Welcome To Csi Oapi Documentation: Quick Links

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Welcome to CSi OAPI Documentation

Quick Links: IMPORTANT NOTE Introduction

Copyright by Computers and Structures, Inc., 1978-2011 S !2000 is a registered trademar" o# Computers and Structures, Inc. CSi$ridge is a trademar" o# Computers and Structures, Inc. %he computer programs S !2000 , CSi$ridge , and a(( associated documentation are proprietary and copyrighted products. )or(d*ide rights o# o*nership rest *ith Computers and Structures, Inc. +n(icensed use o# the program or reproduction o# the documentation in any #orm, *ithout prior *ritten authori,ation #rom Computers and Structures, Inc., is e-p(icit(y prohibited. .urther in#ormation and copies o# this documentation may be obtained #rom/ Computers and Structures, Inc. 1990 +ni1ersity 1enue $er"e(ey, Ca(i#ornia 92702 +S Tel: (510) 649-2200 a!: (510) 649-2299 e-ma"l: in#o3csiber"e(ey.com #e$: ***.csiber"e(ey.com
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