IgniteOutline Murphy

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Ignite Presentation Outline - Miguel Murphy OverView: When trying to figure out a topic to link to my paper, I decided to do my presentation

on a game that I felt embodied the progress video games have made in becoming an art form. Right now the most artistic games rely on the players creativity, and their urge to build, design, and create. Spore is the best example Ive seen of this so far, so Ill go through the creative aspects of the game and how they combine art with gameplay to give the player a unique experience. Slide 1: Cover Slide 2: Introduce my overarching topic of video games as an art form (Main topic/ theme from paper, why it interests me and audience) Slide 3: Short discussion of multitude of video games that stimulate user creativity (Amazing Island, Sims, etc) Slide 4: Introduce Spore (what it is, who made it, etc) Slide 5: Summary of what sets Spore aside from other games (full reign player has over creative aspect of the game) Slide 6: Immersive environments that provoke certain kinds of creativity (designing with a purpose) Slide 7: Cell environment Slide 8: Cell Design (Your Creature) Slide 9: Creature environment Slide 10: Creature Creativity (Your Creature) Slide 11: Tribal Environment Slide 12: Tribal Creativity (Your Creature) Slide 13: Civilization Stage Slide 14: Civilization Creativity (Your Creature) Slide 15: Space Age Slide 16: Space Age Creativity (Your Creature) Slide 17: Architectural Design (Buildings in Civ and Space Ages) Slide 18: Vehicular Design (Land, Air, Water) Slide 19: Space Design(spaceship)

Slide 20: Urban Planning/ Development (Civ and Space Ages) Slide 21: Overall promotion of creativity qualifies this game as an artistic work Slide 22: Closing Slide

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