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Theres a World out there ! Discuss the following quotations on the topic: space.

We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan !"erican astrono"er#
$hat intelligent creatures exist in outerspace is proven by the fact that they have not contacted us. !nony"ous

Contact is a fantastic "ovie about a search for extraterrestrial signs of life. %et&s have a look'

Apollo 13 is a testa"ent to the courage of astronauts. %et&s have a look at this extraordinary "ission.

(!S! plans to return to the )oon by *+,-.

. Should so "uch "oney be spent on space exploration/ . What do you think about that/ . $hink of so"e argu"ents for and against.

! list of argu"ents for: . 0u"anity "akes progress by exploring the unkown. . %ooking for answers to "any "edical and technological proble"s. . We need to discover our solar syste". . We can discover water and life in outer space in order to help us to survive. . 1

! list of argu"ents against: . We should spend "oney on "ore urgent things. . We "ay destroy our planet with all these experi"ents. . )anned flights are too dangerous. . %eaving our planet is pure vanity and co"petition a"ong world powers. . 1

Five-Minute Debate

. Choose a partner . . 2ach one plays a different role. Student ! is for space exploration and student 3 is against. . 4ou can add a few argu"ents of your own. 5ood luck'

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