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Susan B. Anthony Helped introduce womens suffrage in the United States and co-founder of Womens Temperance Movement. Elizabeth Cady Stanton Initiated the first organized womens rights and womens suffrage movement. Alice Paul Help lead campaign for womens suffrage, resulting in the 19th Amendment. Margaret Sanger Organized organizations that became Planned Parenthood.

Native Americans
Dennis Banks A leader of the American Indian Movement and cofounder of AIM. Clyde Bellecourt A civil rights organizer and co-founder of AIM. Eddie Benton Banai Advocated for cultural education in schools and relearning sacred native languages. Russell Means A civil rights organizer who became a prominent member of AIM.

Latino Americans
Rodolfo Corky Gonzales Considered a co-founder of the Chicano Movement. Convened the first ever Chicano youth conference Cesar Chavez Co-founded the National Farm Workers Association. Dolores Huerta Co-founded the National Farm Workers Association Edward R. Roybal Former member of U.S. House of Representatives who fought against discrimination.

The Fight for civil rights by various groups

Asian Americans
Wong Kim Ark Fought for citizenship after being denied reentry into the U.S. despite being born in the U.S. Kajiro Oyama Fought to keep land his father purchased in California. His case Oyaa v. California reached the Supreme Court. Althouh Oyama won the case, little progress was made in regards to discrimination.

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