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Today we will be practicing fractions using Hershey bars!

Students will be able to take a whole and divide it in to fractional parts Students will use their problem solving skills to divide the Hershey bar equally among their group Students will be able to write down their understanding of fractions so they can be checked by teacher

I will now divide you in to groups of 3 or 4 so you can begin working with the Hershey bars Once you are in your groups, write your names down on a sheet of notebook paper DO NOT TOUCH THE CHOCOLATE YET!

Before you open the candy bar, estimate how many pieces you can evenly divide it in to? On your notebook paper
Estimate? Actual? How many columns? How many rows?

Fractions are easy!

Break off the first column of the candy bar. How many pieces did you take?
Write down what fraction of the candy bar you took If we use each column to stand for 1, so that the candy bar has 4 columns, and we take one column, what fraction of the candy bar did we take?

Fractions are easy!

Break off another column of the candy bar. How many pieces have you taken all together?
What fraction of the candy bar is left? Break off one last column of the candy bar
Is there anything remaining? What fraction is left?

Draw a picture
Draw a picture to represent what we just modeled with the candy bar
Use squares to represent the sections of the candy bar Now discuss how you will split the candy bar equally among group members and add this to your drawing
Make sure to write the fractions above the drawing

After splitting the candy bar equally among group members, you may now enjoy the chocolate! Great job class! Turn in your papers to the front desk!

1. Creativity and Innovation

Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.

4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making

Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.

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