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The terror

Kyriakos D. Papadopoulos

Tonight, that is a full moon, I am afraid. In your eyes I see the wolves howling, witches fly in your dreams, a whole madness the blows of the wind in your hair. Tonight, however, that Yankees burn the Faloutza some children are hungry, some others blub, there the wolves slaughter felly the humanness and the love of God dies in a blood basin. I am afraid of the dark screen, what a horror! I see with invisible eyes setting up a trial as black viper the retreat draws the dark it flaps the love that I have in my heart and in a death agony it grieves. Distantly sounds are coming from an afflux of skeletons as they flock in a congress of terror, they measure coins in the sachet of terror in order to maintain their kingdom on the earth.

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