Syllabus IIME 415 Summer 2013

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IIME 415 Materials and Manufacturing Processes Summer 2013 Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Phone: ,#ail: Sunniva

R. Collins, Ph. D. 415B Glennan ! a""oint#ent $1%&'%(&4155 )office* $1%&5'%&%1+( )cell* sunniva.collins-case.e.u Course Description and Requirements Catalo/ Descri"tion: 0ith an e#"hasis on #o.ern #aterials an. "rocessin/, this course lin1s #aterials classes )#etals, cera#ics, "lastics, co#"osites, etc.* 2ith "rocessin/ into finishe. "ro.ucts. 3isits to local in.ustries an. "resentations ! "artici"atin/ co#"anies reinforce the infor#ation "resente. in the classroo# an. illustrate the connection et2een #aterials an. #anufacturin/ "rocess selections, as 2ell as strate/ic #ana/e#ent .ecisions. Prere4uisite: Senior status in en/ineerin/, or a.#ission to the 5,5 "ro/ra# Course O 6ectives: On co#"letion of this course, stu.ents shoul. have .evelo"e.: 1. 7 "ers"ective on selection of #aterials to #eet "ro.uct nee.s $. 7n of #o.ern #anufacturin/ #etho.s an. their strate/ic i#"ortance in .evelo"in/ su""l! chains '. 7n a ilit! to function in #ulti&.isci"linar! tea#s 4. 7n a ilit! to co##unicate effectivel!, orall! an. in 2ritin/ 5. 7n a ilit! to use the techni4ues, s1ills, an. #o.ern en/ineerin/ tools necessar! for en/ineerin/ "ractice %. ,8"erience in interactin/ 2ith "rofessionals in the fiel. 9. 7n of "rofessional an. ethical res"onsi ilit! (. Reco/nition of the nee. for, an. the a ilit! to en/a/e in life&lon/ learnin/ Re4uire#ents: :he class #eets t2ice a 2ee1: 5on.a!s 1:;; to $:'; for lecture in <or. 41; :ues.a!s 1;:'; to 1$ for lecture in <or. 41; Sche.ule. co#"an! tours 2ill occur on :ues.a!s 1 to 5 ".#. 2ill e .eter#ine. 4;= tea# assi/n#ent, %;= in.ivi.ual course2or1 )$;= H0 assi/n#ents, 1;= class "artici"ation, ';= final re"ort*. :ea# assi/n#ent: :he class 2ill or/ani>e into tea#s ali/ne. 2ith the co#"an! tours. ,ach tea# is res"onsi le for a short "resentation to the rest of the class on the co#"an! 2e 2ill e visitin/? this "resentation 2ill ta1e "lace :ues.a!s 11:15 to 1$ "rior to our site visit. :he instructor is availa le to #eet 2ith each tea#, an. each co#"an! 2ill also have a co#"an! contact. 0hen nee.e., ac1/roun. #aterials 2ill e "resente. an. .iscusse. .urin/ the class ti#e. 7t the en. of the course, each tea# is res"onsi le for an oral "resentation an. re"ort on their co#"an!. @inal re"ort: each stu.ent 2ill "re"are a 1;&"a/e re"ort on an en/ineere. #aterial or an a.vance. #anufacturin/ "rocess. :he to"ic #ust e a""rove. 2ith the instructor. :e8t oo1: 5i1ell P. Groover, @un.a#entals of 5o.ern 5anufacturin/, 0ile!, 'r. e.., $;;9 an. H0 assi/n#ents 2ill e /iven on a 2ee1l! asis. H0 2ill e assi/ne. on 5on.a! at the e/innin/ of class, .ue :hurs.a! at 11:5+ ".#. :ours of Aocal In.ustr!: Ao/istics: 0e 2ill e enterin/ an. 2al1in/ throu/h several in.ustrial sites as "art of our tour se4uence. 5an! of these locations involve heav! e4ui"#ent an. #achiner! an. have s"ecific re4uire#ents for safet! an. attire. Please listen carefull! an. follo2 the instructions of our hosts on each tour. Re4uire. attire: Aon/ "ants )Doc1ers, 1ha1is or slac1s*? <o shorts, 6eans or s2eat"ants Aon/&sleeve. shirt or 6ac1et Close&toe. shoes? no san.als, hi/h heels, snea1ers, tennis shoes <o ties or scarves Safet! /lasses 2ill e "rovi.e.? !ou #a! use !our o2n "air if it has si.e shiel.s :rans"ortation: 0e 2ill travel as a /rou" ! us to the facilities. :he :i#1en tour on Bune 11 is an all&.a! tour 2ith an earl! #ornin/ start. @or all of the su se4uent tours, 2e 2ill leave fro# the 3eale turnaroun. at 1 ".#. 0e 2ill return fro# each tour ! 5 ".#. Guest s"ea1ers fro# local in.ustr! 2ill also e "art of the curriculu#. :hese s"ea1ers are ali/ne. 2ith the tour to"ics to "rovi.e a..itional technicalC usiness "ers"ective. Please e "olite an. attentive as our /uest s"ea1ers are #a1in/ their ti#e an. 1no2le./e availa le to us. S"ecial <otes on Con.uct :here is a Dno&la"to"Cno cell "honeE "olic! .urin/ class lectures. If there is a s"ecial circu#stance re4uirin/ the use of a la"to" or cell "hone .urin/ a s"ecific class, "lease see the instructor in a.vance. <otes an. 2ill e availa le throu/h Blac1 oar. or .istri ute. in class. 7tten.ance 2ill e ta1en at each class #eetin/. If !ou 1no2 !ou 2ill #iss a class, !ou #ust infor# the instructor efore the class #eetin/ for an e8cuse. a sence. 7ll other a sences are une8cuse. an. 2ill .etract fro# !our class "artici"ation /ra.e. Be en/a/e. in class: a. Share !our concerns an. i.eas 2ith the entire class, not 6ust the "erson sittin/ ne8t to !ou. . 7s1 4uestions? it 2ill enhance !our class "artici"ation /ra.e. c. Be inclusive? as1 others to share their o"inions an. insi/hts. 0e su""ort an. u"hol. the aca.e#ic inte/rit! of Case 0estern Reserve Fniversit! )htt""rovostCu/stu.iesCacinte/rit!.ht#*. 0e also to the 5,5 Co.e of Con.uct. Please revie2 oth .ocu#ents for .efinitions of violations an. the "roce.ures for a.6u.ication.

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