Our Genetics:: Happiness

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Happiness has a practical use. It can actually help you achieve your other goals. Happiness can help you: create better relationships Make more money Do better at your job. People at your job are going to like you better if youre happy

Our Genetics:
Approximately 50% of our happiness levels is determined by our genes. This is called our genetic setpoint or genetic set range. Most people are born with a specific genetic set range, and even if good or bad things happen to us we tend to return over time to that genetic set range. Our circumstances, such as our job or how much money we have, our social status, our health, only account for another 10% of our happiness. The remaining approximately 40% of our happiness levels is dependent on our Intentional Behaviour, things that we can do on a regular basis to become happier. If a person wants to become happier they should consciously vary what they do. Changing your routine is important. Variety is the spice of life.

How our Brain Creates Happiness:

Happiness is caused by Dopamine, which is a neuro-transmitter in the brain. It is necessary for feelings of pleasure and happiness. A neuro-transmitter is the chemical released by a nerve cell (neuron) in the brain when it wants to communicate with another nerve cell. The neuro-transmitter is released by one neurons synapses (the receptors on each nerve cell that respond to Dopamine), and received by another neurons synapses. From your teenage years onwards, you are slowly losing Dopamine synapses, and Dopamine neurons as well. As far as science has determined, they do not regenerate. If its too severe you end up with Parkinsons Disease. In order to maintain your Dopamine synapses and neurons you need to Use it or Lose it. You need to seek out experiences that release Dopamine, or that you need Dopamine to do. The things that involve Dopamine the most involve physical activity. Aerobic exercise is one of the best releasers of Dopamine, especially if you do it in novel ways, such as modifying your exercise routine from time to time.

The Concept of Flow:

Happiness can be increased when doing an activity, particularly a physical activity, or singing or playing a musical instrument, by being in the zone or in other words, experiencing Flow. Being in the zone (experiencing Flow) happens when you have very clear goals. When you know moment by moment what you have to do. You know immediately if you are doing it right. Being in the zone feels like you wish you could do the activity forever, because it feels that you are completely fulfilling something that you can see happening immediately and that you are doing well, and you feel that nothing else matters in that moment. People in that situation feel in control, and forget their problems in that moment, and they also forget themselves so completely that the ego that we are always aware of in everyday life disappears entirely from their mind. Over time, experiencing Flow on a regular basis builds a feeling that life is worth living. People who experience Flow on a regular basis are happier than those who dont. References: Flow The Psychology of Optimal Experience, by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

Residual Effect of Events on Happiness:

People overestimate how much impact both good and bad events will have on them in the future. People believe that when good things happen to them they will be ecstatic and that feeling will last a very long time. In fact, the feeling dissipates very quickly. People believe that when bad things happen to them they will be devastated and that feeling will last a very long time. In fact, they are devastated, but that feeling also dissipates very quickly. In general, people cope very well when things go very bad. One of the key ingredients to happiness is being able to recover from adversity quickly. References: Stumbling on Happiness, by Daniel Gilbert.

Life Goals:
Can be divided into two categories: Extrinsic (focused on something external to you e.g. rewards, praise, owning things) e.g.: Money and Financial Success Image and looking good

Status and popularity

Intrinsic (inherently satisfying in and of themselves because they relate to intrinsic psychological needs) e.g.: Personal Growth trying to be who I really am Relationships being close and connected with loved ones and friends Community feeling wanting to help the world to become a better place

Scientific research has demonstrated that people who are focused on extrinsic goals are less satisfied, more depressed, more anxious and feel less vital and energised in their daily lives than people who are focused on intrinsic goals.

Key Happiness Ingredients:

Play Having new experiences Friends and family. Happy people have close, supportive family and friends. Doing things that are meaningful Appreciating what we have

Regular Exercises to Build Your Happiness Muscles:

At the end of each week, list 5 things that you are grateful for once per week. Carry out regular and concrete acts of kindness

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