Answers: (Logical Approach)

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A 1. There is no missing dollar from the original $30 because after getting $1 back, the three travellers had paid a total of $27 for their room ($9 each , not $30! "ut of that $27, the hotel has $2# and the clerk kept the remaining $2! $f %ou still &ant to &ork from the original $30, the travellers have $3, the hotel has $2# and the bellbo% has $2! The misleading part is adding the bellbo%'s $2 to the $27, &hen in fact it should be subtracted! Ans2.The numbers are in alphabetical order. (Eight, five, four, nine, one, seven, six, ten, three, two, zero (ns3


Ans5 . !everal "eaders who solved the sphere problem #uic$l% b% reasoning adroitl% as follows& The 'roblem would not be given unless it has a uni#ue solution. (f it has

(Logical approach)

Ans5)(logical) several readers who solved the sphere problem quickly by reasoning adroitly as follows: he !roblem would not be given unless it has a unique solution. "f it has a unique solution# the $olume must be a constant which would hold even when the hole is reduced to %ero radius. herefore the residue must equal the volume of a sphere with a diameter of si& inches# 'amely () pi.

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