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Job Description

Role:The SAP Developer (BI) is responsible for the delivery of BI Dataflow design (from Dataso r!e to Reports)" # be$%DS !onfig ration" B& reporting and te!hni!al spe!ifi!ations based on b siness re' irements do! ments and overall sol tion ar!hite!t re( They will also prod !e asso!iated assets (s !h as do! mentation and test plans) for the software system(The developer is e)pe!ted to provide te!hni!al e)pertise for systems analysis" design" implementation" and s pport( Developer may be re' ired to do the te!hni!al lead role for individ al pro*e!ts( A!!o ntabilities:+ Performing B& ! stomisation and enhan!ements(+ &ill be responsible for performan!e t ning of the B& Prod !tion system( &ill in!l de re!ommendations on pdates" !hanges and pat!h releases that may be re' ired (hardware and software)+ Day to day monitoring of the daily data loads from SAP" in!l ding in day refreshes d ring !riti!al b siness periods+ &ill wor, nder the dire!tion of the Senior B& Analyst depending on re' irements(+ Identify and Improve the effi!ien!y of ! rrent reporting pra!ti!es within b siness+ Responsible for providing e)pert advi!e and !ons ltan!y to B siness B& S per -ser(+ &ill be responsible for ens ring timely delivery of R. data to B& system" in line with S/A e)pe!tations( &here appropriate" will be e)pe!ted to re!ommend te!hni!al sol tions to improve servi!es( + 0 st be able to provide te!hni!al advi!e and s pport to B& B siness sers+ Responsible for ens ring best pra!ti!e and adheren!e to SAP B& standard pro!esses and pro!ed res(

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