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You will download a split installer meaning you will download a download application for Bluestacks. This app is provided by Bluestacks and is only used for Bluestacks.

BlueStacks-HD_AppPlayerPro_setup.REL.msi (103m Do!"loa#$ Warning: You cant run WhatsApp Messenger on your PC and on your phone with the same phone number. WhatsApp checks to see what version you have lately installed and cancels the other install. You will be installing WhatsApp for Android basically.

Do!"loa# BlueStacks a"# %"stall it o" your P&. 'ust (ollo! t)e o"scree" i"structio"s. BlueStacks requires a Core 2 Duo PC with 2GB RAM and Windows 7 / Vista with .NET ra!ewor" #.$ so make sure your P& is up to #ate. * +a"y people )a,e aske# !)y lue stacks #oes "ot i"stall. --. o( t)e time is %our PC so tware is not u& to date.

'nsta((in) B(uesta*"s A&& P(a%er

/o! 0o a)ea# a"# lau"c) t)e app. A0ree to t)e 1erms a"# &o"#itio"s t)e" click "e2t.

/o! select t)ese t!o optio"s * t)ey !ill e selecte# y #e(ault. 1)is is so you ca" easi(% down(oad WhatsA&& onto %our PC. &lick o" %/S1ALL

&lick %/S1ALL a"# t)e i"stallatio" !ill co"ti"ue a"# complete. &lick o" 3i"is) !)e" t)e pro0ress ar reac)es t)e e"#.

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