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Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the most appropriate answer from out of the choices given below: 1. An organisation chart depicts (a) Informal structure and informal relationships (b) Formal structure and formal relationships (c) Pictures of top and middle management (d) Pictures of all important people working in an organisation (e) None of the above 2. An organisation may be viewed as (a) A group of people united by a common purpose (b) An ongoing business unit engaged in utilizing resources to create a result (c) A structure of relationships between various positions in an organisation (d) A process by which employees, facilities and tasks are related to each other with a view to achieve specic goals (e) All of the above 3. Organisation as a structure refers to all of the following except (a) Two or more persons (b) Common goals (c) Division of work (d) Powerful leader (e) Pyramidal shape 4. The common bases of departmentation include all of the following except (a) Functional design (b) Product design (c) Fancy design (d) Geographical design (e) Network design 5. The reporting relationship between a superior and subordinate is called (a) Cross-relationship (b) Friendly relationship (c) Group relationship (d) Unofcial relationship (e) None of the above

Answers: Multiple Choice Questions

1. (b) 2. (e) 3 (d) 4 (c) 5 (e)

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