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Kayla Wheeler

Fall 2012
SC 3353-001

Oct. 10, 2012

Steffie Corcoran
Oklahoma Today
1212 Main St
Stillwater, Okla. 74075

Re: New Performing Arts Center

Ms. Corcoran:
Oklahoma State University students are about to experience another exciting new building on campus.
The expansion of the Oklahoma State University repertoire of new facilities is underway. The location has been
selected and the design has been approved for a new performing arts center on campus. The design of the
center will enhance the face of the university, with hopes to attract more students to the Arts and Sciences
Oklahoma State would like to use your publication for publicity of this new state of the art center.
Branding for Success, the universitys fundraising program, has launched a campaign that hopes to provide
much of the funding for this project. Once funding goals are reached the center will be named based on the
highest donor.
We have carefully selected Oklahoma Today as our preferred channel to get out information regarding
the center to the public. Your music coverage of Oklahoma is outstanding. I particularly liked your story about
the Mother Road and hope you can draw the same attention to the new performing arts center.
I will contact your offices Friday morning, Oct. 12, with hopes to discuss this further. In the mean
time, please contact me if I can assist you with any other questions you might have.
My direct line is 580 - 402 - 8004.

Kayla Wheeler
Kayla Wheeler
Director of Marketing
Oklahoma State University
580 - 402 - 8004

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0ct. S, 2u12 Kayla Wheelei
Biiectoi of Neuia Relations
S8u - 4u2 - 8uu4

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Stillwatei, 0kla. - 0klahoma State 0niveisity has announceu its plans to begin builuing
a new peifoiming aits centei.
Beck Besign, fiom Tulsa, 0kla., is uesigning the centei. Beck employs a numbei of 0S0
giauuates that will be woiking on the uesigns foi the new centei. Beck has uesigneu many
euucational facilities.
"The univeisity expects the new centei to attiact new stuuents to the music piogiam,"
Z. Ranuall Stioope, 0S0's uiiectoi of choial activities saiu, "the peifoiming aits centei will be
the public face of the univeisity."
Futuie stuuents will be able to expeiience leaining in a state of the ait peifoimance
centei that is set to holu an auuience of 12Su in its conceit hall (moie than uouble the seating
in the existing Seietean Centei).
To leain moie visit www.beckuesigns.comostatepac.

;(7/ .+##/

0ct. S, 2u12 Kayla Wheelei
Biiectoi of Neuia Relations
S8u - 4u2 - 8uu4

)*'(+,-( ./(/# 0123#4%2/5 8'(1% 9,4 1#$ 8#49,4-21: (4/% 7#1/#4

What: Oklahoma State University begins building process for a new performing arts

Who: Beck Designs of Tulsa, Ok.

When: Plans will be released in March of 2013.

Where: Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Okla.

Why: The performing arts center will be the public face of the university.
- Z. Randall Stroope, Director,
OSUs Choral Activities


New Performing Arts Center Gallery

Builuing site piepaiation unueiway.

Futuie 0klahoma State Peifoiming Aits Centei as uesigneu
by Beck Besigns, Tulsa, 0kla.

Inviting lobby to holu a waiting auuience.

0npaialleleu foyei, uesigneu foi the mouein inuulgent ciowu.

visionaiy conceit hall, set to holu an auuience of 12Su.




Sept. 24, 2u12
Piess Confeience with }ason Caniglia

0ct. 9, 2u12
Beck Besign (

0ct. 9, 2u12
Theatei Planneis Lighting Besigneis (

0ct. 9, 2u12
Stillwatei NewsPiess 0nline (www.stwnewspiess.comx19S621644u0klahoma-
}uly S1, 2u1u


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