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The man The method The why use it

Who IS this Kodaly guy?

Hungarian Composer 1882 - 1967 Wrote operas vocal music orchestral music Influenced by folk songs

Colleague/friend of Bela Bartok


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Interesting Fact
According to

Kodaly's immense fame in his country saved his life during World War II.
When the Nazis occupied Hungary he was ordered to divorce his Jewish wife; not only did he refuse to do so, he helped find refuge for dozens of fleeing Jews.. Kodaly was eventually arrested for underground activities but his countrymen raised such an uproar that the Gestapo was forced to release him.
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The Kodaly Method

Developed in Hungary in the 1940s & 1950s

Not actually invented by Kodaly Evolved in schools with his guidance Philosophies and principles were his
Solfa invented in Italy, tonic solfa in England Solfa techniques from Dalcroze method Rhythm syllables in France Hand-sign singing adapted from Curwen (Eng)

Unified approach with all of these ideas:

Zoltan Kodaly (priceless)

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Kodaly Method: Basic philosophy

1. All people capable of lingual literacy are also capable of musical literacy 2. Singing is the best foundation for musicianship 3. Music education to be most effective must begin with the very young child

4. The folk songs of a childs own linguistic heritage constitute a musical mother tongue and should therefore be the vehicle for all early instruction
5. Only music of the highest artistic value, both folk and composed, should be used in teaching 6. Music should be at the heart of the curriculum, a core subject used as a basis for education


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Kodaly Method: Objective

1. Sing, play instruments and dance from memory, a large number of traditional singing games, chants, and folk songs, drawn first from the childs own heritage of folk song material and later expanded to include music of other cultures and countries. 2. Perform, listen to, and analyze the great art music of the world.

3. Achieve mastery of musical skills, such as musical reading and writing, singing and part-singing.
4. Improvise and compose, using their known musical vocabulary at each developmental level.


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Kodaly Method: Tools

1. Tonic solfa do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do do is considered to be thetonal center in all major keys la is considered to be thetonal center in all minor key 2. Hand signs solfa combined with a system of hand signs appears to make that tonal memory both more quickly accomplished and more secure 3. Rhythmic duration syllables rhythm is taught by pattern and by relative duration over the beat expressed in a series of syllables adapted from those invented by Cheve in the 1800s and still used in French conservatories ex: ta ta ti-ti ta


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Works Cited
Edwards, Robert. Zoltan Kodaly. Find A Grave. Online. January 27, 2010. Hand Signs. Kodaly Society of Northern Ireland. Online. January 27, 2010.

Zoldan Kodaly (1882-1967). Online. January 27, 2010.

Zoltan Kodaly. BBC. Online. January 27, 2010.


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