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Ofcers Responses
Deadly force Baton techniques Lateral vascular neck restraint Striking, punching, kicking Aerosols or electrical devices Baton restraints Striking muscle groups Take downs, joint manipulations or pressure points Balance displacement Escort position Assistance from other ofcers Verbal or physical commands Ofcer presence

The list of ofcer responses is not intended to be in any specic order, but reects on the amount of resistance encountered. The ofcer will choose the necessary response to gain control of the situation based on departmental policy, his/her physical capabilities, perception, training, and experience.

Individuals Actions
Weapons used against ofcer Attempting to disarm ofcer Life-threatening weaponless assaults Striking or kicking ofcer Wrestling with ofcer Pushing ofcer Pulling away from ofcer Refusing to movedead weight Not responding to commands Verbal or physical danger cues

Special Circumstances
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Closeness of a weapon Injury or exhaustion Being on the ground Distance from the subject Special knowledge Availability of other options

Ofcer-Subject Factors
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Age Sex Size Skill level Multiple subjects/ofcers Relative strength

Continuum of Arrest: controlhandcuffsearchevaluatetransport

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