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Bible Resources

Heroes of the Faith/ YWAM
Books for older children



h Bible Storygrades 1-3 Mrs !oah"s #atch Work $%ilt &anet Bolton 'o((ents) *he story of !oah as told by his +ife +ho (ade a ,atch+ork -%ilt to ,ass the ti(e +hile on the art +hich ill%strates their .o%rney and the story is reco%nted thro%gh the s-%ares Bible Storygrades 1-3 &osh%a and the Battle of &ericho 'hristina Benagh 'o((ents) Story abo%t yo%ng kids +ho accidentally tra/el back in ti(e and +itness the story of &osh%a and the fall of &ericho Bible Storygrades 1-3 Mary"s *reas%re Bo0 'arolyn W 1ra(lich 'o((ents) An inno/ati/e retelling of the !ati/ity story2 told thro%gh the different ite(s Mary has ke,t in a s,ecial (e(ory bo0 Bible Storygrades 3-4 Bible Bad 5%ys Bob Hart(an 'o((ents) Stories of bad g%ys fo%nd thro%gho%t the Bible fro( #haraoh to Herod Bible Storygrades 3-4 'o((ents) Bible Storygrades 3-4 'o((ents) 'hristian 6al%esgr 1-3 7o/e Yo%r !eighbor Melody 'arlson 'o((ents) F%n ,ict%re book to hel, children learn abo%t lo/ing each other2 and treating others the +ay they +ant to be treated2 as the Bible teaches 'hristian 6al%es(iddle *he 'oo,er 1ids) *he 8eadly '%rse Frank #eretti grades of *oco 9ey 'o((ents) *hese fictional stories engage kids in action2 ad/ent%re and (ystery +hile teaching i(,ortant biblical /al%es along the +ay 9eference book *he Media Wise Fa(ily *ed Baehr 'o((ents) A book to aid ,arents in (aking +ise and discerning decisions abo%t (edia for their 'hristian fa(ily2 in an effort to (ake s%re they are a+are of +hat is infl%encing their children

9eference book 'haracter Matters &ohn and S%san Yates 'o((ents) *eaching ,arents the i(,ortance of raising their children +ith dignity and integrity2 and hel,ing the( in their e/eryday li/es to gro+ in 'hrist and their desire to ser/e hi(2 intentionally

*eacher 9eso%rce book 1 AB' Me(ory 6erses 'arolyn 7ayton 'o((ents) *his book ga/e teachers ideas on +ays to hel, their st%dents learn Bible /erses fro( A-: and acti/ities to re(e(ber the( by 5ood reso%rce for yo%ng st%dents *eacher 9eso%rce book ; Act <t =%t 9andy 7 9it> 'o((ents) *his book gi/es teachers ideas for ho+ to hel, (ake Bible stories co(e ali/e for their st%dents2 thro%gh a /ariety of different dra(a2 skit and other (edia ideas *eacher 9eso%rce book 3 Bible 5a(es Arth%r 7 Miley 'o((ents) *his book contains a +ide range of ga(es that co%ld be %sed in a S%nday School lesson or incor,orated into an nor(al lesson *eacher 9eso%rce book 3 'hildren"s Ser(ons in a Bag Mary 5race Becker 'o((ents) 5reat ideas for Bible lessons and +ays to (ake the( (ore hands on and interacti/e *eacher 9eso%rce book ? What"s So A(a>ing Abo%t #olar 9andy Ha((er2 1risten Bears Ha((er2 S%>anne Blokland 'o((ents) *eaching kids abo%t creation2 and the +orld they li/e in2 then hel,ing the( to learn to care for it the +ay +e sho%ld *eacher 9eso%rce book 4 *he Big Book of Ser/ice #ro.ects 5os,el 7ight #%blishers *his book gi/es great ideas and e0a(,les of o/er @A different +ays in +hich ,eo,le can ser/e friends2 fa(ily2 and co((%nity 5a(es Board card ga(es 7ife of &es%s Matching 5a(e 'o((ents) 'ards reco%nting the (a.or e/ents of &es%s life2 that hel, kids re(e(ber the e/ents of &es%s" life thro%gh this f%n ga(e Scattegories) Bible Bdition 'o((ents) *he childrenCs +orkerCs encyclo,edia 7o/eland2 'olo ) 5ro%,2 of Bible-teaching ideas !e+ c1@@D *esta(ent 'o((ents) 5reat ideas for teaching different Bible stories and s%b.ects fro( the !e+ *esta(ent for a S%nday School or integrated into a lesson 6eggie *ales) 7yle the 1indly Big <dea 6iking 'o((ents) Story %ses ,o,%lar characters like &%nior As,arag%s to teach the i(,ortance and need for sharing in life ; Ad/ent%res in =dyssey) *he 1night *ra/ellers 'o((ents) *he (ain character 8ylan goes back in ti(e to defeat the story"s ene(y2 and learns /al%able lessons abo%t ,riorities and the i(,ortance of life 6ideo/868 6ideo/868 Bible Bncyclo,edia

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