25 Questions To Ask A Woman

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What is your occupation? What can you do well? What is the one thing about yourself that you would like me to know? Have you had a long term relationship? Why did it end? What do you think is the most important value in a relationship? Have you been married before? $o you have any children? How do you feel about children? &f you are married' who would you honor first( your spouse or your friends or your parents or your children )if applicable*? &s ,od important to you? What is your relationship with ,od like? .ell me about a biblical story you like. $escribe your perfect date. What are the things you do for fun? What foods do you like to cook or eat? $o you prefer living in a city' town' or farm? Where do you see yourself in ! years time? $o you have any bad habits? /re you a morning or night person? What do you look for in a friend or spouse? &f you could live anywhere in the world' where would that be? What makes you laugh or cry? What0s your biggest frustration? How much effort would you dedicate to learning your future spouse0s language? What are your fears? What is your most favorite childhood memory? Would you like to spend some more time getting to know each other?

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