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Title: Earth Patterns, Cycles and Change To#ic: Earth Science $rade: 3rd $rade

Subject/Course: Science (SOL 3. , 3.!" %esigner(s":

&'da#ted (ro) the *irginia %e#art)ent o( Education +ebsite Stage ,-%esired .esults Established $oals including State Standards, %istrict )andates, and )easurable as#ects o( your /ission State)ent: 3.8 The student will investigate and understand basic patterns and cycles occurring in nature. Key concepts include a) patterns of natural events such as day and night, seasonal changes, simple phases of the moon, and tides; b) animal life cycles; and c) plant life cycles. 3.9 The student will investigate and understand the water cycle and its relationship to life on arth. Key concepts include a) there are many sources of water on arth; b) the energy from the sun drives the water cycle; c) the water cycle involves several processes; d) water is essential for living things; and e) water on arth is limited and needs to be conserved. !nderstandings" #tudents will understand that$ The orientation of arth in relation to the sun dictates whether it is day or night #easons change because of arth%s tilt towards, or away from, the sun &ifferent locations on arth will e'perience different seasons during the same months (nimals have different behaviors throughout the year The moon goes through different phases because of it%s position relative to the sun as it orbits arth The moon%s gravitational pull on arth dictates tides &ifferent animals develop in different ways )lants go through a cycle of growth *ees and wind play a large role in the pollination process There are many sources of water on arth The energy from the sun drives the water cycle +e get the water we use in a variety of ways There are specific steps to life cycles There are three main processes in the water cycle +ater is essential for living things to survive ,o new water is created; water is only recycled +ater is a limited resource that needs to be conserved ssential -uestions" +hat is necessary for life. +hat effects do the sun and the moon have on arth. +hy are life cycles of plants and animals important for life on arth to continue. +hat is the importance of water to human beings and their continued e'istence.

#tudents will /now$ Key vocabulary )atterns of natural events0seasonal changes" hibernate, migrate, tilt, sun, winter, summer, spring, fall, autumn, a'is, arth, sun, weather, rotate, revolve, orbit )hases of the moon" new, wa'ing, wa'ing crescent, first 1uarter, wa'ing gibbous, full, waning gibbous, third 1uarter, waning crescent Tide" gravitational forces, high, low, moon, pattern (nimal life cycle" egg, adult, metamorphosis, 2varies based on lesson e'ample) )lant life cycle" seeds, seedling, mature plant, flower, germinate, dispersal, pollination, pollen, spore, sunlight, water, o'ygen, #ources of water" la/e, ocean, river, reservoir, water treatment plant, well +ater cycle" evaporation, condensation, precipitation, water molecule, atmosphere, clouds, water vapor, glacier, water table, groundwater, surface runoff, accumulation, energy 3onserve, nonrenewable, renewable, global warming 4acts ( day is 56 hours long The sun rises in the ast The sun sets in the +est arth orbits the sun 2revolves) arth rotates on an invisible a'is )rogression of seasons" springsummerfall 2autumn)winter 2and then it repeats) The tide is dictated by the moon and gravity Tides are different at different times of the day (nimals are either born from their mothers or hatched from eggs #ome animals hibernate, while some animals migrate during certain months of the year (ll animals have a life cycle )lants need sunlight, o'ygen, and water to grow (ll plants have a life cycle +ater cycle progression" vaporationcondensationprecipitation nergy from the sun drives the water cycle 4un facts" +e only ever see one side of the moon because it rotates at the same speed that it revolves arth%s gravitational pull on the moon creates tides on the moon as well

#tudents will be able to $ 7ecogni8e the time of day based on the position of arth relative to the sun &raw a picture of the different seasons, representing /ey characteristics of each 9ndicate which seasons occurs during each month 9dentify phases of the moon 7ecall why there tides on arth and be able to recogni8e the patterns 2high and low tides) 3ompare and contrast animal and plant life cycles :abel an animal cycle and give an e'ample :abel a plant cycle and give an e'ample 9llustrate the water cycle, incorporating /ey terms 9dentify different sources of water and show /nowledge of where the sources originated 7ecogni8e the different stages of the water cycle 'plain how the sun affects the water cycle 'plain why water is important to living things &iscuss different ways water can be conserved in daily life

)erformance Tas/"

Stage 0-'ssess)ent E1idence @ther vidence" 3reate a visual representation each cycle 2plant, animal, and water) CTeacher writes /ey terms that need to be used on the board and provides materials for completion 2i.e. paper, colored pencils, crayons, bag of ;other< materials, etc.)

;( &ay in the :ife< $: =our tas/ is to embody the life of a plant or animal, incorporating various aspects covered in the unit 2i.e. seasonal change, day0night, water use, etc.) .: )lant or (nimal ': 4ellow plants and animals S: =ou are a plant or an animal. =ou have the opportunity to tell all of the other animals or plants about your life, including your life cycle, how the seasons affect you, where you live, where you get your water, your favorite time of day, your diet and how you use water P: =our finished product will be your script submitted to the teacher and your presentation to the class 2including costume and props) S: The script needs to include your name, role for the presentation, and address all of the /ey concepts listed below. 9ncorporate /nowledge of these in your script" )rocesses involved in your life cycle >ow the seasons affect your life 2&o you hibernate. ?igrate. @nly grow in the summer.) +here you live +here you get 2and how you use) water =our diet =our favorite time of day 2(re you a night plant or animal. )refer the daylight.) &ress the part for your presentation, including costumes and props. *e creativeA ,arrative0#cript" )lay video of a student from a previous year as an e'ample. ,arrative 2to be printed and given out to students)" =ou have an e'citing opportunity to change your identity for a dayA >ow. =ou will have the choice of assuming the role of a plant or animal. Betting into character, you will be writing a script that covers topics we have been learning in class and present yourself to the class in a fun, interesting way. *e sure your information is correctC7esearch, research, researchA =ou will have a wee/ to prepare the script during nglish.

Two ;chec/Din< 1ui88es to chec/ understanding of topics before continuing. Topics include" E. ffects of the sun and moon on arth 5. )lant cycle, animal cycle, water cycle Feopardy game related to #@:s C#tudents will be assigned a topic by teacher C-uestions will be written on note cards by students in small groups and then handed in CTeacher will combine and sort 1uestions and present them to the class in a collaborative version of Feopardy C#tudents will briefly discuss the 1uestion and write answer on a white board, showing it to the teacher

+e will be going to the tech lab and library to do research on some of these days during #cience class. ,ote" ,o two people may be the same plant or animalC approve your choice by the teacher. +hat is turned in to me. 2our choice o( #lant or ani)al 2our scri#t including" )rocesses involved in your life cycle >ow the seasons affect your life 2&o you hibernate. ?igrate. @nly grow in the summer.) +here you live +here you get 2and how you use) water =our diet =our favorite time of day 2(re you a night plant or animal. )refer the daylight.) 4eel free to include more information, but ma/e sure these are covered. +hat will you do. Presentation +e will have a presentation day where you act out your script on 4riday. =ou should dress in costume and use props to tell us about yourself. *e creativeA

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