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The Security Council, 1.

Condemns the nuclear test conducted by DPRK on 12 February 2013 in flagrant disregard of the Councils relevant resolutions 1718(2006), 1874(2009), 2087(2013) and 2094(2013); 2. Demands that the DRPK not proceed with any further nuclear tests and comply with resolutions 1718(2006) and 1874(2009);

3. Invites Member States to continue to support and assist, as appropriate, the process of interKorean dialogue, reconciliation and reunification so that it may contribute to peace and security not only on the Korean peninsula but also in north-east Asia and the world as a whole; 4. Affirms that it shall keep the DPRKs actions under continuous review and is prepared to strengthen, modify, suspend or lift the measures taken by the UNSC as may be needed in light of the DPRKs compliance, in this regard expresses its determination in the event of a further DPRK launch or a nuclear test. (What kind of measures?)

5. Reaffirms its support to the six party talks, calls for their resumption with a view of achieving the verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. (Expand more on the NPT agenda, as it is a very crucial and effective tool in solving this issue) 6. Demands further that the DPRK return at an early date to the NPT and implement all of its obligations including, but not limited to, the inspections of nuclear sites in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea; 7. Endorses the establishment of Keasong Industrial Region by the joint efforts of Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea; 8. Encourages Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea to establish greater relations such as setting up industrial parks in the Kosong County in the Kangwon province, north of the demilitarized zone, similar to the one at the Kaesong industrial region; 9. Welcomes the re-establishment of the hotline between the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea; 10. Encourages Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea to establish mechanisms;

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