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Spicy Organic Jowar Roti

Going organic and consuming organic jowar rotis improves cardiovascular health, aids in weight loss, reduces the risk of cancer and maintains healthy bones. Ingredients Organic jowar flour- 2 cups arm water-! " - 2 cups Organic pressed groundnut oil- 2 tsp Green chillies # !-2, finely chopped Ginger paste- 2 tsps Grated carrots- " cup $abbage shredded- % cup $hopped coriander- % cup &oasted and crushed peanuts- % cup 'alt to taste Method !. (i) all the ingredients other than water and keep them aside for !* minutes. 2. +dd warm water to the organic jowar flour and knead it into dough. ,. -f you add water at first, the vegetables may give away some water and make the dough sticky. .. /oes not re0uire any settling time. *. 1eat the pan. 2. (ake regular roti balls. 3. 4se some jowar flour for dusting and make it flat and round on the roti platform by patting it with your fingers. 5. 4se flour for dusting both the sides when it gets difficult to pat it flat. 6. hen using only jowar flour, the rolling pin does not work well. $ook the rotis on the tawa like regular rotis. !7. 8or those who do not mind using some organic whole wheat atta, mi) 2 cups of jowar to ! cup wheat atta and knead to make rotis. ith a little wheat atta, you can make rotis using a rolling pin. Chefs Tip -t can be served with sauce, chutney, rhaita or pickle. + good healthy alternative for breakfast and lunch, the same can be tried using other whole grain flours like ragi, bajra, brown rice and ram dana.

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