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October, 2013

Pembroke Pines, Florida Pastor Christopher Cassis

Welcome to the 2nd Newsletter of the Source Church. I want to thank you for taking the time to read what God is doing through our ministry and continuing to support us with your prayers and finances. So here is our update: we landed in South Florida August 12th. We spent the first month settling into our homes, putting together furniture from IKEA, getting the kids placed in school, and learning the area around us. The second month we concentrated on finding jobs in order to offset the cost of living in South Florida. The sunshine comes with a price; multiply everything by 5 to understand the reality of what the cost of living is here in South Florida. Now that Duane, Josue, and I have found jobs we have taken this third month as an opportunity to begin meeting as a small Other items of interest: Our website and blog are coming soon! The weather is beginning to change which means the humidity is lower and its only 80 degrees! We have seen several iguanas! Chris is becoming an expert spider hunter!

group (pictured below). Our small group meets to read the Bible, discuss what God is doing in our lives, and pray for one another. Our goal is to begin three small groups by February in order to begin our preview worship services by spring. The scary thing about small groups is that they can meet for weeks, months, or years and never experience any growth.

dont know the stories of the Bible. They seem to have a general hunger for God, but have a limited understanding of Jesus Christ. Many of them have never possessed or read a Bible in their life.

This excites me for God has not only given us an opportunity to start a church, but to expand His Kingdom by explaining Gods love and amazing grace to others. We hope you enjoy the pictures in this This does not seem to be the case newsletter. Please pray for God to with us. In just a short time God has continue to connect us with those brought individuals into our group who need to hear His gospel mesand enabled us to connect with sage of salvation. Pastor Chris more and more people. An example is that Vivy and I connected with a nice couple with a few kids at the pool just last week. We plan on setting up a play date and inviting them to a Bible study in the near future. What we continue to find is that many of the people we are meeting

Praise God...
....Pastor Chris was able to lead an inmate to Christ ....Pastor Chris and Duane both now have jobs ....the kids are doing really well in school and have made friends ....we are beginning to feel settled and getting to know the area we dont need to use our GPS all the time anymore ....a small group has begun to meet

Please pray...
....for patience and peace as we all continue to adjust to unfamiliar territory and a different culture away from family and friends. ....that we will stay tuned in to Gods leading for this new ministry ....that we will be able to build authentic relationships with those that God brings into our lives ....that the small group that has begun will grow

Contact: Pastor Chris - 954-544-3079 or 616-405-4442 - or Mailing Address: The Source Church, 10290 SW 8th Ct. #103, Pembroke Pines, FL 33025

Chris preaching at Vida Nueva with an interpreter

The Source Council meeting....

Signing church cluster covenant

Thank you !!!

Thank you to all of you who are praying for us and sending notes of encouragement. We are grateful for those who have also chosen to help support us financially. You are a blessing to us! We appreciate every giftlarge or small which helps us reach the community where we live and carry out the mission that God has asked us to carry out. At The Source Church we promise to be good caretakers of your generosity. We exist to empower people to make an impact for Gods kingdom in their community and would love to have you join us in this mission.
Representatives from cluster churches meeting for a special service at El Buen Samaritano Church

Different ways that you can give to financially support The Source are listed below:
Mail checks to: The Source Church, 10290 SW 8th St. #103, Pembroke Pines, FL 33025 Give on-line - Give through Christian Reformed Home Missions - Make donation checks payable to Christian Reformed Home Missions and clearly indicate that the donation is for... The Source Church above grant . Mail to: Christian Reformed Home Missions,

1700 28th Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508-1407

All gifts are tax deductible

Worshiping with Chris preaching at Buena Nuevas Church in Miami

Worshiping with our parent church, Iglesia Cristiana Vida Nueva.

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