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Cardinal sign (astrology)

In astrology, a cardinal sign (also called by older astrologers a moveable sign) is a sign of the zodiac that initiates a change of temperate zone season when the Sun makes its annual passage into them.

The Cardinal zodiac signs

The four cardinal signs are:

Aries ( ), the Sun's passage through which begins the spring in the northern hemisphere, and the autumn in the southern hemisphere. Cancer ( ), which begins the summer in the northern hemisphere, and the winter in the southern hemisphere. Libra ( ), which begins the autumn in the northern hemisphere, and the spring in the southern hemisphere. Capricorn ( ), which begins the winter in the northern hemisphere, and the summer in the southern hemisphere.

The term zodiac derives from Latin, which in its turn comes from the Greek meaning "circle of animals", The name is motivated by the fact that half of the signs of the classical Greek zodiac are represented as animals (besides two mythological hybrids).

the zodiac is a circle of twelve 30 divisions of celestial longitude that are centered upon the ecliptic: the apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphere over the course of the year. The paths of the Moon and visible planets also remain close to the ecliptic, within the belt of the zodiac, which extends 8-9 north or south of the ecliptic, as measured in celestial latitude. Historically, these twelve divisions are called signs. Essentially, the zodiac is a celestial coordinate system, which takes the ecliptic as the origin of latitude, and the position of the sun at vernal equinox as the origin of longitude.

Long. Latin name 1 0 2 30 3 60 4 90 Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer

English translation The Ram The Bull The Twins The Crab The Lion The Maiden The Scales The Scorpion

Sanskrit name Meha ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

Vihabha ( Mithuna ( Karkaa ( Siha ( Kany ( Tul (

5 120 Leo 6 150 Virgo 7 180 Libra 8 210 Scorpio

Vhchika ( Dhanuha (

9 240 Sagittarius The (Centaur) Archer

10 270 Capricornus "Goat-horned" (The Sea-Goat) Makara ( 11 300 Aquarius 12 330 Pisces The Water-Bearer The Fishes Kumbha ( Mna (

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