House Rules: Talk Politely If You Want To Make A Point

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House Rules

1. No Punching, Kicking, Hitting or body contact of any kind. We don't hurt people to make a point. 2. No breaking things, door slamming or taking belongings of others. Respect property of others. We rent & this is someones property. 3.No back talk or arguing with your Mom. Show respect for your parents & elders. 4. Listen & do as your told. We have more experience & say things for a reason. 5. No shouting or yelling. Talk politely if you want to make a point. 6. No swearing or name calling. Its very hurtful & will not e tolerated. 7. Please make sure recycling is in its right bin. !o not through this into the trash arrel or vice versa. 8. Friends that dont res ect house rules will not be allowed here. 9. Please clean your mess u in the kitchen. We are not your maids" rinse dishes & put in dish washer. 10. !o not touch anything in the kitchen without asking first. We have a tight udget & meal plan. 11. Please res ect "uiet times. #on $ %ri &'() 12. No illegal acti#ities of any kind. *ommon sense" hard work is gratifying & pays for itself. 13. $ou are e% ected to hel with house chores. 14. &f you turn it on, shut it off. 15. &f you o en it, close it. 16. &f you use it 'with permission(, ut it back how you found it. 17. &f you make a mess, clean it u . 18. No slee o#ers Mon ) Fri. 19. *lee o#ers on weekends allowed with ersmission first. 20. No eating in rooms besides kitchen & dining room. 21. Please take shoes off in house. 22. No smoking in house.

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