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INTRODUCTION a. Informal letters

Address and date ; Greeting; Informal language; Ending (for e.g. Yours\Love\Best wishes + your first name .

b. Formal letters
Address and date; Greeting; !ormal language; Ending (for e.g. yours sin"erely#faithfully + your full name .

c. Semi-formal letters
A formal greeting; An introdu"tion in whi"h you write your o$ening rewards and "learly state the reasons for writing.

d. Letters of complaint
Introdu"e general reasons for letter; List main "om$lains; %se formal language;

An a$$ro$riate greeting; An introdu"tion& in whi"h you write your o$ening remar's ((i. (ow are you) and reasons for writing (e.g. I*m +ust writing to "ongratulate you on& I*m writing to a$ologi,e for& I was thrilled to hear that& I was sorry to hear that et" ; A main -ody in whi"h you write a-out the s$e"ifi" to$i"s of the letter in detail; A "on"lusion in whi"h you write your "losing remar's (e.g. .lease forgive me that& Loo'ing forward to seeing you& .lease write soon et" ; An a$$ro$riate ending.


"reetin#$ Dear %r. %arc&s Endin#$ o&r sincerel' ( 'o&r f&ll name "reetin#$ Dear Sir Endin#$ o&r fait)f&ll' ( 'o&r f&ll name

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