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Population Guided Viewing Worksheet

Lesly Quezada 1: What is symbiosis? What is a good example of a symbiotic relationship? -Symbiosis means living together -A good example is the clown fish and the sea enenimy because the fish live in it and it gives protection 2: List all of the types of interactions between two types of organisms in an ecosystem (give an example of each). -Positive -negative -Neutral Type of interaction Neutralism Amensalism Commensalism Competition Mutualism Predation or Parasitism Effect on X X,O X,O X,+ X,X,+ X,+ Effect on Y Y,O Y,Y,O Example The Wolves & Lichens Fungus & Bacteria Tigers & Golden Jackle Cheetahs & Lions Bee & A Flower
Tapeworm living inside the intestine of an animal

Y, + Y, Y,

3: Ecosystem Feedback Mechanisms Explain how the Wolves/Elk populations in Yellowstone are a great example of a symbiotic relationship and a negative feedback loop.

-Their population took off and at some point their was many wolves and elk started to drop off which caused the wolves numbers to come down as well. 4: What is the definition of a population? -It is made up of a whole bunch of individuals. -Create specific behavior as well. 5: Discuss what is happening with the Kudzu Plant in the United States and explain how this is. an example of a symbiotic relationship (which?). -It was brought from japan and now has grown a lot and much of the southeast is covered in it. -Now a bug has been made its way here and now feeds on it

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