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End-of-Term Test 3

1 Write This is or These are.

0 1 2

These are crabs.

an octopus. women.

3 4 5

feet. a camera. a cherry. Total /5

Write What, Where, Who or How many. 2 0 1 2 3 4

How many animals are there? There

are five animals. has got the box? Karla has got the box. are they? Theyre sweets, chocolates and cherries. are the chocolates? Theyre in the box. sweets are there? There are twenty sweets. Total /4

Circle. Then choose and write. 3 playing 0 reading He is / are flying sleeping 1 hiding skipping .

sleeping .

It is / are

They is / are

We is / are

She is / are

You is / are Total

. / 10

Fly High 2 End-of-Term Test 3

Photocopiable Pearson Education 2010

4 Write Yes, he/she is or No, he/she isnt.

0 2 4 Is he cleaning his teeth? 1 Yes, he is. Is she reading? 3 5 Is she playing basketball?

Is he riding a bike?

Is she swimming?

Is he climbing a tree? Total /5

5 Write are some or arent any.

0 There 1 There 2 There 3 There 4 There 5 There 6 There

are some

carrots. apples. bags. oranges. chocolates. cakes. people. Total /6 / 30

Total marks

Fly High 2 End-of-Term Test 3

Photocopiable Pearson Education 2010

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