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Spencer Littlejohn U826x667 SOC 111

Participation Activity #4 Out o the nine !ocial in!titution! in A"erican !ociety there are t#o that $ %elieve to %e the "o!t i"portant& reli'ion an( e(ucation) *eli'ion ha! create( the ethic! an( value !y!te" in the Unite( State!+ la#! a! #ell a! !ocial nor"! have %een pa!! (o#n ro" reli'iou! tra(ition) ,(ucation i! the Unite( State!- !tan(ar(i.e( e ort at trainin' chil(ren to enter the #or/place a ter 'ra(uation) All chil(ren ro" a'e ive an( up are !u%jecte( to the !a"e teachin' practice! an( learnin' environ"ent) All nine !ocial in!titution! are in luential in A"erican !ociety0 ho#ever there are t#o !ocial in!titution! that are le!! in luential than the other !even& the "ilitary an( the econo"y) 1he "ilitary0 #hile in luential in ti"e! o 'reat cri!i! ha! a le!!er role in ti"e! o peace) 1hi! i! !till the ca!e even #ith the po!!i%le "ilitary action in Syria a! the con lict i! !till a"%i'uou! at the "o"ent) 2hatever the 3value4 o the !ocial in!titution0 all A"erican !ociety relie! on each !ocial in!titution) 5a"ily0 reli'ion0 an( "a!! "e(ia (ictate the ol/#ay! o the Unite( State!+ "e(icine an( !cience !et the pace or the evolution o the !tan(ar( o livin'+ the econo"y0 the "ilitary0 politic!0 an( the la# #or/ to'ether to create the !tructure an( !tren'th o the A"erican #ay o li e) 2ithout any o the!e piece! the A"erican #ay #oul( %e orce( to chan'e or cea!e to unction) 6ay to (ay li e (oe! !ee" to loo/ (i erent ro" the over archin' the"e! in !ocial in!titution!) 5or in!tance0 on a (ay to (ay !cale e(ucation an( "a!! "e(ia play the "o!t in luential role+ "e(icine an( the "ilitary play a le!! in luential role) 1#enty year! ro" no# the a!cri%e( value o each !ocial in!titution i! %oun( to chan'e) Chance! are that "y a"ily i! 'oin' to %e one o the "ajor in!titution! in "y li e) *eli'ion #oul( re"ain a! a con!tant overarchin' !ocial in!titution in "y li e) 1#enty year! i! a lon' perio( an( %y that ti"e "a!! "e(ia an( e(ucation #ill have le!! in luence over "y (aily li e)

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