Model and Applications For Harmonic Analysis of Ac/Dc Power Systems Coupled by Power Electronic Converters in High-Power Industrial Drives

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Zhao Yulin and Jiang Jianguo, Member, ZEEE
China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221008, P. R. China Telephone:86-5 16-3884479, Fax:86-5 16-3888682 high-power industrial drives, large converters used as high-power motor drives are main power loads in industrial power networks or distributions. They are main harmonic sources. Harmonics generated from large converters are injected into power network and caused the electric wave distortions (as shown in Fig. 1). The problem of harmonic pollution, harnessing and limitation become an important issue, For harmonic analysis and calculation in power systems, one must have thought Fourier transform of waveforms in time domain. For harmonic analysis of AC/DC power systems coupled by thyristor converters, it is conventionally carried out by the method of Fourier transform, but it is quite complicated and tedious. Certainly, this work can be done by FFT technique without exception. However, a new model of harmonic analysis for converters is proposed in this paper. The theoretical fundamentals of this model are that the operation processes of converter feature the characteristics of discrete sample and modulation, and also are cycling, and that the dynamic characteristics of converter system can be represented by several eigen current equations. According to the new model suggested, recording the sampling data at switching points, computing the harmonics of eigen current equations, and synthesizing those harmonics, the harmonics or side harmonics of the integrated system containing ac and dc sides, or ac network side and ac motor side can be obtained. The model in applications for harmonic ananlysis has the advantages of less memory capacity needed, fast computation and high accuracy. This model is very

Large converters in applications of high-power industrial drives are main harmonic sources in power system. In this paper, the model for harmonic analysis of AC/DC power systems coupled by power electronic converters is proposed. The basic principles are that the operation cycling of converter and sampling switching characteristics of thyristors can be represented by logic switching and its eign equations. Two instances of harmonic calculation for 6-pulse bridge converter and 6/12-pulse converter are taken. The computed results are much in agreement with the measuring results. It is proven that the suggested method is more effective and accurate. Keywords: harmonic analysis, harmonic model, power converter.

* The project supported by NSFC

The high power motor drives have been used in industrial area. At the end of the 1960s, when high power thyristors for large converters were put into use, large phase-controlled converters could be built to meet the requirements for large drives with adjustable speed. This resulted in a first breakthrough for large drives industrial applications during the 1970s. The power ratings of large drives reach from just 1MW up to lOMW and more in special cases. In applications of

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useful and effective in estimating the harmonic sources, predicting the harmonic flow and propagation and researching the harmonic suppression and elimination. 2. HARMONIC MODEL OF CONVERTERS


- 1.

di, ldr = &(i)i, +F$4(i)enhc+F,(i)(-EM -2V,) di, l d t =-Dll(k)i, -D2,(k)il +D&,(k)eabc

-4 1 (k)(-EM

- 2ve)

' (1)

di V D ( t ) =LD-+ilRD + E M dt
iABC = s D i ~ ( ~ ) + S K i k ( ~ Vahc )> -Zahc(P)iABC(t)-

Fig. 1 The ac current waveforms and their spectrums of harmonic source (mine winder fed by 6/12-pulse converrters) and power capacitor bank


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Fig. 2 The circuit form of 6/12-pulse converter Supposing supply voltages




components, such as, eLl= CV,, sin(rz(tff+ q,,) , and by


the core equation of converter system, the fully static form of LSM of converter can be easily got,


According to the harmonic model of converters, the steps of harmonic calculation for converters is as follows, (1) recording the sampling data at switching points, (2) computing the harmonics of eigen current equations, and then (3) synthesizing those harmonics, so that the harmonics of the integrated system containing ac and dc sides can be obtained. In doing so, for example, about 12 related points data are merely needed and the harmonics of two currents (a dc current and a commutation current) are only computed for 6-pulse bridge converter, and about 24 related points data are merely needed and the harmonics of three currents ( a dc current and two commutation currents) are only computed for 6/12-puIse and 12-pulse bridge converters, so that the overall harmonics of ac and dc sides of those converters can be determined. The suggested method has the advantages of less memory capacity needed, fast computation and high accuracy. This method is very useful and effective in estimating the

parameters related with logic-switching variables, ,SVD,SvK and Sv, are the switching matrixes related with parameters. By the analogy method, the model of 6/12, or 12pulses converter in series with double 6-pulses converters is gotten, which circuit form of 6/12-pulse converter is as shown in Fig. 2. In DC side,
LDpii + RDti + EM = V D + ~V D ~


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harmonic sources, predicting the harmonic flow and propagation and researching the harmonic suppression and elimination. According to the number of sampling-points and the sampling length, the switching-point sample (SPS) method can be divided into the twelve-points or twentyfour-points sampling method and the periodic sampling method. The former can be used in the quasi-steady state and the latter in general cases for harmonic analysis. The SPS method mentioned above has following features: (1)The varied factors are considered, such as, ac supply voltage distortion, line impedance imbalance, triggering pulse asymmetry, and non-infinite dc inductance. (2) The dynamic harmonics can be computed, and so can the steady-state harmonics. (3) Less memory capacity needed For computing harmonics of one cycle of 6-pulses bridge converter, the related data about 12 sampling points are merely needed. (4) Fast computation Only needing 12 sampling points' data (for 6/12 or 12-pulses converter, about 24-points sampling data), and only computing harmonics of i i ( t )and i k ( t ) , then by identification of logic-switching variables, harmonics of the integrated system, such as, 3-phase ac currents, dc current, etc., can be obtained. (5) High accuracy Using the technique of variable step-size and jumpback, the computed results can accomplish higher accuracy. The simulation results obtained by harmonic model of converter system are agreed with the practical measured results (shown in Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 The simulated and measured waveforms of 6pulse converter in practical site ( a-simulated ac current, b-measured ac current) The computed and measured results from practical site are shown in Fig. 4. The parameters of converter system are,
LA =4.77E-5H,R~ =0.44E-2R,LD =0.3@-3H,R, =O.O'IQ.


Using the harmonic model mentioned above, the some harmonic calculation results are introduced. Case I : Harmonic computation results of a coal mine winder fed by 6-pulse bridge converter. This is a practical 6-pulses bridge converter-fed system with reversible magnetic-field of coal mine winder. The capacity of electric machine is 8 1OkW.

In this converter system, there is not dc smooth inductance in DC side.

It can be seen from the results that the computed and measured results are much agreed. The theoretical model for harmonic calculation of converter is correct.
Case 2: Harmonic computation results of a coal mine winder fed by 6-pulse bridge converter. This is a practical 6-pulses bridge converter-fed system with reversible magnetic-field of coal mine winder. The capacity of electric machine is 1250kW.

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The computation results in TABLE I is based on 24points sampling method. In this case study, the connections of two transformers are the same, i.e., A /Y, and the system is controlled with current closed loop. The parameters of converter system are, LA = 0593E- 3H,RA = 053E - 21R, LD = 0.926E-3H, Ro = 02R .

544.5( 100%)





2 3 4

0.422 0.162 0.227 0.2 17 0.067 6.872 0.156 0.056 0.108 0.142 0.080 1.349 0.132 0.078 0.093 0.123 0.088 0.404 0.120

1211.7 89.49
(1 00%)

Harmonic order Fig. 4 The measured and computed results in Case 1

0.593 0.608 0.502 24.078 0.559 9.307 0.41 I 0.534 0.463 8.320 0.536 5.787 0.361 0.513 0.461 4.759 0.511 4.115

1207.5 146.4 (100%) -174.6 0.361 150.4 -109.1 0.263 179.0 -60.58 -93.96 85.22 89.68 -155.1 -95.14 -50.85 -96.14 89.46 86.71 -152.3 -90.45 -49.13 -98.70 91.82 83.56 0.223 24.03 0.100 8.878 0.062 0.074 0.090 7.995 0.081 5.107 0.021 0.031 0.050 4.194 0.069 3.236 -135.5 -165.4 47.78 117.9 135.3 142.9 -154.8 171.7 38.5 95.9 154.7 111.6 -173.5 148.3 21.44 73.52

306.6 88.07
( 100%)

0.376 0.452 0.380 22.30 0.404 9.981 0.225 0.375 0.299 6.504 0.382 6.110 0.223 0.372 0.293 2.860 0.361 4.086

-176.5 -114.9 -84.24 -99.46 83.32 71.18 -135.5 -94.1 -70.7 -110.7 89.19 62.04 -128.6 -86.8 -63.8 -118.6 92.48 50.5

6 7 8 9


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19





Harmonic Number

The model for harmonic analysis of AC/DC power systems coupled by power electronic converters is proposed in this paper. The computed results are much in agreement with the measuring results. It is proven that the suggested method is more effective and accurate.

Fig. 5 The measured and computed results in Case 2 The computed and measured results from practical site are shown in Fig. 5. The parameters of this converter system are,
LA =6.66E-5H,R, =0.56E-2QLD =2.255-3H,R, =O.Olm,

In this converter system, there is dc smooth inductance in DC side. It can be seen from the results that the computed and measured results are much agreed. The theoretical model for harmonic calculation of converter is correct.
Cuse3: Harmonic computation results of a coal mine winder fed by 6/12-pulse bridge converter. This is a practical 6/12-pulse bridge converter-fed system with reversible magnetic-field of coal mine winder. The capacity of electric machine is 2100kW.

[11 Jianguo Jiang, Computer Simulation and Harmonic Analysis for Converter Systems, The Press of China University of Mining and Technology, 1993.

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