Ead 6024 Backward Mappingcurriculum Group Project

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A Curriculum Leader: The Principals Role in the Development, Implementation, & Evaluation of a Curriculum

Joey Stokes Melissa Chaney Vicki Wingate Andrea Foster Buck Shockley

You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.


Before a principal begins to make changes in a school, the principal must evaluate the curriculum to ensure that it has been properly developed and is being implemented appropriately.


Marzano Research Laboratory
A guaranteed and viable curriculum is the most important factor in student achievement. Learner outcome based education is thought to provide great consistency, accountability, and accessibility. The analysis of curriculum must be performed to ensure that the written curriculum matches the taught curriculum and is aligned with district and state standards.


Scenario A
Begin with the end in mind Provide curriculum resources
CSIP, BSIP, and Curriculum guides, any other materials

Identify 8 to 10 ELOs that are most crucial Emphasize English and Math Encourage all teachers to use critical writing and problem solving on a daily basis


Scenario B
Ensure curriculum is vertically aligned Create pacing guides that are easy to navigate and user friendly Use graphic organizers or charts Components include:
ELOs, Power Standards, GLEs, or Benchmarks, Timeline, Indicators of learning, teaching resources, and assessment methods

Follow up with stake holders

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Scenario C
Establish a clear purpose of why we are doing this Ensure it flows from grade to grade
Nothing left out nothing taught multiple times

Provide multiple PD opportunities to faculty for vertical alignment Create a checklist to ensure teachers are using new power standards Have each department create a curriculum map to ensure power standards are taught
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Scenario D
Use the Common Core Crosswalk Document Place them into groups and have them record what standards are the same and what ones changed Send leadership team to conference on transition from GLEs to Common Core Have them create a presentation on the conference and have them present to staff


Analyze data from map/EOC scores to see what areas need improvements Look for lead teachers within the district to see if someone was strong in the areas we are struggling
If so have them coach the others on that specific area of improvement

Scenario E

If there are not any in district look at conference and have the teachers shadow them for a day Hire an effective retired teacher from the district and have them model for that teacher in the areas they are week
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