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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Grade Level/Subject: 3 / Social Studies


Topic: Community

Rationale: In the past students have learned about what it means to be a citizen now they need to understand how citizens participate in their communities. Common Core/Essential Standards Reference: 3.C&G.2 Understand how citizen participate in their communities. Behavioral Objective: The student will work with tablemates to create statues representing different citizens throughout history that have impacted their community. Then they will create posters that represent what they are going to do as good citizens Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge - Roles of a citizen - Responsibilities of a citizen Skills - Ability to communicate in small groups Materials/Resources: - What is a good citizen PowerPoint - Historic Citizens Handouts - Oversized Sheet - Poster paper - Crayons, markers, pencils etc. Focus/Review: Who are citizens? (People who live in a community) What do citizens do? (Help their community) Citizens do many things to help improve their communities. What things do we do to improve our school community? (Follow the rules, listen to our teachers, and be respectful of others) Objective (as stated for students): Today we are going to learn about some people throughout history that have made an impact on their communities. Teacher Input: Many people throughout history have been good citizens in their communities. Many of them worked to help their local communities. Then their ideas traveled all over the United States. Today we are going to look at a few of those citizens. Use PowerPoint to talk about vocabulary words and what good citizens do stop at slide 3. Guided Practice: Hand out one of the historic citizens to each table group. Tell them you want them to create a statue. Show them the Rosa Parks example on slide 4 as an example. I want you to create your own statues to represent who each person is then we will share them with the class. I need to know these three things: When and where were they born? What did they do for their community and other communities? Where do you think their statue should go?

Independent Practice: Give the Question What can I do as a good citizen to help improve the community? and have the students create a poster. In that poster they should write words and/or draw picture showing what good citizens do. They should put on the poster things that they want to do to help improve their community. Closure: Citizens work for the common good of all people because all people are important. They volunteer to help people in need without being paid. They also recycle and take care of their environment so that other people can enjoy it to. We all should be good citizens. Evaluation: Rubric Picture/words saying that they would be respectful of others Picture/words showing that they would recycle Picture/words showing something that they want to create to help other people in the community i.e. a foundations or anything else that can be represented

Plans for Individual Differences: Instead of writing various words I will allow ELLs to draw more pictures so long as they can explain to me the drawing and what it represents

Adapted from: Social Studies Alive: Our Community and Beyond

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