Info Transfer2

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Topic: Reading Subtopic : Transferring Linear to Non linear READING Objective : To enable students to transfer information from a linear

passage to Non COMPREHENSIO Linear


MUET 800/3



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Topic: Reading Subtopic : Transferring Linear to Non linear Objective : To enable students to transfer information from a linear passage to Non Linear

Now to successfully Now to successfully transfer transfer linear linear information information to non linear you to non linear you need need to to bear in mind t!at t!ere are bear in mind t!at t!ere are two two types types of of organi"ations organi"ations in a passage in a passage $ steps to determine relevant information %etermine topic of t!e paragrap! Level of *+am %etermine sub topics #enerality ple ,ractice

Transferring Information From Linear to Non-Linear

%etermine t!e supporting details T!e last piece of information is t!e most specific ( steps to determine relevant information ple %etermine t!e topic of t!e paragrap! )dentify t!e se&uence words

Se&uence of ,ractice 'ctions


Topic: Reading Subtopic : Transferring Linear to Non linear Objective : To enable students to transfer information from a linear passage to Non Linear -uestion . $ is based on t!e following passage/ ' recent study done on air &uality s!ows t!at ve!icles0 w!ic! emit carbon mono+ide )%*' suspended particulate matter and 5')N airborne particulate lead0 are t!e main cause of air pollution in 1uala Lumpur/ Suspended particulate matter can reac! levels of over (22 ug per cubic metre/ To counter t!is0 an air pollution control e+pert !as S6; TO,)< . S6; TO,)< ( suggested t!at people use diesel fuelled ve!icles as petrol driven ve!icles emit more poisonous pollutants li3e carbon mono+ide !ydrocarbon/ *lectric cars0 w!ic! S6; and TO,)< 9 are totally pollutant free0 could also be used for movement in t!e city/ ' more feasible and long term solution would be to relocate people outside 1uala Lumpur0 t!us reducing t!e number of ve!icles traveling 1uala Lumpur0 andLumpur t!e resultant ./ to '/ 'ir &uality in 1uala traffic congestion and pollution ;/ <ombating air pollution in 1uala Lumpur ST*, </ Types 456*T of to+in in polluted air 72289 Oct (229:
. %/ Traffic congestion in 1uala Lumpur



'/ %iesel fuelled ve!icles ;/ *lectric cars </ Suspended particulate %/ 'irborne particulate lead '/ *mit a large amount of pollutants %/ *mit more poisonous pollutants

2. ____________

Electric cars

Relocating people ;/ *mit lesser pollutants outside Kuala Lu </ pur*mit no pollutants at all



E it less poisonous pollutants

!. ______________

'/ Reduce traffic congestion and pollution ;/ Reduce traffic congestion and ve!icles </ Reduce traffic congestion and people "._______________ %/ Reduce ve!icles in 1uala Lumpur ST*, 9


Topic: Reading Subtopic : Transferring Linear to Non linear Objective : To enable students to transfer information from a linear passage to Non Linear

,ractice: )N=OR5'T)ON OR#'N)S*% '<<OR%)N# TO L*>*L O= #*N*R'L)T? =actors

6nderlying 5ale =emale %ifferences

Now t!at you !ave seen t!e steps usedt!e in =undamentally0 underlying level ofand differences between males females are two biological factors/ generality T!ere is a group of genes in t!e body passage0 try w!ic! controls immunity/ ;ecause women !ave twice t!e t!is number out! of
t!ese genes as men0 t!ey are less prone to infections and diseases/ )n fact0 at any given age0 more men t!an women die from sic3ness/ 5ale !ormones called androgens and female !ormones called oestrogens contribute to t!e differences in p!ysical and be!avioral c!aracteristics between t!e two se+es/ 5en are generally taller and better endowed wit! muscles/ T!ey are0 t!erefore0 !eavier/ T!ey also !ave more body and facial !air/ 'ndrogens0 ma3e men more aggressive and active/ @owever0 t!ese c!aracteristics are often modified by socio cultural factors li3e diet and social conditioning/




,!ysical <!aracteristics


Bomen are less prone to infections C diseases

$// AAAAAAAAAAAA 5en !ave more body C facial !air

Men are ore acti#e and aggressi#e


6nloc3 t!e 3ey

Topic: Reading Subtopic : Transferring Linear to Non linear Objective : To enable students to transfer information from a linear passage to Non Linear

%)'#R'5: L*>*L O= #*N*R'L)T?

Factors $nderl%ing Male&Fe ale 'i((erences

Step 1

contains t!e topic contains t!e topic w!ic! !as t!e w!ic! !as t!e broadest information DD broadest information two biological factors two biological factors w!ic! underlie male w!ic! underlie male female differences female differences
contains two specific contains two specific factors underlying male factors underlying male female differences D a female differences Da group of genes0 male group of genes0 male and female !ormones and female !ormones


*or ones

Step 2


.+%sical /+aracteristics


Step 3
,o en are less prone to in(ections - diseases Men are taller - 1 ore uscular and +ea#ier Men +a#e ore 2od% - (acial +air

specifies t!e t!ree areas specifies t!e D t!ree areas of differences !ealt! of differences D !ealt! E a sub!eading you !ave Ea sub!eading you !ave to provide yourselfF0 to provide yourselfF0 p!ysical and p!ysical and be!avioural be!avioural c!aracteristics c!aracteristics

Men are ore acti#e and aggressi#e

Step 4
t!e specific0 t!emost most specific0 listing out t!e listing out t!e of particular details particular details of t!ese t!ree area of t!ese t!ree area of differences differences


)nformation Organi"ed 'ccording to Se&uence of 'ctions <affeine is a stimulant in coffee/

Some coffee drin3ers would rat!er do wit!out t!is naturally occurring c!emical stimulant/ <affeine can be removed from coffee beans in a variety of ways/ )n one met!od0 t!e coffee beans are first steamed until t!ey are soft/ T!e steaming process also causes t!e caffeine to rise to t!e surface of t!e beans/ Then0 for t!e ne+t ten !ours0 t!e S*-6*N<* beans are rinsed in met!ylene c!lorideBOR% w!ic! removes t!e caffeine/ Finally0 t!e beans are was!ed and dried/
TO,)< 5'1)N# %*<'==*)N'T*% <O==**

Topic: Reading Subtopic : Transferring Linear to Non linear Objective : To enable students to transfer information from a linear passage to Non Linear

Steam coffee beans until t!ey are soft

S*-6*N<* BOR%

Rinse t!e beans in met!ylene c!loride for ten !ours

S*-6*N<* BOR%

Bas! and dry t!e beans


*G*R<)S* ': L*>*L O= #*N*R'L)T?

Read t!e paragrap! below/ <omplete t!e c!art by writing down t!e details t!at correspond to t!e specified levels T!ere is enoug! food in t!e world0 including countries in t!e T!ird Borld/ B!y t!en are millions of people in T!ird Borld countries afflicted by malnutrition and starvationH T!e main reason is t!at of poverty0 a state t!at denies t!em t!e opportunity to buy food t!at is in abundance/ Secondly0 t!e low level of economic development means t!at t!ey also do not !ave t!e resources to grow t!eir own food for lac3 of seeds0 fertili"ers and agricultural implements li3e basic farm mac!inery/ )n addition0 a c!ronic s!ortage of facilities li3e irrigation systems and proper food storage means t!at t!e fre&uent floods and droug!ts bring great suffering to t!e people/


<!art: *+ercise '

Reasons for 5alnutrition C Starvation in T!ird Borld <ountries


=re&uent floods C droug!ts


*+ercise ': 'nswers

Reasons for 5alnutrition C Starvation in T!ird Borld <ountries


Low level of economic development

hronic shortage of facilities

annot afford to !"y food

No reso"rces to grow food

=re&uent floods C droug!ts


,ractice: Se&uence of 'ctions

I <omplete t!e diagram using t!e information from t!e following passage )n a traditional family0 t!e !usband is t!e sole breadwinner w!ile t!e wife stays !ome to loo3 after t!e c!ildren/ )ncreasingly0 !owever0 bot! !usband and wife are in t!e wor3force/ T!ere are t!ree main reasons for t!e increasing number of dual career couples0 as t!ey are called by sociologists/ T!e most obvious reason is economic need0 especially for c!ildcare and education/ Secondly0 t!e declining birt! rate !as meant t!at women are less burdened wit! c!ildbearing and rearing/ =inally0 t!e increase in t!e number of women wit! !ig!er education0 and t!e awareness raised by t!e feminist movement !ave broug!t about a c!ange in t!e status of women


Econo ic need

1. ______________

/+anging status o( 3o en

2. _______________ 4 education

,o en less 2urdened 3it+ c+ild 0earing and rearing

*ig+er education !. _______________


6nloc3 t!e 3ey

*+ercise ;: 'nswer
I <omplete t!e diagram using t!e information from t!e following passage )n a traditional family0 t!e !usband is t!e sole breadwinner w!ile t!e wife stays !ome to loo3 after t!e c!ildren/ )ncreasingly0 !owever0 bot! !usband and wife are in t!e wor3force/ T!ere are t!ree main reasons for t!e increasing number of dual career couples0 as t!ey are called by sociologists/ T!e most obvious reason is economic need0 especially for c!ildcare and education/ Secondly0 t!e declining birt! rate !as meant t!at women are less burdened wit! c!ildbearing and rearing/ =inally0 t!e increase in t!e number of women wit! !ig!er education0 and t!e awareness raised by t!e feminist movement !ave broug!t about a c!ange in t!e status of women


Econo ic need

1. Falling birthrate

/+anging status o( 3o en

2. Childcare 4 education

,o en less 2urdened 3it+ c+ild 0earing and rearing

*ig+er education !. Greater awareness


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