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Literacy Homework, 07/11/2013 Red

Yellow and

Using commas for lists

C ange t e !and" and #se commas to list$ Remem%er, don"t c ange t e last !and" as yo# always need t at to finis a list off$ &lease write #' t e correct sentences in yo#r %ooks omework

1( We can recycle 'a'er and 'lastic and glass$ Correct answer; We can recycle paper, plastic and glass 2( ) e ink and sta'les and 'a'er cli's are removed from the paper. 3( The room was dirty and smelly and *ery dark$ +( The flowers were red and 'ink and yellow and w ite$ ,( The boys liked r#g%y and foot%all and tennis and golf$ -( C arley and .ngel and .ndreas and )om went swimming. 7( /n t e %#s Lewis, Cameron, Harry, 0racie and 1ristiaan all felt ill %eca#se t ey ate too m#c c ocolate2

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