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Tables/Tcodes in SAP SD

Important Tables for SAP SD

Sales and Distribution:
Table Description Customers KNA1 General Data KNB1 Customer Master Co. Code Data (payment method, reconciliation acct) KNB Customer !ayment "istory KNB# Customer Master Dunnin$ in%o KNBK Customer Master Ban& Data KNKA Customer Master Credit M$mt. KNKK Customer Master Credit Control Area Data (credit limits) KN'' (ales Area Data (terms, order pro)a)ility) KN'* Customer Master +a, *ndicator KN'! !artner -unction &ey KN'D .utput type KN'( Customer Master (hip Data K/!A Customer0'endor /in& 'BAK1K 'BAK 2 'B1K "eader (tatus and Administrati3e Data (ales Document 4 "eader Data (ales Document 4 Business Data *tem (tatus (ales Document 4 *tem Data !artners Document -lo5 (ales Document (chedule /ine (ales 7e8uirements9 *ndi3idual 7ecords

(ales Documents 'B1K 'BAK 'BKD 'B1! 'BA! 'B!A 'B-A 'B6! 'BB6

(D Deli3ery Docume/*!( Deli3ery Document item data, includes re%erencin$ !. /*K! Deli3ery Document "eader data Billin$ Document 'B7K Billin$ Document "eader 'B7! Billin$ Document *tem (D (hippin$ 1nit '6K! (hippin$ 1nit *tem (Content) '6!. (hippin$ 1nit "eader

SAP SD Transaction codes List

* %ound a 5ay to &no5 hidden customi:in$ +codes. Be%ore e,ecutin$ customi:in$ tas& you desire, point it and $o to 6dit4Display *MG Acti3ity. +hen mar& acti3ity. Go to +.Code se1; and type in C1(<*MGAC" ta)le. 6,ecute. !aste *MG Acti3ity and run. =ou 5ill see +code that )elon$s to *MG Acti3ity. SAP SD Tips by: Javier The most frequently used transaction codes are as follows: 1. '(>> 4 Master data ?. 'C>> 4 (ales (upport @. 'A>> 4 (ales . '/>> 4 (hippin$ #. '+>> 4 +ransportation ;. '->> 4 Billin$ thers as follows: At !onfi"uration: 1. '.'A 4 De%ine (ales documents type (header) ?. .'AB 4 Assi$nin$ (ales area to sales documents type @. .'A1 4 .rder reasons . '.' 4 Assi$n *tem cate$oreies(*tem cat determination) #. '.'; 4 (cedule line cate$ories ;. .'A/ 4 +o assi$n )loc&s to rele3ant sales documents type C. .'/K 4 De%ine deli3ery types A. '0>; 4 !ricin$ D. '0>A 4 Maintain pricin$ procedure 1>..'K! 4 !ricin$ proc determination 11.'0>C 4 Access se8uence #nduser: 1. Customer Master Creation4'D>1 and ED>1 (%or %ull inclu company code) 'D>? 4 Chan$e Customer 'D>@ 4 Display Customer 'D> 4 Customer Account Chan$es 'D>; 4 -la$ %or Deletion Customer ED>1 4 Create Customer ED>? 4 Modi%y Customer ED>@ 4 Display Customer ?. Create .ther material 4444MM>> @. 'B114 +o create material determination condition record . C.>D4 Material a3aila)ility .3er3ie5 #. '/>1 4 Create out)ound deli3ery 5ith re% sales order ;. '/> 4 Collecti3e processin$ o% deli3ery C. 'A11 4 Create *n8uiry 'A1? 4 Chan$e *n8uiry 'A1@ 4 Display *n8uiry Sales $ Distribution Sales order % &uote % Sched A"reement % !ontract F 'A>1 4 Create .rder F 'A>? 4 Chan$e .rder F 'A>@ 4 Display .rder F 'A>? 4 (ales order chan$e F 'A># 4 /ist o% sales orders F 'A@? 4 (chedulin$ a$reement chan$e F 'A ? 4 Contract chan$e F 'A?1 4 Create Guotation F 'A?? 4 Chan$e Guotation F 'A?@ 4 Display Guotation 'illin" F '->? 4 Chan$e )illin$ document F '-11 4 Cancel Billin$ document F '-> 4 Billin$ due list F -B/#N 4 Display Customer in3oices )y line

F -B/1N 4 Display 'endor in3oices )y line Delivery F '/>?N 4 Chan$e deli3ery document F '/> 4 Deli3ery due list F 'KM# 4 /ist o% deli3eries F '/>;G 4 /ist o% out)ound deli3eries %or $oods issue F '/>;! 4 /ist o% out)ound deli3eries %or pic&in$ F '/>D 4 Cancel $oods issue F '+>?N 4 Chan$e shipment F '+C> 4 .utput %or shipments (eneral F 'KM@, 'KM 4 /ist o% sales documents F 'KM1 4 /ist o% )loc&ed (D documents F 'D#? 4 Material Determination

Tas) Specifc SD Transaction !odes *

+ow to confi"ure ta,1se the %ollo5in$ +codes9 .BG1 444 C.ND*+*.N +AB/6 .BG? 444 ACC6(( .BG@ 444 +AE !7.C6D176 CA/ .BBG 444 A((*GN C.1N+7= +. +AE !7.C .'K@ 444 C1(+.M67 +AE CA+6G.7= .'K 444 MA+67*A/ +AE CA+6G.7= .'K1 444 +AE D6+67M*NA+*.N 71/6( .'K; 444 A((*GN D6/*'67= !/AN+( and then'K11 to maintain the condition record %or the ta, rate. I raise a sales order and is "ettin" a error statin" that .sales area is not defined./ 1) At (!7.44H(D44H(ales header44HAssi$n (ales area to (ales document 4 Com)ine your (ales .r$anisations, Distri)ution Channels I Di3isons ?) At '.!A44HAssi$n !artner Determination procedure to your Account Group o% Customer Master you are usin$. @) At '.!A44H Assi$n !artner -unctions to your Account Group I !artner Determination procedure Steps to create a 0endor 1aster Data at the client level and how do we e,tend it to different company codes-ollo5 the %ollo5in$ steps9 1. Create a 3endor account $roup .BD@ ?. De%ine no. ran$e %or 3endor account $roup EKN1 @. Assi$n num)er ran$e to 'endor account $roup .BA( . De%ine tolerance Group %or 3endor .BA@ #. Create ? G/ accounts -(>> a) !urchases A0c )) (. creditors A0c ;. Create 'endor master data EK>1 C. chan$e0)loc& 3endor master data EK>?0EK># A. De%ine document type and no. ran$e .BAC a) KA )) KG c) K7 d) KB J44 'andna +ow to find the strate"y "roup in sap sdMenu path %or (trate$y Group is9 (pro 44H !roduction 44H !roduction !lannin$ 44H Demand Mana$ement 44H !lanned *ndependent 7e8uirements 44H !lannin$ (trate$y 44H De%ine (trate$y Group. .!!+ 44 Maintain (tarate$y Group Ke can see (trate$y Group in Material Master 7ecord 4 M7! @ 4 !lannin$ 44 (trate$y Group. 1> 4 -or Ma&e to .rder ?> 4 -or Ma&e to (toc& Tas) Specifc SD Transaction !odes 2 3here do we maintain .Item !ate"ory 4sa"e. at the master level(pro 44H (ales and Distri)ution 44H (ales 44H (ales Documents 44H (ales Document *tem 44H De%ine *tem Cate$ory 1sa$e *tem Cate$ory 1sa$e9 item cate$ory usa$es 5hich control the usa$e o% an item. *tem cate$ory usa$e controls, %or e,ample, the system response i% durin$ document processin$ an item does not re%er to a material )ut to a te,t item. *tem cate$ory usa$e can also )e maintained 3ia the item cate$ories In contracts we are creatin" quantity contract and value contracts in that we only put the validity period after validity period that contract will close5but customer want before one month closin" the period system should alert with popup bo, li)e this contract is "oin" to close5 for this sales mana"er can follow up the customer for renual the contract/ Gettin$ a pop4up 5hen the Contract is $oin$ to e,pire is not a (tandard (A! thin$. -or this you need to do some pro$rammin$. *nstead o% this the (td system has a reminder system 5here in the open Contracts and Guotaions are popped up 5hen you a)out to create a sales order. +his settin$ is in the (ales order header , Goto 44 '.'A 444 Guotation and .utline a$reement messa$es If you want to have different number ran"e for different sales area where the settin"s to be done/

Num)er 7a$e are use to de%ine 5hat num)er to )e assi$n to sales document type. Num)er ran$e can )e assi$n *nternal or e,ternal. *n internal num)er ran$e system automatically assi$n a num)er to sales document accordin$ to num)er ran$e de%ine in system. *n 6,ternal num)er ran$e user manually assi$n num)er to sales document. -or Assi$nin$ Num)er 7an$e use +4Code 'N>1 Choose *nter3als 4444 De%ine your num)er ran$e

Standard SAP SD 6eports

6eports in Sales and Distribution modules 7LIS8SIS9: (ales summary 4 'C0? Display Customer "ierarchy 4 'D"? Display Condition record report 4 '0*; !ricin$ 7eport 4 '0/D Create Net !rice /ist 4 '<N/ /ist customer material in%o 4 'D#D /ist o% sales order 4 'A># /ist o% Billin$ documents 4 '-># *n8uiries list 4 'A1# Guotation /ist 4 'A?# *ncomplete (ales orders 4 '.>? Bac&orders 4 '.1# .ut)ound Deli3ery Monitor 4 '/>;o *ncomplete deli3ery 4 '<1C Customer 7eturns4Analysis 4 MC2A Customer Analysis4 (ales 4 MC26 Customer Analysis4 Cr. Memo 4 MC2* Deli3eries4Due list 4 '/> Billin$ due list 4 '-> *ncomplete Billin$ documents 4 MC'D Customer Analysis4Basic /ist 4 MC+A Material Analysis((*() 4 MC+C (ales or$ analysis 4 MC+6 (ales or$ analysis4*n3oiced sales 4 MC2? Material Analysis4*ncomin$ orders 4 MC(6 General4 /ist o% .ut)ound deli3eries 4 '/>;% Material 7eturns4Analysis 4 MC2M Material Analysis4 *n3oiced (ales 4 MC2G 'ariant con%i$uration Analysis 4 MC(B (ales or$ analysis4*ncomin$ orders 4 MC(* (ales or$ analysis47eturns 4 MC2= (ales o%%ice Analysis4 *n3oiced (ales 4 MC46 (ales o%%ice Analysis4 7eturns 4 MC4A (hippin$ point Analysis 4 MC(1 (hippin$ point Analysis47eturns 4 MC4. Bloc&ed orders 4 '.1 .rder Kithin time period 4 (D>1 Duplicate (ales orders in period 4 (DD1 Display Deli3ery Chan$es 4 '/??

SAP Sales and Distribution :requently As)ed &uestion

1aster Data
&: (ome materials ha3e )een )loc&ed %or procurement and production. 63en thou$h deletion %la$ is set %or a material0plant le3el, the order can )e still entered ( 5ith a 5arnin$ messa$e). *s there a 5ay to )loc& such transactions %or a material %la$$ed %or deletionL A: (ales (tatus %ield in the sales or$ani:ation 3ie5 o% the material master may )e used to )loc& any transaction %or the material. &: Ke can de%ine our o5n e,chan$e rate types and use them instead o% the de%aulted types, MMM, MBM and MGM. "o5 can 5e o3er5rite de%ault types in (DL A: 6,chan$e rate $ets copied %rom the customer master record. 6,chan$e rate types are to )e maintained %or the customer in the sales screen o% the customer master record. Shippin" &: +he !/>> condition is %ine in deli3ery. But 5hen 5e try to print to either the screen or printer, an error '1>@? occurs. KhyL A: *n order to use the !ac&in$ list !/>> (pac&in$ slip in deli3ery) you must do M!ac&in$M in the deli3ery note (edit4Hpac&in$) &: 5e ha3e to enter a shippin$ point 5hile creatin$ a deli3ery. *s it possi)le to create deli3ery 5ithout shippin$ pointsL A: Khen you are releasin$ a sales order, choose (ales document 4H (u)se8uent %unctions4H Create deli3ery, then the shippin$ point 5ill )e )rou$ht in %rom the sales order. *n all other scenarios you ha3e to &ey in the shippin$ point. +he a)o3e descri)ed scenario 5ill only 5or& i% all items on the sales order are to )e shipped %rom the same shippin$ point. 'illin" &: (A! allo5s a non4in3entory item and an in3entory item to )e in the same document till deli3ery )ut splits at the time o% creation o% )illin$ document. Can 5e com)ine a non4in3entory item 5ith an in3entory item in one in3oiceL Can 5e treat it as a 3alue item in sales order so that it is priced and then ma&e it as a te,t item in deli3ery documents so that it appears in the same in3oice and does not splitL A*: Ma&e the non4stoc& material deli3era)le, )ut not pic&a)le. Both items 5ill carry into the deli3ery, and there%ore appear on the same in3oice. A2: Chan$e the copy rule %or orders4Hin3oices and deli3eries4Hin3oices to speci%y that in3oice com)ination is permitted. "o5e3er note that %or system to create com)ined in3oices, !. num)er, payment terms, sales or$ani:ation, and distri)ution channel must )e identical. 6lse undesira)le com)inations may )e created )y the system. Pricin" !onditions &: *t is impossi)le to price at the material le3el (matnr) , 5hen a material has a pricin$ re%erence (m3&e4pmatn) set up a$ainst it in the master data. !ricin$ al5ays loo& %or the pre%, e3en i% a price is set up a$ainst the material and not the pre%. "o5 can 5e price )y material and pre%L A: +he %ield used to loo& up at the price is de%ined in Access se8uence. =ou may %ind a step 5ith !MA+N as material num)er. *% you insert a step 5ith MA+N7 then the system 5ill %irst loo& %or the material, i% not %ound (use the e,clusion tic& )o,) it 5ill loo& %or the pre%. !ustomi;in" &: Ke $enerated a ne5 condition ta)le. Assi$ned the condition to access se8uence. Created a condition record. Access se8uence is assi$ned to the output type. But 5hen 5e create a )illin$ document, output screen comes up )lan& %or the output type. Khen 5e loo& up Determination Analysis, 5e $et an error NNote #? Access not made (*nitiali:ed -ield)N. Khat else is re8uired to )e doneL A: Assi$n output determination procedure to the header o% the document and the output type. &: "o5 can 5e set up to ha3e the 'A+O )e accepted in the (hip4+o Master -ile Data Control screenL A: *MG4H-in. Acct.4HA7 and A! 4HCustomer acct4HMaster 7ecord 4H !repare to Create Customer4H De%ine Acct. Group. &: Ke 5ant to e,plode Bill o% Material automatically at time o% .rder entry and e,plode an 68uipment B.M in the sales order. Khat are the settin$ re8uiredL A: 1se an item cate$ory that is con%i$ured %or )ills o% material %or ha3in$ a sales B.M to e,plode

automatically. (tandard (A! item cate$ories are 9 +AG 4 !ricin$ and in3entory control ta&e place at the B.M header le3el +A! 4 !ricin$ and in3entory control ta&e place at the B.M item le3el +hese can )e automatically deri3ed usin$ the item cate$ory $roups 67/A and /1M-, respecti3ely. &: "o5 can 5e ma&e the Customer Group 1 (or ?, @, , #) a mandatory %ieldL A: /o$istic General4H /o$istics Basic Data9 Business !artners 4H Customers 4H Control 4H De%ine account $roups and %ield selection %or customer Choose Customer Acct. G7. (dou)le4clic&). 4H -ield (tatus9 (ales data (dou)le clic&) 4H sales (dou)le clic&) .Chec& the radio )utton a$ainst Customer Gr as 76G. 6N+7=. (a3e the settin$s to ma&e customer G7 entry mandatory . &: *s there an user e,it to copy the data into plannin$ ta)leL A: 4se user e,it MC!?>>>1 and include BE(.!1>1. thers &: Ke $et a report screen9 NGoods issue9 !ro)lem /o$N durin$ the deli3ery process 5hen acti3atin$ !ost Goods *ssue )utton. Ke 5ant to include our o5n error messa$e to this list i% the selected )atch is not on a customer de%ined ta)le. Khat is the )est 5ayL A: +ry 1ser e,it 4 1(676E*+<(A'6<D.C1M6N+<!76!A76

Lin) 'etween SAP SD5 11 $ :I

1. *n (A! you 5ill al5ays $et inte$ration 5ith other modules. (D 5ill interact 5ith -*, MM 5ill interact 5ith (D 94 1a. /oo&in$ at MM and (D interaction %irst, ta&e the scenario o% a third party order process. +his process uses a purchase order (5hich is sent to your 3endor). Also in3oice 3eri%ication is used %urther alon$ the process to chec& that the in3oice you send to your customer is the same material and 8uantity as that 5hich the 3endor sends to you ()ut o)3iously shipped directly to your customer). 1). Billin$ is an (D %unction. But (A! needs to &no5, 5hen processin$ a customerMs payment, to 5hich G/ account the payment has to )e processed. -or instance payment o% a 1K )ased material 5ould )e placed in a di%%erent G/ account to that o% a non41K )ased material. -urthermore, a 1K )ased customer may ha3e a di%%erent G/ account to that o% an 6,port customer. +his is con%i$ured in Account Determination. ?. ABA!ers are there to essential do some )espo&e de3elopment. =our inte$ration, or interaction, 5ith them 5ould )e 5hen speci%yin$ the ta)les, %ields, input %ields, a simple process e,planation, data mappin$ (i% doin$ an inter%ace %rom one system to another) etc. <88 Shahee The lin) between SD and 11 :8 1. Khen you create sales order in (D, all the details o% the items are copied %rom Material master o% MM. ?. M7! and a3aili)ility chec& related data is also ta&en %rom MM althou$h you control this data in (D also. @. Khile you create in)ound0out)ound deli3ery 5ith re%erence to a sales order,the shippin$ point determination ta&es place 5ith the help o% the loadin$ $roup, plant data, shippin$ conditions etc. +his also re%ers to Material Master. . +he material 5hich you are enterin$ in a sales order must )e e,tended to the sales area o% your sales order0customer other5ise you cannot transact 5ith this material. +here are many such lin&s )et5een (D and MM. =ow the lin) between SD and :I :8 1. Khene3er you create a deli3ery 5ith re%erence to a sales order, $oods mo3ement ta&es place in the )ac$$round. e$. *n case o% standard sales order, you create an out)ound $oods deli3ery to the customer. "ere mo3ement ;>1 ta&es place. +his mo3ement is con%i$ured in MM. Also, this mo3ement hits some G0/ account in -*. 63ery such mo3ement o% $ood s hits some G0/ account. ?. +he accounts postin$ in -* is done 5ith re%erence to the )illin$ documents (in3oice, de)it note, credit note etc) created in (D. +hus this is a lin& )et5een (D and -* @. +a, determination9 *n case o% a ta, determination also, there is a direct lin& )et5een (D and MM SD Inte"ration points with other modules (D module is hi$hly inte$rated 5ith the other modules in (A!. (ales .rder *nte$ration !oints


PA3aila)ility Chec& 4 MM PCredit Chec& 4 -* PCostin$ 4 C.0 MM P+a, Determination 4 -* P+rans%er o% 7e8uirements 4 !!0 MM Deli3ery I Goods *ssue *nte$ration !oints Module PA3aila)ility Chec& 4 MM PCredit Chec& 4 -* P7educes stoc& 4 MM P7educes *n3entory Q 4 -*0 C. P7e8uirement 6liminated 4 !!0 MM Billin$ 4 *nte$ration !oints Module PDe)it A07 4 -*0 C. PCredit 7e3enue 4 -*0 C. P1pdates G0 / 4 -*0 C. (+a,, discounts, surchar$es, etc.) PMilestone Billin$ 4 !( 7eturn Deli3ery I Credit Memo 4 *nte$ration !oints Module P*ncreases *n3entory 4 MM P1pdates G0 / 4 -* PCredit Memo 4 -* PAdRustment to A07 4 -* P7educes 7e3enue 4 -* Tips by: Subha SD Transaction !ode :low: *n8uiry 0 Document type *N +code %or creation 'A11,'A1?,'A1@. ta)les 'BAK,'BA! Guotation 0 G+ +code %or creation 'A?1,'A??,'A?@. ta)les 'BAK,'BA! !urchase .rder !. +code %or creation M6?1,M6??,M6?@. ta)les 6KK.,6K!.. (ales .rder .7 +code %or creation 'A>1,'A>?,'A>@. ta)les 'BAK,'BA! Deli3ery /+code %or creation '/>1,'/>?,'/>@. ta)les /*K!,/*!( Billin$ MN +code %or creation '->1,'->?,'->@. ta)les 'B7K,'B7! +o create a sales order 5e need purchase order num)er and custmer num)er. Be%ore that, to create a purchase order 5e need to ha3e material no, 3endor no. +o create 3endor tcode is ,&>1(create), ,&>?(chan$e) , ,&>@(display) +a)les are l%a1. +o create custmer tcode is ,d>1, ,d>?, ,d>@. +a)le is &na1.

A%ter creatin$ sales order usin$ this no 5e can create deli3ery note tcode is 3l>1.

3hy Do 3e Assi"n Division to Sales r"anisation

In SAP5 why do we assi"n division to Sales or"anisation not to distribution channel*n (A! Business !rocess (ales AreaS (ales .r$.2Dist.Channel2Di3ision. *ts +rian$ular intraction (ales or$ani:ation 0 T 0 T Dist.ChannelU44444444444444444HDi3ision (ales .r$ controls Distri)ution Channel and Di3ision Distri)ution Channel9 +he channel that is choosen the or$ani:ation to ma&e their product reach the end customer.(Net5or&) Di3ision9 6,9 "//44444444H Deter$ents, .ut o% "ome,-ood !roducts,"ealth Care (ectors0Departments +A+A Motars9 +ruc&s0Bus,Cars,"ea3y 'echiles 6tc... !lease note it is not9 (ales or$ani:ation V V Dist.Channel V V Di3ision Di3ision is an .ra$ai:ational 1nit. +he Di3ision in the Material Master is not an .r$ani:ational 1nit that can )e used to maintain related %ields. *t is a %ield 5hich is used to uni8uely assi$n a material to a Di3ision

Duplicate customer purchase order

*% you are %acin$ a pro)lem 5ith duplicate customer purchase order as your company does not allo5ed a same customer purchase order 5ith the same sales order type. =ou can acti3ated the chec& %or duplicate purchase order 5ith N0 0>N. *n the General Control (ection, loo& %or the %ield !hec) Purchase rder =o and put in NAN.

Default :irst Date is not Today

3hen end user created a new sales order with 0A?*5 default :irst Date wasn@t today5 why=ote: */ 'efore today5 default :irst Date was always today/ 2/ =obody chan"e system confi"uration/ Althou$h you mention that no)ody chan$e the system con%i$uration, it is 3ery unli&ely that the system 5ill mis4)eha3ed a%ter one day. 1sually, a%ter chec&in$, you 5ill %ind that someone ha3e actually chan$e the con%i$uration as it could not )e a so%t5are )u$ since you ha3e )een usin$ it %or 8uite sometime 5ithout any pro)lems. +he date is control )y each (ales .rder +ype %or each (ales Document type 5hether is it a 4 .7 4 (tandard .rder, 4 76 4 7eturns etc. 0erify the Sales order type confi"uration with the followin" path: *MG9 (ales and Distri)ution 44H (ales 44H (ales Docs 44H (ales Doc "dr 44H De%ine (ales Doc +ypes (transaction 3o3A) 5ill let you control this )y sales document type. +here is one %ield (/ead time in days) 5hich Nspeci%y the num)er o% days a%ter the current date that the proposal %or the re8uested deli3ery date in the sales document should )eN. +his should )e )lan& i% you 5ant the system to propose current day %or deli3ery date.

Auto proposed all the dates when creatin" Sales rder

+ow can I ma)e the system auto create all the Sales rder date durin" creation6ach (ales .rder can ha3e di%%erent date proposal settin$s. :ollows this step to set the default Sales rder Type proposal date: 4 Goto 0 0>, dou)le clic& on sales order type. 4 /oo& and tic& the %ields Propose delivery date and Propose P date. A%ter ma&in$ the necessary *MG chan$es, you need to input the Deli3ery !lant %ield %or each Materials that you 5ant the system to propose the de%ault date. To chan"e the 1aterials field Delivery Plant: Goto 11?2, (elect the 'ie5 Sales: Sales r"/ Data * and %ill in the Delivery Plant. Testin": No5, try creatin$ a ne5 sales order %or the material and (A! 5ill auto proposed all the dates in the sales order.

Define whether the 1aterial can be used at which Sales and Distribution process
"ere you de%ine ho5 the system responds 5hen enterin$ a sales and distri)ution document 5ith this material in the di%%erenet (ales and Distri)ution !rocess -lo5.. =ou can use the material status, %or e,ample, to pre3ent orders %rom )ein$ entered %or parts to )e discontinued. .7 +o temporary )loc& the creation o% (ales .rder %or a certain materials. (et the material status parameters in transaction S1A?5 +a)le 'ie5s 0BT01S. Clic& 1aintain and double clic) into the 1aterials Status code. =ou can set three types o% reponse %or each (ales and Distri)ution process 94 1. no dialo$ ?. 5arnin$ 5hen enterin$ the document @. error messa$e (that is, the sales and distri)ution document cannot )e entered on the )asis o% the material status)

Assi"n a !ost !enter manually in a Sales rder 70'AC8C STL9

+he Cost Center Determination settin$s is in 0:A 4 )ut there are some cases 5here the Cost Center must )e e,ceptionally chan$ed. *% the document cate$ory %or order type in *MG 0 0> is de%ined to )e N*N 5hich )elon$ to order type :D 8 Deliv/:ree of !har"e, then the %ield cost center is acti3e %or input durin$ transaction 0A?*. Alternati3ely, you can speci%y an order reason and assi$n a cost center to an order reason. "o5e3er the standard (A! 5or&s only at the header le3el thou$h, so it 5ould not 5or& i% cost center is needed on the line item. +he cost center are assi$n %or such )usiness transactions as 9 4 -ree deli3eries 4 7eturns 4 Deli3eries o% ad3ertisin$ materials =ou can also ma&e cost center allocation dependent on the order reason, %or e,ample9 .rder reason9 Dama$e in transit .rder reason9 -ree sample Both the *MG settin$s are done in transaction 0:A, either 5ith05ithout the order reason.

Sales and Distribution 8 Transfer of 6equirements

+he M7! department is in%ormed a)out the 8uantities and deadlines )y 5hich incomin$ orders should )e deli3ered. +he system chec&s the a3aila)ility o% the $oods )ased on the re8uested deli3ery date o% the customer and creates M7! records 5hich contain all necessary in%ormation %or passin$ on to plannin$. *t ensures that the $oods are a3aila)le in time %or the deli3ery. Materials plannin$ trans%ers the reported re8uirements and creates orders or purchase re8uisitions %rom them etc. -or controllin$ trans%er o% re8uirements, you ha3e to carry out the %ollo5in$ steps9 1. 6ach re8uirement type has to )e allocated to one re8uirement class only. ?. +he trans%er o% re8uirements must )e s5itched on at re8uirements class le3el, the sales documents at schedule line le3el. @. =ou must de%ine a chec& $roup. *t is possi)le to ha3e this chec& $roup proposed %or the initial creation o% a material master record. . Note that a plant must e,ist %or trans%er o% re8uirements to )e carried out at document item le3el. 0D( 4 7e8uirement class

*t speci%ies the %ollo5in$ points9 4 5hether an a3aila)ility chec& and a trans%er o% re8uirements is carried out %or a transaction (%or sales documents, %ine tunin$ usin$ the schedule line cate$ory is possi)le), 4 5hether the re8uirements are rele3ant %or M7!, 4 the allocation indicator %rom the sales 3ie5 5hich controls the settlement o% customer re8uirements 5ith re8uirements 4 5hether an item is to )e settled to an au,iliary account assi$nment, 4 the settlement pro%ile, 4 the results analysis &ey. (1se transaction S1A? %or 0B< con%i$uration) 0D+ 4 7e8uirements type 0BT0#PDB0 4 Assi$nment o% re8uirement type to +ransaction 0BT0#PB0 4 (chedule line cate$ory 0D2 4 De%ine Chec&in$ Group 0BT10:4 4 De%ine the chec&in$ $roup that the system proposes 5hen you create a ne5 material master record. =ou can o3er5rite the de%ault 3alue %or the chec&in$ $roup in the material master record.

Define Ta, Determination 6ules

=ou speci%y the 3alid ta, types in transaction 0C*. More than one ta, type can )e de%ined %or a country )y de%inin$ the se8uence. +he (A! (ystem determines the ta,es automatically 5ithin pricin$. *n the standard (A! 70@ (ystem, the elements o% ta, calculation are prede%ined (%or e,ample, ta, condition type N13STN %or ta,es on sales and purchases). Assi$n the plant %or +a, Determination in E*?, usin$ the country &ey, the (A! (ystem reco$ni:es 5hich ta, type is 3alid %or a plant and thus 5hich ta,es are rele3ant 5hen creatin$ an (D document. De%ine the Customer +a,es in 0CA, you 5ill maintain the ta, code in Customer Master. De%ine the Material +a,es in 0CF, 5hich 5ill then )e maintain in Material Master. -or e,ample 94 MK(+ G(+ > +a, 6,empt MK(+ G(+ 1 /ia)le %or +a,es No5, you de%ine the +a, Determination in 0C*2. 0C*2 4 Domestic +a,es06,port +a,es

Condition +ype 13ST Customer +a,es Material +a,es 7ate +a,es > > >W > 1 >W 1 > >W 1 1 DW *n this e,ample, i% )oth the Customer Master and Material Master +a, code is 1, +a, 5ill )e included 5hen you create the (ales .rder. Ta, !ode in !ustomer 1aster % Sales rder +ow can we maintain the Ta, !ode 7Ta, code 8 which we maintain in 13ST !ondtion 6ecords9 in !ustomer 1aster or in Sales rder+here are %e5 points 5hich * 5ould li&e to remind you9 1) MK(+ is a ta, condition 5hich is applied to customer to 5hom 5e are sellin$. +he rate o% ta, is depend on 3arious parameteres, 5hether is %ully lia)le %or ta, or e,pemted (in case o% De%ence Customer) ?) +here are %e5 parameteres 5hich 5e apply ta, condition. Khether customer is ta, lia)leL Khether material is ta, e,emptedL -or e,ample, i% you are sellin$ a $oods 5hich are %ree %or ta, to any customer, put the +a, *ndicator (at MM7 as M>M). *% your material is ta, lia)le pur the +a, *ndicator (at MM7 as 1). *% your customer is not lia)le %or ta, at all (li&e the case o% *ndian De%ence or$anisations) put the +a, *ndicator (at CM7 as >) or 1 in case %ully ta, lia)le. @) No5, at 'K11 you need to mainatain your pricnin$ conditions 5ith all the com)inations li&e9 1> 11 >1 >> ) Khile maintainin$ your Material Master 7ecords or Cusotmer Master 7ecords, you must identi%y, 5hich are ta, lia)le and 5hich are ta, e,empeted. #) *n anycase, as a (A! standard Best !ractises, 5hile processin$ a sales order, you must retrie3e a +a, condition record %rom (A! data)ase only and not entered Manually. Accordin$ly, at '0>;, the MK(+ condition De%intions, the %ield %or MManual 6ntriesM, it 5ould )e mar&ed as 4 D (Not possi)le to process Manually). Due to this settin$, normally, you cannot maintain Condition ta, code durin$ sales order processin$. And in Cusotmer Master, you can only maintain +a, *ndicator and not +a, Code. ;) *n case your client insists %or Manual entry o% +a, code durin$ (ales .rder processin$, you can chan$e the %ield at point #) a)o3e to C4Manual entry is priority instead o% D.

Ta,ation #,plain with an e,ample

*Mm assumin$ that, the country is *ndia and )ased on its re8uirement9 (ales ta, is a state $o3ernment re3enue. +here are t5o types o% sales ta,es, /ocal sales ta, I central sales ta,. /ocal sales ta, is intra state 5hereas C(+ is inter state. 6,ample o% /(+ 9 !oint o% sale i.e. deli3erin$ plant I ship to party are 5ithin the same state. +he rates are de%ined )y the respecti3e state $o3ernments. 6,ample o% C(+ 9 +he Deli3erin$ plant I (hip to party $eo$raphic locations are ? di%%erent states. At the point o% sales %rom one state, the (+ $oes to that state $o3t. I consi$nment is despatched to the (hip to party. .nce that consi$nment is recei3ed at the ship to party state, sales ta, 5ill )e le3ied once the sales is re$istered there. -or this case, the /(+ that is applica)le )y the (hip to party %urther 5ill not )e applica)le in all pro)a)ility to )e captured in (A!. (toc& trans%er 9 +his does not attract any sales ta,. +he consi$nment is trans%erred %rom one D plant to another D plant irrespecti3e o% inter0intra state sales. +he in3oice that is accompanied 5ith the consi$nment thus shall not ha3e any %inal 3alue. *tMs a :ero 3alue in3oice, )ut the )asic prices needed to )e mentioned. +he sellin$ or$anisations normally needs to re$ister 5ith the sales ta, authority o% the respecti3e state to ha3e a 5arehouse or D plant to a3oid the dou)le ta,ation %or their dealers0distri)utors. No5, the pricin$ procedure that is there in .C is -actory sale 5ith %ormula4X-AC+, in 5hich the C(+ condition type is X*N1 I the /(+ is pro)a)ly X*N?. +here may )e surchar$e cond types as 5ell 5hich 5ill calculate the amount on either X*N1 or X*N?. -or con%i$ 9 1.(!7. H (ID H Basic %n. H !ricin$ H !ricin$ control H De%ine I assi$n !ric. procedure H Maintain !ric proc.

?. +he ta, rates are normally dri3en %rom the +a, classi%ication o% Customer I Material access. +o do this con%i$, (ID HBasic %n. H +a,es. =ou need to include the condition type %or country *N in MDe%ine ta, determin ruleM. @. (ame path 9 But $o to +a, rele3ancy o% master records 5here you con%i$ure the condition type I options o% rates that 5ill %lo5 to these masters. .ne needs to understand here properly as u need to ha3e uni8ue com)inations %or pic&in$ the sales ta, rates. * 5ill try to demonstrate the smallest e,ample. /etMs say, the /(+ rates are ?W, W I >W. * 5ill ha3e t5o options %or material master here. 1 %or ta,a)le I ? %or not ta,a)le. -or customer master, * 5ill ha3e 14/(+ ?W, ?4/(+ W I @4/(+>W. Khen * create master records %or /(+ thru 'K11 %or X*N?, * 5ill chose the access 5here the com)inations o% customer I material ta, classi%ications are a3aila)le. *% this access does not e,ist create it under an access se8uence. But normally this is standard. +he condition records 5ill loo& li&e, Cust4+a, classi. Material ta, claasi. 7ate +a, code 1 1 ?W A1 ? 1 W A1 @ 1 >W A1 7emem)er, rates are %lo5n %rom the ta, codes. +a, codes can )e created thru + code -+E!. +his is normally a -* Ro).

6eturn material :rom customer

=ou need to receipt the reRected $oods throu$h (D Module ('A>1 4 (ales .rder type 76). +he steps are as %ollo5s 9 1. Create a return re8uest. (1sin$ (ales .rder in (D) ?. Create out)ound deli3ery accordin$ to return re8uest. @. *% the settin$ is correct in the out)ound deli3ery screen (A! 5ill automatically s5itch post $oods issue )utton into post $oods receipt. +he settin$ is in sales order item cate$ory and deli3ery type. . *n the standard system the mo3ement type used is ;#1. #. A%ter post $oods issues receipt is done usin$ out)ound deli3ery, the 8uantity is placed in )loc&ed stoc& 5ithout 3alue updatin$. ;. =ou 5ill then decide i% the return 8uantity are indeed )ad stoc& or not. C. +rans%er !ostin$ %rom )loc& stoc& to unrestricted stoc& (m3t type #@), this 5ill ha3e accountin$ e%%ect (De)it *n3entory, Credit C.G() A. Goods *ssue to scrap account ho5 to create ne5 titles 5hich can )e used in creatin$ the NaddressN 3ie5 on the 'endor master.Y+4Code9 EK>1Z *n con%i$ $o to Basis Components 44H )asis ser3ices 44H Address Mana$ement 44H Maintain title te,ts

SAP SD: Schedulin" A"reement 0s !ontract

A schedule a$reement contains details o% a deli3ery schedule )ut a contract Rust contains 8uantity and price in%ormation and no details o% speci%ic deli3ery dates 3hat@s the difference between schedullin" a"reement with normal order3hat@s the condition for us to choose schedule line or orderBoth o% them contains schedule line, price, 8uantity. +here are a couple maRor di%%erences9 (1) 4 (chedule a$reements allo5 you to ha3e ? di%%erent sets o% schedule lines ('B6!4ABA7+). (tandard (A! you should ha3e t5o sets o% ta)s 4 o% schedule lines. .ne -orecast I the other X*+. -orecast %or5ards the schedule lines to plannin$ (seen in MD> ) and X*+ passes them to shippin$ ('/1>). +hey can )e identical or di%%erent. +ypically these are used %or component supplier customers (namely Automoti3e). +he customer 5ill pro3ide you 41> 5ee&ly )uc&ets (usually a Monday date) o% %uture %orecast 8tys. Also send you 14? 5ee&s o% indi3idual -*7M ship dates 4 5hich are entered on the X*+. *t comes do5n to the customer not &no5in$ e,actly 5hat they need ne,t 5ee&, )ut they donMt 5ant to suprise you 5ith a lar$e order 8ty, 5here your lead times are #2 days. +he %orecasted 8tys they sent last 5ee& should account %or this. (?) Cumulati3e Guantities are trac&ed and in%luence ho5 the schedule a$reement passes re8uirements to )oth %orecastin$ and shippin$. +hese 8tys are sometimes re8uested )y the customer on A(Ns. Cumulati3e 8tys reset at year end unless youM3e $ot a customer calendar or youM3e modi%ied standard (A! usere,its to not reset. (chedule a$reements are 3ery nice 5hen the customer sends 6D* data (A@>s S %orecast or A;?s S X*+s). .utside o% that they can really cause trou)le re$ardin$ daily maintenance, missin$ re8uirements, cum 8ty corrections, year end processin$, etc. .ne alternati3e 5ould )e to use customer independent re8uirements 4 enterin$ the 5ee&ly,

monthly %orecastin$ 8tys and enterin$ standard sales orders (5ith or 5ithout multiple schedule lines) to represent the true %irm 8tys.

Sales ' 1 Implementation

A )ill o% material (B.M) descri)es the di%%erent components that to$ether create a product. A B.M %or a )icycle, %or e,ample, consists o% all the parts that ma&e up the )icycle9 the %rame, the saddle, 5heels, and so on. Process :low Khen you enter the material num)er o% a )ill o% materials that is rele3ant %or sales order processin$, the system displays the material that descri)es the 5hole )ill o% materials as a main item. +he indi3idual components are displayed as lo5er4le3el items. +here are t5o 5ays to process a )ill o% materials in (ales. .nce you ha3e entered a )ill o% material in a sales order, the system runs pricin$, in3entory control, and deli3ery processin$ at9 4 Main item le3el i% the material is assem)led, or 4 Component le3el i% the material is not assem)led +he type o% processin$ used )y the system is determined )y the item cate"ory "roup that you enter in the material master record %or rele3ant materials. Processin" at 1ain Item Level *% you 5ant the system to carry out pricin$, in3entory control, and deli3ery processin$ at main item le3el, enter #6LA in the Item cate"ory "roup field o% the Sales: sales or"/ 2 screen in the material master record of the finished product. +his means that the components only %unction as te,t items and are not rele3ant %or deli3ery. +he %ollo5in$ $raphic sho5s ho5 a )ill o% material is processed at main item le3el. Processin" at !omponent Level *% you 5ant the system to carry out pricin$, in3entory control, and deli3ery processin$ at the component le3el, enter L41: in the Item cate"ory "roup field o% the Sales: sales or"/ 2 screen in the material master record of the finished product. *n this case, only the components are rele3ant %or deli3ery. Durin$ processin$ the system automatically creates a deli3ery $roup. +he latest deli3ery date amon$ all the components )ecomes the deli3ery date %or the entire deli3ery $roup.

+ow to Cnow that Sales ' 1 is wor)in" or notI have set up a sales ' 1/ +ow do I )now or test that is is wor)in" or not.nce you enter a material (%or 5hch you ha3e created a B.M thru C(>1) in the sales doc another material pops under the main material line item as a su)4item (s). *% it doesnMt then your B.M isnMt 5or&in$. *n my e,perience B.Ms 5or& i% all maintenance has )een done properly. A num)er o% thin$s to chec& is9 1. +he )om hasnMt )een de%ined %or the plant used, or you ha3enMt de%ined the plant in (.. ?. Main item cate$ory 4 has B.M application (D>1 )een assi$ned to itL @. *tem cate$ories %or main items and su)4items ha3e not )een mainteined properly. . (ales items maintenance 4 =ou should assi$n item cate$ories %or B.M header items and su)4 items to a speci%ic sales doc. #. "as the B.M itsel% )een con%i$ured properly (i.e. ri$ht plant, B.M usa$e M#M)L ;. Are you tryin$ it out on an order created a%ter all B.M maintenance 5as doneL C. Also , 5hatMs the M(tructure scopeM set asL Anythin$ e,cept C may )e use%ul hereL Ke ha3e that set to A, since our B.Ms are all sin$le4le3el. =ou could set it to B i% B.M are con%i$ured multi4le3el. +hose are pro)a)ly main reasons 5hy B.M shouldnMt 5or&. Apart %rom that, Rust re4chec& your 5hole con%i$ 4 the truth is out there som5here.

3hat Is ' 1 6eferrin" to SAP SD

3hat is bill of materialBy9 Mi&e 'ILL : 1AT#6IALS Ke need to maintain Material master records %or the B.M *tem and %or the components also. +he item cate$ory $roup o% the B.M items is [67/A0/1M-\ and the item cate$ory is [N.7M\. Creatin$ B.M item9 4 /o$istics 4 (ales and distri)ution 4 Master data 4 !roducts 4 Bills o% material 4 Material B.M C(>1 create (peci%y the data %or the %ollo5in$ %ields. Material9 (peci%y the material %or 5hich components are to )e maintained. !lant9 (peci%y the plant o% B.M item. B.M usa$e9 (peci%y the application in 5hich B.M is maintained (# %or (D). Alternati3e B.M9 (peci%ies the se8uence o% a B.M 5ithin a $roup o% B.Ms. (/ S stoc& item N S Non4stoc& item) *n the o3er3ie5 screen speci%y the components 5hich ma&es the main item and the correspondin$ 8uantities and sa3e it. Note9 Durin$ sales document processin$ i% 5e enter the B.M item the system automatically determines correspondin$ components. 1) -or the B.M to )e e,ploded in the sales document the %ollo5in$ customi:in$ settin$ is re8uired. A) *% the item cate$ory $roup is 67/A the item cate$ory o% the B.M is +AG, in the de%inition o% 5hich 5e ha3e to speci%y the 3alue A (6,plode sin$le le3el B.M) in the structure scope. B) *% the item cate$ory $roup is /1M- the item cate$ory o% the B.M item is +A! in the de%inition o% 5hich 5e ha3e to speci%y the 3alue A in the %ield structure scope. ?) *% the item cate$ory $roup is /1M- the system sho5s price %or the components )ut not %or the

B.M item. -or this the %ollo5in$ customi:in$ settin$ is re8uired. A) +he item cate$ory o% the B.M item is +A! 5hich is not rele3ant %or pricin$, so the B.M item is not !riced. B) +he item cate$ory o% the components is +AN 5hich is rele3ant %or pricin$, so the components are priced @) *% the item cate$ory $roup is 67/A the system sho5s price %or the B.M item )ut not %or components. -or this %ollo5in$ customi:in$ settin$ is re8uired. A) +he item cate$ory o% B.M item is +AG, 5hich is rele3ant %or pricin$, so the B.M is priced. B) +he item cate$ory o% components is +A6 5hich is not rele3ant %or pricin$, so the components are not priced. Khile creatin$ sales document to $et the list o% alternati3e B.Ms in the de%inition item cate$ory o% B.M item 5e ha3e to chec& the %ield ]Manual Alternati3e^ ? 4>C4?>>C *+6M CA+6G.7= D6+67M*NA+*.N -.7 B.M *+6M (D type .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 N.+69 *+CaGr 67/A N.7M /1MN.7M N.7M N.7M N.7M 1s$ +AG +A! +A6 +AN "/*tCa +AG +A6 +A! +AN +AN +A6 +A6 D%t*tCa

A 6,plode sin$le le3el B.M item B 6,plode multi le3el B.M item C(>1 +ransaction code %or creatin$ B.M *tem

(tatistical 3alue [,\ or [y\ Ma&e +A! rele3ant %or pricin$ )ut 3alues %or statistical only.


rder 1ass !han"e

I am a SAP SD consultant and recently faced with two new terms5 mass order chan"e and AL0 5 I also need to )now about the transaction code/ +here is transaction MA(( 5hich can )e used to carry out mass chan$es in the sales order and other o)Rects. Mass Maintenance9 (1se to chan$e multiple %ields in multiple documents at the same time). * ha3e done mass chan$e %or customers_ and orders should 5or& the same 5ay too. 1) +ry t4code `MA((a and select sales orders I e,ecute ?) Choose the ta)le or ta)les %or your selection criteria and also %or %ields you 5ant to chan$e. +hen e,ecute. (suppose your selection criteria %ields are %rom Nsales order header dataN ta)le and the %ield you 5ant to chan$e, is in Nitem dataN ta)le) @) !ut in the sales documents(?1>>>>>>, ?1>>>>>1) you 5ant to chan$e and also the items(1>) you 5ant to chan$e. 4 clic& on N choose selection %ieldsN )utton 4 -rom the !ool, mo3e the %ields you 5ant to the Nselect %ieldsN usin$ arro5s. )-rom mass maintenace menu, clic& on N6nter ne5 %ield 3aluesN 4clic& on Nsales order item dataN ta) and choose the %ield you 5ant to chan$e. (%or e,ample. * 5ant to chan$e plant %or item 1>) 4enter the ne5 3alue (o% the plant to )e) 4clic& on NAdoptN and e,ecute #)*n Nsales order item dataN ta), you see the ne5 3alue o% the plant you entered at the top and the old 3alues o% item 1> are )elo5. 4clic& on Nchan$e %ield 3aluesN )utton. you see all the old 3alues are chan$ed to ne5 3alues. 4sa3e Note9 it 5ill ta&e some time dependin$ on ho5 many records you ha3e.

Chec&9 Go to `(M@Ca and see the status o% the Ro) you are runnin$ and once %inished, e,port the spool %ile to a spreadsheet. Be%ore you do mass maintenance, $o to the particular ta)le in `se1;a and $et the results. +hen do the mass maintenance and compare the results 5ith this one. *% they match, then you are $ood to $o. Note9 *% you ha3e any user e,its that a%%ect the results, as& them to deacti3ate the M.DC"6CK( still you are done 5ith mass maintenance I acti3ate them a$ain. Is there a way to chan"e the billin" date on a ton of sales orders with same old billin" date to a same new billin" date+his can )e done usin$ the mass transaction9 +ransaction9 MA(( .)Rect +ype9 B1(?>@? +a)les9 (D Document9 Business item data (el -ield9 Billin$ Date (MA(((D"6 and MA(((D!.) 4 .r you can Rust select )y document num)ers (May )e more e%%icient) 6,ecute 4 /ist 5ill )e pro3ide %or chan$es (el Ch$ -ld9 Billin$ Date (et ne5 )illin$ date 3alue in the Ne5 'alues %ield Clic& on lo5er )illin$ date column Clic& on Carry out a Mass Chan$e )utton Clic& on (a3e )utton (u$$estion is to test this on a %e5 orders in your de3elopment system to $et a %eel on ho5 this 5or&s )e%ore applyin$ this to any production data. MA(( is a 3ery po5er%ul tool. I have *????? sales orders whith an incorrect price and I would li)e to do a massive condition update with pricin" type .'. 7!arry out new pricin"9/ Is there a transaction or pro"ram for thisGo to 'A># e,ecute the report. (elect all sales orders you 5ant to update the price, Go to the Menu 6D*+ 44H MA(( Chan$e 444H Ne5 !ricin$. (ystem 5ill display all the re4pricin$ options. (elect B. *t 5ill re4price all the sales orders. =ou can try %or one or t5o order initially chec& the results and i% it is .K, then you can do %or others.

6elease strate"y for Sales order

Is it possible to have release strate"y for sales orderSatish ! Jha As such (A! standard does not pro3ide release strate$y %or sales orders similar to purchase orders. "o5e3er this re8uirement o% your can )e satis%ied throu$h authorisation pro%iles_ 5hat * mean to say is that the sale order to )e &ept incomplete )y the person 5ho does not ha3e the re8uired authorisation I the person 5ith proper authorisation 5ill complete it %or %urther processin$. +his is only one 5ay o% meetin$ your re8uirement. 'alraG ( Sai"al *n order to emulate a release strate$y similar to purchase orders you can use the status pro%ile in sales documents (B(>?). *MG4(ales and distri)ution4(ales4(ales documents4De%ine and assi$n status pro%ile.

+ow to do rebate processin"

7e)ates !rocesss in (A! is di3ided into three components 1) Con%i$urin$ 7e)ates ?) (ettin$ 1p 7e)ates @) Mana$in$ re)ate a$reeeements and payments !re4re8usiistes4 Chec& the %ollo5in$9 1.+he payer partner needs toi ha3e the re)ate %ield chec&ed in the customer master on the sales area4)illin$ doc ta). ?.+he Billin$ type must )e mar&ed as rele3ant %or re)ates. @.+he (ales .r$anisation must )e mar&ed as rele3ant %or re)ates. Condition +echni8ue 9 7e)ates, use the condition techni8ue, )ut distin$uish themsel3es %rom pricin$ in applyin$ to transactions o3er time, 3ersus on a transaction )asis. 7e)ates ha3e their 5n %ield catalo$ and their o5n condition ta)le namin$ con3ention.(o you could ha3e t5o condition ta)le N>>1N one %or pricin$ and one %or re)ates, 5hich could ha3e di%%erent &ey %ields. =ou need to use the technical names A>>1 -or pricin$ and K.+e>>1 %or re)ates 5hen you use the 8uery type usin$ transaction (6 1;.. 1se create access se8uence (A(). 6nter 1 in %ield cate$ory %or re)ate speci%ic. A( a%ter $oin$ thru the ri$ht path o% maintainin$ access se8uence %or re)ates. +he )i$ di%%erence )et5een the re)ate and the pricin$ access se8uence is that there is no e,clsuion %la$ a3aila)le %or re)ate related A(. +his means multiple ta)les %or an access se8uence can )e aplied at the same time. 7e)ate related condition types are identi%ied )y codnition class 4C. A%ter de%inin$ and creatin$ condition types %or re)ated include them in the pricin$ proceedure. +he re8uirement should )e ? here 5hich implies that the accruals are calculated on the )asis o% in3oice0)ill. +he other %ields4 alctyp and altc)3 does not allo5 you to manipulate ho5 a re)ate is calculated. Also, remo3e the re8uiremnt ? , i% u 5ant to see rea)tes at order time. No5 payment o% re)ates9 !ayments can )e maunal or in %ull settlement. Khen you do manual payments, it de%ines ho5 much can )e paid out durin$ a partial settlemetn. =ou use partial settlement only 5hen re)ate a$reement is de%ined %or a %ull year )ut the paoyouts are supposed to happen on a monthly, 8uarterly or anyother speci%ied period. +hese accurals are )ased on sales 3olume and 5hen they are posted )illin$ is created int eh %oll5oin$ manner. !ro3ision %or accruals is de)ited and (ales re3enue is credited. Khen re)ate credit memo is created Customer account0 is de)ited and Accrual pro3ision account is credited. Also, please note that 5hen re)ates are created 5ithout dependent ona material )ut on customer0material you need to re%er to a material %or settlement. 3ith !ompliment: Srini I have this same problem found in: http900555.sap4im$.com0sap4sd0re)ate4process45ith4re%4to4so.htm +owever5 can somebody e,plain it as I have problem in understandin" the lin)/ Khat e,actly do you 5ish to &no5 in 7e)atesL +he total outline o% the 7e)ate process or each and e3ery step in the (A! systemL -irst o% all re)ates are more or less discounts 5hich are o%%ered to customers. +he re)ates are )ased on the 3olume o% the )usiness the customer does 5ith you 5ithin a speci%ied time. %or e$ i% the customer a$rees %or 7s.1 Crore 5orth o% )usiness 5ith u in 1 year, then you acti3ate your re)ate porocess. i% at the end o% the year the customer D.6( achie3e the tar$et u o%%er him say ?0@0 W 5hate3er is decided. +he re)ates are passed on to the customer in the %orm o% Credit notes. +he re)ate can )e $i3en to the customer at one time or in installments also. +his is )roadly the outline o% the re)ate process. 6/Sreeram Note 9 * recomend you to study the theory part o% 5hy re)ate and 5hy not a discount. +his 5ill help you understand )etter. May )e * can help you 5ith re)ate process.(*N 4*MG) 1. de%ine a re)ate a$reement type ?. de%ine a condition type $roup @. de%ine a condition type and place this condition +ype in the pricin$ procedure.(76G1*76M6N+S? ) A/(. *N +"6 !7.C6D1764 ACC71A/ K6= S 671 =.1 A/(. "A'6 +. D. +"6 ACC.1N+ D6+67M*NA+*.N -.7 76BA+6(. .nce you ha3e de%ined all the @ and assi$nment starts.

Assi$n the a$reement type to the condition type $roup Assi$n the cond type $roup to the condition type. Condition techni8ue is also used in re)ates. 76BA+6 AC+*'A+*.N4 *N C1(+.M67 MA(+67, (A/6( .7GAN*(A+*.N AND -.7 +"6 B*//*NG D.C1M6N+. A%ter ha3in$ done this please proceed to maintain the condition record %or the re)ates (transaction code43)o1) Note9 i% you maintain the re8uirement coloumn 5ith the re8uirement as ? 4 the re)ate 5ill )e a%%ected in the )illin$ document and i% you dont $i3e the re8uirement as ? your re)ate 5ill )e a%%ected in the sales order. +he re)ate process is completed 5hen you ha3e created a credit memo to the customer. +he document type %or the partial settlement is 7@. !lease ma&e sure you open t5o screens (. +"A+ =.1 CAN C.M!A76 +"6 N6K 6N+7*6( K"A+ 6'67 =.1M76 D6-*N*NG K*+" +"A+ .- +"6 (+ANDA7D( or %irst you try 5ith the standard condition type )oo1, )oo? )oo@ )oo . A-+67 =.1 "A'6 -*N*("6D A C.M!/6+6 (A/6( C=C/6 .- C76A+*.N .7D67 , D6/*'67= AND B*//*NG. G. +. +"6 C.ND*+*.N 76C.7D *N C"ANG6 M.D6 ('B>?) AND (6++/6 +"6 ACC.1N+ !A7+*A//=. * hope this 5ill )e o% any help to you. Praveen *n a simple 5ay, 1. -irst you need to create a 7e)ate a$reement. ?. Create condition record %or re)ate $i3in$ the re)ate rate and accrual rate. @. 5hen the re)ate rele3ent )illin$ doc is $enerated, the re)ate and accruals are determined and posted in a seperate G/ account as a noted item 4 amount to )e settled. Also it $ets copied in the re)ate a$reement. . create settlement run usin$ credit memo re8uest and then credit memo to settle this amount 5ith the customer. +his is 5hat the lin& says.

6ebate Process with 6ef/ to S

If I need to ma)e a rebate for a customer what is the process involved/ * am pro3idin$ some in%o on re)ates 5hich * &no5. 7e)ate a$reemnts is )ased on a$reement types.Conditon records 5hich are created li&e B>>1 and B>>? are lin&ed to the re)ate a$reeements speci%yin$ the re)ate rate 2 the accrual rates.condition records speci%y the re)ate rate and the accrual rates. Consider an e,ample.. =ou decided to $i3e a re)ate o% @W to a customer 5hose sales 3ol is Q1>>> %or a particular (. +hen the re)ate 3alue is Q@>.. No5 5hen you ma&e the re)ate settlement )y doiin$ the Credit memo and you decide to pay Q?C, then the accountin$ 5ill )e $enerated sayin$ ?CQ paid to5ards re)ate and @Q is the accrual 5hich you o5e to the customer !rocedure9 7e)ate a$reement9 +ransaction code9 'B>1 Khen you $o to 'B>1, choose a$reement type >>>? and then in conditions $i3e Material re)ate 1 ?> ?> @> No5 create a sales order 5ith a material say M411 %or (.r$ 1>>> 1? >> 5ith G+= ; No5 chec& 'B>@ and see re)ate a$reemtent it 5ill say Accruals 1?> and payments > since your re)ate is not settled still. 7e)ate setllement Go to 'B>? enter ur sales deal no, and chan$e the a$reemetn status to B then enter (hi%t2-1? and enter the amount to )e paid %or e,ample u say QA> +hen chec& in re)ate payments re)ate doc and partial setllemetn since you ha3e not paid in %ull. 'ie5 the credit memo re8uest 7emo3e the Billin$ )looc& Go to 'A>1 and put order type G? ,,,$o to create 5ith re% and enter ur (ales order no,,,sa3e the doc no5... +hen $o to '->1 and enter the credit memo re8st no $enerated...sa3e the doc no and $o to '->? and say release to accountin$ No5 the %inal settlement 5ill )e this 5ay

Accruals91?> Accrual re3ersed9A> 7e)ate pay9A> Amount paya)le9 > (o the )alance > is still the accrual +his is an e,ample ho5 a re)ate 5ill )e processed 5ith re% to a (. 5ith an e,ample.

+ow to do a rebate a"reement for a specific customers with settin"s details1. Create a condition )y copyin$ a a standard condition li&e B.>@ in '0>; ?. Assi$n this condition in the std pricin$ procedure 5ith acct &ey as 67B and accural &ey as 671 4 '0>A @.Create a 7e)ate A$reement in 'B.1 (*t is . S .5l and not :ero). No 5ill )e $enerated choose >>@ 4 Customer re)ates, enter the customer code, the 3alidity and chec& %or the status shld )e in .pen, clic& on the conditions enter the percenta$e and accrual amount. =ou also can ha3e scales in this. Also you need to maintain the material %or the settlement . Create a sales order %or that customer and chec& the re)ate a$reement. #. =ou can see the re)ate condition in the in3oice only. ;. .nce you ha3e posted the in3oices, then $o to re)ate a$rrement no. clicl on 3er%icayion and it 5ill sho5 the order details. C. -or settlement chan$e the status o% the re)ate to B 4 release %or the settlement. A. Credit memo re8uest 5ill ) $enerated copy the no. and $o to 'A>?, remo3e the )loc&s i% any and create an in3oice (credit memo).this 5ill sho5 u the accrual amount. D. *n )oth the in3oice and the credit memo chec& the postin$ 4 accountin$ document it 5ill sho5 u the accrual as ne$ati3e. 1>. A$ain $o to re)ate a$$reement and chec& the status it 5ill sho5 you D 4 -inal settlement o% a$reement already carried out

!onsi"nment Sales Process in SAP

The consi"nment process in SAP standard consist of four small processes: Consi$nment %illup (send materials to customer consi$nment). "ere you ha3e a consi$nment %illup order and a consi$nment %illup deli3ery. Consi$nment issue (issue materials %rom customer consi$nment to the customer). "ere you ha3e a consi$nment issue order, consi$nment issue deli3ery and a consi$nment issue in3oice. (the %lo5 is 3ery similar to a normal .7 %lo5, )ut the materials are issued %rom the consi$nment stoc& instead o% plant stoc& unrestricted). Consi$nment return (return materials %rom customer o5nership to customer consi$nment). "ere you ha3e a consi$nment return order, consi$nment return deli3ery and a consi$nment return in3oice. (the %lo5 is 3ery similar to a normal 76 %lo5, )ut the materials are returned to the consi$nment stoc& instead o% plant stoc& returns). Consi$nment pic&up (pic&up consi$nment stoc& and mo3e it to plant stoc&). "ere you ha3e a consi$nment pic&up order and a consi$nment pic&up deli3ery. Note that in consi$nment %illup and consi$nment pic&up there are no in3oices since there is no chan$e o% o5nership %or the materials. +ow to perform a consi"nment order*n consi$nment orders you are allo5in$ the stoc& to sit in your customer location. .nce he in%orms that he used the stoc& you 5ill in3oice him. *% he returns the stoc& you 5ill accept the stoc& to ta&e it )ac&. *t is de%ined in steps. 1. Consi$nment %ill up9 (ales document type is KB *tem cate$ory KBN shedule line cate$ory 61 *n this step, you are not in3oicin$ the customer. document %lo5 is sales order 4444 deli3ery item cate$ory. *t 5ill not )e rele3ent %or )illin$ and pricin$ )ecause you are not char$in$ money %or these $oods in this step. *n schedule line cate$ory, you 5ill set mo3ement type ;@1 I set %or a3aila)ility chec& and +.7. ?. Consi$nment *ssue. .nce the customer in%ormed you that he used all the $oods or partial $oods then you 5ill create consi$nment issue %or used $oods.

(ales document9 K6 *tem cate$ory9 K6N shedule line cate$ory9 C> or C1 "ere you are in3oicin$ the customer()ecause he used the $oods). you are assi$nin$ the deli3ery documnt and )illin$ document to the sales document. *n item cate$ory, you are settin$ rele3ent %or )illin$, pricin$, special stoc&. *n schedule line cate$ory, your settin$ is ;@@ mo3ement type, rele3ent %or a3aila)ility chec& I +.7. @. Consi$nment 7eturn9 Customer %ound that some $oods are dama$ed or he not a)le to sold the $oods he 5ant to send it )ac&. that you are creatin$ this document. (ales document type9 K7 *tem cate$ory9 K7N (hedule line cate$ory9 D> =ou 5ill assi$n deli3ery document and )illin$ to sales document. you 5ill create return order, return deli3ery, return )illin$. =our settin$ item cate$ory rele3ent %or )illin$, returns, pricin$, special stoc&. =our settin$ schedule line item cate$ory9 ;@ mo3ement type, N. a3aila)ility N. +.7. . Consi$nment !ic& up9 63en i% you create the consi$nment return the $oods are not come to direct to your plant. -or that you need to create consi$nment pic& up. here the o5ner ship is not chan$in$ so you do not need to create )illin$. Assi$n retrun deli3ery to sales document type. (ales document9 KA *tem cate$ory9 KAN schedule line cate$ory9 -> I -1 =our settin$ item cate$ory rele3ent %or returns. any shedule line cate$ory rele3ent %or ;@? mo3ement type, M7!, a3aila)ility chec&, deli3ery. No5 you chec& your plant stoc&. (toc& 5ill increase

Issue free "oods to selected !ustomers

!lient wants to issue free "oods to selected customers after the said customer buys a specified quantity of a "ood durin" the festive season startin" ?2 December to mid January/ for e,ample customer A buys AF cartons of !orn Ice8cream5 we offer him *2 free corns/ this should then reflect as cost in our accounts/ the rest of the system is already up and runnin" and should not be inconvinienced/ +ow do I set it up1.7un trans. 'BN? to %irst create master record %or %ree $oods as %ollo5s9 6nter %ollo5in$ in%ormation in selection screen9 4 -ree $oods type9 NA>> 4 (ales or$, distri)ution channel, customer O and e,ecute. No5 in ne,t screen create the record as %ollo5s9 4 -irst select the e,clusi3e )utton and 3eri%y that you are in e,clusi3e 3ie5. (that is i% you 5ant e,clusi3e) 4 MaterialO, Min 8ty 4 (ay @ cartons. (chec& in 5hat units you 5ant to mana$e) -rom9 @ cartons unit o% measure9 -ree $oods9 1? !cs 1nit o% measure9 !cs Calcualtion type9 1 or try the other options Deli3er control9 Blan& or any o% the other options suita)le to you. No5 sa3e and e,it. No5 run 'A>1 %or @ cartons and press enter. +he system 5ill automatically propose the %ree $oods item at no additional char$e. +ry hi$her order 8tys and see i% the %ree $oods 8ty are scalin$ up. *% not adRust the calculation parameters in the master record screen *t should )e transaction 'BN1. (orry %or the error. 'BN? is to chan$e the record. 'BN1 creates it. Cris J *% you 5ant to $i3e %ree $oods to some o% the customers than 1. create a customer $roup say DD %or -766 G..D( *n -ree Goods Menu9 ?. add a %eild catalo$ %or C1(+.M67 G7.1! @. create a condition ta)le (%ree $oods) say ### only %or customer $roup . create a se8uence say -766 5ith condition ta)le ### #. create a condition type say -766 5ith ;. maintain pricin$ procedure say B-766 5ith condition type -766 No5 assi$n9 C. Acti3e -ree $oods Determination or Assi$n 5ith your sales or$anisation this procedure B-766 A. Create %ree $oods determination 5ith transaction code 0n3)n1 %or -766 5ith Key Csuomer Group DD %or e,clusi3e Gi3e customer Group say DD and %rom @ to @ %ree 1?

Supressin" :ields in Sale


+o ma&e optional 0 mandatory you can use in *MG 4 (ID4H Basic H -unctions4H /o$ o% incomplete !rocedures SH select the %ields H %rom the ta)les and the system 5ill chec& %or them (.'A?0'1A?) +o ma&e a %iled entry ena)led or $rey (non4entry allo5ed)9 1ser e,its in the pro$ram M' #A-BB41(676E*+<-*6/D<M.D*-*CA+*.N +his user e,it can )e used to modi%y the attri)utes o% the screen %ields. +o do this, the screen %ields are allocated to so4called modi%ication $roups 1 4 and can )e edited to$ether durin$ a modi%ication in ABA!. *% a %ield has no %ield name, it cannot )e allocated to a $roup. +he usa$e o% the %ield $roups (modi%ication $roup 14 ) is as %ollo5s9 Modi%ication $roup 19 Automatic modi%ication 5ith transaction M-AK Modi%ication $roup ?9 *t contains M/..M %or step loop %ields Modi%ication $roup @9 -or modi%ications 5hich depend on chec& ta)les or on other %i,ed in%ormation Modi%ication $roup 9 is not used +he -.7M routine is called up %or e3ery %ield o% a screen. *% you re8uire chan$es to )e made, you must ma&e them in this user e,it. +his -.7M routine is called up )y the module -6/DA1(KA"/. 3ith !ompliments by: Taner Hu)sel Actually suppressin$ %ieldin$ sales orders user5ise is 8uite easy. Ke are doin$ it in our company. -or this 5e use usere,it -.7M 1(676E*+<-*6/D<M.D*-*CA+*.N in M' #A-BB. Belo5 is the sample code

*- (C766N4NAM6 S M'BKD4AB((CM. A1+".7*+=4C"6CK .BX6C+ MBM' #A-BBM *D M(C7-NAM6M -*6/D (C766N4NAM6. *- sy4su)rc S >. (C766N4*N!1+ S 1. else. (C766N4*N!1+ S >. 6ND*-. endi%. =ou place the authority chec& o)Rect in authori:ation pro%ile in the role o% the users, 5ho should ha3e access to the %ield (in this case it is 'BKD4AB((C), and there assi$n the correspondin$ %ields that are to )e accessed 3ia this usere,it

Some Li"ht on 'atch Determination

n batch determination5 the whole process5 how it is determined automatically in the order/ A1) Normaly 5e use )atch determination at deli3ery le3el, )ecause at the time o% order material may or may not )e created.%or this material should )e con%i$ured 5ith )atch and )atch determination should )e chec&ed in sales 3ie5s o% material. A?) Batch Determination durin$ order Creation. -or this you need to maintain a Classes d %or you Material. Dependin$ on the Manu%acturin$ process you can de%ine the characteristics %or your material. 6,9 !urity %or Medicines, 7esistance %or 6lectric *tems. =ou need to create a class (=ou mi$ht ha3e to create a ne5 class type) 5hich incorporates the characteristic. -irst Create the Characteristic 1sin$ Ct> and then usin$ Cl>? create the Class includin$ this characteristic. +hen in your material master Classi%ication 'ie5 6nter this class. +hen Create a Batch %or the particular plant and (tor /oc usin$ M(C1N.Gi3e the 3alue o% the characteristics in this )atch. +hen $o to (!7. 4H/o$istics General 4HBatch Mana$ement and maintain the Condition +echni8ue (!rocedure, (trate$y +ypes and assi$nment to sales docs etc). +hen Create the Batch Determination 7ecord usin$ 'C"1

Difference between Item Proposal and 1aterial Determination

3hat is the difference between the item proposal and material determination product proposal*tem proposal and product proposal are the same. *tem proposal is the list o% materials and order 8uantities that can )e copied into the sales order %rom the customer master data. Ke use 'A#1 to create the item proposal. "ere 5e $et a num)er.+his num)er is then lin&ed to the customer master data in the sales 3ie5. +his is 3ery commonly used. Material determination is 3ery closely related to item proposal 0product proposal and is used to s5ap one material %or another in the sales order usin$ the condition techni8ue. * ha3e not seen Material determination procedures used in the proRects * ha3e 5or&ed. SAP Tips by: Prashanth +arish *tem !roposal or !roduct proposal9 N*tem proposal is same as product proposal I (A! uses the t5o terms interchan$ea)ly. NAn item proposal is a list o% materials and order 8uantities that can )e copied into the sales order. *tems can also )e selected %rom a list and copied into a sales order.N 1) 1se transaction `'.'Aa to con%i$ure the document type (NM(N %or product proposal). ?) 1se transaction `'A#1a to create a proposal. @) 6nter the item proposal on the sales area data (sales ta)) o% the customer master record. ) *n `'A>1a to create a sales order, (elect 6dit I propose items.N Material determination9 NMaterial determination uses the condition techni8ue to s5ap one material %or another 5hen certain conditions apply. Material determination is tri$$ered )y the material entered in the line item o% the sales order. 1se transaction `'B11a to create a material determination condition record. And `.'1?a %or con%i$uration o% material determination. Material determination is use%ul 5hen old product is )ecomin$ o)solete or a ne5 product is released )y the company at speci%ic date.N

Steps for SD 0ariant !onfi"uration

Some li"ht on 0ariant !onfi"uration in Detail/ +he procedure is as %ollo5s9 Create a Material 4 KMA+ type 5ith *tem cate$ory (>>?) Create Charateristics in C+> 4 B)i&e, 5here in 3alues mention the Color o% the )ile li&e 7ed, Blue etc

Create another characteristics in C+> 4 B!rice, 5here directly $o the additional data ta) and maintain the ta)le (DC.M and %ield 'K.ND (ABA! Dictionary it 5ill as& %or) Assi$n these t5o characteristics to a Class in C/>1 4 BBi&eclass ( +ype @>>) in characteristics ta) pa$e. +hen $o to C1 1 Con%i$uration pro%ile select the material and enter the description clic& on the class assi$nment ie assi$n B)i&class. No5 $o )ac& to C+> 4 enter B)i&e 4$o to 3alues4 select 7ed4 $o to e,tras 4 .ther Dependencies 4 (elect !rocedure enter in %ront 1> 5rite 4 Qsel%.B!riceSM7edM and sa3e No5 $o )ac& $o to e,tras 4 .ther Dependencies 4 assi$nments and assi$n relationship ( )y de%ault it 5ill come Rust sa3e) No5 select Blue4 $o to e,tras 4 .ther Dependencies 4 6ditor 4 (elect !rocedure enter in %ront o% 1> 5rite 4 Qsel%.B!riceSMBlueM and sa3e No5 $o )ac& $o to e,tras 4 .ther Dependencies 4 assi$nments and assi$n relationship ( )y de%ault it 5ill come Rust sa3e) No5 $o to 'K11 4 6nter 'A>> (Condition)(-or (td 7'A>>1 !ricin$ !rocedure) 4 enter 3ariant 7ed and Blue $i3e the rates accordin$ly and create the sales order. J44 Shai) Daheeruddin Tell me about variant confi"aration3hat are the type of questions we can e,pect in that'ariant con%i$uration is used 5here you ha3e a con%i$ura)le material li&e computer (made up o% components li&e processor, monitor, &ey)oard, mouse etc). +hese components are called as characteristics in 3ariant con%i$. A$ain this 5ill )e ha3in$ 3alues li&e processor can )e either ! or !@, monitor can )e 1#N or 1CN etc. Based on the 3alues selected the 3ariant pricin$ 5ill happen usin$ the condition type 'A>>. !ossi)le 8uestions you can e,pect are9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Khat is 3ariant con%i$urationL Khat is characteristicL Khat is 3alueL Khat is classL Khat is con%i$uration pro%ileL Khat is dependency and 5hat are the typesL Khat is a 3ariant ta)leL And the transaction codes %or the a)o3e.

=umber 6an"es In Sales


+his is re$ardin$ num)er ran$es de%inin$ and assi$nin$ tips 5hich you can %ollo5 as )elo59 Khene3er there is a ne5 (ales .r$ )ein$ created, you 5ill )e re8uired to maintain Num)er 7an$es %or (ales Documents 5hich are allo5ed %or your Ne5 (ales Area. Num)er 7an$es can )e maintained *nternally )y the system, ho5e3er it can )e maintained e,ternally also i% you customi:e it accordin$ly. *n (tandard (A! the +ransaction code %or Maintaiin$ Num)er ran$es e,ternally is 'N>1. De%inin$ 4 +he same can )e reached throu$h in *MG as 9 (ales I Distri)ution44H(ales44H(ales Document "eader44HDe%ine Num)er 7an$es %or (ales Documents. "ere you pro3ide the system a speci%ic Num)er ran$e as %ollo5s9 Num)er ran$e Key 2(tart Num)er ran$e2 6nd Num)er 7an$e2Current Num)er -or 6,ample9 *% you 5ant to propose the %ollo5in$ Num)er 7an$e J1 D>>>>C;>>> D>>>>C;DDD > +he Current Num)er %ield 5ill )e &ept :ero as you are proposin$ ne5 num)er ran$e and no sales documents ha3e )een created on it , .)3iously.. J1 is a 1ni8ue +5o di$it Alphanumeric Key, 5hile proposin$ your &ey, you should ensure that it should not )e there in the system as e,istin$. *% you propose a &ey that is there in the system or i% the Num)er 7an$e ((tart and 6nd (eries) is there in the system already, the system 5ill thro5 a messa$e that *nter3al already already e,ists. (o choose a &ey that is uni8ue, and 5hich is not there in the system. "ere , )y ma&in$ this , you are assi$nin$ a Key to a Num)er 7an$e (eries. All the sym)ols can )e used alon$ 5ith num)ers %rom > to D and Alpha)ets %rom A to B and in any order. -or e,ample9 b1, cA, BB,BJ,M?......... Assi$nin$ 4 *n Assi$nin$, you assi$n the particular (ales Document to the Num)er 7an$e you ha3e already proposed as a)o3e. +he Assi$nin$ !art is done as %ollo5s9

+he +5o di$it Alpha Numeric Key is maintained or Assi$ned to the respecti3e (ales Document type in '>'A. +his can also )e reached in *MG )y9 (ales I Distri)ution44H(ales44H(ales Document "eader44HDe%ine (ales Document +ypes /ocate the particular (ales Doc +ype, and dou)le clic& on it to display it con%i$uration. "ere you put the +5o Di$it Num)er &ey in the -ield4 NNum)er ran$e 6,ternal Assi$nmentN Besides this9 *% a ne5 (hippin$ !oint is created then Deli3ery Num)er ran$es are re8uired to )e maintained. (imilarly, *% a ne5 !lant is created then Billin$ Num)er 7an$es are re8uired to )e maintained.

3hat is Debit note and !redit note

3hat is Debit note and !redit note- 3hat is the purpose- +ow we create1. A transaction that reduces Amounts 7ecei3a)le %rom a customer is a credit memo. -or e$. +he customer could return dama$ed $oods. A de)it memo is a transaction that reduces Amounts !aya)le to a 3endor )ecause, you send dama$ed $oods )ac& to your 3endor. ?. Credit memo re8uest is a sales document used in complaints processin$ to re8uest a credit memo %or a customer. *% the price calculated %or the customer is too hi$h, %or e,ample, )ecause the 5ron$ scale prices 5ere used or a discount 5as %or$otten, you can create a credit memo re8uest. +he credit memo re8uest is )loc&ed %or %urther processin$ so that it can )e chec&ed. *% the re8uest is appro3ed, you can remo3e the )loc&. +he system uses the credit memo re8uest to create a credit memo. =ou can use credit memos in (ales and Distri)ution ((D) %or assi$nin$ credit memo re8uests to the open in3oices and in -inancial Accountin$ (-*) %or assi$nin$ credit memos and payments to the open in3oices and carry out clearin$ 5ith them. *% you use )oth -inancial Accountin$ (-*) and (ales and Distri)ution ((D), there is a 191 relationship )et5een the credit memo re8uest and the credit memo item posted in -inancial Accountin$ (-*). As soon as you )ill the credit memo re8uest to$ether 5ith other sales orders, or distri)ute the items o% one credit memo re8uest to se3eral )illin$ documents, the assi$nment is no lon$er 3alid and the system 5ill not process it. -or credit memos, credit memo re8uests, and payments, you ha3e the %ollo5in$ assi$nment options9 4 Assi$nment to a sin$le in3oice 4 Assi$nment o% a partial amount to an in3oice 4 Assi$nment to se3eral in3oices Khen you post credit memos, the payment pro$ramme processes them automatically. *% the credit memo is speci%ically related to a particular open in3oice item, the payment pro$ram automatically attempts to o%%set the credit memo a$ainst the open item. *% it is not possi)le to completely o%%set the credit memo a$ainst an in3oice, you can post a de)it memo to the 3endor, 5ho is to reim)urse the amount. +hen you can apply a multile3el dunnin$ pro$ram. @. De)it memo re8uest is a sales document used in complaints processin$ to re8uest a de)it memo %or a customer. *% the prices calculated %or the customer 5ere too lo5, %or e,ample, calculated 5ith the 5ron$ scaled prices, you can create a de)it memo re8uest. +he de)it memo re8uest can )e )loc&ed so that it can )e chec&ed. Khen it has )een appro3ed, you can remo3e the )loc&. *t is li&e a standard order. +he system uses the de)it memo re8uest to create a de)it memo. . As mentioned a)o3e, creatin$ a credit or de)it memo re8uest ena)les you to create credit or de)it memos )ased on a complaint. -or this %irst create a sales document 5ith the order type %or a credit or de)it memo re8uest. =ou can create the de)it or credit memo re8uests in the %ollo5in$ 5ays9 Kithout re%erence to an order Kith re%erence to an e,istin$ order "ere you enter 5hich order the complaint re%ers to. Kith re%erence to an in3oice "ere you enter 5hich in3oice the complaint re%ers to. *n all cases, you speci%y the 3alue or 8uantity that should )e in the credit or de)it memo #. =ou can )loc& the credit or de)it memo re8uest %rom )ein$ )illed in Customi:in$. Go to (ales 4H (ales Documents 4H (ales document header 4H De%ine sales document type and select the )illin$

)loc& %ield in the )illin$ section. +his re8uest can later )e re3ie5ed alon$ 5ith similar ones, 4 i% necessary, )y another department. +he re8uest %or a credit or de)it memo can then )e appro3ed or reRected.

!onfi"ure Intercompany Stoc) Transport rder

#,plain ST / (+. is (toc& +ransport order. *t is used %or inter company trans%er o% $oods. !lant to plant trans%er and e3en trans%errin$ ra5 material to +hird party contractors (Xo) Kor&). +he !rocess is you create a (+. do deli3ery a$ainst the (+. and create a Billin$ Document a$ainst the (+.. +ow to confi"ure the inter8company Stoc) Transport rder- 8 Prassee Material should e,ist in )oth the plants (Deli3erin$ I .rderin$), *nternal customer should )e assi$ned to the orderin$ plant ( MM 4H !urchasin$ 4H !urchase .rder 4H (etup stoc& transport order 4H assi$n the internal customer to the orderin$ plant and assi$n the (ales area o% the internal customer. +code 9 1(=

Assi$n its (ales area to the deli3erin$ plant Assi$n the document type and Deli3ery type NB and N/CC Assi$n the (upplyin$ plant 44H 7ecei3in$ !lant 44H NB +a&e the deli3erin$ plant and assi$n the sales area. 'endor master has to )e created and assai$n the supply source ( Deli3erin$ !lant). Create a puchase order M6?1N 444H (a3e Deli3ery '/1> G 444H Calculation rule (appropriate) 44H Assai$n the purchase order num)er here and e,ecute. (elect the Deli3ery creation line and do the )ac& $round process. (tart the lo$ display and see the deli3ery document num)er )y the documents )utton Goto '/>?N 44H do pic&in$ and !G* 44H +hen do the M*G. 5ith respect to the deli3ery document. Billin$ (*ntercompany pricin$ conditions should )e set).

Third Party Sales

Process :low for Ard Party Sales

!ustomi;e the third party sales in summary: 1. Create 'endor EK>1 ?. Create Material Material +ype as N+radin$ GoodsN. *tem cate$ory $roup as NBAN(N. @. Assi$n *tem Cate$ory +A( to .rder type that you are $oin$ to use. . A sale order is created and 5hen sa3ed a !7 is $enerated at the )ac&$round #. Kith re%erence to (. a !. is created (M6?1N). +he company raises !. to the 3endor. ;. 'endor deli3ers the $oods and raises )ill to company. MM recei3es the in3oice M*7. C. Goods receipt M*G. A. Goods issue D. +he item cat +A( or (chedule line cat C( is not rele3ant %or deli3ery 5hich is e3ident %rom the con%i$ and, there%ore, there is no deli3ery process attached in the 5hole process o% +hird party sales. 1>. Billin$ J44 (eema Dhar SD 8 Ard party sales order !reate Sales rder 'A>1 .rder +ype (ales or$, distr chnl, di3 6nter (old to !. O Material Guantity 6nter (a3e SD 8 Ard party sales order 0iew the P6 that is created with a third party sales order 'A>1 .rder Num)er Goto *tem .3er3ie5 *tem 4H(chedule *tem SD 8 Ard party sales order 0iew the P6 that is created M6#?N Key in the !7 num)er (a3e SD 8 Ard party sales order Assi"n the P6 to the vendor and create P M6#C Key in the !7 num)er +o$$le the NAssi$ned !urchase 7e8uisitionN 6,ecute Chec& the )o, ne,t to the material Assi$n Automatically )utton Clic& on NAssi$nmentsN )utton Clic& on N!rocess assi$nmentN +he N!rocess Assi$nment Create !.N )o, , enter Dra$ the !7 and drop in the shoppin$ )as&et (a3e SD 8 Ard party sales order 6eceive (oods M*G.<G7 !. Num)er DN Num)er Batch ta) , clic& on classi%ication (erial Num)ers ta) Date o% !roduction -la$ *tem .K Chec&, Rust in case !ost (a3e SD 8 Ard party sales order !reate Invoice M*7. *n3oice Date /oo& %or the !. , state the 3endor and the Material

Chec& the )o, Clilc& on NCopyN !urchase .rder Num)er ()ottom hal% o% the screen) Amount (tate the )aseline date (imulate I !ost *n3oice Num)er J*n3oice )loc&ed due to date 3ariance SD 8 Ard party sales order !reate a delivery order '/>1N *n the order screen , $o to the menu (ales Document , select NDeli3erN Go to Npic&in$N ta) (tate the 8ty and sa3e SD 8 Ard party sales order !reate a billin" document '->1 6nsure that the deli3ery document is correct in the 6nter Go to edit 4H /o$ (a3e

!ross Sellin" : +ow To !onfi"ure

7*9 !ross Sellin": +ow to confi"ure and the menu path details/ 729 3hile creatin" individual order I face one error @Plant not assi"ned to !ontrollin" Area@: +ow to confi"ure controllin" area and menu path/ 7A9 1enu of path of subsequent Delivery :ree of !har"e/ By 9 Ahmednsp Cross sellin$ is a concept )y 5hich the )usiness can impro3e the sales. By usin$ this concept the )usiness can o%%er com)ination material %or ordered material. 6,9 *% the customer placed %or the order %or computer then computer stand can )e su$$ested as a com)ination material. *t can )e mapped )y usin$ cross sellin$ concept that uses condition techni8ue. Khen the user raises the sales order and speci%ies ordered material then system automatically pup4up a )o, in 5hich system displays su$$ested material !onfi"uration settin"s: *9 Define determination procedure for cross sellin": !ath9 4 *MG 4 (D 4 Basic %unction 4 Cross sellin$ 4 De%ine determination procedure %or cross sellin$ a) Create condition ta)le9 "ere 5e de%ine condition ta)le e,9 4 material )) Maintain access se8uence9 "ere 5e de%ine access se8uence e,9 C>>1 and assi$n condition ta)le e,9>11 that 5e de%ine in pre3ious step. c) De%ine condition type9 "ere 5e de%ine condition type C>>1 and assi$n it to access se8uence C>>1 that 5e de%ine in pre3ious step. d) Maintain procedure9 Go to ne5 entries and de%ine cross sellin$ pro%ile 6,9 C(>>>1 and assi$n our condition type C>>1 that 5e de%ine in the pre3ious step. 29 1aintain customer%document procedures for cross sellin": a) De%ine customer procedure %or cross sellin$9 "ere 5e de%ine customer cross sellin$ pro%ile 6,9 NBN 44 cross sellin$ )) De%ine documents procedure %or cross sellin$9 "ere 5e de%ine document cross sellin$ procedure e,9 dBN4 cross sellin$ c) Assi$n document procedure %or cross sellin$ to sales document9 Choose sales document type N.7N and assi$n document cross sellin$ procedure e,9 NBN A9 Define and assi"n cross sellin" profile: a) De%ine cross sellin$ pro%ile9 Go to ne5 entries, speci%y cross sellin$ pro%ile &ey 5ith description 4 (peci%y cross sellin$ pricin$ procedure (C(>>>1) 4 Assi$n the pricin$ procedure (7'A>>1) 4 (peci%y cross sellin$ dialo$ )o, indicator K *% it is NAN dialo$ )o, appears only in re8uest. *t is )lan& dialo$ )o, appears in re8uest and a%ter date is released Chec& cross sellin$ A+! indicator9 *% you chec& it , system carry out A+! chec& %or cross sellin$ product. )) Assi$n cross sellin$ pro%ile9 4 Go to ne5 entries, speci%y sales area 4 (peci%y customer cross sellin$ procedure B 4 (peci%y document cross sellin$ procedure B 4 Assi$n cross sellin$ pro%ile 44 C(>>>1 Maintain condition record %or cross sellin$ ('B 1)9 !ath9 4 /o$istics 4 (D 4 Master data 4 !roducts 4 Cross sellin$ 4 'B 1

(peci%y condition type C>>1 (peci%y the order material, select condition line item Clic& on alternati3e material icon and maintain alternati3e material 5ith cross sellin$ deli3ery conditions options Blan& .ut )ond deli3ery ta&es place re$ardless o% main item NAN 44 .ut )ond deli3ery only i% main item has )een partially deli3ered Go to 'D>?, sales area section o% sales ta) Assi$n customer procedure %or product proposal 4 B (a3e it and e,it Go to 'A>1_ raise the sales order 5ith order material chec& the e%%ect. F9 Path to created controllin" area: *m$44H6nt (tr44HDe%intio44HControllin$44HMaintain Controllin$ Area , here you can create controllin$ area

An #,ample

f Third Party Sales

Scenario: 2 companies are created in system 8 India $ Sin"apore !ustomer places sales order for particular material on Sin"apore/ Sin"apore is not able to produce the same/ They pass on the order to India for processin"/ After processin" India ships the material directly to the customer alon" with necessary documentation/ Invoice copy is passed on to Sin"apore/ :inal !ommercial Invoice will be raised by Sin"apore/ +ow can the above scenario handledBy9 BalaRi Hou can do this usin" third party sales/ +he third party sales process is as under. 1) (in$apore company creates an order %or the sin$apore customer. ?) Because o% the con%i$uration settin$s o% the sales document type, item cate$ory I schedule line cate$ory, as soon as the order is sa3ed a !7 (purchase re8uisition) is automatically $enerated. +his is con3erted into !. (purchase order) and sent to the indan company. @) *ndian company supplies the material directly to the sin$apore customer. ) *ndian company sends the in3oice to the sin$apore company. #) (in$apore company does the in3oice 3eri%ication in MM usin$ tcode M*7.. ;) (in$apore company raises the in3oice to the sin$apore customer. *n standard (A!, item cate$ory +A( is used %or this. +he schedule line cate$ory is C(. "ere you can see a %ield Morder typeM 5ith 3alue MNBM. +his tri$$ers the automatic creation o% the !7. Plus in the material master also you need to do certain settin"s/ 1) *% you are al5ays %ollo5in$ a third party process %or a material then you ha3e to create the material usin$ item cate$ory $roup BAN(. +he procurement type should )e mar&ed as e,ternal procurement (-) in M7! ? 3ie5 o% the material master record. ?) *% you are not al5ays allo5in$ third party order processin$ then you can create a material master record 5ith item cate$ory $roup as N.7M and the procurement type should )e mar&ed as (E) meanin$ )oth types o% procurement (in house manu%acturin$ and e,ternal procurement). *n the item cate$ory the )illin$ rele3ance should )e M-M


SAP SD !I= !onfi"uration

3hat is !I=C*N Means Country *ndia 'ersion *n *ndian +a,in$ procedure, 6,cise Duty plays a 3ital role in manu%acturin$ cenario\s. 6,cise related con%i$uration is &no5n as C*N con%i$uration. C*N Con%i$uration is a topic in itsel%. (ome in%o on C*N Con%i$uration (it may not appear as understanda)le )elo5, )ut i% you chec& on screen, it 5ill )e understood )etter) Country 'ersion *ndia comes 5ith %our pricin$ procedures as %ollo5s9 4 X*N-AC ((ales %rom manu%acturin$ plants) 4 X*N6E! (6,port sales) 4 X*ND6! ((ales %rom depots) 4 X*N(+K ((toc& trans%ers C*N9 *MG H /o$istics 4 General H +a, on Goods Mo3ement H *ndia H Basic (ettin$s H Maintain 6,cise 7e$istrations *n this *MG acti3ity, you maintain the data relatin$ to your e,cise re$istrations. 4 6nter each o% your e,cise re$istrations, speci%yin$ a %our4character code %or each 6,cise 7e$istration *ds *n this acti3ity, you maintain e,cise re$istration *Ds. =ou create one *D %or each o% your )usinessMs e,cise re$istrations. 4 -or each e,cise re$istration in your )usiness create a re$istration *D, and state9 4 Khich ta,es the re$istration co3ers (additional e,cise duty, special e,cise duty, and cess) -ields %or any ta,es that are not co3ered 5ill )e hidden in transactions in3ol3in$ e,cise duty. 4 +he ma,imum num)er o% items to )e printed on each e,cise in3oice 4 Khether you are allo5ed partial C6N'A+ credits Maintain 7e$istration *D N1MB67, 6,cise code num)er, e,cise re$istration num)er 6CC Num)er9 (peci%ies the or$ani:ationMs 6CC num)er. 6,cise 7e$istration Num)er9 A num)er assi$ned to each premises or location that has re$istered as a manu%acturer 5ith the e,cise authorities. 63ery entity 5ith an e,cise re$istration num)er is re8uired to &eep its o5n e,cise )oo&s. 6,cise ran$e9 (peci%ies the e,cise ran$e in 5hose area the e,cise re$istration is located. 6,cise Di3ision9 (peci%ies the e,cise di3ision in 5hose area the e,cise re$istration is located. 6,cise Collectorate9 +he code o% the e,cise collectorate in 5hose area the e,cise re$istration is located. *ndicator %or con%irmin$, A6D usa$e Additional 6,cise duty !ercenta$e. +hese are li3a)le under the additional duties o% e,cise act. +hese duties are in addition to )asic e,cise duty and special e,cise duty. 6,ample 4 Additional 6,cise duty is li3a)le in case o% te,tile products, to)acco and su$ar. (imilarly %or (6D C6(( Num)er o% *tems in 6,cise *n3oice (ho5s the ma,imum num)er o% line items that the authorities allo5 per e,cise in3oice. Dependencies 4 +his in%ormation is used 5hen you create an e,cise in3oice in (ales and Distri)ution ((D) %or %actory sales and %or other mo3ements. +his in%ormation is used to split the trans%er postin$sM items into multiple su)contractin$ challans. 6,cise re$ister set description9 Description o% the e,cise re$isters set. !artial C6N'A+ Credit9 *ndicates that the e,cise re$istration *D is allo5ed to credit only a portion o% its input e,cise duty to its C6N'A+ account Dependencies 4 Khen you post a $oods receipt, the system splits the input e,cise duty on the material into its deducti)le and nondeducti)le amounts. *t posts the deducti)le duty to the appropriate C6N'A+ account, and adds the nondeducti)le duty to the material 3alue. +his in%ormation is also sho5n 5hen you post the 3endorMs e,cise in3oice. Maintain Company Code (ettin$s. *n this *MG acti3ity, you maintain the data relatin$ to your company codes. Document +ype %or C6N'A+ !ostin$s. *t controls, 5hich document type the system uses 5hen ma&in$ C6N'A+ postin$s in -inancial Accountin$ (-*). "ere 6D is document type %or cen3at postin$. *ndicator %or pro3idin$ de)it account o3er5ritin$ De)it Account .3er5rite *ndicator. E 4 *ndicates de)it accounts can )e o3er5ritten. 1se *n e,cise Rournal 3oucher transaction. *t pro3ides the %le,i)ility to the user to enter the de)it account o% his choice dependin$ on the nature o% transaction. Automatic )alance *ndicator 4 6,cise year start month. +he calendar month mar&in$ the )e$innin$ o% the e,cise year. +his start month represents the month %or the start o% the e,cise in3oice num)er ran$e. +he month > is entered here indicatin$ April o% the calendar year as the start

month %or e,cise in3oices. Any chan$e )y the 6,cise authorities re$ardin$ start month should )e ta&en care o% )y an entry in this %ield and initiali:ation. 6,cise in3oice selection procedure 96,cise in3oice selection type. +o indicate the method opted )y the company %or selectin$ the e,cise in3oice. *t can )e either earliest or latest in3oices that 5ere recei3ed. Num)er o% e,cise in3oices to )e selected *ndicates the num)er o% e,cise in3oices that needs to )e selected in the e,cise in3oice selection. Days to )e considered %or e,cise in3oice selection Num)er o% days %rom document date %or e,cise in3oice selection. 6,ample 4 *% the 3alue o% this %ield is ?> and today is ?A4>@4DC. +he e,cise in3oice selection 5ill sho5 the related in3oices only %or the period >A4>@4DC to ?A4>@4DC. Document type %or +D( -* postin$9 -inancial accountin$ document type %or +D( postin$. Document type %or -* postin$ on 1tilisation -inancial accountin$ document type %or +D( postin$. *ndicator %or item le3el e,cise duty round o%% 4 +his indicator is to )e used %or decidin$ 5hether *tem le3el e,cise duty amount roundin$ o%% is re8uired durin$ procurement cycle. *% mar&ed MEM then the e,cise duty amount 5ill )e rounded o%% to the nearest rupee at the !urchase order le3el. +his 5ill not round o%% the C6N'A+ credit to )e ta&en. *% the duty amount is less than one rupee then no roundin$ is done 7oundin$ o%% o% 6,cise duty %or out$oin$ e,cise in3oice 4 =ou can round o%% the 6,cise amount to )e paid durin$ an out$oin$ 6,cise in3oice )y mar&in$ this indicator as MEM. +he roundin$ is done at the item le3el %or each item 5here the amount is $reater than 1 7upee. *mmediate Credit on Capital Goods 4 *nstructs the system, 5hen you 3eri%y a $oods receipt %or capital $oods, to immediately post hal% o% the input e,cise duty to the appropriate C6N'A+ accounts. +he rest is posted the C6N'A+ on hold account, %or use in the %ollo5in$ year. C'D Clearin$ Account 4 (peci%ies 5hich G0/ account the system credits 5hen you ta&e a C6N'A+ credit on counter3ailin$ duty in the *ncomin$ 6,cise *n3oices transaction. 6,chan$e rate type 4 Key representin$ a type o% e,chan$e rate in the system. 4 =ou enter the e,chan$e rate type to store di%%erent e,chan$e rates. 6,ample 4 =ou can use the e,chan$e rate type to de%ine a )uyin$ rate, sellin$ rate, or a3era$e rate %or translatin$ %orei$n currency amounts. =ou can use the a3era$e rate %or the currency translation, and the )an& )uyin$ and sellin$ rates %or 3aluation o% %orei$n currency amounts. 6,chan$e rate type to )e used %or 6,port e,cise duty con3erts 4 Khen you are creatin$ an 6,cise in3oice %or e,port sales then the e,chan$e rate %or duty calculation 5ill )e pic&ed up usin$ this 6,chan$e rate type. Maintain !lant (ettin$s 4 *n this *MG acti3ity, you maintain e,cise in%ormation relatin$ to your plants. !lant (ettin$s 4 *n this acti3ity, you maintain e,cise in%ormation relatin$ to your plants. -or each plant9 4 (peci%y 5hether it is a manu%acturin$ site or a depot. 4 Assi$n it an e,cise re$istration *D. 4 =ou can assi$n the same *D to more than one plant, i% re8uired. Depot 4 *ndicates that the plant in 8uestion is a depot. 4 Depots are re8uired to prepare re$ister 7G ?@D, and %ollo5 di%%erent procedures %or $oods receipt and in3oice $eneration. 4 Num)er o% $oods receipt per e,cise in3oice. 4 Multiple G7 %or one e,cise in3oice, (in$le credit 4 Multiple G7 %or one e,cise in3oice, multiple credit Maintain 6,cise Groups 4 *n this *MG acti3ity, you de%ine your e,cise $roups. -or each e,cise $roup, you can also control ho5 3arious e,cise in3oice transactions 5ill 5or&. 6,cise Groups 4 *n this acti3ity, you de%ine e,cise $roups. An e,cise $roup allo5s you to maintain a separate set o% e,cise re$isters and e,cise accounts. +he 7G ?@A, 7G ?@C and !/A serial num)ers are created %or an e,cise $roup. 7ecommendation 4 1nder normal circumstances, e,cise authorities re8uire e3ery )usiness to maintain only one set o% e,cise re$isters and one set o% accounts. But throu$h e,emption %rom the authorities, multiple )oo&s can )e maintained. *% your company has only one set o% e,cise re$isters, then you need to maintain only one e,cise $roup. 1. Create one e,cise $roup %or each set o% re$isters that you need to &eep. ?. Assi$n the e,cise $roups to plants. @. Maintain 5hether this 6,cise $roup is %or a depot or not. *% you recei3e only one consi$nment %or an 6,cise challan then you can lea3e G7Ms per 6* as )lan&. *% you recei3e multiple G7Ms %or a $i3en 6,cise challan and 5ould li&e to a3ail multiple credit mar& the G7s per 6* as MMultiple G7Ms %or one e,cise in3oice, multiple creditM. Alternati3ely i% you 5ant to a3aila the credit only a%ter all the $oods receipts ha3e )een made mar& it as M Multiple G7 %or one e,cise in3oice, sin$le creditM. . *% you 5ant to automatically create 6,cise in3oice durin$ (ales cycle at the time o% )illin$ the tic&

the indicator MCreate 6*M #. Durin$ depot sales i% you do not 5ant to do 7G?@D selection and postin$ separately and 5ould li&e to complete 7G?@D selection in one step mar& the indicator M7G?@D Auto postM. +his 5ill post the selected records into 7G?@D automatically. =ou cannot cancel the selection later. ;. *% the indicator MDe%ault G7 8tyM is mar&ed system 5ill de%ault the 6,cise challan 8uantity on to the Goods receipt i% the 6,cise in3oice num)er is $i3en in the pop4up. C. *% the indicator M-olio no createM is mar&ed system 5ill $enerate -olio num)ers %or 7G?@D durin$ receipt o% e,cise in3oice into depot. A. MAutomatic postin$M 5hen tic&ed 5ill post the 6,cise in3oice other mo3ements automatically alon$ 5ith creation in sin$le step. D. MCreate !art1 %or Bloc& (toc&M 5hen mar&ed 5ill create a !art1 durin$ the receipt o% material into Bloc&ed stoc& . 1>. MCreate !art1 %or (+.M 5hen mar&ed 5ill create a !art1 durin$ the receipt o% material throu$h inter plant trans%ers. 11. MCreate !art1 %or consumption stoc&M 5hen mar&ed 5ill create a !art1 durin$ the receipt o% material into consumption stoc&. 6,cise Group Go3erns 5hich set o% e,cise re$isters a )usiness transaction 5ill )e included in. -ollo5in$ is the relation )et5een e,cise $roup, plant and re$istration. 4 *n de%ine e,cise $roups in Customi:in$. +hen, in transactions in3ol3in$ e,cise duty, %or e,ample, 5hen you post a 3endorMs e,cise in3oice, you speci%y 5hich e,cise $roup you are usin$. +his in%ormation tells the system 5hich G0/ accounts to post the e,cise to. At the end o% the period, 5hen you come to prepare your e,cise re$isters, you create di%%erent sets %or each e,cise $roup. *ndicates that the plant in 8uestion is a depot. 4 Depots are re8uired to prepare re$ister 7G ?@D, and %ollo5 di%%erent procedures %or $oods receipt and in3oice $eneration. 4 G7 !er 6,cise *n3oice 4 Multiple G7 %or one e,cise in3oice , Multiple credit 4 Multiple G7 %or one e,cise in3oice , (in$le Credit Create 6,cise *n3oice Automatically 4 *nstructs the system to automatically create a (ales and Distri)ution ((D) e,cise in3oice immediately you create a commercial in3oice or a pro %orma in3oice. +he e,cise in3oice is created in the )ac&$round. 4 *% you 5ant to ma&e use o% this %unction, you must also de%ine the de%ault plant, e,cise $roup, and series $roups in Customi:in$ %or (ales and Distri)ution ((D), )y choosin$ 6,cise Group 4 (eries Group Determination. 7G?@D (ales Creation and postin$ option 4 7G?@D Automatic .ption i% selected 5ill create Depot e,cise in3oice )y postin$ the selection o% e,cise in3oices in sin$le step. *% this is not selected then you need to separately do 7G?@D selection %ollo5ed )y !G* and then 7G?@D 3eri%ication and postin$. *% you need automatic postin$ o% 7G?@D selection then the !ost Goods *ssue should ha3e )een completed )e%ore runnin$ 7G?@D selection. De%ault e,cise 8ty in G7 4 *% this indicator is tic&ed then 5hile doin$ Goods 7eceipt usin$ MMB>1M system 5ill de%ault the e,cise in3oice 8uantity on to the Goods receipt document. -olio num)er %or depo !ostin$ 4 *% this indicator is mar&ed then 5hile creatin$ 6,cise in3oice %or other mo3ements system automatically does the 'eri%y and !ost. =ou need not separately !ost the e,cise in3oice Also 5e can set indicator %or creation o% part 1 %or9 4 Bloc&ed stoc& 4 (toc& transport order 4 Consi$nment stoc& Maintain (eries Group 4 *n this *MG acti3ity, you de%ine the di%%erent e,cise series $roups 5ithin your company. (eries $roups allo5 you to maintain multiple num)er ran$es %or the out$oin$ e,cise documents. Based on e,cise re$ulations and e,emptions %rom the authorities you can maintain multiple num)er series %or out$oin$ documents. But each o% these series has to )e declared to the e,cise authorities. 4 De%ine e,cise series $roups )ased on type o% out$oin$ document 4 Assi$n series $roup to e,cise re$istration *D 4 *% no %inancial postin$s are re8uired %or an 6,cise in3oice in this seris $roup then you tic& the MNo utili:ationM indicator. 4 *% the C6N'A+ has to )e paid immediately and you need not 5ait %or the -ort ni$htly payment then mar& the M*mmediate 1tili:ationM *indicator. 6,ample 4 =ou could de%ine t5o series $roups, $roup >>1 %or e,cise in3oices, and $roup >>? %or #C - documents. 4 No account postin$s %or C6N'A+ in sales cycle 4 No utili:ation -la$ *% you do not need any C6N'A+ utili:ation %or an e,cise in3oice )ut 5ould li&e to Rust $enerate an e,cise in3oice then you need to mar& this indicator.

*% the %la$ is chec&ed then system 5ill create an 6,cise in3oice in the $i3en (eries $roup )ut there 5ill not )e any account postin$s or !art? postin$s. *mmediate 1tili:ation o% C6N'A+ 4 (peci%ies that 5hen you create an e,cise in3oice, the system immediately pays the amount %rom C6N'A+ and creates the !art ** entry. (uch in3oices 5ill not )e listed %or %ortni$htly utili:ation. *% you ha3e )oth %ortni$htly and immediate utili:ation %or the same e,cise $roup, the account determination 5ithin C*N *MG should point to the 6D interim account. Account determination %or immediate payment 5ill )e done e,actly the same as )ein$ done %or %ortni$htly utili:ation pro$ram. Maintain 6,cise Duty *ndicators 4 *n this *MG acti3ity, you maintain the e,cise duty indicators. *MG H /o$istics 4 General H +a, .n Goods Mo3ement H *ndia H Basic (ettin$s H Determination o% 6,cise Duty H (elect +a, Calculation !rocedure *n this *MG acti3ity, you speci%y 5hich ta, procedure you 5ant to use %or determinin$ e,cise duties and sales ta,es on input materials in *ndia. 4 *% you use condition4)ased e,cise determination, use a copy o% the ta, procedure +AE*NN. 4 *% you use %ormula4)ased e,cise determination, use a copy o% the ta, procedure +AE*NX. +his ta, procedure also supports condition4)ased e,cise determination, so that you can 5or& 5ith )oth concurrently. Ke stron$ly recommend that ne5 customers use condition4)ased e,cise determination. Note that once you ha3e started usin$ a ta, procedure, you cannot s5itch to another one, other5ise you 5ill not )e a)le to display old documents. Maintain 6,cise De%aults 4 *n this *MG acti3ity, you de%ine 5hich ta, procedure and pricin$ condition types are used in calculatin$ e,cise ta,es usin$ %ormula4)ased e,cise determination. *% you use condition4)ased e,cise determination, %ill out the C'D cond. %ield and lea3e all the others )lan&. *% you use %ormula4)ased e,cise determination, %ill out all o% the %ields as %ollo5s9 4 6nter the ta, procedure and the pricin$ conditions that are rele3ant %or e,cise ta, processin$. 4 (peci%y the purchasin$ and sales conditions types used %or )asic e,cise duty, additional e,cise duty, special e,cise duty, and cess. 4 (peci%y the conditions in the sales order that are used %or e,cise rates. 4 (peci%y the counter3ailin$ duty condition type used %or import purchase orders (ee also 9 (A! /i)rary 4H /o$istics 4H Country 'ersions 4H Asia4!aci%ic 4H *ndia 4H Materials Mana$ement (MM) 4H Condition4Based 6,cise Determination and 4H -ormula4Based 6,cise Determination. *MG H /o$istics 4 General H +a, .n Goods Mo3ement H *ndia H Basic (ettin$s H Determination o% 6,cise Duty H Condition4Based 6,cise Determination Khen you enter a purchasin$ document, %or e,ample, a purchase order, the 70@ (ystem automatically calculates the applica)le e,cise duties usin$ the condition techni8ue. -eatures 9 +he standard system comes 5ith t5o ta, calculation procedures. +AE*NN is only supports condition4)ased e,cise determination, 5hereas +AE*NX supports condition4)ased e,cise determination and %ormula4)ased e,cise determination. Both ta, procedures contain condition types that co3er all o% the e,cise duties and sales ta,es applica)le. (ince the e,act rates o% e,cise duty can 3ary on a lar$e num)er o% %actors, such as 5hich 3endor you purchase a material %rom, or 5hich chapter *D the 3endor stoc&s the material under, you create condition records %or e3ery sort o% e,cise duty. Khen you come to enter a purchasin$ document, the system applies the e,cise duty at the rates you ha3e entered in the condition records. Customi:in$ 9 Ma&e the settin$s in Customi:in$ Basic 4H *ndia 4H %or /o$istics General, )y choosin$ +a,es on Goods Mo3ements Account 4H 6,cise Duties 1sin$ Condition +echni8ue and e4H (ettin$s Determination. +hese acti3ities include one acti3ity 5here you de%ine a ta, code %or condition4)ased e,cise determination. Master Data 4 Create condition records %or all e,cise duties that apply, and enter the ta, code %or condition4)ased e,cise determination in each. Day4to4Day Acti3ities 4 Khen you enter a purchase order or other purchasin$ document, enter the ta, code %or condition4)ased e,cise determination in each line item. +he system then calculates the e,cise duties usin$ the condition records you ha3e created. Khen the ordered materials arri3e, you post the $oods receipt and the e,cise in3oice. +he system posts the e,cise duty to the appropriate accounts %or deducti)le input ta,es 5hen you enter the e,cise in3oice. Creatin$ Condition 7ecords %or 6,cise Duty 1. *n the command %ield, enter -'11 and choose . ?. 6nter the condition type that you 5ant to create a condition record %or and choose . +he Key Com)ination dialo$ )o, appears.

@. (elect the com)ination o% o)Rects that you 5ant to create the condition record %or. .n the dialo$ )o,, Control Code means Nchapter *D.N (o, %or e,ample, to create a condition record %or a ta, that applies to a com)ination o% country, plant, and chapter *D, select Country0!lant0Control Code. . Choose . #. 6nter data as re8uired. 4 *n the +a, Code %ield, enter the dummy ta, code that you ha3e de%ined. ;. (a3e the condition record. -ormula4Based 6,cise Determination 4 Khen you e,ecute a )usiness transaction in3ol3in$ materials that are su)Rect to e,cise duty, the system automatically calculates the duty %or you. *n order %or the system to )e a)le to determine 5hich rate o% e,cise duty to apply, you must ha3e maintained all the data on the 6,cise 7ate Maintenance screen, 5hich you can Master Datafaccess %rom the (A! 6asy Access screen )y choosin$ *ndirect +a,es 6,cise 7ate Maintenance. =ou maintain the %ollo5in$ types o% data9 4 !lant master data =ou assi$n each o% your plants an e,cise duty indicator. =ou can use the same indicator %or all the plants 5ith the same e,cise status %rom a le$al point o% 3ie5, such as all those that are in an e,empt :one. (ee also the in%ormation a)out manu%acturers that are only entitled to deduct a certain portion o% the duty (see !artial C6N'A+ Credit). 4 'endor master data -or each o% your 3endors 5ith the same e,cise status %rom a le$al perspecti3e, you de%ine an e,cise duty indicator. =ou must also speci%y the 3endor type %or e,ample, 5hether the 3endor is a manu%acturer, a depot, or a %irst4sta$e dealer. =ou must also stipulate i% the 3endor 8uali%ies as a small4scale industry. -or each permutation o% plant indicator and 3endor indicator, you then create a %inal e,cise duty indicator. 4 Customer master data (imilarly, you assi$n the same e,cise duty indicator to each o% your customers that share the same le$al e,cise status. A$ain, %or each permutation o% plant indicator and customer indicator, you then create a %inal e,cise duty indicator. 4 Material master data 6ach material is assi$ned a chapter *D. 4 6,cise ta, rate -or e3ery chapter *D and %inal e,cise duty indicator, you maintain the rate o% e,cise duty. *% your )usiness only 8uali%ies %or partial C6N'A+ credit, you must customi:e your system accordin$ly. /et us consider an e,ample to illustrate ho5 the system determines 5hich rate o% e,cise duty to apply to a material. Assume you are postin$ a sale o% )all )earin$s to a customer. +he system automatically determines the rate o% e,cise duty as %ollo5s9 1. /oo&s up the customer master data to see 5hat status you ha3e assi$ned the customer. /etMs assume youM3e assi$ned the customer status @. ?. /oo&s up the plant master data to see 5hat status you ha3e assi$ned the plant. (imilarly, your plant has status ?. @. +he system loo&s up the ta)le under 6,cise *ndicator %or !lant and Customer to see 5hat the %inal e,cise duty indicator is %or customer status @ and plant status ?9 *t is C. . +he system determines the chapter *D o% the )all )earin$ %or the plant. /et\s assume the chapter *D at plant %or the )all )earin$s is 1>>>.>1. #. -inally, the system loo&s up the ta)le under 6,cise +a, 7ate to see 5hat rate o% duty applies to chapter *D 1>>>.>1 under status C. De%ine +a, Code %or !urchasin$ Documents 4 *n this *MG acti3ity, you de%ine a ta, code %or the purposes o% calculatin$ e,cise duty 5hen you enter purchasin$ documents. .nly carry out this acti3ity i% you use condition4)ased e,cise determination. 4 Create a ne5 ta, code, and set the ta, code type to ' (input ta,). Do not ma&e any other settin$s %or it. 4 Assi$n +a, Code to Company Codes *n this *MG acti3ity, assi$n the ta, code %or purchasin$ documents to the company codes 5here it 5ill )e used. .nly carry out this acti3ity i% you use condition4)ased e,cise determination. Classi%y Condition +ypes 4 *n this *MG acti3ity, you speci%y 5hich condition types you use %or 5hich sort o% ta,. Note that this only applies to condition types that you use 5ith the ne5 e,cise determination method. +he system uses this in%ormation 5hen you create a document %rom another one. -or e,ample, 5hen you enter an incomin$ e,cise in3oice %rom a purchase order, or 5hen you create an out$oin$ e,cise in3oice %rom a sales order, the system

determines the 3arious e,cise duties in the e,cise in3oice usin$ the in%ormation that you ha3e entered here. *n addition, 5hen you create a purchasin$ document, the system only uses the condition types that you enter here. 4 -or ta,es on purchases, use the condition types contained in the ta, procedure. 4 -or ta,es on sales, use the condition types contained in the pricin$ procedures. +he standard system comes 5ith sample settin$s %or the ta, calculation procedures and pricin$ procedures. 1se these settin$s as a )asis %or your o5n. *MG H /o$istics 4 General H +a, .n Goods Mo3ement H *ndia H Account Determination De%ine G0/ Accounts %or +a,es 4 *n this *MG acti3ity, you speci%y 5hich G0/ accounts you 5ill use to record 5hich ta,es. 7e8uirements 4 =ou ha3e set up G0/ accounts %or each o% the processin$ &eys listed )elo5. 4 Assi$n an account to each o% the %ollo5in$ postin$ &eys. +he accounts %or '(1, '(?, and '(@ are used as clearin$ accounts durin$ e,cise in3oice 3eri%ication. 4 '(1 ()asic e,cise duty) 4 '(? (additional e,cise duty) 4 '(@ (special e,cise duty) 4 '(# (sales ta, seto%%) 4 MK( (central sales ta,) 4 MK@ (local sales ta,) 4 6(A (ser3ice ta,) 4 6(6 (ser3ice ta, e,pense) (peci%y 6,cise Accounts per 6,cise +ransaction 4 *n this *MG acti3ity, you speci%y 5hich e,cise accounts (%or e,cise duty and C6N'A+) are to )e posted to %or the 3arious transaction types. 6nter all the accounts that are a%%ected )y each transaction type. *% you use su) transaction types, enter the accounts %or each su) transaction type as 5ell. +ransaction type 1+/B is used %or determinin$ accounts only 5hile postin$ e,cise X's and also i% the payment o% e,cise duty has to )e done %ortni$htly. +he %ortni$htly C6N'A+ payment utility pic&s up the credit side accounts %rom the transaction types o% G7!., 6K!., and +7;C %or determinin$ the C6N'A+ and !/A accounts. +here is no separate transaction type %or %ortni$htly payment. 6,ample9 4 6,cise ++ DC ind Account name 4 G7!. C7 C6N'A+ clearin$ account 4 G7!. C7 7G ?@ B6D account 4 G7!. D7 C6N'A+ on hld account (peci%y G0/ Accounts per 6,cise +ransaction 4 *n this *MG acti3ity, you assi$n the e,cise and C6N'A+ accounts to G0/ accounts. Khen you come to e,ecute the 3arious transactions, the system determines 5hich G0/ accounts to post to )y loo&in$ at the9 4 6,cise $roup 4 Company code 4 Chart o% accounts -urthermore, i% you 5ant separate account determination settin$s 5ithin an e,cise $roup, you can also use su) transaction types. 7e8uirements =ou ha3e already9 4 De%ined the G0/ accounts 4 De%ined the e,cise $roups 4 Maintained the transaction accounts Acti3ities 4 -or each e,cise $roup, assi$n the e,cise and C6N'A+ accounts to G0/ accounts. -or most )usinesses, one set o% accounts 5ill su%%ice %or all transactions. Note 9 you need not remit the C6N'A+ to the e,cise department immediately, so maintain the credit account %or transaction type D/-C as an e,cise duty interim account. +his 5ill )e set o%% 5hen you remit the duty. Con%i$ settin$ needed to )e done in order to $et the 6,cise Details (creen in Material Master. 63en thou$h this %unctionality is a3aila)le in enterprise 3ersion, a small con%i$uration step has to )e made in (creen (e8uences %or Material Master. -ollo5in$ document helps you to do this con%i$uration. 4 Material Master g /o$istics General 1. Go to *MG De%ine (tructure o% Data (creen %or each Con%i$urin$ the Material master (creen (e8uence. ?. (elect your screen se8uence. 1sually it 5ould )e ?1. (elect the same and clic& on Data (creen in the le%t %rame. @. .nce the data screens are e,hi)ited, select data screen no. 1#, ie. ((8. ?1and (crn 1#, 5hich is

]-orei$n +rade9 *mport Data^. (elect the same and clic& on (u) screens in the le%t %rame. . Go to the last su) screen i.e. ?141#4; 4 (A!/MGD14 >>>1 and select the same. Clic& on ta) 3ie5 su) screen and ensure that the su) screen is )lan&. #. No5 in the last su) screen i.e. no.; you delete (A!/MGD1 >>>1 and instead add (A!/X1*<MA+67*A/<MA(+67 and in the screen no. ??>#. ;. (a3e the settin$. C. Create a Material Master and chec& 5hether in (creen -orei$n +rade *mport, 6,cise related su) screen appears.


!ustomi;in" !ustomer +ierarchy in SD

+ow to confi"ure and maintain the SD !ustomer +ierarchyAll the customi:in$ is in (D0Master Data0Bussiness !artner0Customers0Customers hierarchy 1) De%ine hierarchy type9 Rust put and *D and a name to the ne5 hierarchy. ?) (et partner determination9 i% you 5ant to user the hierarchy in price determination, then, in the orders, at the header le3el, you ha3e to ha3e a !artner !rocedure 5ith a partner %unction %or each le3el. *n the partner procedure, in each partner %unction you must indicate the source partner %unction. Kith this in%ormacition, in the order, you o)tain the )ussiness partner %or each partner %unction. @) Assi$n acount $roups9 you indicate 5hich accounts $roups are allo5ed %or )ein$ part or your hierarchy. ) Assi$n sales areas9 symple you indicate 5ich sales areas are allo5ed in your hierarchy. ("ere you can customi:e common sales areas, Rust %or not ha3in$ to )uild de hierarchy in all the di%%erent sales areas). #) Assi$nin$ hierarchy type %or pricin$9 you indicate 5hich classes o% documentos uses hierarchy in pricin$ determination. *t is possi)le to maintain so called customer hierarchies. +his mi$ht )e use%ul 5hen %or e,ample you create a condition discount %or a customer that is part o% such a hierarchy structure. All su)nodes in the hierarchy )elo5 that customer, 5ill thus recei3e the same discount. Customer hierarchy setup, %irstly decide the hierarchy type to )e used. +he standard is type A. =ou can also assi$n a partner %unction to the customer so that the hi$her le3el customer in the hierarchy is copied into a sales order as a partner %unction 4 )ut you donMt need that ri$htL Ne,t assi$n your customer account $roup to the hierarchy type. And enter the com)inations that 5ill )e allo5ed %or creatin$ the hierarchy. =ou 5ant to assi$n a ship4to to a payer. (o enter the ship to account $roup and enter the payer account $roup as the hi$her le3el. =ou must also ma&e an entry %or permitted sales area assi$nments. (o i% you 5ant to a hierarchy %or customers in the same sales area then enter the sales area and enter the same one as the hi$her le3el sales area. All these settin$s can )e %ound in the *MG. 1nder (D 4 master data 4 )usiness partners 4 customers 4 customer hierarchy =ou use %or e,ample customer hierarchy 5hen you ha3e an company li&e 1nile3er and you a$ree )oth on a discount. 1nile3er does ha3e di%%erent locations 0 )usinesses and you ha3e to maintain the discount %or all customers. *% you use a customer hierarchy you can maintain the discount %or the partner in the top o% the hierarchy and in this 5ay it 5ill )e 3alid %or all customers in the hierarchy.

Availability Check

Availability !hec) on &uotation

SAP standard does not do an availability chec) on the quotation5 as it is not a definite order5 usually Gust a pricin" quote/ Khen it is con3erted to an order, the %irst a3aila)ility chec& is carried out, as 5ell as credit chec&s. +he system 5ill chec& stoc& in the plant, plus 5hat is contained in the a3aila)ility chec&in$ rule (scope o% chec&) e$9 can add !.s %or replenishment, purchase re8s, di%%erent planned orders, and su)tract sales orders, deli3eries etc already created a$ainst that material in that plant (and possi)ly (tora$e location). *% there is enou$h stoc& in the plant0(/oc, the system 5ill $i3e you a con%irmed date, or $i3e you a date )ased on the production time or purchasin$ time %rom the material master. +he date the system proposes is )ased on the customerMs re8uested deli3ery date. (A! %irst )ac&5ard schedules loo&in$ at the re8uired deli3ery date, less transportation time, less transportation lead time, less pic& and pac& time, less production0purchase time i% applica)le. *% the date it calculates is e8ual or later than today\s date, then it 5ill con%irm the customer\s re8uired date. *% it %alls in the past, (A! 5ill then %or5ard schedule %or today\s date, plus the times listed a)o3e to $et the date 5hen the customer can actually ha3e it. A+! is the sin$le most comple, part o% the (D module, dependin$ upon ho5 !! and M7! is set up. M7! 5or&s semi4separately, dependin$ on ho5 it is set up. Basically, M7! loo&s at the demand on the plant, and i% it the stoc& does not meet e,pected sales orders and deli3eries, it 5ill create a purchase re8uisition (outside purchase) or re8uirement or planned order (%or production) to co3er the short%all. Khen M7! is started, it 5ill turn the !7 into a !. or the re8uirement into a production order.

SD material Determination based on availability chec)

:or SD material Determination you can create a Substitution reason and on the Strate"y field5 the followin" info/ is available: Product selection in the bac)"round is performed on the basis of the availability chec)/ 3e want to have the material determination only in case on material shorta"e/ 3e e,pect the Substitution reason to "ive us this functionallity/ It does not hovever ta)e the availabilty into account before substitution/ 3e thou"ht the worse case is to create a A'AP which is lin)ed to the .requirement. field in the Procedure 7 0*A9/ +as anyone had the same requirement- Is this a bu" or Gust incorrectly documented* also encountered this a)normally recently usin$ material determination. *n order to com)at the pro)lem, the %irst product su)stitution should )e %or the ori$inal material. *M3e illustrated this )elo59 .ri$inal !roduct9 ABC (u)stitutes9 D6-, E=B *n order to per%orm product su)stitution .N/= in the case o% A+! %ailure %or product ABC, structure the Material Determination record as %ollo5s9 Material 6ntered9 ABC (u)stitutes9 ABC D6E=B There seems to be a devaition at availability chec) and or on a conceptual note still/ A3aila)ility chec& can )e con%i$ured )oth at re8uiremnt class and at the schedule line cate$ories le3el. Khilst the a3aila)ilty chec& at the re8uirement class le3el 3ia $lo)al and mandatory con%i$uration the schedule line cat$ry a3aila)ility chec& deals 5ith the order. *t is mandatory that the re8mnt class is %la$$ed o%% %or a3l)lty chec& and the schdelu line cat need not )e. +he %ollo5in$ are the mandatory %or A3aila)ility chec& to happen44 1. Must )e s5ithced on at the re8uirment class le3el and at the schedule line le3el. ?. 7e8mnt type must e,ist )y 5hich a re8uiremnt class can )e %ound @. +here must e,ist a plant and is de%ined .Chec&in$ $roup must )e de%ined in Material Master records(it controls 5hthr the system is to create indi3idual or collecti3e re8mnt) A com)ination o% chec&in$ $ropup and chec&in$ rule 5ill determine the scope o% a3ail)aility chec&.

!reatin" 1ultiple 1aterials in 1aterial Determination

Material Determination is used to s5ap one material %or another.*t is possi)le to $et a list o% materials %or su)stituiton,)ut remem)er you can su)stitue only one material %rom the list. +his can )e done throu$h su)stituiton reason + Code `.'7Ga (ee the su)stitution reason num)er %or Manual Material (election 4 chec& the 6ntry )o, 4 chec& the Karnin$ )o, 4 select A %or (tate$y 4 sa3e. Go +o 'B11 to create Material Determination (ta&in$ into consideration that all the pre3ious steps %or material determiantion i.e. maintainin$ condition types,maintainin$ procedures %or material determination and assi$nin$ procedures to sales doc. types ha3e )een done) Create one material determination,dont %or$et to $i3e the (u)st reason on top and also on the line. Clic& the 'ariants *con on top le%t4(reen opens (peci%y di%%erent materials you 5ant to s5ap 5ith the material you ha3e enterd Note that the su)st reason is already copied on the screen 7emem)er materials should )e o% the same sales area,atleast Di3isions should )e same.

'ac)ward and :orward Schedulin"

Bac&5ard schedulin$ is the calculation o% deadline dates9 the arri3al time at the customer site is calculated as the earliest possi)le $oods receipt time at the customers unloadin$ point on the re8uested deli3ery date. All %our o% the deli3ery and transportation schedulin$ lead times are su)tracted %rom the customerMs re8uested deli3ery date to determine i% this date can )e met. +he transit time, loadin$ time, and pic&0pac& time are su)tracted %rom the customer\s re8uested deli3ery date to calculate the re8uired material a3aila)ility date. +he system calculates )ac&5ard schedulin$ as %ollo5s9 7e8uested deli3ery date minus transit time S Goods issue date Goods issue date minus loadin$ time S /oadin$ date /oadin$ date minus transportation lead time S +ransportation schedulin$ date /oadin$ date minus pic&0pac& time S Material a3aila)ility date By de%ault, the system 5ill calculate deli3ery dates the closest day, ta&in$ into consideration the 5or&in$ days o% the shippin$ point and a roundin$ pro%ile. *n this case the system assumes a ? hour 5or& day and lead times can )e entered in days up to ? decimal points. +his is re%erred to as daily schedulin$. !recise schedulin$ calculated do5n to the day, hour and minute is supported. +his allo5s the schedulin$ o% a deli3ery 5ithin a sin$le day. *t is acti3ated )y maintainin$ the 5or&in$ hours %or a particular shippin$ point. Bac&5ard schedulin$ is al5ays carried out %irst. *% the material a3aila)ility date or transportation schedulin$ date is calculated to )e in the past, the system must then use %or5ard schedulin$. -or5ard schedulin$ is also done i% no product is a3aila)le on the material a3aila)ility date calculated )y )ac&5ard schedulin$. +he system does an a3aila)ility chec& to determine the %irst possi)le date 5hen product 5ill )e a3aila)le. +his ne5 material a3aila)ility date %orms the startin$ point %or schedulin$ the remainin$ acti3ities. +he loadin$ time, pic&0pac& time, transit time, and transportation lead time are added to the ne5 material a3aila)ility date to calculate the con%irmed deli3ery date.

Account Payable Settlement Downpayment with Installment payment Term

(cenario 94 !ro)lem 5ith Do5n payment settlement usin$ installment payment term. 1. Khen 5e create (ales order, (sales item 3alue S 1>>) use payment term 9 >>>D (*nstallment !ayment term, @>W, >W, @>W). *n the Billin$ !lan, * speci%y ? records, 1st record is Do5npayment re8uest @>W o% .rder 3alue, )illin$ type is -AB . the ?nd record is -inal in3oice 1>>W, )illin$ type is -?. ?. Create Billin$ type Do5n payment re8uest , it 5ill document as Noted item in the accountin$ document. @. 7ecei3e Do5npayment %rom customer 3ia -* screen , at this sta$e the asccountin$ document is created as %ollo5in$ Dr. Cash0Ban& @> Cr. Ad3ance %rom customer @> . Khen * create Billin$ document %or the sales item, the do5n payment 3alue 5ill )e proposed %or settlement at Billin$ Creation, * then accept the de%ault 3alue o% do5n payment clearin$. +he accountin$ document is as )elo5 Dr. A7 @> (Jsplit A7 )y installment payment term) A7 > A7 @> Cr. (ales 1>> Dr. Ad3ance %rom customer @> Cr. A7 D (D!. @>W J @>) Cr A7 1? (D!. @>W J >) Cr A7 D (D!. @>W J @>) *t seems (A! settlement Do5n payment )y *nstallment !ayment term. * 5as 5onderin$ that is there are alternati3e or an option to setup the Do5n payment settlement independent o% *nstallment term. * meant, * donMt 5ant to ha3e the last @ Credit item as a)o3e, * 5ant only 1 line item o% credit, the accountin$ should )e Dr. A7 @> (Jsplit A7 )y installment payment term) A7 > A7 @> Cr. (ales 1>> Dr. Ad3ance %rom customer @> Cr. A7 @> (Not separate )y *nstallment payment term) (olutions 9 (u$$esstions on ho5 * could proceedL =our pro)lem 5ith Do5n payment settlement is common. Many users o)Rect to the do5n payment or security lod$ement mechanism. *n our case 5e o%ten par& and apply the ad3ance manually to %inal in3oice. "o5e3er, %ollo5in$ the a)o3e case 5e sometimes use this 5ith our !( orders9 1. Create (ales order, (sales item 3alue S 1>>) 5ith )illin$ plan 5ith three steps @>W do5n payment,@>W std )illiin$ on order completion and C>W on deli3ery. A little di%%erent to your ori$inal Billin$ !lan, )ut 1st record is Do5npayment re8uest @>W o% .rder 3alue, )illin$ type is -AB . the ?nd I @rd records are std -? in3oices @>W , C>W. ?. Create Billin$ type Do5n payment re8uest , it 5ill document as Noted item in the accountin$ document. @. 7ecei3e Do5npayment %rom customer 3ia -* screen , at this sta$e the accountin$ document is created as %ollo5in$ 94 Dr. Cash0Ban& @> Cr. (ecurity deposit payment @> ( *n many countries this may )e su)Rect to +AE la5s) . Create the -irst Billin$ documents , the do5n payment 3alue 5ill )e proposed %or settlement at Billin$ Creation, then accept the de%ault 3alue o% do5n payment clearin$ as these e8ual each other. +he accountin$ document is as )elo5 Dr. A7 @> Cr. (ales @>

Dr. Ad3ance %rom customer @> Cr. A7 @> #. Create the (econd Billin$ document ( do5n payment 3alue has e,pired and 5ill not )e proposed) +he accountin$ document is as )elo5 is then standard %or the last installement. Dr. A7 ;> Cr. (ales ;> +his alternati3e pro3ides a cleaner option 5ith the Do5npayment.

Customized SD ABAP Re orts

Sales and Distribution 8 4pload !ondition Pricin"

60*F'T!I 8 'atch Input for 4ploadin" !ondition Pricin" A%ter e,ecutin$ the pro$ram, you ha3e to use (M@# to process the update pro$ram. 6n3irionment 9 .;, 7e8uire %lat %ile 94 7.K 1 BG7>> 7.K ? BK.ND1 7.K @ BK.ND? 4 no scale 7.K BK.ND? 4 no scale 7.K # BK.ND@ 4 5ith scale 7.K ; BK.ND? 4 no scale (ample %lat %ile %or uploadin$ ta)le A@># 4 Customer0Material 5ith release status 94 >B*!7*C6 1?@(A!ABA! E 1'K1# A@>#' !7>> ?A// DD>>>>1?@ #;(A!A?> 1 ?1>> ?>>?> @>?>>?> >1 #>1(D ?A// DD>>>>1?@ #;(A!A?1C1;A1>> ?>>?> @>?>>?> >1 #>1(D @ 1>>!C ? @ ?>>!C 1 ?A// DD>>>>1?@ #;(A!A??>1@@D1> +here a total o% %lat %ile %ormat 94 BG7>> 4 (ession "eader 7ecord

1>>!C 1>>!C

444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 V -ield name V Description V 7eport header V Cat. V /en$th V Dec. V 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 V (+=!6 V 7ecord type V> V C"A7 V >>>>>1 V >>>>>> V V G7.1! V Group name V B* (ession Name V C"A7 V >>>>1? V >>>>>> V V MAND+ V Client V =our client no V C/N+ V >>>>>@ V >>>>>> V V 1(NAM V 1ser *D V Gueue user *D V C"A7 V >>>>1? V >>>>>> V V (+A7+ V /oc& until9 V Gueue start date V DA+( V >>>>1> V >>>>>> V V EK66! V Keep indicator V E 4 donMt delete (6((V C"A7 V >>>>>1 V >>>>>> V V N.DA+A V No )atch input V0 V C"A7 V >>>>>1 V >>>>>> V 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 BK.ND1 4 "eader 7ecord 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 V -ield name V Description V 7eport header V Cat. V /en$th V Dec. V 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 V (+=!6 V 7ecord type V1 V C"A7 V >>>>>1 V >>>>>> V V +C.D6 V +ransaction code V +Code S 'K1# V C"A7 V >>>>?> V >>>>>> V V K'6K6 V 1sa$e V1 V C"A7 V >>>>>1 V >>>>>> V V K.+ABN7 V +a)le V +a)le e.$. @># V C"A7 V >>>>>@ V >>>>>> V V KA!!/ V Application V App e.$ ' V C"A7 V >>>>>? V >>>>>> V V K(C"/ V Condition type V C+yp e.$ !7>> V C"A7 V >>>>> V >>>>>> V 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444

BK.ND? 4 Main Data 7ecord

444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 V -ield name V Description V 7eport header V Cat. V /en$th V Dec. V 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 V (+=!6 V 7ecord type V? V C"A7 V >>>>>1 V >>>>>> V V 'AK6= V 'arKey V 'arKey V C"A7 V >>>1>> V >>>>>> V V DA+B* V 'alid to V 'alid to V DA+( V >>>>1> V >>>>>> V V DA+AB V 'alid on V 'alid on V DA+( V >>>>1> V >>>>>> V V KB6+7 V Amount V Amount V C"A7 V >>>>1# V >>>>>> V V K.NKA V 70? ta)le V 7?ta) V C"A7 V >>>>># V >>>>>> V V K!6*N V 70? ta)le V 7?ta) V C"A7 V >>>>># V >>>>>> V


KM6*N V V V C"A7 V >>>>>@ V >>>>>> V MK(K1 V +a, code V +, V C"A7 V >>>>>? V >>>>>> V K.NM( V (cale 1oM V 1oM V 1N*+ V >>>>>@ V >>>>>> V MEK7+ V Amount V Amount V C"A7 V >>>>1# V >>>>>> V GKK7+ V Amount V Amount V C"A7 V >>>>1# V >>>>>> V (+-KB V (cale type V( V C"A7 V >>>>>1 V >>>>>> V KBN6! V 6,clusion V Cnd6, V C"A7 V >>>>>1 V >>>>>> V /.6'M<K. V Deletion indic. VD V C"A7 V >>>>>1 V >>>>>> V (K.NKA V 70? ta)le V 7?ta) V C"A7 V >>>>># V >>>>>> V

444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 BK.ND@ 4 (cale Data 7ecord 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 V -ield name V Description V 7eport header V Cat. V /en$th V Dec. V 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 V (+=!6 V 7ecord type V@ V C"A7 V >>>>>1 V >>>>>> V V K(+BM V Guantity V Guantity V C"A7 V >>>>1A V >>>>>> V V K.NM( V (cale 1oM V 1oM V 1N*+ V >>>>>@ V >>>>>> V V KB6+7 V Amount V Amount V C"A7 V >>>>1# V >>>>>> V 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444


rder !han"ed +istory Display

J J (ales .rder Chan$ed "istory Display J J =ou can e,ecute the report )y 9 J 1. Chan$e Date J ?. 1ser Name J @. (ales .rder Num)er J J (u)mitted )y 9 (A! Basis, ABA! !ro$rammin$ and .ther *MG (tu%% J http900555.sap4im$.com J 76!.7+ B(DC"ANG6 /*N64(*B6 1@? N. (+ANDA7D !AG6 "6AD*NG /*N64C.1N+ >;#(>>1) M6((AG64*D '7. +AB/6(9 DD> +, CD"D7, CD!.(, DD>@/, DD 1', +;A#+, 'B!A, +!A7+, K.N'C, 'B1K. DA+A9 B6G*N .- *CD"D7 .CC17( #>. *NC/1D6 (+71C+176 CD"D7. DA+A9 6ND .- *CD"D7. (6/6C+4.!+*.N(9 E1DA+6 -.7 *CD"D741DA+6, ENAM6 -.7 *CD"D741(67NAM6, E'B6/N -.7 'B1K4'B6/N. (6/6C+*.N4(C766N (K*!. (6/6C+*.N4(C766N B6G*N .- B/.CK B/K1 K*+" -7AM6 +*+/6 +6E+4>>1. !A7AM6+67(9 (1DA+6 7AD*.B1++.N G7.1! 71, (NAM6 7AD*.B1++.N G7.1! 71, (.B*D 7AD*.B1++.N G7.1! 71. (6/6C+*.N4(C766N 6ND .- B/.CK B/K1. DA+A9 K-/AG, KC"ANG6N7 /*K6 CD"D74C"ANG6N7, K1DA+6 /*K6 CD"D741DA+6, KNAM6 /*K6 CD"D741(67NAM6, K'B6/N /*K6 'B1K4'B6/N, KD6C1 +=!6 ! D6C*MA/( @, KD6C? +=!6 ! D6C*MA/( @, KD6C@ +=!6 ! D6C*MA/( @, KD6C +=!6 ! D6C*MA/( @. DA+A9 1+6E+(1;) 'A/16 Mhas )een chan$edM, *+6E+(1;) 'A/16 Mhas )een createdM, D+6E+(1;) 'A/16 Mhas )een deletedM. DA+A9 B6G*N .- *CD("K .CC17( #>. *NC/1D6 (+71C+176 CD("K. DA+A9 6ND .- *CD("K. DA+A9 B6G*N .- *+AB .CC17( 1>. *NC/1D6 (+71C+176 CD("K. DA+A9 1DA+6 /*K6 CD"D741DA+6, 1(67NAM6 /*K6 CD"D741(67NAM6,

C"ANG6N7 /*K6 CD"D74C"ANG6N7, 'B6/N(1>), !.(N7(;), 6+6N7( ), *ND+6E+(?>>), 6ND .- *+AB. (6/6C+ J -7.M 'B1K K"676 'B6/N *N E'B6/N. C/6A7 CD"D7. C/6A7 CD!.(. CD"D74.BX6C+C/A( S M'67KB6/6GM. CD"D74.BX6C+*D S 'B1K4'B6/N. !67-.7M 76AD"6AD67. !67-.7M 76AD!.(. /..! A+ *+AB. CA(6 *+AB4+ABNAM6. K"6N M'B!AM. *- *+AB4-NAM6 S MK1NN7M .7 *+AB4-NAM6 S M/*-N7M .7 *+AB4-NAM6 S M!A7N7M .7 *+AB4-NAM6 S M!67N7M .7 *+AB4-NAM6 *( *N*+*A/. M.'6 *+AB4+ABK6= +. 'B!A. (6/6C+ (*NG/6 J -7.M +!A7+ K"676 (!7A( S (=4/ANG1 AND !A7'K S 'B!A4!A7'K. *- (=4(1B7C S >. 76!/AC6 MIM K*+" +!A7+4'+6E+ *N+. *+AB4*ND+6E+. 6ND*-. 6ND*-. K"6N M'BA!M. *- *+AB4-NAM6 *( *N*+*A/. 76!/AC6 MIM K*+" M*temM *N+. *+AB4*ND+6E+. 6ND*-. K"6N MK.N'CM. M.'6 *+AB4+ABK6= +. K.N'C. (6/6C+ (*NG/6 J -7.M +;A#+ K"676 (!7A( S (=4/ANG1 AND K'6K6 S MAM AND KA!!/ S M'M AND K(C"/ S K.N'C4K(C"/. *- (=4(1B7C S >. 76!/AC6 MIM K*+" +;A#+4'+6E+ *N+. *+AB4*ND+6E+. 6ND*-. 6NDCA(6. *- *+AB4*ND+6E+(1) 6G MIM. 76!/AC6 MIM K*+" *+AB4-+6E+( >) *N+. *+AB4*ND+6E+. 6ND*-. *- *+AB4C"NG*ND S M*M. 76!/AC6 MWM K*+" *+6E+ *N+. *+AB4*ND+6E+. 6/(6*- *+AB4C"NG*ND S M1M. 76!/AC6 MWM K*+" 1+6E+ *N+. *+AB4*ND+6E+. 6/(6. 76!/AC6 MWM K*+" D+6E+ *N+. *+AB4*ND+6E+. 6ND*-. C.ND6N(6 *+AB4*ND+6E+. M.D*-= *+AB. 6ND/..!. 6ND(6/6C+. *- (1DA+6 S MEM. (.7+ *+AB B= 1DA+6 'B6/N !.(N7 6+6N7. 6/(6*- (.B*D S MEM. (.7+ *+AB B= 'B6/N !.(N7 6+6N7 1DA+6. 6/(6. (.7+ *+AB B= 1(67NAM6 'B6/N !.(N7 6+6N7 1DA+6. 6ND*-.

/..! A+ *+AB. C/6A7 K-/AG. *- (1DA+6 S MEM. *- K1DA+6 N6 *+AB41DA+6. (K*!. K7*+690>>1 *+AB41DA+6, >?@ *+AB41(67NAM6, >@C(1>) *+AB4'B6/N. K-/AG S MEM. K1DA+6 S *+AB41DA+6. KC"ANG6N7 S *+AB4C"ANG6N7. 6ND*-. 6/(6*- (.B*D N6 MEM. *- K'B6/N N6 *+AB4'B6/N. (K*!. K7*+690>>1 *+AB4'B6/N. K'B6/N S *+AB4'B6/N. 6ND*-. 6/(6. *- KNAM6 N6 *+AB41(67NAM6. (K*!. K7*+690>>1 *+AB41(67NAM6. KNAM6 S *+AB41(67NAM6. 6ND*-. 6ND*-. *- KC"ANG6N7 N6 *+AB4C"ANG6N7. K7*+690>?@ *+AB41(67NAM6, >@C(1>) *+AB4'B6/N. K-/AG S MEM. KC"ANG6N7 S *+AB4C"ANG6N7. 6ND*-. *- K-/AG S MEM. K7*+69 >1@ *+AB4C"NG*ND, > D *+AB4!.(N7, >#C *+AB46+6N7, >;# *+AB4*ND+6E+(;>). 6/(6. K7*+69 0>1@ *+AB4C"NG*ND, > D *+AB4!.(N7, >#C *+AB46+6N7, >;# *+AB4*ND+6E+(;>). 6ND*-. K7*+690>;# *+AB4-<./D. K7*+690>;# *+AB4-<N6K. 6ND/..!. -.7M 76AD"6AD67. CA// -1NC+*.N MC"ANG6D.C1M6N+<76AD<"6AD67(M 6E!.7+*NG DA+6<.-<C"ANG6 S CD"D741DA+6 .BX6C+C/A(( S CD"D74.BX6C+C/A( .BX6C+*D S CD"D74.BX6C+*D +*M6<.-<C"ANG6 S CD"D741+*M6 1(67NAM6 S CD"D741(67NAM6 +AB/6( *<CD"D7 S *CD"D7 6EC6!+*.N( N.<!.(*+*.N<-.1ND S 1 .+"67( S ?. CA(6 (=4(1B7C. K"6N M>>>>M. K"6N M>>>1M. M6((AG6 (@11.

/6A'6. K"6N M>>>?M. M6((AG6 (@11. /6A'6. 6NDCA(6. 6ND-.7M. -.7M 76AD!.(. /..! A+ *CD"D7. C"6CK *CD"D741DA+6 *N E1DA+6. C"6CK *CD"D741(67NAM6 *N ENAM6. CA// -1NC+*.N MC"ANG6D.C1M6N+<76AD<!.(*+*.N(M 6E!.7+*NG C"ANG6N1MB67 S *CD"D74C"ANG6N7 +AB/6K6= S CD!.(4+ABK6= +AB/6NAM6 S CD!.(4+ABNAM6 *M!.7+*NG "6AD67 S CD"D7 +AB/6( 6D*+!.( S *CD("K 6EC6!+*.N( N.<!.(*+*.N<-.1ND S 1 .+"67( S ?. CA(6 (=4(1B7C. K"6N M>>>>M. /..! A+ *CD("K. C"6CK *CD("K4C"NG*ND N6 M6M. C/6A7 *+AB. M.'64C.776(!.ND*NG *CD"D7 +. *+AB. M.'64C.776(!.ND*NG *CD("K +. *+AB. CA(6 *+AB4+ABNAM6. K"6N MK.N'CM. M.'6 *CD"D74.BX6C+*D +. *+AB4'B6/N. M.'6 *CD("K4+ABK6=(;) +. *+AB4!.(N7. K"6N .+"67(. M.'6 *CD("K4+ABK6=2@(1>) +. *+AB4'B6/N. M.'6 *CD("K4+ABK6=21@(;) +. *+AB4!.(N7. M.'6 *CD("K4+ABK6=21D( ) +. *+AB46+6N7. 6NDCA(6. M.'6 MI WM +. *+AB4*ND+6E+. A!!6ND *+AB. C/6A7 *+AB. 6ND/..!. K"6N .+"67(. M6((AG6 (@11. /6A'6. 6NDCA(6. 6ND/..!. 6ND-.7M. +.!4.-4!AG6. K7*+690 (=4DA+1M,(=41B6*+, #> M(A/6( .7D67 C"ANG6 "*(+.7=M, 1?> M!a$eM, (=4!AGN.. K7*+69 0 (=476!*D, ;> M(A/6( .7D67( (+A+*(+*C(M. (K*!. 1/*N6. *- (1DA+6 S MEM. K7*+690>>1 MChan$e DateM, >1@ M+imeM, >?@ M1ser NameM,

>@C M(ale .rderM, > D M/ineM, >#C M(ch NoM, >;# MChan$esM. 6/(6*- (.B*D S MEM. K7*+690>>1 M(ale .rderM, >1@ M/ineM, >?1 M(ch NoM, >?D MChan$e DateM, > 1 M+imeM, >#1 M1ser NameM, >;# MCommentM. 6/(6. K7*+690>>1 M1ser NameM, >1# M+imeM, >?# MChan$e DateM, >@C M(ale .rderM, > D M/ineM, >#C M(ch NoM, >;# MChan$esM. 6ND*-. 1/*N6. J444 6nd o% !ro$ram

!"# 'asic Process of how Pac)in" 3or)s

/etMs say you 5ant to pac& a material shirt<Rai in test<pac&. 1sin$ MM>1, create material typeSpac&a$in$ test<pac& `(!7.a *MG4/o$istics 6,ecution4(hippin$4!ac&in$4 De%ine !ac&a$in$ Material +ypes /etMs say X!AC. +he settin$s that * chose9 !lant determ. 4 !lant is entered manually in handlin$ unit !ac&. matl. cat. 4 !ac&a$in$ materials Generate Dl3. *tems 4 )lan& Num)er assi$nment 4 Num)er ran$e inter3al M"1<'6K!M *MG4/o$istics 6,ecution4(hippin$4!ac&in$4 De%ine material $roup %or pac&a$in$ material /etMs say XG7! *MG4/o$istics 6,ecution4(hippin$4!ac&in$4 De%ine allo5ed pac&a$in$ materials XG7! 4 X!AC MM>?9 Chec& settin$s %or the materials -irst, test<pac& (ales9General0!lant 4H Matl. Grp. !ac&. Matls9 XG7! (Note) (ales9General0!lant 4H !ac&a$in$ Mat. +ype9 X!AC (Note) Basic Data 1 4H Material9 XMA+ +hen, shirt<Rai (ales9General0!lant 4H Matl. Grp. !ac&. Matls9 XG7! (ales9General0!lant 4H !ac&a$in$ Mat. +ype9 4 Basic Data 1 4H Material9 XMA+ '/>1N .ut)ound Deli3ery 4H !ac&in$ 6nter the materials at top and at )ottom ((elect shirt<Rai and 6dit 4 !ac&) +his is ho5 the )asic process o% pac&in$ 5or&s.

The .Pac)in" Process. with an #,ample

#,ample: =ou created a order %or a material(7411;> 4 hard dis&s) %or a 8ty 4 1?> pieces. =ou need to create a deli3ery and A)pac& > pieces each o% the material are $rouped to$ether into lar$er card)oard )o,es (!K41>> 4 shippin$0pac&in$ material) and B)these @ card)oard )o,es are put into pallet (!K4>D#). Solution: A)!ac&in$ > pieces each o% material ( > , @ S 1?> pieces) 1)Goto `'/>?Na to chan$e the deli3ery, you already created. .r you can do the %ollo5in$ steps 5hile you are creatin$ a deli3ery also. ?)Go to Npac&N icon. @)*n the upper section, enter the Npac&in$ materialN (!K41>>) )*n the lo5er section, chan$e the Npartial 8uantityN to > o% material 7411;>. #)(elect )oth the lines o% upper section and lo5er section and clic& the $reen o&. *t $enerates a shippin$ unit0handlin$ unit num)er. ;)No5, select )oth lines o% upper I lo5er section I clic& the )utton Nper part. 8tyN (Ne5 "1 per part 8ty o% material) Chec&9 clic& NGeneral .3er3ie5N icon to see 5hether it pac&ed > pieces o% material in @ cartons. B)!ac&in$ all @ cartons in one )i$ carton(!K4>D#) 1) %rom a)o3e screen, clic& Npac& "1sN (pac& shippin$ unit) ?)enter the pac&a$in$ material (!K4>D#) in the upper section and select this line. @)select @ lines o% !K41>> in lo5er section since you 5ant to pac& them in !K4>D#. )selectin$ )oth lines, clic& Npac&N icon. #)No5 all the @ cartons(!K41>> 5ith > pieces each o% material) are pac&ed in one )i$ carton (!K4 >D#). Chec&9 NGeneral o3er3ie5N icon. +hen Nsa3eN the deli3ery.

Pricin$ Difference between !ondition Type

Please e,plain the difference between #)?* 7 Actual !ost9 and #C?2 !alculated !ost/ +hese are the condition type that 5ill display the results o% the unit costin$ %or certain type o% sales document. 6K>1 9 *% you use this condition type, the result o% unit costin$ is issued to the %irst position on the conditions screen %or the item. +he 3alue can )e used as a )asis %or price determination. 6K>?9 *% you use this condition type, the result o% unit costin$ is simply a statistical 3alue 5hich you can compare 5ith the price. !lease note the %ollo5in$ points 9 1) +he condition type must ha3e condition cate$ory MGM (costin$). ?) +he condition type must a$ree 5ith the condition type de%ined %or unit costin$ in the pricin$ procedure. I have a customer who is bein" offered two discounts ie )??I and )??J5 now I want to e,clude )??I for the ne,t 2 orders or so- I have set the e,clusion indicator for the condition type5but still the condition is bein" accepted when I create a sales order/ Am I missin" somethin"5 how do I do it* thin& u need to chan$e the 3alidity o% the condition record %or the condition type K>>C de%inin$ it not 3alid %or that particular ? months. And also the settin$s o% the 7e8uirements as it is correct that it o3errules the e,clusion.

Accumulate the amount of condition types in accountin" document

+o accumulate the amount o% condition types in accountin$ document 5ithout a%%ectin$ the pricin$ display in )illin$ document. As an illustration 94 DPEE @#>> DDEE 1>>>4 D3EE #>>4 (all condition types are sho5n separately in pricin$ 3ie5) Xournal9 Dr 'endor ?>>> Cr (ales ?>>> (DPEE 8 DDEE 8 D3EE) .ne 5ay to do it is 94 Mar& the condition types you 5ant to $roup as statistical and remo3e the account assi$nment &ey. Create a su)total in your pricin$ procedure that 5ill add them to$ether and put in the account assi$nment &ey %or it. +his 5ay the indi3idual components 5ill still display on your pricin$ screen )ut -* 5ill only $et one postin$.

+idin" Price Document





1p to no5 you, you still cannot e,clude certain condition types and su)total lines %rom )ein$ processed or displayed in the condition screen )y restrictin$ the authori:ations. =ou ha3e to implement (A! Note No. *?JK2* 8 Authori;ation chec) for the condition screen

!reatin" =ew Pricin" Procedure

3hat is the transaction code for creatin" new pricin" procedure and how to attach it to specific plant=ou create !! in spro H (ales and Distri)ution H Basic -unctions H !ricin$ H !ricin$ Control H De%ine and Assi$n !ricin$ !rocedures H Maintain !ricin$ !rocedures =ou canMt attach !! to speci%ic plant. !ricin$ !rocedure is determined thru tr, .'KK. +he de%inin$ parameters %or pricin$ procedure determination are9 1. (ales.r$ ?. Distri)ution Channel @. Di3ision . Document !rocedure (de%ined in (ales docTBillin$ doc maintenance) #. !ricin$ procedure assi$ned to customer (de%ined in customer master) "ope this helps. Sabir 7e$ pricin$ procedure. 1. 1se transaction code 30>C to create a access se8uence and assi$n ta)les )ased on 5hich you 5ant to carry on pricin$ as accesses. ?. 1se transaction code 30>; to de%ine condition type. *t can )e %or )ase price, discount, %rei$ht etc., (Do assi$n rele3ant access se8uence) @. 1se transaction code 30>A to de%ine pricin$ procedure. . Assi$n this to your rele3ant sales area2 dpp2cupp. Khile speci%yin$ re8uirement, 5e can $i3e re8t no.?? 5hich speci%ies that plant has to )e set. +his is $enerally done %or output ta,es since output ta,es depend upon the deli3erin$ plant. But directly there is no assi$nment )et5een plant and pricin$ procedure.

3hat is .alt cal type. $ .alt base value. $ .6equirement field. in the Pricin" Procedure
!an any one e,plain e,actly what is .alt cal type. $ .alt base value. and also . 6equirement field. in the pricin" procedure+he alternate )ase 3alue is used as the calculation )asis only, 5hile the alternate calculation is used to modi%y the %inal 3alue. -or e,ample, ima$ine you ha3e a condition type BB>1, 5ith a condition record maintained (master data) %or Q1>>. No5, condition BB>? also e,ists lo5er in the schema, )ut 5ith a rate o% 1>W. +he standard calculation 5ould result in a %inal 3alue o% Q11>. +he alternate )ase 3alue could say, NdonMt use Q1>> as the )asis 44 use the ori$inal price !7>> only, 5hich 5as QD>.N +hen, the %inal 3alue 5ould )e Q1>> 2 (1>W o% QD>) S Q1>D. +he alternate calculation routine says, Ni$nore the 1>W alto$ether. *nstead, use an e,ternally calculated ?>W.N +hen, you end up 5ith a %inal 3alue o% Q1>> 2 (?>W o% Q1>>) S Q1?>. !ut them )oth to$ether, and you could end up 5ith Q1>> 2 (?>W o% QD>) S Q11A. No5 once a$ain, Alternati3e Calculation +ype9 Normally i% you 5ant to calculate a 3alue you ha3e to use a calculation type %or determinatin$ the 3alue. +his calculation type is either addition, su)traction or multiplication. (imilarly (A! also has $ot a de%ault calculation type in the control data o% the condition type. +here you ha3e the options o% either Gty )ased , -i,ed Amount Based or !ercenta$e )ased. "ere 5hat happens is suppose i% you de%ine =our condition type that calculates the )ase price o% a material on Gty )ased. +hen the calculation 5ill )e done )ased on the 8uantity o% the material. *% the customer orders 1> Nos and you ha3e maintained a unit price o% 1>> 7s %or each material then the 3alue determined is 1>>> *N7. (imilarly i% the discount condition type , you maintain the calculation type as W. +his means i% you maintain the 3alue o% 1> W in the condition record. +hen this percenta$e is ta&en as the calculation type and the condition 3alue is determined. *n some cases you ha3e to %ore$o the de%ault calculation types and use the customer speci%ic method %or calculatin$ a 3alue. -or e, i% you are calculatin$ the -rei$ht char$es %or a Material . it depends on so many criteria li&e, the 5ei$ht, 3olume and also the minimum amount etc etc, in those cases, you %ore$o the de%ault 3alue and then use the alternati3e calculation type in calculatin$ the condition 3alue a$ainst the particular condition. Alternati3e Condition Base 3alue 9 *% you ha3e to calculate any 3alue then you ha3e to ha3e a )ase 3alue %or it. -or e, i% you 5ant to calculate the discount o% 1> W %or a material then you ha3e to ha3e a )ase 3alue on 5hich this 1>W is calculated. Normally you ta&e the condition 3alue o% the )ase price o% the material to calculate the 3alue. No5 you donMt 5ant to ta&e the )ase 3alue and ta&e other 3alues as )ase 3alue 5hich are deri3ed on some %ormulae. (o you create a routine 5hich 5ill do the mathematical operations in the routine and deri3e you a 3alue 5hich is no5 used as the )ase 3alue %or calculatin$ the condition 3alue %or a particular condition type. 7e8uirement9 A %actor in the condition techni8ue that restricts access to a condition ta)le. +he system only accesses a condition ta)le to determine the price i% the re8uirement speci%ied has )een met. 6,ample9 +he system uses an access se8uence to determine the price o% a material. .ne o% the accesses in the se8uence contains the re8uirement Nin %orei$n currency.N +he system only uses the ta)le )ehind this access i% the sales order %or 5hich the price must )e calculated is in a %orei$n currency

6e8pricin" in a &uotation
+ow can I5 or am I able to find anythin" on a way of 6#8Pricin" be done in a &4 TATI ==ou can al5ays M1pdateN pricin$ manually in a 8uotation the same 5ay you do in a sales order, either in create or chan$e modes. Menu path 6dit 44H Ne5 !ricin$ or press the M1pdate pricin$M )utton on the item conditions ta). *% you are as&in$ ho5 to reprice a 8uotation 5hen it con3erts into a sales order, that can )e done 5ith the copy controls o% the *tem Cate$ory. *MG9 (ales I Dist 44H (ales 44H 44H Maintain Copy Control %or (ales Docs 44H (ales Doc to (ales Doc (transaction 3taa). Xust choose the com)ination o% documents and the respecti3e item cate$ory. +he %ield you need to )e concerned 5ith is N!ricin$ typeN. "o5e3er, %rom a )usiness process perspecti3e it ma&es a)solutely N. sense to reprice a 8uotation 5hen con3ertin$ to a sales order. A%ter all, the entire point o% usin$ 8uotations is to %irm up details li&e pricin$ )e%ore creatin$ the sales order

&uantity 'ased Discounts in 'ul) &uantities Sales

Hou@re loo)in" to implement quantity based discounts in F/Kc/ Hou are tryin" to sell items in specific bul) quantities5 and only "ive the discount for specific quantity intervals/ :or e,ample5 if a customer orders * piece5 2 pieces5 A5 etc/ of part A'!5 the price is L*??/ If the customer orders *? pieces of part A'!5 the price is LJ?/ +owever5 this is not only a standard minimum quantity discount/ If the customer tries to order ** pieces5 *25 *A5 etc/ it should return L*?? a"ain/ The only values for which LJ? should apply are *?5 2?5 A?5 etc/ 8 multiples of the bul) quantity *?/ Hou have discussed chan"in" your part number to reflect a bul) qty of *?5 however you have in house consumption that is allowed to consume only * part at a time/ Hou would vastly prefer to )eep one part number that you order from the supplier5 consume internally and ship e,ternally/ Hou are fairly certain there is basic functionality that covers this5 but you@re Gust not sure where to start/ +a&in$ your re8uirements literally. (tandard (A! scale pricin$ 5ill not do it in that you only 5ant the reduced price to come into e%%ect 5hen the order 8uantity is multiple o% some )ul& %actor. *t is a$reed 5ith that creatin$ a separate material num)er is not a $ood idea. =ou can try this 94 1. De%ine0(elect a 1.M %or sellin$ in )ul& (i.e. cas, pallet, )o, 5hate3er) ?. Maintain 1.M con3ersion )et5een your )ase 1.M and this ne5 1.M @. Con%i$ure you )ul& pricin$ condition type )y usual means (it should )e a )ase price rather than discount). . !lace this ne5 )ul& price )ehind your normal N!7>>N price in the pricin$ procedure #. Create a ne5 condition )ase 3alue routine 3ia '.-M 5here you chec& EKK67+ to see i% it is a 5hole num)er. *% it is not then set EKK67+ to :ero. ;. Assi$n this ne5 routine to your )ul& price condition in your pricin$ procedure in A/+ condition )ase 3alue column. C. Maintain )ul& price conditon record in the Bul& 1.M

Determine Sales Price with Shippin" Point

Hou are tryin" to use shippin" point as a )ey field 7with sales or"/ distribution channel and ship8to party to"ether9 to determine the sales price/ Hou created a condition table with the above )ey fields5 and maintained the relevant settin" 7access sequence5 condition type and pricin" procedure9/ There is an error messa"e in the sales order pricin" analysis 7.access not made. in the shippin" point field9/ In the access sequence5 you found that the shippin" point field@s document structure is C 1C/ !an you put to item level field in the condition table and access sequence(tructure C 1C re%ers to header o% the sales order, )ut shippin$ point o% course is on item le3el. =ouMll ha3e to do some settin$s to reach your $oal, it is possi)le. Step * Append structure C 1P. Do this )y chan$in$ throu$h S#** the ta)le C 1PAD. +his is the include %or structure C 1P. Add a component e.$. BB'(+6/ 5ith component type '(+6/. (a3e, acti3ate. *% you 5ant to ma&e more points, assi$n search help "<+'(+ to the component. As& a pro$rammer i% you donMt understand this part. Step 2 Chan$e user e,it 10FJA:DD. (ay there that %ield B'(+6/ should )e %illed 5ith in%ormation %rom your shippin$ point. Do this under part -.7M 4S#6#EITBP6I!I=(BP6#PA6#BTC 1P. +he codin$ should )e li&e t&omp4::3stel S 3)ap43stel. (a3e, $enerate. Step A Ma&e a ne5 ta)le as you did )e%ore, )ut %irst maintain your ne5 %ield in Condition9 allo5ed %ields.

Khen you create your ne5 ta)le you 5ill see you ha3e t5o shippin$ points. Kith the )utton technical 3ie5 you can chec& 5hich one BB'(+6/ or '(+6/. Step F -inish 5ith the steps you did )e%ore. +hat 5as o&. No5, you 5ill see in your sales order that the shippin$ point is %illed 5ith in%ormation

Pricin" date based on delivery date

1sed transaction 0 0>. +his con%i$uration is )y order type. +here is a %ield called proposal for pricin" date. +here you can select pricin$ date as re8uested deli3ery date. A 8 Proposed pricin" date based on the requested dlv/date 7+eader9 +his control is set at the document le3el as oppose to the condition type le3el (!7>>). +hat means your other condition types such as surchar$es and discounts are also determined usin$ the re8uested deli3ery date. *% your re8uirement is %or !7>> to alone to )e priced at deli3ery date then this 5ill not 5or&.

+ow pricin" date is determine in the sales order and billin" document- 3here is the settin"+he pricin$ date is proposed )ased on the settin$ you ma&e in the (ales document con%i$uration. ( + code 9 '.'A) =ou ha3e a %ieldN !rop.%.pricin$ date N in the 7e8uested deli3ery date 0 pricin$ date 0 purchase order date se$ment. +hen you can choose the %oll5oin$ options9 Blan& 4 *ndicates the current date as the pricin$ date A 4 *ndicates the date )ased on the re8uested deli3ery date B 4 *ndicates the date )ased on the order 3alidity start %rom date And the pricin$ in the )illin$ document is copied %rom thte sales order 0 Deli3ery document.. *t a$ain depends on the settin$ u ha3e in the copy control %rom order 4 )illn$ or deli3ery 4 )illin$. *n the copy control, in the item settin$s you ha3e t5o %ields rela3ant %or this. .ne is pricin$ source and the other is pricin$ type. +he pricin$ sources are $enerally the order. But i% you 5ant you can chan$e it to other 3alues mentioned in the drop do5n, )ut this 3alues ha3e no e%%ect i% the pricin$ type is B. Any other 3alue other than B in the pricin$ type 5ill ta&e the re%erence document price mentioned in the pricin$ source %ield. )ut %or the pricin$ type B. +he ne5 price is determined in the )illin$ order.

6eport to !hec) the #ntered Pricin" !ondition Price

3hich is the best transaction code to chec) the Pricin" condition price entered in .0C**..ther than N'K1@N, to display the price, you can use '0/D 4 6,ecute !ricin$ 7eport to chec& the prices entered into the !ricin$ Master. Normally !ricin$ 7eport 4 N>C Cust.4speci%ic !rices 5ith (cale DisplayN 5ill do. .ther !ricin$ 7eports you can tried are these9 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 V/7V7eport title V 44 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 V>1VComparison o% !rice /ists Kithout (cale Display V V>?VComparison o% !rice Groups Kithout (cale Display V V>@V*ncoterms 5ith (cale Display V V> V*ncoterms Kithout (cale Display V V>#V!rice /ist +ypes Kithout (cale Display V V>;V!rice /ist +ypes 5ith (cale Display V V>CVCust.4speci%ic !rices 5ith (cale Display V V>AVCust.4speci%ic !rices K0out (cale Display V V>DVMaterial /ist0Material !ricin$ Group 5ith (cale Display V V1>V/ist Mat.0Mat.!ricin$ Groups Kithout (cale Display V V11V!rice Groups Kith (cale Display V V1 V+a,es V V1#VMaterial !rice V V1;V*ndi3idual !rices V V1CVDiscounts and (urchar$es )y Customer V V1AVDiscounts and (urchar$es )y Material V V1DVDiscounts and (urchar$es )y !rice Group V V?>VDiscounts and (urchar$es )y Material Group V V?1VDiscounts and (urchar$es )y Customer0Material V V??VDiscounts and (urchar$es )y Customer0Material Group V V?@VDiscounts and (urchar$es )y !rice Group0Material V V? VDiscounts and (urchar$es )y !rice Group0Material Group V V?#V'A+0A+E1 V V?;VCanada01(A V V?CV*.6.!.( Me,ico V V?AVConditions )y Customer V V@>VConditions )y Customer "ierarchy V V@1V!rice /ist 5ith 7elease (tatus V VACV V VADV V 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444

1ass 4pdate of condition pricin"

=ou can update the condition pricin$ %or a ran$e o% sales order. -or e.$. i% you create sales order %or 1# months or so, and at the )e$innin$ o% each year, you ha3e to update the prices %or lots o% sales orders. .ther than usin$ 0A?2 and ma&e an 1pdate o% the conditions at item le3el 5hich is a )i$ 5or& )ecause you 5ill ha3e lots o% open sales order a%ter so many months. 1se 0A?J, select your .rders and on the result screen 94 clic& #dit8 M 1ass !han"e 8M =ew Pricin" (menu). or i% you donMt 5ant to do that .nline, 5rite your o5n a)ap report and use -unction SDB'4LCB!+A=(# (chec& 5here41sed at S#AI, +race 0A?J on ho5 to %ill the parameters, -unction 1P6: SH Ne5 !ricin$)

1a)e 1aterial 1aster Price of a material as sales price automatically

+he %irst method is not to set the pricin$ condition 0P6S as statistical. (imply remo3e P6?? and it 5ill 5or& %ine i% you al5ays use 0P6S as your pricin$ )ase inside the pricin$ procedure. 0P6S 5ill reads )oth prices )ased on the price control in the material master. !rice control ( %or standard price. !rice control ' %or mo3in$ a3era$e price. *t is this simple i% you do not ha3e any other N!ricesN in the price procedure.

"o5e3er, i% you are usin$ one pricin$ procedure 5here %or some items you price usin$ 0P6S and some others usin$ P6??, then you should use re8uirement routines to ena)le the correct price condition type at the ri$ht time. +he second method in3ol3es more 5or& as you need to 5rite a %ormula (0 :1) to $et that in%ormation. +his is ho5 it $oes 94 1. (et 0P6S to )e the %irst step in the pricin$ procedure and to )e su)total B (as standard). ?. (et P6?? 5ith alt. calc. type %ormula, 5hich sets the 3alue o% P6?? to )e e8ual to the su)total B. +he routine (created 5ith transaction 0 :1) is9 7'; AD>1 -.7M -7M<K.ND*<K67+<;>>. EKK67+ S K.M!4KA'K7. 6ND-.7M. +he pricin$ procedure than loo&s li&e that9 (tep 1 0P6S statistical, su)total B, re8t (tep ? P6?? Altcty ;>>

!ustomer discounts on effort only

44444.ri$inal Messa$e44444 (u)Rect9 Customer discounts on e%%ort only "i All, Ke ha3e a re8uirement o% $i3in$ a discount to customer )ased on the total amount in3oiced so %ar (across %inancial years). Khere do 5e set this upL Ke ha3e seen so %ar the discounts are calculated )ased on the 3alue o% the current in3oice. +he discount should )e on a $raduated scale )asis %or e,ample > 4 1>>>>> No discount 1>>>>> 4 ?>>>>> #W ?>>>>> 4 and a)o3e 1>W +his means that discount 5ould only start a%ter the customerMs net sale 3alue crosses 1>>>>>. -or e,ample, i% the customer has )een )illed %or DD>>> and the current in3oice is %or @>>>, a discount o% #W should )e $i3en on ?>>> i.e. 1>>. Another complication is that, the discount is not )ased on the total amount )illed so %ar, )ut only on the e%%ort )illed and not on reim)ursements (li&e air%ares, li3in$ e,penses, 3isa char$es, )eeper char$es etc). +he discount applies only to the e%%ort and not to the reim)ursements. *n the a)o3e e,ample (in3oice o% @>>>) say the e%%ort )illed is only 1#>>, the rest )ein$ reim)ursements. +he discount is only on the #>>. (the rest )ein$ ta&en up )y the lo5er limit %or eli$i)ility o% 1>>>>>) -or e,ample the customer mi$ht ha3e )een )illed say 1#>>>> so %ar )ut actual e%%ort )illed mi$ht )e only D>>>>, the rest )ein$ reim)ursements o% actual costs and hence the customer is not eli$i)le %or the discount. Kindly help, 444447eply Messa$e44444 (u)Rect9 769 Customer discounts on e%%ort only "i, +he solution %or this is 1sin$ re)ate condition types and suita)le condition records. .% this to handle your %irst pro)lem that is the re)ate has to )e applied only on the Ne%%ortN you ha3e to set up a line in the pricin$ procedure 5hich $i3es the re)ate )asis i.e the 3alue to )e used %or re)ate cond types. +his * )elie3e sol3es your pro)lem o% re)ate only on e%%ort. =our second pro)lem i.e the discount should start $ettin$ applied automatically 5hen it reaches the %irst scale %or 5hich the 3alues span %e5 %inancial years. +his * am not really sure 5hether it can )e made possi)le in the in3oice itsel%. But a 5or& around is not $i3in$ the discount directly in the in3oice )ut settlin$ it a$ainst the re)ate a$reements )y Credit notes periodically. "ope it helps. +han&s 444447eply Messa$e44444 (u)Rect9 769 Customer discounts on e%%ort only "i Arent 5e loo&in$ at re)ate a$reeement. +hat appears to )e a strai$hta5ay solution to your pro)lem. =ou acti3ate the sales or$ani:ation and the payer %or that 7e$ards 444447eply Messa$e44444 (u)Rect9 769 Customer discounts on e%%ort only * am in (A! 70@ rel.@>-. Ke ha3e ? options to meet your re8uirement. 1. 1sin$ scale in condition type ( tcode '0>; ), choose scale )asis G.(cale )ased on a %ormula ( )e9 your )ased amount is in3oice ). De%ine scale %ormula. =ou need ABA!67 to de%ine it. ?. 1sin$ routine in Alt.calc.type ( tcode '0>A , Maintain !ricin$ !rocedure ). "ere, you also need ABA!67 to create routine. hope this help 444446nd o% Messa$e44444

Steps to !reate !ommission for A"ent

-or creatin$ commission a$ent, you ha3e to %ollo5 )elo5 steps. 1) 6sta)lish !artner -unctions %or the Commissionee(s) Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ B1(*N6(( 6NG*N667 4H_ C1(+.M*B*NG 4H_ (A/6( AND D*(+7*B1+*.N 4H_ BA(*C -1NC+*.N( 4H_ !A7+N67 D6+67M*NA+*.N 4H_ D6-*N6 !A7+N67 -1NC+*.N( +ransaction Code9 '.!A ?) Assi$n the !artner -unctions to !artner !rocedures Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ B1(*N6(( 6NG*N667 4H_ C1(+.M*B*NG 4H_ (A/6( AND D*(+7*B1+*.N 4H_ BA(*C -1NC+*.N( 4H_ !A7+N67 D6+67M*NA+*.N 4H_ D6-*N6 !A7+N67 -1NC+*.N( +ransaction Code9 '.!A @) Create a !artner !rocedure %or the Commissionees Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ B1(*N6(( 6NG*N667 4H_ C1(+.M*B*NG 4H_ (A/6( AND D*(+7*B1+*.N 4H_ BA(*C -1NC+*.N( 4H_ !A7+N67 D6+67M*NA+*.N 4H_ D6-*N6 !A7+N67 -1NC+*.N( +ransaction Code9 '.!A ) Create Ne5 Customer Account Group(s) %or Commission A$ents Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ B1(*N6(( 6NG*N667 4H_ C1(+.M*B*NG 4H_ /.G*(+*C( G6N67A/ 4H_ /.G*(+*C( BA(*C DA+A9 B1(*N6(( !A7+N67( 4H_ C1(+.M67( 4H_ C.N+7./ 4H_ D6-*N6 ACC.1N+ G7.1!( AND -*6/D (6/6C+*.N -.7 C1(+.M67 +ransaction Code9 .'+> #) Assi$n the !artner -unctions to the Customer Account Group(s) Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ B1(*N6(( 6NG*N667 4H_ C1(+.M*B*NG 4H_ (A/6( AND D*(+7*B1+*.N 4H_ BA(*C -1NC+*.N( 4H_ !A7+N67 D6+67M*NA+*.N 4H_ D6-*N6 !A7+N67 -1NC+*.N( 4H_ G.+. 4H_ !A7+N67 -1NC+*.N( 4H_ 6N'*7.NM6N+ 4H_ ACC.1N+ G7.1! A((*GNM6N+ +ransaction Code9 '.!A ;) Assi$n the !artner -unctions to the !artner !rocedure %or the (ales Document "eader Menu !ath9 +ools 4H_ Business 6n$ineer 4H_ Customi:in$ 4H_ (ales and Distri)ution 4H_ Basic -unctions 4H_ !artner Determination 4H_ De%ine !artner -unctions +ransaction Code9 '.!A C) Assi$n the !artner -unctions to the !artner !rocedure %or the (ales Document *tem (.!+*.NA/) Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ B1(*N6(( 6NG*N667 4H_ C1(+.M*B*NG 4H_ (A/6( AND D*(+7*B1+*.N 4H_ BA(*C -1NC+*.N( 4H_ !A7+N67 D6+67M*NA+*.N 4H_ D6-*N6 !A7+N67 -1NC+*.N( +ransaction Code9 '.!A A) 6dit the !ricin$ Communication (tructure (K.MKAB) to "old the Ne5 -unctions (Client *ndependent) Menu !ath9 Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ ABA! K.7KB6NC" 4H_ D6'6/.!M6N+ 4H_ D*C+*.NA7= +ransaction Code9 (611 D) 6dit M' #A-BB usere,it<pricin$<prepare<t&om& (Client *ndependent) Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ ABA! K.7KB6NC" 4H_ D6'6/.!M6N+ 4H_ ABA! 6D*+.7 +ransaction Code9 (6@A 1>) 6dit 7';>A-BB 4 usere,it<pricin$<prepare<t&om& (Client *ndependent) Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ ABA! K.7KB6NC" 4H_ D6'6/.!M6N+ 4H_ ABA! 6D*+.7 +ransaction Code9 (6@A 11) 6dit M' #A-BB 4 usere,it<ne5<pricin$<3)&d chan$in$ ne5<pricin$ (Client *ndependent) Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ ABA! K.7KB6NC" 4H_ D6'6/.!M6N+ 4H_ ABA! 6D*+.7 +ransaction Code9 (6@A +he %ollo5in$ code should )e inserted into pro$ram M' #A-BB to allo5 the system to re4e,ecute pricin$ i% the user ma&es a chan$e to the rele3ant partner %unction (alteration, addition, deletion). 1@) Add the K.MKAB -ields to the !ricin$ -ield Catalo$ (Client *ndependent) Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ B1(*N6(( 6NG*N667 4H_ C1(+.M*B*NG 4H_ (A/6( AND D*(+7*B1+*.N 4H_ BA(*C -1NC+*.N( 4H_ !7*C*NG 4H_ !7*C*NG C.N+7./ 4H_ D6-*N6 ACC6(( (6G16NC6( 4H_ MA*N+A*N ACC6(( (6G16NC6( +ransaction Code9 .'? 1 ) Create Condition +a)les (Client *ndependent) Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ B1(*N6(( 6NG*N667 4H_ C1(+.M*B*NG 4H_ (A/6( AND D*(+7*B1+*.N 4H_ BA(*C -1NC+*.N( 4H_ !7*C*NG 4H_ !7*C*NG C.N+7./ 4H_ D6-*N6 ACC6(( (6G16NC6( 4H_ MA*N+A*N ACC6(( (6G16NC6( +ransaction Code9 '0>@ 1#) Create an access se8uence containin$ the ne5 ta)les (Client *ndependent) Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ B1(*N6(( 6NG*N667 4H_ C1(+.M*B*NG 4H_ (A/6( AND D*(+7*B1+*.N 4H_ BA(*C -1NC+*.N( 4H_ !7*C*NG 4H_ !7*C*NG C.N+7./ 4H_ D6-*N6 ACC6(( (6G16NC6( 4H_ MA*N+A*N ACC6(( (6G16NC6( +ransaction Code9 '0>C 1;) Create a ne5 condition type Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ B1(*N6(( 6NG*N667 4H_ C1(+.M*B*NG 4H_ (A/6( AND D*(+7*B1+*.N 4H_

BA(*C -1NC+*.N( 4H_ !7*C*NG 4H_ !7*C*NG C.N+7./ 4H_ D6-*N6 C.ND*+*.N +=!6( 4H_ MA*N+A*N C.ND*+*.N +=!6( +ransaction Code9 '0>; 1C) Add the Condition +ype to the !ricin$ !rocedure Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ B1(*N6(( 6NG*N667 4H_ C1(+.M*B*NG 4H_ (A/6( AND D*(+7*B1+*.N 4H_ BA(*C -1NC+*.N( 4H_ !7*C*NG 4H_ !7*C*NG C.N+7./ 4H_ D6-*N6 AND A((*GN !7*C*NG !7.C6D176( 4H_ MA*N+A*N !7*C*NG !7.C6D176( +ransaction Code9 '0>A 11) Create Commsission 7eport BBC.MM*((*.N (Client *ndependent) Menu !ath9 +../( 4H_ ABA! K.7KB6NC" 4H_ D6'6/.!M6N+ 4H_ ABA! 6D*+.7 +ransaction Code9 (6@A

SD &uestions About Pricin" !ondition

The 1ost Important Tips in Pricin" :or SAP SD 1odule to crac) interviews/// Khene3er 5e de%ine our pricin$ procedures, 5e remain least interested in creatin$ our o5n Condition +ypes,Condition +a)les I Access (e8uences. Khat 5e do is, 5e Rust de%ine our o5n pricin$ procedures )y usin$ the e,istin$ condition types (i.e9 !7>>, K>> , K>>C, KA>?, K->> etc.) I then assi$n that !ricin$ !rocedure 5ith N (ales Area, Document !ricin$ !rocedure I Customer !ricin$ !rocedure N . A%ter that 5e put the 3alues a$ainst each Condition +ypes, mentioned in our !ricin$ !rocedure )y usin$ the +4Code N'K11N. But 5e also need to &no5 a)out the Condition +a)les, Condition +ypes I Access (e8uence Creation. (o %or that purpose 5e ha3e to use the %ollo5in$ +4Codes respecti3ely 9 N'0>#N, N'0>;N I N'0>CN. No5 it 5ill )ecome easy to create the same. Also to in%orm that, usin$ +4Codes is more smarter than %ollo5in$ paths throu$h *MG screen. 1tsa3 Mu&herRee 4 utsa3mu&herRee1 @hhotmail. 3hat is the difference of 0C** and 0CA* 7condition records91y condition type is P6?? and Access sequence is P6?2/ And in this access sequence table A?F is available/ =ow when I was enterin" the P6?? in 0CA* it shows error Table A?F is not definin" for the condition type P6?2/ 'ut when I was enterin" the P6?? at 0C** it is acceptin" it/ Di%%erence )et5een 'K11 and 'K@1 4 i% you $o throu$h the menu path you 5ill $et the 3& @1 as condition record %rom the tamplets 5hereas 3&11 as simple condition record. *n 'K11 you can store condition record %or more than one condition type. +his means you can ha3e same condition record %or di%%erent condition types.+his %eature is $i3en to enhance the systemMs per%ormane and not to create the duplcation o% the 5or& %or each condition type. A$ain system is not allo5in$ to store the record in the 3&@1 %or the condition type pr>> and access se8uence pr>?.+his is )ecause i% you see this ac se8 cointains t5o accessses ?> and @> ha3in$ the same ta)le no.But you see there is the di%%erence )et5een the technical 3ie5 o% it %or trans%erin$ the data %rom document %ield and condition %ield,so you can not maintain the data at 'K@1. 3hat is the difference between +eader condition and Item condition- I )now item condition applies to each item in a sales document/ +eader condition can only be applied to an entire document/ Di%%erence )et5een header and item condition 4 as =.1 C.776C+/= (A*D "6AD67 C.ND*+*.N *( A!!/*CAB/6 -.7 +"6 K"./6 D.C1M6N+ 5here as item is %or item.6,4(ay %ri$ht is dependent on the total 5ei$ht o% all the items in the documents then header condition adds on 5ei$hts o% all items and calculates the record accordin$ly. =ou ha3e t5o di%%erent types o% the header conditions. a) *n one you can duplicate the same 3alue throu$hout the document %or each item.(ay discount ?W at header le3el 5hich is also applica)le to all the items ))(econd is the accumulation o% the 3alues o% all the item at the header le3el,as earlier e,plained %or the 5ei$ht0%ri$ht. +hese di%%erenes are controlled throu$h the indicator o% $roup condition in the cond.type con%i$uration. And so o)3iously header condition can not ha3e the condition record and hence access se8uence. SAP SD Tips by : 0ishwaGit Disallowin" !ondition Types 8 +ow I can accomplish the followin": 'e able to DISALL 3 D?'P !ondition type to be ne"ative 7 Invoice 'loc)9 =ou can modi%y condition type %rom customisin$_ (ales and Distri)ution4HBasic -unctions4H!ricin$4H!ricin$ Control4HDe%ine Condition +ypes4 HMaintain Condition +ypes Chan$e condition type B.B!Ms plus0minus indicator to NAN 5hich means only positi3e is allo5ed. J44 Ar3ind 7ana In pricin" procedure there are column such as requirement5 sub total altclty5 altbv5 accurals/ 3hat are these and where we calculate all these values which we put/ 1. 7e8uirement9 Denoted )y nos and maintained in '.-M, this is a condition re8uired %or a particular condition type to )e e,ecuted. 6$. !7>>9 re8 ? ie item rele3ant %or pricin$ '!7(06K.19 re8 ie cost 7e)ate BA.1 7e8 ? 07e8 ?# etc ?. (u)total9 this represents 5here a 5hich ta)le a 3alue is stored, 5hich can )e processed %or %urther calculation. 6$. %or !7>>, i% this 3alue is to )e used %or credt chec& o% a customer, 5e mar& the su)total as A.

@ Alternate Calculation type9 this is also denoted )y num)ers and maintained in '.-M. 6$. (uppose %or # units , each unit is char$ed Q1>> per unit, the order 3alue comes out to )e Q #>>, that is calculation is done as per unit price, i% the client 5ants calculation type to )e )ased on 3olume or 5ie$ht, alternate calculation type can )e con%i$ured. . Alternate )ase 3alue9 Denoted )y no. and maintained in '.-M. 6$, i% the pricin$ scale is maintained and pricin$ %or # units comes under the scale o% Q1>> per unit., the )ase 3alue is # units, )ut i% the client 5ants a standard )ase 3alue in some casesto )e assumed inspite o% maintainin$ the scale, an alternate )ase 3alue is con%ihured, that is the )ase 3alue )ased on 5hich the order 3alue is to )e calculated chan$es. #. Accruals9 Accruals are maintained %or re)ate a$reements, it constitutes the total accumulated 3alue 5hich customer has earned throu$h re)ate, one the re)ate %or certain amount is settled the amount %rom the accruals $et deducted.

Add a :ield To =ew !ondition Table in Pricin"

Add a field to a new condition table in Pricin" 7!ondition Technique9:8 * 5ill e,plain you the process 5ith )elo5 e,ample...!lease %ollo5 steps in )elo5 se8uence4 +ry to add the %iled %rom the %ield catalo$. *n case the re8uired com)ination %ield is not there, you can add the %ield throu$h the %ollo5in$ process to %iled catalo$ and create the condition ta)le. *t is most common that one or other time 5e need to use this %unction 5hile con%i$urin$ multi tas&in$ I comple, !ricin$ Architecture. "ere *Mm $i3in$ a simple $uide to add %ields to the !ricin$ -ield Catalo$ues9 -or e,ample you 5ant to use %ield !(+=' (M(ales document item cate$oryM) that is included in structure K.M! (M!ricin$ Communication *temM) as a &ey %or a condition ta)le. Khen you create a condition ta)le (+ransaction '0>@), ho5e3er, the system does not propose the %ield in the %ield catalo$. Condition access, %ield catalo$, allo5ed %ields, K.MG, K.MK, K.M!, K.M!AB, K.MKAB, !(+=' are the other terms 5hich 5e need to &no5 a)out, to add -ields. 7eason and !rere8uisites9 -or technical reasons, %ield !(+=' 5as included in structure K.M!, ho5e3er, not in structure K.MG (MAllo5ed -ields %or Condition (tructuresM). Proceed as follows: 1. Call up the ABA! Dictionary (+ransaction (611) and create data type BB!(+='. Choose !(+=' as a domain.As a short te,t, you can use, %or e,ample, MBB 4 sales document item cate$oryM and as a %ield la)el, you can use the %ield la)els o% !(+='.(a3e, chec& and acti3ate your entries. ?. Call up structure K.M!AB in the ABA! Dictionary (+ransaction (611) in the chan$e mode and ma&e the %ollo5in$ entry9 Component Component type9 BB!(+=' BB!(+=' (a3e, chec& and acti3ate the chan$e you made. @. Note9Because o% the chan$e in structure K.M!AB, %ield BB!(+=' is no5 &no5n in structures K.MG and K.M! )ecause structure K.M!AB is included in )oth structures. . Call up +ransaction (!7.. Na3i$ate to M(ales and Distri)ution 4H Basic -unctions 4H !ricin$ 4H !ricin$ ControlM and e,ecute MDe%ine Condition +a)lesM. Choose MConditions9 Allo5ed %ieldsM and include BB!(+=' as a ne5 entry. #. Note9No5 you can use %ield BB!(+=' as a &ey %ield 5hen you create a condition ta)le A,,,. ;. (upply the ne5 %ield you de%ined )y includin$ the %ollo5in$ source code line in 1(676E*+<!7*C*NG<!76!A76<+K.M!9 M.'6 ,,,,4!(+=' +. +K.M!4BB!(+='. *n order processin$ you %ind the user e,it in *nclude M' #A-BB, and in )illin$ document processin$ you %ind it in *nclude 7';>A-BB. Consider that you can also use this note as a help i% you 5ant to use other customer4speci%ic %ields as &ey %ields in a condition ta)le. -or header %ields, use structure K.MKAB instead o% structure K.M!AB and 1(676E*+<!7*C*NG<!76!A76<+K.MK instead o% 1(676E*+<!7*C*NG<!76!A76<+K.M!. -or more in%ormation, see +ransaction (!7. 3ia the path M(ales and Distri)ution 4H (ystem Modi%ications 4H Create Ne5 -ields (1sin$ Condition +echni8ue) 4H Ne5 -ields %or !ricin$M and .(( Note ?1> >.

+eader !ondition and (roup !ondition

3hat are header conditions"eader conditions are those 5hich appear in the header le3el o% any sales order. these conditions are to )e entered manually and $et distri)uted automatically and the )asis %or distri)ution are ta&en %rom the N6+ 'A/16 o% items mentioned at item le3el. Khen 5e $o to the conditions section in a sales order, 5here the details o% pricin$ is mentioned, here 5e add these conditions. Khene3er any "eader Condition is used, it o3errides the !7>> condition type. 6,amples o% header condition. 4 "A>> 4 W Based "eader Condition. 4 7B>> 4 A)solute or numeric 3alue 5hich applies to all items. 4 "B>> 4 Numeric 3alue or A)solute 3alue. J44 'i3e& Cho&shi 3hat is the difference between "roup condition and header conditionGroup Condition9 =ou can use this is %eature o% a condition type to apply price or discount %or a material )ased on common property.

"eader Condition9 +his is a manual condition 5hich you apply to header (Condition screen) o% a sales document. +his amount is applica)le to all items. 4sa"e of this feature is to apply price % discount for a specific "roup of materials/ 1. =ou maintained a discount )ased condition record %)ased on material $roup ( S >1 %or e,ample). =ou maintained scales also. Gty Discount 1 4 1> 7s. 1>>.>> 11 4 #> 7s. 1>#.>> #1 4 1#> 7s. 11>.>> etc. ?. =ou are creatin$ a sales order %or a customer 5ith %i3e di%%erent items 5ith di%%erent 8uantities as )elo5 *+6M 1 4 ?# NoMs *+6M ? 4 @ NoMs *+6M @ 4 1? NoMs *+6M 4 ?C NoMs *+6M # 4 ;? NoMs All the material is ha3in$ the material $roup S >1. @. Khile calculatin$ the discount, )ecause o% this $roup condition, system add the 8uantities o% items 5hich ha3e material $roup S >1. *n the a)o3e e,ample total 8uantity is S 1>D. (ystem apply a discount o% 7s. 11>.>> to each item irrespecti3e o% the indi3idual 8uantities. . *% you ha3e not acti3ated the $roup condition %eature, system determines the discount 3alue )ased on indi3idual item 8uantity 5hich is as )elo5. Discount *+6M 1 4 ?# NoMs 7s. 1>#.>> *+6M ? 4 @ NoMs 7s. 1>>.>> *+6M @ 4 1? NoMs 7s. 1>#.>> *+6M 4 ?C NoMs 7s. 1>#.>> *+6M # 4 ;? NoMs 7s. 11#.>> #. *s it clear no5. Xust try a sales order and see the out come Procedure to Test: 1. Create @ materials. Maintain Material Group o% each item is same. ?. Acti3ate the condition type as a $roup condition. @. Create a condition record %or this condition type 5ith scales. . !rocess a sales order %or a customer 5ith these three material 5ith di%%erent 8uantities. #. Chec& the outcome.

Steps Involved In !ondition Technique

3hat are the > steps involved in condition techniqueBy9 7ohit Xoshi *t starts 5ith an understandin$ o% the %actors that in%luences the !rice. /ets say it depends on Customer and Material. Kith this understandin$ no5 5e 5ill start 5ith the +a)le 5here 5e 5ill pass the a)o3e parameters. +here is a ta)le # 5hich already has Customer and Material so 5e can no5 copy and rename it or use the same ta)le in our !ricin$ !rocedure. + Code 0 C? (tep 1. De%ine0Choose your +a)le (5ith the re8uirement parameters that in%luence the price) (tep ?. De%ine your Access (e8uence and include the a)o3e +a)le in your Access (e8uence (tep @. De%ine your Condition +ype (+here are %our !rice +ypes Basic !rice, Discount, -rei$ht and +a,) and include your Access (e8. *ts al5ays )etter to copy the !rice +ypes pro3ided )y (A!. (tep . No5 comes your !ricin$ !rocedure 5here you include include Condition +ypes and %ormat. (tep #. No5 comes !rocedure Determination 5here you speci%y the Document !ricin$ !rocedure and Customer !ricin$ !rocedure alon$ 5ith (ales .r$anisation, Distri)ution Channel. (tep ;. Maintain Condition 7ecords %or your Condition +ypes * $uess you can ma&e it A (teps )y di3idin$ some o% the main steps. -e5 important thin$s to note is %ollo5in$.. 1. ED>1 4 Create Customer 4 Al5ays ensure that you pic& the ri$ht Customer !ricin$ !rocedure %rom here. ?. 'A>1 4 (ales .rder 4 6nsure that you ha3e the ri$ht Document !ricin$ !rocedure %rom here @. Khile Creatin$ Access (e8uence, chec& your -ields and ensure that they appear 5ith any

5arnin$ ("i$hli$hted in 7ed) . Do not %or$et to mention your Access (e8uence 5hile de%inin$ your Condition +ype #. Al5ays remem)er that your !rocedure Determination has only Basic !rice as Condition +ype ;. Do not %or$et to mention the 7an$e (-rom +o) 5hile creatin$ your !ricin$ !rocedure.

Billin$ 'illin" cannot be 6elease to Accountin"

+his (A! messa$e 5ill appear i% the system is una)le to %ind the G0/ codes match %rom the con%i$uration in transaction 'K.A No account is speci%ied in item >>>>>>1>>1 Messa$e no. -# ;C> Dia$nosis No account 5as speci%ied %or account type N(N in item N>>>>>>1>>1N o% the -*0C. document. (ystem 7esponse +he -inancial Accountin$ pro$ram cannot process the document. !rocedure A system error has pro)a)ly occurred in the application you called up. Chec& the data trans%erred to item N>>>>>>1>>1N o% the -*0C. document. Assumin$ that one o% the &ey com)ination is Account Assi$nment Group, you 5ill ha3e to chec& 5hether ha3e the Account Assi$nment Group )een input in the Customer Master (Billin$ ta)strips 4 Accountin$ sections 4 -ield name9 Acct ass$mt $roup). +he Account Assi$nment Group 5ill )e copied automatically into the sales order. Chec& 5hether the con%i$uration in transaction 'K.A ha3e )een done correctly. Chec& 5hether the sales order ('A>@ 4 Goto 4 "eader 4 -inancial Accountin$ 4 -ield name9 AcctAss$Gr) ha3e )een %illed in automatically. Chec& 5hether the )illin$ document ('->@ 4 Goto 4 "eader 4 "eader 4 -ield name9 AcctAss$Gr) ha3e )een %illed in automatically. *% the customer master ha3e not )een maintained and the user ha3e already input the sales order, then the user 5ill ha3e to maintained the Account Assi$nment Group manually either in the sales order or the )illin$ documents. +a&e note %or .ne +ime Customer, the user ha3e to input the Account Assi$nment Group manually into the sales order. .ne +ime Customer can )e used )y many customer, there%ore, the system 5ill not )e a)le to determine the Account Assi$nment Group manually.

Default Start 0ariant for 0:?F

+here are t5o types o% 3ariant in 0:?F. .ne is the selection 3ariant )e%ore clic&in$ the Display 'illin" List Button. =ou can set the start 3ariant 3ia S#NA usin$ the !han"e mode. +he second 3ariant is the 'illin" Layout display 3ariant. +his is a%ter clic&in$ the Display Billin$ /ist Button. A%ter creatin$ your layout display 3ariant, you can set it )y clic&in$ 94 Settin"s 4H Display 0ariant 4H Administration (elect the layout display 3ariant you 5ant and clic& 94 #dit 4H Define default settin"s

!ondition #,clusion which will be determined in the billin" document

The system can e,clude conditions so that they are not ta)en into account durin" pricin"/ :or e,ample: 1aterial FI** costs *J? 4SD/ Some customers receive a discount of *? 4SD per *?? pieces/ +owever5 a specific customer can buy the material for *?? 4SD/ Since this is a particularly "ood price5 the customer should not also have a discount of *? 4SD per *?? pieces/ Therefore5 this discount is to be e,cluded from pricin"/ +o create a condition e,clusion procedure 5hich 5ill )e determined in the )illin$ document. Assi$n the procedure to the pricin$ schema, and maintain copy control so that pricin$ is not copied %rom (ales .rder. +o achie3e this, copy the standard pricin$ to a BEEEE !ricin$. De%ine ne5 document pricin$ procedure in S1A? 8 0BT0C0 %or )illin$. Assi$n ne5 document pricin$ procedures to )illin$ types in S1A? 8 0BT0:CBP6 De%ine the Condition 6,clusion Groups in 0A*. Assi$n the Condition type %or the Condition 6,clusion Groups in 0A2. Assi$n the Billin$ !ricin$ !rocedure in 0 C> %or the Condition 6,clusion Groups. Khen )illin$ document is )ein$ created Rust enter manually your ne5 price and the pricin$ pro$ram lo$ic 5ill include only the hi$her price one, e,cludin$ the rest that are lo5er price.

Steps for creatin" a new or chan"in" an e,istin" 'illin" Document Types

Create0Chan$e your Billin$ types con%i$uration in 0 :A. (ome o% the *MG stu%% are 94 1) +o )loc& automatic trans%er o% the )illin$ document to accountin$, mar& the %ield. *ndicates 5hether the system )loc&s automatic trans%er o% the )illin$ document to accountin$. Durin$ document processin$, you can manually trans%er )loc&ed )illin$ documents to accountin$ )y selectin$9 'illin" 8M !han"e 8M 6elease accountin" ?) Account determination procedure @) .utput determination procedure etc. ... A%ter customi:in$, use transaction 0!+#!C0 :A to chec& your con%i$uration 94 1) !ro%orma )illin$ types9 *% it is a pro%orma )illin$ type, ('B+=! S 1), the %ield must )e )lan& and the account determination procedure must )e empty. ?) Cancellation )illin$ document types9 9 A chec& is made to see i% the cancellation )illin$ document type has the ri$ht 'B+=!. An -? in3oice, %or e,ample, ('B+=! MMM) can only )e canceled 5ith )illin$ type (1 5ith 'B+=! MNM . A )illin$ type 5ith 'B+=! M#M can only )e canceled 5ith the 'B+=! M;M and 3ice 3ersa. @) Cancellation )illin$ document type partner %unctions A chec& is made to see i% the cancellation )illin$ document type partner %unctions are empty or i% those that correspond to the )illin$ type used are empty. Ne,t, ma&e sure that you maintain the copy control %or the Billin$ +ypes9 (ales documents in 0T:A +ar$et (ource e.$. -1 4 *n3oice .7 4 (tandard (ales .rder -1 4 *n3oice B.7 4 =our (ales .rder Billin$ documents in 0T:: e.$. G? 4 De)it Memo -1 4 *n3oice G? 4 De)it Memo -? 4 *n3oice Deli3eries in 0T:L e.$. -1 4 *n3oice /- 4 Deli3ery -1 4 *n3oice B.7 4 =our Deli3ery 1sually %or copy control, you let the rest o% the settin$s remains as (A! de%aults. =ou only assi$n the ne5 Billin$ Document +ypes. A%ter that use transaction 0!+#!CT0!P: to chec& your Copy control customi:in$.

'illin" 'loc) will not wor)ed if you did not assi"n it

De%ine the possi)le )loc& indicators in S1A? 4 0BT0:S and allocate them to the )illin$ types concerned in S1A? 4 0BT0:SP.

=our Billin$ Bloc& 5ill not 5or&ed i% you did not assi$ned it to the desired )illin$ types. =ou can auto )loc& )y 94 1. sales document type in transaction 0 0>, %ields Billin$ Bloc&, or ?. item cate$ories in S1A? 4 0BT0AP, )y %illin$ the %ields Billin$ Bloc&.

'illin" Plan for 1ilestone 'illin"

Milestone )illin$ means distri)utin$ the total amount to )e )illed o3er multiple )illin$ dates in the )illin$ plan. As each milestone is success%ully reached, the customer is )illed either a percenta$e o% the entire proRect cost or simply a pre4de%ined amount. Durin$ sales order processin$, the system determines %rom the item cate$ory 5hether a )illin$ plan is re8uired and, i% so, 5hich type o% plan +he type o% )illin$ plan that is determined at this point is set up in Customi:in$ and cannot )e chan$ed in the sales document. Billin$ plans %or periodic )illin$ and milestone )illin$ plans %or proRect4related milestone )illin$ ha3e di%%erent o3er3ie5 screens so that you can enter data rele3ant to your processin$. -or e,ample, %or milestone )illin$, you must )e a)le to enter data to identi%y the indi3idual milestones. *MG con%i$uration re8uires 94 1. Maintain )illin$ plan types %or milestone )illin$ in ?. De%ine date description in S1A? 8 0BT0T'. @. Maintain Date Cate$ory %or Billin$ !lan +ype *N . Allocate date cate$ory in S1A? 8 0BT:PLABTH. #. Maintain date proposal %or Billin$ !lan +ype in 0'1. 0'P. 0'J. 0' .

;. Assi$n Billin$ !lan +ype to (ales Documents +ype in C. Assi$n Billin$ !lan +ype to *tem Cate$ories in A. De%ine rules %or determinin$ the date in 0'S. 0'6.

Milestone )illin$ is typically used %or )illin$ proRects, such as plant en$ineerin$ and construction proRects. (uch proRects o%ten include a series o% milestones that mar& the completion o% di%%erent sta$es o% the 5or&. *n the (A! 70@ (ystem, milestones are de%ined in a net5or& alon$ 5ith planned and actual dates %or the completion o% 5or&. +he milestones are also assi$ned to the )illin$ dates in the )illin$ plan. 6ach milestone4related )illin$ date is )loc&ed %or processin$ until the !roRect (ystem

con%irms that the milestone is completed. Deli3ery4rele3ant order items %or 5hich a milestone )illin$ plan applies are )illed on the )asis o% the re8uested deli3ery 8uantity and not on the total o% the con%irmed 8uantities. +he connection )et5een the proRect and the sales document item is made in the indi3idual schedule lines o% the item. 6ach schedule item can )e assi$ned to a net5or& in a proRect. +o display the proRect4related data %or a schedule line, proceed as %ollo5s9 *n one o% the o3er3ie5 screens o% the sales document, select 1. *tem 4H (chedule lines. ?. Mar& the schedule line and select !rocurement details. +he %ollo5in$ %i$ure sho5s an e,ample o% milestone )illin$ 5here only the Contract ha3e )een )illed 9 .rder *tem +ur)ine Billin$ !lan Billin$ date >141>4D >14>@4D# >14> 4D# >14>#4D# >14>;4D# Description W 'alue Billin$ Bloc& Milestone Billin$ (tatus Contract 1> 1>,>>> 4 , , Assem)ly @> @>,>>> , , Maintenance @> @>,>>> , , Acceptance @> @>,>>> , , -inal in3oice .. .. , 1>>,>>>

Net5or&0Acti3ities Milestone 6stimate Actual Assem)ly >14>@4D# >14>@4D# Maintenance >14> 4D# Acceptance >14>#4D# -or each )illin$ date in a milestone )illin$ plan, you can speci%y 5hether the )illin$ date is9 1. %i,ed ?. al5ays updated 5ith the actual date o% the milestone @. updated 5ith the actual date o% the milestone, i% the date is earlier than the planned )illin$ date %or the date

SAP 'illin" 8 !ombine 'illin" for deliveries with different date

Khen usin$ transaction 0:?F or Billin$ ()ac&$round), the date o% the )illin$ document (e.$. the current date) must )e entered (*n 0:?F 9 settin$s, de%ault data.) *n 0:?K or )ac&$round9 3ariant 5ith parametri:ation) to a3oid an un5anted split due to the )illin$ date. +his .(( notes is 3ery help%ul 94 ***K2 4 *n3oice split criteria in )illin$ document AK>A2 4 *n3oice split in %ields %rom the sales order

'illin" Spilt by Item !ate"ory

Is it possible to split invoice Item cate"ory wise/ I mean If in sales order there is TA= and TA== then the invoice should split5is it possible=aina =es, it is possi)le. Create a modi%ication o% copy control routine %or )illin$ and use 'BA!4!(+=' as an additional split criteria there. 1artishev Sabir Than) you for your reply/ !an you please tell me the e,act steps what should I add under that7additional split criteria9/ =aina *n tr, '+-A (i% your )illin$ is sales order )ased) choose your )illin$ type and (. type, there select your item cate$ories and there select the %ield 'B7K0'B7! data. *n that %ield you 5ill see the currently used routine. Kith the help o% your ABA! $uy create a copy o% that routine under a di%%erent num)er and add your lines o% code. /etMs say you use routine >>1. -.7M DA+6N<K.!*676N<>>1. J "eader data J 'B7K4,,,,, S ............ J *tem data J 'B7!4,,,,, S ............ J Additional split criteria DA+A9 B6G*N .- B1K, M.D1/(@) 'A/16 M>>1M, '+K6G /*K6 'BAK4'+K6G, (!A7+ /*K6 'BAK4(!A7+, 6ND .- B1K. B1K4(!A7+ S 'BAK4(!A7+. B1K4'+K6G S 'BAK4'+K6G. 'B7K4B1K7* S B1K. 6ND-.7M. +his is ho5 it should loo& a%ter modi%ication9 J "eader data J 'B7K4,,,,, S ............ J *tem data J 'B7!4,,,,, S ............ J Additional split criteria DA+A9 B6G*N .- B1K, M.D1/(@) 'A/16 M>>1M, '+K6G /*K6 'BAK4'+K6G, (!A7+ /*K6 'BAK4(!A7+, !(+=' /*K6 'BA!4!(+=', U4 Ne5 line 6ND .- B1K. B1K4(!A7+ S 'BAK4(!A7+. B1K4'+K6G S 'BAK4'+K6G. B1K4!(+=' S 'BA!4!(+='. U4 Ne5 line 'B7K4B1K7* S B1K. 6ND-.7M. A%ter this routine is created and acti3ated place it as the de%ault copy control routine instead o% the old ones.

1a,imum number of items in :I reached 1essa"e no/ :J I2I

*% you hit the a)o3e erros 5hen you create an in3oice in (D, the correspondin$ accountin$ document is not created. +he error is as %ollo5s9 Ma,imum num)er o% items in -* reached Messa$e no. :J I2I

Dia"nosis +he ma,imum num)er o% items %or an -* document (MDDDM) has )een e,ceeded. System response -* documents ha3e a @4di$it item counter that limits the num)er o% items permitted per document. Procedure *% the documents 5ith an e,cessi3e num)er o% items come %rom another application area (e.$. sales, lo$istics, order accountin$), you can con%i$ure the system to the e%%ect that these documents are summari:ed in -*. N "o5 could this error )e sol3ed as none o% your in3oices are $ettin$ accounted in -*L +o o3ercome this, the only 5ay 5as to )rea& the accountin$ in3oices, 1 5ith D#> items and the other 5ith the rest.

Prepaid process possible

44444.ri$inal Messa$e44444 (u)Rect9 !repaid process possi)le * am loo&in$ %or in%ormation on ho5 5e could implement a prepaid process. By Nprepaid processN * mean9 4 Customer sends to us his order 4 *% customer is set as NprepaidN, 5e produce an in3oice %or him to pay 4 .nce 5e ha3e recei3ed his payment, 5e release the sales order %or deli3ery 4 no %urther )illin$ document is produced. * %ound in%ormation in online documentation a)out Ndo5n paymentsN (* ima$ine that our prepaid process could )e a 1>>W re8uired do5n payment) )ut it does not seem that it 5ould 5or&. -rom 5hat * understood it loo&s li&e the )illin$ plan is handled )ased upon the item cate$ory, 5hich implies the processin$ is NmaterialN speci%ic not NcustomerN speci%ic. Khat 5e do no59 4 Ke ha3e de%ined a ris& cate$ory NprepaidN 5hich is assi$ned to our prepaid customer. +his ris& cate$ory automatically )loc& the sales order %or deli3ery. 4 Ke recei3e the sales orders and produce a !ro -orma in3oice %rom it, and send it to customer 4 .nce 5e recei3e the payment, 5e release the sales order %or deli3ery and produce the in3oices. 4 Ke post the payment 5e recei3ed earlier a$ainst this last in3oice. As you see, this re8uires a lot o% manual 5or& and a lot o% time is 5asted to match all documents to$ether. +here most )e a more e%%icient 5ay to handle this, any)ody ha3e any hintsL 444447eply Messa$e44444 (u)Rect9 769 !repaid process possi)le "i a$ainb =ou are ri$htb "o5e3er, i% you create a ne5 item cate$ory %or the prepaid scenario, you can select 5hat item cate$ory (and process) to use at order entry. *t is also possi)le to code a user e,it so that only certain customers 5ill $et the prepaid process. +his can )e done also 5ith item cate$ory $roups (can )e used to determine 5hat de%ault item cate$ory that should appear). +his 5ould mean that you either ha3e di%%erent materialnum)ers %or the di%%erent processes or use di%%erent distri)ution channels in the sales order. DC 1> could )e the normal process and DC ?> the prepaid process. +hen you need to create the sales 3ie5s in material master %or DC ?> %or all materials that should )e possi)le to run in the prepaid scenario, and enter the Nprepaid item cate$ory $roup in the sales item cate$ory $roup %ield in material master. "ere is a proposal o% customi:in$ acti3ities to achie3e this9 1. Create a ne5 item cate$ory as a copy o% the normal item cate$ory used %or non4prepaid sales. (Chan$e the )illin$ in the item cate$ory to order related )illin$ 5ith no )illin$ plan) ?. Create a ne5 item cate$ory $roup NBEEEN or somethin$ o% your choice 5ith the description N!repaidN or somethin$ li&e that. @. *n item cate$ory assi$nment, add or chec& entries so that you ha3e the order type used, and item cate$ory $roup de%aultin$ the ne5 item cate$ory. . Chec& copy control %rom sales document to )illin$ document %or the ne5 item cate$ory. Also deli3ery copy control could )e $ood to chec&. #. Create a ne5 distri)ution channel and assi$n it to the company structure (plant, sales or$ etc) ;. 6,tend your material(s) 5ith 3ie5s %or the ne5 distri)ution channel and enter the NBEEEN item cate$ory $roup in the %ield %or sales item cate$ory $roup (* thin& it is on sales ? screen )ut * am not sure, canMt access a system ri$ht no5). No5 you should )e a)le to create a sales order 5ith the ne5 distri)ution channel 5here the ne5 item cate$ory is de%aulted. Chec& that the sales order is completed 5hen )oth )illin$ and $oods issue %or the deli3ery is posted. *% not chec& the completion rule in the ne5 item cate$ory. Good luc& 444446nd o% Messa$e44444

6estrictin" =umber

+ow I can restrict number of items in an invoice-

f Items In 'illin" Doc

If I enter more than > items in a sales order and those items "et copied into delivery doc then to billin" doc/ 'ut our client want to restrict number items to > 7ma,9 in an invoice/ =ou can restrict deli3ery 5ith deli3ery tolerance, there)y causin$ in3oicin$ o% the desired. or Go to (!7.HHH*MGHHH(ales I Distri)utionHHHBillin$HHHBillin$ DocumentsHHHCountry4 speci%ic %eaturesHHHMaintain Ma,imum No. .% Billin$ *tems. +his is 5here you can de%ine a ma,imum num)er o% items allo5ed %or all )illin$ documents 5ithin a $i3en sales or$ani:ation. "o5e3er, maintainin$ data here is not enou$h alone to )rin$ a)out a )illin$ split )y num)er o% )illin$ items. =ou must also $o to copyin$ control %or order0deli3ery to )illin$ document at item le3el under NData 'B7K0'B7!N and maintain routine >>; Nindi3idual in3oice limitedN or a similar routine that accesses the data maintained here.

Credit #ana$ement +ow To Do !onfi"uration :or !redit 1ana"ement

Credit and ris& mana$ement ta&es place in the credit control area. Accordin$ to your corporate re8uirements, you can implement credit mana$ement that is centrali:ed, decentrali:ed, or some5here in )et5een. An or$ani:ational unit that represents the area 5here customer credit is a5arded and monitored. +his or$ani:ational unit can either )e a sin$le or se3eral company codes, i% credit control is per%ormed across se3eral company codes. .ne credit control area contains credit control in%ormation %or each customer. -or e,ample, i% your credit mana$ement is centrali:ed, you can de%ine one credit control area %or all o% your company codes. *%, on the other hand, your credit policy re8uires decentrali:ed credit mana$ement, you can de%ine credit control areas %or each company code or each $roup o% company codes. Credit limits and credit e,posure are mana$ed at )oth credit control area and customer le3el. =ou set up credit control areas and other data related to credit mana$ement in Customi:in$ %or -inancial Accountin$. +he implementation $uide is under 6nterprise (tructure 4H De%inition or Assi$nment 4H -inancial Accountin$ and then Maintain credit control area. =ou assi$n customers to speci%ic credit control areas and speci%y the appropriate credit limits in the customer master record. Tips by : Capilaa (ettin$s %or determinin$ the credit control area o% a document. +he settin$s o% items 1 4 are ta&en into account accordin$ to their priority. +he credit control area %ound is stored in %ield 'BAK4 KKB67. 1. +ransaction 'A> Chec& 5hich credit control area is assi$ned to the company code. Company code9 Credit control area9 ?. +ransaction 0:L Chec& 5hich credit control area is assi$ned to the sales area. (ales area9 Credit control area9 @. +ransaction ED?2 or 0D?2 Chec& 5hich credit control area is assi$ned to the payer. !ayer9 Credit control area9 . +ransaction S#AI *s user e,it 6E*+<(A!' #K<>>1 )ein$ usedL #. +ransaction 'DC -or the settin$s under items ? 4 , %ield NAll company codesN must )e mar&ed in +ransaction 'FJ, or the credit control area must )e entered under the rele3ant company code in ta)le +>>1CM o% the credit control areas allo5ed. Company code9 Credit control areas allo5ed9 ;. (ettin$s %or the credit chec&s C. +ransaction 0AC Khich settin$s do e,ist %or the sales document type usedL (ales document9 Chec& credit9 Credit $roup9 A. +ransaction 0AD Khich settin$s do e,ist %or the deli3ery type usedL Deli3ery type9 Credit $roup %or deli3ery9 Credit $roup %or $oods issue9 D. +ransaction '?* Credit mana$ement0Chan$e ris& cate$ory De%inition o% the ris& cate$ory %or each credit control area. +his ris& cate$ory can )e assi$ned to a credit account )y usin$ +ransaction :DA2. 1>. +ransaction 0A> "ere, the indi3idual credit chec&s %or &ey %ields o credit control area o ris& cate$ory o credit $roup are set. +a&e these &ey %ields %rom the a)o3e settin$s and $o to the detail screen. *n particular, chec& 5hether %ields N7eactionN and N(tatus0)loc&N are set

correctly. +o carry out %ollo54up actions in case o% a credit )loc&, the credit chec& status must )e set (%ield N(tatus0)loc&N). 11. +ransaction :DA2 Credit master data %or the payer o% the rele3ant document. Credit account9 Credit limit9 7is& cate$ory9 Currency9 1?. (ettin$s %or updatin$ the credit 3alues 1pdate o% the credit 3alues is re8uired %or the limit chec& (static or dynamic credit limit chec&). 1@. +ransaction 0AI 1pdate o% the credit 3alue is acti3e %or the correspondin$ item type i% the chec& )o, is mar&ed. +his %ield corresponds to %ield NActi3e recei3a)leN in +ransaction 0 0I. *tem type9 Acti3e recei3a)le9 1 . +ransaction 0%?>, !ricin$ *n the pricin$ procedure used %or pricin$, su)total NAN must )e entered in a line %or determinin$ the credit 3alue (mar& the pricin$ procedure and dou)leclic& on NControlN). 1sually, the net 3alue plus ta,es is used. +his 5ay the system is determined to use this su)total %or credit pricin$. +he credit price is stored in %ield 'BA!4CM!76 and used %or update and credit chec&. =ou can %ind the used pricin$ procedure o% the order under N*tem 4H Condition 4H AnalysisN. !ricin$ procedure9 /ine 5ith su)total S MAM9 1#. +ransaction 'FJ Khich update $roup (%ield N1pdateN) do you use in the rele3ant credit control areaL +he de%ault settin$ is N1?N. *% you use another update $roup, chec& 5hether this is %ine 5ith you. *% you open an .(( messa$e, please tell us the alternati3e update $roup. Credit control area9 1pdate9 1;. +ransaction 1 * Khich &ind o% update did you choose %or structure (>;;L *n any case, N(ynchronous update (1)N has to )e chosen as the &ind o% update. All other settin$s 5ill lead to errors.

16P bloc) for !redit limit attained !ustomers

+ow to bloc) the requirement 71D?F9 "enerated by the item cate"ory in a sales order when the customer has attained the credit limit- The 16P requirements still appear even thou"h the schedule is ;ero/ =ou should try and use one o% the standard re8uirements. (ee in transaction N0 :1N. 4nder 6equirements % Subsequent :unctions % 6eqs/Availablity/ +ry usin$ routine *?A, you may ha3e to t5ea& i% it doesnMt 5or& e,actly as youMd li&e. -or e,ample, you can 5rite a routine N?A )ecause you only 5anted this reaction %or certain )usiness units. *rre$ardless, usin$ a routine similar to this 5ill pre3ent the re8uirement %rom appearin" in 1D?F for orders bloc)ed on credit. Code9 DA+A9 K<B(DC7D +=!6 B(D<C76D*+B/CK. DA+A9 K<CMG(+ /*K6 'B1K4CMG(+. (6/6C+ (*NG/6 J *N+. K<B(DC7D -7.M B(D<C76D*+B/CK K"676 KKB67 S 'BAK4KKB67 AND C+/!C S 'BAK4C+/!C. *- (=4(1B7C S > AND 'B1K4CMG(+ CA MBM. *M!.7+ 'B1K4CMG(+ +. K<CMG(+ -7.M M6M.7= *D MC76D*+M. *- K<CMG(+ S (!AC6. M6((AG6 *C>;(B1). 6E!.7+ 'B1K4CMG(+ +. M6M.7= *D MC76D*+M. 6ND*-. JZ 76!/AC6 JY *N(67+ D6'KD;;D>A 1 JZ *N(67+ J 7ead the su)se8uent %unction in%ormation %or the messa$e !67-.7M -.-1N<+6E+<76AD 1(*NG G/<-.-1N C"ANG*NG -.-1N<+6E+. M6((AG6 *D M'1M +=!6 M6M N1MB67 MA DM K*+" -.-1N<+6E+ 7A*(*NG 677.7. JY *N(67+ D6'KD;;D>A ? JZ *N(67+ 6ND*-. 6ND-.7M.

!redit 1"mt Dynamic chec)in"

44444.ri$inal Messa$e44444 (u)Rect9 Credit M$mt Dynamic chec&in$ -rom9 7ichard Dra$ani "i credit e,perts, Does anyone &no5 ho5 * can automatically re4e,ecute a dynamic credit chec& a %e5 days prior to shipment %or %uture dated sales orders. Any ideas 5ould )e appreciated. 7ich Dra$ani 444447eply Messa$e44444 (u)Rect9 7e9 /.G9 Credit M$mt Dynamic chec&in$ -rom9 (5ami (u)ramanyan !ro$ram 7'K76D>AL .r manually e,ecute %unction module (D<.7D67<C76D*+<76C"6CK. 7e$ards (5ami 444447eply Messa$e44444 (u)Rect9 7e9 Credit M$mt Dynamic chec&in$ -rom9 /eslie !aolucci Ke chec& credit at the time o% the deli3ery (at deli3ery creation and )e%ore pic&in$) and use the )loc&ed sales doc process0list to release them. +his can )e set up in customi:in$ under ris& mana$ement4H credit mana$ement. 444446nd o% 7eply Messa$e44444

Sales value field in not "ettin" updated after creatin" the billin"
44444.ri$inal Messa$e44444 (u)Rect9 (ales 3alue %ield in not $ettin$ updated a%ter creatin$ the )illin$ 5e are on .;). 5e are $oin$ %or credit mana$ement )ut %acin$ one pro)lem. in %d@?4 customer credit mana$ement chan$e 4 the sales 3alue %eild in not $ettin$ updated a%ter creatin$ the )illin$. e$. 5hen i create the order 4 the order 3alue $et updated in the sales 3alue in %d@?. a%ter creatin$ the deli3ery 4 that 3alue remains same in the %eild o% sales 3alue. )ut 5hen i am $oin$ %or )illin$ (deli3ery related), the )ill 3alue is appearin$ in Mrecei3a)lesM )ut the amount in Msales 3alueM is not $ettin$ reduced. )ecause o% this the credit e,posure is increasin$ continuously. update $roup %or corrospondin$ credit ctrl area is 1?. also the item is mar& %or credit update. can anyone tell the missin$ lin&L than&in$ in ad3ance 444447eply Messa$e44444 (u)Rect9 769 (ales 3alue %ield in not $ettin$ updated a%ter creatin$ the )illin$ "i, =ou need to chec& couple o% settin$s li&e9 1. =our customer should )e assi$ned the credit control area. ?. *n your *tem Cate$ory Credit should )e acti3e. 7e$ards, 444447eply Messa$e44444 (u)Rect9 769 (ales 3alue %ield in not $ettin$ updated a%ter creatin$ the )illin$ customer is assi$n to concorn CCA and item cate$ory is mar& %or credit acti3e 444447eply Messa$e44444 (u)Rect9 769 (ales 3alue %ield in not $ettin$ updated a%ter creatin$ the )illin$ "i, Chec& the credit update $roup in the transaction .B #. +he credit update $roup controls 5hen the 3alues o% open sales orders, deli3eries and )illin$ documents are updated. *t should )e M>>>>1?M. -urther also re%er to the .(( note 1A;1@. "a3e %un 444446nd o% Messa$e44444

Difference 'etween Simple and Automatic !redit !hec) Types

#,plain in detail difference between simple and automatic credit chec) types/ In automatic chec)5 difference between static and dynamic chec)s/ SI1PL# !6#DIT !+#!C : +r.Code 4 -D@? *t Considers the Doc.'alue 2 .pen *tems. Doc.'alue 9 (ales .rder "as )een sa3ed )ut not deli3ered .pen *tem 9 (ales .rder has )een sa3ed , Deli3ered, Billed I +rans%ered to -*, )ut not recei3ed the payment %rom the customer. 6$9 Customer Credit /imit is 7s.1,>>,>>>04 (uppose Doc.'alue 2 .pen *tem 'alue is 7s.1,1>,>>>04 "ere credit limit e,ceeds then system reacts. .ptions 9 A) Karnin$ Messa$e B) 6rror Messa$e ((ales .rder 5onMt )e sa3ed) C) 6rror Messa$e 5ith Deli3ery Bloc& A4T 1ATI! !6#DIT !+#!C : Gi3e e,tra credit %acilities to the particular customer. (+A+*C C76D*+ /*M*+ D6+67M*NA+*.N 9Chec&in$ Group 2 7is& Cata$eory 2 Credit Control Area. A) Credit Chec&in$ Groups 9 +ypes o% Chec&in$ Groups. >1) (ales >?) Deli3eries >@) Goods *ssue At all the a)o3e @ le3els orders can )e )loc&ed. B) 7is& Cata$eory 9 Based on the ris& cata$eories company decide ho5 much credit has to $i3e to the customer. "*G" 7*(K (>>>1) 9 /.K C76D*+ /.K 7*(K (>>>?) 9 M.76 C76D*+ M6D*1M 7*(K(>>>@) 9 A3era$e Credit (tatic Credit Chec& it chec&s all these doc 3alue I chec& 5ith the credit limit 1) .pen Doc.'alue 0 (ales .rder 'alue 9 Khich is sa3e )ut not delie3ered ?) .pen Deli3ery Doc.'alue 9 Khich is deli3ered )ut not )illed @) .pen Billin$ Doc.'alue 9 Khich is )illed )ut not posted to -* ) .pen *tem 9 Khich is trans%ered to -* )ut not recei3ed %rom the customer. D=NAM*C C76D*+ C"6CK 9 1) .pen Doc ?) .pen Deli3ery @) .pen Billin$ ) .pen *tems #) "ori:on !eriod S 6$.@Months "ere the (ystem 5ill not consider the a)o3e 1,?,@I 3alues %or the lost @ months +hen assi$n the (ales Doc I Del Documents. (ales Doc.+ype(.7) 2 credit Chec&(>) 2 Credit Group (>1) Credit /imit Chec& %or Deli3ery +ype 9 Del.+ype (/-) 2 Del Credit Group (>?) 2 Goods *ssue Credit Group (>@)

Set 4p for !redit !ard Payment Processin"

Gi3en )elo5 is the set up %or credit card payment processin$9 (et 1p Credit Control Areas9 De%ine Credit Control Area +ransaction9 .B # +a)les9 +>1 Action9 De%ine a credit control area and its associated currency. +he 1pdate Group should )e [>>>1?\. +his entry is re8uired so the sales order 5ill calculate the 3alue to authori:e Assi$n Company Code to Credit Control Area +ransaction9 .B@A +a)les9 +>>1 Action9 Assi$n a de%ault credit control area %or each company code De%ine !ermitted Credit Control Area %or a Company Code +ransaction9

+a)les9 +>>1CM Action9 -or each company code enter e3ery credit control area that can )e used *denti%y Credit !rice +ransaction9 '0>A +a)les9 +;A@( Action9 +o5ards the end o% the pricin$ procedure, a%ter all pricin$ and ta, determination, create a su)total line to store the 3alue o% the price plus any sales ta,. Ma&e the %ollo5in$ entries9 (u) to9 ]A^ 7e8t9 ]?^ AltC+y9 ] ^ Automatic Credit Chec&in$ +ransaction9 .'AA +a)les9 +;D1Action9 (elect each com)ination o% credit control areas, ris& cate$ories and document types %or 5hich credit chec&in$ should )e )ypassed. =ou need to mar& the %ield ]no Credit Chec&^ 5ith the 3alid num)er %or sales documents. (et 1p !ayment Guarantees De%ine -orms o% !ayment Guarantee +ransaction9 .'-D +a)les9 +;D1K Action9 70@ is deli3ered 5ith %orm ]>?^ de%ined %or payment cards. .ther than the descriptor, the only other entry should )e ]@^ in the column la)eled ]!ymtGuaCat^ De%ine !ayment Guarantee !rocedure +ransaction9 +a)les9 +;D1M0+;D1. Action9 De%ine a procedure and a description. -orms o% !ayment Guarantee and ma&e the %ollo5in$ entries (e8uential Num)er ]1^ !ayment Guarantee -orm ]>?^ 7outine Num)er ]>^ 7outine Num)er can )e used to 3alidate payment card presence. De%ine Customer !ayment Guarantee -la$ +ransaction9 +a)les9 +;D1! Action9 De%ine a %la$ to )e stored in ta)le. Create Customer !ayment Guarantee S ]!ayment Card !ayment Cards (All Customers can use !ayment Cards)^. De%ine (ales Document !ayment Guarantee -la$ +ransaction9 +a)les9 +;D17 Action9 De%ine the %la$ that 5ill )e associated 5ith sales document types that are rele3ant %or payment cards Assi$n (ales Document !ayment Guarantee -la$ +ransaction9 +a)les9 +'AK Action9 Assi$n the document %la$ type the sales documents types that are rele3ant %or payment cards. Determine !ayment Guarantee !rocedure +ransaction9 .'-X +a)les9 +;D11 Action9 Com)ine the Customer %la$ and the sales document %la$ to deri3e the payment $uarantee procedure !ayment Card Con%i$uration De%ine Card +ypes +ransaction9 +a)les9 +'C*N Action9 Create the di%%erent card types plus the routine that 3alidates the card %or len$th and pre%i, (etce) 'isa , Mastercard, American 6,press, and Disco3er Create the %ollo5in$ entries %or each payment card AM6E American 6,press BCCA7D<C"6CK<AM6E Month DC Disco3er Card BCCA7D<C"6CK<DC MonthJJJJJ MC Mastercard BCCA7D<C"6CK<MC Month '*(A 'isa BCCA7D<C"6CK<'*(A Month +he 7outines can )e created )ased on the ori$inal routines deli3ered )y (A!. JJJJJ(A! does not deli3er a card chec& %or Disco3er Card. Ke created our o5n routine.

De%ine Card Cate$ories +ransaction9 +a)les9 +'C+= Action9 De%ine the card cate$ory to determine i% a payment card is a credit card or a procurement card. Create the %ollo5in$ t5o entries Cat Description .ne Card Additional Data CC Credit Cards No4chec& No4chec& !C !rocurement Cards No4chec& Chec& Determine Card Cate$ories +ransaction9 +a)les9 +'C+D Action9 -or each card cate$ory map the account num)er ran$e to a card cate$ory. Multiple ran$es are possi)le %or each card cate$ory or a mas&in$ techni8ue can )e used. Get the card num)er ran$es %rom user community. Belo5 is Rust a sample o% 5hat * am a5are are the di%%erent types o% cards. 'isa Credit 6,pires in C days. >>>>> >##>> >##># >## D >#### 1#D?C 1#D?D ? ;>@ ? ;>; ?C#@? ?C#@ ?ACDD ?AD>> C1;DD C1C>> DDDDD 'isa !rocurement 6,pires in C days. >##>1 >##> >###> >### 1#D?A 1#D?A ? ;> ? ;># ?C#@@ ?C#@@ ?AA>> ?AADD Mastercard Credit 6,pires in @> days #>>>>> # > DD # >;>> ## DDD ##C>>> #DDDDD Mastercard !rocurement 6,pires in @> days # >#>> # >#DD ###>>> ##;DDD American 6,press Credit 6,pires in @> days @ >>>> @ DDDD @C>>>> @CDDDD Disco3er Card Credit 6,pires in @> days ;>11>> ;>11DD (et (ales Documents to accept !ayment Card *n%ormation +ransaction9 +a)les9 +'AK Action9 7e3ie5 the listin$ o% (ales Document types and enter ]>@^ in the column la)eled ]!+^ %or each type 5hich can accept a payment card Con%i$uration %or Authori:ation 7e8uest Maintain Authori:ation 7e8uirements +ransaction9 .'DA +a)les9 +-7M Action9 De%ine and acti3ate the a)ap re8uirement that determines 5hen an authori:ation is sent. Note that the %ollo5in$ ta)les are a3aila)le to )e used in the a)ap re8uirement ('BAK, 'BA!, 'BKD, 'B1K, and 'B1!). De%ine Chec&in$ Group +ransaction9 +a)les9 CC!GA Action9 De%ine a chec&in$ $roup and enter the description. +hen %ollo5 the )elo5 $uidelines %or the remainin$ %ields to )e %illed. Auth7e8 7outine D>1 is set here. !reAu *% chec&ed 70@ 5ill re8uest an authori:ation %or a .>1 and the authori:ation 5ill )e %la$$ed as such. (*nsi$ht does not use pre4authori:ation chec&). A hori:on +his is the days in the %uture (A! 5ill use to determine the 3alue to authori:e (*nsi$ht does not use auth hori:on period).

'alid =ou 5ill $et 5arnin$ messa$e i% the payment card is e,pirin$ 5ithin @> days o% order entry date. Assi$n Chec&in$ Group to (ales Document +ransaction9 +a)les9 +'AK Action9 Assi$n the chec&in$ $roup to the sales order types rele3ant %or payment cards De%ine Authori:ation 'alidity !eriods +ransaction9 +a)les9 +'C*N Action9 -or each card type enter the authori:ation 3alidity period in days. AM6E American 6,press @> DC Disco3er card @> MC Master card @> '*(A 'isa C Con%i$uration %or clearin$ houses Create ne5 General /ed$er Accounts +ransaction9 -(>1 +a)les9 Action9 +5o General /ed$er accounts need to )e created %or each payment card type. .ne %or A07 reconciliation purposes and one %or credit card clearin$. Maintain Condition +ypes +ransaction9 .'A# +a)les9 +;A# Action9 De%ine a condition type %or account determination and assi$n it to access se8uence ]A>>1^ De%ine account determination procedure +ransaction9 .'A; +a)les9 +;A@ 0 +;A@( Action9 De%ine procedure name and select the procedure %or control. 6nter the condition type de%ined in the pre3ious step. Assi$n account determination procedure +ransaction9 +a)les9 Action9 Determine 5hich )illin$ type 5e are usin$ %or payment card process. Authori:ation and (ettlement Control +ransaction9 +a)les9 +CCAA Action9 De%ine the $eneral led$er accounts %or reconciliation and clearin$ and assi$n the %unction modules %or authori:ation and settlement alon$ 5ith the proper 7-C destinations %or each. 6nter Merchant *D\s +ransaction9 +a)les9 +CCM Action9 Create the merchant id\s that the company uses to process payment cards Assi$n merchant id\s +ransaction9 +a)les9 +CCAA Action9 6nter the merchant id\s 5ith each clearin$house account

Dunnin" Process In !redit 1ana"ement

#,plain about dunnin" process in credit mana"ement/et me e,plain in simple terms9 1) =ou ha3e a Customer 5hich you had %elt, he is doin$ $ood )usiness and supplied material on Credit o% # days. ?) (ince this customer is $ood as you %elt, you ha3e not mana$ed Credit Chec&s as 5ell. (o, he had com%orta)ly reached to the %ullest credit (or e3en more) 5hich you can a%%ord %or any customer. @) .ne %ine day you $ot realised that, there is 3ery )ad de)t 5ith this customer and need to reco3er %rom him and till then, there 5ill )e no %urther supply to the customer. ) =our companyMs le$al department has laid a policy that, inorder to reco3er any )ad de)ts, li&e9 a) Ke 5ill send a normal payment reminder. )) *n case customer doesnt respond, 5e 5ill send at least %urther reminder (dunnin$ notice) may )e D times (D reminders) (Dunnin$ le3el) and 5hat inter3els o% time (dunnin$ %re8uency) c) (till i% the customer doesnt resopond %or the reminders, you 5ill %ile a la5 suit a$ainst the customer %or reco3erin$ the !ayments.

d) -inally, a%ter $ettin$ 3eridict, you may proceed %or auction o% his property or as per the order %or /a5. No5 in (A!, the de%inition o% Dunnin$ procedure is a pre4de%ined procedure speci%yin$ ho5 customers or 3endors are dunned. -or each procedure, the user de%ines 4 Num)er o% dunnin$ le3els 4 Dunnin$ %re8uency 4 Amount limits 4 +e,ts %or the dunnin$ notices *n (A!, you 5ill maintain the Dunnin$ !rocedure at customer master. 7e%errin$ to this your (D +eam 0 -* +eam (user team) 5ill e%%ect Dunnin$ !(9 =ou mi$ht remem)ered the dunnin$ procedure laid )y 7elaince Mo)ile, sometime )ac&, sendin$ street ro5dies %or reco3erin$ the )ad de)ts %rom users. +hat is dunnin$. 7emem)er 7eliance, you 5ill not %or$et dunnin$ %ore3er.

Product Allocation Implement the Product Allocation :unctionality

3e are required to implement product allocation functionality in SAP 6%A 7#nterprise 0ersion9/ 3e tried to do the elaborate steps as per the implementation "uide but are not successful/ !an you )indly help by "ivin" the simple steps for implementation/ !lease see i% the %ollo5in$ helps9 Con%i$uration .3er3ie5_ Allocation (peci%ic 1sa$e 1.Allocation !rocedure (.'1B) +he product allocation procedure is the parent o% the entire allocation process. All materials that are to )e included in the allocation scheme are re8uired to ha3e an allocation procedure assi$ned to it in the material master. *n addition, as o% release .>, it is in the procedure that the method o% allocation is de%ined. +he user has the opportunity to set an indicator to identi%y their choice o% t5o di%%erent methods (discrete and cumulati3e allocation) to e3aluate the 8uantities to )e considered %or product allocation. ?.Allocation .)Rect (.'?B) +he allocation o)Rect is the root le3el o% the allocation process 5here actual data is entered and planned in /*(. +he o)Rect allo5s the user to %urther )rea& do5n a procedure into smaller parts %or %uture 3alidation o% components comprisin$ a speci%ic material @.Allocation "ierarchy Mappin$ (.'@B) !rimarily, this transaction permits the assi$nment o% an allocation procedure to an /*( in%ormation structure. (econdly, a character is assi$ned to the in%ormation structure to permit collecti3e plannin$. -inally, the user can assi$n a step le3el to the procedure and in%ormation structure to se8uence the order in 5hich allocation 8uantities are chec&ed. +his %unctionality allo5s the user the opportunity to chec& product allocation a$ainst se3eral product allocation scenarios, )e%ore the re8uired 8uantity is con%irmed .De%ine Consumption !eriods (.'#B) +he allocation consumption periods %unctionality is only 3alid i% the allocation method %la$ has )een set (.'1B). *% you ha3e de4selected the method %ield, this %unctionality is not a3aila)le. +he consumption 5indo5 indicates the num)er o% past and %uture periods to )e used in the allocation chec&. #.Control !roduct Allocation (.' B) *n order %or the allocation process to %unction properly, allocation control records are created primarily to map allocation procedure steps to their correspondin$ o)Rects so that the allocation data records can )e located %or 3alidation. (econdly, 3alidity periods must )e esta)lished to indicate 5hen the allocation control records are acti3e. -inally, the user has the option o% esta)lishin$ a con3ersion %actor per allocation control record to accommodate B.M listin$s o% constrained materials ;.Acti3ate Allocation %or 7e8uirement Class (.'B>) *n order to turn on allocation in the standard order processin$ %unctionality, the re8uirements class must ha3e a %la$ indicatin$ that allocation is rele3ant. C.Acti3ate Allocation %or (chedule /ine Cate$ory (.'BA) *n order to turn on allocation in the standard order processin$ %unctionality, the schedule line must ha3e a %la$ indicatin$ that allocation is rele3ant A.Create !lannin$ "ierarchy (MC;1) *n order to ade8uately esta)lish allocation 8uantities, the user must initially determine the le3el at 5hich the allocation is to ta&e place and the a$$re$ation %actor o% the allocation 8uantities. *n this step, the le3els %or the collecti3e allocation search procedure are also identi%ied. D.Generate Mas&in$ Character (.'CB) 1pon completion o% the le3el determination %or the plannin$ hierarchy, the collecti3e allocation mas&in$ character must )e $enerated to allo5 a$$re$ation indicators to )e esta)lished. +his transaction simply reads the hierarchy esta)lished in the plannin$ ta)le and then $enerates a collecti3e mas& character %or each le3el o% the hierarchy

1>.Modi%y !lannin$ "ierarchy (MC;?) +his step is a repeat o% MC;1 5here the initial hierarchy 5as esta)lished. *n order to complete the hierarchical set up, the collecti3e allocation (mas& character) hierarchy must no5 )e maintained 5ith the appropriate a$$re$ation %actors 11.Allocation !rocedure Assi$nment to Material Master (MM>?) At the root le3el o% the allocation process are the materials. 6ach material that is to )e considered in allocation scenario must )e mapped to an allocation procedure. *n order entry, then, 5hen a material is entered 5ith a 3alid allocation procedure in the material master, the allocation data is 3eri%ied prior to con%irmin$ the line item ordered 1?./ist o% (uita)le (tructures (.'DB) +his report is used to identi%y potential /*( in%ormation structures that can )e used in the product allocation process. +his report simply reads throu$h the data dictionary and selects all the acti3e in%ormation structures that contain the %ield product allocation o)Rect (K.N.B) as the %irst %ield. +his data can then )e utili:ed in the mappin$ transaction (.'@B) to lin& the allocation procedure step to an in%ormation structure (pre3ious step).

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