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Name: Date: Period: Day:


Your task is to find the following information on the college of your choice. Your college can be in state or out of state, but it must be a realistic choice for you. The following information must be gathered on your college. Fill in the spaces below. nce you ha!e completed your research you are going to create a pennant "see samples#. Your pennant must look like the pennant of your college. $fter your pennant is complete, you will put your college research information on the backside of your pennant. %. Name of &ollege: 'estern regon (ni!ersity r

). *ocation "city and state#: +onmouth,

,. +ascot and school colors: 'olf-.lack, /ed and 'hite 0. Type of college "public or pri!ate#:Public 1. 2nrollment:3%45 3. Tuition: starts at %0,06% if 7 li!e on campus 5. Tests re8uired for admission: sat or act 4. +inimum re8uirements for admission: a. Test scores: 609 and abo!e sat b. :P$:).51 c. &ourses: &- or higher 0 yr of 2nglish, ,yr +ath, ,yr science, ,yr social studies, ) yr language 6. ;tudent-faculty ratio: %4:% %9. 'hat is the campus like: <ousing a!ailable on campus in dorms for students, small classes small campus %%. +a=ors 7>m interested in: 2?ercise ;cience, ;ports *eadership, P2-&oaching

%). Things 7 like: <ealth and 'ellness &enter, /anked among top colleges ,0th in news lists %,. Things 7 don>t like: Nothing that 7 know of yet

Name: Date: Period: Day: %0. $dmission>s address so 7 can get more information: 345 N Monmouth Ave. Monmouth, Or

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