,
and she began using cutting curses, severing limbs and opening stomachs all over. Of the
originally twenty attackers, less than half were on their feet, but the remaining ones weren’t
stupid. ey used decoys, conjured birds and iders to distra them, and an illusion of
a great big snake made Ginny pause for a second. In a battle, a second is a very long time.
It is definitely long enough for a quick and disillusioned attacker to flank a shielded front
and bring his wand to bear. As Ginny got her composure back, she didn’t see the faint
ripple to her le, and it didn’t make a single sound until it revealed itself and oke.
Ginny saw the fire curse conne with her chest, and she could almost see how it
burned through her light summer dress, hitting her white skin. To the sound of her
brother’s deranged laughter, her torso caught fire.
Chapter XXIX

I wish you were

not quite so deaf;

e fire read across her skin, and she watched it in horror at first. e bloody geezer had
set her on fire! It burned her, consumed her clothes and caught her hair. From her hair, it
seemed to inflame her brain, because it was suddenly ablaze with homicidal fury.
It aually felt quite nice!
She looked at the smug Death Eater, pointed at him and Hated. His clothes promptly
burst into flames, but apparently he didn’t like it as much as she did, judging by the
bubbling scream he polluted the air with as his face melted in the intense heat suddenly
surrounding his body. She smiled and turned to face the other attackers, walking slowly
towards them while absently defleing the stray incoming curses with some kind of silvery
shield. She felt the remaining Wards tickle her as she le their reach and started her fiery
counter-attack. Vaguely remembering that love conquers all, she grabbed the nearest,
paralysed attacker and hugged him. She held the larger man in her unyielding arms as
his clothes caught fire and the air started to stink of burned flesh. She didn’t release him
until his ribs were well and truly grilled, his skin was black, and his eyes were empty,
smoking holes.
One bright attacker aimed a water jet towards her, and the resulting rolling clouds of
fog blanketed the area in seconds, and the only thing that could be clearly seen through it
was the bright orange flame that used to be a little girl called Ginny. She squinted at the
fog. ere were others in there, others who needed to burn. Suddenly, the fog seemed
to clear for her, and she could see multi-coloured shapes where she sueed the people
to be, and she began to hunt. e shapes ran into each other trying to get away from
her, and she laughed as she caught them one by one. She noticed the arrival of almost
a hundred more shapes but something told her that they were friendly, so she chose not
to Hate them. As her burning foot seared its way through the last ribcage, a mighty gust
of wind dielled the fog, and Ginny’s vision returned to normal, as did her temper. She
looked at the assembled ranks of Einharjers, Legionnaires, and Huldr, smiled, and waved.

426 Midnight Sun — Vanir

She heard her brother still chuckling behind her, and turned to look at him. He was sitting
on the ground, closing a wound on his calf and laughing.
“Ginny, you’re quite a sight, you know. ankfully, you don’t have the serpent quality
of our foremother, but you’re still the hottest babe in Britain, I’d bet. Try to put out the
flames if you can. ink wet thoughts or something.”
For a second, she thought that her brother had gone completely chocolate cauldron,
but then she looked down on herself and she had to admit that she did look hot. Positively
smoking, in fa. Red flames crossed her skin in random waves, rippling over her in
patterns that formed and dissolved instantly. Somewhat inconsequently, she realised that
she was stark naked in front of a hundred people, and arranged the flames to form a kind
of swimsuit of fire that at least obscured her salient points. She had no idea how she did it,
but she let the flames die down excepting the fiery one-piece and her hair that persisted in
flickering and flaming in the gentle breeze. ere was a creaking sound behind her. She
turned to the Burrow and her mother, who had just opened the door.
“Gi ... Ginny? Is that really you?”
“Yes Mum. is appears to be the real me, and it’s what I’ve always been. I like it.”
“I ... see. Do you know what you are? I’ve never seen anything like it ... you ... Oh,
you know what I mean.” e matronly woman was shocked and flustered, but she smiled
at the crowd as they sniggered a bit at her consternation.
“I don’t have a clue. Ron? You know things, don’t you?”
“Why yes, I do, sister dear. Mount Everest is bloody high. I know many other things
as well. Was there something ecial?”
“Git. What am I?”
“You’re, well, all Weasleys are, part Efreet. It’s some kind of desert fire irit, of the
Djinnih family. Fiery, vindiive, and some can fulfil wishes. I’d guess our fore-mother
had something of a knack for fertility. It’s tied to something called a chromylome or
something like that, meaning that only girls can get the whole package, because half of
blokes’ chromylomes are the wrong kind. We’re Hetero-gay-mates, I think it was, and all
girls are Homo’s. I guess you can tell that I didn’t really get it.”
“But pumpkin, if you’re Homo, how can you be pregnant?”
At this, Johann Schweitzer, the Legionnaire medic, stepped forward.
“Lady Weasley, Homogametic means that both the gender chromosomes are the same
kind. at’s basically how your bodies know that you’re female. It’s quite complicated, but
it’s basic knowledge for Muggle healers. Why don’t you all come with us back to the Castle
and I’ll tell you all about it when I can hold a proper leure. Rooms are ready.”
e clipped, but friendly words of the German wizard seemed to set the almost patho-
logically maternal woman at ease, but it was the stocky Einharjer who won her over, as
Björn filled in.
“You might wish to leave here for a few hours anyway. ere’s a lot of le-over
barbecue here that needs to be cleared away, and we really should get your eldest here
so he can put some proper Wards up, ones with teeth. Lord Potter will, of course, wish
Chapter 29 — I wish you were not quite so deaf; 427

for all his children to know the closest thing he has to a real family, so the place needs
to be safe.”
at cemented the whole thing as far as Molly was concerned. Her daughter’s preg-
nancy was a more or less horrible thing, but the proe of Grandchildren? Pure gold.
e notion that Harry, the dear boy, would consider her a grandmother to all his chil-
dren almost bowled her over, seeing as she knew that he would have loads of them. Well,
she would certainly show the world who the world’s greatest Granny was! In less than a
minute, she had an overnight bag in her hand and a note for her husband on the table.
Another minute later, Ron and Ginny were alone at the Burrow.
Ron stood up, carefully testing his leg and smiling when it seemed to work. He turned
to his still flickering baby sister in the flaming one-piece fire suit.
“Bloody hell, Ginny, you really showed those bastards. You okay?”
Ginny stopped and thought about it. It wasn’t as simple a question as it sounded.
“Yes, I am. It’s sort of funny, really. I just killed some people and I know I should be
all angsty, but I just can’t feel sorry for them. It’s not that they attacked me or you or the
Burrow, but if I die, my Master would be upset and I can’t allow that.”
Ron grinned, in a slightly disturbed way.
“It would be against his Wishes, I’d bet. You really are the dream girlfriend, aren’t
“I’ll be the ideal mother of his children, anyway. I’ll better get back. You want to
come? I’m sure Harry wouldn’t mind.”
He waved her off.
“Nah, I’m good. I have a ship to finish. Once it’s ready, I’d like to come visit you, if
I may?”
“Sure. I’ll tell Stina to expe a ship in her Loch sometime.”
“anks, Sis. Now, get back home and just be pregnant. You’re still burning, you
know that?”
“Damn. I’ll figure it out, I guess. At least it’s not my whole body anymore. See you
around, big brother.”
“See you, Sis.”
As the Arch carried her away, Ron returned to his work. Some more grappling
guns and cannons might just be a good idea. He winced as something smarted in his
repaired leg, and reminded himself to ask Mr Brown for some kind of automatic Healing
equipment. He also added bedding Ms Blue to his mental checklist. He may not be quite
as insane as he thought, but he had a lot of fun with it.

* * *
428 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Harry trusted the people who called himself His people, and he still trusted the people in
the Order to have made the Burrow safe, but it didn’t sit well with him to have a Bonded
under attack and just stay in school. His communicator had already told him that the
battle was over, that Ginny had fought off the entire thing before the back-up arrived, and
that his Bonded was a very hot girl.
He didn’t really understand why the last part had been added.
He knew she was, but he would no doubt learn what it was all about eventually.
Right now, he was aually supposed to be a bit more concerned about the magical
polarity of Jupiter, and the lance of magical energy that apparently shot out from the red
ot. Well, he was supposed to be quiet as well. Madam Pince had been glaring at him a
few times already just because of the girls who kept staring at him and giggling too loud.
It wasn’t his fault!
e only thing he could really do about the situation at the Burrow was to bump up
the destruion of Riddle and his supporters a few places on his timetable. He’d have to
talk to Neville about that. Well, that would probably have to happen a little later, seeing
as his girls had broken the Longbottom’s out of the long term ward at St. Mungo’s. As the
healers had voiced some rather unattraive opinions of the abilities of ’domestic animals’,
the girls had simply grabbed the debilitated couple and Arched out. Stina had aually
prepared a eech for him to use if someone complained about it. Having a Bonded with
a mind like the biggest notebook in existence did have its perks.
“Eh, Harry? I’m sure the Professor can read it, but it’s customary to use English in
your essays, except of course in Ancient Runes, and even there, the usual format for the
text is the normal alphabet unless the essay is supposed to highlight the expressive forms
of various other written languages. In case you can’t tell, you’re writing in Norse, using the
modern Runes that aren’t even taught here.”
“anks Hermione. I’m a bit distraed right now, and I aually didn’t notice. Have
you heard anything from the grapevine?”
“No, not really. ere are some rumours about the whole Armies of Magic, that’s the
new popular name for your troops, launching an attack somewhere. I’ve not tried very
hard to squash those rumours, but I’ve indicated that it was just a small expeditionary
force moving out on a drill or something. ere’s nothing solid going on there. What’s
really happening?”
“Someone tried to take out Ginny and her family. ose we care about are safe, those
we don’t care about are dead. at’s pretty much all I know.”
“What about the other Bonded?”
“ey’re all safe and home. ere’s a bit of a proje going on, and they’re all calm
concerning Ginny. You wouldn’t believe the rage they went into during the attack, until
Stina and my own mental guardian more or less shut me out of the proceedings. Appar-
ently, I need to learn to trust the people close to me to be able to do their jobs without me
hanging over their shoulders.” He stretched and groaned a bit. “Have you seen Daphne or
Pet Tracey around? I need to relax, I think.”
He knew that it was a fairly mean thing to do as he heard her breath hitch a bit, and he
smiled to himself as he almost could hear her nipples contra. She answered slowly.
Chapter 29 — I wish you were not quite so deaf; 429

“No, not for a while. If you don’t mind waiting an hour or two, I guess I could find
them, but there might be other ways to work off some tension closer at hand.” Her voice
was a low purr, and her offer couldn’t be more obvious if she had painted a sign in six
languages — with moving illustrations. It fit rather well into his hastily concoed plan, so
he rose from the chair and summoned a bunch of old and rare tomes to his study-table and
discreetly put some powerful but ecific attention-repelling charms over the immediate
area. He also made sure that she didn’t notice them at all before he grabbed her and laid
her down on her back on top of the books.
“Don’t worry about the books. ey’re Indestruible for the moment.” He whiered
to the brown-haired witch with the glazed eyes. Her breathing was heavy as he Switched
her clothes off her body, making them fly through the air but keeping them inside the
warded ace. He saw her looking around through the shelves of the library, looking for
people who could see them, and as he noticed her disappointment at the lack of such, he
craed a couple of illusions, making it sound like there was someone just on the other side
of the nearest shelf and making illusory people walk by, just out of sight. As the almost
orgasming witch was naked in front of him, he started to untie his trousers slowly. He felt
more than a little silly doing it, but her eyes, fully dilated, dark with passion and desire
made it worth it. As he penetrated her, unobtrusively morphed down as she didn’t have
her potion, she arched her back, trying deerately to orgasm as quietly as possible and
failing quite a bit. As Harry drove into her again and again, slowly but steadily, Hermione
was forced from peak to peak but Harry just kept going. He was distraing himself by
craing illusions of unidentifiable people stopping by and staring at the couple coupling
in the library. He was rather proud of his image of Madam Pince, but Hermione had had
her eyes closed just then and missed the whole thing. It was better than perfe, though,
when Professor Sinistra — the real one — came by. at was one of the ecific parts of
the wards he had used. e Head of Slytherin House was made aware of the nature and
reason for the wards, and encouraged to partake somewhat, and she was.
“Please, Mr. Potter, tell me what this is supposed to mean?”
He his his smile as he felt Hermione tense up at the obvious presence of a Professor.
He also felt her getting even wetter as he turned his head to look into the merrily dancing
eyes of the Astronomy Professor.
“I believe it’s an exercise in Field Dynamics, Professor,” he deadpanned as the professor
looked at his attempts at an essay.
“I see. You postulate that Jupiter ejes its vital energy through the ot to relieve
internal pressure?”
“ere are many similar instances in the universe, don’t you agree, Professor?”
“ere are, but rarely to such an impressive extent. e sheer size of the ejeing
mechanism must be most impressive. What do you think, Miss Granger?” e professor
turned to the naked, sweaty, and thoroughly impaled girl on the table without letting on
that anything was out of the ordinary. Hermione tried her best to answer in kind, but
Harry chose that moment to turn her on her side, making sure he hit her ot with every
stroke, and letting his Fire touch her gently at the same time.
“I’d agree ... that the ej ... ejeing device is ... the greatest of it’s ... kind in the ...
solar system.”
430 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Harry couldn’t contain his slight snort at the perfe double entendre, and he could
tell that the Professor was impressed as well, and also that she was getting turned on at a
brisk pace. e absurd situation, and the smells from both women were coming close to
overpowering him, but he did feel that his task was done. He decided to relax and just go
with the flow. Once he let his control go, he began building inside Hermione’s wetness at
an almost alarming rate, something that the Professor picked up on.
“I see. You’re as usual most knowledgeable of such matters, Miss Granger. Would you
agree that harvesting the ejeed mass would be beneficial?” e adult woman asked with
interest as she smirked a bit at Harry and licked her lips.
“Oh, very much ... so. ... Undoubtedly ... beneficial. Needs testing.” Hermione smiled
too, as the professor quickly bent down over the schoolgirl and dislodged the pulsing
member from her opening, popping it into her mouth. As the talented and skilled woman
showed the young man the value of experience, Hermione rolled off the table, and as Harry
unloaded into Professor Sinistra’s eager mouth, Hermione was right there, catching the
overflow. As the ent young man sank down on the chair again, the girl and the woman
met in a nice sharing kiss before the Professor stood and straightened her robes and le
without a word. Harry raised his hand and let his Magic flow, returning the books and
clearing the air, removing all traces of the proceedings from the area before taking the
wards down.
“Yes, Mia?”
“at was brilliant. ank Tonks or Stina for me, will you? Which one was it, by the
“Tonks is guarding Percy today, and Stina is busy in the Loch. She has a very difficult
proje right now.”
“But ... Who was ... You’re not saying ... ?”
“at, my dear Hermione, was Professor Aurora Sinistra. e very same professor
who taught us all about conjunions between Jupiter and Uranus since our first year here.
e real professor. You kissed her.”
He silenced the area quickly. If Hermione were banned from the library for having a
howling, instant orgasm, she would be heartbroken. But it was fun.

* * *
“Please tell me you’re not joking?”
“Oh, come on, Nev. You know me better than that. We’re born hours apart, I trust
you more than any other man in the world, you’re the closest thing I have to a brother, and
you can have your parents back. I need you, mate. I’d be lost in the dark without you, but
Stina thought she could Heal your parents, so once we were sure they wouldn’t be hurt by
it, the girls busted them out of the hoital and got them into the Loch. e process went
perfely, and I’ve set them up in a house in Micronesia — I’ve forgotten the name of the
island — and made an Arch conneion. You’re still the Lord, though. Once the title is
Chapter 29 — I wish you were not quite so deaf; 431

lost, there’s no going back, I’m told. Anyway, why don’t you go see your folks? If you bring
your Gran, do remind her to dress cooler, though.”
Neville, Lord Longbottom, looked like someone had slapped him with a freshly caught
trout, and as he turned and le, he missed the door and banged his shoulder, but he didn’t
really notice. A new chapter was being written in the Book of Longbottom. He wondered
absently how it would end.

* * *

Dear Master Fafnersson.

I hope this letter finds you in good health, and far away from us.
My name is Chon’z, and I represent the Council of Ebon Shades. e
council was formed by beings of Darkness, but not malevolence, as a
way for us to support each other in the struggle for survival that ells
denying our natures.
Much like your lovely and delightful Huldr, we are what we are, and
what we are, are predators with humans for prey. Unfortunately, our
feeding and hunting is far less pleasant than theirs, as I believe you have
experienced personally, something I deeply regret, as I confess to being
there myself. I also apologise for the state of this letter. Stationary is very
hard to come by for us, and owls will not come near us, which yet again
proves their intelligence. As we are incapable of verbal eech, and our
dexterity leaves much to be desired, communication of any kind is very
On behalf of the Council, I wish to thank you for your successful treat-
ment of the Ministerial slime mold infestation called Fudge. His replace-
ment is far superior, and we do know good Bones when we see them.
Unfortunately, we are forbidden from containg any ministry represen-
tatives by the terms of our employment, but that also prevents us from
raising the point to the ministry regarding their breach of said contras.
We are starving to death.
As Emotivores, we need a constant supply of powerful emotions to sur-
vive, but with the breakouts and shielding of prisoners that has been hap-
pening lately, we are a diminishing breed. Almost a fih of our numbers
have already starved to death, and the majority was recently all in favour
of joining the Dark Lord, just to get nourished. Today, however, You, Sir,
are a far superior alternative for allegiance. We no longer have any inter-
est in maintaining our ties to the Ministry for Magic, and we humbly ask
for your acceptance and assistance in procuring a safe, alternative food
source. e Council promises its full support, both in the political arena
and as foot soldiers in a possible armed confli. We realise your forces
might be somewhat reluant to go to battle at our side, but we have very
432 Midnight Sun — Vanir

little pride in such rees and are willing to back down. However, like
the Huldr, we do have perfe control of our Darker side if only we’re
being fed. An escorted walk through a Muggle town should do nicely,
as no one person will be near us long enough to suffer the effes of our
presence, but the emotive concentration would be high enough for us to
thoroughly gorge ourselves.
We do not only promise the support of my kind, of course. e Ghouls
will assist you, as will the Beachcombers, the Kelpies, and the Banshees.
e assorted Sperals, primarily the Umbers but others as well are firmly
on your side already, but we do ask for the favour of assistance in return.
is will not tax your resources overmuch, we believe, and we do have
enough gold to compensate any accidental viim, although anything
like the Sanguinarias will likely never happen. An emissary of a different
ecies is ready to negotiate for us. She has our trust, and while she may
not be able to fully suppress her natural weapons against humans, we
expe them to be a negligible threat to someone of your stature. Rest
assured, she mean you no harm.
It has been suggested to me that we should just give you the bare fas,
and leave the decision to you, and so I shall.
Your servant,
Elder of Azkaban
e Dementor’s Lair
Harry read the letter again. It was written on a kind of parchment he really didn’t want to
know the origins of, and the brownish ink was all too easy to identify. e buzzard that
delivered it to him had also been a strong clue that something very odd, even for him, was
going on. He summed his thoughts up, eloquently and masterly.
“Wha ...?”

* * *
“Oh, just SHUT UP! I don’t care who ate who’s grandpa, or whatever indigestion he caused.
We’re all in Otherton now, and that’s supposed to mean something. Personally, I don’t care
about your colour, shape or body hair, but I recognise childish tantrums anywhere, and I
can see that fools are fools, no matter what ecies they are born to. Now, you all know
what happened. I know the Lord, and he would never ask us for help, but he has made the
point to me that our businesses and success is power, and I move that we use that power
to help him. Is there any one against that?”
It was easy to dismiss Lavender Brown. e makeshi Commerce council of Otherton
would never make that mistake again. Istvan, the gaunt Siberian Giant who just had a little
girl standing on his knees and shouting in his face would never forget the amount of threat
her eyes had conveyed. He had to admit that his life had improved greatly since he and
his clan started their quarrying and construion company. Rock’n’roll Building employed
Chapter 29 — I wish you were not quite so deaf; 433

Giants from all over the world, and they got along just fine, with the smaller, smarter one
doing the planning and fine work, and the larger, less bright doing the large scale stuff.
e Bolivian Government were employing them to put the Orichalcum mines back in
business, and that made the money roll into their vaults. e Vampires, represented by the
frail-looking Lady Lacrimosa, who chose her name when she was much too impressed by
her own coolness, had to admit that the little girl had chilled her blood. Her own company,
Street Light Modelling Agency, made good money as well, even though they mostly dealt
with Muggles. Otherton was a very relaxing place to live. It was nice to have a crypt to
call home.
ese sentiments were echoed in the heads of all the present representatives, and they
all seemed rather shocked at just how many they were. None would be against the most
energetic Miss Brown.
Istvan oke up.
“I say we help little Lord. I not know how, but you tell me what to do, and Rock’n’roll
will do.”
“We at Anywere are right with you, too.”
And the list went on, until only Gringott’s had held back slightly, as they couldn’t
provide much more than passive assistance to the other companies, and already were in-
volved in several Monitoring enterprises regarding the remaining Dark elements. How-
ever, Goblins knew how to use money creatively, and proved it as strategies were laid out
to put the Dark-dominated businesses out of said. e meeting continued to arrange a
kind of National Guard, complete with Minutemen and rotating Rapid Reonse teams.
As the meeting drew to close, Lady Lacrimosa oke.
“e Lord is our Lord and rallying point, but this city is really a city in it’s own right
and we need a community leader. I move for making Lavender Brown the first mayor of
Before she even had closed her mouth from the initial shock, the girl who had resigned
herself to staying a nobody with great boobs found herself a part-time Mayor of the oddest
town on Earth.

* * *
Ginny was not having a very good day. e flames just refused to go out. She had searched
inside herself and found some things, some abilities she hadn’t really noticed before, and
some of them affeed the fire. She could alter the colour, she could alter the temperature,
but she couldn’t make it go away. Once, when she really concentrated, she had turned into
some kind of burning snake-like thing that hovered, and it could possibly have flown, too,
if she hadn’t slammed into a wall at the first opportunity. She had made good use of the
Bond, learning the mechanisms involved in the Animagus transfiguration and some of the
self-adapting tricks employed by the Lake Wardens, but it didn’t help her bring the flames
down. e best she had been able to do was to leave the fire free in her hair, and bring the
temperature down to just a bit over room temperature. is enabled her to wear clothes,
but her flickering hair was a real nuisance. What really shocked her, and apparently her
mother as well, was the Press. ey had a little tent village right outside the Castle, and
434 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Ginny hadn’t even known there were so many Wizarding papers. As she had Arched to
a ot a few hundred meters from Kilchurn Castle just because she loved the view, she
would have been completely bogged down if a guard of Legionnaires hadn’t showed up.
e stinking smoke of the Wizarding Timeflashes was thick in the air, and questions were
hurled at her from several dozen direions at once, and in at least four languages.
“Miss Weasley, were you hurt?”
“Mrs Potter, how many did you kill?”
“Ginny, look this way!”
“Miss Weasley, Holzman, Well-Spelled News, how long have you been non-
e last one cracked her up. She decided to stop for a second.
“How long? How long do you think?” she asked with a smile. “Somewhere in my
ancestry, there’s a non-human female. No one knew about this, as the traits are inherited
on the Distaff side only, and I’m the first Weasley daughter in generations. It didn’t
manifest until a Death Dietist tried to set me on fire. He managed it to a thousand percent,
don’t you think?”
“Mrs Potter, Tati, Le Monde Magie, Did you really kill someone in the attack against
your Family home?”
“I did. Please understand that whatever we may look like, none of the Ladies of
Kilchurn are harmless. Harry would never, ever go for just a pretty face. He wants steel
and commitment, and if any one of us is attacked, the steel comes into play. Don’t get me
wrong, We’d love to be relaxed and pampered all day long, but that’s not all we are. We’re
quite capable to deal with a threat, and back-up is always near. Next?
“Miss Weasley, Cara, Teen Witch Weekly, Is it true that there’s a Playsentient Calendar
in the works, and that you’ll be in it?”
“What? No, I really don’t think so, but I’ll ask. It sounds like fun.”
Ginny did notice that her mind seemed to work much faster, and she could ot
some fairly insidious traps ahead of time, and defle them with ease. She stayed with
the slavering horde for almost an hour before excusing herself. e crowd she le behind
was a furiously scribbling one as well as a thoroughly charmed one. Finally, the colleive
mind of the reporters thought, Magical Britain had its own Royal Family. Life was good.

* * *
Neville, Lord Longbottom, Hero of the Battle in the Department of Mysteries, political
strategist, coup-maker, and international man of many talents was scared. e enormity
of it hadn’t really sunk in yet. He had parents again. ey were real again. Frank and
Alice. Mum and Dad.
“Neville? Is that you?” e woman on the sun bed didn’t really look like the deranged
person he had visited so many times. She looked younger and much healthier, and if she
hadn’t been his mother, he would have found her fairly hot as well. He walked up to the
sun bed on the porch of the bungalow.
Chapter 29 — I wish you were not quite so deaf; 435

“Mum? I can’t believe it ... ”

“Come here, my son. It seems you’re very good at choosing friends. I’m still coming
to terms with how much time has passed, and you’re no doubt used to being alone with
Augusta. is will be an interesting time, these next few months.”
“I guess. I have a very important job, but you’re more important. Whenever you need
me, I’ll be there, and I’ll come pestering you when I need it, too. Harry said that this
house is yours for as long as you need it, and England is just an Arch away. Mind the time
difference, though.”
“Was Augusta right? You’re one of the main movers in the Wizengamot, one of the
few who rules the country? And what’s all this about you having a Fiancé and a slave girl?
Everything is so confusing.”
“Where’s Dad? I think you both needs to hear the long, complicated, bizarre and
hilarious story of one Harry Potter. It won’t clear anything up, but at least you’ll know
more than most of what’s happening.”
“He’s on the Floo, looking for work. is can’t be cheap, and we won’t be able to afford
it for ...”
“Mum? is place is owned by the richest man in Britain, the true heir of Merlin
and about three books worth of other titles that he doesn’t care about. e House of
Longbottom is a Vassal house to the House of Kilchurn, and he does take care of his
vassals. Didn’t Gran tell you?”
“I thought she didn’t want to worry us. Are you saying it’s true? Little Harry is more
or less the Magical King of Britain?”
“Pretty much. Not to brag, eh, oh yes, just to brag, that makes me like the prime
minister. I guess you’ll meet his Ladies before you meet him, though. Ah, this is all in the
wrong order. Okay, let’s start. It was on my first train ride to school ... ”

* * *
Harry had given up. It was almost midnight, and he was wrung out. He hadn’t even
seen Ginny yet. He had been assured that she was just fine, and he had been so busy.
She was his Bonded, possibly the mother of his child and he hadn’t even been able to
visit her the day she had been attacked, had killed, and had changed. His body now
ached for his high-backed chair, some mead and a peaceful cuddle. ere was so much
happening all the time, and he had had some tugs on his magic that he believed to be
Luna doing something. He kept up with his homework thanks to Gabrielle and the others
studying for him and dumping the knowledge into his brain and Neville’s absence was
highly understandable, but there were so many decisions to make over so many things that
Harry felt like a complete failure on the management side. He stumbled up from the Arch
chamber and crashed into his chair with an incredible lack of grace. He forced himself
to relax in the dark room, watching the glowing embers on the hearth when he heard
light footfalls behind him, and he deteed two slim figures approaching. He also noticed
that the walls had begun to flicker lightly. Gabrielle slid out of her light silk gown and
sat down gracefully in his lap and began kissing his jaw lightly as Ginny stopped in front
436 Midnight Sun — Vanir

of him. She was already naked, and the glow from her soly burning hair bathed them
all in gentle, reddish light. e only sounds in the room were the light crackling sound
from the fading embers in the fireplace, and the light sound of Gabrielle’s kisses. Ginny
looked amazing. She smiled at him, and burned a little brighter as she began posing for
him. He already knew how agile she was, but her ability to bend forward, put her hands
on the floor, make a handstand and flip over to a standing position again without moving
more than two feet forward was astonishing, and looked quite impossible. She proceeded
to bend backwards, until she was aually reaching forward between her legs and putting
her palms on the floor again, and in a fluid movement she landed on her hands and knees,
slowly crawling towards him. e burning girl undid his trousers, pulled them off of him,
and Gabrielle sank down on him. With one girl squeezing his member inside her in a
gentle rhythm and another caressing his balls while they both were kissing him, Harry
really relaxed. Gabrielle didn’t ride him, she just used her fantastic Veela muscles to give
him an internal wanking. As he drew close aer almost twenty minutes, Gabrielle rose a
bit, and Ginny took him inside her with a twisting motion that sent him over the edge.
As he had had time to build, he came quite a lot, but she kept every drop inside of her as
both girls snuggled into him.
“Yes, Ginny?”
“If you make one crack, just one, about how hot I’m looking, or anything related to
a redhead joke, I will hurt you.”
“I look forward to you trying. ere’s just no way I can leave it alone.”
“Damn. I had to try.”
“I know.”
“Honey, I’m a burning snake. Is that a problem?”
“I don’t know. I’m opening negotiations with the Dementors. Being in love with a
burning snake is par for the course, I guess.”
“at’s a very strange course.”

* * *
Two hours later, he was back in school. He had even been able to pull a bit of Stina’s
ability with words to lace his astronomy essay with more double entendres than a sleazy
romance novel. Now though, he was hammering away at some long steel bands. One of
the funnier things in magical metalwork was the possibility to forge Shrunken things. e
Astrolabium he was working on would be almost two hundred yards across when it was
re-enlarged, and thanks to some hints from Surt, he had been able to cast Disillusionment
charms into some of the beams as well as the normal Motion enchantments. Right now
though, he was doing the boring parts while his brain was busy dealing with the letter
he had received at dinner. Polite Dementors! Ebon Shades. An emissary. Eecially, an
emissary who would be coming here in just little while. Neville was unavailable, of course,
and he wasn’t about to risk anyone else before he knew more about the situation. Again,
Chapter 29 — I wish you were not quite so deaf; 437

he cursed himself for not even trying to find out more about the whole thing, eecially on
the nature of the emissary ahead of time. He had been very clear in his reonse that this
would be nothing but a meet’n’greet. He had been offered back-up, of course, but he had
only smiled at Björn and allowed his magic to flare a bit, making all the points he needed
to. He was in his own smithy; he had his hammer, sword, and staff nearby. ere wasn’t
much he needed to fear.
e so knock on the door could easily have been missed, but he had been expeing
e door opened, revealing a gorgeous vision of fevered imagination. She was quite
tall, at least a head taller than him, and the iralled horns made her even taller. Her
leathery wings were folded up behind her back, and their black folds contrasted nicely
to her vivid red skin, hid only in ots by a black leather bikini. Very small ots. She
had large breasts and an inhumanly narrow waist followed by long, slender legs and he
was aually surprised that the legs ended in feet instead of hooves until he saw that she
only had two toes on each bare foot. Her sexiness beat against his consciousness like
a sledgehammer, but he didn’t have any real problems ignoring it. Her slim tail moved
sinuously, and the arrowhead point twitched slightly. He searched inside himself and
pulled out the little bits of Veela and similar magics and energized them with a smile.
He may not be very proficient with the alluring magics, but two could play the game. He
was a bit surprised when the entity raised her hands in submission.
“Please, Master Fafnersson, no more. I don’t have the best self-control under ideal
circumstances, and my conscious mind has no intention of attacking you, but Succubi
have very little restraint and I’m trying very hard not to jump you.” Her feminine voice
was breathy and heavy with raw desire, so he immediately relaxed the Allure.
“Succubi? I always thought you were a kind of demon. I also don’t think I’ve ever
heard you described like this, even though I do recognise your appearance.”
“is is my natural appearance. We’re shapeshiers, of course, and I guess the De-
monic reputation is caused by our largest colonies, in Rome and Albion. Priests and
monks are so tasty.”
She smiled, apparently deteing his lack of either ill will or revulsion. She probably
did her best to control her aura, but there wasn’t much she could do, so Harry decided to
be as friendly as he dared.
“So, what’s your name?”
“I am called Amy, normally. Amithriabagdalah is a bit of a mouthful, and I normally
pose as a thoughtless little blonde tart who couldn’t be expeed to ell a longer name.
Drunken rugby players don’t go for the brainy type in their revels, and they usually blame
their aching bodies and their weakness in the morning on the drinking. ey never
mention the nightmares.”
“Rugby players?”
“Yes, ey’re my preferred food source. ey tend to survive. I feed like your Huldr
do, but I need much more on a daily basis, both semen, vitality, and I also need psychic
energy. Men with weak physiques can die even if I’m careful, and men with a lot of
438 Midnight Sun — Vanir

knowledge and imagination tend to suffer more from the nightmares my psychic feeding
induces. I was sent to you as I haven’t killed anyone, and the Succubus community is fairly
well established as non-lethal these days. We like what you’re doing, but we need no help.
Anyway, our nasty cousins do.”
“e Dementors? You’re cousins?”
“Well, we’re emotivores, and our basic nature is fairly malevolent, no matter what we’d
like it to be. However, the Dementors are much more intelligent than we are, unless they’re
driven half insane by hunger. ey’re a cursed race. Once, they were something else, but
these days they have to suffer a dreadful existence. I’ve met Chon’z a couple of times, and
he’s a very refined being, with manners and mannerisms that are truly exquisite. Please,
My Lord, give the poor guy a break. is is where I would normally read my legs, but
I don’t think it’d work on you.” She smiled crookedly, flaunting her selling points in an
exaggerated manner. He couldn’t help smiling at her antics.
“You’re right, it wouldn’t. I’m not exaly starved in that ree. So, you and this
Council want me to make some kind of habitat for the Dementors, and escort them on
brief walks through crowds of Muggles or similar things to let them feed without taking
too much from anyone, am I right?”
“Yes, that’s about it. In return, you’ll get the support of Mankinds colleed night-
mares. Before you ask, yes, I can be a very serious nightmare.” She kept preening to him,
but then she stopped and sighed.
She looked at him longingly, at his shoulders and arms, sweaty and shining in the
light of the forge.
“You sure you don’t want some? I wouldn’t mind some semen right about now. You
can put it anywhere.” She sounded hopeful, but he understood that she didn’t really believe
it. He could also see — and smell — that she was more than a little fidgety.
“I’m quite sure. You’re sexy and all, but this is sort of the first date. I’m sure you
“Not really. I’m not one to let relationships build, aer all. Ah well, there’s always
another athlete somewhere.” She shrugged, and started as he moved quickly towards her,
rounding her and grabbing her full, heavy breasts.
“Perhaps not,” he smiled, as he built a serious bolt of Passionfire and unleached it
into her body. She stood frozen, like from an eleric charge, rather than a sexual, and
her consciousness became drowned in pleasure. us bypassing all defenses, he used his
telepathy to verify her story and he found that she hadn’t lied to him one bit. She really
didn’t mean him any harm, and she really could be a serious nightmare. She also smelled
of cinnamon and lust, and as her juices were lashing on the floor, the scent was almost
overwhelming to him and he gave himself a half promise to try her out some time. When
he had learnt what he needed, he released her.
“Oh my. If you ever want a piece of Darkness in your bed, just let me know. I’ll be
perfely safe for you, I promise.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. I like the wings.”
Chapter 29 — I wish you were not quite so deaf; 439

“anks. I’m rather fond of them myself. Until later, My Lord.”

e Succubus, the unquenchable sex fiend, staggered out the door, followed by the
teenagers smile. It might aually be worth it, dealing with Dementors, to get frequent
conta with such an exotic piece of tart.
Soon aer she had le, Harry did the same. He was in a most peculiar mood, half
exuberant and half pensive, when he found himself cornered by Cho Chang and Marietta
“Um. M-Master Harry? e Goddess isn’t here, and we n-need her ... it ... some-
“Yes, Miss Chang?”
“Er. She said when she le that you ... might be able to ...”
“... Shove my cock up your arse and shag you silly, giving you that divine orgasm you
“Oh, yes, please!”
“Sorry, but I’m busy right now. I think you need to work on your begging.”
440 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter XXX

I’ve had to ask you twice!”

“Sure, Boss. I ain’t not for nothing minding a bit of journeying if I can kick some righteous
ass once I get there. ey ain’t focking hooman. ’T ain’t right, marrying animals. Plowing
them’s a bit all right, but you don’t bring a sheep to meet yer parents, right boss?”
Lord Voldemort was getting a headache. is was not the dumbest person he had
interviewed today. e unwashed brute in a filthy vest and some kind of ridiculous
denim trousers was a useless waste of ace, unless you were planning on harvesting
large amounts of methane, but he was a one. If you got a lot of ones together you had
Numbers, and he really needed Numbers. His search for such Numbers in Europe had
ended badly. Even the proudest of the pure bloods did their best to keep their names out
of Kilchurn’s sights, and he heard the phrase “Magical Heritage” more and more frequently
rather than the “Wizarding Heritage” he had built his organization around. He had gone
to the Colonies hoping to find good, reasonable Wizards who understood the meaning
of inherited greatness, but if one more of these bastards showed him the text on a dollar
coin, there would be green lights all over!
In the past few weeks he had come to realize that “You-Know-Who” was dead. It was
quite ironic. His greatest weapon had always been his reputation, and in the minuscule,
insular world that was the Wizarding one, he had been the next best thing to a superstar or
a Royal. Now, however, the Kilchurn family owned the front pages, the centerfolds, and the
Notices. He had been reduced in the public eye to little more than that annoying Fletcher,
who still managed to make the news every now and then. e public had developed a
craving for news about the small-time crook and all his various shady deals and failures.
anks to that, there wasn’t even a Villain role for the great Voldemort to play anymore,
hence the need for Numbers — stupid Numbers at that. Fortunately, there were so many
stupid people in the American swamplands to recruit from, and he already had a hundred
men and women under his command in the Colonies. e Oalmo Insensita-charm had
been dead useful though. He certainly didn’t miss his nose.
Aer signing the unwashed man, the Dark Lord Voldemort, Scourge of Britain and
an all out bastard, took a break. Potter was weaker now. His mentor had le; the boy was

442 Midnight Sun — Vanir

all alone. He picked up the copy of the Salem Inquisitor again, and re-read the article for
the umpteenth time.

Wizarding Press International November 19, 1996

The Torch Is Passed!

John Evans
Well-known and powerful Sorceror Caradoc Pritchard has departed
from among us and no one knows if, or when, he shall return. Mean-
while, before his departure, he gied all his powers, possessions, titles,
and lands to Harry James Potter, who now steps into the role of Lord
Kilchurn. Already known for surviving where others would not, Mr.
Potter seems well able and trained to assume his new reonsibilities and
e first indication of something extraordinary about to occur came
last night in the form of a notice from Kilchurn okes-wizard Neville
Longbottom to sele members of the press, asking that they be broom-
borne over Loch Awe at dawn the next morning and prepared to follow
the party that would be departing Castle Kilchurn. Further information,
we were told, would be available aer the events we were to witness.
Early the next morning, those of the press who were privileged to receive
invitations assembled in the cold morning light and flew over the far side
of the loch from the castle. As the sun finally cleared the surrounding
hills, the bell in Kilchurn’s highest tower sounded. As the deep peals
rolled over the loch, three shapes took wing from the castle and flew
south as we followed at a distance until the entire party arrived at Stone-
henge and touched down. As we landed on our brooms, we could see
Caradoc Pritchard dismounting from the dragon known as Hank while
Harry Potter dismounted from a silver-hued dragon and Lady Elaine
alighted from a firedrake which promptly resumed its human form as
the Lady Ginevra.
e party moved to the center of Stonehenge, becoming skyclad as they
did so, where the two sorcerers stood facing each other with one Lady
standing second behind each. With simultaneous arm gestures, these
sorcerers created a powerful shielding ward that prevented any closer ap-
proach by the press party as well as proteed it. e two powerful men
talked for a few minutes and then began a powerful ritual. A glowing
nimbus surrounded the entire party, so bright that only shadowy out-
lines of the four individuals could be seen. e glow around the two sor-
cerers then intensified, blinding us. Aer first the glow, then the nimbus
subsided, both men showed equally powerful auras which shrunk into
them as they became fully aware aer the ritual. Bowing to each other,
the two powerful men led the party north-west to the burial mounds, ef-
fortlessly moving their ward with them. At the mounds, they embraced
Chapter 30 — I’ve had to ask you twice!” 443

once again before Caradoc Pritchard appeared to sink into the ground
atop one of the mounds. Mr. Potter dropped the ward and invited us
to join them for the return to Castle Kilchurn via their tranortation
Arch, a far more comfortable means of travel than portkey or floo.
Once back at his home, Harry James Potter held a short press conference
where he explained that Caradoc Pritchard’s role here was finished and
that all of his powers, possessions, titles, and lands had been transferred
to Mr. Potter, who gave an impromptu demonstration that he could
indeed do the same magical as that his mentor had. With this, we were
dismissed to file our stories.
Yet, this story cannot be filed without asking, again, “Who is Caradoc
Pritchard and why did he show up now?” One hint to this answer lies in
the old legends that Merlin rests in the mounds, where Caradoc Pritch-
ard disappeared, until such time as he is needed to prote England. We
have to ask if he did indeed return to properly train Harry James Pot-
ter, as he once trained another young man, in order to properly prote
England? In any case, we can be very thankful that a powerful and well-
trained sorcerer still resides at Kilchurn Castle, ready to defend the Light
and repel the Dark.

* * *
Neville Longbottom was reading the same article for the umpteenth time. It hadn’t been
easy to set up, and they had aually held a dress rehearsal of the whole thing. It was loads
of fun for those involved, as no one outside of their little circuit knew how it was done.
Aer all, Harry had supposedly been in three places at once, and Stina in two. When
he had made an oath that not one of the present people had been under a glamour, the
eculation inside the Kilchurn circle just got wilder, as Elaine and Caradoc couldn’t be
Polyjuiced, being fake forms from the start.
Some days he loved his job, and on other days he just adored it. He had been very
worried that their public image would be horribly damaged if they accepted the Demen-
tors. He couldn’t have been more wrong, and as a side effe he found out how the news
about Kilchurn was aually read. Just about everybody in the magical world had some
kind of conneion to some House-elf, and as the public was incredibly curious, they asked
the elves, and the elves made small and sele leaks of interesting but meaningless details.
Neville made a note to have some kind of coordinating meeting with the Chamberlain as
soon as possible. So far, nothing sensitive had been leaked, but better safe than sorry.
His Aunt-in-law had been most tolerant to some minor violations to this point, and
had been instrumental in some of the necessary legal manoeuvres he had undertaken, but
he really didn’t want to try her patience. Eecially as he and Susan weren’t married yet.
His parents had been over the moon about it all, once they started to get up to eed on
the modern history of the magical world.
His father hadn’t been very sorry to lose the Lordship, and was now gunning for
a peacekeeping job in Otherton. Frank was taking it very seriously, and was currently
444 Midnight Sun — Vanir

studying everything he could on the history and culture of all the various races, and even
the languages. He already oke a passable Gobbledegook, decent Norse for the Wolf- and
Bear-runners, and indecent Norse for the Huldr. He had already been fluent in French,
German, and Spanish, as well as, for some reason, Swedish and Norwegian. In his dealings
with the citizens of Otherton, he even used a different surname, and people was slowly
gaining ree for Frank Croaker as a man who listened and understood, even if he didn’t
Alice was working with her husband and Hermione on writing better books, where
Alice added ecial seions for an Auror edition for Hermione’s Guide to the Sentients,
listing the pros and cons of all the ecies from a law-enforcement point of view. It was,
aer all, possible to sexually assault a Huldr, and such a rape shouldn’t be judged more
leniently just because the viim was a sexual being. Without consent, it’s non-consensual,
aer all. It took her 10,000 words to explain that properly but it had to be done. e
chapter on Lake Wardens ended with a simple urging: “If at all possible, Recruit!” Neville
had sniggered at that. Shapeshiing, invulnerable aurors. ere’s a thought.
He shuffled his papers a bit and found the To-do-list for Christmas. It was going to
be grand. Invites were being sent out to all magical families with children in all of Great
Britain, and Otherton would be transformed to a great Christmas theme park. ere were
enough abilities on weather magic in the town to guarantee snow, and there would be Santa
Claus galore everywhere. With real elves to boot. e waitresses would be gallivanting
around giving out eggnog and hot iced wine to everybody, there would be living theatre
and all kinds of things that Neville had never heard of.
e Huldr were already making sure that there was enough willow planted in pots
to make grow into gis. Aer all, it would only take four Huldr, four potted willows and
twenty minutes to make a whole dining table in one piece of carefully grown wood. Willow
was a fast-growing tree naturally, but when the Huldr bent their wills to the task, it was
incredible. He had a rocking chair made that way in his private chambers in the Castle
himself. e only bad thing with it all was that it hadn’t been his idea.
Lavender had gone from ‘the girl with the boobs’ to a veritable dynamo of social and
economic power. e people had made her the Mayor, and she made sure that they didn’t
regret it. She was everywhere, and Neville realised that he wouldn’t be able to get as much
done as he did without her. Her Boutique had become a place for the rich and famous,
but where there was ordinary clothing for ordinary folks as well, and even the cheapest
clothes looked really good. ere was some Acromantula silk in all the clothing that le
the Boutique, and it had proven to be very resistant to magic, unless it was added while
the silk was still wet. Praically no first-year hexes or jinxes would work through it, and
one of the cornerstones of the business was the summon-proof silk knickers.
ere was also the line of underwear that could only be removed by the person who
put them on, and turned to steel at the first hint of violence. He had heard of married men
who worked around the Huldr who bought undies like that and had their wives dress them
in the morning. He wondered briefly how they went about their visits to the bathroom,
but concluded that he didn’t really need to know.
He leant back for a second. ere was so much to do, so he decided to dilute it all. He
quickly launched his Patronus with a humble request for lunch with his Fiancé. She always
Chapter 30 — I’ve had to ask you twice!” 445

made him feel better in minutes, and her skills in organising came very handy at times. He
could also use another go at talking her out of participation in that calendar thing. She had
agreed to take a more covered approach than the Huldr, but really, that didn’t say much.
Perhaps he should change his own stance? Odd as it may seem at times, he knew the value
of the changed mind in dealing with his future wife. She always got a bit suicious and
changed her own stance in reonse to his. It was odd, but it worked. All in all, he was
having a good time, and he really liked everything did. Life was good. Busy, but good.

* * *

Istvan paused, and wiped the sweat from his brow with the bedread he used for hand-
kerchief. e construion of Sunny Street, the Dementor settlement, was a fairly large
proje, as they apparently preferred a kind of low, square stone hut as personal dwellings,
meaning that the entire construion was in his hands. Mayor Brown had just been there
and complimented the crews on the work done, and that girl had a way of getting the best
out of everybody, and the improvised fashion show, where she modelled the Boutique’s
new colourful Dementor line had been great fun.
Amusingly enough, the giants were oen called upon as translators for the Dementors,
as the poor things couldn’t eak, and barely hold a pen, much less a quill. ey could
beat a drum though, and they had all quickly learned the drumeech of the Giants.
Not the stripped and simplified one, made popular by the man Morse, but the full, rich
and poetic language. is way, the monstrous Dementors had revealed themselves as a
sophisticated race with an incredible oral, or drummed, tradition and to the Dementors
colleive surprise, they were much sought aer by the children of Otherton. e children
had learned at least some of the Drumeech in a matter of days, just to hear the stories
the frightening beings could tell. Some were familiar, like the Cinderella story, but the
way the Dementors told it, the girl was called Rhodopis, and the shoe was pink, and when
the little boys and girls heard about the girl with eyes green as the Nile, hair feathery as
Papyrus and skin as pink as a Lotus flower, the Dementors could have their fill of happy
thoughts, without the children even noticing the slight chill. at, and the constant supply
of chocolate that the strange beings carried at all times made the former prison guards a
real hit with the kids.
Istvan shook his head. Who would have thought? Not him anyway. He was of course
fully aware of the fa that he was thick as a brick, but he didn’t mind. He liked bricks. ey
were crunchy. He graed his huge ra, made from Vaulundersteel and black diamonds,
and put the finishing touches on the closing stone for the mastaba. Giants, making houses
for Dementors who were busy telling stories to Veela, Huldr and Goblin young. is was
an amazing place. Aer work, he had an appointment with a little squirrel tailed girl called
Vigdis, who had promised him that she would find a way to take him inside.
Yup. Amazing.

* * *
446 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Sippa was smiling. She wasn’t very good at it, but praice made perfe and as her Veela
heritage had been recognized, she had been accepted as a permanent citizen of Otherton
and even gotten herself a job. She was getting a lot of praice. Aer years of watching
waiters and waitresses, man servants and all kinds of domestic workers rather than her
husband, she had picked up more than she originally thought. anks to that, she had
started to make money on teaching young House-elves and goblins the social codes of
the so-called upper class. Even the saucy little Huldr wenches from the Inn paid her to
teach them how to fold napkins and how to figure out the proper titles of people without
When the late autumn party season came rolling in, she was asked for advice on party
organization oen enough to start her own business. One morning, there was a sign
above her door saying “e Wizard’s Staff ”, and in smaller letters below, “Maid to Please.”
Somewhat crude, she thought, but appropriate as the maids she found herself coordinating
were Huldr and Veela aer all, and pleasing was in their blood. She no longer dyed her
hair blond, so the natural silvery colour dominated, and as she let her hair grow out she
found that none of her old “friends” recognized her anymore. In fa, one of them had
even asked her if she knew where Narcissa Malfoy was these days. It took some serious
self control to keep from giggling as she answered that no such person could be found
in Britain these days. Aer all, her name in the Otherton Floo book was Sippa White.
Narcissa Malfoy was a distant, unhappy memory, like the fortunately fading memories of
her husband. She would never forget Draco’s conception, though. She had been dressed
up like a boy and taken anally from behind until Lucius was almost done. en, he had
pushed himself inside her vagina and barely managed to unload before going limp. She
would never marry a pouer again, that was for sure. e ill begotten son was dead now,
and her so-called husband had simply vanished.
She had half a mind to vow never to marry or have children again, but she had had
enough of limits and boundaries. Besides, at the moment she didn’t miss anything. e
fa that men still turned to look at her went a long way, and the little girl-cubs, Ylva and
Hilde, visited every day. She had become a friend to their family, and little by little, the life
she wanted was forming around her. She had opted not to have any significant other, but
for a well formed and kept woman, getting someone to scratch her occasional itches was
not really a problem. Narcissa Malfoy, a miserable woman, was gone, and in her place,
Sippa White was learning to be happy.

* * *
Katie Bell was not quite that happy. Every time she had gotten close to Harry, something
had happened to make him run off. In school he was never alone, and while she didn’t
mind the company, she had a reputation to care for. If she just launched herself at him, her
reputation would go down the drains, not to mention the small, annoying detail that just
about all the young witches in the castle were doing it, so she needed something different
if she wanted to stand out from the crowd. She played with the thought of pulling away
and playing the hard-to-get game, but then, she realized that he probably wouldn’t even
notice, what with him making at least three witches walk around funny, with silly grins,
every single day. She was sitting at her usual place by the table in the great hall, when she
Chapter 30 — I’ve had to ask you twice!” 447

felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to meet the understanding eyes of her Head
of House.
“He’s not easy to get close to these days, Miss Bell.”
e girl sighed and looked down at the table.
“It’s bloody impossible, oh sorry Professor. I need to eak with him in private, but
he’s never alone.”
e girl blushed, but while Minerva McGonagall might be upset about a bit of coarse
language, Minnie McGee was quite understanding. At least one girl in her house wasn’t
just shoving her knickers in Mr Potters pocket, believing herself to be original. Besides,
the Professor knew a thing or two, and decided to help.
“Yes he is, Miss Bell. May I inquire of your reasons? ere are too many girls around
who want nothing but inches from him, but you do seem to have a different purpose in
Katie shook herself, and met the Professor’s eyes.
“I’m looking out for my Family. I trust Harry, but the rest of my folks are still too
scared to come out in the open like all the others. I’m supposed to get some kind of
personal guarantee.”
“You do understand that any person with ties to Kilchurn could give you those,
She shrugged.
“He’s the Lord. It’s a family thing. He’s the one anointed by the Goddess. He’s the
one I need to talk to, if I can figure it out. I thought of sending him a gi, but he has
everything already.”
Minerva smiled. He did, and he wouldn’t be very impressed by a new broom, or even
a strange girl in bed. He had begun to chase them away now, but there was one thing
within her area of expertise that the young Sorcerer might appreciate.
“I understand, and while Mr Longbottom might get annoyed with me, I will assist
you. You’re from Orkney, and I believe your family has ties to Highland Park?”
Katie was confused, and let it show.
“Yes, my grandfather is the Master Blender there. Why?”
Minnie McGee lowered her voice and posture, mumbling in the girl’s ear.
“Mr Potter may be more or less impervious to alcohol, but he has become quite the
connoisseur of single malts, and his colleion is extensive. I had the opportunity to peruse
his colleions, as well as hear about his favourites, a while back, and though Highland Park
was missing I do believe that the heather peat would be well received. Not to mention how
much he has embraced his Norse conneions.”
Katie’s smile lit up the immediate area, until she clamped down on the Charm. It was
so obvious.
“I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. All Orcadians know that we’re really Norse,
posing as Brits. I’ll call home for the latest, and give it to him.”
“e latest?”
448 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Katie’s face shone as she dove into the Family business.

“Yes. It’s a 40-year-old Single Malt. Jason — Jason Craig, the manager — just cleared
it, and Grandfather loves it. He says it’s a balance of toffee, dark chocolate, orange zest
and heather peat smokiness; the whisky will be packaged in an oak stained wooden box
complete with a 28-page leather booklet. Would he like that?”
“You get some of that, and I’ll set up a meeting for you. Did you intend to work in
their marketing department by any chance? You sold it nicely.”
e younger woman blushed as she realised that she had gone on a small rant, but
then again, she was proud to be who she was.
“I’m Orcadian. We all pick it up by osmosis.”

* * *
Luna stepped out of the stone group in Lambohov. e very first thing she did was send
a mental message to her own Frej, Harry. She asked her Brother/lover to tend to her pets,
now that she knew just how badly they would rea to her prolonged absence. She knew
that she didn’t put much of a strain on Harry by asking this. He just had to fuck them a
little, and most guys didn’t mind that. She wanted him to last once it was her turn, aer all.
She had been a bit worried when she learned about how potent that crackling effe really
was, and how severe the addiion could become, and she was very happy that she hadn’t
hurt anyone who mattered to her. Her treatment of her pets was nothing but revenge,
aer all.
She had learned a lot about herself on her odd little voyage. She had entered through
Sjögestad at first, but apparently that place was not very well suited for women and Daniel,
the Guardian of the Gateways in the Östergötland province, had driven her to the larger
group of stones at Lambohov instead. is added the complication of civilisation. ese
days, the stone circle was in a field surrounded by houses, and there was a popular football
field right next to the stones. e guardian of the divine bus-stops solved this with a small
tarp tent, some machinery and the orange and white strips used to indicate a working
area stretched between the largish stones. Her body ent the time inside the tent, and
her mind was in Vanaheim.
At first it had been really nice. ere had been an invisible man there who had shagged
her repeatedly. She decided to make a game of it, to see how fast she could get him off.
A combination of a handjob with his crown inside her arse had managed it in just under
two minutes, and some dirty talking with his cock between her boobs had made a similar
time. She had tried some slow, teasing varieties as well, and once managed to keep him on
the edge for three hours before allowing him to come. She was very proud of that. Aer
a while, though, even her healing magic couldn’t keep the soreness at bay, and as the man
was quite good, she was getting more than a little sated and not quite as eager for his semen
as she had been at the start. When she had almost had enough, she found herself, without
any soreness in a comfortable room being introduced to Frej. He was pretty cool, wasn’t
thrown even for a second by her odd observations, and applauded her lovemaking skills.
She had then gone on to receive the sorcerer education. She had ent long hours
talking to Fafner, and she even got the advanced Potions instruion from the old sweet-
heart Oden. e first time he had attempted to rape her, she had raped him right back.
Chapter 30 — I’ve had to ask you twice!” 449

He hadn’t been quite so pushy aer that, and Luna believed that the wise, perverted god
of death and destruion genuinely cared for her. e Norse Pantheon was very straight-
forward, so Luna’s bluntness was something new, but that fit right in the gang. Once,
Loke had attempted to snare her into some fairly shady deal, and she had simply told him
that he was being silly and, on the whole, not very nice. She had also pointed out that
even Gods could do with deodorant. e roaring laughter that shook the hall had made
Luna into a very popular resident, and no doors were locked to her. She was tutored in
the Seidsong by Freja’s handmaiden Gullveig, and in the art of advanced and exhausting
copulation by the Goddess herself. Heimdall and Mimer’s severed head taught her how
to use her latent Sight and Balder tried valiantly to make her make sense. Frej’s price for
admitting her was very cheap, and she had an idea that Loke might have put him up to
it. It was fun, though.

* * *
“Ronald, I don’t think it can get more ready than it is. e amount of power you’ve put
into the repair charms won’t even let the ledge we forgot to sand get sanded. Every time I
try to polish the blasted thing, it repairs itself right back to rough.”
Miss Blue, who preferred her code name to her real one, looked at the fidgeting red-
head in exaeration. e Ship was ready, and it had been loads of fun to make. Ronald
was a very interesting individual, and his plans were a strange mix of genius and silli-
ness. She and the other Uneakables had been assigned to investigate the consequences
of Cognivore-induced dissociative personality disorder in a highly magical mind. She
usually sighed when she considered the impa their report would have on the daily lives
of witches and wizards everywhere. Not that she cared, aer all. She was getting premium,
high-risk pay for a job that consisted of helping a seriously hunky redhead build a magnif-
icent ship and outfit it properly. His condition made things even more fun, as he adapted
his entire personality to match the current demand. When calculations were needed, he
became absolutely logical, solving the problems and cracking the calculations with instinc-
tive ease; As a ship-builder, his personality became that of a pirate, waiting to rove the seas;
In Engineering mode he became scarily bright; And his Artist self was overly emotional,
but incredibly talented and romantic. Miss Blue, or Eupathia Bottock, frequently found
herself wondering what he would be like in Lover mode, and she promised herself — again
— to find out. Right now, though, she had another problem. Everything was done and
fully kitted up, but the delicious boy wouldn’t even dream of taking off. He had been
making lame excuses for half an hour already. He delivered another one.
“Well, that’s something I really should look into. It wouldn’t take me more than a few
days, and I’m not too sure about the medical charms in the sickbay. I don’t understand
why the headache remedy conjures acid.”
He nodded very seriously as he oke, and Miss Blue resisted the urge to li the hem
of her robe to avoid the stream of bullshit. Instead she chose to take his words seriously.
“It’s because some kinds of headaches are cured with a ecial kind of acid. Come on
now, Captain Ronald. Let’s set sails.”
“No, not yet. ere’s something I haven’t thought of.”
450 Midnight Sun — Vanir

He mumbled something that was completely impossible to hear.
“I didn’t catch that.”
He mumbled again, slightly louder.
“One more time, please?”
He looked at her and said, testily.
“I’m scared of heights, okay? And flying inses.”
She closed her eyes. Apparently, today’s personality had other phobias than the usual
iders. Luckily, the ones with phobias usually had a great carnal imagination.
“I have a really skimpy sailor outfit, and I expe to be your First Mate on board...”
e young man straightened up and grinned.
“Well then, Matey, let’s see where we can find a northbound wind.”
“Yup. at’s what the cuckoo says, and I think it means business.”
“Well then, let’s not leave the poor bird waiting.”

* * *
Marietta Edgecombe was having the worst time of her life. She was shaking and sweating,
and the only time she didn’t feel bad or terminally horny was during orgasm, but even they
were losing their ark as well. Cho was doing better, but not by much. eir Goddess
had abandoned them, and she couldn’t really put any blame on Lord Harry for not taking
her place.
She was scurrying down the halls on her way to the Hoital wing to get some Dream-
less Sleep potion when someone grabbed her from behind and pulled her through what
she had thought was a solid wall. When she noticed that someone was grabbing for her
skirt, she tore it off with a single jerk and pushed back towards her assailant.
It had to be Potter. No one else could have a member that large. She pushed herself
against it when she felt a finger doing something magical to her arse, which made her
even hornier than before.
She also felt the huge member starting to shrink, but the carnal beast formerly known
as Marietta would have none of it. She swily positioned the log of a penis at her rear en-
trance, and slammed her body backwards against the wall, driving the monstrous member
inside of her like a battering ram.
On the outskirts of her consciousness was some awareness of severe pain, but she was
just too horny to pay it any mind. at was when the orgasm began. As it tore through her
body, she continued to push back until she had taken the whole foot-long member inside
her guts, and the pleasure was intense and immense. She lost all track of time, riding on
the wave of the continuous orgasm until the huge member was yanked out of her. Before
Chapter 30 — I’ve had to ask you twice!” 451

she could even whine in disappointment, it was shoved down her throat, and her belly
filled with lovely, thick semen.
e man le, before Marietta’s abused digestive tra revolted and she vomited on the
floor before she collapsed. She was sated. She was all right again. It had been wonderful
and glorious and she felt so loved. Lying on the floor in the secret room, with a pool of
cooling regurgitated semen beside her and bloodstains on her clothes, she fell asleep.
Harry, on the other hand, was fleeing. She must have been insane, pushing herself
onto him like that before he had time to morph himself down. e pleasure she had felt
was his frantic attempts to heal her as she willingly tore herself apart on his flesh. She
had torn just about all the so tissue inside her, and the bleeding had been massive even
before he had managed to stitch her together again. When he had fixed her insides and
managed to avoid any further injuries, he had tried to use his mental abilities to check
to see if there was any more injured areas, and instead, his mind had been inflamed by
her deranged desire. If this was what his passionfire could create, he would never, ever
use it again. Once he had dealt with Cho, of course. He had promised his … colleague?
Sister? Luna, anyway, that he would tend the most urgent needs of her pets. e plan
had been to briefly shag her, flash her and be done with it. at plan did not survive the
proverbial first encounter. Cho would be different. If he had to, he would truss her up
like a Christmas turkey before basting her. He would not do anything like that again. His
consorts could take it, but they were stronger than humans in that ree. He suddenly
felt Jorunn in the Bond.
Master? Don’t worry about it. She’s fine, and no lasting harm was done, but you’re
right about one thing. We were made for you. Get back to your own castle now and get
some real shagging done. I’m waiting, and Gabrielle is too horny for us to keep up with
her. She needs you, I need you and we really need to discuss Christmas.
anks Love. I have some things to settle here first, but then I’ll come over. Have I
been negleing you?
Just a little. I’m beginning to feel a little feral, and you know how I hate that.
I’m sorry. See you in just a little while.
Suddenly in a much better mood, he strode purposefully downstairs, towards his
smithy and the Arching chamber.

* * *
He chose to Arch to Otherton first. e little town square was quiet, as it was quite late,
and a so rain drizzled over the area. e street lights were lit, reading a shimmering
golden light over the wet cobblestones, and he noticed that the light sources behind the
glass of the lamps were moving a little. He put it down as an interesting thing, rather than
something that warranted investigation. He didn’t know half of what was being done in
the little town, but according to Neville, it was blooming and growing and the people was
happy. He sat down on one of the polished granite benches in the square, revelling in his
momentary solitude.
He was being watched of course. Sippa was standing in her window, looking out at
the glowing blue figure in the street. e one Veela trait that she had cultivated was the
452 Midnight Sun — Vanir

empathic ability, ad she smiled as she sensed that he wasn’t even aware of the glow, or that
the rain and cold of the November night didn’t touch his bare arms. As she watched him
sit down, she poured two cups of tea and two Glencairns of A’bunadh. For some reason,
even the people of Otherton who never drank alcohol had some finer whisky at home,
just in case the Lord would show up. Putting the cups and glasses on a tray, she walked
out to greet her Lord.
“My Lord? Some tea? It’s a cold night.”
e young Lord made a small start, then smiled at her and made the rain avoid the
bench with a gesture.
“ank you. I hadn’t really noticed .... Mrs Malfoy?”
She smiled briefly at his astonished face, and the trace of wariness, before correing
“Sippa White, these days. I owe you more than you can ever understand, and I bear
you no ill will at all.”
She held the tray suended in the air with a little charm, and expanded it into a table.
e young man sampled the whisky with care.
“ank you. Hmm. Cask strength, Speyside .. Aberlour A’bunadh?”
“Very good, My Lord. is is an amazing place. Do you even know how loved you
are in these parts?”
He sipped the tea and seemed to consider her question very carefully.
“No. Not really. It’s not like I have some kind of Master plan. I just do things, one
aer another. It seems to be working. You make me curious, however. I remember quite
clearly how you used to be, and this is a remarkable change.”
“Aually, not so much. You’re married to a Veela, so you should know how we
conform to be ideal wives?”
He grinned at her, and she found herself wondering just what his ideals would be,
before he answered.
“Somewhat. I think the rules are different for me for some reason.”
She felt her body reond to his thoughts, even though he hadn’t exaly been thinking
about her. He had an incredibly dominating presence, and she found herself wishing he
would just take her right there, even though she knew she was old enough to be his mother
— literally, as his mother had been two years behind her in school. She forced herself to
focus again and continue a civilised conversation.
“Quite. Now, while your wife conforms with her whole being, my limited heritage
forced me to conform outwardly, but Lucius’ demands on me never changed the core of
my being. I don’t think you can understand the self-loathing it created, knowing that I was
aing in a way so completely contradiory to my inner self. When Lucius lost his magic
— well, most of it — his influence was almost eliminated. I was still caught, however, by
the image that my offring had of me. When your servants arranged his death, I was
set free.”
“But ... don’t you resent the death of your offring?”
Chapter 30 — I’ve had to ask you twice!” 453

“I did at the time, of course. Now that Freedom has descended upon me, I shed no
tears for that load that really should have stayed in my backside ... Oh, I’m sorry.”
She blushed profusely. It had not been her intention to use such crude language in
front of her Lord, but he had somehow made her think with less decency than she usually
employed, and he didn’t seem to mind the rudeness, either.
“Don’t be. I’ve said similar things about him myself. Not about you, though.”
“ank you. I would have deserved it, though.”
“No one deserved Draco, and he deserved no one. He died without my dire influ-
ence, or even knowledge, but the reonsible parties did a according to the standing in-
struions. I’m sorry, but your husband and son were counter-produive to progress and
happiness, and were very unlikely to ever change. ey would have had to be removed
sooner or later.”
“Are those your goals? Most worthy, and had it come from someone else, I would have
sueed some interesting herbology behind the notions. Don’t be sorry about them; I’m
not. I’m living and contributing in the most amazing town in the world. I’m running a
business, managing myself, and I haven’t even touched the Malfoy fortune other than to
freeze the contributions to the Pureblood agenda. If I were to turn the mansion into a
Muggle Hotel, could I do it under your proteion?”
She smiled impishly, and Harry grinned widely.
“You know, I really like that idea. Talk to Neville about that. I’ll let him know you’re
coming, and that I’m positive to it, but he has all the details.”
Now was the time. She steeled herself, but knew that he noticed her claed hands
and general tension.
“My Lord? I have two uncomfortable questions. My sister did deserve to die. She
conformed completely, and could never have broken free even if she had wanted to. She
was a mad dog, and I would have put her down myself if I had had the power, but she
inherited the enhanced core, and I wouldn’t have had a chance. I still need to know how
she died.”
He was quiet for a second. When he answered, it was with a very low voice.
“Are you sure? It’s not pretty, and I’m a bit ashamed of it.”
She didn’t hesitate.
“She killed Cousin Sirius. She deserved whatever you did.”
She had been around enough politicians to notice his vague tone. She assumed that
he was taking the blame for someone else, but it didn’t matter. She didn’t know why, but
she needed to know how her sister had died.
“My passionfire is addiive. If I zap you a few times, nothing else will do and I really
overdid my zapping on her. She died of internal bleeding, having torn her own insides
apart on a really huge penis, and she still begged for more. I’m sorry.”
ere it was. He had more or less told her that he didn’t do it himself, but that he
was still reonsible, and he took the reonsibility willingly even if he wasn’t too thrilled
about it. He was a good leader. It must have been Longbottom, and he did have reason,
454 Midnight Sun — Vanir

the poor boy. All things considered, it was exaly the kind of punishment her sister had
deserved, and delivered by the most appropriate person as well.
“Don’t be. It was somewhat ... fitting. She may have been in pain, but enjoying it.
She destroyed herself, possibly knowing what she was doing and thus, she died as she
lived. Now, the next uncomfortable question. I have heard that you are oath-bound to
impregnate any female who asks. Is it true?”
He made a double take. Uncomfortably enough, the change of subje wasn’t com-
“Any appropriate female, yes. ere may be preventing circumstances, though.”
She smiled, with care not to be seduive but supportive.
“How many are pregnant by you at this time?”
She almost laughed when the boy, so young and still quite innocent, frowned and
started counting.
“Let’s see. Six, I think. My wife, one of my consorts, and the Patil twins have just
conceived again, having already transferred one set of fertilized eggs to two other mothers
in India.”
She arched an eyebrow and decided to change the tone a bit. Adopting a slightly
saucy tone, she reonded.
“Poor girls. Being pregnant by you, without getting the fun part. at’s a bum deal
if I ever heard of one.”
He grinned in reonse to her wistful tone.
“I can’t be everywhere.”
“Have you tried? Never mind. One day, I may ask for a child. Would I be appro-
“Yes, you would. I ask you to wait a while, though.”
Amusingly enough, he didn’t blush. She felt annoyed by that for a second. She had
praically said that she wanted to have sex with him. at really shouldn’t be treated
like an everyday occurrence! en she remembered that for this young man, such offers
“Certainly. I’m too busy right now. One day I might ask, that’s all. Well, My Lord, It
was nice to talk to you, but I believe you have other ladies waiting. I will take the hotel
idea to Lord Neville, and do have a nice and strenuous night.”
She offered her hand, and to her amused surprise, he bowed and kissed it before he
walked away, and the rain resumed its moisturising task. She smiled as she walked back
to her house. Her loins had almost atrophied in the last years, but now, a most welcome
burning sensation was reminding her of her gender. Perhaps she should see if her fingers
remembered what to do. Life was better than it had been for a long time, and it looked
like it was improving again.
Sometimes, she had been told, the sun could rise in the middle of the night, and the
light of the Midnight Sun was supposed to be magical. She had believed that her personal
sun had set a long time ago, but there it was, walking away through the cold November
Chapter 30 — I’ve had to ask you twice!” 455

night, but warming her heart and giving back some wonder to the world. She giggled
at her own overloaded imagination and washed up the tea set. Life was, indeed, quite
456 Midnight Sun — Vanir
Chapter XXXI

“It seems a shame,” the

walrus said, “To play
them such a trick,

Amy awoke at the onset of twilight. e best thing, she thought, about staying in a place
like this was the dimensions. It was huge. She stepped out of her guest-cell and strolled
down to a large room, supposedly an armoury of old, where the ceiling was high enough
and stretched. Now, Succubi wouldn’t be considered as sexy or graceful if more people ever
saw them stretch. First the arms, causing the fringe of hair near the elbows to stand on
end, then the legs. Many thought that she was tiptoeing, when in reality, her foot was really
only the small divided area that looked like two stout toes, and what people believed to be
her heel was aually a backward knee. at made for some truly ridiculous postures as
she stretched every joint, every tendon in her nimble body until finishing with her wings
and her tail. e large, black membranes were stretched until almost tranarent, and
as she shuddered in pleasure, a loud thrumming sound was released. Her tail was rigid
and bent backwards almost to her shoulders, and with arms and legs stretched, the stiff
arching tail and the read wings vibrating to make her hair stand out like a black halo, she
looked patently ridiculous. Of course, as soon as she relaxed with a happy little sigh, her
natural allure and megawatt-sexuality resumed transmissions. She would have to go back
to Manchester soon. Soon. Not today, though, but soon. She had lost count on how many
days she had told herself that very thing. She jumped when she heard a voice behind her.
“You know, if you simply ask my husband to fuck you, it will save you a lot of time.
You’re welcome to stay, of course, but I thought you wanted to go back home.”
Amy turned to see the Ladies Gabrielle and Ginevra sitting in a window-niche. Gab-
rielle had taken to projeing a kind of silvery light with arkling swirls in her long hair,
to match the flickering flames of Ginevra. e fiery hair of the young Lady was quite strik-
ing, and it didn’t set her clothes on fire any more, even though it was still very warm to

458 Midnight Sun — Vanir

the touch. She had permanently removed her pubic hair, though. Apparently her flames
got hotter as she did, and she had set her Lord’s pubes on fire twice before reaching the
inevitable conclusion. Amy approved.
“My sisters would laugh at me if I did. We’re not supposed to ask, knickers in hand.
We’re supposed to take the men we want, but he’d ank me if I tried, and not in the
good way, either. e other option is ’Why, Rhett, whatever are you thinking?’ and your
husband just won’t give a damn.”
ey laughed at the images she had presented, from the pout at the anking comment
to the wide-eyed, brainless Southern Belle. She was quite proud of her shape-shiing
abilities, even though she couldn’t fool any one in the Castle, as she wasn’t exaly the only
morphologically gied resident.
“Don’t worry,” Gabrielle giggled, “You’ll get there. I’ll take you under my personal
wing, and everything will be all right.” As she oke, she revealed her latest trick, courtesy
of her maternal Veela hormones, and changed her arms into huge wings.
“Yes, honey, you need to be more flexible, and turn up the heat a bit,” laughed Ginny,
transforming to her Naga-shape, and releasing her full flames. “Oh, Sugar,” she continued
when she realized that she had torched another robe.
Amy thought that for all her fire and sheer viciousness, the Lady Ginevra had things to
learn when it came to swearing. e unlikely trio of the angelic, pregnant Veela, the red-
skinned sex fiend, and the hovering burning snake-babe strolled – or dried – towards
Ginny’s chambers. Sometimes, it was very nice to be in a place where everybody knew
your shape.

* * *

Miss Blue was relaxing on the deck of the flying ship that apparently changed name with
the Captain’s moods. As they crossed Sjaelland, the name changed to Skidbladner and
Miss Blue didn’t ask. She was constantly astounded by Captain Ron. He held the wheel
for hours, sometimes days at a time, humming and sometimes reciting books and po-
ems to himself. Of course the ship had a fully funional autopilot in the ensouled and
animated figurehead. e carving of the voluptuous lady had been a remarkable feat of
magic in itself, seeing as the sculpting had been done with magics Miss Blue had never
seen before, and in German to boot. Miss Blue had seen a lot in her years as an Uneak-
able, and the Cognivores were an unknown quantity, but Ron proved a very interesting
study in so many fields. She was very happy about her shrunken reference library, as
terms like Klaboutermannikin had little meaning to her under normal circumstances, but
sometimes, things like that became very important. She had had many interesting conver-
sations with the ensouled piece of wood, and she was reasonably certain that Ron aually
had created a real Klaboutermannikin. It had a slightly wooden sense of humor, though,
and had donned a horned helmet and a driven metal bra with the new name, in the face of
Ron’s objeions that Vikings never used horned helmets. e figurehead’s calm reonse
had been most convincing.
“Who’s made of wood, you or me?”
Chapter 31 — “It seems a shame,” the walrus said, “To play them such a trick, 459

In the face of such compelling logic, Ron had simply nodded and returned to the
ere was one area that she hadn’t been quite successful in to this point. She had
dressed in skimpy outfits, flashed him “accidentally”, given him all sorts of hints and he
still hadn’t done anything about it. It was time for some drastic measures.
On Ron’s side, he was having a great time. He had his Ship, he had a good figurehead
and his First Mate had a pretty good figure below her head as well. He was fairly certain
that she had tried to come on to him a few times, but he wasn’t sure. It could be the cuckoo
talking, and the one thing he didn’t want to do was to show a woman less ree than she
expeed. Or something like that, anyway. He was originally shy, and while he didn’t have
to be unless he wanted to, it was a habit. She drove him nuts, though. e way she always
bent at the waist to pick things up, the way she refused to wear a bra, and the way she
always walked across the deck covered in a towel that didn’t quite cover anything, really.
He kept his hands firmly on the wheel when he saw her get up and approach him.
“Captain? I’ll be in my cabin masturbating for a while. Or would you like to join me
for some wild sweaty fucking?”
e wheel creaked as the figurehead took control of the course. e Klabouterman-
nikin direed the ship into the clouds, and adjusted the course with booming sails as the
high altitude jet-winds caught them and hurled them towards Lambohov. She had been
guiding ships for centuries, and had had her fair share of mad captains, but this one was a
lot more fun than most and flying was so much fun than the more mundane sailing. She
would care for him. e Goddess knew he couldn’t care for himself.

* * *
Harry, a boy raised in a cupboard who had learned his name from his teacher and even
shyly correed the teacher that his name wasn’t Harry, it was Freak, who had gained no
friends, and who had suffered more broken bones in his first decade of life than the human
body aually has, was feeling very good this morning. Anyone waking up in a boob
wonderland would, aer all. Aer carefully taking in his surroundings, he pushed a rather
generalized Reparo out into the room. It was certainly needed. Gabrielle had pushed him
more than ever the night before, which had resulted in severely torn sheets and feathers
from the ripped pillows and duvets all over the place, and once he had levitated the happily
exhausted girl to her bedroom, the two Huldr had pounced, so he seriously doubted that
there was a single piece of inta furniture in the room. He vaguely remembered pounding
Disa from behind while she steadied herself on the stout four-poster bed until he shagged
her straight through the post, at which time Jorunn had flipped him over, straddled him,
and ridden him at a pace that would have given both of them friion burns if it hadn’t been
for his Healing magic. Now, with the morning sun peeking in through the curtains, he was
resting his head on Disa’s incredible bosom and, for once, Jorunn was positioned across
him with her back over his chest and her four nipples pointing proudly at the ceiling. She
was also snoring, which he for some reason found incredibly endearing. He felt the resting
group rise slightly as the stuffing crept back inside the mattress, and the linters from the
bed slowly came together again. e odd creaking sound of the dressing mirror mending
itself set his teeth on edge, as well as made Jorunn stop snoring.
460 Midnight Sun — Vanir

“Morning, Love”, he whiered and smiled as her nipples immediately contraed.

“Sleep well?”
“Oh, just purr-fe. Sometimes I really envy cats. is would be a great time to start
purring. Would you pet me, please?”
He smiled gently, and started stroking his feral lover while she preened under his
hands, flexing and twisting to give him full access. He was slightly surprised that she
didn’t dire his hands between her legs, but she seemed perfely content being stroked
and scratched like a cat or a dog. He certainly didn’t mind, and he almost giggled when
his lovely firm pillows started to vibrate, and the unmistakable sound of purring filled the
room. Disa’s voice had a cute little vibrato when she oke.
“Good morning, and yes, it’s a good time to have a feline second form. Aually, I
didn’t know Lynx could purr until I tried just now.”
Jorunn twisted herself downwards on the pile that was slowly reforming to a bed, until
she could look up at her Master and co-consort while caressing her own face with Harry’s
hardening member. She made a mock pout.
“Now I’m really envious. e only even remotely funny thing I got from my vixen
form is the tendency to stomp my feet if you rub my ribs. And yes, I moved to keep you
both from testing that.”
Harry laughed, and Disa did too, if his suddenly bouncing pillows were any indica-
“Love, you’re a vixen in every inch. Have I mentioned just how much I love the two
of you?”
“Yes, many times. You don’t need to, though. Every time I sense that part of you in
the Bond, it almost bowls me over. en, I get horny.” She emphasized her point by taking
a few inches of him in her mouth with exaggerated desire on her face, until she giggled
too much to keep him in.
“Isn’t that your ground state of being? For both of you?” He looked upwards, trying
to see Disa’s face, so she wriggled out from under him until she could push her enormous
boobs in his face and look him in the eyes at the same time, while Jorunn continued to
treat his member in its accustomed way.
“Hmm. I guess it is. You up for another go? ere’s something I think you’ll like.
Jorunn, dear, why don’t you put that sweet little cunny of yours over his face while I try
my throat a bit?”
Harry just lay still as his two lovely ladies crawled over him. Once or twice he was
reminded that Huldr bodies were denser than humans. With two women reluant to lose
body conta, knee incidents are prone to happen. He didn’t care much, as he enhanced
his tongue by a couple of inches and tasted his fox-tailed lady’s depths. A new sensation
almost closed down his mind, though. He had heard stories of humming blow-jobs, but
to be deep-throated by forcefully purring girl almost made the veteran of uncountable
encounters pop his cork immediately. Unable to deal with the intense sensation in any
construive way, he howled, and buried his face in Jorunn’s fragrant snatch. at did,
in turn, make the brunette Huldr push her friend’s head even further down over their
beloved Master, which made him lose focus completely. His slow and gentle repair-charm
Chapter 31 — “It seems a shame,” the walrus said, “To play them such a trick, 461

was broken apart, and the debris in the room started whirling around faster and faster
as he rose from the tatters of the bed like a feathered Leviathan, but faster. He lied the
protesting blond off him, and turned her around in the air with equal amounts of arm
strength and distraught magic, and plunged into her vagina, gentle as a derailing train. As
he held her shoulders, with her arms over his, he hammered every millimetre of his cock
into her over and over, forcing himself deeper each time, and the power of his thrusts
made her huge breasts bounce up in her face until he was getting too close. He simply
dropped her into the swirling magic and grabbed Jorunn by her long hair. Pulling her
close, he forced his crown between her lips and shoved himself down her throat. Aer a
few full length strokes, he pulled out to let her breath, and caught the passing squirrel-tail.
Honestly, he did aim for her pussy, but he missed. He didn’t care much, and by her urgings,
she really didn’t mind as he forced his cock into her arse with close to unstoppable force.
is time, though, he did stop when he was half way in, and twisted her around on the
axis of his flesh until she was facing him. He sensed Jorunn casting something similar to
the usual charm on his and Disa’s point of union, but he didn’t care much. Revelling in the
incredible tightness and intense warmth of her body, he grunted in dileasure as Jorunn
pulled him out, but when he looked at her, she was dilaying her own back side, with
her vividly red tail waving come-hither for all its worth, and he wasn’t tardy. is time he
did hit his intended target, and he took the fox-tail from behind with fierce energy that
made her howl and scream and cry until he finally reached the top step of his ladder of
sensations. Having le his sense behind some time ago, he kept pumping into her as he
filled her insides with hot semen, and his adaptive body reonded by producing more
and more semen until he finally, belatedly, passed out from exhaustion, dehydration, and
brain anaemia. Jorunn just managed to be amazed before she followed him.
“And I feared I was the one who would go feral.”
Disa was in better shape, although thoroughly fucked through, so she was awake when
Dobby showed up to survey the result of the now-aborted magic storm. e little tweed-
clad elf climbed slowly over the piles of debris, now completely beyond repair, and he
shook his head disappointedly as he looked at the prone shape lying among the tattered
and soggy remains of the bed. In the voice of someone discovering what the puppy had
done to the carpet, he said.
“Oh Master!”

* * *

Denise Jackson was making herself comfortable. Aer all, it might just be a very long wait.
She checked her supplies for the fih time, and noticed that she might run low on water
if she had to stay for more than a week. ere was a small stream twenty meters away,
but it was normally a bit too far to move. Her sniper rifle was set up, and the telescopic
sight with the sophisticated reflex-less lenses was ready and aimed at the parapets of the
castle on the other side of the lake. She was almost invisible, hidden under a very advanced
concealment cover. Impervious to heat-seekers, radar, scent-tracking and loads of other
deteion methods, one of the world’s best assassins was prepared to wait a long time to
take her shot. She only had five bullets for her rifle. She had never needed more.
462 Midnight Sun — Vanir

Lindorms are quite beautiful, but as magical predators go, they’re patently ridiculous.
Apart from their camouflage and their bizarre hunting method, they’re not really that
ecial. eir iridescent scales only shine like silver when they’re removed from the
serpent. Under the influence of the living magic of the beast, they refle the surroundings,
making a Lindorm very hard to see. Lindorms also have very bad eye-sight, trusting their
senses of smell and elerics instead. is particular Lindorm sensed the sniper’s nervous
charges, but deteed no smell or image. With reptilian patience, it settled to accumulate
as much information as possible before reporting.
It wasn’t particularly bright, but it remembered the signals for Strange, reat, and
Come. Aer several hours, it thought it knew enough, and as soon as the sun shone for a
brief moment, it adjusted the scales on its head to flash the signals towards the castle. en
it settled again, its eyes locked at the ecial point of the castle, waiting for instruions.

* * *
Lord Voldemort was certain that this had been the only option he had le, but now, he was
seriously considering giving up the whole dark dominion malarkey and opening a shop or
something. One that sold soaps and deodorants, preferably. In his quest for immortality,
he had traded some of his human charaeristics for reptilian ones, and at the time, he
hadn’t regretted his weakened sense of smell at all. Now though, he fully understood what
it meant to taste the air. His tongue was more sensitive to tastes in the air than he had been
aware of and unfortunately, he had learned this in a room, chock-full of armpits untouched
by soap. Once he had his empire, daily showers would be mandatory. On pain of pain and
death. If he really felt vicious, he could always expose his enemies to the pensieve memory
of all these armpits. Yes, damn it. He was Lord Voldemort. He was cruel enough to do that.
He had to move quickly, though. As he lost the conneion with the Dark Marks, he was
losing his old drive, and was letting himself get distraed by something as silly as smell.
He who had worked for weeks without sleep on stinking, putrid Inferi; He who had done
unimaginable deeds and performed the most vile rituals to enhance himself. How could
he be ready to flee from unwashed armpits? He had less than ten marked ones le, and
they were not of the same quality as the rest. Snape was in hiding, and he would get one,
too. e dark beacon of the Mark was easy to find if he took the time, but he still needed
another hundred under his banner. It wouldn’t be hard. All he had to do was to convince
the witless wonders that came to these marshland rallies that he would be using Britain
as a staging area for an attack at Washington DC. Some moron would shout something
about the south rising again, everybody would cheer, shoot arks, guzzle moonshine,
and eventually fall over. Ah well, they were numbers. ey may not be able to count
higher than eleven without taking their socks off, but they would all need to take a curse
to fall, and that was all they needed to do.

* * *
Harry woke up to an enticing sight. ere was nothing new about this; he always did, but
this time, the posterior with the wagging tail that caught his eye was bright red, and the
tail was hairless and pointy. He glanced downwards and noticed that the lovely fiend was
Chapter 31 — “It seems a shame,” the walrus said, “To play them such a trick, 463

in the company of his two youngest ladies and that they were all staring at his member.
He forced his organ to stay down, and listened to their whiered conversation.
“You’ve got to be kidding. It’s just not possible.”
e Succubus sounded more wistful than disbelieving, but Gabrielle was insistent.
“He did! He came in my arse, and filled me up through my throat. It almost killed
me, and I don’t think I’ll do it again, but that time, it was worth it.”
“Damn. And you both think he’d be powerful enough to take me, even if I get really
excited? Usually, I can’t stay submissive if the guy’s any good. I always take the initiative
sooner or later.”
is time, Ginny took the question.
“He can hold you down with one hand, or he can be really dominant and morph your
body into a bond on its own.”
“Like he did me that night too,” Gabrielle filled in. “He morphed my breasts so large
I couldn’t stand, then he fucked my nipples. He aually pushed his cock into my breasts
and there was nothing I could do. I couldn’t even reach my nipples, or really move at all.
Trust me, he can take you if he wants to. If you want to play a rape game, all you need is
a safe word. He’ll fuck your horns off.”
“And he’ll come like a fountain?”
“Sometimes, yes. If he knows you want it I’m sure he can make it so. You saw the
“Oh yes. It must have been more than a gallon of cum on the floor, and there’s no
telling how much the Huldr had inside of them. You really won’t mind if I fuck your
“Nope.” Ginny reonded. “Just try to hold back a bit so you won’t Bond him, please.
If it happens it happens and once you’re in the bond we will all love you, but if you can
choose, please don’t.”
e Succubus hesitated for a minute, before she asked in a small voice.
“How do I ask a guy to pretend to rape me? I’m out of my depth here.”
Harry looked at his wife with one eye, and she quickly hid her smirk aer a quick
confirmation in the Bond. Instead, she asked the suddenly shy sex fiend.
“You have a safe word?”
“Yes. Vauxhall. It’s the greatest turnoff I know.”
Knowing that, Harry used all his control to make his member as hard as possible as fast
as possible, and he energized his healing magics to replenish his almost depleted reserves.
As he grabbed the tail of the crimson babe, he sent quick orders to the Bonded nearby.
She wanted a fierce shagging and lots of cum, so he needed building materials. He jerked
her upright, and before she had time to rea, he walked into her, face to face and pushed
her backwards into the wall. He grabbed her hands, bent them over her shoulders, and
forced her to kneel a bit before he pressed her hands to the stone wall, where they sank in
about an inch. When he let go, her hands were trapped and he stood back and smirked
at her. He leaned forward towards her, and extended his index finger. He brought the tip
464 Midnight Sun — Vanir

close to her right nipple, and released a ark. e succubus groaned. e second ark
made her moan, and when he tapped her a third time, the winged girl was almost crying
and the scent of her musk was very strong. He straightened up again and summoned her
le foot into his hands. He bent his magics a bit to support her awkward position before
he kissed her toes. Her flowing quim was laid open to him, but he ignored it, and instead
gave her leg his full attention. He kissed and licked, caressed and even pinched the so,
red flesh a couple of times and she kept watching him with wide eyes, moaning, crying and
sometimes sobbing in desire but he wouldn’t let her cum. Every time she got too close, he
would pull back a bit and let her settle some. In the process, she discovered hundreds of
erogenous zones on her leg that she hadn’t been aware of, and they coincided somehow
with everywhere he put his hands.
With a sudden move, he caught her swishing tail, and started to tease her leg with the
point, drawing figures on her skin with it and using it as a brush with long, slow strokes.
Aer a minute of this treatment, she knew that she would come in a few seconds no matter
what he did to her leg, and then he dropped it. Damn.
She noticed vaguely that the room had filled up, and not just with the Bonded either.
She saw Stina lay her hand on the young Lord’s shoulder and a light shimmer read over
his body as she filled his body up with fluids and nutrients. Amy was kneeling on the
floor, and the Lord’s ere penis was just a few obnoxious centimetres from her mouth.
By almost wrenching her shoulders out of their sockets, she managed to reach it and take
the head in her mouth. He looked down on her and smiled, and then he slowly walked
towards her, driving himself further and further into her mouth as she baked against the
wall. When her neck was pressed against the unyielding stone, he pushed some more, and
he must have morphed, because the huge, hard member made the 90 degree turn down
her throat. She was very grateful that she didn’t need to breathe as she had no desire for
him to pull out. Ever. She used her forked tongue as much as she could, and she could tell
by his twitching that he enjoyed it. e jolt when he pulled out was fast, and she mewed
in disappointment before he lied her hips and le her hanging on her wrists and some
kind of unseen support under her back. She couldn’t think any more and when he moved
that huge head up and down her slit, slowly and soly, she stammered and cried and tried
deerately to jerk herself down and get that thing inside of her. He made like he was
going to drop her again, and she was on the brink of deair, when he shoved a full foot of
him into her arse. Somehow, he carried her over the limits, without allowing her to come
as he ponded her insides and she felt every square millimetre of him moving inside her
without allowing her to come. Later, she would never understand how he managed to turn
her over without breaking both her arms, but she reasoned that he might have, and she
just didn’t notice. She was lied from the floor by her tail, and finally got the monstrous
member into the core of her being. She couldn’t stop herself from starting to feed from it,
but this one didn’t weaken or wane, but filled her out completely as she had her fill of vital
energy, and then some. He grabbed her shoulder, and she was released from the wall. He
carried her over to the bed, by his hands on her wing-joints and his cock in her distended
pussy, and he pushed her head into the pillows and continued to slam into her for what
seemed like an eternity. He turned her over again without pulling out, just dodging the
passing wings, and he supported his weight on her breasts as he leaned down towards her
and whiered.
Chapter 31 — “It seems a shame,” the walrus said, “To play them such a trick, 465

“Are you tamed yet? Whose are you?”

“I’m ... I’m yours, your pet, your fuck toy or bed warmer or anything. Please, Master,
please let me cum, pleasepleaseplease...”
He lied her arse, and put the crown of his member just inside her tightest entrance,
bent down to her dripping snatch, and placed a kiss – just one – on her engorged clitoris.
at was all.
e people in the room was expeing a violent, thundering orgasm, but the worn-
out Succubus simply stopped. Only Harry, who was touching her, could sense the forceful
and fairly pleasant currents that had temporarily separated the red fiend from her body.
He kept moving inside her, keeping himself on the brink, until her eyes fluttered, and she
opened them with a brand new fire to her gaze. Still, she didn’t take control but waited for
him. He stood at the side of the bed, moving inside her until he pulled out and told her.
“I’m about to come. Take it.”
“I want you to come in my throat,” she said, and realized her mistake immediately.
“en I won’t,” he said and began stroking himself just out of reach. Suddenly, one of
the bonded – Amy couldn’t tell who – rushed forward and whiered something to him,
and his surprised look gave way to a grin. He grabbed her horns and began to fuck her
face, and when she felt the tell-tale twitching, he pulled out and, of all things he could
possibly do, he pressed his cock to her nose.
Her highly magical body was very resilient, and she could easily get hit by a truck or
gunfire and walk away more or less unharmed, but she did have a sense of smell. at
meant, of course, that the inside of a Succubus’ nose is one of her very few weak ots.
While her body was more or less a flexible mass, therefore capable of taking things like
violence and insane male appendages with ease, her head was more or less of human
design, and having semen shot into her nasal cavity – loads of semen at high velocity
– gave her the most unusual sensation of pain.
As she reflexively pulled away, it covered her face and got in her eyes. Semen in the
eyes is naturally something of a lifestyle hazard for a sex fiend, but she didn’t have time to
close the inner, tranarent eyelids, so that stung as well. Succubi don’t feel pain, normally.
ey’re beyond tough, so Amy’s overcharged and battered nervous system reaed to the
unaccustomed influx in the only way it knew how. Explosively.
is orgasm was more along the usual lines, with asms, screams and an abundance
of fluids, and as Harry manhandled her again, shoving his still ejaculating member into
her arse again, her orgasm was extended even further. She didn’t know, nor would she have
cared, that the Bonded had asked Harry to maintain his ejaculation as long as he possibly
could. All she knew was that when she was finally let down, her belly was even bigger than
the now seriously round Gabrielle’s. e biggest difference was the sloshing sound when
Amy moved. Harry grinned, cleaned himself up with a burst of magic and le.

* * *
466 Midnight Sun — Vanir

He had travelled far, and gone through much, but this was the first time he had ever
dropped out of an Apparition. He was simply too exhausted, and the heavily enchanted
backpack sapped his strength much faster than he anticipated. As soon as he stopped, the
embroidered runes on the sack would conne to the leyline grid, but when he was moving
the wards had to take their power from him. With a couple of Point Me-ells, he was able
to triangulate his position, and he laughed wearily when he realised that he was just about
a mile from Kilchurn Castle. He figured out the direion and started walking.
He was almost surprised that he could see the place at all. Aer all, he could hardly
be called a friend, or even ally. He was very careful about cancelling all of his concealment
charms as he approached, and he even flared his signature once or twice, so that he
wouldn’t surprise anyone. He also took pains to avoid the deteion charms that he had
grown accustomed to cast with almost every breath, but he couldn’t turn off his Mage
Sight. He nodded politely to the beings that was tracking or possibly escorting him. He
recognised a couple of Huldr, and some other elf-like being whose name he had forgotten,
but there were other eyes on him that he failed to identify. He wasn’t particularly worried,
though. Kilchurn did have a reputation of aing swily, but not in haste. When he
eventually reached the gates, he called out.
“I wish to see the Lord!”
e guard on the parapet called back.
“Who wishes to see the Lord?”
“Albus Brian Percival Wulfric Dumbledore!”

* * *
Susan was supporting herself against a wall, and tears of laughter streaked her cheeks.
Ginny had just passed, giving her a glowing review of the session in the repeatedly re-
paired boudoir. When Harry had staggered through the hall, she had collapsed in help-
less laughter.
“Only you, Harry. Only you would shag a Succubus senseless.”
Harry did get slightly annoyed by that, but had to cede the point. Perhaps that was
unusual. Just not to him.
“Oh come on, Susan. I do have a certain advantage. I don’t get tired, and I don’t lose
the powers she eats, either.”
“at great big tonker of yours doesn’t hurt either, does it?”
He thought about that for a second. She hadn’t been that tight, so probably, she would
adapt to anything just like he did.
“I don’t think size matters to her, really. How’s Nev these days?”
“Tired and happy. His parents are great, he’s insanely busy and he’s having the time of
his life. He’s also about to propose, I think. I’m headed for the island now. Can I take a
message?”, She asked in an annoyingly cheery voice. Harry just smiled.
“Sure. Tell him that a very pleasant, but formal woman known these days as Sippa
White has a suggestion that I really like, and I told her to take it to him. I approve,
Chapter 31 — “It seems a shame,” the walrus said, “To play them such a trick, 467

Susan arched an eyebrow, thought for a second and released a brilliant smile.
“Sippa huh? You know, I really should thank you for letting me deliver such a message.
He’ll kiss me senseless.”
“Better you than me, but why?”
“Because it means that you made a policy decision and gave him an outline for a
proje, but you’re leaving the details to him. He’ll think you’re trained, and not just
bloody lucky.”
“You mean this is what he wants me to do?” Harry asked incredulously.
“Pretty much, yes. Wait a second.”
ere was a buzzing sound until the distraion charms kicked in and he chose to let
them affe him. Aer all, he didn’t need to know everything. at was Neville’s job. Susan
held a quick conversation with her sleeve, before she turned back to him.
“Harry, you’d better get down to the Grand Hall. Dumbledore’s here. Now, Lord
yourself up but leave the sword. He’s a guest, you’re the Lord and don’t you forget it. I’ll
give the word to your Bonded and then I’m out of here. By your leave, My Lord?”
She made a proper, courtly curtsey, and he bowed in kind. Sometimes she broke out
in Formality, and he had learned not to make fun of her.
“Certainly, Lady Susan. Do give my kindest regards to my most faithful retainer,
would you please?”
Susan giggled, and ran off.

* * *
e grand hall wasn’t very impressive, and that impressed Dumbledore. He would have
expeed an enchanted ceiling, perhaps fairy lights and a convoluted mess of impressive
enchantments, just to underline the power of the Sorcerers.
Dumbledore was well aware of that his own title was nothing more than a word,
as Sorcerers these days were nothing but highly knowledgeable men and women, who
perhaps were on the upper side of average in power, but who didn’t hold a candle to a
real one.
Apart from the odd trophies, the room would have fitted into most Muggle castles.
Well, he acknowledged his lack of expertise, as there might be things missing that would
have been there in a Muggle castle and that he just wouldn’t expe, but the normalcy of
the room was highly impressive. ere was no need to flaunt magic here. ere was no
point in impressing anyone, so the room didn’t even try.
It was like with dogs, he mused. When Albus was young, one of the caretakers in his
school had had a Papillon, and the tiny dog was constantly yapping but still didn’t frighten
anyone. e headmaster had had a Hungarian Kuvasz, who rarely barked at all, but when
it did, it meant business. No one crossed that dog except possibly the Menagerie-teacher
whose monstrous St Bernard-Irish wolound cross never barked. Sometimes it glared
and when it did, the headmaster’s white menace retreated at once.
is place didn’t bark either. It didn’t have to; It had tamed the United Kingdom with
much less than a glare. He was still unsure whether young Mr Potter would meet with him.
468 Midnight Sun — Vanir

ey hadn’t parted as friends, exaly. Aually, they hadn’t seen each other since Albus
had tried to prote the boy who had shot Mr Potter in the back, but failed eacularly.
Now he knew why, of course, but that didn’t change his past aions. As he heard a door
open, he turned.
Harry entered with a confident stride and a smile. Instead of “Lording himself up”,
he had opted for his normal wear for Castle use. Black hide trousers, rather loose, a new
white shirt in Acromantula silk and Veela hair embroideries, highlighted with coloured
hairs from the Huldr. To that, he wore a Lindorm belt with fastenings for all kinds of
things, even if it was currently empty. He sensed his girls going into high alert, and Ginny
was a flaming streak right under the ceiling aiming from the Arch chamber.
“Professor? Granted, I’ve been skipping class a lot, but what are you doing here beyond
the last vestiges of civilization?”
“Ah Har... Lord Potter. I’m here by accident. I happened to fall out of Apparition
about a mile off, and I took it as Divine interference. I hope I’m not disturbing you?”
“Not at all, Professor. Breakfast?”
As the two cautious men sat down in the chairs in front of the fire and the Elves
brought breakfast, Harry felt Stina graing the now usual expansion to his mind. ese
days, there was a warm pool in the lower levels of the castle that was conneed to the
Loch. It was called the report room, and his people found it much nicer to dive into the
warm water aer a watch or patrol rather than to file reports manually, for some reason.
is also meant that Harry now knew everything that had happened on the Headmaster’s
trek to the castle. He decided that there might not be any nefarious schemes in aion,
but he didn’t quite relax.
“Professor, I can’t really help noticing the backpack you have there. e warding is
heavy – and I’ve allowed the Castle to take the maintenance of course – but the Magics
that are still emanating from it is really Dark.”
“It should be. It’s most of Voldemort’s soul in there.”
“Tell me, or rather, please don’t tell me that you know anything about Horcruces?”
“Never heard the word, really. Wait, I’m getting something here. Soul jars?”
“Most apt. Created by the foulest of magics, and unfortunately almost impossible to
destroy. It has been brought to my attention that you might be the one most suited to
destroy these things, so therefore I present you with this reonsibility. By all accounts,
you are the new epitome of light in the realm. I will of course assist you in every way I
“Hmm. ere may be some way to devour the soul pieces though. at would be the
easy solution, perhaps. Let’s eat and I’ll have some ideas ready.”
As they ate and made some small talk, Stina’s partition of the shared mind almost
boiled. is was what the Ancient Sorcerers used the bond for, and he felt Gabrielle, Ginny,
and, interestingly enough, Disa, studying all kinds of texts in the library at both Kilchurn
and Hogwarts. He noticed, distantly, that Madame Pince tried to keep Ginny out of the
Chapter 31 — “It seems a shame,” the walrus said, “To play them such a trick, 469

restried seion, but a dilay of fire around some tomes made the aged librarian shut
up rather quickly. e library was fireproof of course, but Ginny’s flames were not fire;
they were Ginny. When Harry had reached his customary ice coffee and Dumbledore had
a tiny cup of something between Turkish coffee and paint remover in his hand, Jorunn,
Saga, and Amy entered. Jorunn wore her white gown and her hair was held in place with
thin silver chains, while Amy wore a black cheerleading outfit with strategic holes for her
tail and wings. Number 69, of course. She was looking bright-eyed and alert, and Harry
was certain that she looked even sexier than before. e Bond confirmed that once she had
absorbed the enormous amount he had pumped into her she had grown a cup-size, and
all in all, had benefited enormously. He would get the full run-down later. Saga however,
looked a fright, and had clearly just gotten out of bed and thrown her skirt and blouse on,
so Harry direed her to the floor in front of him, and conjured a so brush.
e aged wizard looked on in amusement as the powerful young man began brushing
out the Huldr’s hair, and he was also a bit embarrassed about the little sounds of content-
ment that she made.
“Professor, to my right here is Jorunn, one of my Bonded. She’s the magically strongest
of my Huldr, and generally a tough girl. To my le is Amy, or Amithriabagdalah, the liaison
to the Ebon Shade council and this vision of beauty-to-be is my mother in law, Saga, who
is a pureblooded Huldr. As they are all quite competent in the absorption of life force, they
might be useful in incapacitating these devices.”
“Ah. It’s a genuine pleasure, my Ladies. is will be most interesting.”

* * *
Ron and Miss Blue was currently on the poop deck. Miss Blue wanted him to take her
anally, and he had decided that it really should be done there. She didn’t mind in the
slightest. She was standing on the deck of the ship, bent forward over the railing and was
getting shagged in her arse by a surprisingly gentle lover. He had proven over the course
of the last three hours that he was powerful, long-lasting and strong enough to hold her
in the air for ten minutes straight, but his gentleness was the greatest thing about him. He
didn’t notice when the flying ship went down low outside a large city and a blonde with
huge tits climbed aboard, but Miss Blue did. e girl’s silvery eyes twinkled, and Miss Blue
heard her voice in her head, even though her Occlumency shields were in place.
∼ Hello Miss, I’m Luna, the Goddess of Indecent Proposals and Negotiable Affeion,
and I’m really peckish right now. Could I have his cum, please? ∼
∼ Um... Sure. If he agrees, of course... ∼
∼ anks. ∼
e girl walked up to Ron, and seemed to walk out of her clothes with ease. Miss Blue
watched her kneel by Ron’s feet and open her mouth to eak before Ron interrupted her.
“Hello Luna. Want some cum?”
“Yes please.”
He pulled out of Miss Blue’s arse and something shimmered over his member before
Luna popped it into her mouth and began sucking it like a straw. Judging by Ron’s enrap-
tured look, she was very good at it, and by her repeated swallows, he must have come a
470 Midnight Sun — Vanir

lot. When he was done, and she had licked both of them clean, she stood up in a smooth
motion, and her clothes seemed to flow up on her again.
“ank you, both of you. Shall we go home now?”
“I think so. Do you need anything?” Ron asked calmly, like nothing ecial had
“Not right now, but I would appreciate a threesome in two or three hours, if that
could be arranged.”
“I think it could. Find yourself a cabin.”
With that, Captain Ron le for the bridge, Goddess Luna le for the cabins and Miss
Blue felt le out. For lack of anything better to do, she walked over to the stern as the ship
began to turn and sat down by the figurehead.
“So what am I going to do now, then?”
“Have sex,” e figurehead answered. “Lots of really good sex. See here, you’ve come
across a goldmine. You are in position to gain the trust and confidence of two powerful
and highly unprediable people, and the only thing you really have to do to gain it is to
have orgasms. is is the break of a lifetime.”
“No offence, but you’re made of wood. How do you know that?”
“Do you diute the knowledge contained in a bookcase? Trust me, I’m wooden.”
“at might be the oddest argument I’ve ever folded to.”
“I’m glad you liked it.”

* * *
Denise watched the tower battlements in her sniper scope. ere! It must be him. Messy
hair, broad shoulders, five foot four, scar on the forehead. She clicked the safety off. ere
was no wind, but the bullet would drop almost an extra inch over the cold lake so she
compensated and pulled the trigger.
Nothing happened. Something was jamming the trigger. Angry about losing the shot,
she looked down at the trigger. A finger was jammed in behind it, a slender finger with a
long pink nail. It was attached to a strong arm that went to a naked girl with amber eyes.
e girl was smiling, but it was not a friendly smile, as it revealed a decidedly carnivorous
dental array.
“No move. I eat things like you, and my friend there likes your butt.”
Denise dared a look behind her. Between her read legs was one of the most ridicu-
lous magical predators in full attack mode. e Lindorm had taken its tail in its mouth
and risen like a wheel. e swirling scales made a sound like a very silent sawblade, and
she understood that if she didn’t obey exaly, she’d be cut in half from the bottom up.
Deite the danger, she almost smiled. Apparently, clause 3 of her contra – the really
lucrative clause – was about to kick in.
“Take me to the Lord. I want to have his baby.”
Harry Potter and the
Midnight Sun

By Vanir
Harry escapes Britain, and learns the
truth about the weirdest heritage ever.
He learns stuff and gets some girls,
too. ere is much to experience
in the land of the Midnight Sun.

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