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Name: Ridwan Oktafiandra F

Date: 24/10/2012

Choose three well-known famous people. 1.Bill Gates 2.Steve J !s ".#ee B$%n& '(%ll Now describe each person using the prompts below: Fam %s 1 )meri*an ,Oval / inted/0(in 1(ite Bla*k Fam %s 2 )meri*an ,. Oval / inted/0(in 1(ite Bla*k Fam %s " Ja+anese -R %nd / inted/0(in 1(ite Bla*k

Nati nalit$ )&e Fa*e N se/ li+s Skin * l %r 2air * l %r 2ei&(t 1ei&(t /ers nalit$ Fam %s f r3..44

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Pick a famous person youd like to be friends with. Why? William Henry Gates III !ecause "e #s a "ard Workers $ind one famous person you like most and answer these %uestions: 1. 1(ere d es s/(e live4 5edina7 1as(in&t n 8nited States 2. 1(at d es s/(e d 4 Devel +er Of 5i*r s ft 1ind ws ". 2 w d es s/(e l k like4 4. 1($ d $ % like t(is +ers n4 )lwa$s 5ake S met(in& New ,. D $ % kn w w(at d es s/(e like d in&4 B%ild New 5i*r s ft 1ind ws .. 1($ d $ % like t(is +ers n4 )lwa$s 5ake S met(in& New

-. D $ % t(ink $ % * %ld !e friends4 1($4 6 1ant #earn 2 w 0 5ake O+erati n S$stem 9. D $ % remem!er (is r (er last +erf rman*e4 2e 5ake 5i*r s ft 9 :. 6f $ %r fam %s +ers n a*ts7 w(at kind f m vie w %ld $ % like t film wit( (im/(er4 &escribe your famous people in one paragraph or two' (ell about him)her clearly'

"is Name #s William "enry *ates ### "e li+e #n ,edina Washington &c -nited .tates. "e #s &e+eloper /f ,icrosoft.#nc "e "a+e /+al $ace Pointed Nose White 0ye !row !lack "air !ig 1round 0ye (hin 2ips "e 2ast Performance #s ,ake Windows 3 1nd Windows 4 (his 5ears "e #s (he ,ost 6ich ,an #n (he World "e "a+e ,ore (han -.789: ,illion

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