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Literacy Homework, 07/11/2013


Using commas for lists C ange t e !an"# an" use commas to list$ %emem&er, "on#t c ange t e last !an"# as you always nee" t at to finis a list off$ Please write up t e correct sentences in your &ooks omework

1' We can recycle paper an" plastic an" glass$ Correct answer; We can recycle paper, plastic and glass 2' 3' *' +' ,' 7' /' 0' ( e ink an" staples an" paper clips are removed from the paper. The room was "irty an" smelly an" )ery "ark$ The flowers were re" an" pink an" yellow an" w ite$ Sophie likes watching rug&y an" foot&all an" tennis an" golf$ -cott an" Lois an" .ai an" (ianna swimming. went

In the bag was some sweets an" a pen an" some money$ Beavers class saw monkeys an" lions an" tigers an" &ats at the oo. Li)erpool an" 1rsenal an" C elsea an" 2)erton are still in the !" C#p.

10' $#cy got a new &ike an" a computer an" a Playstation an" a foot&all s irt for her birthday.

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