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Philosophy 1


Philosophy Statement By: Mackenzie Cofer Instructor: Egbert EDU 201 Foundations of Education

Philosophy 2

Philosophy Statement A student being educated is like a recipe for soup, if all the right ingredients are added, the soup, like the student, will be successful. There are crucial pieces to education, just like specific ingredients in a soup. Students depend greatly on their teachers for their success. It is important as an educator to get all the right ingredients incorporated into their classroom. In order to do this each teacher will have a philosophy (recipe) of education they follow. This will help them achieve the goals they have set for their students. According to my philosophical beliefs, schools should use the essentialism philosophy. This best categorizes the way I feel about what should be taught. The essentialism philosophy requires the basic disciplines to be taught. Disciplines such as math, science, history, foreign language, and literature form the foundation of the curriculum, which is referred to as the core curriculum (Sadker, Zittleman, 2010). Under this philosophy, electives will be taken but only a few of them. Essentialist believe in teaching traditional moral values. The teachers role according to the essentialism philosophy is to help students master essential academic content, rather than focusing on their emotional and social development. The teacher will serve as an intellectual and moral role model for their students; they will decide what is important for the student to learn and focus on achievement test scores as a means of evaluating progress (Sadker, Zittleman, 2010). The students role according to this theory is to learn the essentials of academic knowledge. They will also be expected to be have learned respect for authority and have disciplined minds and knowledge that they can apply in the real world.

Philosophy 3

I learn best by visually seeing what I am learning. Some of my learning styles include being lectured where I can take notes how I please. This helps me put things in an order I will understand and be able to remember better for a test. Another thing that helps me learn is using objects and experiments. I believe subject material should be taught using the realism philosophy. This philosophy emphasizes the essential subject areas that are needed in our everyday world. Curriculum is scientifically approached. The material should be decided on dominantly by the teachers curriculum, but also partially by the students interests. With this theory the classroom is very structured and organized, teachers will utilize standardized testing, and the education will prepare students for life in the real world. In this type of philosophy, the curriculum is subject-centered. Realists believe subjects should proceed from the simple and work up to the more complex. Realists will often use objects in their teaching methods as well as demonstrations, observations, experimentation, and recitation. Every teacher holds a philosophy of education that they will use to help their students achieve the goals they have set. I would like to instill in my students the knowledge it takes to succeed in our everyday world. I want to provide an environment in which my students feel comfortable and come to school eager to learn each day. Instilling a love of learning in my students so that they continue in their education is a major goal I will set for myself as an educator.

Philosophy 4

References Sadker, David Miller, & Zittleman, Karen R.(2010). Teacher-Centered Philosophies. Teachers,Schools,and Society:A Brief Introduction to Education, 200-207. Cohen, Leonora M., & Gelbrich Judy. (1999). Four General or World Philosophies. Philosophy of Education. Section 3.

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