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The purpose of the role is to provide a key poi t of !o ta!ts for the stude ts of ea!h fa!ulty" #ey respo si$ilities %ill i !lude to& 'ake yourself availa$le( to )ather the views, concerns and opinions of the stude ts %ithi your Fa!ulty" Attend, and participate, in relevant meetings, as appropriate e*a+ples $elo%" Communicate feedback to the stude ts represe tatives %ithi your fa!ulty follo%i ) +eeti )s referri ) to the+ a y other +atters of i terest ,e a%are of the a!tivities of the U iversity a d Stude ts- Asso!iatio a d e )a)e %here appropriate"

The SFO positio is a voluntar positio %hi!h re!eives a ho orariu+ of !"#$ each %emester as a )esture of support to the role fro+ the U iversity" Ea!h SFO %ill a!t i stro ) relatio ship to three key $odies& The Stude t ,ody of ea!h Fa!ulty . Throu)h re)ular e )a)e+e t %ith the !lass represe tative et%ork" R/U&UNION throu)h re)ular +eeti )s %ith the Stude t 0reside t . Edu!atio 1 2elfare a d atte di ) U io +eeti )s" The U iversity staff i ea!h fa!ulty . Throu)h havi ) the Dea of ea!h fa!ulty as a dire!t path of a!!ess to the U iversity !o++u ity a d throu)h re)ular +eeti )s %ith the Dea a d !o++ittee +eeti ) atte da !e"

Actions in Relation to the %tudent &od Re)ular +eeti )s %ith Class Reps Resolvi ) issues fa!i ) the stude t that are fa!ulty %ide Co++u i!ati ) i+porta t e%s fro+ the U io or U iversity to the Stude t ,ody 0rovide a respo se4si) post e+ail servi!e to stude t e 5uiries %he asked

Deliver Class Rep trai i ) throu)h the S0AR3S Asso!iate Trai er pro)ra+

Support a d Assist Stude t %he deali ) %ith S!hool Issues

Actions in Relation to R'()(*IO* Re)ular +eeti )s %ith 0reside t . Edu!atio 1 2elfare Assist a d atte d fo!us )roups o releva t +atters Atte da !e at Stude t Affairs Co++ittee 67 Other-s at re5uest8 A!t as the U io -s Represe tative to the Fa!ulty-s Stude ts Co++u i!ate feed$a!k of Stude t issues to releva t U io areas" 0rovide a se+ester report o a!tivities !overed i period i offi!e"

Actions in Relation to +he (niversit Re)ular +eeti )s %ith Fa!ulty Dea Atte da !e of Fa!ulty 3uality E ha !e+e t Su$ Co++ittee Co++u i!ate Stude t feed$a!k o issues to the U iversity $oth positive a d Ne)ative

A!t as the U iversity-s key poi t of !o ta!t for their Fa!ulty-s Stude ts

2ork %ith the Fa!ulty o addressi ) !urre t e ha !e+e t strate)ies %ithi the Fa!ulty

0ote tially take part i revie% pro!esses a!ross the U iversity"

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