Interviewing Tips and Techniques Jacqui Banaszynski

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}acqui Banaszynski's 11 Tips anu Techniques

1. Reveal Emotion anu Chaiactei
Ask not how people feel (oi think) but what they uo
Ask about specific moments oi actions
Put questions in a fiame

2. Cieate Paitneis
uive subjects a ieason to invest anu tiust
o Tap theii motivation
Bemystify youi piocess, but keep neeueu contiol

S. Negotiate Teims 0p Fiont
Bon't assume shaieu unueistanuing oi agieement
Explain youi puipose, piocess anu context
Beteimine souice conceins
o Ask questions to finu solutions

4. Biffeientiate Souices, Relationships & Ethics
0fficials, public figuies, expeits, celebiities
0iuinaiy folk

S. Spenu Time (Slow Bown)
Plan aheau to maximize time
Pace the inteiview with youi notebook
uive people time to think, iemembei, aiticulate
Piobe anu peel
o With what. Bow. Why.

6. Foi Eveiy Question. Ask S Noie
Be an active, inteiesteu listenei
Listen anu uevelop stoiytellei questions

7. Shut 0p
Let silence woik foi you

8. Seek 0ut "Native Babitat"
Tiy to inteiview oi envision people in the context that infoims the stoiy puipose
Set a scene oi see action
Notice meaningful uetails oi suiiounuings
0se piops oi aitifacts as stoiytelling piompts
o Photogiaphs, books, peisonal tieasuies
o Status uetails (iepoit out foi ielevancy)

9. Repoit with All Senses
Pay attention not just to what the peison says
0se sensoiy uetail to paint scenes oi to piompt bettei questions
Pay attention to youi own emotion oi peiception
o Tap youi humanity
o Infoim ieauei ieactioncuiiosity thiough youi own
o Channel it into bettei questions
1u. Be Columbo
Always uo a seconu inteiview
Nove to a close, then ieopen
o Lingei anu listen
o Ask what is most impoitant to know oi unueistanu
o Ask foi elaboiation on a gap in youi notebook
o Ask whom else to talk to oi what otheis woulu say
0se fact-checking as a seconu inteiview
Always ask. "Bow uo you know."

11. Baie to be Stupiu
Ask what you uon't know oi uon't unueistanu
Ask what you think you know that you might not
Claiify teims, jaigon, unueistanuing
o Restate it in youi own language oi unueistanuing
Seek plain-speak analogies oi examples

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