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.NET Relayer Software Quick Start Guide

IEEE COMTRADE Viewer and Software for Protective Relay Simulation and Experiment Copyri!"t # $% &in" Dam' (une )**+ Applie to %,ET Relayer v)%)%-./0

Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


Product Background and O er ie!........................................................................" #nstallation...............................................................................................................$ %hat's Ne! in .NET Relayer &.&'..........................................................................( Na igating )O*TR+DE ,iles.................................................................................Simulating Relay O.eration..................................................................................../ Plotting Data............................................................................................................0 *ani.ulating Plots.................................................................................................12 Plotting ,ormulas..................................................................................................11 Building 3our O!n Relay ,unctions......................................................................1& +d anced$ +4out the Pro ided Sam.les................................................................................1/ )ontact #n5ormation...............................................................................................16

)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.


Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


Product Background and O er iew

Thank you 5or your interest in the .NET Relayer so5t!are: Bin! "a#$s .NET Relayer is an a!ard;!inning so5t!are 5or relay algorithm simulation and e<.eriments. #t is also a .o!er5ul ie!er 5or #EEE )O*TR+DE 5iles. The key inno ation o5 .NET Relayer is to allo! relay algorithms to 4e !ritten on;the;5ly and tested instantly against !a e5orms .rerecorded in the )O*TR+DE 5ormat. Po!er systems .rotection relies on ad anced algorithms design and testing. The .NET Relayer so5t!are =5ormerly kno!n as %a efor# &naly'ers> 5acilitates the design and testing o5 relay algorithms 4y le eraging the dynamic code generation ca.a4ilities o5 the .NET ,rame!ork and the 5eatures o5 the .NET (a) and E*+eri#ents so5t!are 5rom the author. .NET Relayer is a com.rehensi e ie!er 5or #EEE )O*TR+DE 5iles. Recorded oltage and current !a e5orms and other relay signals are easily dis.layed in ta4ular and gra.hical 5ormat. *ore in5ormation on the )O*TR+DE 5ormat is a aila4le 5rom #EEE. The .NET Relayer so5t!are is also suited 5or general !a e5orm analysis. Relay algorithms and other signal .rocessing methods can 4e im.lemented to analy?e and res.ond to .re; recorded oltage and current !a e5orms. @sers can create their o!n analy?ers or use the 4uilt;in analy?er sam.les to analy?e !a e5orms. .NET Relayer has the 5ollo!ing ca.a4ilitiesA #EEE )O*TR+DE 5ile ie!ing. Grid and gra.hical dis.lay o5 !a e5orm data. Easy setu. o5 distance relay .rotection ?ones. *athematical .lots =)B and Cisual Basic e<.ressions>. and instant testing o5 your o!n relay 5unctions =unlimited arguments and .arameters9 )B and Cisual Basic>. De4ugging is a aila4le through a .NET de4ugger. Sam.le 4uilt;in relay 5unctionsA disk o ercurrent9 directional9 and modi5ied distance relay =to 4e u.dated on reDuest>. Su..ort 5or analysis e ents and re.orts. Sam.le !a e5orms9 !a e5orm generators9 and sam.le !a e5orm analy?ers included =see SectionA +4out the Pro ided Sam.les>. .NET Relayer is regularly e<.anded to com.lement the ca.a4ilities o5 e<isting tools and to su..ort rele ant research acti ities. 3ou may su4mit 5eed4ack and 5eature reDuests 4y contacting the author =see SectionA )ontact #n5ormation>.

)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.


Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


)om.ati4le so5t!are and o.erating systemsA %indo!s 069 *E9 NT$9 &2229 EP ="&;4it>9 Cista ="&;4it>9 / ="&;4it> .NET ,rame!ork ersions 1.29 1.19 &.29 ".29 ".(9 $.2.

+n installation .rogram automatically con5igures the .NET Relayer so5t!are 5or immediate use on your com.uter. 3ou may need administrator .ri ileges to install the so5t!are on recent o.erating systems. #5 you do!nloaded the so5t!are in F#P 5ormat9 you need to e<tract the setu. .rogram 5rom the F#P 5ile. The ste.s o5 the installation .rogram areA 1. %elcome screen &. Gicense agreement ". #nstall location selection $. Program shortcuts =Deskto. and Start *enu H Programs>

To uninstall .NET Relayer9 use the +ddIRemo e Programs command 5rom the %indo!s control .anel.

)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.

Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


%!at$s New in .NET Relayer 0.01

Built;in relay 5unctions are no! in a se.arate DGG =RelaySet-"&">. *ulti.le reordering and deleting no! a aila4le in the Plot *anager and data series editor. + Descri.tion and @nit 5ield are no! a aila4le in DataSeries o4Jects. The ),G 5ile .ro.erty ie!er has 4een remo ed. The +naly?er Out.ut dialog has 4een reorgani?ed. #n the Data +nalysis module9 5or each .arameter9 only data series o5 the e<.ected ty.e are dis.layed. #n the data series re5erence selector9 only series o5 the same length that do not create circular re5erences are sho!n. Re5erences are no! .reser ed !hen mo ingIco.ying data 5rom one editor to another. %hen mo ingIco.ying data or e<.orting results9 users are .rom.ted 4e5ore o er!riting series !ith e<isting names. Ne! names 5or data series are generated !hen needed. The status 4ar no! re.orts com.ilation status and dra!ing status.

Corrected ,ssues
The grid a..ears underneath the .lots in 4oth .lot editor and gra.hics co.ied to the cli.4oard. Trans.arent .lot 4ackgrounds a..ear in !hite instead o5 4lack and trans.arent .lot areas a..ear in the same color as the 4ackground. Plots !ith data series containing NaN alues9 guesses are dra!n in the .lot area and sho!n in the trace !indo!. The res.onse time has 4een signi5icantly ed !hen selecting all series in the data series editor and creating the corres.onding .lots.

)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.

Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


Na igating CO2TR&"E 3iles

1. +t startu.9 the .rogram automatically asks !hich )O*TR+DE 5ile =.c5g e<tension> you !ould like to o.en. 3ou may also use the ,ile H O.en command or the ,ile H Recent ,iles list to access )O*TR+DE 5iles. &. The !a e5orms stored in the )O*TR+DE 5ile are dis.layed in the Data Series list in the main !indo!. %hen selecting !a e5orms 5rom the list9 their content is sho!n in a s.readsheet underneath the list. ". %a e5orm attri4utes =Re5erence9 Base Ty.e9 Gength9 @nit9 Descri.tion> may 4e changed using the Pro+erties %indow to the right o5 the screen. %a e5orm sam.les may 4e changed using the s.readsheetIgrid dis.lay. $. The selected !a e5orms may 4e renamed9 .lotted9 du.licated9 reordered9 co.ied or mo ed to another editor KEdit H *o e Data SeriesL or KEdit H )o.y Data SeriesL9 or deleted. The corres.onding commands are a aila4le under the Edit menu9 the Data menu9 or the conte<tual menu. (. 3ou may co.y certain ro!s or sam.les o5 the selected !a e5orms to the cli.4oard 5or use in other a..lications such as s.readsheet a..lications. -. +ttentionA all changes are lost u.on closing o5 the !a e5orm list. #n addition9 modi5ied or deleted data cannot 4e reco ered and must 4e reo.ened or recom.uted.

/ . 0

)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.

Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


Si#ulating Relay O+eration

Relay simulations can 4e launched 5rom the main !indo! using Data H +nalysis or using the +nalysis tool4ar 4utton 1. Select a relay 5unction. &. )on5igure relay .ro.erties. ". )on5igure relay in.ut .arameters. $. Gaunch analysis. (. E<amine re.orts. -. E<.ort results. . The ste.s are as 5ollo!sA

)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.

Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.

Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


Plotting "ata
The .NET Relayer so5t!are has the ca.a4ility to gra.hically re.resent data 5rom )O*TR+DE 5iles and data com.uted 5rom relay simulations and other analyses. The ste.s to .lot data are as 5ollo!sA 1. Select the !a e5orms to .lot 5rom the Data Series !indo! &. To .lot all !a e5orms against time9 click Data H Plot H Plot Selected Series9 or use the Plot tool4ar 4utton . O.tionally9 s.eci5y the destination editor.

". To .lot a 5amily o5 !a e5orms9 click Data H Plot H Plot Series ,amily. Plot 5amilies are dra!n !ith shades o5 the same color. $. To .lot one !a e5orm ersus another =com.le< traJectories>9 click Data H Plot H EAMname1NO 3AMname&N (. To .lot a su4set o5 certain !a e5orms against time9 select the ro!s to .lot and click Data H Plot H Plot Selected Ro!s =as sho!n in the illustration 4elo!>.

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)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.

Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


2ani+ulating Plots
The .NET Relayer so5t!are includes .o!er5ul .lotting tools to achie e a !ide range o5 dis.laysA 1. Plot manager to select acti e dis.lays and ie!Ico.y legend. The .lot manager automatically a..ears u.on .lotting data 5or the 5irst time. The .lot manager can 4e acti ated using Cie! H Plot *anager or 5rom the tool4ar. &. Pro.erties %indo! to modi5y .lot attri4utes =line9 color9 trans.arency9 limits9 scale9 o55set9 a<es9 title9 sym4olsIgly.hs>. ". Trace !indo! that dis.lays gra.h coordinates. To acti ate Trace 5or any !a e5ormA 1. )lick Cie! H Sho! )ursors 5rom the main menu. &. Select the !a e5orms to trace 5rom the Plot *anager and set the Sho!)ursor .ro.erty to true. ". + small sDuare a..ears on each .lot acti ated 5or cursor dis.lay9 and coordinates are u.dated in the Trace !indo! as you mo e the cursor. $. Foom tools to .an9 5ocus on details or to return to gra.h o er ie!s. (. Easy setu. o5 relay ?ones 5or isuali?ations =Plot H Setu. Relay Fones>. -. )o.y .lots and legend to cli.4oard =Edit H )o.y as Bitma.I*eta5ile>.

5 / -

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)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.


Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


Plotting 3or#ulas
.NET Relayer allo!s users to .lot =mathematical> 5ormulas to check i5 !a e5orms o4ey certain criteria. *athematical .lots are easy to create and con5igureA 1. @se the Plot menu to select !hich ty.e o5 .lot to insertA 5unction .lots9 .arametric .lots9 and .olar .lots. + .lot is inserted and dra!n !ith de5ault settings. &. @se the S.lit ie! =Cie! H S.lit> to sho! the code editor side;4y;side !ith the gra.hical dis.lay. ". #n the )ode ie!9 under ,ragments9 select ,ormula =E,ormula or 3,ormula 5or .arametric .lots>. $. Ty.e a return e<.ression =)B>. #5 .ri ate aria4les9 initiali?ation code9 or e<ternal re5erences are needed9 or to change the language9 see +d anced to.ics in this guide. (. )lick )om.ile H )om.ile Plot Grou. or use the tool4ar 4utton to changes. The .lot editor is automatically u.dated !ith the ne! .lots. -. *athematical .lots can 4e mani.ulated the same !ay as !a e5orm .lots as descri4ed in SectionA *ani.ulating Plots.

4 0

)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.


Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


Building 7our Own Relay 3unctions

3ou can .rototy.e and test custom relay 5unctions in a 5e! easy ste.sA 1. ,rom the Data Series editor9 select Data H )reate Quick +naly?er9 or o.en on 5rom ,ile H O.en =select Quick +naly?ers =P.Da?> 5rom the 5ile 5ilter>.

&. +cti ate the Pro.erties %indo! =shortcut keyA ,$>.

. /
". ,rom the Pro.erties %indo!9 edit the +rguments .ro.erty.

$. ,rom the Pro.erties %indo!9 edit the Out.uts .ro.erty.

)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.


Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


(. #n the Declarations section9 declare the out.ut aria4les de5ined in Ste. $.

-. #nitiali?e the out.ut aria4les in the +nalysis#nitiali?er section 4ased on the length o5 the in.ut arguments de5ined in Ste. ".

/. #n the )ode section9 !rite !hat each mem4er o5 the out.ut aria4les should 4e 4ased on the in.ut arguments. Note that the *em4er!ise+nalysis .ro.erty o5 the analy?er determines !hether the code section is 4ased on each sam.le or on the !hole data series.

6. )lick )om.ile H )om.ile Quick+naly?er or use the tool4ar 4utton. 3ou !ill 4e !arned o5 any errors. #5 there are no errors9 no message !ill 4e dis.layed9 and you may .roceed to ne<t ste.. 0. To use the ne!ly created Quick+naly?er9 return to the editor 5or an o.en )O*TR+DE 5ile9 and start an analysis. The Quick+naly?er a..ears in the list o5 a aila4le analy?ersIrelay 5unctionsA

)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.


Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


&d anced Prototy+ing

Custo# 8aria)les and 2et!ods
To add code 5or aria4les and methods9 switc! to Code 8iew. Select 9Plot: or Quick&naly'er; < "eclarations in the 3rag#ent (ist9 and add the code 5or aria4les and methods in the te<t editor. Since these aria4les and methods are in the same class than the .lot or Quick+naly?er to e aluate9 you can use them directly !ithout .ro iding the 5ully Duali5ied name o5 the aria4les and methods.
< Note= the Declarations 5ragment uses the names.ace and im.orts .ro ided in the Build O.tions .ro.erties.

Custo# Class "eclarations

To .ro ide additional names.aceIclass declarations9 switc! to Code 8iew. Select Build O+tions < >serCode in the 3rag#ent (ist. +dd the code 5or ne! names.aces and classes. Because the @ser)ode is in a se.arate unit 5rom the in.ut code9 you ha e to use the 5ully Duali5ied name o5 static methods9 and .ro ide the names.aces !hen instantiating a class.
< Note= the @ser)ode 5ragment does not use the im.orts 5ound in the Build O.tions9 you must .ro ide names.ace im.orts as i5 it !as a se.arate 5ile.

)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.


Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


Configuring Co#+ile O+tions

#n most 4asic cases9 you don't ha e to do anything else to e<ecute code as you !rite it. #n some cases9 it !ill 4e necessary to change some settings. To do so9 make sure the Pro+erties %indow is isi4le =Cie! H Pro.erties %indo!9 or ,$ key>9 and select Co#+ile O+tions in the dro.;do!n list. The Pro+erties %indow dis.lays se eral .airs o5 settings and their alues. ,#+orts= Gists all names.aces im.orted =using directi es9 #m.orts directi es>. Some names.aces are already listed in the names.ace selector9 so you can check them in one click instead o5 5ull them e ery time. Note= This .ro.erty also a..lies to the @ser)ode .ro.erty9 4ut does NOT to re5erenced source 5iles. Source 5iles must include their o!n names.ace im.ort statements. ,nclude"e)ug,nfo= #5 true9 makes de4ugging in5o =sym4ols and source code> a aila4le to use in a .NET de4ugger. Ena4le de4ugging in5o to s.ot errors in documents !ith large amount o5 code. The de5ault is 5alse. (anguage= )hoose 5rom )B =de5ault> or Cisual Basic .NET. Na#es+ace= The names.ace in !hich to 4uild the code. References=

1. The Re5erence selector lists all assem4lies re5erenced in the acti e document. mscorli4.dll is al!ays re5erenced and does not a..ear in the re5erences list. &. The dro+?down )utton Just right o5 the &dd@Browse )utton .ro ides shortcuts to 5olders !here common .NET li4raries are located. Shortcuts .oint to the a..lication directory9 the document directory =i5 a aila4le> and the installation 5older o5 the utili?ed .NET ersion. Source3iles= Gists all 5iles !hich contain source code used 4y the in.ut. @se5ul to maintain some reusa4le source code !ithout ha ing to com.ile it in a li4rary. The user inter5ace 5or the source 5ile selector is ery similar to the Re5erence Selector. >serCode= )ontains any additional class declarations you need. To edit the user

)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.

Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


code9 dis.lay the Code Pane 4y clicking the Code iew )utton9 or 4y acti ating Cie! H )ode in the menu9 and look 5or the BuildO.tions H @ser)ode in the ,ragments tree. See also Paragra.hA )ustom )lass Declarations.
< Note= )ode in the @ser)ode section should 4e ready to 4uild as i5 it !as a se.arate 5ile9 inde.endently 5rom any document code. Na#es+aces listed in t!e ,#+orts +ro+erty will a++ly to t!e user code section6 )ut you #ust e*+licitly i#+ort t!e na#es+aces in t!e referenced source files.

)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.


Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


&)out t!e Pro ided Sa#+les

)O*TR+DE ,iles shortsam.le.c5gI.datA some simulation su4transient !a e5orms. TestE&.c5gI.datA !a e5orms !ith ste. in current magnitude. Quick+naly?ers cosine.Da?A a cosine !a e5orm generator. Qarm)osine.Da?A a cosine !a e5orm generator !ith harmonics distortion =u. to harmonic />. FeroSeDuenceA com.utes the ?ero seDuence o5 a three;.hase signal. Cisual Studio ProJect ,iles =Cisual Studio may 4e need to 4e con5igured 4e5ore these .roJects can 4e 4uilt and utili?ed com.letely> Nati eRelayA a ) DGG .roJect !ith a nati e 5unction that can 4e called 5rom a Quick+naly?er or other .NET .roJect. Sam.leRelayA a )B .roJect that creates a relay DGG 5rom .ure )B code or 5rom )B code that calls the nati e DGG a4o e.

)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.


Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's .NET Relayer Quick Start Guide


Contact ,nfor#ation
The author may 4e contacted through the 5ollo!ing meansA EmailA Tele.honeA S1 $2$;"6$;012Product !e4siteA htt.AII!!!.D4dam;la4s.netIrelayer.html

Su4mit 5eed4ack 4y using the !e4 5orm located atA htt.AII!!!.D4dam;la4s.netI1T1"T)ontri4utions.html 3ou may also access this !e4 5orm 5rom the so5t!are using Qel. H Send ,eed4ack. +dditional ser ices 5or the .NET Relayer so5t!are may 4e arrangedA On;site training may 4e arranged 5or a nominal 5ee. E<tended su..ort and so5t!are noti5ication to 4e .ro ided !ith su4scri.tion.

)o.yright 7 8une &2209 Q. Binh Dam. The .NET Relayer name and logo are trademarks o5 Q. Binh Dam.


Binh Dam's

Binh Dam's



.NET Relayer Software

T"an1 you for your intere t in t"e .NET Relayer oftware2 Copyri!"t # (une )**+' $% &in" Dam

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