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Woody Allen PES OF CAPIT d diffu ion of inno!

#8: Cultural capital,

ac$%round of &ourdieu'

fe concei!ed a a (ultidi( %a(e, in!ol!in% ) different apital to co(pete for tatu

Econo(ic cultural ocial

u' pro+ect in distinction ,-.8/0 e for( of capital 1or$ in con

1"at i ultural capital


4 et of ocially rare and S$ill , $no1led%e, and di tincti!e ta te , ' 4culturalpractice capital ecure t"e T"rou%" t"e con u(ption of re pect of ot"er Only #e con u(ed #y t"o e o#+ect t"at can T"e a#ility t fe1 1"o "a!e ac5uired
Cultural capital i ta te, and

3olt ,-.

o1led%e: e(#odi(ent 6 o#+ec ural capital a $no1led

"a to #e done effortle ly Cultural capital i re5uired 4properly' and to con u(e o(e of t"e o#+ect t"at con! 4aut"entically' ur e!eryday li!e 2

3o1 to play 1it" cultural capital* I'( da!id 1al "

O1ner of (ona

d #a ed on 1"at people do !ert notion of cultural cap

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"a#itu ':

A Cla ification Structure of ta

"e(e of perception, t"ou%"t and ction 1"ic" $eep t"in% con tant'

(ean of $no1in%, "andlin% and =ealin% 1it" t"e 1orld'

for(ed in ociali<ation7cla We cannot %et rid of t"e pa t our ta te are etc"ed in t"e #o

W"at "a t"i %ot to do > a (ar$eter

T"o e 1it" cultural capital are percei!ed a "a!in% 4%ood ta te', 4cool', etc* T"e e are people 1"o 1e learn 1"at i appropriate to de ire and 1"at t"in% to li$e and de ire T"e i(plication: our de ire i ne!er really our o1n, #ut i al1ay ocially8oriented* We learn 1"at to de ire fro( ot"er people* So, how can we identify these people who we learn what/how to desire?

fu ion 6 cultural cap

on, cultural capital and (ar

If de ire i learned fro( ot"er and people co(pete for tatu , t"en "o1 can 1e (anipulate t"e diffu ion cur!e2 ?opinion for(er , tyle leader , ta te8(a$er @ Can 1e u e t"i in our e%(entation, tar%et And po itionin%2 Which people are the most attractive to target so your product/service has the greatest change of spreading? Who do you not want using your products?

a$e ure you're %ettin% it" your (ar$etin% pla

BeCt 1ee$: eCit trate%

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